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Name : Hikmatul Maulidia

Student Number : 502171010002

Subject : Writing IV

Lecturer : Samsul Amri, M.Pd

The Process Of Story Telling Technique In Teaching English

Storyteling is a technique or ability to tell stories, events, scenes or dialog. This Storytelling
will present a story in a way, style, Intonation that can attract the reader even storytelling can beused
as a teaching technique in school, According Anita Lie ( 1994 ) “ Storytelling model is a way of
learning with students formulated in the from of stories by way of providing stimuli to stimulate
sommunication with other students so that interactive condition occur betwen students” because this
storytelling can be an entertainer.

When the teaching and learning process takes placo, Interesting English teaching techniques
because students can summarize stories they have heard from provious people or maybe create their
own stories to tell their classmates story telling cal also forstar creative thingking, This also helps
students to express ideas in the initial from of development and English skills because they dere to
appcar in front of the class, not only theability to speak English, but also help students become more
confidens, According to Marrow ( 2005.15 ) “strorytelling can give pleasure and stimulate the
Imagination of children “. Another acquisition Bahrudin ( 2005.15 ) “ Children will be willing to enter
of the characters ( plots ) armed with emotions, Intelligence and Imagination”.

So we can conlude that in teaching can use a many technique, methods of teaching one of
then with storytelling because it will make the classroom atmosphers more relaxed and enjoyed when
the teching and learning process takes place.


Pratiwi R.R.(2016) Penerapan Metode Storytelling untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa
kelas II SDN S4 Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.,
diunduh 3 Desember 2012

Thohari, H.M.(2016).Penerapan Teknik storytelling untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak

pada pembelajaran bahasa Inggris siswa kelas IPA MAN 2 Wates Tahun Ajaran 2016 Yogyakarta.

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