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The Contemporary World

Date Posted: September 9, 2019

Situation: You are invited by a newspaper company to write a column for the daily newspaper. Your
teacher will evaluate your column based on your introduction (organization), focus on topic (content).
Support for the topic (content) Conclusion (organization) and grammar and spelling (convention).

The following are the phenomena that you can choose:

1. Disadvantages of Globalization
2. The Impact of Globalization to the World today
3. The Future of the World under Globalization
4. Challenges brought by Globalization
5. Changes brought by Globalization today
Rubric for Grading
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Introduction The introduction is inviting, The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear
(Organization) states the main topic & states the main topic & the main topic or introduction of the main
(x3) position and previews the position and previews the position, but does not topic, position or structure
structure of the paper structure of the paper, adequately previews the of the paper.
but is not particularly structure of the paper nor
inviting to the reader. it is particularly inviting to
the reader.
Focus on the topic There is one clear, well Main idea is clear but the Main idea is somewhat Te main idea is not clear.
Content (x4) focused topic; Main idea supporting information is clear but there is a need There is a seemingly
stands out and is supported general. for more supporting random collection of
by detailed information. information. information.

Support for topic Relevant, telling quality Supporting details and

Content (x4) details give the reader information are relevant, Supporting details and Supporting details and
important information that but one key issues or information are relevant, information are typically
goes beyond the obvious or issue or portion of the but several key issues or unclear or not related to
predictable storyline is unsupported portions of the storyline the topic.
Conclusion The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear
(Organization)(x4) and leaves the reader with recognizable and ties up recognizable but does not conclusion, the paper just
a feeling that they almost all the loose ends. ties up several loose ends.
understand what the writer ends
is “getting off”
Grammar and Writers makes no errors in Writers makes 1-4 errors Writers makes 5-9 errors Writers makes 10-above
Spelling grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling mistakes in grammar or
(Convention)(x2) spelling

1. One paper per three students.
2. Each student will choose a particular topic.
3. They need to make research so that they will have to a data and information to be use in the paper.
4. Groupings will be facilitating by the class chairman and to be submitted to the teacher.
5. Submission will be starting after midterm exam until the last day of final examination.
6. You may start making your draft paper.
7. Your paper will be printed in a short bond paper following the given template. Use the font Calibri number 11.
8. Please include the rubric when you submit the paper.

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