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2019 (A) NUMBER: 1481 SSC PART. (9th CLASS) CHEM: STRY (NEW SCHEME) GROUP (2018-2017 A) ig - wl OF 8) HE TIME ALLOWED: 15 Minutes. OBJECTIVE ia_e 1s = wae AP MAXIMUM MARKS 12 AaB SAL tena f wine iL engl ie lbs 0 tC BN iealpadirn bt Lo. TDs Ma grtadig to SES, Sa | LSifiriurieenfl Bp aac rhe — for each objective type question as A,B,C and 0. The choles {theatre that buble In front of thai question number. On bubble sheet, use marker oF pen to fill the bubbles, Cutting oF filling two or mare bubbles will ‘result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question Paper and leave others blank. No credit will be awarded in cane BUBBLES are not filled. Oo not salve questions on this shee! of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNo.4 Ale (1) Which one of the foflawing elements is tound in most “abundance in earth's erust? (A) Onygen yi T (2) Which of the following scientists discovered Proten? Tethiebe ttn ttlettine (1) (8) Aluminium er (C) Silicon wie (0) Argon oF Wetted uhetubtintiw @) (A) Rumertord ude, (B) Bohr ¢# (C) Goldstein Fe (D) Thomson eit (3) Long tom of periodic table is based on:- bE ope (A) Electronic configuration (#*Le, 61 (@)-Atomio mass ht! (C) Mendeteev's postulate Uw ikie (0) Momie number Li (4) How many elements are there in Sth period of ET isos the long form of periodic table? ae (6) 18 (C) 26 (0) 2 (8) Which one of tne following molecule is electron deficient? tedydntelAvetitiee 8) (A) NHS (8) BF (C) Na (0) Oy (6) Which one of the following pair contains polar covalent bond? eat we ttine (6) 1A) C80, (8)N,8H,0 {C)CyH, BH, (O)HCIEH,0 (7) Which one of the following gases dif uses the fastest? editedtuateute 7) (8) Helium (C)Chiorine eff = (0) Fluorine «fa (A) Hydrogen: ofs5, (8) Which one of the following will show negligible effect of etide ved driest temperature on its solubility? (a) KCI (6) KNO,, (C) Nact (0) Nano, (9) Which one af the following is an example af solid in solid solution? te Fle thine lidAt ue — @) (A) Butter (6) Fog (©) Brass (0) Cheese 3 {10) What is the oxidation number of Chromium in KzC'j07 7 Te AMIITHSGAL HCO, (10) a) #2 (B) +6 (C) +14 (0) +7 (41) The solution of which of the following salt is called brine? Ratdehiyervertitioe (0 (a)Nacl (8) KCI {C) KNOs (0) Kar 112) Which of the following non-metal is lustrous? Nga Pathe eibine (12) (A) Corton ys (8) Sulphur (C) Phosphons \#0 (0) lodine w/lel 20m Py 20va-73000 MULTAN een rere Mee MNT 1 Oxdjer 2 Crofdstein % Atonic Numved y 18 5 86 Z elt 2019 (A) SSC PART (9th CLASS) CHEMISTRY (NEW SCHEME) GROUPS (2018-2017 PF) ig naga C2) Gre TIME ALLOWED: 1.45 Hours SUBJECTIVE SOL2 fis * MAXIMUM MARKS: 48 aa = Ay NOTE: - Write same question number -4-Bnt4-qallegh baz Airrug Qin 2d ‘and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SECTION JLo 2. Attempt any five parts. so=2K5 AO (© Define Physical Chemistry at AH (What is moant by Physical properties? Give any two examples atti qapleapAe ‘ (Define Compound. Give example ie hah ff) Define Pam Pudding Theory. te ASSL) (¥) Write down any two datects of Ruthartard’s Model A Ale WEJWivlias — wh (What is the gitterence between Groups and Periods? Otis tal te (ve) What os meant by Aichemy? einedl (vil) What is Blectronegativty? Write ts uni. atin ehh bee 2. Attempt any five parts. 1=2"5 foelrbe V ie @ Define Covaient Bond. aA! = 0 (@) White two properties of non-polar covalent compounds. Befoetnfingatdit (@) Why Covatent bond in H, is non-polar? teredet bh se Hy fv) Define Crystalline sotds, Also give two examples. -bntten SaAttel om (¥) Describe the atfect of extemal pressure on balling point. ae Mrhiagety et (vi) What is meant by Percentage-Volume/ Volume? terre cde! pe Oe 0a (vi) Write two characteristics of Suspension. cheertoh i — a) (wil) Why test tube becomes warm when Li,SO, te Denil etecde YER UyS0, 2 (ee is dissolved in water? 4, Attempt any five parts. 10=2x5 Eefoyelirbe VY adler () Define Oxidation and give an example. iting ait O i) Why is ©, necessary for rusting? tear OF ELE @ (i) What is Etetroptating? tedey line om fv) Define non-Electrolytes with an example enone aA ne OM (v) Write any two chemical properties of Metals Sila insiK (i) Give any two examples of very reactive metals. Erp SAR Sct 0 (vil) Why is the ionization energy of "Na more than "K"? teeta EAPREYS “MT 08 (vil) White chemical reaction of H with Fz and Gly PRA LAE On 4 FO Om SECTIONA pie NOTE: - Attempt any two questions. 18= 9x2 ~Edopatonne ly +1 51). Wte down any fve charactorsics of Cathode rays 5 belo © ’ = ail Free Radicals L444 (i) ‘* de a . Molecule tiv ree 6.(A) What are intermotecular forces? 5 thee IL, atelie 8 Discuss Hydrogen yanding in detail. ®) Samael < = ae os TMA) Discuss the electrolysis of water in detail $ Eifortin el od 4 oo Give four properties of Colioids. soe Onl

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