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Black od ta fate) Seriez Kd Protect Your PC Defend Your PC Against Viruses, Hackers & Malicious Software STOP Viruses & Malware! Oe arty Family Online! py RT ICTS SN Nita Security Le Molce Child safety (eneea at yiite) Ee Mza Discover more of our complete manuals on Readly today... The Complete Ubuntu iain Manual if 1 The Complete Linux Magual ‘N ‘The Complete Wir v ey.) Man ai ne Complete Python Pi ee otoshop Elements Manual Manual al The Complete The Complete iPhone} iPadOS iOS 13 Manual Manual ¢ Black L Protect Your PC 4 by Viruses, malware, ransomware, phishing, smishing, vishing, social engineering...the list of digital threats with peculiar names expands daily and hardlya moment goes by without some form of attack appearingin the news. Weliveininterestingtimes, where data isworth more than oilor gold and your personal information is greatly sought after by cybercriminals, scammers and hackers, How prepared are you for this new age of digital vandalism and theft? Is your Windows 10 computer secure against the continual onslaught of the modern online world? We'll help you secure your computer, network and devices against such threats and with easy to follow tutorials, help arm you against potential threats and attacks. For parents and guardians, we also cover looking out for your children when online, together with guides on how best to protect them and advice from industry experts. You'llsoon be security sawy and prepared for whatever digital threat loomson the horizon, [Dleteimpuns [eo pubticaions [if wnubdmpublcationscom ontents Protect Your PC 8 )Modern Day Security Gyennca 10. Types of Security Rsk 0 How Does Information Move Around the Internet? 32, Hackers and You 72 How Can Internet Data be intercepted? 14 Social Engineering T4 10 TTips to Protect Yourself Against Interception 46 Ransomware: How it Works 6 Howto Secure Your Devices 38. The Virus Top Ten 78 How to Secure Yourself on Facebook 20. Phishing, Vshing and Smishing 80 How to Secure Yourself on Twitter 22. Pharming 182 How to Secure Yourself on WhatsApp 24 Windows 10 Security ‘84 What to Avoid when Creating a Password 26 Digital Security FAQ 86. Password Generators and Tools 88. Top Ten Password Managers PED coal 90 Shopping Online and Security 92. How to Remove a Virus or Malware from a Windows PC 30. Be Smart 32 Top Ten Antivirus and Security Packages 34 Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Review 36 Kaspersky Total Security 2018 Review Windows 10 Privacy Settings 38 McAfee Total Protection Review 98 How to Check which Apps are Sending Information 40° Setting Up Windows 10 Security 100 What sa firewall? 42. Why Updatingis important 102 Improving the Windows 10 Firewall 44 Whatto Keep Updated and How 104 Creating a Security Plan 46 Howto Secure Your Web Browser 106 Windows Security Checklist 48 How to Secure Your Home Network 4108 What isa Sandbox? 50. What are Wireless Security Standards? 140 Running Windows 10 as a Sandbox 52. How to Secure Your Wireless Network 112 Installing VitualBox 54 What s Encryption? 114 Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox 3 Encrypting Your Windows 20 Laptop 116 Creating VirtualBox Snapshots of Windows 10 58 Top Ten Encryption Tools for Windows 10 118 Create aWindows 10 Recovery Drive 60. What isa VPN? 120 How to Back Up Windows 10 62. How Can aVPN Improve Windows Security? 122 How to Create a Windows 0 System Image 64 Top Ten VPNs 124 Extreme Windows 10 Lockdown Tips 65. Using a VPN for Added Security and Privacy 126 Cyber and Windows Quiz 128 What the Experts Say EID crc: secon 130) Online Child Prot Teal 4132 Children Online: What are the Risks? 134 Social Media & Children 136 Search Engine Safety 138 Online Grooming 1140 How Safe are the Sites Your Child Can Access? 142 Email and Child Safety 1144 Top Child Friendly Email Programs and Services 146 Cyberbullying 148 How to Prevent and Deal with Cyberbullying 150 Helping Your Child Through the Internet 152 Your Child and Online Gaming, sit Safe? 1154 Staying Safe when Gaming Online - Advice for Your Child 1156 Monitoring What's Going On 158 Monitoring Online Activity for Non-Technical Guardians 160 Tips for Technical Guardians to Monitor a Child's Online Activity 1162 Ten Monitoring Tools to Install and Use 164 Using the Windows Hosts File to Block Sites Pontieere ite Cositnednocc umes 4168 Staying Safe with Facebook for Teens 170 Staying Safe with Twitter for Teens 1172 Staying Safe with Instagram for Teens 1174 Staying Safe with WhatsApp for Teens 4176 Staying Safe with Snapchat for Teens 178 Creating a Child Account in Windows 10 180 Windows 10 Family Features 4182 Problems with In-app Spending 1184 Tips on How to Stop In-app Overspending 186 Online Child Safety at School 188 Where to Find Help with Online Child Safety 190 What the Experts Say 192 Glossary of Terms neg nan 53) Digital Security In Numbers) NTory TWP we de ce Fe E ui 7 £ \ ia i me r ; Over the next year coe ‘6 i Spr Media Users ¢ - CHANCE | 20; you could be CR) ! Haven't changed Have never changed é theirpasswordinthe | theirpassword. | fe tas oat ony fe ok ae Digital Security In Numbers cl Amember of Devices hacked in RANSOMWARE | SST! the publicis LE HAN: . ATTACKS on HACKED every: BUSINESS every: | NEW VIRUS — EVERY DAY ~ REPORTED INSTANCES OF FRAUD =, through cybercrinie against UK banks last year MESSENGER TY & {04in Problem, Wor username or passvey | ica SECURI Modern Day Security Recetas ee TS RL We cee ake AE oe RU ee OP cle) td (erate enemas at Internet and whilst most of it may be irrelevant, what's important to you Pee RU eee oe Repu e agitate Mee urate ake NoMa Ree gS uote serge ert mayhem, panic, theft and other such negative elements. Therefore, as Pees Mur cet turin temacers ima ttaleg increasing digital world of threats, viruses and everything else the Ds kc This chapter will help you to recognise some of the threats, what they all mean and how they work. We can help you to identify and know what to Persea eeu tat OM sees 20 Phishing, Vishing and Smishing recent Seen Fn er Prac by olKel seb aN Aa LG There are more security risks for your computer than just the common, run-of-the-mill virus. a [ | Putieaecte areca satel ti ii ead Sey eur Me cu econ ects cco E j Pee cen 1 eal See et eee ores Hie coslacieeateni terete tienen ee — ro BT) E- uy eee te Se unereee a oe tea eee nee ene ee ee fsecmainecode tatalons shaceremet aces Seer ec arte eter ones a Dee oe ae ese eee eee terete PS Viruses Reena ears ES a: Peele eens ed Seer ere ern Coen ee Eee ‘and quick spread throughoutthe NHS and ther eet ee oot eo! Worms SCs i ees ‘Spyware invades computers wall through reeware Cee aeons See Tt ae Pe ene ays downloada program rom arepuabe source. Peri yesh eter re eee ueeeens Sen ere ete es ee a r Aco) Nee) Cer rea ae eee rs Sees eee et ene ee ee td Lt Darrel (a=4 ee es inainemrenramnerenies Peroni seers tiers peprewsanieiteoein wn Prerrepsuneriene eee eiia aveyurcmputerhackedyareighbow, real: at Seer Ua eye en tae eee te) ee cerry Peer ones Me ere Eee nee ees Cee eas Ta 4 eee Ge Pee ees ete ee ee a pee cere Rootkits eee) oe tena ary or es eee eine ered etal tohideinpansghtandnotbedeected bythe syemssecury measures nd You ice y Ceo LRU em oe CUeAD Dire ere Mae ee cele rN ie RUE ae ecm CoD Ree oe eR See mau oe ees ee Vo area Gre a em ROLE EMaceetead Cees a successful hack ett ota Soe Co Tay been hacked! oe Riss) hasrifled through ete belongings and Beet ess a a 2S. BB) Modern Day Security Social Engineering With the rise of wider forms of communication, through social media and so on, comes a new wave of threats called social engineering. There are many forms of social engineering, so let's have a look at what you're up against, and how tocombatit ocal engineating is the new modern way of ‘manipulating people to pve up thr personal and confident information, it comes in many guises nd under client sub-heacngs, such as Phishing and hee butts essentially al afoem oscil nginesting Essentially, the scammer il tke your haa nature and against you forthe own ai, You may thinkyou‘re Thelndtinomaionthescanmerisaterdesan depending | _notthe sor of person on he ype lam cg sed ut rhe mos pat eye tobe fooled bya cust ae yourpessnots tankandcedtcaddealsoregh | scam butoften the domadonh ove agananysat offal daa ‘acces to your computer Whe in they un a script that ‘splays a esth of useless normation onthe screen whist scammershave inthe bacigound fey rn keylogpng andhacng sRwore | employed subtle te cbainyourenine banking deals. They can even ask yo. tologinte your bank connected tomakesure everyting © Slow down, ate of pene. Take a memento igure ‘0 whats rg on and doi alo ry hgh ‘ways and means in which to baityou. swotkng foro, Cther common socal enginesng tacts inde emais from 2 frend, who has been hacked, with the scamme masquerading 9s them. It could be an email aiming to be ftom your bank an urgetrequestor help or someone esking for a donation to a chattable egansaten, Be wary, and Don’t engage Never give your password Ransomware How it Works WwW jern Day Securit Ala Virus ) ite) oMiSs 1ks to moreingenious recs Tene ec eu ned PMR ska Digital peel 99 ices destructive vin Cereere Cereus Astorm Worm 3 Daprosy Worm A 4 Stuxnet A: @shamoon @ 7 CryptoLocker 10 Tiny Banker A 8 | >» Modern Day Security ) ting to think we've made up the words Vishingand Smishing butin actual facttheyire Whilst weve It’s tem Phishing, all forms of social engineering sca covered social engineering already, its worth looking these three modem day threats individually cial engineering the act of getinginformation oma person based onthe humaninsinct toreact helpor be entrapped int some orm alse promise, isn’tas made as the name ‘suggests Although the ter social engineering’ isin actrelatively nen, the process of obtaining sensitive information froma victim hasbeen ‘round fora very ong time, Social engineering. fraud comesin ‘many guises, with oddly sounding namesand ‘methods. In th 66 Gone Phishing lend, the scammers are after your data, but what do these ree in particular Thedigta age of cous increased theattacis anno redevered Nolongerisa iti beguledby post, now theyre bombarded yf sand ating foe clever aguced mediums tsbreakownthethreemain, oder methods ofhow ascarmér later obtain {nd sertive formation: Phishing, \shingand misting 4 wi & 4 Phishing, Phishing ithe stereo obtain information oma potential ttraughemai messaging ‘ample claimingtohavesome ‘money avalabeforyou orice Includes indhiduas been you,0r pretendingto be someone youmay know thenaskingfor Information Sir apshin atackeancomein theform fa Facebookseemingy endl tet sch ar nam the top vet about youraand tag ten fend “The uniting ct i apy revel her cat oft here they ‘verbo, pet Inwrestingy there are also thee «ferent phishing ype: Spear, searphichi iscesigned tospectcly target indivi gateringinformation re whereby the scammer Clove pishingis an atacktypethat uses a previously deere, eptimate mail coraning an atachment at with thedetalschangedand the tachment swapped foraviusor logget Tthe victim the ema looterel since its laned rom area emaiand when the atachmentis openeditinects the pute hang hen a phishing ata large seniorexcuthesct company or ahigh- protein orbusiness The tackisafnly croeemal rob ares tats rested to lookbusines he and containing infomation ompary rina. Vishng’s voice phishing using a telehanecal tocommitsome formofsocial engineering tack Thevieim vil Weeerlained previously eceve aca legimatesoundingcallcerte wth the peso onthetine claiming tobe froma wel-unown computer lated company. Usualythecallerillbe ledtobelevethatthere'saiuson theiccomputerothat sore fom cofsecutyvlnerabty hasbeen detected. The vil thenbe pido a watt here thecaller theiccamputer Once on thevitinis compute thecallerlthen un ascripethat wil play ream cf data onthe screen dsigecto cenfieandbaethevict nthe meantime, hee secretly runing eylogperin the background, da ued the socalled sue butaskyeu tologintoyour bark to double-check als we Wiha eyloggerin place, they canthen ee yourusemame and passuerd on theisceen afer which the a snd st from yur accoun iterate an automated cal can sokyout enteryour creditcard umber int the phone's eypad, asisbeen pared as bengused ‘dsewhere OFcouseithas' but as Soon asyouencer the deaistheye recordeandyourcardcanbeused bythescammers ( Phishing Vishingand Smishing @ Vishing and Smishing i oth Vishing Smishing Smishingis an SS or of phishing Inthese cases youreceivea tet Fem asemingy legitimate sure, usual yeurbaricorcrediteard company butalointheform ofa carestiton winner or somethingtee asking ‘en alinkforyoutofoliw. tien estokes 2d cod you Some smishing stacks wil skye anaction auch 2eadelveryo ame goods The tum message is designed to cos: withthe money go Cone way ranethe each ofthese scams are designed te baithe iim, nee the ishing element, ‘shomephoneof he wording ‘The best defences toignore, delete ‘orang upon anything tharseven soesnthncwifyau havea vis and won tema youtor your ‘etalsarddon tbe tempted lin anyFacebook games with personal information nshor, be ‘Sawy aboutaingtechniques and remainvigant. an ~ Bw) Modern Day Security ) ‘Whilst on the subject of homophones, another recently added word to the longlistofsecurtythreatsisPharming Pharming falls within the online fraud layer ofsecurity and althoughin realty Peat ee acd its been around for as long as web Soon center pages have, the methods of deception ‘and with the rise of connected are continually evolving, F devices that offer Intemet st ath ao website and redirecting the victims toi popubtonte tepargsore once we Harvesting Toown high see bans The ci, unvore Time that the web site i fae, a5 the front end apes the real thing. even down othe smal print atthe bottomaf the pag, wl login with thei ets, 99 [Aer the user has logged in several options are ‘alable to the ‘pharmer, They can collect the weemarne and ogi details and simply leave the vit with 2 blank web page; tis is wsualy a rrethee used by an amateur pharmer or those who want a quick username and password gab before disappearing into the darkened comers ofthe Interne. there they can recect the \ctta the rel te where thaynesdto enter their login det pan. The later is more cerning method of paring, asthe vet rarely questions ‘ay the bank hs ashe forthe log crecenals twice; they fen pt this down toa mistaken entry contig. Either way, the phamer now has 2 considerable it ova usernames and passwords forthe bank oF online shop they fake, which they can then salvia the Dirk Web or use themseives How do they the pharmer, et avay with ing able toda th? Interestingly, there ae several ways in wich someonecanfake alegtimate website ic ogee Sees ane 34 tae X http:// DNS x http:// Hosts — Se ' hangenal heer EEE tougher rental oe ete pute pounngeelThsesfers inte PME conpacrTretenstes ene Sofaw can web prepared pharm Aymara ete i Bed you'e vsitingisthe eal one. Double pa antivirus abate rae beast ee youtowsinghasthecorect pling nd thatthe Someone wanting alte you Hostile. f possible, elements ofthestearecorecty postioned andthe you can makeabackupofyourHossfileand 2% you havea goed vse uptodate Adecer AVllstop any tempts by logocfthesteyouteatisthe most ent occasionally restore tif you wantto . engl an hove overthe ink an chackthat the tnsatd variono adress matches the real eb te utyouretempredto, _theactualaddes ofthe ste HTTPSisthe secre P,thus prosicing authentication fh Modern Day Security ) Windows 10 Security Microsoft is often accused of developing insecure and ‘broken’ operating, systems. However, what the Redmond company delivers isan easy to use system that’s as secure as it can be without compromising its use. It. a dificult balance to maintain and security can sufferin the longrun, Security leaks, holes and flaws in development code appear all the time, for every operating system, Windows 10 has the bad luck of 66 Windows 10 Security Improvements 99 thetop of the security flaw pile. However, hereare ten lyasecure Your device is being protected. Virtualisation-based Security ecu, anisolated, restricted subsystem for securing the (0 core data, Nothing unsigned by Mcrosotisallonedto be Ince Secure Booting Secure Booting ules the new UEP (Unfed Exense Fawr nea), th replacement forthe ober and more ‘wineable BOS, aang with Windows Tasted Bot cde Inet aed ELAM ty Lach et Malware copies, toprotcthecomputeressoon you poner itp, ee Windows Hello Windows Helo may seem tke a glamorous fate ther than a secu feature butts eay ite an pressive Iayerof protection, Helo supports passwords biometric authentication methods, sich asia nd fingerprint, together with 9 PIN code 0 hep protect sees 0 Windows10. Microsoft Passport Wiagows 10 uses the Meroso Pasipot sig sin on _—__slton at sippors te open ROO ance sce ‘suthentation standard (wwaridoallanceor) and ss cryptogaphicheyrt secure access toner sndecal resources Trusted Platform _ Module your computes has 2 TPM chip (Tred (C7 Pratorm Medui), windows 10 can utise {he ara cryptographic ey teen {otk Passpor an Wind Hel 0 auttenteste te ser ard oper ‘stem wth oe, ear and eet resources ws 10 Security Credential Guard Widows 10 Credenta Guard protects the use thentcation keys within the VOS he authentication rice apt nto ada stacks, stopping elope 2d athe wens om gang Jeurlognarals Device Guard Windows 10 has odie Deve Guard 2 ighy secure ould be tool tat determines which prog sei allowed