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Saint James Academy

Accountancy, Business and Management


A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School Department
Ibaan, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for
Practical Research 2

ANDAL, Venessa G.

ELLAGA, Raymond Allen A.


PUREZA, JhonDhel S.


Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management



STUDENTS OF SAINT JAMES ACADEMY” prepared and submitted by


THROY H., and PUREZA, JHON DHEL S. in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for Practical Research 2, has been evaluated and approved with a

grade of ___________________.

Date: ________________.


Evaluator/Research Advisor



Final Defense taken on _____________________

Rating ____________________________________________

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management

This objective of this study was to assess the relationship between the food

quality, price fairness, staff performance, and ambiance of the university cafeteria

with students' satisfaction. A quantitative survey was conducted with the aims to

testing the proposed hypotheses via a structured self-administered questionnaire. A

total of 180 senior high school students from Saint James Academy,

Administrators must, therefore, consider the total offering which includes food

services. The empirical results provided strong support for the hypothesis that

students' satisfaction with the school cafeteria is very much influenced by food

quality than staff performance, price fairness and degree of ambiance. Implications

of the study from managerial and theoretical perspectives together with directions

for future research are also indicated.

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Saint James Academy
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The researcher would like to extend her deepest and sincerest gratitude to

all the people who gave their valuable support, encouragement, comments,

suggestions, and assistance in various ways toward s preparation and completion

of this paper.

To the respondents of this quantitative research, the grade eleven students

of Saint James Academy S.Y. 2018-2019 for their cooperation given in gathering

the data and valuable information needed;

To the researcher’s colleagues for the support and assistance while doing

this paper;

The researcher’s family for their understanding and support within the

entire studies;

Special thanks and appreciation is given to Dr. Heczel Miñas our research

advisor for giving his guidance, suggestions and comments for the improvement

and completion of this paper.

Above all, to our DIVINE PROVIDENCE who granted me spiritual,

health, guidance and commitment to make this report valuable and truly precious

in the eyes of the reader.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management

This humble and simple work is dedicated to all the people who helped

inspired and guided us to make this masterpiece possible.

To our Greatest research advisor, validators, principal, adviser, other

teachers, family, classmates, friends and colleagues for their unending support and

understanding in doing this paper.

And above all, to our Greatest teacher, our Almighty God, who is the

source of my knowledge, skills and abilities.

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Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management










Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitations

Definition of Terms


Review of literature

Review of related studies


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Research Design

Participants of the Study

Sampling Design

Data Gathering Instrument

Validity and Reliability of the instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Ethical Considerations

Statistical Treatment of Data






Curriculum Vitae

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Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management



Perspective of students played important roles to measure the service

performance of the cafeteria. Canteen is a placed where foods are served in a

school where different products are sold their. Therefore, it clearly explained that

students’ judgments in Saint James Academy cafeteria is important in order to

achieve success of a cafeteria in any higher learning institution. The efficiency of

the cafeteria able to improve the level of satisfaction of students towards cafeteria


Price and value and food quality are the important factors to determine the

level of students’ satisfaction in Saint James Academy cafeteria. Other than food

quality and price, the cleanliness, interaction in between service provider and

students as well as service efficiency played very important role on meeting

student satisfaction in terms of service quality (Barlett& Han, 2008). This study

attempts to identify the relationship between the food quality, price fairness, staff

performance and ambience of the Saint James Academy cafeteria especially

among students and we need a place where we were able to feel comfortable

during break time.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management
This study was to assess the relationship between the food quality, price

fairness, staff performance, and ambiance of the Saint James Academy cafeteria

with students' satisfaction.

This study is very important so that we may be aware of the service quality

of the school. These factors have influenced the attributes students use to evaluate

institutional food service. Also considered is the nutrition value of the food items

being serve. It is important for food service operators to fully recognize the wants

of students and meet their needs. After considering the level of student’s

satisfaction, the study also attempts to identify the actions to be undertaken to

improve Saint James Academy Cafeteria Services. The varieties of products that

are sufficient to choose from the parts of the facilities are well maintained

approach of the canteen service makes students feel satisfied and do the students

consider before buying a product from the canteen.

(Ladia, 2013), stated that recognizing the importance of eating the right

kind of food in children’s growth and development, many schools today accept

food services as an integral part of the school program. It is imperative therefore,

that the child who spends the greater part of his/her waking hours in school be

given food that are nutritious and economical. There are plenty of student’s with

meager allowance for snacks in the public schools, therefore it is necessary that

daily food served in the canteen are assured to be within the means of the children.

Considerations are given to the nutritive value of the food items being served to

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them. However, there are other factors in the process which are not given attention

which may adversely affect the school’s total development program especially if

the canteen is mismanaged by a group or an individual. The canteen, in its mission

to nourish the children’s mind and provide quality services failed to accomplish its

target goal which is evident in the complaints raised and presented to the board.

Conceptual /Theoretical Framework

This study was conducted to determine the level of student’s satisfaction on

Saint James Academy cafeteria services. The demographic profile of respondents

services of the respondents in terms of Strand, Gender, Year Level and, Allowance

will be evaluated.

Furthermore this study will also determine the level of student’s satisfaction

in Saint James Academy cafeteria in terms of ambience, cleanliness, taste of food,

amount of serving, variety of food, customer service, price and nutritional value. It

was also conducted to determine what actions maybe proposed to improve Saint

James Academy cafeteria services.

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Input Process Output

Action Plan to Improve

Cafeteria Services of
Saint James Academy

Figure 1.0

Conceptual Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to examine the Level of the student satisfaction on Saint

James Academy cafeteria Services in particular and their perception to the actual

performance of the services by the Saint James Academy cafeteria. Specifically, it

seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the student in terms of the following:

1.1 Strand;

1.2 Religion;

1.3 Gender;

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1.4 Year level;

1.5 Allowance;

2. What is the level of respondent’s satisfaction to the services of Saint James

Academy cafeteria as to the following:

2.1 Ambiance;

2.2 Cleanliness;

2.3 Taste of Food;

2.4 Amount of Serving;

2.5 Variety of Food;

2.6 Customer Service;

2.7 Price;

2.8 Nutritional Value;

3. What actions can be proposed to improve Saint James Academy Cafeteria


4. Based on the study, what action plan can you proposed to improved Saint James

Academy Cafeteria services?

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Saint James Academy
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The data gathered from this research will benefit Saint James Academy

Community as a whole, from the administration to faculty members and other

stake holders. If customers satisfaction will be met, this would contribute to the

growth of the Cafeteria. Hence, may also provide both physical and mental

sustenance of all canteen patronizers.

