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International Journal of Scientific Research in _______________________________ Research Paper .

Multidisciplinary Studies E-ISSN: 2454-9312

Vol.5, Issue.10, pp.33-38, October (2019) P-ISSN: 2454-6143

Geomorphological Analysis of Landforms of Upper Cauvery Karnataka

Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez1*, M Inayathulla2
Dept. of Civil Engineering, UVCE, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author: parvezuvce@gmail.com Tel.: +919060506390

Available online at: www.isroset.org

Received: 29/Sept/2019, Accepted: 16/Oct/2019, Online: 31/Oct/2019

Abstract: Landforms together make up a given terrain, and their arrangement in the landscape is known as topography. The
Study Area lies between 750 29’ 19” E and 760 37’ 40” E longitude and 110 55’ 54” N and 130 23’ 12.8” N latitude. The study
area covers an area of 10874.65 km2, having maximum length of 143.73 km. Drainage density is 1.43 km/km2 hence area is of
coarse texture. The length of overlandflow is less than 0.4 indicating more runoff less infiltration. The study of hypsometric
properties of watershed using hypsometric integral (HI) and hypsometric curve retrieved in that, HI value is 0.57 and hence
watershed falls under the Mature Stage. Circularity ratio is 0.26 which shows that the drainage area is less circular.

Keywords: DEM, Drainage Density, GIS, Hypsometry, Stream Frequency, Stream Length.

I. INTRODUCTION networks (Horton, 1945). The influence of drainage

morphometry is very significant in understanding the
The Cauvery river enters Tamil Nadu at Hognekal of landform processes, soil physical properties and erosional
Dharmapuri district from the west and takes a southern characteristics. The hypsometric analysis can be used as a
course from Mettur and again takes south-eastern course at morphometric parameter, i.e. hypsometric integral, to
Erode and then flows to Bay of Bengal flowing through deduce its relationship with the area of watersheds.
Trichirapalli, Thanjavur and Cuddalore districts. The study Statistical analysis of these parameters has been carried out
area forms part of Cauvery basin, which lies on left banks of by classifying them into different classes based on the
Cauvery river. Lakshmantirtha river is a major tributary to natural breaks method. This brings out strong relationships
river Cauvery and has its originates in Brahmagiri Devasi for hypsometric integral classes and area classes with the
Hills of Western Ghats in southern Kodagu district and number of watersheds in respective classes and the total area
flows through a distance of about 130 km. It enters the occupied by respective hypsometric and area classes.
Mysore district near Chikkahejjur, south west of Konana
Hosahalli in Hunsur taluk and flows through Hangodu, II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Hunsur and Kattemalavadi before its confluence with
Cauvery on the right side at Sagarkatte in Krishnarajanagar 2.1 Study Area
taluk. The study area geographically lies between 750 29’ 19” E
and 760 37’ 40” E longitude and 110 55’ 54” N and 130
Watershed is a natural hydrological entity from which runoff 23’ 12.8” N latitude, as shown in Fig 1, the study area has an
resulting from precipitation flows past a single point into area of 10874.65 Sq km. The maximum length and width of
large stream, river, lake or ocean. Morphometric analysis the study area is approximately equal to 143.73 km and
provides quantitative description of the basin geometry to 96.75 km respectively. The maximum and minimum
understand initial slope or inequalities in the rock hardness, elevation of the basin is 1867 m and 714 m above MSL,
structural controls, recent diastrophism, geological and respectively. The study area covers five district of Karnataka
geomorphic history of drainage basin (Strahler, 1964). state i.e., Chikmangalur, Hassan, Kodagu, Mandya and
Morphometric analysis requires measurement of linear Mysore as shown in Fig 2. The maximum average annual
features, gradient of channel network and contributing rainfall in the catchment is 1072.66 mm has been recorded in
ground slopes of the drainage basin. . A major emphasis in the year 2005 and minimum average annual rainfall of
geomorphology over the past several decades has been on 524.58 mm in 1998. June, July and August are the months
the development of quantitative physiographic methods to with heavy rainfall and rainfall in July was the heavies
describe the evolution and behavior of surface drainage

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 5(10), Oct 2019

2.2 Methodology
2.2.1 Morphometric analysis
DEM data is used to calculate the flow direction a staple for
determining many important hydrologic parameters stream
network is determined by using Arc GIS tools. Quantitative
morphometric analysis was carried out for watershed for
linear aspects, areal aspects and relief aspects. The analysis
was carried out using Arc GIS.