to run on the computer ulises the VE protect the core system fies and with lst of what allowed ‘nc nt allowed to runitcan prevent most malicious content from beng executed on yours Rolling Upgrade Windows 10% unique method of vores now ensures that he atest versons to software, tok and apptcatons 2 continually upgraded on the compute The new roling, pyde proces as een idl red many asthe ‘0 optout fer upgrades aaiabie. On the fp ce, youre shaysuprodae Windows Defender Security Centre Windows Defender Securty Cente sian Improve over previous versions ofthe sofware he new FallcrentrsEdtlonvesien fess ensomware and threat protection device eth, wal pceton, ope andbroweerconel and family option all under te nero Protection Features ‘mong the aforementioned sacurtyeleents, Windows 10 offers User Account Conte, Kerberos demouring, Smarzceen, TPA ey tettion, Adranced —Aucting Setings, Mandatory Integrity Contos, Vitual Smartcard, EMET enabled protection and many more Impressive protection features. w ay n Day Security ell learning ity risks Whilst its all about the di every time you boot up ter,often questions can nanswered, you you Digital Sate rity Understanding Security asiand ty a) nantivirus | inatadous yes. ions program? pseutiebtin Windows PRT | idener ea ttelptect D9 Bevcric terirtanarile my germ. fe rescantucke tte seeuntyrequred on canny eee No, somry. Even legitimate website mawareare cara onlyon dodgy ssneatmsiatane sites, if Remember too, a computer virus 99 J osraitcrina ~-——— 6 y banking safe? | coninialyerchingsecuity 99 ‘encryption methodologies. There's ee ee a 66 y rachael Panesar eee arecxties es 99 Jie crecnantion ee Wy gre Scie Sresyerace Rete —_—_: 66 ¥ vexthres rathing stoning Keplieepe altos heat ee ee See oe (ES | et ea an ice ae —_threlne? | ined Heres besto spy tethemyoulnow bey stire cet wi Digital Security FAQ cH Nostofthesecuntychangesyou Doeshaving extra | "Hoot dont cot anything i Justyoubengmoreawareand security cost? knowledgeable about whats GF | wrreonintemsotanorins product, most ofthe beter tral my gmt Sect sites costyo a enualsubscrption, oo Sow oer toll Weeeeaaert eee! eed to update \nisieocie nopeaion pee Baeratcets et ES ose toreertssons 99 bestindoadaiycheekforany updates for both Windows ond ary programs you regulary use, oo a How dolknowif iow tentnan not itso 5500 something being sovervetsen2tlsiysobe> offered is a Scam? —seanaisaretomoraoxrer mm Teteatetinesthougaten 99 J seninecos arma tebe s foreach smiths posble before conmtngtoarting ——— 66 Y I think ve just eu need oui mkesome ‘been: Sane changes: change your Windows passed rformyoutbink that you Hycuthinkyouve been scared, BF details may be compromised, email facies cas ese my gg rcsiessineyan tae ns 6 Pe opened a scam t.<0's goo chanceyounay emailattachment, hase avnssonyourcomputer what do!donow? —coseaiopen prams, open gam Windows Deere and dol Seanatthesjtem farthing isc Defender you hated. Then considera thir party Aue ard scan the computer again. Protecting Yourself (INDEX Protecting Yourself Peer hsee ere ae Loua arta serials) know how to protect yourself against possible attacks. We look at the Peano eee Acne eee Pe EMail nde) ciation avs ene Mitra oon ae ier unr oe Poe eA rs Ma ONC Sah oe and how to install and use one on your PC. Ee cuus Ee ee Er oar Cera) Pern cts ae See Rew Eran ace ny Preece Ee Peace rer Emer ances ieee 36 Kaspersky Total Security Eee Ere arse Ere so C0 SSOP iret WEST (7M DEN ld pM SE A eee sepa cet A as SOs A oe LM On CMC RCo CATR Oe ren) em eee BB Protecting Yourself) Be Smart We've looked at some of the many varied ways in which you can be compromised by a digital attacker and some of the ways in which you can help protect yourself. However, it’s often more beneficial to be able to recognise the signs of a digital security issue. Weakest Links Intermscf gal security, youre only asstrongas the wealestlinkin your security chan. Youcan tical the security bowes but fyou danthnaw what to lookorin theirs place you'estll vulnerable of abreachin secutyisthesudden chang password. canbe or arandom site webmail rj soreth ith, Smetinesahacker tha leyoggein place ltt CAND "2 s'esorstavccienloyanoie pensve tems tocheckthe vai of2n identi then your account could accessingyour bnkyinhich caseyoureedtovrusscanyourPCimmedatey, &couttbeforempryngievault ait were Contact yourbarkinmediately [SLOW PC us istesicien slaving dno the crea yer. weve, fyou nein ar eng eet peranalnatvrehenjcuneedtlookatwberethatinrmationcouldbe _apetatngsystes,Windowsin particule dwn ove tine but youpaMer ceingiom. Thedetaiscouldbeyurfliame, date of bith ‘upyourcomovteroneday anit noticeably slover than usual etildenareven a een cident cu may have been invoked ith recemmend yourun avis sa cent Mal trash Eres fy rr Parra 101010 NAME ADRES. 01001010010101101001.. ri (Be smart Credit Card Statement BB Protecting Yoursel Top Ten Antivirus and Security Packages Whilst the built-in Windows Defender isa great antivirus and security too}, it’s nowhere near as capable as one of the many third-party security suites, The likes of Bitdefender, McAfee and Symantec have years of security specialism behind their products. Better Protection tir party secur suit offers much more than virus canning, With one ofthese, you're covered against mos nota digtal threats ereareten security suites worth considering you're sercus about your gta protection, Norton Secunty remiumisthe top choiefer theme ser rm Sante. Wthityau can pote p ttn PCs, phones rtabes an tilleep yousale when shoppingarline, gene sufingor conducting tansactons ee Tota Protection fe removaoryou getyourmeoney ‘ersons avalabeAntvius Pls, Total Protactonand Lives each has ts oun garuar ws bul fle exalt secu features andbenelt percent guarantee of vis ED lutions available rom Webroot, srethree main \ebratintemet Scunty Completes the one forhome sider ith you're protect omit ay threat a el secure online chudsorage Wer 'BROG Ou o) yay TOTAL a Lona i Comp Top Ten Antivirus and Security Packages cl Kaspersky’ Total Secuity2018isone ofthe best ESET Internat Cyber Secunty sa comprehensive protection products vaableonthemarke ls eatalu for package lr every ers toes one banking proton, oney anders superb protection lr your PCandther devices. You get sles formaicousatemtstocontrolyaut webcam ard afine ued balance parental corils secure password storage encryption andidentiyproteion, between sect and pricy allinasingesecunty ute DEED 22 eo roeisonoce cur cre pedis ret Secy en Prete as we or tahasts neyo anianach rs Avast Tia) ni Sing cE ead «a RTTEEEED Trecticcobsumumsecurtyoffestistate jsoftintemet Security is an award winning security protection for upto ve diferent igwith sutethatotfes plenty of gest eaturesanc elements its eended proteconforchicen,ntemetpassacrds nd acy on aca quick, easy tous costefectve and does aneselentjob at protecting yeu medasies i's great valuefr meney ard pafoms excel, ‘dour devices rom moder securty test. ensisort EMSISOFT 2 DS st —B) Protecting Yourself) Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Review Bitdefender is regarded as one of the best antivirus and security companies in the world. Its products. have won numerous awards and have been proved time and time again to be efficient and effective whilst offering cutting edge technology. The Ultimate Protection ‘Ther'salotto offer rom tdefender’s Total Security 2018 t's one oftheleading secur suites available and iit as possibly the best total protection pachagesinthe word. Let se whatithasto off. Tota Security 2018s tdeender fapship product and ofr comprehensive secuity packages fr Windows, macOS and Android users all under a single ‘web pra. Pricing dos ater slighty depending on that special deals maybe ‘nalable but expect o pay somewhere in the region of £5993 fora sgl yar leaner uptofve devices ‘what do you get for your mene? Wil, defender has upped the ante wth regzrsteitspotecton suite; nt ane tact a company with a lang afareadyprovidingtheleaingsecurtysuitonthe markt, Total Securty 2018 is quik 35a instal anc easy to understand, with he unboxing installation and acompleesystem scan aking no mere tha halfan hou ost ofthe problems with modern secury sues i the heavy intlace that cares withthe pacage. A modem suite must exclude a weath of element to ‘make i even lightly competitive in an aad setrated and quite agressive ‘matketpiace. This in tn creates an inerface tat often to clutered, and a litle overheming forthe newcomer defender though has managedto bing together a clean and sles setup, wth the most prominent features avaiable withjusta cick ora couple ofchcks ofthe mouse Natural you can dig much leper into the cetings electing predtined proflesand meres, or tweaking thecore to ther ighten the security, ‘wthautcompromsngthe aval defences ortightenngeveythng UuptoanalmeetNSt levelofsecurtyclerace, res paced flo teresting and ust exes, some of whieh you never thought you'd appreciate unt yeu actually had them to hand. For example, the winery scanner wil hunt down any misig Windows updates, sues wth F security and even weak passwords. Integration with your browses excllent to, ofring clearly dined een ticks nesta searchreltsthetafeclased ae sae tov. inchaing integration with Facebook. You can alo set up. for les that you wantto mark se uta private a from ay pyngeves. You can command everyting from the Bitdefender Contra Activity Dashboard, which espa the curent subscrition along with the tas of your Bitdefender istaled devces, plus alent, reports and soon. ia simple interlse that hogps the stuf you want to ee prominent, whilst genty iting the Geeper information that only the ‘more aonced user maybe interest in viewing, Ofcourse, should anything Uuntowrd happen to ay af the Btcetender installed devices then you receive the appropriate waring teresting, shuld yeu activate the parental fetures ETD 9:00:10 5015 0000 Bitdefender Total Secury 2018isone ofthe best/and protection products avaiable tay” onanyotthed sted sts andseca thedashboard lint youofyourchielsonineacvity, dia behaviour Ransomnare handled by an ivdependent module that reques acthtion butonceenabed automaticaly protects len your Documents fle, th the optonto include other foldersto. Ary attempt to et one these protected files eaitsna message appearing which you noe to conf the action. Ths males increasingly cfu for rancamnare ta tart enexypting and messing round wih yourvalued data (n top ofl the super features though, the excelent scaring engine. The Befender scan is quick ard does’ slow your compute down while being ache nthe bacgyound or whileconducinga ilsstem scan. Inchod,fyoueinthemaritfora complete nd fly estuedsecury ste, then Bkfender Total ecurty 218th oe you should mast deftly corse. defender Total Security 2018 Revie ‘Oneofitsmany splendid feturesisa The scam vinerabi that informs you offi ‘Once installed BB Protecting Yourself) Kaspersky Total Security 2018 Review Kaspersky was one of the first security companies to offer the end user a cross platform AV protection suite, some years ago now. Since then the company has improved its products hugely and now produces one of the leading security suites available. Next Generation Protection ‘There are alotof features oike about Kaspershy Total Secu 2018 al of which help younet ony be protctd ram whatever outhere but also help you manage yoursystem better Kasper Total Security 208 isthe mega reduc ofthe companys AV and protection utes er home uss fs eseraby peed at rund £2999 er one deve onda yar subscription, rsingtoa maximum of £109 fr five devices anda two sbseripton, Obviously pies can change depending on what eas ae curren avalateo check the Kasper webs forthe atest guide che the Blender entry, Kaper has gone ‘an easy tose and simple to understand nterace Whit, agin he Blender, Youre ale ta delve deeperint the ner workings, the serge user enna bewildered by page upon page of techical jargon cans and submenus ts hardy t that eventing stars om te Kaper aloe poral, where yu can dowioad your purchased sofware, alongside rales fr otber modules, that eventually allude the smecotacentreumbrala at engs to pride Thefortend categsesthatarevaloblevia theconvokcentrace can, Database ‘Update, Sale Money, Password Manager, rhacy Protection, Backup and Restore, Protection for al devices ad Parental Convo Mos speak or themes and eat se explanatory ower, components sich as Safe Money are Privacy Protection deserve alte moe expaning, Safe Money uses Kasper unique protection engine, whereby your nine vansactions ae sey behind the product’ secur web, Tis Featuetaescarecfprtecingsoushopgngasivellasonlnebankng, soit animpresive weapon nt akeody ample Kaper aren Pracycoersarareetieretfeares Trscompenert protects you when suring guarding your ene iderty ard inom, ‘wile ao actively Hocking malious websites and preventing “fospesky Tota Security any for of racking or mentor, also includes an element ‘Dotdbone ofthe eodng that locke any atom to access your computers webcam, aaa hichiscersin hand fst wilaapreventary ater erie tees tones yourstored data hist youbroneethe tee Needless ta sey the features alable are certs impresshe Beyond thee we've mentioned abo, there are alo cons to improw browse secu, protection for ary coud aces, a vlnebityseaner and a tuted application mode tht vill ny allow witested programs tobe ected. You can cate 3 Raspes Rescue Disk, which youcan boot fom shouldsonethngever peng. alwhng you to=canandclean yourcomputer without tneding tates Wincor The et gnesonand covers about eventhingyou wold ‘ant fom anallencampassing secur site Intermso speed of operation, and the prance hiton the stem, Kaper Total Secu 2018s bouton pa th tat of Bender. Ado tas vectog sr oe fetstcompleingailystem scan aceender ie but onl/aminutecrsoout, The prfrmance Pitan the sm sng, in fot youl be hat pressed notice any negative impact oncethe sobre sinsaledandcontrualy caning ‘ne last component worh mentonings the Parental Cont fue With this Raspes of method of heping cicen safe whist they wse the devices, ‘ou can ceate usage sched, GP safe zones and receive rotations shoud anything suspicious atempt to access your childs device when they using i. jon there are lo les toston chien acoessng adit sites cr sitesthat redstubingcortent, spo Tta Secu 2018 animpresve rod ad one thatthe home ser cancer fe canfiderabout quick eto use regulary updated and ticks althe right bos om the point sew ofa use pent and semaone who vnts tomate sxethey'eas secure as posible onthe mene ene. (_ kaspersky Total Security 2018 Review cl cas a eet 6) == (ER) rte rein oad =a . ae a a Sas Patents ae ep eerene ee peer ae cues a ta Fees 6 interfaces uncluttered 6 oOo @ ae rere —B) Protecting Yourself ) McAfee Total Protection Review The name McAfee has been synonymous with antivirus and security since the late ‘80s andis considered as the granddaddy of the computer security world. Its latest complete protection package, Total Protection, has a lot to offer the end user, as you'll soon see. McAfee For Consumers cafes now apart of ntl Securtyand as suchits backedby the latest generation of hardware level security 2swelasitsavard winningsoftware scanningengne. The name MeAice has seen some interesting press over the lst decade, not {ust fr te secury stare fl but ao with regaes to news repr on he ‘company fund, John Molise, The funder clu ese ae, MMe Total Protections singularly imresse ste ef tools The cost isi higher than the prevous enti, orcad a £7298 er 9 one yer Suro, Howe, conehighihted tures the Vis Protection ld, hereby ou get youroney brckshould ce not be ableorernowea vrsthat ready on you computer irswothmentoningatthesnualssbscrtionsudesinsallston onanunbmted umber of dees which carainly woth cnsdtg if yte one of the many ream hele tht uns counties eet conactec cei compte ‘renthirginbeten isan ecelentchoceferthehomeusa, thou dou Installation ard the ntl ul stem scan wee slower than that of Brdelnder ‘ancl Kaspar but ony by abou ve mints. yale constantly in ah you ‘may want to consider the ae suites; ower, most uses lle satisfied th theresul rom Mee. ast ges youtime to make acupof tea whist youre wat the scant frsh Just as vith the other products wee coke at, the inetace is imple to Uundestand and navigate, wth thecore andmostusd,uncionswthnessy reacholthe mause pier the mote advanced apis are neat tucked nay ortho ho arate rmexekroniedgable about such things Inshor, works wal aed hee the wath of aalable option 3 by unt the wserrequss then Neds oy the seins are Cees allowing the advanced user a higher dee of conto ce the way the sate of tools wos within the sytem its instal on, alc’ thee ter appreachto stom protecton is worthy of renin oo. Fist, the caning technology does a thrcugh, fnetoothed com inspection of the es on the tem, Hexic ara then takes ov, mentoring behaviour of fle functions and evn cade iepection to check fr possble unknown viuses based onthe way they work. Last, anting that even remotely suspicious autzmatially uploaded tothe ese Glob Theat teligarce Lab for ana, Should the code rave w bea nev frm ofr, then he tam hind he impressive seurng lb wl ceate ax and push Raut to theater to hundied ralon pus NeAfoe users ts note ging 3 compute sits but task wth cee ou cane assure that yourmisotuneishepingethes The Password Management sures an intresting addtonto the McAfee suite of took inet ites Tue Key Secu component, tichathoug not pears veces one top ofthe esau of password management