HO: There is no significant difference on the level of satisfaction of the

respondents on cafeteria services of Saint James Academy when grouped

according to profile.

Significance of the Study

This study will conducted to determine the Level of Student’s Satisfaction

on Saint James Academy cafeteria services in particular and their perception to the

actual performance of the services by the Saint James Academy cafeteria.

To the Students: This research would help to have a detailed analysis of

satisfaction of the cafeteria service and food. The results would give knowledge

and ideas about their level of satisfaction and they would be able to evaluate on

their own. The studentsis currently influencing the expansion of cafeteria

foodservices. Students are not tolerating poor quality of food served by Saint

James Academy cafeteria dining services. The students is influencing the

development of institutional foodservice. To satisfy the basic nutritional needs of

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students, foodservice operations need to deliver a variety of fresh, healthy and

tasty food. Today’s students are expecting more than the good food quality and

nutritional value of the food they consume. In addition, institutional food service

operators need to keep up with the growing expectations of students about the

overall dining experience.

To the Canteen Management: It is important for food service operators to

fully recognize the wants of students and meet their needs. The success of any

food and beverage establishment lies in its ability to satisfy students by providing

a dining experience, comprising of both tangible and intangible elements and able

to meet or exceed their satisfaction (Parasuraman et al., 2015; 2016).

To the Canteen Stuff: This study could provide opportunities for reflective

thought and thereby enhance professionalism among members of the canteen

personnel, so that they may improve efficiency at work and offer delicious yet

affordable food.

To the Institution: Students have satisfied about the service they should

receive from institutional foodservice and today they are more sophisticated and

are exposed at an early age to variety of dining experiences including

ambiance/cleanliness, taste of food, amount of serving, variety of food, customer

service, price and nutritional value of food service. These factors have influenced

the attributes students use to evaluate institutional food service. The study aims to

determine the level of student’s satisfaction of Saint James Academy cafeteria

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services and how the students give their special countenance. The data gathered

from this research will benefit Saint James Academy Community as a whole, from

the administration to faculty members and other stakeholders. If customers

satisfaction will be met, this would contribute to the growth of the Saint James

Academy. Hence, may also provide both physical and mental sustenance of all

canteen patronizers. Other cafeterias which have similar services may also benefit

from the data and information gathered for it will improve their services.

To the Future researchers: This study would serve as a reference for

future researchers as they may have a related research topic to that of the

proponents’. It will help them by giving an idea about the satisfaction on cafeteria


Scope and Delimitation of the study

This research attempt to determine the student’s satisfaction in terms of the

cafeteria service. After considering the level of student’s satisfaction, the study

also attempts to identify the actions to be undertaken to improve Saint James

Academy Cafeteria Services. This includes the food that satisfies the students, the

service attributes, the variety of products and the canteen facility. It is to be noted

that respondents are students from the school.

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This study will be limited to the assessment of the school cafeteria services

in terms of quality and quantity of food served, prices of the products, and

utilization of canteen facilities.

Definition of terms

The following terminologies are hereby conceptually defined:

 Canteen -a place provided by schools where student can buy and eat food

products and meals. (Noran, 2008). As to be used in the study, Canteen is a

placed where foods are served in a school where different products are sold


 Affordability –as to be used in the study, it refers to extent to which

something is affordable, as measured by its cost relative to the amount that

the purchaser is able to pay.

 Ambiance –a big part in customer satisfaction. This element is about

comfortable seating arrangement that leave enough space for customer to

move, or high quality design of the space and building, and also the suitable

music (Namkung& Jang,2009).As to be used in the study, it refers to a

feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing.

 Cleanliness –as to be used in the study, it refers to the degree which people

keep themselves and their surroundings clean.

 Customer Service –according to Kursunluoglu (2011), customer services

are intangible or tangible value increasing activities which are related with

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products or services indirectly or directly to meet customer expectations

and then to provide customer satisfaction and loyalty (Kursunluoglu, 2011).

As to be used in the study, itrefers to the process of ensuring customer

satisfaction with a product or service.

 Price –The level of a service quality can be determine based on the amount

that paid for the service. (Soriano, 2009). As to be used in the study, it

refers to the amount of money paid by students on the food and canteen


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This chapter reviews related literature and studies which serves as frame of

reference for this study. Conceptual literature, foreign literature, and local studies

are presented such that some of the present study’s variables have been tackled.

Related Literature

Most people are concerned with food taken daily without regard for

practices or habits, which may influence good health. Canteen is a placed where

foods are served in a school where different products are sold their. Study aimed

on the level of student’s satisfaction in Saint James Academy. A school provided a

canteen as a place where students can eat and relax and regain the energy for the

rest of the day.

Hence, students must learn to plan, select, prepare and serve simple but

nutritious food (Bernardino and lee, 2009). It is a common observation that when

food is presented to a person his attention is focused on the aesthetics value and

how the food appeals to the palate, rather than on the nutritional content.

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Their food requirements are used for growth and development and

enhanced activity. As young adults, they have the freedom to choose what they

like to eat but they should guide on their choices (Cruz, 2011).

It is important that daily diet contains the correct the amount of all food

listed in daily guide to good nutrition (Velasquez, 2008) Food contains the

essential nutrients needed by the body for its normal growth and development. It is

necessary for students to know the sources, function and nutrients of the food they

buy, adequacy of these nutrients in their diet will result to good health. Hence,

students must learn to plan, select, prepare and serve simple but nutritious food

(Bernardino and lee, 2009).

School Canteen

The school canteen is a great place to promote an enjoyment of healthy

eating. For students who use the canteen regularly, the food purchased makes a

significant contribution to their total food intake and nutrition; therefore it makes

sense to ensure the best food possible is available to enhance their ability to learn

and take in the information presented to them in class.

The school canteen guidelines shall serve as a mechanism to support the

department’s response to the mandate of Article 2 of Republic Act No. 6938 to

create an atmosphere that is conducive to the growt hand development of

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cooperatives. Services should be the main consideration for operating a school

canteen. Profit shall only be secondary since the clientele is composed of pupils

who are dependent only on their meager allowance from their parents. Reporting

and accounting of the proceeds from the operation of a school canteen shall be

made by the parties concerned to emphasize transparency and accountability.

