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 It formalizes the company view of brand equity into a document.

 It provides relevant guidelines to marketing managers and key marketing partners.
 It should be updated on an annual basis to provide decision makers with a current brand
This document should:
1) Define the firm's view of the brand equity concept and explain why it is important.
2) Describe the scope of key brands in terms of associated products and the manner by which
they have been branded and marketed (as revealed by historical company records as well as
the most recent brand inventory).
3) Specify what the actual and desired equity is for a brand at all relevant levels of the brand
4) Explain how brand equity is measured in terms of the tracking study and the resulting brand
equity report.
5) Suggest how brand equity should be managed in terms of some general strategic guidelines
(e.g., stressing clarity, relevance, distinctiveness, and consistency in marketing programs over
6) Outline how marketing programs should be devised in terms of some specific tactical
guidelines (e.g., ad evaluation criteria, brand name choice criteria, etc.).
7) Specify the proper treatment of the brand in terms of trademark usage, packaging, and
communications. Although parts of the brand equity charter may not change from year to year,
it should nevertheless be updated on an annual basis to provide a current brand profile and
identify new opportunities and potential risks for the brand to decision-makers.
To build a better brand charter, beginning with values
A brand’s values are key for it to become its best self. For Zarokha, brand values provide the
critical foundation to support all other strategic elements of a solid brand charter. The makeup
of a brand charter, illustrate how it can be used to help guide brand decisions, and ultimately
build equity for the brand.
A “brand charter” is what we call the version of a brand pyramid, house, diamond, or wheel.
The use of word “charter”, because it reflects the importance of this strategic document as a
contract between a brand, its stakeholders, and even its audience.
First, a little more about brand values. Define them as the foundational code by which a brand
or an organization lives. Values drive an organization’s culture, priorities, and provide a
framework in which decisions are made, influencing all aspects from product development,
innovation, partner relationships and ultimately all consumer or customer communication.
They act as benchmarks to measure behaviours and performance.
To build a better brand charter, develop a brand personality that is true to the values
In addition to thoughtful brand values, well-defined “brand personality” attributes are an
important strategic element of a robust brand charter.
Brand Personality is the assignment of human characteristics to a brand as a way to achieve
differentiation and connectability. While values are usually things, ideas, etc., personality
attributes are descriptive. These traits are important to inform the development of the brand’s
experiential equities, such as: brand & product usage experience, how the brand behaves and
speaks (tone of voice), and especially a brand’s identity.

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