programs, does beast 2 multifactor _uthertication process nado, you canst individual True Key password fr allmember ofyour fami yptafve uses. Arvongthemuttudeoeturesyoucanfind le Lackan intrsingacdon This animpressveeneypsion mechanism atiocksyourflesbeirdanimpenexabe, rita gade encryption wal tsnotactated by cau hichisundestandable as encryption does ila wih ta higher evel of sr knowles, and nat somettngthe average user wll immedatsy consider adopsing when sett up ther comptr secu, Perfrmancewse, weve akeady mentinedthat Makes somewhat owerthan Ihatofdelener orkaspesybutas with the other enesyou wortrotieany prcthabl dowdown nthe computers option vith tinal Mee Total Protection does an excelent abot eeping you Fle and personal infomation safe when online ard wih is added fates i certainly worth loking 3a peaterdepth BON ai TOTAL ea IE | | | | = | I = ss See eee ad tise oimproveyour security when ol McNeessimpe to use, updoteand ‘monitor Pus the akied bonus of unlniteddvice installation san luring factor” “The scomning isnt os quickes the othergroducts we Velooked cotbutitScertainlyasefective” #4 tome © rn Exch Files a —B) Protecting Yourself) Setting Up Windows 10 Security Before we dig deeper into the many levels of Windows 10 security features, it’s worth taking a moment to check that the intial security features are in indeed up and running, and doing what they're supposed to. Are You Secure? Remarkably, desitehaving an antivirus entitled some usersarenteven aware ofthe default Windows 0 secu features Here's aquickten step processto check everything sworkingasitshould, BREED sib cicsngertnewindowsstar Buton orpessngtte Windows yan yourkeboord Ente secu et the search bor and ick the fst pon hat ppeasin the ests, ecunty ata Maintenance Fiters settings YF Check security status @)_ Change security settings ‘on the Secu section to expat ial the optonswthin the Scant ‘ton shuld be dplayingOn, wth heexcesion of nene Secunty Stings hich wildly OK Should anyoftheoptonsdepty No, then youl ned ta check thesetingrelaingtothat pacar lature. For example your User Aacount Conta UAC) sett Off clk the change Setings rkunderthe UAC option. The other Features can be ound via sec Fen the Windows Stan But {Uc wil wamyouof ay atempttoacressasjstem cial lef anymahre wants tare then you ached you ant to TEP 4 proceed: obvcusly youdont, oyu can say no and investigate theisue Thee ‘arousing fo chaz fom bu the second step dav om theo Close down he Security nd Maintenance window then click the Window Start Button and sarh fr Dende Click suiting Windows Oefender Security Centeoptin, & 0 ® riers Search suggestions PD defender -see web results Hyoute natusing thie party security and Aste hen you eect ke sue that Winds Defence isaac and working There are numerous options aval nthenew ack restr ion Windowsupdate of Defender Eachcanbe selected witha mouseclckand viewed separately '* Your device is being protected. Clckthe Virus & Theat Protection option. Thisill open anew window alloningyouto perform Quicker Ful Scanotthe ‘stom that deals the number oftratsfound and thenumber cf fles scanned, 0 Vins atest protection 6 Setting Up Windows 10 Security cH Ifyou cick the Vius& Theat Protection Setings option you can further opto improve the system protection. Make sure thatall he sob options ae set tn and sro owt define the programs delaulotiicatons = ius & treat protection stings Returning the main rus & Threat Protection page, youcen cliche eld icon rom herp ta the leo ceenthen ‘lckon the vanced Scan in cat under the Quck Scan button thin ate options torun Ful Sjtemscan a Custom scan (fa netweklocation or ‘rape or an Ofna cn, Advanced scans ae ‘oe ee . Oyounsencresn ere ener Sipe pan ioutenctumng sce ey ‘rote maeseathe ete on Pt Fels ston ths preci spon foment son . (0 Frewall & network protection 18 inte ee nt ae Protecting Yourself _) Why Updating is Important Continual updates, rebooting after an update has been installed, then the inevitable second reboot, straight after the first to apply the update: it’s little wonder people stray from the regular update checks. Whilst it can be pain though, keeping things up to date is a top priority Update, reboot, update, reboot Updates may wal beth banecfthe modem computer use butthey are therefor reason isnot the ea anymore wend those updatestohp poet our scat Here are ensonswiy they enor ice sinbybedenpes roars ence | ED ender nd itsother secu Your device is being protected. Why Updating is Important cH ‘Toctpardthelastreason theWindows Frowallsone ofthe fst ayes ofsecurtyon yoursstem With accessta your computer for another sources mnitored and exe bockd, topping potent treats before they even ithe vius ‘efencelayer Updates mae sure thatthe Frevals upto scratch thejob, i Firewall & network protection IesnetjuttheWindowscarflesthat equee regular updates, you use Mires Ofiee that canbe patofthe overall Windows 10 update scale There ae ‘uherbtesn OFceto, which when exploited can allow malicious code in the sjstam, Tick the Give me updates brother Mcescf products borin Windows Updates Advanced Options. © Advanced options oso pat inte Dseeynmnemmey nits eta swells Ofc, Mires provides baselvel Ctevestormostotheharcare alable ony, ‘Thesedvers are sgned andere sal, oanynew peceof hardware installed wilwoand ill beste accoraing tthe driver preection engine Boe ¢9imolam sexe 'Non-genuine copies ef Windowshave been athominereset sidesince ilgal fe sharingon the nteret gained popularity. Theseday theact of dmrioading something illegals rampant. Windows 10updates ensure that you're using genuine copy ofthe OS, which il ultimately secure you PC against heats Irom pated copies, TS ence) genuine Microsoft® software crest has big plansfertheutreof Windows 19 iSoten mertined tha this wil bethelastfullesion ofthe OSasthey ll be running Windows asa service ‘sc oppoeed odiferentvesions vertine. This means illbe constant update octet addingorerovngof features Updates ensure youreruning thelates versions gM Windows 10 LL ERS sauter See Ueiztesrotontypatch anyvulertily, they can akofreeup syste resources by improving te cose andtreamliningthe avalable resources a shor, four ‘omptrisperfomingtete, hen can easly hance background is and thet scans tout affecting whatyoute doing Protecting Yourself _) What to Keep Updated and How Discussing updatesis one thing but how do you go about making sure that you have the latest updates and that al the necessary components are being updated correctly? Thanks to the improved update process of Windows 10, thisis surprisingly easy. Keeping Up To Date ‘Witt 35 toupdate wedows 1, there are lamnts thatcanbe missed. Weve aeady mentioned thats ton Wndowsthat needs updatingbut alosofareand cre eevhats already been update clckngthe Updatehistay inkunder fem. hist ia grand idea, there ar conc ove pate bt facorsof te community. ls your dice bt we preter ths option sf lcs BB Open NVIDIA Control Panel Check for updates Update notifications > _nw0ia contro Panel FI the tciaGeForetpeence allows yout improving sophics and checkfor teats ces, Usual thsi done aber, Hone, you want —B) Protecting Yourself) How to Secure Your Web Browser ‘The web browser is possibly the weakest link in the entire security chain. It’s the software product that's on the front line, the one that will inevitably bear the brunt of any Internet attacks and as such, attackers focus a lot of effort on making the browser a portal into your system. Safer Surfing Seung webbrowser sto dieu. Thee are plenty fopons aval nein some thieparty ae onsyoucanse improve seu Fr tisutorot weeusng Crome With the anced Syne Setings bax oper, selec the pon for Eneryptalsynead data wthyourovnsin passphrase Ener a yaseyoucanremembern the bows Tspewalyrconmerdestioespreccwcrengs MBBS cst aucr tesargs poe once ie Googe ihscan eaty npr be one Shon hones Te rescore are ikon the Aone Se Seng baton tet a eos ‘enettige_[ Gee borg ct Guop one may we web ice mney bong epee eum te vcs ase eos zona aon dtc poe ety crt Cagle yd ae tc ad mh oo Gos vectog sr oe Content Settings allows greater degree of contol over Cookies, naScipt Fash, Pop-ups, your computers microphoneand ceventhevebcam Itsanertersiveist so we can nt altheoptions win ‘slime space. For maximumsecury, sable JavaScript and Fash and -makesurethemicand webcam are protected too, Clckthe Done button when you fished with Content ‘Sets to return youtothehrome Settings page. Within Prac stl ensure th st option, Sera "Do Not Track request sted. This vill top any tacingeleents om monitorgyourbrowsrgactites. i Gouge Chron may ee web ever morveyourbreweng eperece Yum eres eaatt Leese top rcv nngiton no 1, ee pectonsence they compete sence on ped inte ae hice en ela pain ly Aone pert pei sect odes Gage Pot andy om angst ea et aca pring rae (D Aomacy sn ge sis an cash poste Soe 1 Senda -Do ot aa mgt thou being ate _ustunderthe prevoussteptck box tS also recommended to unc he to Passwords ara Formsowes that oferta enable ‘Aufl and Save your Passwords whist i'sapainto constant enter passwoads,tswilsopanyhjackChrome aac rom galing your wserames and passnords iad Paensorde and forme fri Ait outa mina sige cick Mage tg Of team your wes panna Mange more How to Secure Your Web Browser cH LUnderthe Downloads section san ides to ckthe box sk ‘where ta sve each le before dounleadng Again this can bea bitef pain forthe user however stops malicious background dowrioads from inlectingyour sytem, ging you more contol and the ability to stop the procs. Downloade tenon) At whre tose fe oe domain Tothelet ofthe Chrome Stings pageyoucan seins for tensions Setingsand About; ickthe tren ink Wehthe "tensions page pen scl down othe bottom and clckthe Get More ‘etensionslink With the Chome Web torelaunched va theEstensions ink, Search or Adbock Plus. Wien the results cckon the Ald to Chremebtton an fist opton for Ablock Pus This wins an adverts blocer within Come, ecrngyou Fem any thea rom internet advertsing Do tesameforBlur(ananttackingadd-on and HTTPSEverywhere WHAT IS AEM Lae Ae ee a providing you various content: Le eC Cee ee oa Unlimited satisfaction one low price Cheap constant access to piping hot media Protect your downloadings from Big brother Safer, than torrent-trackers 18 years of seamless operation and our users' satisfaction RET tro Team AAs ol Tesi cy AvaxHome - Your End Place We have everything for all of your needs. Just open —B) Protecting Yoursel How to Secure Your Home Network We've mentioned previously that an attack doesn’t always come from the other side of the globe but can indeed be alittle too close to home at times. Home network hacking is possible with the simplest of tools available on the Internet, often even just tapping into a cable. Network Protection Without being too paranoid ts remarkbly easy to et into aneighbourshome network. you vein ablockof fats or youuse powerine adapters yournay reed to consider thesetenstpsfor better network protection, Themosteommonentryconttogsinaccess — SNSNEEREED :<2nbea psinbutty dsabing DHCP on yeurouter tour nets vthe route Therouter adopting frst addresses vey deve that, from yurl$P may welbeolsingthelotestfomsoferenptonbutitécesit connects taaDHCProuter wl econean IP addess By eiminatngthatyougetto taleageniustotrawlte essreputablesectonsofthenemectoobtanalstof spec theadessrange avalabe i's natfeo|proofbutits wath considering ge de dealt usemame and password to acest ere inet ry Nestrutsthesedyscomewithafomot athencaton ale IAC eda ees Cod) desiring Every netwertable device computes, tablets gamesconsce, ee omevith aunque WAC adres The tenga yeutoentrthe WAL AccordngtoTstnaves2013 Global Securty Report, ‘eee oly des, soon they cn be usedon our Canyon manyhome networkhacks areconduted when the Se househelisanayor seep. Thileaves the hack wth ample oppetunityto| steal tard and view es younayhaveon ative. Te short. sive solution stopover ofthe router at nit andifyougn out forthe dy or Se * ID 9:00:19 5015 0000 rc (How to Secure Your Home Network Powotine adapter atean exert ‘Saringresourcesandfies from one computerto resourelerconnecingvires anotherisperfectivinebut consider shangless you networkdevcs. without alinglenghsofcablearoundthehome Hever, __Iveincloseproximityto others. Once ahackerhas ined access your Depending onthesizeofthe dive, and how much data there is oni, heenenypenprocesscout take sometime. When its amet youre ntied and the selected drive wl tel encrypted, ith you bangin acces nd decrypt tusingthe password you set upinthepreous sep, (oscnperiisere —B) Protecting Yourself Top Ten Encryption Tools for Windows 10 There's no shortage of programs that can encryptfiles, folders and entire drives for Windows 10, Whilst some are very good indeed, others tend to fall by the wayside by not offering as good asolution. Encryption Galore Hare re tn fren encryption tolsfryou to consider tat work wl ith Windows 1, and some previous vss to, omeare ie thers costbut thopreall godin th omit lable only fa users of Windows 10 Pro, Windows 8 Frimariya compression program, 7Zipcan also encryptycur data Proard ere and Vindons TEs ond ‘the sES 256 stnda silt se, compte andcomesin ether 32-bitor bit versions depending on which type yourcore Wrdonssjtemis Utimate veers. yeireruning he Home esos, youl eed touperade wa ‘he Mcoso ste, or rom the Windows Soe n shor, SLocler aes llesk enoyptonvith 128-bt0 255 AES tandac, pr Tiss fe dk encryption progam that’s based onthe Another excell re progam, Actes 256-8 popular TusCnypt Rofl enhanced secur, tof levels ofencyption and suport for UEFI dvs W'savalable for Windows «sas gs MacOSX Linutand even theRaspbery Pi VeraCrypt ETD 20:1 se ne encryption east useinterace, cloud storageintgation, password management seeuredoders andi avaiable in armutitudeo! ‘ferentlanguages. Thee’ support or Windows sta onaas wal as suppor. 7 (Top Ten Encryption Tools for Windows 10 cH TED) 2 ccelentandcomprehersivefelderlocking Thsenty ia litlemereachanced butonceyou masters program, nth suppor for 26 iteneryon and Inticacesitsan extraordinary owed progam, antes Windowsvesinslrom Vstaonmad Itcosintheregonf£ Privacy section, consider editing the defauit options oth thocanlook me up lcs. These wil peventhe publi oreven fends of friends fam being abetofind you en Facebook, ‘whichin turn adds a higher level eeityto your acecunt ST Te Rey t= n 3 EE ee they ae and hon they kro you, ther commentissomething ewe met atthe brlast month then 'sbestto ignore the request, asthey could be ishngforinfoemavon, atthe mig 3B) Online Protection and Disaster Recovery How to Secure Yourself on Twitter ‘Twitter's success has boomed in recent years. Where once it was simply one of the more popular social media platforms, thanks to presidential candidates and scores of celebrities, it’s fast become the modern media phenomenon. ‘Securing the Twitterverse ‘Sadly, duetoitspopularty, Tutor isa hotbed ofscammes, spammers hackers and social engineers scouting out the nex potential Victim for monetary ‘in, orsimply behaving abusiey Here aeten tps to hel secure your Twiter account, iy] 'Wyouctick on your prof picture and choose Settings and racy fom themenu, youre abletoset up afm ote factor authentication called Verily Login Requests, Thiswillenale Titert we yourphone number ‘series fray logn requests So even your passwords compromise, ‘the hacker cantgtinvithout the tet code Security Lege verteabon Yo iegn ees ut the mostather seco maa platforms phishingscamsare feos Torte Be waryof anyone serdingyouTweetsclaingto be someone youloa,feingataogoosto-betrejeb oc even ntormingouthatyour accounts compromise i'slaalya pishingscam, so dete aerepor the rtarceto ter PTD 9:02:10 501 0000 oO We've previously mentioned the fact that using weak passwords, ursupriinaly, ntrecommende. Homer, sou be amazed at how ‘many peoplesil usethelhes of pasvard.234 orsomethingsmlar Seta 20d, stongpassnod thatwiltaesome racking, oO ‘Theseare many accounts on Tite that spy ‘yer a, These bats, as thee roan canbe progranmedto ost aly arncing inspiingand Social accptabe Tweets. nthe Iipsie, otherbes are designed to Tweet suspicious into vinurinfered webtes Inchon, unless youtrst the acount, dont fotow ay inks aderesstoa, O \Within your account settings, youllseea menu tothe le with 2 Privacy ard Safety cpton Click this toenable Titer pracy, Dscorerabilty, ect Message rotiicationsthe abliyto hide sensitive Tees and theremova ef blacked accounts tsverth going ough the lat to futher secure your account. oO Direct messagingin Twiteris both acvantageous and dangerous atthe sametine hist at fr communicating wth another set, tls used by athastolurein victims or sed ns tomaious webs. ts best ignore most messgesunlessyou nou ho they. oi you use your Twitter account to login into any third-party appsor mes,then you may need 0 consider setting upa secondary Twitter _2.count thst convenient, ome apps can be hjaclastocolet account ‘etal eskng hem a hackers, ae 7 (How to Secure Yourself on Twitter ey Oo ‘Word Mutng isan exellent feature within Titer accourt stings. th tyoure sbietomute any wordy doritnantta seein your notifications timeline. There areot Tweets youdlike wo avoidevenseeingin yurtimeline, so mutngthem fan ideal slutentohelp keep your acount lean and ee om negative aspects Mute trom Bom umne nercatens (From anene (From pepe ou ce oe ol {t's always worth browsing through the Apps section nthe Titer ‘psons. This whereyau can allow revoke accessor any apps youleused lathe Titer account and you cn also see wha ight each ‘apphas to your Twter account. Applications occu ( a= Gamma) 2 seiner ne sie 0 — ol Uke Facebook, be careful of what you post. its niceletingathers know youte off on holiday the Bahamasfor several weeks but there could bea rogue cent thats now nfmmeccf an ampy house ad you were foolshenoughto mention youradéess in previous Tweets hey knoweraty where go © (orton Beee BB) Online Protection and Disaster Recovery) How to Secure Yourself on WhatsApp With over billion users worldwide, WhatsApp is proving to be a force to be reckoned with in the social media marketplace. This messaging app was released over eight years ago and developed by the Facebook team; since then it’s become the most popular messaging app. WhatsApp Security Tips {th th popular comes a darter ideto messaging Accountsf tort sig Whats, along wihhacerssarmersandalranne of nelarous indviduatsand groupsareeverin the popular media Poe ate cans aston rd oar, mane ( How to Secure Yourself on WhatsApp CH Generaly youre notableto acl vas tayourchat tify don fyou dent want Whatstppcontacsto ate whee youve beer you readyhave the inyour contacts. Howe clever pishingscare ned to disable the Las Seen option wthn the Privacy settings Tisai haveavcimadd scontac, nhocanthenmesagethemusing Whatspe, prevent other users omseing our movements Shoulda malcousconkact ev alsoca med patos, be wayol phishing tak beaded they vl nvernaw where you areor hve bee, Last seen @ Everyone O > Mycontacts Nobody lockusesviathe Whats Web eature Loginto WhasApp CANCEL eb arlclkenthe the haz dots by your rofl picture. The lek Setings and rom therethe Sched option. Youcan slectcontacst0 bloc Whatson, ‘Be waryo camswhereyou't cantacted though ether social media accounts informing you that your WhatsApp account hasbeen ed These often request you toad a so-called iegtimate contac, \whoin reality it or vst a webpage hat’ ded wth malware David Hayward Heyer! lamuseg Wnatiee A Netcatons [chat watpapee Fyou use Whats Web ts aay best ensue that youve logged outot cere before leaving your compute Theathing ou need isforsomeoneta come overto your computerandvew any comuersators| beeen Youcanblockall mages from appexingon your photostream thin Whats. 