School canteens shall be of two types: (1) school-managed canteens and (2)

teachers cooperative-managed canteens. Both shall adhere to professional

management and sound business practices as well as to safety and security


According to (Adunna,2013) discussed that along the line of canteen

management is the need for an improvement system to boost not only sales but

also the efficiency of its operations. In addition to providing with nutritious and

affordable foods, the canteen should be based on good management practices and

be financially self-sustaining. Experience shows that, with good management and

marketing practices, a canteen can provide healthy foods and also be financially

viable. The canteen is a small business. Like any business, it requires good

management practices to be efficient and successful. Effective canteen

management requires that1 everyone involved knows its goals and objectives and

is familiar with its policies canteen staff and committee develop an

implementation plan to achieve policy goals day-to-day operational procedures are

structured and enforced staff are adequately trained and supervised staff carry out

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efficient stock management, accounting and financial procedures staff are familiar

with and comply with relevant legal requirements regarding food safety and

occupational health and safety standards.

School canteens may operate under a variety of management structures,

depending on the individual characteristics and needs of the school. Most canteens

in schools are run under the direction of, and are accountable to, the school

council. Schools may decide to provide a food service to students in several ways.

A formal management agreement detailing the terms and conditions of the

management structure should be drawn up and signed by the relevant management

parties, which will usually be the school council and principal, or the school

council or principal and private contractor.

Contracting a canteen business is not as new but contains several

procedures which need to be taken seriously for a more effective means of

negotiating an enterprise. The following pointers should help you in selecting a

good supplier. An ideal supplier1is located locally has been recommended by

other school canteens delivers frequently, and will do so at a convenient and

suitable time for the canteen delivers stock in good condition, for example ice-

cream which is always frozen and fruit and vegetables which are always fresh

delivers stock with the maximum shelf life follows appropriate storage, handling

and food safety requirements, such as adequate refrigeration for chilled and frozen

goods and shade and cover for fresh produce uses adequate packaging and

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handling procedures to ensure products are not damaged offers an adequate range

of products communicates well, keeping you informed of price changes, specials

and product availability offers competitive prices, as well as specials, discounts

and incentives offers taste-testing opportunities or free samples to trial provides

free promotional material in line with your healthy canteen policy, such as posters

promoting healthy food products offers incentives, such as equipment rewards

offers convenient and acceptable payment procedures, including method of

payment and settlement terms (Bensons, 2013).

Student’s Satisfaction

Students’ satisfaction can be defined as a short-term attitude resulting from

an evaluation of students’ educational experience, services and facilities. Earlier it

was measured by common satisfaction frameworks but later higher education

specify satisfaction models were developed. It is a positive antecedent of student

loyalty and is the result and outcome of an educational system (Zeithaml,2010).

Again Elliot & Shin define student satisfaction as students’ disposition by

subjective evaluation of educational outcomes and experience. Therefore, student

satisfaction can be defined as a function of relative level of experiences and

perceived performance about educational service during the study period, (Carey,

et al). By considering all, students’ satisfaction can be defined as a short-term

attitude resulting from an evaluation of students’ educational experience, services

and facilities.

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Hygiene and Sanitation

Hygiene and Sanitation are critical to health, survival, and development.

Basic sanitation is described as having access to facilities for the safe disposal of

human waste, as well as having the ability to maintain hygienic conditions.

Inspections of the canteens should be carried out at regular intervals and through

surprise checks by the Head of Office, members of the management committee

and the medical officer of the local medical establishment. The managing

committee should arrange to maintain a record of this inspections in the

inspections register/sanitary diary. A suggestion -cum-complaint book should also

be maintained in the canteen.

Canteen Management

A Canteen Management is a supplementary system that is provided by

organizations for their student’s or employees. Also it is a highly customized

solution designed specially by Limton for such organizations to improve their

management & costs.

Canlas' (2008) study is on the management and operation of food service

centers in State Universities and Colleges in region 3. The descriptive analytical

method was utilized. The study revealed the following findings: 1.50.79% or

majority of the managers had 1-5 trainings, while among service staff, no training

at all. 2. As to education, majority of managers and food service staff are

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graduates of four-years course. 3. As to work experience, 26.98% among

managers had 5-7 work experience and 32.66 % with food service staff. 4. As to

percentage of who operate and manage the canteen, 78% were being leased by

private individuals and the 12% were being operated by school operative and 10%

of SUCs in Region 3 were operated by school. 5. As to criteria by the rating:

almost always”, safety products, adequate water supply, personnel cleanliness and

hygiene were indicated. 6. As to criteria by the rating “seldom and never”,

supervision of a person knowledgeable in sanitary food handling, location and

ventilation, work habits, accessibility to delivery of entrance and exit as well as

drinking fountain were indicated. 7. Food service centers that were managed and

owned by the schools are found highly meeting the standard of food safety and

sanitary practices with a total of 10 out of 63. However, 42 out 63 are not meeting

food safety and sanitary practices and these are managed and leased by private


Indicators that were rated very satisfactory by students and

faculty/personnel are: nutrition, service of hot and cold water, aesthetic, pricing,

lighting and ventilation, accurate order taking, promptness on giving bills and

change, and staff's responds to customer contains. Indicators that were rated

satisfactory are: palatability, variety of food served, innovativeness of recipes,

personnel attitude and values, courtesy and politeness/promptness of personnel,

counter service, delivery service, provision of nutrition and information board,

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toilets, urinals, lavatories, quality of food prepared, opening and closing time,

promptness of food served, special orders and requests, employees knowledge and

skills to serve customers, attention given to customers, menu options, specific

needs of customers and food service staff only 1 indicator was rated “fair” and it is

availability of fresh fruits served.

Canlas' study is an essential reference in this research because it showed the

general opinions of the customers when it comes to the food, facilities and

personnel of the food service centers of State Universities and Colleges in Region


Caballero's (2009) study assessed the status of the food service of Bulacan

State University in terms of foods and services offered. Findings revealed that

respondents significantly disagree to the food as to the food and services offered

because the computed value is greater than the tabular Value of 1.960 at 0.05 level

of significants hence the hypothesis is rejected. A proposed cycle menu good for

the three months is provided to ensure that menu offerings are not repeated to

address the varied preferences of the clientele.

Gadais (2009) conducted a study on the comparative level of satisfaction in

relation to customer service between Jollibee and Mc Donald's. The descriptive

type of research was the method use in evaluating the level of satisfaction of the

customers. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 100 randomly selected HRM

students at a College in Fairview. Result showed the following: 1. on the number

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of times of visits at the two establishments at least twice a week. 2. in what made

the respondents decide to eat at either of the two establishment, it showed the

fifty-three percent (53%) on Jollibee and forty-nine percent (49%) on Mc Donald's

for accessibility, good service, and affordability, twenty-four percent (24%) and

twenty-three percent (23%), respectively for accessibility alone; fifteen percent

(15%) and nineteen percent (19%) respectively for good service alone; and, eight

percent (8%) and nine percent (9%), respectively for affordability alone. 3. When

it comes to level satisfaction of the customers in-relation to customer service, it

was found that for both establishment, respondents are satisfied. Sanitation and

ranked number one. However, cleanliness of table and comfort rooms were least

ranked (fairly satisfied). To offer fast and efficient service was ranked number one

suggestion by the respondents. Gadais' study revealed that factors like sanitation,

tables, and comfort rooms, and fast and efficient service satisfies and are important

to College students which part from the five dimension of service quality like

Tangible, empathy and responsiveness.

