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Economic Concepts

Business Cycles/Economic Cycle/ Trade Cycle and supply of goods and services, reach their lowest
-the rise and fall in production output of goods and 5. Trough
services in an economy. It is the negative saturation point for an economy.
-are generally measured using the rise and fall in the There is extensive depletion of national income and
real gross domestic product (GDP) or the GDP adjusted expenditure.
for inflation. 6. Recovery
In this phase, there is a turnaround from the trough
The business cycle is characterized by expansion and and the economy starts recovering from the
contraction. During expansion, the economy negative growth rate. Demand starts to pick up due
experiences growth, while a contraction is a period of to the lowest prices and, consequently, supply
economic decline. Contractions are also called starts reacting, too. The economy develops a
recessions. positive attitude towards investment and
employment and production starts increasing.
Stages of the Business Cycle

1. Expansion Employment begins to rise and, due to accumulated

In this stage, there is an increase in positive cash balances with the bankers, lending also shows
economic indicators such as employment, income, positive signals. In this phase, depreciated capital is
output, wages, profits, demand, and supply of replaced by producers, leading to new investments
goods and services. Debtors are generally paying in the production process.
their debts on time, the velocity of the money
supply is high, and investment is high. This process Recovery continues until the economy returns to
continues as long as economic conditions are steady growth levels. It completes one full business
favorable for expansion. cycle of boom and contraction. The extreme points
2. Peak are the peak and the trough.
The maximum limit of growth is attained. The FACTORS THAT SHAPE BUSINESS CYCLES
economic indicators do not grow further and are at 1. Volatility of Investment Spending
their highest. Prices are at their peak. This stage 2. Momentum or “follow-the-leader” mentality in
marks the reversal point in the trend of economic consumer spending
growth. Consumers tend to restructure their 3. Technological Innovations
budgets at this point. 4. Variations in Inventories
3. Recession 5. Fluctuations in Government Spending
The demand for goods and services starts declining 6. Politically Generated Business Cycles
rapidly and steadily in this phase. Producers do not 7. Monetary Policies
notice the decrease in demand instantly and go on 8. Fluctuations in Exports and Imports
producing, which creates a situation of excess
supply in the market. Prices tend to fall. All positive
economic indicators such as income, output, wages, 1. Perfect Competition
etc., consequently start to fall.
4. Depression In a perfect competition market structure, there are a
There is a commensurate rise in unemployment. large number of buyers and sellers. All the sellers of the
The growth in the economy continues to decline, market are small sellers in competition with each other.
and as this falls below the steady growth line, the There is no one big seller with any significant influence
stage is called depression. The economy’s growth on the market. All the firms in such a market are price
rate becomes negative. There is further decline takers.
until the prices of factors, as well as the demand
Economic Concepts
Assumptions: Monopolies are extremely undesirable. Here the
consumers loose all their power and market forces
a. The products on the market are homogeneous, become irrelevant.
i.e. they are completely identical
b. All firms only have the motive of profit Elasticity- it is a measure of a variable's sensitivity to a
maximization change in another variable. In business and economics,
c. There is free entry and exit from the market, i.e. elasticity refers the degree to which individuals,
there are no barriers consumers or producers change their demand or the
d. And there is no concept of consumer amount supplied in response to price or income
preference changes. It is predominantly used to assess the change
in consumer demand as a result of a change in a good
2. Monopolistic Competition or service's price.

In monopolistic competition, there are still a large How Elasticity Works

number of buyers as well as sellers. But they all do not When the value of elasticity is greater than 1, it
sell homogeneous products. The products are similar suggests that the demand for the good or service is
but all sellers sell slightly differentiated products. affected by the price. A value that is less than 1 suggests
Now the consumers have the preference of choosing that the demand is insensitive to price.
one product over another. The sellers can also charge a
marginally higher price since they may enjoy some A product is considered to be elastic if the quantity
market power. So the sellers become the price setters demand of the product changes drastically when its
to a certain extent. price increases or decreases. Conversely, a product is
considered to be inelastic if the quantity demand of the
3. Oligopoly product changes very little when its price fluctuates.
%𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑚𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦
In an oligopoly, there are only a few firms in the market. 𝐸𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
%𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
While there is no clarity about the number of firms, 3-5
dominant firms are considered the norm. So in the case Companies with high elasticity ultimately compete with
of an oligopoly, the buyers are far greater than the other businesses on price and are required to have a
sellers. high volume of sales transactions to remain solvent.
The firms in this case either compete with another to Firms that are inelastic, on the other hand, have goods
collaborate together, they use their market influence to and services that are must-haves and enjoy the luxury
set the prices and in turn maximize their profits. So the of setting higher prices.
consumers become the price takers. In an oligopoly,
there are various barriers to entry in the market, and Types of elasticity
new firms find it difficult to establish themselves. 1. Price elasticity of demand (PED)
It measures the responsiveness of quantity
4. Monopoly demanded to a change in price. PED can be
measured over a price range, called arc elasticity, or
In a monopoly type of market structure, there is only
at one point, called point elasticity.
one seller, so a single firm will control the entire
market. It can set any price it wishes since it has all the
2. Price elasticity of supply (PES)
market power. Consumers do not have any alternative
It which measures the responsiveness of quantity
and must pay the price set by the seller. supplied to a change in price.

3. Cross elasticity of demand (XED)

Economic Concepts
It measures responsiveness of the quantity
demanded of one good, good X, to a change in the
price of another good, good Y.

4. Income elasticity of demand (YED)

It measures the responsiveness of quantity
demanded to a change in consumer incomes.

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