05 ookta ther Setings the hatsAp imagesfldert stop ‘he app fom isingpicures. tion and Disaster Recovery What to Avoid when Creating a Password Creating a strong password sounds easy on paper but when you’re presented with the password box it’s easy to become stumped. Should you get past that part, there are also security rules to follow to further protect that password. PASSWORD1234 Tohepyoucreatethe perfect password and secure itfurher here are ten tis for happier password management. Ther'salways password pitfalls butstick tothese general ps andyou should be okay, CEVeIseey Ere me Password | Eaconecs Cotsen summer 2000 isting, na 1934 t freaion aSsiort ail PASSWORD tage |, us sr 3128 sive Change Password ‘curant Passwera w Passwort Contin Passwors* What to Avoid when Creating a Password CH Ezetemaeyt ror some Security Questions. Pes Pera 3B) Online Protection and Disaster Recovery Password Generators and Tools We've looked at some tips on what not to include when coming up with a strong password. However, it’s not always as straight forward as that, Whilst some can come up with an elaborate and incredibly strong password, others struggle. Thankfully, there's help on offer. Top Ten Password Generators \Weliveinan age where you dn’thavetositwith dictionary and cryptic decoder to come up withan excellent password. Thereare many generatorsfrely _2valabletohelpyoucut Heres ourtopten, Pee ences Tisoninepassvons ener has tesome imeand has proved tobe oe ofthe best ralebe Nonten by Sjmantoc fas 2handy fee password nl for the pasonord length indudeletes, maces, numbers punctuation sede thas alter aunique and unbreakable pasword There sre ample options, and identical characters. Youcanodtat none ofthe passwocds gneated ate stored emote Vt ‘ntps:/ generator! htp:/strongpasswordgenerator.or/ or ra% loan ——— |STRONG PASSW BD 27s. popular passuord management progam hich SED ercinersestonine vallookatintene action alse ae passwort feoucethatlceste _genertor Found tplastpass.comygeneratepasswerd php, an nr srorg passord based onthe options you choose. Youcan choose exclenttoolllhepyou create a srongae ital unbealable pessword ‘he ength,puneuston and aoc simiarcharetrsbutalso display phonetic insscande words tomate ieaserto remember ryitout a -tps/strongpasswordgeneratorcomy, Generate a Password (_ Password Generators and Tools CH FSIS 0 irtsesinasteths onethstl lon youte ‘Thsstee pomerad ty the Passa pm Fed module, create ultple unique passwords based on heh oles aangeofsetings tala crest aunque pe and lcmercase,rumber and symbols sel as heer the end su and. There ae plenty ofoptionsto choose Fam anda beprmnaslcoompltyarcor Real pe mderrecomf varpdre putoti at aotlndpo sess pasate msn on oon ° = a mn a = oi S 2 iz al = |e x : E = — 2 = BD Sracwnatenaanssncnnssesrcs) MRC en aueRD “c= snl bst eee non psc ter Lett fessone ops hen eps safepasudcam/ cence gh ee corel a re ener re ees censiderng bookmark sthatillhalp them come up ith amerorabe yt sttong password ou can choose been asmpe or song pass EETEED sis 2cuickond easyonine password depending on here going oreatorYouwonit getaryepionsoradded Ses eucantnd ne tp. inopase com be used anther meaningsofeachto help Gees os rom. wort ookngintofor a quick soto eso: https /passvdsninja), 3B) Online Protection and Disaster Recovery Top Ten Password Managers Creating uncrackable passwords is one thing, remembering them for each of the services thatrequire one is something else entirely. The reason why most people opt for a single password for al their accounts is simply due to not being able to remember them all. This is where password managers help. Manage Those Passwords ‘Password managers differ in what they offer, how they work and what optional extras they provide. Therefore it can be tricky to find one that fitsthe bill Some are ther costa morthiyar anual eave areten ocr, LasiPass ich alu ofer afieepassword generator, is repuded sone ofthe inst manages aualble. Theresa Sticky Passwords vale otha ree or Premium versions costing ust 2¢and oes ‘reeversion hates united password trae, crose-patonm acess, two factor authentication avalifor websites, adianced biomes it aso ‘wo fect authentication ad elevated levels oencrypion. Theresa ‘nalableonalimaoplaorns, The Premium vesion goes futher wth cloud Premiumsersion that ofes alot mote cuding Bot encyptedilestomge _bochypand yncingand ath everylcense purchased a Nanatees sve. andhigher lvls of encryption Conaily worth nnsdering StickyPassword securing your personal data tisanotherexcelentpassvordmanagement — RRRAMWERNPIRS ite, rerum anceusness options avaiable {pplication With a rseversion once, moving upto Dashiane covers huge user bave tres aremany Enterprseleelsforjust€T permonth, Zoho allowsunlimted passuods acess _anditoflersthe sera high degree of encypton and security alngsdealthe ‘roma platorns paserdacking, fine acess autolgh forwebstes ard usvalato ling bofactarauthenscton aed Beaty o expat data dashlane TD 92:00: 103 501 000 Top Ten Password Managers CH PRESSED kecperiss poner and festuerichpasnordmanagerthat asin Famiy and Business plans avalable £4499, and £22 er yor respective. Nithunimite password storage united devce sing ge pritlogn and securecloud bac, amongst it cata ene to consider ie keeper Password oferanindviual and Family pan frase 351230 and £4per yea ith tyaucan access password eves nd operaingssters thereon bland 365 day password story recoey “True Key isan excellent password manager with free and Premium pan aualable he Premium plan costing ‘round £2999 a year I’sunique in that utiles facial ecogntion aswel, finger rn, anc iteration wth Windows Hella, There ae plenty of ther options avalabetoo, cps worth ooking int, Wy 5” True Key assis afeey available, open source password manager thats egulariy updates and comes ith alongs interesting features, Youcanimportand expr passord data, itsSuy potable ‘athe’ nointalation required andit chert 256 bt AES encryption, Password Bossoffersboth ee and Premim plans withthe Premium plan costing round £24 per year There ae ample feturesto enjoy, nctudingcrasplatiorm suppor fulriltary encryption, aud sjrchingand mare PASSWORD BOSS ir FD o12conceis an ancrt-vinnngpassuord manage thatincrporats may intresting features. uate selng point however 3 passwords operation, heey you ate able tole intoany websteor serie sing aca recogrtn, resto vary cos the Premium, Professional and Ulimate ection but the personal versions ree. SB Logme CR.» Password Security with Convenience Shopping Online vand Setun \dows 10 is continually improving and as such the new ates have broughta more customisable depreeot control erating system's privacy configuration; something that Microsoft has always been criticised forin the past. The length of breadth of online shoppingis far too vast to cover every conceivable angle here. So rather than 66 10 Online Shopping Security Tips p? focus on particularelements, here are ten online shopping security tipsto apply across the board, i eo —=— dco price sels ieyiotcsnce Renae sly mone wee do some rezeatch beloe puch ometingtolookex rath aspect conlieshops. fhe supportemalor contactinfomaton the eis somshingleeboyhelpa rac tendo uppote Ihehignest cossble lev. se Bbronserad.on suchas sil, Berra aye, dontuse pubic shopping ude otc tani Twin hackerisfiteringalinfrmation tough thar sytem and wo, allyourdata canbe intercepted rc potenti red Dc, Eee ofthemarytre-panyantiius and nee ites such a Bitdeende imal ofr exrasacurty ’ iigonineardcan nt aryhacingor data ine Irom happeringhist te vansactons axein progress. Theycanabocheckthe Ste youre bujngton, too, Etats Always keep an eon your bank ‘count andthe tansoctions tht goon sec youve conducedonine shopping Tisithepyougeton idea of fringon and srouidsomething Suckenltopupthat os suspicious, thenyodreabietoiniorm yourbark boretoomych damcge's done Brerdncomend se strongand nique pasword or allyurshopping tes Occasional, athougheot fe, wetstescan be ced and he databace of wesc lene yourgassaord strong roughytwiletnd upto any remand possible alvaysuseanonine fe shops dacicated app rather thant ample, cant bealeed bya EEN fpossbleuseryra oraCrect Card ze Pposed toa Debit Card. credit cards ave an extra layeral protection a ial standing than thatof a debit ar Fayalfeatues many prtecion ements ithints accounts too BB) Online Protection and Disaster Recovery How to Remove a Virus or Malware from a Windows PC So far we've looked at ways to prevent getting scammed or indeed getting malware on your system but what if you're unlucky enough to already have some form of digital infection? Thankfully, there's a way to remove malware and viruses from your computer. Malware Busters Fortis tutorial lets use a preconfigured rescue disk rom Bitdefender Youneed to tansfr or bum, the dkcontentstoaCDor a USB sickand bootintthe ‘safe ervronment through one of those mediums. ‘Make sure you have ablankCD or USB stick that’ atleast 16B lide the Next button and using the drop down menu next to TheBitefender Rescue Dskis doroaded as a9 SO erie chose the cive letter oyour USB stick, Click owafeston wn dood bcegeconee se Fahbutonedenee UBS pow fy ompue ae 7) == ea cere eee 8 Sitter mencang revensegas ~ oe tiie re ore ae eee ter p/n Stendcom Se feteeee teat stare aesecnares at sha Foo wh et — Otperwin [Him oljecrie Do this automatically orl ke thi fom now on. EEE voces so teamesscrcmonn SELB thorearecasoroacigbecorereove et eciabletat doe equeany ial ee our USB tedoniowe Bidets cestode stckandouie chester CaeStes ovEusng SO togeepton_BunDéciagefomecsrtat ran Teste ey deat turngepn Covrionced Stender Rene 0 CetheOpentatontosethimage_yoanplwetoF oc ETD 2:2 005: 1 series ues a Virus or Malware from a Window: Advanced Security Tips CMSs tan eae Age set Lele Ear leN ene RUE ECR ROR ee eeu cau goal, We cover firewalls, sandboxing and virtual environments and how to tell which programs are communicating beyond your home network. Our easy to follow tutorials will help you create a reliable backup of Mi ereSCEIE Mtg ricm eit eu aaa ie eaNetl ee a crea Nake cea Pearce Prem a eee OR a reer ey ees L1G Creating VirtualBox Snapshots of eee ae Ome meee hes Fete at ees Olas er ae Te oe Frere es een et SCs a keels un Pees ree eee re een mee Ce an need prem ee aan Proms a ‘Advanced Security Tips) Windows 10 Privacy Settings Windows 10's new ipdates and special edition updates have brought a more cu! ver the misable degree of control operating system's privacy configuration; something that Microsoft has always been criticised for inthe past. Windows 10s said tobethe lasttrue Windows desktop release, with the Redmond company 66 Going Private 99 now opting for a rolling release oytle, that will add or temove features ‘overtime through regular updates. to secrly, pons and support. Ary new ara thatsrelease willbe addedeathevastcrver database ‘hat Windows 10 een uses ndilloperaeatits mason pote Microsoft can gradual ll out festures that would require a brand new operating system us mavimisng the ‘capitis of te OS. OF couse, the company can charge fr ‘catanadeonal estes that would rina be par ofthe (such asa mediacentreferecaml, here are many advantages to ths particular setup. A Windows 10 user llalvaysbe upto date ithregads ne rf mains habe usrillbeehi great fom se oso ewhes inoue 10.useranddeoper feedback cn hap imoxave te way thes ble post Fal Cats Update hich was nds 107s ued le ober 27 The macysengs and eptensthatare now cn ofr fea edealinprovenet ov the prec, rater bok ees that cane with the gna ‘Windows setup. Now, the userhas react oe what (Scand cannot oto aft an inca pricy isthe ong secunty and votes ‘dng youve appli theFalCrestr Update you canview thecurent pia epinsby cekngtho and tng privacy into the search box Clck onthe Fray Stings opton, with 2 podock ion, and the coe privacy ons will open. Ther ae, at he tine of wrt, rnneten dent optors avaiable to browse trough Ech option, when cick, il splay a subset of aalibe options that can then be enabled or dsabled and turned on Orc, ngon our prerence Fer eamplethe fist open, Gane fe the user choice cofopting for advertising ia app, lcning webstestoprodde lecaly leant content based on the urs language It and allowing Windows lO:otackhowanappisisunchadtommprove ‘search sults Whit thatin ise desi sound to mth ie your pracy berg initaea, tere arethove wo don vant tensa apps are the OS basing too much knew of ayare and whato acer, ike res racy options, [tsa pesona prefrenceas a what you'e happy shang ith the gtem and ts connected techologes. hist op tum every privacy seting on wl inetbly open your use of wows 10 up to whoever or hatves ready eceing he inforaton, lewis turieg eveything owl ctelyride you tosomedepee btatthecostolpoziblelosecfvalate feptures Tete fine balance needecto pte bes romyour nacyandstll enjoying Windows 10smany features There ae some iteesing adetons tothe Fall Ceags Update pracy settings ‘oe ceraply worth looking ong, you want bes. Bf both words appoich to pracy and ates, Location - The Location option wil alow Windows 10 and its apps to use your Curent location to specialise any cortant ks inocent enough but fo added piayitsvanhconedeingturingitof ‘Camera — This an exert adion that wil dee which stalled appshave access fo the computers webcam, You can tur of app acces to the eames slobalorbeusethreugh theappsto decide whichhas aces ont. Microphone —Thesame alee the camputersmrophene hich apps ca _sccet tort andhether you want gobly un tof. ‘Contats- The Contactssecton deals whichapescanhaveaccestoyourcuent Windows accoun contacts. Osablng his bal ow some apps such 3s Sypeandemat work background whist you work You cance hehe they * Cckthe Windows Startbutton an racy, clikconthe Privacy Stings ink andyou sets screen Radios - Tis option wil define which apes can cat hardware such the computers Bluctcthdevce, WiFicranytherknd of ies recive Obvious, come appswilequiteacestshaenfomaten or allow acesto sare ares ‘Background Apps - rons 10s baclgyourd task handing aber than a previous versonsof he operating3jte, Memory seleasedasappscop tothe taclgyound asisprocessorallcaion Hower ycucanutherdfne wich apps vibe allowed unin trebackyourdvaththisoxton, Ting time to go thoush each of the avalable options is something even Windows 1D user shou. This you became aii ith how the OS shares Your acount data ad what eat hs acces to your Windows 0 compte and shard, (_ Windows 10 Privacy Settings c— 5) ‘Advanced Security Tips) How to Check which Apps are Sending Information Most Windows 10 apps and programs have some element of code that will attempt to communicate with an external source. That communication could be to check for the latest version, or patches and updates, orit could be malicious software sending personal data. Look Who's Talking ‘There area numberof waysinwhich youre ableto view hich roams and pos resending data tolneet and cera sources Some methods ae beterthanctherssoitswath tyingthem allo sce wtich worksbest you. tinthesearch tehecick wit i adecending autenicate the action popsupclckon =o e awe Bay Conmens rome mt eto Rum ae administrator i ‘Search oggestons Open ile locaton se D emcee wiry Pint Start ea Pinto taskbar om | me se oa Deon fe Bm a seecomenn a How to Check whic pps are Sending