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n this writeup, I have explored the various Mathematical model of

determining longevity. These models are actually not so often used

for determining the longevity as the results sometimes are quite
far from reality. However, that does not mean that these models
don’t have any use.

In addition, to these models, Maharishi Parashara suggested many

other models such as the method of the three lords, method of
three pairs etc. These models should be used in addition to the
mathematics model to arrive a view that is closer to the reality.

While researching on certain Dasa systems from Brhat Jataka,

Horasara and Saravali, I arrived a conclusion that these models
are also linked to those Dasa systems. Isn’t it logical? For instance,
if Surya grants 10 years, isn’t it logical to assume that in the period
so granted by Surya, the results of Surya will be felt? I will provide
more on those Dasa systems and the link to these mathematical
model in a subsequent writeup. But for that, the first step is to
elucidate the mathematical model.

Stay tuned for some illustration of these mathematical models and

also the Dasa systems linked to these methods.

One should also remember few important points to arrive at a

longevity that is closer to realty.

1. The choice of the model depends on the strength of either of

Lagna, Chandra and Surya.
2. The mapping of Graha and the Mathematical Model is (1)
Surya — Pindayu, (2) Chandra- Nisargayu and (3) Lagna-
3. Sometimes more than one among the three Lagnas, Janma,
Surya and Chandra are nearly equally strong. In that case, the
longevity can be arrived at by averaging the Aayu arrived at by
using their models independently.
4. One more complex and difficult to use model to arrive at the
final longevity will be to find the relative strength of the three
Lagnas, find out their weights and then determine a weighted
average of the 3 Aayus arrived at through the 3 methods. This
is just a speculation at this point and will require considerable
5. In my view, the models are affected by other factors such as
Varga strength, other sources of strength, aspects, avasthas etc.
which have not been incorporated in the model, to keep it
simple. Those who want to experiment with this, can use these
other factors to compute the Haranas and Bharanas. For
instance, for Chakrapata Harana, the longitude of the graha in
the Bhava can be considered to determine the Harana more
accurately. Similarly, for Astangata Harana, the distance from
Surya can be used to determine the exact Harana to be applied.

Needless to say that the model have their use, at least to have a
rough judgement on the longevity, which can be verified by other
methods. Again, one can’t blindly follow these as the longevity can
also be affected by certain Aristha, Long life yogas etc. For
instance, Guru in a Kendra or Shani in the 8th house, or Shubha
graha in the 8th house (except Chandra), strength of the Lagna
lord, 8th lord and 10th lord can grant long life. One should take
such factors also into consideration.

BPHS 43.2–3. Narration of Longevity O Brahmin, for the

benefit of mankind I narrate methods of ascertaining longevity.
Knowing that longevity is difficult even for gods. Many
exponents have laid down various methods of longevity
calculations. Following is the summary of such schools of

BPHS 43.30–31. Choice of Longevity. I have narrated 3

different methods of longevity. Listen to me about the choice
among the three systems. According to which of the three, Lagna,
Sūrya, or Candra is stronger than the other two, Ańśayu,
Pindayu, or Nisargayu should be, respectively, chosen.

BPHS 43.32. Doubtful Cases. If two among Lagna, Sūrya

and Candra gain equal strength, then longevity should be worked
out, as per both systems and the average of both should be
considered. If all the three are equally strong, the average of the
three should be considered.

Pindayu Method (Strong Sūrya)

• This method is applicable when Sūrya is the
strongest among Lagna, Chandra and Sūrya
• Each graha is allotted full longevity when they are in their
highest exaltation. This is halved when they are in their deepest
• Lagna’s longevity contribution depends on its Navamsa
placement. Some say that the Rasi placement of the Lagna is
applicable if the Lagna lord is stronger in the Rasi chart
compared to its Navamsa placement.
• There are four reductions called the Haranas, (1) Shatrukshetra
(2) Astangata (3) Chakrapata and (4) Krurodaya. Some authors
such as BV Raman suggests that the sequence of reduction is
Chakrapata, Shatrukshetra, Astangata, followed by Krurodaya.
In my view, the sequence does not matter, which I will
establish here.
• According to Varahamihira, the maximum attainable longevity
in this method is 120 years 5 days as per Savana Calendar. 1
Savana year is 360 Savana Days. 1 Savana day = duration
between two Sunrises. When Surya is exalted at 10degree
Mesha, Budha can occupy 25degree in Vrsha. This amounts to
the 120 years and 5 days, when Lagna rises in the last degree of
• Graha Aayu = Base Aayu * (1 — Shatrukshetra Harana) * (1 —
Astangata Harana) * (1 — Chakrapata Harana).
• For Krurodaya Harana, firstly the Lagna fraction needs to be
found, which is to be applied to the sum of all the Graha Aayus
to determine the reduction that needs to be applied. The
Krurodaya Harana is only applicable to Krura grahas rising in
the Lagna. Mangal and Vakri Graha exempted from
Shatrukshetra Harana. Shani and Shukra are exempted from
Astangata Harana).
• The Aayu so arrived through all the Grahas after application of
the Krurodaya Harana when added to the Lagna-aayu, the final
Aayu is determined.

Full Longevity of the Grahas when they occupy their

highest exaltation (Full Pindayu)

1. Surya: 19 years
2. Chandra: 25 years
3. Mangal: 15 years
4. Budha: 12 years
5. Guru: 15 years
6. Shukra: 21 years
7. Shani: 20 years

Longevity granted in the deepest debility (Base Pindayu)

1. Surya: 9.5 years

2. Chandra: 12.5 years
3. Mangal: 7.5 years
4. Budha: 6 years
5. Guru: 7.5 years
6. Shukra: 10.5 years
7. Shani: 10 years

Computation of Base longevity

1. Zodiac Degrees: Find the longitude of the Graha in the 360
degrees format i.e., counted from beginning of Mesha. It is best
to convert the longitudes into Degrees by converting the arc
minutes and arc seconds to degrees (in decimals). For instance
20º 3' 40" = 20.061º. Longitude = Degrees + Minutes /
60 + Seconds / 3600.
2. Arc of Longevity: Deduct the longitude of the deepest
exaltation points of these planets from their Zodiac Degrees.
This gives us the Arc of longevity of the Graha. Arc of Longevity
= Zodiac Degrees — Deepest exaltation point. If the result is
negative, then add 360º to it.
3. Effective Arc: If the Arc of longevity is more than 180º, then
reduce it by 180º.
4. Longevity granted by that Graha = Full Pindayu * Effective Arc
/ 360º

Highest Exaltation Points of the Grahas

1. Surya: 10º
2. Chandra: 33º
3. Mangal: 298º
4. Budha: 165º
5. Guru: 95º
6. Shukra: 357º
7. Shani: 200º

BPHS 43.4–8. Pindayu. The Grahas contribute to longevity,

according to their being in exaltation, or debilitation and also
based on their strengths and weaknesses and positions in Ashvini
etc. and in the various Rāśis. First of all Pindayu is based on the
positions of the Grahas. O Brahmin, listen carefully to what I
say: 19, 25, 15, 12, 15, 21 and 20 are the number of years,
contributed by the Grahas, from Sūrya etc., when in exaltation

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