Related Studies

The study of (DonJun 2013) emphasizes on the need to effectively manage

the canteen stocks that he made the observation and recommendation that only one

person in the canteen should be responsible for ordering stock, which includes

foods, drinks, packaging, utensils, first aid and cleaning materials. Ideally this will

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be the canteen manager, or a person who oversees most of the canteen and has the

largest time involvement. Allocating this responsibility to only one person is

important as it prevents confusion and over ordering, maintains consistency and

ensures ma6imum efficiency. Canteens generally return higher profits when they

restrict the number of suppliers and range of stock. Restricting the number of

suppliers can be beneficial as it allows canteen staff to develop management

rapport with a supplier. This can also result in special services and treatment, such

as discounts and better quality of service. Minimizing the range of stock assists in

reducing slow turnover items, which can lead to spoilage. It will also allow you to

use employees and volunteers with less training given there are less products to

work with. 5oth of these practices will also result in more efficient ordering with

fewer orders needing to be placed. It is important to ensure that when minimizing

the range of stock in a canteen the range and variety of nutritious foods, such as

fruit and vegetables, is not reduced. Finally, never select food or drink products

that fail to reflect nutrition standards detailed in the canteen policy even if the

supplier can offer a lucrative deal, such as bargain prices or equipment rewards.

The ambiance is a big part in customer satisfaction. The decor, or ambiance, of

a restaurant works simultaneously with the quality of service and the quality of

food (Okada and Hoch 2004). Core benefits are the fundamental benefits that the

customer receives (Kotler 1998). These relate to the actual outcomes, or the core

service, as perceived by the customer. Tangible benefits are produced and

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consumed simultaneously through the interaction and encounter process in the

delivery of service. These benefits include the ambience and the physical

environment where the core benefits are provided.

According to (Bohl, 2012) , the focus was primarily on the factors which

makes up the ambient cue which are cleanliness of the restaurant and the scent that

lingers in the background and give a positive vibe to the customers. If the

atmosphere of the restaurant does not comfort the customers and they do not

return for another dining experience, the staff has not created a service that

satisfies the emotional, psychological and cognitive needs of the customers (Lin


In food buying behaviour have generally assumed that food purchasing elicits a

low level of cognitive response from consumers (Beharrell and Denison 1995).

This is based on observational research which has found typical grocery product

choices are made very quickly, using only a small proportion of the information

available to consumers on the product packaging and shelf tags (Moorman 1996;

Balasubramanian and Cole 2002; Food Standards Australia New Zealand 2007a;

Grunert et al. 2010). This will particularly be the case where consumers are

making repeat, habitual food purchases which make up the majority of food

decisions (Enright et al. 2010).

(Bertland 2013) was able to come up in his study that the conclusion that

the canteen needs to ensure that all canteen money can be accurately tracked at all

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times. Management of money involves1 running off cash registers at the end of

each trading period during the day 2if applicable4 counting money and balancing

cash registers at the end of each day maintaining a standard float banking each day

and keeping minimal money in the canteen accurately recording payment of all

orders and invoices accurately recording all cheques accurately recording all petty

cash expenses. It is recommended that all stock should be paid for by cheque or

electronic transfer, with petty cash being used only for the purchase of items of a

minor or unexpected nature. Only a small petty cash float should be kept. In order

for a canteen to be financially viable, income from selling food must either be

equal to or greater than the expenses involved in running the canteen. Accurate

costing of foods plays a very important part in determining income. A financially

successful canteen also requires efficient management of all canteen resources.

The following section details why it is important to: account for all canteen money

account for all stock determine the cost price of pre-packaged items and recipes

determine the selling price of pre-packaged items and recipes per serve.

According to Ariffin, Bibon and Raja Abdullah (2011, 35), concluded that

pleasant scent can either make or break a dining experience for customers.

Another research findings by Ryu and Jang (2007, 59) showed that the

background scent or the aroma by the cooked food triggers the customers on an

emotional level and enhance their dining experience.

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According to Deng et al (2009, 289), is very important part of the business

setup because business generates much revenue from the industry when the

customer is satisfied by the services being provided. Customer satisfaction refers

to the customer buying behavior and the utility he obtained using the product.

The smell system is much more open than the taste system and relies more

on learning (Rozin 2006). There are some innate taste biases: the preference for

sweet tastes (fruit) or fat, to avoid bitter (toxin s), or and a version to strong tastes

like salt or sour products. Sweet and fat preferences help in finding calorie - rich

food. A study by Deng (2010), concluded that occupation of customers has an

impact on customer satisfaction because those who are earning less or are in low

level job, are satisfied easily such as students, clerks etc. however, those who are

at higher level management position are pickier about the choices of food and

services been given to them.

In promoting healthy food choices, a major challenge is the trade-off

between taste and health. The nutritional content is generally found to be second to

taste in determining consumer food choices. When asking consumers, taste is

typically found to be the most, or amongst the most, important determinants of

food choice (Lennernas et al., 1997; Glanz et al., 1998). Taste, in turn, is enhanced

by ingredients that are over consumed by most consumers – sweeteners, salt and

fat (Drewnowski, 1997). Consumers may even have expectations that unhealthy

food (i.e. food high in fat, sweeteners and salt) tastes better: (Raghunathan et al.

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2006) show that consumers’ experienced taste pleasantness of food is higher for

food portrayed as unhealthy, compared to the exact same food when it is not

portrayed as unhealthy.

According to (Garan, 2013), the school-age child generally eats lunch t

school. The children may bring lunch from home or buy lunch at the school. Many

dietary problems stem from this independence in food choices. The children may

trade their food, not eat lunch at all, or buy sweets or Junk food with their lunch

money. Parents should discuss with the child the foods that they should eat and

continue to provide a balanced diet in the home setting. In this juncture, the

presence of good food at canteen services must be complied with specifically if

the snacks brought in from the child’s lunch boxes are improperly prepared at

home. The availability of food choices which can make children at school be

nutritionally good is a role that can never be compromised.