Information U E Gey ind activity, leu, cdactviy, ~ a) Advanced Security Tips) What is a Firewall? ‘The data packets that come and go between your PC and the outside world can be defined by a set ofrules. These rules state whether a packet has access to the system in the first place, then whether or not it can gain access to its destination program. Collectively, these rules make up a Firewall. Great Walls of Fire ‘Theterm rewllomes from fire prevention, where physical walisconsructedinorder to halt the spread of fir. neal terms, the physical wallstops ‘malware andother threats from spreadinginio the system, Sore form ef ligt! protection agsnst unwanted en ito atom has ented fer mary yeas but the more recent sotwae se ofa eval, oe that wee 'eaconabl fama ith has ony been around sce he's, Prior tothe modem Fewall system admirisratas blocked unwarted access throughvariousstagesofhardarelayes Longlistsofallowedcomputeraddreses were painstaking ereed exo maintomes and outers, where programmable Chips fitered the white is andsimply stoped al access to adress that werent ‘on he st thnk anightcib tourer, your ram rot onthe st ou not setingin Ins simples ui, a rewal wl oo oa dened set of ules then apy those ‘es to ay cata aches that pas theugh For eam, f youve cesed a ‘ule ll Telnet alii blocked, ary packet hat’ ying to resh prt 23, tho por that Tele appliatins iste on fo data, wl be locked, While stably fective ths level pack exng does have ts chiles hel in hat © wea ech pacet as an independent piece of data: no rowing whither is apa of ‘an akeady established seam of data. Ths canbe raged byhackers who want 2xcesso tem wha renal in place. Te clever Rake abl to spoof a Packt ae hus cing rewallimoleting pass takes sometime, and its abitit ard ms, but most hackers have plenty af patience when comes tigi network, Theeorea much neededhishe degree offre ‘montxingiscaled foc Stat spection fea wore faduce in the mid S05 and enabled afreval ologal the connecten that passed through determining what was the tat oa new pact seam, pat of ‘an exsting packet sam o¢ something random. Ths allows 3 Frewal oalew or dop any acess based on a deta pach’ Fistor interns of ectnenes hs makes the Seva more ficient ana fater at eling vith convection requests 2 ‘oesrtneedtocontualyanabseeachpacketasan inva butratherasa hole steam, Foradéed aera potecton fa packet doesnt mach nyofthecennecton histories, henitean beevaluated and feted through the varcusrues to deeming islegtimacy, _Aluther ler of ptecton was included into the basic reall eay Inthe 20005 Applicaton ayer arayss enabled freval to inspect pickets that wee targeting indhiuol applcabons witha the operating system. ach rogram er appli isle nthe stem wlluse a set of protoostocommunicatevith theoutsce word When an appcaion rte, ‘ona indons 10 9stefor expt, teinstaltion mechanism al automaticaly fel an tance fo the Windows 20 frewall Tis manethat ts able send and resveirformatensucessly trough the Windows Eewal without ay of itbeng blocked 8 bockingan applications aces tothe cuside war he use PET e023 ses 200 could missoutonreguo updates, es poches ordsoon Cneofthe ey benefits to.anapoleation yer heal thr ifs excl at Hein spec certnt, such as knawn malate and visesor dangerous webstes alo capabie of dleemining tena particular protcol sbeng mused baroque application, \Wherethe eval rocedstom ths poitisunlear Howevermaryepens gee that athowh welt dass nee a eval, che modem stems, networks anc desces have so mary potential acces poi that’ fast becoming less ficient torun the sanded reall moce nef, the modem freral eps of how ‘comploradefiichasbecomeoverthe years squckbecoringa btte-neck fortheoperingstem What some cipersaretheorsngisthatat sme pointin their, the efor a sl, real rewal l outdated anc tt the nes seneraton operating jos wl equ each program an appicaon that can beinsaleetactasitsounfreval thethiswlleme bout purefnasyat the moment but tthe seed dial tchnologes gow ad evolve tee a good charceaidingout soon enough Hardware firewalls are an early example of network security What is a Firew. usin Windows 10frewollis “when eachprogram, application, certainly good enough formas users sgamecandsoonisinstle, itis needs. fost ofectvecndcan be tenteredinto the Windows 10 frewal casi configure ‘iteancommunicate withthe outside wor “There ore countless Feely ‘ovoiloble thi port firewall clients Some are very good, PAI Glan mle compuren wreRNET | _ WDENTITYaDATA ‘Browser Virwolization sa Aattspam © cecil cance, Parental Controls \ a) Advanced Security Tips) Improving the Windows 10 Firewall The builtin Windows 10 firewall is a surprisingly good security application. Whilst it may notbe as efficient as something offered by one of the third-party security suites, it's certainly more than adequate for the average user. Getting to Know Your Firewall eral, there's nedto eer ofthe Windows 10 real Howeve geting ton how ws anderprovng pat bengmorsecity- cones Here'sometpsenhoutomanageitbeter ThevindosiOtcnatescwnconsirs yoke MBB cnc srs nancs anced The tases othe tale On ba res recone cere nod ond ie youtensala thay ichentansiseunfiew Thee ete sstmandis rad popansanappaio a7 Wo hines of etki, Private and Publi. Pat ior home’ entation een cout, view and create ew eel es, ew ‘heres Pubiisorcaés and the ike caren 1 mont what being ode inate Clickon Inbound Rulestothe righthand side the main console inden Tis litte carers that alae intoyour computer andtothe appleations that requreit For camp nthis ‘sree thre ar ules fr various games tat allow multpayerineraction and theabityto tak tothe game server a elasintl updates. Haury peeeeeveneeenernenene emery instal he pegram, gameo app. When yeuinstalla program ‘youre required te acep and authentcatethe proces clckngan esto tart ‘he netallation. Ths level of administrative aceze oe allonsentry ofthe progamint the reall Fickoneoftheertes and double-click Tie yiput oon ao priest corel rtp rogen evan cag rane teen alor dies comeon Sete pseaeenet te popumenyourconpse son sestte pogo fenerse Sout ete pol snr runbease ever conclerose |e te | “These ues ar automaticaly entered ito thefrewal when you Improving the Windows 10 Firewall ci Sometimes urinstalinga program dest automatcalyremave item the Windowsfieva. Theeract eons hy ae varesbut tohelpimprovetheeficieny othe Windows renal, wheneveryouremovea program Femyeursystm toh checking eval to seefsenty has been dete, Tote an ery eit chk hen select elem thermen ‘Youmay not wanttodeletealeasitcouldbeusedlateroit yourenstalthe program aa falstoreretethe real erry. Therecommended processthen sta blockthe rl fos communicating with the outside werd Todo this doubeclicktheruleand rom the Genealtabclick the Blckthe connection bution. a ac eee a= iia the Outbound Rue inkl etal he various Progra that ate alowed to conmunicatefrom yourcomputee tan teral destination ts god practise tofamiaseyeusl withers of thefreval as arogueprogam nilleed tose auto communicate Youcan thnbockthatruleandstp the testa reparingbac seveevevnerenrerearerereiyy] sernreceearrecenereesessrere] STRELA He siemeasrnannnnissaesraaeesag 5) Advanced Security Tips Creating a Security Plan Asecurity plan will help you form a better strategy when it comes to tackling your Windows and home network security. A good plan will help keep on top of backups, updates and possible areas of weakness that malware or hackers can exploit. Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best ‘There lotto consider when coming up witha good security plan. ks ntjust case of ceasionallycheckingor an 05, Update on your ovm computer, youhaveto take nto account ther computers and teenie network. fn fective secur pan shoul encompass the hole of your newark, hich nudes Wd computers rid andiOS Itmay sound ate exremebot ke mas checks Lowes ts wothat st considering some apc blorestting pan, pe since as you th thehomenetworkand oval ecu Users Updates n ely the User the mos Obviously a musthave secon of wulerable point of acess and the system ar progam updates. Thal, Wows 10 and biggest securtytheat to. any ste uty sates illun an automa checkhenever thes for neooce Whit you can have the gates! poweredupandconnecedtathelntemet However thaws lwaysscme ‘Ay suite and watertight secuty sjstem port where an update fled tonal for ome reason cr anche in the work, the user who carcssy vsts Therefore sehen best to manual check Unbelveabeandobvicushisedeascom is the onethat’ goingtocauseyouthe est headaches Ina home neworkthatsaten youngsters, hoe 8 gpd securyplan sto replay onscetwochechngfo updates themost event used prog. Mico = linet ‘Usesfom ee wo cor qe ndearé he we inet uoeoalileihconerrce pet ardinpoete sy point of access aed ‘on the system are up-to-date too, as it's best to make sure there’s few ‘essayon is mos angie ese ey ees pe nyse rans as es are wa Edteond Poppy i» Ine 9 an or nen ‘raesie She am sit oon ol Tose ie PROGTAMS jr Tete ee rd ee he et ote of hat progam arena astern ingsuspiseus. byt not mpassible Mf ou serous about the secu f you heme 1 posible enforce limits to ther browsing servers systems then taking stockol what programs ae installed and regu uate the rowsng mus 1 Gneach sytem worth doing, make sue theyre not ging where they Toul Renember te net just vrsee RuMrng tough a checklist of insalled programs you may notice ane That 2 thid can downoud, tay conta tatshoulritbe thre Aquck kup ofthe progam may rea hat otertialyseesomethingthetwould fect popular backdoor fr hackersto gino astm andthe attached sock. That being the cas, t needs to be emda any real rteschecedand dsb, counts rompers for ‘hememetonally Routers The family router the fs pont of accessor arthingm dtearthatitsusrgthebest poss Wt also bent! to make sure that the outers admin password sty wth apt orareighoou anal fentuzeofthe signal Passwords heme sero quent vont to tesame aswoud ance worker butts sot mplementng ne gamingsah Backups aly ba * rough atch ies oer male, to preventany rputercomple sna Few page ugh tobe ack information. Tiss ingina heprool feo sto nati shouldy Cabling thous becoming 00 pa al you lck your door her oe ‘Advanced Security Tips) Windows Security Checklist Taking the time to write down an effective security plan for your home network will pay dividends in the long run. With it you're able to spot potential leaks in security, secure your home network, Wi-Fi and powerline adapter technologies, and ensure digital peace of mind. "Not hisisjustour example and wil probably be diferent to your We've come up with ‘nn seup and dependingoa the a ri equipmentyouhave avaiable er Sea toyou.Forthesake ofthis checklist that you ‘publication we've taken a more can use to create igenericapproachbutie’s your own, for your worth usingitasa foundation ‘om which you bul your ‘wn, personal and unique ecklst Your checklist canbeasintricateasyou he, dealing specie hardware orsofware ‘onaneoralyour computers, devices and soon thatnaeds tobe updated regulary. Just remember though there ‘isa point where you can home network. becomealitetoo securty Remember to tick coc its pettobe | each section and youhomenetwkiteavefte | remember to keep digital Fort Knox, itcan take up a checking regularly substantl aunt ofyour te opphingpatihes andalteritasnew anedchecingof every Rem onthe. Therefor, devices are added look ora happy medium, whistremaining vila against gia threats (windows Security Checklist ci Oo Installed Rogue Program and Ape Oo Firewall! Integrity [Tos Update 2 gece, [7] Backup Important Files ron ~ a) Advanced Security Tips) What is a Sandbox? ‘Sandboxing is an important security technique that’s used by companies and individuals the world over. It's not something the average user will normally come across but you can guarantee that every piece of software you use has been sandboxed at some point in its development. Playingin the Sand Everyone from software developers andsecurty experts t the hackers themselves il use cand environment tohelp build and tet thelr products 50 whateractyisasandbon? Just asthe name suggests a sand is a place where you can do something sthout it afecting the sureunding ae: visualise sandbox nthe mide of 2 pan, n al secur tems, ts means a sardaok sa tigy controled esrrorment hat’ lated om the main operating system where a peso ean testcase sofware anditsimpacton ava sem, The sandbox canbe one of a nanberofmplemertarons: web based operating systom base, program based, network based or een emulating itrscn ith thelntemet There are countess more examples each dependngon what eat isbeingtened ansuhat ncioeaveequiedtcompetethete, Fer seu, sandboxis usualy an eter cat ernment that doesnt have access to arthing onthe company nator, oF any contact with a ost machine Hee the secuty experts bet conducts tests on unused pices of ade, noun matvare and vies an even websteconent. Should those tess ‘eval someting nat withthe secity pei able to werk thei mage and develop 3 fo ha can be futher etc and finaly deployed othe companys sens, where its dounlosded 3s updated ves dfirvons by the secu suites andappedo acusomerscomput, Imagine tat fom the pont view af hacks then. The hacker has developed 8 parila nasty pee of code that could bring down government agencies and cause videspread panic among the bal gal community: they hac fingtotesttontheraum computer They ned to create sandboxensronment ‘whereby they can rigger the malware aroma or whatever, dle En is couse Inthe meantime they can run trough varousprocedes tot and wpe the malware, 5a secu expert would Sind any wesneses, Once thee perce the malware and wp out any peoevabie wineries, they can then happy upload Itt the itemet and sit back s the wo nected with thercode Tes not alnays the testing of malicious code thats assocated wth soncboves For example, the vows ‘you reading now were writen ing Oe 365/ord 2016, elre the product was released by Microsc the development team behind Word il hove gortough feces testing, making sre that all the india components within and that make Up Word 2016 a \woted, To do $0, they ll have used @dedkated sed separate enitoamet tthe one they usrgto progam ‘on. Thi speialsederweenment wil have mimicked areal wos seup as muchas possible, so tat when the deeper vated to text something they could compli the coce a ‘execute tin an enaronme that would aft ther roral day tocaywetglace Theoken seeelecdonnalasandtcx stem does makeltifcittoemulte what the average user may be using The standard dastop computer as mary PETS 02:03 ses cone liferent lent bothhardvareandsofvare that woktogethertomakeupthe compxterthatyouvecustomised ard personae, A develope. sect emperor sefvare teste Can never hope to create somata that work 100 pete th very Windows 0 eshop sstemthat utter les gery accepted thn that when esting ina sancbaxits advisable to use s-common a hardware ae sofware setup as pes This way,the developer wil hay cetea program that works on 2 high pacenage ofthe computers alte. Those computersthat ler rm the ror, an that may equ aitle ‘more wor forthe product installa workon, ca then be del with tough ino patchingand bugtesrg ‘So wha’ this gotta do with you, we hea you sa. Wal, there are nays inwich you can create your own sandbox envionment to test in. Consider how many Times you've downloaded sofware Kom the Internet ard eveuted it without ‘even taming owt may fet your compute How many times do you vist ‘westes archappilyclckon whatever message a appear without even eadng, it prot With your oun sndoaxemionment, you can dovnload andra 2 Piece of soware and see hors thin ates setup wAroutt ever pacing your eal machine fyou gt int the abit of testing every bit of sofware ina sandbox fist, youl coral be lad should the day come you saver aiden ‘irsinthekdsef anccheriseharmls oking progam, Using a virtual machine as a sandbox is a great way to test programs for every version of Windows, not just the latest What isa Sandbox? ow Sanoni Works tastrtion) “VirtualBox considered tobe one andeasiesttouse wituolmach ‘reoteasorbocemirooment ot andboxieisonenvronment designed tocallow yout test programs without them being Installed on your computer ~ Advanced Security Tips) Running Windows 10 as a Sandbox We've already talked about how a sandbox works and essentially what one isin terms of ‘computing and security. However there are many advantages to creating your own virtual sandbox environment. It's not always purely to test suspicious code, as you'll soon discover. Sand Between Your Toes ifyeue still convinced that asandbexerzonmentcanelp you ou, then read en. We've compiled ten easons why creating yourawn Windows 10 sandboxis beneialto the average user. nthe Windows 0 vital sandbaxerstonment yournay be ableton older pogarsthatould mall fal exenincompatiity ds undermeve modem harcnare divers hastConuer. This couldsimpybe cookies anata (ten an oléer program wiliok braspecic dest Ftstoamademthenit _astonstostesoriteould inckde data mines and malicious inks, ‘anf. viealemtanments use olde ype dives by detaut. ATED) Win avrualervonmentyoucan browsea ste without anole code bang nant the main tatelyharmless Wezoaees OGNIRS & PERSE TAT END 301 thinkthatadawrioadtinkoremal PETITE ue serous about yoursecury andthe attachment moy consi vin then opening slaty ofyourhamecompuy henjou tinasalevituslenvtenmentisthesafestbet Ofcouse,joushaudh'tonen shouldbe dannoadingandinstalingsftarein atest environs! belo anyurknonnemaiatachmentsbutfyouneedto,dosoinasandbox The _apphingittoyoutrea computa Avital evtoamentisa gest lacey