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Term Assignment for Fundamentals of Management-BBA

Instructions for Students: Your team of “consultants” is required to write a business report of at least 4000 words
on the following topic: “Management Practices” in a company of your choice. Longer reports are acceptable; shorter
reports will result in a poor grade.

Objective: The objective of this business report is to examine and document in some detail how the theory taught in
the course is being applied in practice in a real-life business organization.

Procedure: Choose any reasonably sized company/institution (except educational institutions) operating in Pakistan
making any product or service, profit or non-profit, national or multinational, public or privately owned. Choose a
company employing at least 100 employees. The target organization must have proper and formalized operating
policies and practices.

You are required to conduct an in-depth managerial analysis of the selected organization. Suggested issues and
questions to be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:

Company Description: A short description about the company, its businesses, the markets in which it operates, the
products it offers, its business partners, its geographic location, its branches, its owners, its industry, its competitors

1. Planning
 Vision
 Mission
 Goals ( strategic goals vs. financial goals)
 Plans – strategic vs. operational, long term vs. short term, directional vs. specific, single use vs. standing
2. Organizing
 Define the hierarchy from top to bottom in the form of structure – organogram
 Indicate number of employees and departments
 Which of the five forms of departmentalization they have implemented in the company?
 Discuss about the organizational structure – use the six elements to define the structure in the organization
 What type of organizational structure they are following in order to meet organizational goals – mechanistic
vs. organic?
 How the structure has been aligned with the external environment? Is it really being responsive to the
changing needs of the external market? Justify your answer according to the current situation

3. Leading
 What is the role of the leader(s) in order to retain motivated employees to achieve organizational goals?
 What motivational practices are applied within the organization in order to keep the employees energetic and
dedicated at all times?
 What kinds of incentives/ bonus/ benefits they are giving to their employees on yearly/semiannual basis.
 Diversity – male/female ratio; cultures, religions and ethnicities they belong to?
 What kind of leadership style they are using – democratic, autocratic, laissez faire, etc.

4. Controlling
 What controlling processes are in place to ensure that goals are achieved consistently?
 How employees’ progress is monitored?
 What types of controls are in place – including financial and information controls?
 What benchmarking practices are being implemented?
 Other controlling procedures or mechanisms, if any?
For this report, please form teams of 4-5 students. Larger teams are strictly NOT ALLOWED. Smaller teams may
be allowed only if some students are left out/withdraw from the course. Such teams must obtain prior approval from
the faculty/Course Instructor; otherwise their report will earn an ‘F’ grade.

Team members are required to prepare a list of questions and obtain prior appointment with a responsible person(s)
(preferably manager/senior manager/director level) in the target company in order to arrange an interview or
interviews. You will most likely have to meet more than one person in the target company in order to collect data.
Important instruction: please mention the name(s) of the person(s) interviewed and/or append their visiting cards, on
the top sheet of your report. Visiting card is preferred, but not mandatory. Name(s) and contact details of the person(s)
interviewed must be provided on the top sheet otherwise the report will NOT be graded. These person(s) may be
contacted for verification of your visit!

Use only the personal interviewing technique for gathering data; avoid using other tools such as survey questionnaires
incorporating a Likert scale, observation studies of the employees at work, etc.

Your report should contain information collected from one company only. The report should consist entirely of data
collected by your team and must be couched in your own words. Keep secondary data about the target company to a
minimum such as company’s history, vision, mission, organogram, main products/services offered, main
departments/divisions, main competitors, business strategies, etc. Secondary data should not exceed 20 percent of
the entire report. No handouts provided by the company should be included as appendices. Caveat: Plagiarism in
any manner, shape or form will result in an ‘F’ grade!

Report Presentation Format: The final report should be in printed form, double spaced, on A-4 sized paper, Ariel
or Times New Roman, font size 12. Pages should be properly numbered. ‘Table of Contents’ must be included in the
beginning. Copy of list of questions asked in the interview(s) must be included as an appendix. Check your report
for grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors. Do NOT include a Letter of
Acknowledgement/Appreciation or a Letter of Transmittal. Please don’t waste your money on fancy plastic covers;
stapled sheets are all that are required.

Please remember that you are expected to write a business report, NOT a research thesis. For tips on writing a
business report please consult:
Submission Deadline: The deadline for submitting the report in “hard” and “soft” copy format is the last teaching
session of the semester. The marks will be posted before the commencement of the final examination. Late reports
will NOT be accepted under any circumstances.

Presentations: Team presentations on term reports will be held during the last teaching session(s). Only one or two
member(s) of the team will present on behalf of the whole team. Any member of the team may be called upon at
random to present! All team members will be awarded the same grade.

If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact the faculty/Course Instructor in or outside the class.

Grading Criteria: Your report will be graded on the following criteria: comprehensive investigation of the topic(s),
originality of information, clear and logical presentation of ideas, worded in simple English (no jargon or company-
specific terminology, please), use of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization. Students are advised
to use active voice throughout.
Marking Rubric for Fundamentals of Management assignment

A Grade 88 % - B+ Grade 81 % - B Grade 74 % - C+ Grade 67 % - C Grade 60%- F Grade Fail

