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The advice contained within this report is for educational purposes only and is not
intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician before engaging in any of the
suggestions found in these pages. The author and publisher of this report are not
responsible in any manner whatsoever for the use, misuse or dis-use of the information
presented here.


Introduction.................................................................. 4
Here’s what you can expect once you get started .................................. 5

Chapter 1: Penis Extending ......................................... 6

Okay, but how do extenders work? .......................................................... 7

Chapter 2: Traction Wrapping..................................... 9

Here’s why traction wrapping is important ............................................. 9

Here’s how to traction wrap ...................................................................... 9

Chapter 3: Bed Fowfers ............................................. 11

Here’s how to do it .................................................................................... 11

Lazy Man’s Guide Conclusion .................................... 12

Now let’s recap .......................................................................................... 12


When I first got into penis enlargement, my objective was to achieve growth, without
spending hours and hours doing manual stretching exercises.

After researching the subject on and off for close to a year, I started testing several
different enlargement methods that fit this passive growth (hands free) objective.

And testing several different things I finally settled on the routine I’m about to describe
to you.

As you read this info, keep in mind…

This enlargement method is passive, but you do need to put in the passive time to make
it work.

In other words, this plan will give you what you’re looking for, but you’ll have to put in the
hours to make it happen. And I promise you, if you put in the time, you will experience
growth, in girth, length and total mass.

The vascularity (visible veins and blood flow responsible for strong erections) of your
penis will increase substantially as well. The reason this system is so effective is because
it keeps your penis in an extended state for many, many hours every day.

In other words, your penis is extended while extending (obviously), but also while
repairing itself from the micro tears that occur while actively stretching your penis in the

And the math here is simple…. more extension = more growth.

Here’s what you can expect once you get started

Your flaccid hang will grow first, which should be noticeable in the first week or two, but
permanent gains in length and girth will take longer. In my case, I didn’t experience
measurable gains until week 6, although I did see a nice boost in erection quality right

One last point before we move onto the routines…

The erection quality I just mentioned is something you want to monitor closely once you
get started, as a reduction in erectile strength is a signal to back off a bit.


Because reduced EQ is a sign that you’re working your penis too hard. This is less likely
to happen with this method than with others, but it may happen if you spend too much
time in the extender. If this happens, back off the extender a bit, and simply spend more
time using the traction wrap and you should be good to go.

Now let's get started on method number one…

Chapter 1: Penis Extending

Penis extending is the only scientifically proven penis enlargement technique.

Sure, you’ve heard different in a few emails you got the last time you turned off your
spam filter, but none of those could cite specific pieces of research.

Check this out…

In 2002, a study at San Paolo Hospital (University of Turin in Italy) looked at the impact
of wearing a penis extender on men with a “small penis.”

Each participant in the study wore a penis extender for an average of 6 ½ hours each
day. After four months, the men’s penises were longer by an average of .7 inches.

A study begun in Moscow in 2005 used a combination of penis extenders and hormone
therapy to treat 50 men with micropenises.

Micropenis is a condition where the maximum length of the flaccid member is 4 cm.
That’s less than 2 inches. If anybody needed a longer penis, it was these guys.

After a year of treatment, the men in the study saw significant gains. Flaccid, their penises
had grown by an average of 3.5 cm. Erect, the gain was an average of 4 cm.

I could go on all day with different clinical proofs of how effective penis extenders are,
but I’ll end with this 2008 study from the Urology Research Center at the University of
Medical Sciences in Tehran.

The team had 23 subjects complaining of “short penis” wear a penis extender for 4-6
hours per day for 2 weeks, then 9 hours each day for another 2 ½ months.

After just one month, the subjects saw an average length increase of 1.3 cm. After three
months, the size increase was 1.5 cm.

And best of all, these gains were tracked, measured and proven by science.

Okay, but how do extenders work?

Penis extenders can be a little bit intimidating when you look at them, but the way they
work makes intuitive sense.

Basically, you put the extender around your flaccid member, then cinch it around the
head and the base of your shaft.

It should fit snugly but not tightly.

Once it’s in place, you extend the device and your penis using the spring-loaded rods,
which stretches out your penis and holds it in this stretched position.

This consistent tension breaks down the cells in the tissues of your penis. Once broken
down, the cells duplicate and split, increasing the length, girth and mass of your member.

Think of it like when you break down muscles at the gym. The broken-down muscles heal
back thicker and larger, resulting in actual growth of the muscle.

It’s just like that with a penis extender, only your gains are in length and girth, not in
muscle size.

Not only that, but unlike muscles, penile growth is permanent, once you’ve cemented
your gains.

I tested three different penis extenders to get the right one for me, and eventually settled
on this one.

The reason why is because I found it much more comfortable than the two cheaper
models I’d tested out before.

This is important, so I’ll say it twice: comfort is Vital with these devices.

You know how a good pair of shoes is just a thousand times better than a cheap, shitty
pair of shoes? This is like that, only with your junk.

You’re going to spend a LOT of time strapped into this contraption. So, make sure you
get one that feels good to put on and wear.

