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Merlyn Ringon Villahermosa, a lawyer by profession, who does not only know the law but also abides by God's law. A
tough woman with a big heart. She is WCA TRAVEL's Chief Operating Officer (C.O.O.).

Engr. Joven-Lei Diaz (Ambassador), an engineer by profession. He quit building bridges and buildings and switched to
building dreams of deserving people around him. He is WCA TRAVEL's Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O).

Atty. Peter Castillo, a lawyer by profession. He is the man behind the scene who keeps the company safe from internal and
external problem regarding legalities and laws. He is the third man behind the success of WCA, our very own legal counsel.
* All airline carriers are available in the travel portal
because the operator is an International Air Transport
Association (IATA) member. There is an e-Wallet in the
portal that can fund
• All airline carriers are available in the travel portal because
the operator is an International Air Transport Association
(IATA) member.
• There is an e-Wallet in the portal that funds airfare, room,
and tour booking payments. This is the agent’s own money
and is deposited to the bank account of WCA, which is
then reflected in the portal. If in case the agent does not
have the funds for the e-wallet to pay for reservations, you
can request the client to pay in advance by depositing in
the WCA bank account.
• The travel portal acts like a regular global distribution
system like Amadeus or Opera used by travel agents.
There are seat/room allocations, options for additional
baggage, breakfast, itineraries, etc. are available.
• With very easy to use interface. Payment is made via local
issued credit card or e-Wallet funded through BDO bank
deposit. Eventually Debit, 7-11, and other payment options
will be added.

2 Types of Packages:


ONE YEAR Access to One-Stop-Shop Travel Portal.
Consume and Sell products available in the system.
Local and International Bookings of Airline Tickets, Hotels, and
Tour Packages.
Enjoy Travel Deals and Promos.

Cannot participate to other Rewards Plan (4-8). Subscription

expires after a year.
Can be upgraded to BCP within 30 days upon entry.
LIFETIME Access to One-Stop-Shop Travel Portal.
Consume and Sell products available in the system.
Local and International Bookings of Airline Tickets, Hotels, and Tour Packages.
Enjoy Travel Deals and Promos.
Plus participate to the Rewards Plan.
* Items 4-8 are not available for Economy
Class Package (Php 9,800)
• As online travel agent, you can dictate the mark up in the travel portal.
However, there is cap on the mark up per product, ie Domestic Airfare
mark up, up to Php 2,000/way/pax. International Airfare mark up, up to
Php 5,000/way/pax/layover. Hotel mark up per room/night. Mark up is
not visible to clients.
• Insurance sold merits the agent 30% of the price less VAT.

- Earn referral bonus of P2,500.00 for every client buying the ECONOMY

SAMPLE COMPUTATION: With P2500.00 RB x 10 clients = P25,000.00 income

• All new affiliates start at Level 1. Once the level
is full, the affiliate at Level 4 cycles out of the
Premier Board and earns Php 30k.
• You only need 2 affiliates to qualify.
* Once Level 4 cycles out, the board will be
split into 2 with the Level 3 affiliates each
becoming level 4 of their own boards.
* If you already recruited 2 affiliates, you have the chance
to jump over other levels assuming they only have 1 or no
affiliate yet. Thus, effort is needed to move levels and
ensures that no affiliate moves up without the help of the
team. You only cycle once in the Premier Board.
* Once the board is filled up, Level 4
cycles out and earns Php 450k, again with
2 affiliates under you to qualify.
*The board splits into 2 again, and is filled up
depending on the number of affiliates each
member has. If you already have 2, then you
can jump over levels and other affiliates.
* This results in another 2 new boards, with
an empty Level 1 to start the cycle again.
* The Level 4 affiliate that cycled out and earned the 450k
will simply start at Level 1 and start recruiting 2 affiliates
again. Once you have entered the Executive Board, you
can earn the 450k continuously in the cycle.

From the moment you cycled out the Premier Board, you are now
entitled to receive Residual Income based on your monthly group
sales relative to your Rank Position.
- A high ticket bonus awarded to Ambassadors to equally match their
continuous efforts and commitment as representative prime movers of WCA
Travel globally.


- Achieving the highest rank will ensure ROYAL AMBASSADORS of a profit
share in the Company’s Global revenues.


- These are Leadership and performance-based incentives given to chosen
WCA Travel Leaders.

Earnings, income, or success in this business is achieved based on efforts and

commitment, that includes willingness to go through trainings as well as deep
motivation to help people.

Thus, we do not guarantee earnings by merely joining the business. This is a

product and mission-driven business and not an investment or a get-rich-
quick scheme.

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