seehow ‘ruslinfecthesardbox rd not the hast el caput salvarewors and vbetherits woth insalinger not PETID 92:02:13 501 000 RIGUINIGEDD Thebes ofavinuslemironment such asone crested by Virtual is that yu abe torn Windows, macOS tems ontop of your host operating vstusingLin ‘oveaninstall Windows JOwthin aval enronment ertremachne, that sa srapsatftheOS ast ashen copied sak Becta nnd mean you can instal VPN and use the Torneo You're abe to create an anonymity ye rasuthe outa of being treed; ard wha more, none afi aft your Congratulations! ‘This eri conf oe Te ead REED ver dedepioyed ICTED ACCOUNTS Ji Running Windows 10 as a Sandbox (cs ED oso reatplaceforhe feNindowe 103 rity Tips Installing VirtualBox Oracle's VirtualBox is one of the easiest virtual machine platforms for the beginner to experiment on. Within it you can install Windows, Linux and even macOS for sandbox testing, without ever having to alter your main computer's setup. Going Virtual Using Vital Machine il ake resources rmyourcempermemeny harddve space, presser usgeandsaon Somakesueyouhave enough ceachbefore commencing, (© etn in ab 88 sna FRI hho computer backupand ning octthe dowrcadenain Vian appicaten anddobledickto begin theinstallaton process Click Nextt connie, when youre ead “HF Once Vitae. Sebe Prefrencesopion inVitualBox 1 1 i iv ee eee eee it iil ye proecvourrc: QE > a) Advanced Security Tips) Create a Windows 10 Recovery Drive Since Windows 95, Microsoft has offered users the ability to create a recovery drive, which is used to help troubleshoot a Windows PC that is failing to boot, by presenting various options. If you haven't done so yet, you ideally should have created a Windows 10 recovery drive. Time to Recover ‘Youneed an 868 USB crve minimum, inorder to succssulycreate a recovery dive. tips thecontents off the diveand you wort be abletouseitfor anything ele so make ure itslabeled and storedina safe plac. proviinayou (oselct thedestnation tot Vins has discovered Select the USB ash dive ‘edema dati aden nthe ane bese ied Click Cea covey vera act the URC SFB ne cnplewshnhr thre itonposstie loco he hatposun Fe rs thetonto Tete Fos hatemor tn epasbldtaten able anynpat ferecveydhe deresietbelsial _mlewrabalyuiesdeinge cones elayourecoety de Men recovery options. Ths a gocideaastcan place theseviaflesin beevest _ youYeredy.cen the Ned buon. laboot laure CickNetoconinue - ‘ict Cielo recovery de terug rrten ttt Soe (a eee 2 ate a Wind: ws 10 Recovery Drive The recovery drives ready ‘Advanced Security Tips) How to Back Up Windows 10 Even with the greatest possible cyber protection in the world guarding your computer, there's still a chance something could go wrong. it ight not even be malware-related; a broken hard drive or other component can cause as much grief. Therefore, you need a good backup. BackingUp omputrsare ungredtabl beasts 0 youre toma sur that all oul and important tare securely backed pandmoreimparart, youre etree thar casi Thalys stighornad process. i one Backup Back up using File History Back up your fle eather rive and etre hem the orgs rele damaged o eet BERD worms mbecnesono pnts clk Ncethat an omaayback wy fl sucha Frombere,clickon the More Options link that's under the switch baton tis ill open the Backup Options corsle Tissecton details thebackup schedule, telecaton and which fier il be included n thebchup andr hawiong Windows il etainyour backed up es = STEED '30uscolldonn though the wackup Options corte youcan se thatthe ene your zr fldervthin Windows 1Dhas been added by dealt. Ths indesthe Musi and deoslders, swell a8 sarees, Camera Rl, Contacts, Favours and 00, © Bacup options ital oncraceetcanpulonttonpoats oyun season nso Ecue yen he cet. det wet Sack ers ee eA folderon the Ecude tes folders icon tenpcktheleldertoexlue and cick the Chooethisoderbuto, (_ How to Back Up Windows 10 ci \henyore read startbackingu,youcanclckthe Backup rnowbutton othe tepo the Backup Option console window. ematvey you ean waitforanhaur ante ceau schedule Kicks (bu depencngonthesiteaftheflesvthin your back alder: this ‘culd ale somatine The backed up files wl bested onthe chasen backup dive, ‘ihn federal Fiesty. nse tha oder be the spcticusr folder of you use ile istry backups for move than aneusey, thar usernames sta here oo, BRAD siting cceperino te folder layers reveals more default fede, containing important XML data that Windows wee 2 slorethechosen options Youcan fg the actual lesthat have Deen Backed up inthe Dealer aid outinthe same elder sructureason our syiemie.C> Users> Name> Documents et 5) Advanced Security Tips) How to Create a Windows 10 System Image Backing up your filesis perfectly fine but in the event of having to wipe your hard drive and start again, getting everything back in order can be time consuming, However, creating a system image means you can almost instantly restore the entire system without needing to rebuild Windows. System Imaging _Agjstem image works in much the same way as the VitulBox Snapshots. You essential taking snapshot of your entire system, which can then be restored quickly. Saving you having to reinstall Windows 10, al yourprogramsand data, ‘This lasnchanew onze, Maroc ha etn compatbily supporter backups dave ud Tothelettheearetwolinks.cickanthecretea vaglink nd Retre (Wino Providingyou'vemetthe requirements yout shee thestem magecanbewtenta. A solution when teomesto restoring the image but oucan 9 depends onthesize ofthe image asto ha many DvDsyou ned Youcan even A comennennne Forthis example, lets useaninterna secondhard dive Make surethatthecrrect crieltcould bea igh apacty USBstckor ‘en potable USS hard cre sees thenclcktheNewtbutton to continue. “The next window wil display the drives that aeincluded in the ste imaging process In this example the dv, thet ‘hve ond the Syste Reseed potion arto be bachedup. Whenitcomesto ‘estonngthe sem youtineedboth partonsfor Windows LDtobe ableto boot upcomect a ‘When you" ready o continue cick the Start Bachup button ‘Thiswlbegntheimaging proces hich can take some ime ependingontheamountofspaceusedon the C\ dive and thespeed ofthe deyoulewstngta locate ample te fyouewtingto ND, 1 une anpten ge - Ea nde sng em — = ecing Ch i=eeT | How to Create a Windows 10 System Image ci ‘Oncetheprocessiscompeta, Windowswilaskyouto creates Sistem Repairs. Thiscec il alow youtebootrtathe eitonment where you are abletolaunchthesystemimage restore. ‘steap| Oo you want to create a system repair dsc? Wermund atu cite» stem ea oi tsb YoussnTtoes nove aon a oe tn epar nbenedtresmane yor conper anda coe een ‘eveyone Dee oI Se jster9 ) ‘you lick Yes to creating the System Repair Disc youd to rmakesureyouhavea blankDNDt hard Falowtheen screen instucions an cckon the Create Dscbton to bum therepalasto these ‘Soul you ned to restore Windows 10 Fo the system age, yucan boo nt the System Reps Dis and selec the Stem Image covery option rom thin the Advanced Opionsofthe Trouble Shoot ‘mer Fol theinstuctonsand win minutes Windows 1 illbebackasit ‘asuienthesystemimegewas taken, Advanced Security Tips Extreme Windows 10 Lockdown Tips There are numerous ways and means to greatly improve Windows 10's security and privacy. Precisely how secure and private you want to get is purely down to you. You can opt for better than average or through these tips below, absolute extreme security. Windows 10 Security: The Paranoid’s Guide Ifyou'e fanatical about securing Windows 10 and locking it down tothe point where the NSAwould be mpressed, then follow these top ten extreme lockdown ED ero" = a acco FPR o:pendingonthe apeolyourcomputer it parsbetocrestea boot pave the BOS. You need to cna your ‘otherboard manual asta to accompli thst you con set passed forbeingabietoboctinta your compute (bere Windowseven stats and geting the B10 Pree Consider instaling several aon to your bowser toimpravelss securty and prevent any unwanted data miners or oguesipts frombeingevecuted, boc Pus, Bur, Ne Sriptand athe examples secure your browsing sein B trackers blocked Mobil ap: Backup & Sync NOT installed on 1 | ai CECE epriar BLUR Ze) ‘sings He 2.Premiye Fash and Java are superb entry points for malicious code to infec your computer andor snoopingof various personal settings and lta. Oisabingbots Java and Flash gevent ay suchbaccoorsbutlimit sourbrovsingemperence nsomestes (_ Extreme Windows 10 Lockdown Tips (cs Enexyptngyouristale hard drives and anyextealdecesyou uses anevcllent ayo securing your data ad lacking dwn irda 1, Whistitcan be inconvenient, you canbe saein the eon that yl data isvitvallyunhachabl by allbutthemiltary supercomputers. Normally you use aval email accourt tologints Windows 20a anacvated Mecozok coat Hower, consicesetingupan siemativeaccount hati inka oyou That way: lowotherso.ceswon'teontan any persona daa, y dataset indows Fake Email Generator with your domain Use Vitual Machine within Windows 10 tocenduct your day to day bromsingand online work The could be Windows 100 ‘oreven adopt more ecueenvtanmentsuchasone ofthe bigher-endecunty versions Lnu Ether way, a iil bear move secure than Windows 1000 a) Advanced Security Tips) Strangeasit may sound, beingableto answer ‘questions on cyber security helps expand your understanding of the subject. Plus it's a good way to test your knowledge and see how much you've taken in so far from this book, Cyber & Windows Quiz Answer Then, These Questions Ten rity and Windows security ut enaugh to make you think and tof igital security and privacy Theyre nat too cfu considerthe whole as Whois itokay to share your passwords with? 99 6 Question: 02 True or False: when on public WiFiisitsafe to send confidential orpersonal information data? i. 92 (44 Questic Which of these is a Phishing attack? > ‘Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link disguised as valid email. Creating a fake website that looks identical to a real one, in order to trick users into logging in. Sending someone a text message that ore cor rd Question: 06 > > > > Which of the following Passwords s the most pe ThV%6100°Vx! LetM31N 123456 (Cyber and Windows Qui ci 66 Question: 08 Which of these methods of browsing is the most. secure? HTTPS Private browser mode ao VEN cou poumpy Tor eran Ais Nah Question: 10 How often should you review your Windows security and updates? Once a month ‘Once aday Once a week Once only, just after installation of Windows Advanced Security T ‘eee: eae eA ae What's more, you = 9 _) rt iS Promenseoe Pee eC ent Toras Say urs Oe Ee re oa Te an DOR a mg ean aur te ern Seems ate TH i digital age, some stand out as either remarkably fortuitous or ep inthe pac ae rh pa a6 J Be MUR uA ec cnet Xs ole ate cata Cee mR crear en ge ta the night, but Here is march more. Computer Bee a ne aR ae is dove to your data. and trot Oe a eo arses ene 99 jeg Be seme rere, oe government to protect your : ae 7, sila cae Ue 5 Seen asking a peeping por nr ene ees A We ate ese aes a TYE i to Te j ESE VIATeeWMeUALeS Rec reeey errer ns 99 ee (44 4 B® No serious commentary CR ect neg OSL aN ee eee Ey ant ar Legere Na a aa a) a ae EA eee eae aL a eas 99 ‘Spokesman, Information Technology Association of ‘America, Business Roundtable, AP, May 19, 2004, dil Ce aed See Bi Vi @® Phishing % a major problem rcalckataed eamied roe ayes Cy) ie Mike Danseglio, program managerin the Security Solutions group at Microsoft, April 4, 2006. G 4 Veen gt Moe aaa mattered, computers would One a ae eer Olen ee mee eae eres ee eae potential intruders. XZ) 4d Ce ee et rcs (4 ED faiance Perens ee eee OOS Oe we ip RO RE ERTS arn Taser eT: it’s oa Ce Mag eee ave een aS ‘Susan’; ond if it’s like ‘V7U2*Qu cosy to remember oo Creo 2 5 Se rs Binary ere ny) ae ae a ae ere aed Peer ec ea Pome aren Pay Denny ieee Patan oer about toking better care of our Erie Teaearaey le Das because we Quickly remind Erne eae rete boring a5 hell and that it’s shark wtek on Discovery yr) y rm STO ar Re Ore eva atm Cp oars Aha TA ame a PRM enY 99 Bruce Schneier, Secrets and Lies Online Child Protection eee Me reece an ae Re Cen eter ey MOCa aE OME eeu uncut ect hazardous place for a child to explore, despite the great benefits that itoffers. The following pages will look at the risks involved for children when online but also how to prevent them and how to better protect your child while they navigate this virtual minefield. Sere MONA aE es ae MRE ca Fee ene Big Sei sier ester stsketees Te) Feet een = Gre Cad Feuer eee ee BR ee eas aS Ten cmc acs Can Access? Non-Technical Gua Penmaes 16 = Tips for Technical Guardians 444 Top Child Friendly Email Programs rN ees and Services pons Foe easel ere sates CR eee Romie ree cect Cian Block Sites Peach the Internet Children Online: What are the Risks? Every parent or guardian knows that being online represents anentirely new frontier of potential dangers for young children ~andteens, These dangerscomein many forms, with each being capable of greatly affecting thelives ofall involved. Children Online: What are the Risks’ ee ee ey eect ene ene aoe tne ec pean t a tee te erty Seeger ee ees Ce et ree eee preety Coen wa cau 2 ere ey ve : TENS | rel oie ane Radicalisation venieiae riers sis something we a: pares Meek us aoe Se eee cule vente into ae ee rer ee ee ers esa ar ec ie = Seine eee reine Identity Theft Serer pete ies eee spacer ere ree ere ee es tae sic and one tha i) eee Online Scams - eee on Whilst the Intermet Ee aces peed ead eaticed that can bring ‘44 CoS GES Og ose SE eae Penn Peete Seren poeta peer Peter eae et \ ma Online Child Protection) 134 Social and Children Medi The impact of social media on children has been the subject of numerous reports over the last fewyears. With more and more children and young people gaining access to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and so on, there's a growing concern as to how its affecting online safety ny ste or portal where some form of socal interaction orcs can be cased as social med, s0 even if yeu doit allow your children crs Facebook et a thee sil a chance they're in ‘cootact va gaming oan app of some destin: YouTube, blogsandsoon. ‘eps om the emarcan cade of Pais has found thatsingsodal media does prxideberftsforyoungpecre: Decanting to eins, regular wee of cca media patos enhances communication, socal connections ad tcl stil, Not on ta alos young pele to connect wth tended family members and fends they wert se for perhaps ea at ie, 3 they en places there nat ely {0 vt. Depending on the content, sacl mala can help & ung en develop bette especies on various sues in themed anduhentaledabowwih anacl.heycan begin to fam thee ewe oprions, an impressive sage ina yeung enone bn same ways oc media can ap a young person res ‘har ine eings ard exccuages redo of thought ard engagement vith similar age people. Thee potetal or 3 ung peson to ea new tings, hehe hats spl le hacks or dscoresng semen oo ce. lin al ad up, fn paper atleast, to 2 postive eperence tha can get Felpayeungperson gow and helo them fom 3 ore matre Lacestondngo te wo rund them somettngwedént rave bloethe ite. Sadly wth every postive aspect there ae several negatives hist the fects of sci med on ach an be fx gpd, theyaremosly orshadoned by the pop negative aspects ‘hat utimatly seta the surface. The sheer aes of socal rredia sane ofthe man causes fr such neat, Do freedom anclinitess pote, heres no defnable croton the scape ofiforatn. Ys the soil media platm can apples files and esicters bt hese seer betartoo ‘easly bypassed and oseme cee worhesinthe end, alack 00g Teh Seri ome (be bulbngs leon sca mca Fm thes made to ung people, to ds athe appearance andbody shag, 52 platorm that has quel devoted nto a pit of despie and depression fr same unforurae yours. Ths can ka, nee cases otal corsequences but general the ‘alee temfr he gait pled upon the youh oftody « FaebookDepresot recert months, the Roya Sky for Pub Heath ogee wath the Young Heath Movement rose a sun that reeled Irstagam to hae the neve ipa on a yeung, persons mental velbeng aca the media plan of eepering young pope elings of nadequny and arty, sa during ot hat on tp ofthe pasar school ot calle fe yungpenpearehavngta putessves treugh ‘hermit sinelystinginfontofasccen. al heath 3 major concen amongst youre people bu social med so presents dak sie though onine grooming pote adasation and the spread f alare Each of hee wl greatly fet a young penal an to higher levels of amet, depression and witawal For ‘ample, the spread of maiare may nat sun oo negative onthe wellbeng of young pesen bu put yous inthe piaeofthecid wha hes uniting exc soe fom ot malar onthe family computer othe choc neterk, The rte ematona fc om thi happening can be huge ‘osomeore whose immaturity cant.ealiththeatereecs. “The softy deo soil media and chicken comesin mary farms then. Mental heath canes, acest inappropite center, Intmet bore dita teats bulb, omg, lenlness and body image Whee i easy pit out he fs of rte sarge danger, ts nat bays ea cet hat happens shuld someone post eed are raiulte images ofa yourgpesontosodalmed There, the presi on pens and guardians is jst as immense, when or youre peopl nasa te pa valdesttonterthat socal med, Using social media isamongst the most ‘common online activities ofthe moder day young person. The likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many Co Safe Social Media 99 more all contribute tothe billions of hours collectively spent via computers and mobile devices, with online gaming. quickly following on the heels of the more popular social portals. ma Online