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English Grammar- Class 5 / Grade 5

Kinds of Adverbs

 Kinds of Adverbs

 Kinds of Adverbs - QuestionsPage

The Adverb – Kinds of Adverbs
An Adverb is a word which adds to the meaning of a Verb, and tells
us how a thing is done, when it is done or where it is done.


1. Heena sings sweetly.

2. Hari will go tomorrow.

3. The sun shines everywhere.

Kinds Of Adverbs

An adverb of manner describes the way or manner in which action

occurs or occurred or will occur. Adverbs of manner answer the
question “How?” i.e. how something is done or happens. This
includes words such as slowly, loudly, fast etc.


1. She wrote the letter nicely.

2. Dia acted wisely in that situation.

3. Ravi spent all his money foolishly.

4. Tia ran fast.

5. They sang the song beautifully.

An adverb of place tells us about the place of action. It answers the

question “Where?” i.e. the place where an action
occurs/occurred/will occur. This includes words such as here, there,
near, somewhere, outside etc.


1. The girls are playing outside.

2. I looked for your glasses everywhere.

3. We can halt here for tea.

4. Company built a huge warehouse nearby.

5. They will meet you in hotel.

An adverb of Time tells us about the time of action. These adverbs

answer the question ‘when?’ These includes words such as
tomorrow, today, yesterday, now, then, never, soon, already, ago,
immediately, formerly, lately etc.


1. The milkman comes to our house daily.

2. She wakes up early.

3. Ria will come tomorrow.

4. They are late.

5. May I go now?
An adverb of Frequency tells us how many times the action occurs
or occurred or will occur. These includes words such as daily,
sometimes, often, seldom, usually, frequently, always, ever,
generally, weekly, rarely, monthly, yearly etc.


1. He struck the ball twice.

2. He seldom visits his uncle’s place.

3. They had almost fifty cars when they were rich.

4. Sometimes she stays late in the school to complete her

pending work.

5. Ravi never tells lies.

An adverb of Degree tells us the degree or extent to which

something occurs or occurred or will occur. Adverbs of degree are
also known as Adverbs of Quantity. It answer the question "how
much?" or "to what degree?" This includes words such as much,
very, fully, partly, little, enough, so, rather etc.


1. Tia was very tired.

2. I was nearly exhausted.

3. He was a bit satisfied from his performance.

4. I am fully prepared for my coming test.

5. The food is almost cooked.

An Interrogative Adverb is used for asking questions. This includes

words such as where, why, how, when etc.

1. When did Dia come?

2. Where did she go?

3. How often do you visit them?

4. How are you doing?

5. When did you do this?

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