Fig 1 Location Map of Study Area

Fig 3 DEM Map

Fig 2 Districts in study area

Table 1: Distribution of district area

Sl District Name Area Percentage
No (sq_km) area
1 Chikmangalur 761.12 7.00
2 Hassan 4476.15 41.16
3 Kodagu 2559.4 23.54
4 Mandya 1006.56 9.26
5 Mysore 2071.42 19.05
Total Area 10874.65 100%
Fig 4 Flow Direction

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 5(10), Oct 2019

integrals drop below 35%.The hypsometric integral was

estimated using the elevation-releif ratio method proposed
by Pike and Wison (1971).

The relationship is expressed as


Emean = mean elevation of the watershed

Emin = minimum elevation within the watershed
Emax = maximum elevation within the watershed.

Fig 5 Stream Order

2.2.2 Hypsometric Analysis

The curve shows how much area lies above and below
marked elevation intervals. The areas used are therefore
those of horizontal slices of the topography at any given
level. This method produces a cumulative curve, any point
on which expresses the total area (reduced to horizontal
projection) lying above that plane [4].

The curve can also be shown in non-dimensional or

standardized form by scaling elevation and area by the Fig 6 Elevation Map
maximum values. The non-dimensional hypsometric curve
provides a hydrologist or a geo-morphologist with a way to
assess the similarity of watersheds.

A hypsometric curve is a histogram or cumulative

distribution function of elevations in a geographical area.
Differences in hypsometric curves between landscapes arise
because the geomorphic processes that shape the landscape
may be different.

Hypsometric curve is developed and maintained in a steady

state as relief slowly diminishes. The monadnock phase with
abnormally low hypsometric integral, when it does occur,
can be regarded as transitory, because removal of the
monadnock will result in restoration of the curve to the
equilibrium form. From inspection of many natural
hypsometric curves and the corresponding maps, A N
Strahler estimates that transition from the inequilibrium
(youthful) stage to the equilibrium (mature) stage
corresponds roughly to a hypsometric integral of 60%, but
that where monadnocks become conspicuous features the Fig 7 Drainage Map

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3.1 Morphometric analysis

Quantitative Morphometric analysis were carried out for watershed. The results of Morphometric characteristics are presented
in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 2 Morphometric Parameters

Sl No Watershed Parameters Units Values
1 Watershed Area Sq.Km 10874.65
2 Perimeter of the Watershed Km 717.76
3 Watershed Stream Highest Order No. 8
4 Maximum Length of watershed Km 143.73
5 Maximum width of Watershed Km 96.75
6 Cumulative Stream Segment Km 15939.00
7 Cumulative Stream Length Km 15566.55
8 Drainage Density Km /Sq.km 1.43
9 Constant of Channel Maintenance Sq.Km/Km 0.70
10 Stream Frequency No/Sq.Km 1.47
11 Bifurcation Ratio 3.98
12 Length Ratio 2.13
13 Form Factor 0.53
14 Shape Factor 1.90
15 Circularity Ratio 0.26
16 Elongation Ratio 0.82
17 Compactness Coefficient 1.94
18 Total Watershed Relief m 1123
19 Relief Ratio 0.0078
20 Relative Relief 0.0016
21 Ruggedness Number 0.0016
22 Texture Ratio 17.49

Table 3 Morphometric Characteristics

Total length of Cumulative length Mean stream Bifurcation

Stream order No. Of streams streams (km) (km) length (km) ratio (km) Length ratio
1 12557 8020.617 8020.617 0.639
2 2648 3946.756 11967.373 1.490 4.742 2.333
3 561 1801.898 13769.271 3.212 4.720 2.155
4 132 914.479 14683.750 6.928 4.250 2.157
5 31 333.676 15017.426 10.764 4.258 1.554
6 7 324.379 15341.805 46.340 4.429 4.305
7 2 207.446 15549.251 103.723 3.500 2.238
8 1 17.300 15566.551 17.300 2.000 0.167

3.2 Hypsometric analysis

Table 4 Calculations of Percentage Hypsometric curve
Elevation Area Altitude Elevation
e/E area a/A
Sl No (m) (sq.km) (m) difference
1 714 0.000 1837.00 1123.00 1.000 0.000 0.000
2 714-750 94.492 1800.00 1086.00 0.967 94.492 0.009
3 750-800 802.933 1750.00 1036.00 0.923 897.426 0.083
4 800-850 1998.343 1700.00 986.00 0.878 2895.769 0.266
5 850-900 2517.978 1650.00 936.00 0.833 5413.747 0.498
6 900-950 2371.564 1600.00 886.00 0.789 7785.310 0.716
7 950-1000 1572.583 1550.00 836.00 0.744 9357.894 0.861
8 1000-1050 681.033 1500.00 786.00 0.700 10038.927 0.923