In the study of (Fernandez, 2013), it was assessed that the canteen

concessionaires have good solid waste management practices to be able to

maintain the cleanliness of the lunchroom. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of

the utensils is done every end of the day. Trash bins with covering are located at

the four corners of the canteen color coded as biodegradable and non-

biodegradable. These trash bins are unloaded everyday and sprayed with

disinfecting chemicals to avoid bacteria that may cause foul odor due to spoiled

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foods. Solid waste was removed daily by the local collectors to maintain

cleanliness within the school as a special arrangement between the canteen

concessionaires and the local collectors.

The study of (Babol, 2011), every school must provide provisions of

services that include availability of food stalls and lunch rooms where students can

have their food to eat which should be strategically located inside the school

premises. However, due to lack of training from the teachers and even from the

administration personnel considering as well the bulk of work in the school

operations and activities, it was found out that canteens must be taken care of by

professionals from the food and services business. The strategic plan includes the

creation of a committee to handle the overseeing and bidding of canteen

concessions including the assessment of it every year as a consideration in the

renewal of the contract. The committee will also be involved in the improvement

mechanism that the canteen needs for the benefit of the students.

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This chapter presents the research design, the subject of the study, the data

gathering instrument, the data gathering procedure, the validation and reliability,

the ethical considerations and the statistical treatment of data in conducting the


Research Design

Research design is a type of research method that is used when one wants

to get information on the current status of a person or an object. It is used to

describe what is in existence in respect to conditions or variables that are found in

a given situation. (Patricia M. Shields and Nandhini Rangarajan, 2013). According

to Calderon (2008), as cited by Alberto et al (2011), descriptive method is

also known as statistical research, it describes data and characteristics

about the population or phenomenon being studied. This method is used to

gather information in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning

the currents status of the subject of the study. It was considered the appropriate

method for this study which sought to assess the level of student’s satisfaction on

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cafeteria services as perceived by senior high school students of Saint James

Academy. Such method shall also be suitable since the researcher used survey

questionnaires and various statistical procedures for conducting this investigation.

Participants of the Study

This study focused only on the senior high school students of Saint James

Academy in Ibaan, Batangas. The researchers chose senior high school students

because they are the one who can determine the level of student satisfaction on

cafeteria services as perceived by senior high school students. Students are

dissatisfied with the food quality, amount of serving, and price provided by the

cafeteria services. Price, and food quality are the important to determine the level

of students’ satisfaction in the school cafeteria. Other than food quality and price,

the cleanliness, the ambiance, interaction in between service provider and students

as well as service efficiency played very important role on meeting student

satisfaction in terms of service quality.

Food choices are often multifaceted, situational, dynamic, and complex.

Similarly as in adults, children's eating behaviors may suffer influences, among

others, of the environment. Patrick & Nicklas detailed the influencing aspects of

the physical environment as being: availability, easy access to foods and the

tendency of consuming large amounts when large servings are offered.

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There are 336 total population of senior high school students at Saint James

Academy. Out of those 336, only 20 were surveyed for pilot testing due to strict

policies of the entities and confidentiality of information.

Sampling Design

The researchers used the convenience sampling (also known as availability

sampling) is a specific type of non-probability sampling, a method that relies on

data collection from population members who are conveniently available to

participate in study.The researchers picked the sample wherever we can find them

and typically wherever is convenient. This study was done through collection of

data from the selected samples that responded to the researcher.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used by the researcher was a survey questionnaire. It is

composed of questions gathered by the researcher through the use of internet. The

researchers designed the questionnaires to congregate the responses of the

respondents. The questionnaires were divided into two parts. The first part is

consist of the demographic profile of the respondents which include the strand,

religion, gender, year level and allowance. The second part is the level of

respondent’s satisfaction to the services of Saint James Academy cafeteria. The

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scale includes four columns with on top option 4 - (Strongly Agree) meansVery

Effective, 3 – (Agree) means Effective, 2 - (Disagree) means Least Effective, 1 -

(Strongly Disagree) means Not Effective.

The researchers presented the draft of the questionnaire to their adviser.

The adviser checked the validity of the instrument and for further improvements.

Afterwards, the instrument was presented to the faculty experts, industry experts,

statistician and grammarian for validation.

After the validation, the reliability of the questionnaire was tested through

dry-run survey. The researchers administered the questionnaires by personally

distributing it to the selected senior high school students in Saint James Academy.

The surveyed questionnaire achieved a reliability index of .855 which means that

the instrument used was consistent and accurate enough in proceeding. After the

reliability test, the researchers personally distributed the questionnaires to the

respondents. The respondents did not find difficulty in answering the questions

since they were given an option to answer the question by checking the box

provided which correspond to their answers.

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Table 1: Survey Questionnaire Specification

Variable Section Number of items

Demographic Variables 1 4

Satisfaction on Cafeteria 2 28
Ambiance 2.1 4

Cleanliness 2.2 4

Nutritional Value 2.3 4

Taste of Food 2.4 3

Amount of Serving 2.5 3

Variety of Food 2.6 3

Customer Service 2.7 4

Price 2.8 3

Validation and Reliability

Validity is the credibility or believability of the research. Face

Validity ascertains that the measure appears to be assessing the intended construct

under study. Validity is foremost on the mind of those developing measures and

that genuine scientific measurement is foremost in the minds of those who seek

valid outcomes from assessment.

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Reliability is an important measure of performance of many systems,

subsystems, and components. The reliability of a device is defined to be the

probability that it will perform its intended functions satisfactorily for a specified

period of time under specified operating conditions. A test is seen as being reliable

when it can be used by a number of different researchers under stable conditions,

with consistent results and the results not varying. Reliability reflects consistency

and replicability over time. Furthermore, reliability is seen as the degree to which

a test is free from measurement errors, since the more measurement errors occur

the less reliable the test (Fraenkel&Wallen, 2003). This helps the researcher and

educator to make comparisons that are reliable. The more errors found in an

assessment the greater its unreliability, and visa versa. Reliability is a very

important factor in assessment, and is presented as an aspect contributing to

validity and not opposed to validity.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather necessary for this study, the researchers conducted first a

dry-run survey at senior high school students at Saint James Academy to ensure

the reliability of the questionnaires constructed and validated by the panel of

experts and their adviser. The researchers distributed twenty (20) sample


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However before the questionnaires were given to the senior high school

students, the researchers sought permission first from the principal and the

research professor through a formal letter of approval attached to each

questionnaire and explained the purpose of conducting this study and the

cooperation of the respondents for the validity of their answers. After the request

has been granted, the respondents answered the questionnaire and entertained the

further questions of the researchers.

The researchers distributed the questionnaires to the 20 respondents at Saint

James Academy and 20 of them responded. They secured the list of senior high

school students at Saint James Academy. They collected the questionnaire as soon

as the respondents were done answering. Consequently, for those who have no

time to entertain the researchers because they are busy on that day, the researchers

set a specific date when to collect the questionnaire. It took 1 week to retrieve all

the questionnaires. Moreover, the questionnaires that the researchers provided

were answered by the selected senior high school students.