Child Protection) Search Engine Safety The search engineis the portal into the wider Internet and through it we can view everything from man's first steps on the moon, to extremist group propaganda children are aware of the dangers of the search engine. Wiile the Google search portal isn't dangerousin itself it's what potentially lies behind the search entered that ‘makes it such a dangerous place for young people to venture into. Many 66 Safer Searching 99 ‘young people are somewhat more tech-savvy than most adults but the ‘younger children are at risk from a seemingly innocent search resultingin inappropriate content being displayed. consider how aparuar scenario may be payed cut. Aci it in fon of 2 search engine, they enter someting to ho with a school project on Wo Wer 2 andstan tl thelinks. though part isto some ofteimages that maybe dsploed ould be deemed appropiate to a primary schol child, or thase as young To expand, what the eh then follous fnks to modern day ware ‘and from there potently to videos depicting exreme violence. hat then can Ssnonbal ito acesing aha an ony be esrbedastherealnasty stu whichisnit Somethingany cd sould ever witness. F est take much imagnaten to sd of what could pct happen ‘oad the serch engine can od og no a whle hap ow That uouble can cme fem schoo your ISP sheuld ny lea hoses corset wort ming se that leos. I's therefore paramount that whatever search engine you use, ary filters alone Font ofa each engine fran leh ote you consider Googe to beta iy, here retheeso!DickOuckGo,asarchengine logan ay searches but 0 fates a coterie er engine. Liewse Strap, Brg Boake f inappoprtecrtentandallovnga ight dee ofhaemet hag there ae steps we as pares, ‘seach ret. There are name for sae serch with The st seach pices ane ocd ut the alas a chance that cmethng could gt rave the nt ond reeaiseFonthescren ( Search Engine Safety ci Six Safe Search Sites “Therefore, her ares child safe search engines. The age angesvary but generally they te pitching to primary or low mide school chldren. ter way, they/recertainly worth considering and bookmarking or when a chilis using the computer for school or goneral research AUKbased search engine that ites D: PATE 'sickisassrchenginedesienedand cetedoy Google's Saeseurchtechrolagyandprevides Iirenansforehiden whe are searching forschoo lated _afrienly roncend ts good siating point and one tha dos solay research, Eachresultrexumed eatues a description and reading ee lon, pictur cons alongwith search eats thuseiminating any appropri \wthsuggestons anchomenod helpers, imagesthat may unintentional sip through =a SAFE Susncl Kies ct Monsters anecellen ste that dedicated to Here another custised search engineutlsng pingchilden researc schoo topics sa ree Goagl’ Safesearch retreats iter Adon, t online amaac dctonaryencjlopocia are thesauusandisaired at lea fatures barred eye search ste that illnot tum any res children betwen the ages ofeghtand fourteen, fromthe blacklist of banned words Asimplesite that designer muchyounger users KdRecis NINE & great and rend each engine fr children and young poweredby Googe ovnsearch engnebut a youd eed, people. idle provides stictiteringalong th chle-endly fiteesout any inappropriate cone. Furthermore, aeaparen,youteako able eats that ae grouped by toze deemed safe nd handpicked bythe Kile tsomice the flterstnensuresofer oles etetve sa celts Herearetrstd sts that are speciically rt for chen but < provide understandable content ar safe famous ites that are harder Undertand btstilreevart. x ma Online Child Protection) Of all the many despicable acts and threats that arise on the Internet toward young people, online grooming is undoubtedly one of the worst examples. It's a tricky act to-eontiim at times too, as those who groom offen cleverly hide their tracks but itis possible to spat signs of ithappening i tors ong as the groomers they geting ccna cing child expe The ming {nen mova here tre goomersasto became nor peoral adoping a pesora of ancther young peson ough = se ge th iin cust, Pars eventually they they le ane hey coucrmestupatersehoolor Samthing, 0! cuse does ays payout that ay thee “re mary ft nays in which he geome can sath enemas tu ee avng scaly meet the youn -esoniiuesn, “he NSFC ates that goomes cn be anges othe young pon a end rotor reve a filymembe hy an ais becithermaleorfeval andofanyage asthe KC rents rjaneean groom someone The mere prominent reasons ae chef ema conversations, vant to hove wal images ofthe young parson as wel 3 ides, ass tothe young posons webcams mast So cusses, a gan futher oman regan ni there 8 eamples of gaming In err tp stan asaverds fr basking and sich: Ofer tes an element of Backal rid hete demands mace image: or thal post the images up on the tenes The sips of online groming ‘ary cepenirg onthe youre son and hear the ac of omni been > Theyoungpesonbeingvr scree incite nine ac. > Hoingalderbayfiendsoc ition > ongtounsulplacestomedtup withers > Haingnentingssuchas cates, phonesorther obectsthey canteen Geog ets ota oreo sire Sendyoulsof phate messages -sakyotaleep conversations ascot tpt dota abautyouandyoarfariy Stato send youseaslvessages us tari ith Jpesthen mavigon > Blac youna sennginages cides by es ‘nen toyour yours. ‘The suas Can vary andthe oom is aden at hing ces of thr actity 28 wel 9 ying to someone about ‘hemsehes Chine sates" impodanto reember that theres one ype of groomer Many ae hnds of people haus tenet ck force pasuadeyeung pepe ‘no sharing seal images of themselves. fen an aut pretendngtobes young peson.butnot ays” Parents and guacans can watch out for cean pes of behaviour which coud be sigs of grooming. ears of ‘ihetheritsorine vaa phonechatappcreveninpein, The SPEC have sed thefoloningas potentials > witeaun > sos clothes > Suddeniybehaves > Tokesiks ferent > Misses school > powous > Changesineatinghabits > clingy > Obsessive behaviour > Depressed > Nghtmares > hegessve > pgs > Problemssleening 5 Aol > Exingdsordes > saltharm > wasthebed > Thoughtsaboutsuiide Both Chidioe and the NSPOC hae excllent websites edcatedtoonlie gooring denguihadicetobah pans land guacians, aswel 3s young people and chien You {an ie them at tpschdineopukfefo adicefbulyeg abueesaleybriine miesaeyoline-goming¥l0. and Inipsi/nspcc on /prevetng-abusechil-atuse-an teectigoorng. ts corinly worth reading though each Sato ganabeter ndesindngcforinegrooing whathe warning ses are andhow tosoppoayeurg person should lanysignsbeapparee ‘TheNSPCC (the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) defines grooming aswhen someone builds an emotional 66 What it isand what to Look Out for 99 ‘connection with a child to gain theirtrust forthe purposes of sexual abuse, sexual ‘exploitation or trafficking. x ma Online Child Protection) +40 How Safe are the Sites Your Child Can Access? Mobile operator 02, YouGov and the NSPCC have teamed up with Net Aware to createa site that reviews popular sites and apps that children and young people use. This guide allows parents and guardians to view the information to help them understand their child’s online world. Net Aware Netaware isan excellent site and can be found at htps:/net aware Within youcan find anAto Zo Most Popular sites andhowsaethey actually are _2ccordngtofacecons. Hereare ten ofthe popular choices wth ther safety informatio, cio Fem Reporting alack 0g Teh Sr MINSNEERD srottersot too hihyrated st, whatsApp raises several ances over ably tobe contacted bystanges, random peopl beingableto view your prof picture ae the potential fo rceing com messes, WhatsApp BB isisasocial ntworingsite where you canaskoter people Teatall people onthe ntemetassuangrs even thos who could end alternative email account, > Never ge outary personainernationisemsito usually one that's web- aounhrewnsouceor ste, based, that they can use to > Bewarywhenchoosigan emaname, access games and sites you ertuseanythingto ident yeurgenderor wouldn'tnormally allow anybingrovctive themto. > Neveropen an emailatachmert checkwitha parent corguardan is. > Neverrepytoanunkoounemalandneversend ay images ofyourset Aways tla parent guardian teacherfyou'vebeen contacted by semeeneyoudon'tknow > Neverrespondtoathestingemslor someeneattemptingte bait youinto ‘contac. > Dontatwaysbeiove eventhingyou readin an ema Phishing temps comes inane Dont believe you've wen £,000000¢ react nites rialouseerson technology easton. itsneary ays fokeemalsuyingto pt youtovistaste ootber posit sta use one ofthe many child fend emal programs ard anne sence, “Thee are are lable tty out and oer the net couple of pages we thea look at tothe mor highly recormendecsrices, Email and Child Safety cl \ Bw) Online Child Protection) Top Child Friendly Email Programs and Services An email account fora child or young person is a great way for them to communicate with friends and family; however, as we've seen, it can be a dangerous tool. Therefore it's best to ensure they're using a safe, child friendly email account. Ten Child Safe Email Accounts tes notalays easy to police and monitor an emallaccoun, sere are ten child endl emall account andrelated series that wilhelp make thejabot keeping children safer when communicating vera PNTIRTINID Zicvatisnnundertheziladogcom band. ceatesty —— BRSISSNIRIM. Zocouh has on impressive ofbeneitsand features for arene cigen. t's an eas tout, rend sence that paren and guatcinstolokover when consderingan aso combines chi sale online games arlinks toca safe webstes suchas eral provderfortheichid. Adjustable spam fiterng the ity to dete Crton Newark and hee, ZilaMal hs sme interesting pecs and attachments block pec sendes se acy logs and Predator Catch features, hich malesitan eclet choice far parents and guards. Prase ale syst all actlup teat serve. stall paid ior sevice ofernga 20d tal ‘eal salon cost sibseripton ema sevice hat caters riod. Foryourmoney you get mail manitsngr al Bosh youngchlden and ler young people arent and icomingandoutgngemals rom thechid accu, meresicions, blocked guadarshavefullcorrl aver theemal acount andthe messagesthat come senders, aces spam firing and an e3) oy 3c ers adam {andgo fom the chlsaccunt, aonguithmanycherbenefs an fess EMAIL FOR KIDS Gm of’ eo 0 0 PIETY 20:15 nines (_ Top Child Friendly Email Programs and Services ec Another receiadsence,Tocomaickeste chi, SAT prathas ple ete perentand arian a weal in and we tures the ting lot more than justeral tothe leforexamplechichen get accesso__subsciption however, he i lable, custonisablecon essuppot ix naticaiens aan app when the chi ha eared ane 3 Email ‘Safe email for kids EE toaGmaila mail isn't the first email service that springs. as ‘help you set up a Gmail-lke account for children under ‘emironmentfer the, inte sence outside otheUS in time Gmail byGoogle 3 FIRED tisisachieerdiyemal appioriosandandiddevces. ts AANA tir’ an teresting suggestion why rote the funtouse, secure andes the paentor guardian ample cota hid 2 Providing theschoo ling andrestions or the chi’ ace lth Rehidrencansiay ncontact wth taparticpate, achidcanlog int thei accunt em hom specie contact ss i ilremaring safe online ‘evated secur send and rece emalsin total safety Nataly, youd need rr wanthe che prortousngthe Peery sae roecrourre EES \ a Online Child Protection) 3 Cyberb (Cyberbullying is when someone uses the Internet, email, online gaming, social media and any other kind of digital platform to threaten, tease, humiliate or upset someone else, Both the bully, and the victim of the bullying can be any age, from very young, children up to late teens, and beyond in some cases, The source ofthe bullyingcan come from others the vctim knows at school or college, or from a complete strangeron the otherside ofthe world uilying someone online doesn't always involve threating remarks. What may seem like a playful comment on one side, could be taken 23 cuting ibe on the other. It's not always an easy thing to specify, as we allhave moments when we may say or do something to upset someone without meaning todo that person any emotional hrm Mostly though, with respect to loose and throw away comment, the one who made the comment will probably apologise for their mistake once ‘they cealise tha they have upset the other person. However, true cyberbullying isthe persistent harassment ofan individual The eyberbully wil goad, threaten, send nasty messages, even take images of the vitim and Photoshop them in inappropriate situations, through the use ‘of many different farms af online communications 1s asad case to, that a ot of young people are already in heightened ‘emotional state due to thet body image, thanks ta the media and unrealistic Photoshopping of celebrities, Where young people, especialy young teens, {are very conscious f ther image, alight remark to someone can impact the young person in an incredibly negative way Social Media cjberbules ae able others around them u loverwhelmed by bules. Probably one ofthe main platforms for cyberbullying, social media fs : ‘an ideal hunting ground forthe cyberbully. The effects of social media adopted a move Sport endly bullying have been devastating on some foriles, Teen suicides, self 5 by instances of bulling can be harm and elevated cases of depression amongst young people ae papular the mecia an bring o\ight just how powerful and dangerous Buti is st soneoe shoving social medias 35a communications t00 timas » newcomer, orsomeone who he bully wil say tings lke hope Facebook, Twit, nstagram and other examples have all become the yoy die or Yan of something simian shor, any hauntof thse who ey upon and harass others. rom the paint of view Yous benevio jing your online game creations oF af acid, whose emotional state quite vineabl, even asim’ belongings ea | ‘of comment can embarrass or hut Online Gaming having access to their own phones Another prime source of meds cyberbulljng, online gaming has a Mates raricue toe proved tobe vicious placetoinhabitforsome. The prolemwithonine sent gan, thanulbs, back to the source, and tagethe amings that the bullying comes from anywhere in the word. There are th anyone ele WhO the bully(s) can be reprimandes for cases of gomers targeting females, cifierent religonsorthose who come thar hehev out Sadly een narceecc ge, from different pats of the weld. With the use of headsets he gaming nowledge a cyber I ber abuse os onoinag alah 00g Teh Seri ome her aspect of cyberbullying via text message is sextng. isis when someone takes an explicit mage or video of themselves and sends to someone else. Sometimes, person can bully someone into sending them images or videos of the vetim, then send those > rages on to athers or upload them “ to papular sites and inform an entire 1009 0 the location, Email Seng sbusive emis large sre concera for hore nvr protecting yun people rom cyberbullying eve 286, the double eeged lade of anonymity an cut both ways an protect yur identy online but alsa idea Indival wha buying someene.