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 5(10), Oct 2019

9 1050-1100 326.892 1450.00 736.00 0.655 10365.819 0.953

10 1100-1150 196.987 1400.00 686.00 0.611 10562.806 0.971
11 1150-1200 122.348 1350.00 636.00 0.566 10685.153 0.983
12 1200-1250 74.248 1300.00 586.00 0.522 10759.401 0.989
13 1250-1300 47.615 1250.00 536.00 0.477 10807.016 0.994
14 1300-1350 25.698 1200.00 486.00 0.433 10832.714 0.996
15 1350-1400 16.019 1150.00 436.00 0.388 10848.733 0.998
16 1400-1450 13.735 1100.00 386.00 0.344 10862.468 0.999
17 1450-1500 5.742 1050.00 336.00 0.299 10868.210 0.999
18 1500-1550 3.025 1000.00 286.00 0.255 10871.235 1.000
19 1550-1600 1.801 950.00 236.00 0.210 10873.036 1.000
20 1600-1650 0.877 900.00 186.00 0.166 10873.913 1.000
21 1650-1700 0.501 850.00 136.00 0.121 10874.414 1.000
22 1700-1750 0.199 800.00 86.00 0.077 10874.613 1.000
23 1750-1800 0.081 750.00 36.00 0.032 10874.694 1.000
24 1800-1837 0.018 714.00 0.00 0.000 10874.711 1.000

The study of hypsometric properties of the present area

using hypsometric integral (HI) and hypsometric curve
retrieved in that, HI value is 0.57 and hence the sub basin
falls under the mature stage.

Hypsometric curve

0 Fig 8 : Stream Order vs Mean stream length
-0.500 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500

a/A The length of overland flow in present study is less than 0.4.
Fig 6 Hypsometric Curve Hence, the Watersheds selected for study have smaller flow
paths associated with less infiltration and high runoff. The
drainage density reflects the land use, affects the infiltration
and watershed response time between precipitation and
discharge. The drainage density of the area is 1.43 km/km2
indicating that the area is coarse texture. The shape ratio
shows the Study area is less elongated to oval shape. Stream
frequency is Low. The bifurcation ratio is a dimensional
property and it ranges between 3 and 5 for watersheds in
which the geologic structures do not distort the drainage
pattern. The values of relief is 1123 m indicates that the
watershed has enough slope for the runoff to occur from the
remote point of the watershed to mouth. Circularity ratio is
0.26 which indicates the area under consideration is in the
mature stage. The higher relative relief indicates that it is
composed of resistant rock patches and lower relief ratio
indicates less resistant patches of rocks. The study of
Fig 7:Stream Order vs No of Streams hypsometric properties of Subbasin using hypsometric
integral (HI) and hypsometric curve retrieved in that, HI
value is 0.57 and hence Area falls under the Mature Stage.

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 5(10), Oct 2019

Authors Profile
[1] A1 Saud M.Morphometric Analysis of Wadi Aurnah Drainage Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez Is a life
System Western Arabian Peninsula.(2009)
member of Indian Water Resources Society,
[2] Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez, Chalapathi K and M Inayathulla. "
Analysis of Landforms of a Mini Watershed of Manvi Taluk, ASCE Born in Gangavathi, Obtained his
Raichur District Karnataka" International Journal of Innovative BE in Civil Engineering in the year 2009-
Research in Technology Volume 6 Issue 4 September 2019 Page 2013 from UVCE, Banagalore and M.E
105-109 with specialization in Water Resources
[3] Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez, and M .Inayathulla. "Morphometry, Engineering during 2013-2015 from UVCE, Bangalore
Hypsometry Analysis and Runoff Estimation of Aam Talab
Watershed Raichur, Karnataka" International Journal Of Advance
University and Pursuing Ph.D from Bangalore University.
Research And Innovative Ideas In Education Volume 5 Issue 3 2019 And has 3 years of teaching experience. Till date, has
Page 1713-1727 presented and published several technical papers in many
[4] Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez, M Inayathulla, "Rainfall Analysis National and International seminars, Journals and
for Modelling of IDF Curves for Bangalore Rural, Karnataka", conferences.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary
Studies , Vol.5, Issue.8, pp.114-132, 2019
[5] Schumn,S.A.(1956).Evolution of drainage systems and slopes in Dr M Inayathulla Is a life member of
Badland, at Perth Amboy, NewJersey. Geological Society of Environmental and Water Resources
America, Bulletin.67:597-646. Engineering (EWRI), ASCE, WWI,
ASTEE, ASFPM. Born in Karnataka,
Obtained his BE in Civil Engineering in the
year 1987-1991 from UBDT, Davanagere
and M.E with specialization on Water Resources
Engineering during 1992-1994 from UVCE, Bangalore
University and got Doctorate from Bangalore University 5.
Presently working as Professor at UVCE, Bangalore
University, India. And has more than 25 years of teaching
experience. Till date, has presented and published several
technical papers in many National and International
seminars and conferences.

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