. The respondents answered the question by checking the suitable column

that matched with their evaluation. The statements from questionnaire were taken

from the internet websites and scholarly works related to the study. The

researchers assured to the respondents that the answers provided will be treated for

academic purposes only and with utmost confidentiality.

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The use of technology was also a great help in gathering the most recent

information related to the topic. By the use of this, the researchers were able to

obtain and examine more articles, facts and researchers that were become valuable

in the study.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations can be specified as one of the most important parts

of the research. According to Bryman and Bell (2007) Research participants

should not be subjected to harm in any ways what so ever. Respect for the dignity

of research participants should be prioritized. Respondents should participate on

the basis of informed consent. The principle of informed consent involves

researchers providing sufficient information and assurances about taking part to

allow individuals to understand the implications of participation and to reach a

fully informed, considered and freely given decision about whether or not to do so,

without the exercise of any pressure.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For the qualitative data analysis of the variable of the study, descriptive

statistic had been primarily used so as the present description in manageable

forms. The content was analyzed in order to make sense of the phenomenon. In

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this study, the analysis of the data had used the descriptive statistical tools

consisted of percentage, weighted mean and the one way analysis of variance.

Percentage. This is used to relate a part to a whole. Frequency distribution

was evaluated in percentage. This was used to determine the demographic profile

of respondents in terms of strand, gender, year level, and allowance.

Weighted mean. This was used to determine the Level of Student’s

Satisfaction on Cafeteria Services as Perceived by Senior High School Students of

Saint James Academy in the aspects of Ambiance, Cleanliness, Nutritional Value,

Taste of Food, Amount of Serving, Variety of Food, Customer Service, and Price.

Table 2: Mean Interpretation

Variables Interpretation

Taste Amount Variety

Ambiance Cleanliness Nutritional Customer Price
of of of
Value Service
Food serving Food
Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.26 - 4 Strongly Agree

2.51 - 3 Agree
1.76 - 2 Disagree
1.00 - 1 Strongly Disagree

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ANOVA. This was used to test claims involving three or more means. It

was used to determine if there are significant differences in the assessment on the

effectiveness of control environment when grouped according to nature of strand,

gender, year level, and allowance.

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This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

from the respondents through questionnaires. The data presented were analyzed

and interpreted in response to the problem raised in the study. In order to have a

clear analysis and interpretations, tables are presented.

1. Demographic Profile of the Senior High School of Saint James


The group of respondents was composed of 180 senior high school students

of Saint James Academy in Ibaan, Batangas. The factors being considered in the

profile of the respondents were sex, grade level, strand and allowance. These are

all presented from Table 4.1.1 to 4.1.4

1.1 Sex

Table 1.1 presents the distribution of the profile of respondents as to the sex.

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Table 4.1.1

Distribution of Senior High School Students with Regards to Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 97 53.9

Female 83 46.1
Total 180 100

As shown in the table, male ranked first having a frequency of 97 or 57.9

percent. Then followed by female having a frequency of 83 or 46.1 percent.

It can be inferred from the findings that most of the respondents

belong to the population of male this regards to sex forms a big part on senior high

school students in Saint James Academy. This implies that the availability

sampling the researcher have done have chosen more males rather than female.

Therefore, male as a sex plays a vital part in finding the level of satisfaction on

cafeteria services as perceived by senior high school students of Saint James


1.2 Grade Level

Table 1.2 presents the distribution of the profile of the respondents with

regards to grade level.

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Table 4.1.2

Distribution of Senior High School Student with Regards to Grade


Senior High School Frequency Percentage

Grade 11 83 46.1

Grade 12 97 53.9
Total 180 100

The table shows that most of the respondents were in the grade level of

Grade 11 having a frequency of 83 or 46.1 percent. Then followed by Grade 12

having a frequency of 97 or 53.9 percent.

It can be inferred from the findings that most of the respondents

belong to the population of Grade 12. This implies that the grade 12 senior high

school students are morely cooperate on the interview about the level of

satisfaction on cafeteria service rather than the grade 11 students in Saint James

Academy. Therefore, Grade 12 senior high school students as a grade level plays a

vital part in finding the level of satisfaction on cafeteria services as perceived by

senior high school students of Saint James Academy.

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1.3 Strand

Table 1.3 presents the distribution of the profile of the respondents with
regards to strand.

Table 4.1.3
Distribution of Senior High School Students with Regards to Strand

Strand Frequency Percentage

Science, Technology, 48 26.7
Engineering and
Accountancy and 89 49.4
Business Management
Humanities and Social 43 23.9
Total 180 100

Clearly shown in the table, majority of the respondents are from Accountancy,

Business and Management having a frequency of 89 or 49.4 percent. Then

followed by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics with frequency

of 48 or 26.7 percent then Humanities and Social Sciences having a frequency of

43 or 23.9 percent.

Majority of the strand in senior high school are the Accountancy, Business

and Management for having more population than the other two strands.

Therefore, most of the respondents are from the Accountancy, Business and

Management strand.

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1.3 Allowance

Table 1.3 presents the distribution of the profile of the respondents with
regards to allowance.

Table 4.1.4

Distribution of Senior High School students with Regards to


Allowance Frequency Percentage

0-50 2 1.1
51-100 80 44.4
101-150 92 51.1
Others, Please specify: 6 3.3
Total 180 100

Based on the result of the survey, out of 180 respondents the highest frequency

came from the allowance are 101-150 with a frequency of 92 or 51.1 percent,

followed by the 51-100 having a frequency of 80 or 44.4 percent. Then the others

having a frequency of 6 or 3.3 percent and 0-50 with frequency of 2 or 1.1 percent.

It can be conclude based on the result that allowance 101-150 rank first in

regard with the allowance of every students.

2. Student Satisfaction to the Services of Saint James Academy


This shows the level of respondent’s satisfaction to the services of Saint James

Academy cafeteria. A satisfaction to the services of ambiance; cleanliness;

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nutritional value; taste of food; amount of serving; variety of food; customer

service; and price. The following tables and interpretations showed the results as

evaluated by the level of student of Saint James Academy.

2.1 Ambiance

Table 2.1 presents the respondent’s assessment on the level of student

satisfaction on cafeteria services as perceived by senior high school students of

Saint James Academy in terms of Ambiance.

