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Subject Topic Practice Paper – 1 Date

Computer Science Complete Syllabus PU – 12 – CS 2017

Max. Marks: 70 Duration: 3hrs 15 mins

1. The question paper has four parts: A, B, C and D. All parts are compulsory.
2. Use of scientific calculators is not allowed.

I. Answer all the questions. Each carries ONE mark. 10 x 1 = 10
1. Define the clock speed of the CPU.
2. Write the standard symbol for NOR gate?
3. What is a binary tree?
4. What is the significance of scope resolution operator ( :: ) ?
5. What is free store?
6. Define an attribute ?
7. Expand CDMA.
8. What are hackers?
9. What is open source software?
10. What do you mean by web hosting?

II. Answer any FIVE questions. Each carries TWO marks. 5 x 2 = 10
11. Construct a truth table for three variables X, Y, Z that will have output 1 when XYZ=100,

XYZ=110, XYZ=111. Write the Boolean expression for logic network in SOP form.

12. Prove algebraically ( X  Y  Z )  ( X  Y  Z )  Y  Z

13. Mention different types of inheritance.

14. Give the features of parameterized constructors.

15. Differentiate between read() and write().

16. Define Primary key and Foreign key.

17. Write the syntax and an example for UPDATE command in SQL.
18. Write a brief note on network security.

III. Answer any FIVE questions. Each carries THREE marks. 5 x 3 = 15
19. Explain cache memory.
20. Explain XOR gate.

Subject Topic Practice Paper – 1 Date
Computer Science Complete Syllabus PU – 12 – CS 2017

21. What is a Stack? Write any two applications of stack.

22. What is new operator in C++? Explain with an example.
23. Explain any three file modes.
24. Differentiate between manual and electronic data processing.
25. Explain the types of E-commerce applications.
26. Give the features of DHTML.

IV. Answer any SEVEN questions. Each carries FIVE marks. 7 x 5 = 35
27. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-map

F ( A, B, C, D)   (1, 2,3, 4,5,7,9,11,12,13,15)

28. Write an algorithm to insert a data element at the rear end of the queue.
29. What are primitive data structures? Explain the operations that we can perform on primitive
data structures.
30. Define the terms with respect to OOPs.
a) Class
b) Base class
c) Abstract class
d) Data abstraction
e) Polymorphism
31. Explain class definition and class declaration with syntax and example.
32. Explain inline function with syntax and example.
33. What is a constructor? What are the rules for writing a constructor function?
34. What is inheritance? List the types of inheritance. Explain any one.
35. Explain three-level RDBMS architecture.
36. Explain SQL constraints with example.
37. Mention the different switching techniques. Explain any one in detail.

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