Key Components Weightage
100 % 87 % 81 % 74 % 66% <60%
Understanding of The student has The student has The student has The student has The student has The student has 30
course content that demonstrated an demonstrated an demonstrated a demonstrated a fair demonstrated a demonstrated
is used as the basis exceptional excellent good conceptual conceptual poor conceptual absolutely no
for writing the conceptual conceptual understanding of understanding of understanding of conceptual
assignment. understanding of understanding of basic concepts of basic concepts of basic concepts of understanding of
basic concepts of basic concepts of management and management and management and basic concepts of
management and management and how they are how they are how they are management and
how they are how they are actually being actually being actually being how they are being
actually being actually being applied in a real- applied in a real- applied in a real- applied in a real-
applied in a real- applied in a real- life business life business life business life business
life business life business organization. organization. organization. organization.
organization. organization.
Quality of The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects 20
investigation of that the student has that the student has that the student has that the student has that the student has that the student has
HR issues in the made an made a highly made a moderately made a below made a poor made absolutely no
target organization. exceptionally comprehensive comprehensive average investigation of the attempt to
comprehensive investigation of the investigation of the investigation of the management issues investigate the
investigation of the management issues management issues management issues in the target management issues
management issues in the target in the target in the target organization. in the target
in the target organization. organization. organization. organization.
The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects The report reflects 20
Originality of
that the student has that the student has that the student has that the student has that the student has a very high degree
presented entirely presented original presented original presented a presented largely of plagiarism and
original information in the information in the mixture of original plagiarized is therefore
information in the report for the most report to some and plagiarized information in the unacceptable.
report. There is part. There is a extent. There is a information in the report. There is
absolutely no tolerable degree of barely acceptable report. There is a very little original
attempt to plagiarism. degree of slight information.
plagiarize. plagiarism. preponderance of
Organization of the The report is The report is The report is very The report is The report is partly The report is dis- 10
report. exceptionally well extremely well well organized. moderately well organized and organized for the
organized. The organized. The The information is organized. The partly most part and is
information is information is presented in a clear information is disorganized. therefore
presented in a very presented in a very and logical presented in a Some information unacceptable.
clear and logical clear and logical manner. reasonably clear is not presented Information is all
manner. manner. and logical clearly and jumbled up and
manner. coherently. incoherent.
Communication Highly developed Well-developed Good The report is The report is The report is 10
and presentation communication communication communication presented with a presented with a largely lacking in
style and presentation and presentation and presentation basic structure and barely acceptable structure. The
skills. skills. skills. presentation. The structure and communication
communication presentation. The skills are
skills are adequate. communication extremely poor to
skills are poor. the point of being
Writing mechanics The quality of The quality of The quality of The quality of The quality of The language is 10
language is language is language is good. language is fair. language is poor. atrocious! The
exceptional. The excellent. The The rules of The rules of The rules of rules of grammar,
rules of grammar, rules of grammar, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, spelling,
spelling, spelling, punctuation and punctuation and punctuation and punctuation and
punctuation and punctuation and capitalization have capitalization have capitalization have capitalization have
capitalization have capitalization have been followed been followed to been largely been blatantly
been religiously been followed very reasonably well. some extent. There ignored. There are ignored. The
followed. well. are quite a few a very large number of errors is
errors. number of errors. uncountable!

Total 100
Marking Rubric for Class Presentation

A Grade B Grade C Grade F Grade

Key Components Weightage
(4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (0 marks)
Content of The student has The student has The student has The student has 20
Presentation demonstrated an demonstrated good demonstrated an completely failed
excellent command of the average command to demonstrate
command of the subject matter. The of the subject command of the
subject matter. The presentation is matter. The subject matter. The
presentation is quite interesting presentation is presentation is
very interesting and illuminative. partly interesting anything but
and illuminative. and somewhat interesting!
Organization of The student has The student has The student moves The organization is 20
Presentation presented presented from one point to extremely poor.
information in a information in a another without The points are all
very coherent and reasonably explaining jumbled up and
logical manner. coherent and connecting links presented without
logical manner. between the points. any logical
The student has The student has The student has The student has 10
presented the presented the presented the presented the
points with great points with points with a points with a high
vigor and moderate mixture of degree of
enthusiasm enthusiasm. The enthusiasm and negativism. The
throughout. The audience was quite negativism. The audience was
audience was engaged. audience was bored stiff and
enthralled! bored at times. disgusted!
Elocution The student has The student has The student’s The student’s 10
presented with a presented with a voice is not clear at voice is not at all
clear voice audible reasonably clear times. It is clear. It is audible
to everyone in the voice audible to inaudible to back only to front
room. His/her almost everyone in benchers. He/she benchers. His/her
pronunciation is the room. His/her mispronounced pronunciation is
excellent. pronunciation is several words. appalling!
Stress The student is The student is The student is The student is a 10
Management relaxed, poised, quite relaxed, quite tense at times nervous wreck!
and very confident. poised, and and shows lack of
There is absolutely reasonably confidence now
no sign of stage confident. There and then. There are
fright. are few signs of noticeable signs of
stage fright. stage fright.
Eye Contact and The student The student The student is The student is 10
Facial Expressions maintains excellent maintains good eye lacking in eye completely lacking
eye contact with contact with most contact with some in eye contact with
all audience audience members. audience members. the audience.
members. He/she There is some There is too much His/her entire
shows highly reading of notes attention towards attention is
animated facial and/or slides. notes and/or slides. towards notes
expressions His/her facial His/her facial and/or slides;
expressions need expressions need a shows a blank
improvement. lot of expression.
Body Language The student makes The student makes The student’s body There is no 10
excellent use of good use of language needs a movement of
gestures and gestures and lot of hands. Posture
posture that posture. Body improvement. shows lack of
enhance language is Gestures and confidence.
articulation. occasionally posture are
inappropriate or noticeably lacking
poor. or inappropriate.
Use of Visual Aids Excellent use of Good use of visual Use of visual aids Very little or no 10
visual aids. aids. There are a needs use of visual aids.
There are no few misspellings improvement. The number of
misspellings or or other errors. There are a large errors is
other errors. number of uncountable.
misspellings or
other errors.

Total = 100

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