Table 4.2.1
Students Satisfaction on Cafeteria Services in terms of Ambiance
Ambiance Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. The cafeteria has correct 2.68 Agree 3
temperature that is essential
to maintain food quality.
2. The cafeteria is attractive 2.78 Agree 2
and clean.
3. The staff appearance is 2.43 Disagree 4
4. The designs of the place 2.88 Agree 1
are suited in the cafeteria.
Composite Mean 2.69 Agree

Table 4.2.1

The table 4.2.1 overall shows that the results of the respondents in terms of

ambiance scored a general composite mean of 2.69 and interpreted as “agree”. The

researcher’s analysis regarding the present data were overall good because it gains

the anticipated result of the study by the researchers. The Saint James Cafeteria

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the ability of an ambiance, that are considered as comfortable seating arrangement

that leave enough space for customer to move, or high quality design of the space

and building, and also the suitable music. The question that came to have the

highest weighted mean of 2.68 and interpreted as “agree” that the designs of the

place are suited in the cafeteria.

However, the item that got the lowest rank is in line with the capability of the

staff appearance is presentable with a weighted mean of 2.43 and signifies as


The ambiance is a big part in customer satisfaction. The decor, or ambiance, of

a restaurant works simultaneously with the quality of service and the quality of

food (Okada and Hoch 2004). Core benefits are the fundamental benefits that the

customer receives (Kotler 1998). These relate to the actual outcomes, or the core

service, as perceived by the customer. Tangible benefits are produced and

consumed simultaneously through the interaction and encounter process in the

delivery of service. These benefits include the ambience and the physical

environment where the core benefits are provided.

According to (Bohl, 2012) , the focus was primarily on the factors which

makes up the ambient cue which are cleanliness of the restaurant and the scent that

lingers in the background and give a positive vibe to the customers. If the

atmosphere of the restaurant does not comfort the customers and they do not

return for another dining experience, the staff has not created a service that

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satisfies the emotional, psychological and cognitive needs of the customers (Lin


2.2 Cleanliness

Table 4.2.2 presents the level of respondent’s satisfaction to the services of

Saint James Academy cafeteria.

Table 4.2.2
Students Satisfaction on Cafeteria Services in terms of Cleanliness
Cleanliness Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation

1. The Cafeteria premises 2.73 Agree 1

are tidy.
2. The utensils are clean. 2.73 Agree 1

3. The facilities are clean. 2.73 Agree 1

4. The tables and the 2.49 Disagree 2

place are always tidy.
Composite Mean 2.67 Agree

Table 4.2.2 overall shows that the results of the respondents in terms of

cleanliness scored a general composite mean of 2.67 and interpreted as “agree”.

The researcher’s analysis regarding the present data were overall good because it

gains the anticipated result of the study by the researchers. The Saint James

Cafeteria’s cleanliness, as to be used in the study, it refers to the degree which

people keep themselves and their surroundings clean. The question that came to

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have the highest weighted mean of 2.73 and interpreted as “agree” that the

cafeteria premises are tidy, utensils are clean and facilities are clean.

However, the item that got the lowest rank is in line with the capability ofthe

tables and the place are always tidy with a weighted mean of 2.49 and signifies as


According to Ariffin, Bibon and Raja Abdullah (2011, 35), concluded that

pleasant scent can either make or break a dining experience for customers.

Another research findings by Ryu and Jang (2007, 59) showed that the

background scent or the aroma by the cooked food triggers the customers on an

emotional level and enhance their dining experience.

According to Deng et al (2009, 289), is very important part of the business

setup because business generates much revenue from the industry when the

customer is satisfied by the services being provided. Customer satisfaction refers

to the customer buying behavior and the utility he obtained using the product.

2.3 Nutritional Value

Table 4.2.3 presents the level of respondent’s satisfaction to the services of

Saint James Academy cafeteria.

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Table 4.2.3

Students Satisfaction on Cafeteria Services in terms of Nutritional


Nutritional Value Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation

1. The Cafeteria complies 2.75 Agree 3

with the rules in
Nutritional quality.
2. High cost food with 2.66 Agree 4
some consideration on the
nutritional value.
3. High cost food without 2.83 Agree 1
consideration on the food
4. High cost food even if it 2.77 Agree 2

is junk food.

Composite Mean 2.75 Agree

Table 4.2.3 overall shows that the results of the respondents in terms of

nutritional value and it scored a general composite mean of 2.75 and interpreted as

“agree”. The researcher’s analysis regarding the present data were overall good

because it gains the anticipated result of the study by the researchers. The Saint

James Cafeteria has nutritional values on the food they served in every meal so

that the students got their nutritional needs that will support them in studying. The

question that came to have the highest weighted mean of 2.83 and interpreted as

“agree” that food has high cost even if it is junk food.

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However, the item that got the lowest rank is in line with the capability of the

high cost food with some consideration on the nutritional value with a weighted

mean of 2.66 and signifies as “agree”.

In food buying behaviour have generally assumed that food purchasing elicits a

low level of cognitive response from consumers (Beharrell and Denison 1995).

This is based on observational research which has found typical grocery product

choices are made very quickly, using only a small proportion of the information

available to consumers on the product packaging and shelf tags (Moorman 1996;

Balasubramanian and Cole 2002; Food Standards Australia New Zealand 2007a;

Grunert et al. 2010). This will particularly be the case where consumers are

making repeat, habitual food purchases which make up the majority of food

decisions (Enright et al. 2010).

2.4 Taste of Food

Table 4.2.4 presents the level of respondent’s satisfaction to the services of

Saint James Academy cafeteria.

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Table 4.2.4

Students Satisfaction on Cafeteria Services in terms of Taste of Food

Taste of Food Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation

1. The food being served 2.85 Agree 2

are delicious.
2. The sweetness of food 2.72 Agree 3

has the exact amount.

3. The food is not bland. 2.96 Agree 1

Composite Mean 8.53 Strongly Agree

Table 4.2.4 overall shows that the results of the respondents in terms of

nutritional value and it scored a general composite mean of 8.53 and interpreted as

“strongly agree”. The researcher’s analysis regarding the present data were overall

good because it gains the anticipated result of the study by the researchers. The

Saint James Cafeteria has good taste of food that is being served to the students.

The question that came to have the highest weighted mean of 2.96 and interpreted

as “agree” the food is not bland.

However, the item that got the lowest rank is in line with the capability of
the sweetness of food has the exact amount with a weighted mean of 2.72 and
signifies as “agree”.

The smell system is much more open than the taste system and relies more

on learning (Rozin 2006). There are some innate taste biases: the preference for

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sweet tastes (fruit) or fat, to avoid bitter (toxin s), or and a version to strong tastes

like salt or sour products. Sweet and fat preferences help in finding calorie - rich

food. A study by Deng (2010), concluded that occupation of customers has an

impact on customer satisfaction because those who are earning less or are in low

level job, are satisfied easily such as students, clerks etc. however, those who are

at higher level management position are pickier about the choices of food and

services been given to them.