Important Warning

Before I move on to the next method for extending your penis, I need to tell you one last
thing about penis extenders.

Never sleep with this thing on. Take it off frequently throughout the day to stimulate
blood flow. If you don’t, you risk doing serious damage to your penis.

A large, broken penis is worse than a smaller, working penis, so make sure you remove
the device every once in a while, to stimulate blood flow before putting it back on.

Read more about Penis Extending Here

Chapter 2: Traction Wrapping
After your extending session, you’re going to move
straight into a traction wrap to keep your penis in an
extended state while it heals and recovers.

This will help cement your gains.

I’ve found the easiest way to wrap is to use the two-

inch Ace Bandage with velcro closures. The kind you
can pick up at Walgreens for under ten bucks.

Here’s why traction wrapping is important

 When you take your member out of your

extender, it’s going to be stretched out and longer
than usual.
 Because the penis is elastic, left alone your penis
is going to retract, “turtling” back to its usual length.
 This turtling effect reduces the effectiveness of your penis extender session.

When you traction wrap, you wrap your penis in a supportive bandage immediately
after taking it out of the penis extender.

This keeps it in an elongated state long after your extending session is complete.

Here’s how to traction wrap

Step One: Have your bandage with you when you take off your penis extender at the
end of your session.

Step Two: Grip your penis at the glans, holding it between your thumb and forefinger.

Step Three: Place the end of the elastic bandage just below the glans.

Step Four: Unroll the bandage, wrapping your penis in a firm spiral from glans toward
the base.

Step Five: Secure the end with the velcro strap

If you’ve ever compression wrapped an ankle or knee for sports, this process will look
pretty familiar.

Your objective should be to remain traction wrapped as often as possible when you’re
not actively extending.

The longer you stay in this artificially elongated state, the sooner your elongated state
will be the natural state of your penis.

One nice thing about traction wrapping is the whole thing fits inside your jeans nicely.
You can wrap while you’re out in the world without anybody noticing.

Another Important Warning

Just like with the penis extender, never, ever, ever wear a traction wrap to sleep. If you
leave your penis all wrapped up like this without attention, you can permanently damage

Chapter 3: Bed Fowfers
Remember all those warnings about not sleeping while using the previous methods?
Listen to them. Do not mess around with that.

Besides, bed fowfers will safely keep your penis extended at night so you can get the
elongation benefits while sleeping without any of the risks.

Keeping your unit extended while you sleep is important because your body does most
of its healing and recovery during REM sleep.

If it heals while extended, your penis will become extended more naturally. If it heals
while retracted, its natural state will remain in the turtled, shrunken position.

Here’s how to do it

Step One: Lay down on your side in bed. If possible, use the position you sleep in. If you
shift in your sleep you’ll lose the hold and its benefits.

Step Two: Reach around behind your butt and between your legs. Take hold of the head
of your penis.

Step Three: Stretch your penis toward your backside as far as you can go without pain.

Step Four: Clamp your legs together to hold your penis in place.

Step Five: When your junk is secure between your legs, let go of your penis.

To get a visual of this, if you were standing in front of a mirror your penis and testicles
would be mostly invisible. You’d look like a woman from the front.

It can be easy to overcomplicate this, so don’t overthink it. Just pull your junk between
your legs until it stretches, then clamp your legs together to keep it there.

You won’t stay that way all night long at first, but if you focus and practice you’ll get longer
sessions and more benefits as the habit builds.

Lazy Man’s Guide Conclusion
Here’s what we've learned so far:

 Penis extension is absolutely possible. This has been proven in multiple studies.
 You need to work your penis extension for as many hours as you possibly can.
 You can speed of the growth process by keeping your penis in an extended state.

Building on this last point, the studies done on penis extenders did not use Bed Fowfers
or Traction Wrapping. But the subjects still saw impressive increases in length and girth.

This means that you can achieve impressive gains with a Penis Extender alone, if you’re
committed to the process.

That said, you can drastically cut down on the time it takes to see this growth if you use
the fowfers and traction wrapping, in addition to the extender.

Now let’s recap

First - Buy an extender. Buy the best one you can afford, and buy it for comfort. This is
my favorite.

Spend as much time as you can strapped into this rig. If you have to skip a day or two,
that’s not a huge deal. But do dedicate hours per day to passive extension.

Be sure to take it off and massage your penis to stimulate blood flow at least once every
hour or so.

Second - Traction wrap your unit the instant you end your extension session each day.
Stay wrapped basically for as much time as you can when you’re not sleeping or

While wrapped, unwrap at least once every hour or so and massage your penis to
stimulate blood flow.

Third - Do bed fowfers each night as you go to sleep. This “kinder, gentler” extension
doesn’t cut off circulation so you can do it all night long.

Fowfing keeps that extension train rolling so you’re basically stretching your member
most of the day, every day.

With these three natural, passive techniques working for you nearly 24/7, you should
see gains within a month and more substantial gains between 3 and 6 months.

Good Luck!

Learn More About Penis Extending Here


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