In promoting healthy food choices, a major challenge is the trade-off

between taste and health. The nutritional content is generally found to be second to

taste in determining consumer food choices. When asking consumers, taste is

typically found to be the most, or amongst the most, important determinants of

food choice (Lennernas et al., 1997; Glanz et al., 1998). Taste, in turn, is enhanced

by ingredients that are over consumed by most consumers – sweeteners, salt and

fat (Drewnowski, 1997). Consumers may even have expectations that unhealthy

food (i.e. food high in fat, sweeteners and salt) tastes better: (Raghunathan et al.

2006) show that consumers’ experienced taste pleasantness of food is higher for

food portrayed as unhealthy, compared to the exact same food when it is not

portrayed as unhealthy.

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This chapter summarizes the study by highlighting the research conducted

on the topic. The conclusions given were drawn from the outcomes of the research

and observations on the level of student satisfaction on cafeteria services as

perceived by senior high school students of Saint James Academy. The

respondents composed of students of senior high school. Moreover,

recommendations were based from the findings and conclusion of the study.


The study was entitled “Level of Student Satisfaction on Cafeteria Services

as Perceived by Senior High School Students of Saint James Academy”. The study

aimed to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, grade level,

strand and allowance. Also, it sought to assess the level of student satisfaction on

cafeteria services as perceived by senior high school students. In addition the

study aimed to know the significant relationship between the profile of the

respondents and the assessment on the level of student satisfaction on cafeteria

services as perceived by senior high school students. Moreover, the study

identified the level of satisfaction on cafeteria services as perceived by senior high

school students of Saint James Academy.

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In addition, the study assessed the level of student satisfaction with regard

to ambiance, cleanliness, nutritional value, taste of food, amount of serving,

variety of food, customer service and price. Also, the problem have been identified

and would like to determine the plan or approaches that may be proposed to

address these common problems come by cafeteria services. Furthermore, the

study used descriptive method because it goes beyond mere gathering and

tabulation of data but also involves the interpretation of the meaning or

significance of what is described that will test hypothesis and answer the question

regarding the current study. Also, the survey questionnaire had been used as the

mean data instrument. The statistical tools used in analysis of data were

percentage, frequency, weighted mean and analysis of variance (ANOVA).


Based on the result of the study, the researchers came up with the following


1. Majority of the senior high school students with regard to sex is in the male

a frequency of 97 or 53.9 percent. This is followed by the female having a

frequency of 83 or 46.1 percent. With regard to grade level most of the

respondents were in the grade 12 with a frequency of 97 or 53.9 percent

while in grade 11 with a frequency of 83 or 46.1 percent. Moreover,

majority of the respondents from Accountancy, Business and Management

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

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Accountancy, Business and Management
having a frequency of 89 or 49.4 percent. Then followed by Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics with frequency of 48 or 26.7

percent then Humanities and Social Sciences having a frequency of 43 or

23.9 percent.Furthermore based on the result of the survey out of 180

respondents the highest frequency came from the allowance are 101-150

with a frequency of 92 or 51.1 percent, followed by the 51-100 having a

frequency of 80 or 44.4 percent. Then the others having a frequency of 6 or

3.3 percent and 0-50 with frequency of 2 or 1.1 percent.

2. Based from the data gathered, On Saint James Academy Senior High

School Students,53.9% from the Grade 12 population and 46% of the total

respondents belong to the Grade 11 population, It indicates that the Grade

12 students are mostly eating in the University Cafeteria. Therefore, Grade

12 senior high school students as a grade level plays a vital part in finding

the level of satisfaction on cafeteria services as perceived by senior high

school students of Saint James Academy.

3. Majority of the respondents are from Accountancy and business

management strand having a frequency of 89 and 49.4 percent Business and

Management having a frequency of 89 or 49.4 percent. Then followed by

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics with frequency of 48

or 26.7 percent then Humanities and Social Sciences having a frequency of

43 or 23.9 percent. Majority of the strand in senior high school are the

Accountancy, Business and Management for having more population than

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the other two strands. Therefore, most of the respondents are from the

Accountancy, Business and Management strand.

4. The researchers found out that senior high school in Saint James Academy

have different level of satisfaction on cafeteria services. Therefore it was

suggested that the cafeteria need to improve their services and continue to

develop a strategies that could help the cafeteria to improve. The strategies

formulated by the researcher’s endeavors to either improve or adapt to

changes in the cafeteria services in the future.


From the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. In terms of the personal variables, majority of the respondents are female.

With the total number of respondents it has difference as to gender, the

result signifies that there are more females who emphasizing learning than

males. Majority of the respondents are from the section of St. Joseph with

27 students followed by St. Paul with 26 students, St. John the Baptist with

25 students and St. Peter with 24 students. This shows that the respondents

of the study was came from different sections. In terms of general average

for the first grading period the respondents received a general average

ranging from 85-89% and occupied a percentage of 50 %. This can be

observed that majority of the students were above average learners and

perform in a higher level of intelligence and skills than average learners.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management
2. Level of satisfaction shows effective control of cafeteria services with

regards to ambiance, cleanliness, taste of value, amount of serving, variety

of food, customer service, price and nutrional value.

3. As a result of assessing the level of satisfaction on cafeteria services as

perceived by senior high school students of Saint James Academy. On the

contrary, the other components namely ambiance, cleanliness, taste of

value, amount of serving, variety of food, customer service, price and

nutritional value.

4. Based on findings, the researchers recommended a strategic management

plan to the school administration to successfully achieve set goals and to

serve a good quality of food service. Consultation from the Guidance and

Counseling Office must be regularly conducted do that assistance from the

said office is always at hand to achieve a well disciplined and more

effective learning. The cafeteria staff should have a good train or

performance in serving foods to maintain a good quality of service that will

give nutritional needs of students that will help them to support their

educational works and achievements.


Based on the findings presented, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Students satisfaction can only be achieved if the services offered are well

systematized and prioritized.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management
2. As to hygiene and sanitation, SJA cafeteria observed hygiene and sanitation

on other areas but with identified shortcomings on other aspects.

3. Students service among SJA cafeteria was adequately observed to meet the

demands of the students though there were identified weaknesses that need

certain degree of consideration and attention.

4. The cafeteria staff should have proper training and experience on handling


5. Wearing proper or appropriate uniform inside the campus that will make

them easily to recognize that they are part of staff of school cafeteria.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Accountancy, Business and Management

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

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