énarymaus emails sent fom bully can be jst shal oe sci mesa online gaming and ‘of bullying, muchikehaving vo posted det tou y an abusive letter addressed Setting up filters to block certain senders does work but only toasmali degree. There are plenty of email = able thatwillhidea senderor fake email providers to hide behind Ie not alnays abusive content either, 2x cyberbulies have been know to send viruses and other malvare their vitims cyberbuly Beebe o single Eomment oF lust someone calling someone else 3 ‘noob Iran also be very serious indeed, including death teats, threats of violence or the sending or posting of explicit images or videos. There's a wealth of information avaliable from th likes of the NSPCC and Childlne with regards to cyberbullying, whichis certainly worth reading through fyou suspect any instances of bullying or you just want to know more about how it works online. (cyberbullying cl a; ILnever be able to truly stop cyberbullying, or any other Ro Ane ee eee Coed who want to cause harm to others. However, wecan take steps to Petter ne ou eee bullying can usually stop Rs orat a place where they ~ ees ‘44 eg ee | Peo pee nears ere ea pee Te Te itll Nae Eroee en Pee oe es Se eee a ee ue eee ee ees Se ee ere oe ree ee a ee een ee neon er Perens See eke young peopl thraugh winen it comes to dealing wth cyberbullying er eee Beene re een rene nema See eee ee reser ieee Cee ee eee eee ete eee eet rsd ee renner Se Oe et Ce eer ee ee Co acs! Cee ce aeons Ce ecnrerencs ae ee? eeu See eee ad [reer ean eat sare Cee eee ees Seen Rue eens ort ey Coe reece Cones Cerra praereeerc in) oer eee) Sey ere oeerns Ce aa Z Giacense ee tade a (7 eee epee ee ea cee ane worthy of you have to say and together find a way to prevent and deal wth the Prot Cree et eed neste ener ee een eeren enerr er mres ert ret arty ian Ee eee eee ee ere eee ee Se eS Pee eee eer cre eee eee ee eae Pree et en emeeee c eee en te Tay Sereno ear Poe ae ete eee Peete ee ee eee ee eee et eer ety Pen eee er eet nee ne Perea scant ae eens Bee aes Ce a ene nea ne eens pee ye cee en respect and the police have powers to approach the bully with the eee es Cece en eee as eset re ene c ee eet Ce ee eee ray abusive behaviour and every social media, online game and contact pee eee ns eet as ‘wecan do's help oung people cope with tand learn to avoid those who Perenen eesti Helping Your Child Through the Internet The Intemetisa vast resource that's full of amazing details and an equal amount of villainy and inappropriate content. It's difficult for a child to navigate it by themselves and extremely dangerous; so, as a parent or guardian, we need to make sure they're safe. Internet Safety for Everyone “Together wth the excellent advice fom te NSPCC, Childine and Safty Net Kids, we've collated tn practical and reali tps to help you and your child remainsafe hen using the Intemetandits connected sri sen enmen een) ora aco "°° (_ Helping Your Child Through the Internet CET fort tomeerevenensorins EET [rove ronpopiteitho como takinganintetinyou, you enter your age for exarpl. et of aleve espondenl evenreasing it The comments coulda lead yout esponingane il keep pushingunt yo ether youteonasocia medias E TEED os eesmeesuethityune — RT . : hirer are accompanied he com or pyiga game, become amir the blocker reportanather seo ROO o> ieee 4 ee tc Q oe : ) F24 ome age EASED Meco onmroning ene EET oar ometupithanoneyovemt ‘someone you know Neveret anyone remotely tach your pretend tbe someone, post fake petureortake theicentyosmeoneele computerethersveryratforacompanytoatachtoahomecomputrtofi, youdoarangeamestng make sue yourewthctherrenc nap pace emthing Atlas be :uzpceu ol ayone ach Your Child and Online Gaming, is it Safe? f course there's nothing wrong with gaming for enine gaming. Despite the many years of people bemoaning that gaming is taking away something from a childhood, recent studies have actually shown that online ‘gaming «an increase social skis, help develop hand-to-eye coordination and, depending on the game, have ‘educational benefits and help young people ear, ‘The prablem is that not everyone always plays fai some take pret offence when theyve Deen besten by another player, resulting in the person beaten shoutingorenteringabusive comments. Other players use cheats to gain an advantage, making it near impossible or ther players to even have a chance of ‘inning oF succeeding, Sometimes, when a payer i beter than thers around them, they can be aceused of cheating, even ‘hen they" not Allofthe above canbe clshearening to 2 youngpetson and depending on the amount and typeof abuse they may receive from 2 poor loser, quite upsetting too. Its ‘often dificult for someone who enjoys playing a panicular game to be accused of something they haven't done or have to contend agaist someone who is viously cheating. The trick ofcourse is to keep caim, something many adults find dificult doing under such circumstances, let lone children and young people. There ate other factors too that can cause problems for young people wren gaming. The game ise might nat be ‘age appropiate, with in-game missions asking the young person todo something that’ really not very nice. The game might Your Child and Online Gaming, is it Safe? ci involve some scenes af an inappropriate nature, perhaps sexually explicit or enremey violet, or use inappropriate language, Intermsofonline bullying. i'snotjustragethat causes problems. Grefingisa tactic used by some gamers to bully athers into making the wrong move or decision inthe game, This wa, the “giefer wins by simply ‘causing as much aggravation as possible, and in turn enrages those around them. It’ also not unheard of for entire teams of grefes to band together to bully ‘the opposition into defeat. In-game spending is a modexn cause for concern ‘among parents to0. For the young person who enjoys playing the game to have any significant advantage tall, they may need to purchase better items from Z the In-game store, Often these items wil inewtably lead to more items ‘needing purchasing andthe cost son mounts up Other games, make itnearimpossible to finish without having to pay for something, such Online’ playing a garne inrealtime with other players from around the world, The game can be virtually anything, a shooter, roleplaying, Seoueytouniock | adventure or something the next level | openworld, such as or by. having the player buy ané dowmload (inown as 2 DLC downloadable content 66 Online Gaming 99 Minecraft. The issue with The other safety concerns involve those who play games inorder to be exposed t young, gomers. Minera, for example, is 2 game predominantly played by younger people, so thase of 2 perverse nature may play and use servers where they're interacting line gamingisthat with younger people; thee’ even the pessiity | Online gaming of Some form of online grooming taking place in | anyone could be the situations uch ashi character that's currently However, despite the safety concerns over aniline playing next to your fuming i's not alvays bad news Yes some games | chil’Sonline avatar. Go employ facie to lech more money from the players and other games ae simply an excise for oor behaviour; bu with respect, there ae countess famesavalablethatanheipayoungpeson develop fecialandather sil ‘As parents and guardians, we need to make sure that ‘the game the young person is playing is appropriate and, ta some degree sel to them, as wal as being enjoyable. We'll look at some tips on staying sale laen gaming online over the page but its worth remembering that even fe find the game somewhat dll the young person playing it may well be enjoying i We just need to make sure its 2 safe environment forthem. Staying Safe when Gaming Online - Advice for Your Child We've looked at the safety concerns of online gaming but what can we as parents and guardians do tohelp keep our young gamers safe? Thanklully it’s nothing too drastic, usta little common sense and a few tipsto help out. Game On Here are ten ipstohel the young gamer getthe bes from their game of choice, whist stl remaining safe also how to avoid ay conficsthat may arise mm Staying Safe when Gaming Online - Advice for Your Child eines Berens | Username Generator errerening ST ery \ ma Online Child Protection) Monitoring What's Goin gOn The temptation and lure ofthe Internet is often litle too much for some people, especially young people who are repeatedly told not to look or go somewhere on it. Tella young person not to open a box and most will lift the lid when you're not around. restrictions that we've putin place. We're not saying they're hacking or do anything particularly bad, its ust that sometimes we need to see what all the fuse is about ourselves, rather than take someone elses ‘word for. Here then, are some of the tricks that the modern, digitally capable young person can do to hide what they lookat onthe internet hetech-savy youngstersoftoday wllareadyhave 1 beter idea of how to circumvent technological, Private Browsing Private browsing. privacy mode F incognito mode Is 3 festurebultitoeverybronser regarlessofthe computer cor devices operating stom, asthe tile suggests, 9 privacy feature tat val sable the browsing story and web cache; tops any dat rom the browsing activites rom being stored on the device or compute. With private browsing made enabied, which takes just a couple of clicks ofthe mause, someone can effectively un 9 search for something they shouldnt, view the Content and close down the private browser window without anyone ever ‘knowing they were onthe site. There are ways and means in which you can check for private browsing but ifs often hit and miss and not entirely accurate, which is the whole point of private browsingin the first place Alack 00g Teh Serine 34 Webmail 1seasyenough fr someone tocrete a webmail account, ring: br earple ul ahewretere Ohana kel oop of ton your seta as nothing wil be store aly, ‘There are also plenty of fake email services available, so in effect a diferent persona could be created with relative eae, as we've seen in previous anoaymous and privacy sections of tis book. Ether way, i's certainly possible for a young person to have an email accountyou know nothing about, Burner Phones whist a burner phones usually 2 purchase a second pay.a-ourgo phone that Never underestimate the resourcefulness of a young person. Just as with a cop show bumer phone, its an easy enough device to hide fom @ parent or guardian Naturally there's a limit to what a young person can get avay with but is something worth keeping in ind, Anather af the many elements to laok out for ‘ith a young person who's being groomed, is 2 burner phone the groomer may giveto them. This, they e ableto cantact the young person with a higher degree ‘of anonymity Secret Social Media Then used wih an unnown ebm adress, ane Foci media account Ty yous ond se ow at Despite the fact that creating a fake social media account is against the social media platform's rules, i not something they'te able to police with any grat elcieny.Justlike a secret email its extremely sificul to see if» young person has setup a secret social media account OS onastick Usb stick and be abe to boot it the OS ous the System tht installed on the compote This mak tor an mpressvely anonymous an secure plat totronse tom, aseventhingisdoneva the USB ck andthe temporary seson held memory Natural, the young person wil eed to ceboot the computer and bost into the OS on the US@ drive but that takes mere seconds these days. The end results something youll never kel be anare ot ( Monitoring What's Going On ci OF course, we're not saying you should police your children like prison warden. There will come a pon here you simply nave to have ith hat youve taught them right fom wrong and lt them go and discover the world by themsetes, however painful that ray be, Theres a fine line between protection and controling and ts orders are eer shifting thanks ta the technology available and the ever-growing cutest of young people. However, we can make sute th educated and Intemetnise enaugh to be able to make decisions for themselves, and, as you would expect, we alsa need to ensure that they'e not the victim of any eipital atack. An open relationship is creited as being the key here, a often stated by grolessonal bodies. young petson is Human nature finds most of us sneaking a peek at something we shouldn't and children and young people are certainly no different. Young children will 66 Eyes inthe Back of Your Head most likely avoid those areason thelnternet the parent or guardian has told them tonever go to; however, older children and teens may find ita little too tempting, Child Protection Monitoring Online Activity for Non-Technical Guardians There's a vast difference between monitoring a child's online activity and actively spying ‘on everything they do. In monitoring, you're making sure that they aren’t being scammed, downloading anything illegal and generally behaving themselves online. Non-Technical Tips for Monitoring ‘There arerumeouswaystornortrachids on safety bt lof them can ecuite tacos, erearetntpsorthase who arn. Compute teat bt sil warts helpkeep acid sae online EPPID 01 quien esahelawthm . acuity nyourhare consider contacting chatingwtha team Most etal SPS wil section renin ticular chill sale ardmey be ableta set web based mar te ale ile ‘monitor cild-device-actity anise whatyoucan do withachlserouro Manitar your child's device use with activity reports ( Monitoring Online Activity for Non-Technical Guardians ec COICTOTRENGD vcuchidwantsto ploy a gamejonethat dosent invohe any line communiations, or doseme ‘work, consider unplugging te computerordevicetiom the home outer Ether Bieler pullthecableoutolthe newer pot or power don the WF. That way they BBD vortinvestngn ath pany atmalwarsecanty site, uch 2s Weh Btdeender another security suites. you get soreferm of mgyou ta hep tackof nee use, Blockuninow cynextend te protectin to abledevces. Protection forthe entire family Part Azrieonsntncy sb ter your che hasbeen online, consider youdort want ta pay fora ul sat, conser toknga loka the braiser histor, Youcan Usinga fee mritoring ond tection tool ers usuaatingsclickentheltveshrkontal suchas ertan Family FeeEdtion With tyou can supeve web acres, pretect of Feo, fox eample ole by Histor tovewthe sonal nfermation ana setup social netwerksupersn, recente eb pages, runt ne our clas any social media accounts makesureto become frends orcannected to RRL ote surthat any searcheng them Thisway you can se what they pos, what theylie ade ead to help asGongle havethe pareialfitessetothe | tha should something ever pt xt than, srasimum or stews In Google enter something nthe serch bn then click ting nk and tun on SafeSearch, Other each engines my erin sppearancebutthey allhave sme farm ocustomeable iter le [ae a | Online Child Protection Tips for Technical Guardians to Monitor a Child’s Online Activity For those parents and guardians who are more technically minded, there’s a wealth of software and features available that enable you to monitor your child’s Internet activities. Some are simple solutions, others require a little more work, it depends what you're looking for. Ten Steps for Tech Minded Guardians -Asatechnicaly minded parent guardian, you can monitor afi set up batch les o send daly connection reports anid withthe inner workings of youre. Herearetenipstobelp you ut empievogs EN) athechilden do nie ome earmpesoverthe uttobegin wth aka lookat Que tps. ce, er Tips for Technical Guz t ipconfig splays. ‘arp ipconfig idsplaydns>c\monitoring\ sites.ot (swear netstat-abfS> clmonitoringactvty.t x Child Protection Ten Monitoring Tools to Install and Use Monitoring tools usually come within a complete Parental Control package. These tools can be dedicated programs, or come as a part of a security suite Either way, they're excellent ways to help keep children and young people safe on the Internet. Parental Controls Weve coated ten ofthe bette parental control and monitoring ols andsofware, in no particular order. Some offetheirsoftwarefor fe, others you need Weve neniened Quai inthe previous pages tsa seederampletoleckofthistoptentools section with complet package hat monies, blacks ter and conilstimes, pps ars many difeentpatioms Ping lr up toe deve Races eee ELD {Without a doubt one ofthe mast espacted parental ‘onl soltonsaatabeisNet Nay. tS ben around sofiteringpeecton,montongand rental conls rss platform and pes vary depend sats esttocheckoutthe ates fes vate, alack 0g Teh Sr (_ Ten Monitoring Tools to Install and Use cl EID tc ectenccien RAIA oer sd or sence tobe (seme mente Open and navigate to Windows ‘cm et Clckcthe drop davnmenusayng Tet Documents nd change lies Tis wilt the es within tee ld Clckon te Hesse ben clckthe Operon ee réregoingtofoo the red local sdgoto HeBDMPublcatonswebste, Perfectly combining high quality with great value Recommended Pubication Eithe close or minimis the browser window and getbacktothe Hosts flein Notepad. Press Eteracoupleol tiesto start anew lneunderthelast hash and ypeir 4270.0., Dt ad thalHTTPSor thew par ustasitappeas inthe adeeb a. batt ae InNotepad dick Fle> Save, to obviously savethe newly edited Host fe Now getbacktayout ronserandether ees the age orclose and lod he browser When the addres br enterthe ‘i tps osc 7ow see thatthepage wor loa, o=——— You coneysarctinglrtuaGogeerSgbuttsitwont (ol nyuvesusy bec cess the ws resmanefom'te Hof oucaooseeten si dna fe Pe ‘main dmpublcation com address are also ack, whichis cen handy forsomestes Using the Windows Hosts File to Block Sites ci \Whatie'vedonehereisfool Windows neterkingsendcesrto thinking tat the website being host ‘onthe computritsa and nt outthereon the ntaret. fe wanted to renove thebock ne ) Further Protection for Young Adults) Staying Safe with Snapchat for Teens Popular amongst young teens, Snapchat has continually raised its appeal by offering alluring features at the cost of security and privacy. The most recent update (at the time of writing) is Snap Maps, a feature that tells everyone where you currently are. Safety Snaps Snapchathas some useful features but also some slightly scary security sues ts best then to makesurethatyouteas safe as possible when using «Photos «My Story ‘Tap a photo with a Snapcode to add Wasa mest that Snapschatter Everyone My Friends v Custom the varoushesdn ohn pinch yur row youre orenab ode or beter pha ( Staying Safe with Snapchat for Teens cl Usemame My Contacts Snapeode Nearby Share Username oO Wis stilin the aocount settings, scroll down to Man Under the Adetional ences heacng Inhereyoucan ithe data vse and enabefiters fox nary places, change the o Youcan easily remove fends, black and report other Srapchat uses by aie longpressingthe contactor Snapehat eed andselecingteoption fom TT themenu Make sureyuve taken any sceenshots finapororat content beorebockng to useas proof fearing the contact ( Aaditonal Services : ites ‘Team Snapchat teamsnapchat Edit Name Remove Friend Premisiont ‘Advert Preferences La 7 . Do) Report ‘Unde the Aion speci nhacancontact Se see : - see ries Isbesttolimitycur Contact Me 2 ust aswith ll social media platirms,fyou're wncomfotable with ‘ccountsooniyfriendsareableto "7TH hecontntor messages that someones seringyeu, tla par seeycuoranypossyoumake, as iewMy Stony uaa, ache orother responsible adult, Dritrespond, donne ‘oppoed tothe Even serine Snything to them and aay thnbefore posing ry mages cf youre and 4 Suppo | Further Protection for Young Adults Creating a Child Account in Windows 10 If you're sharing a Windows 10 computer with your children, or they have one for themselves, then setting them up with their own account will work better for you both in the long run. A Windows 10 child’s account gives them freedom, and you can set up certain restrictions. Windows 10 for Children ith a windows 10 child account you're able to set up age estrone limits andensure theyre nating ses orusing pps they should. XS Manage your acount Re “System settings: Search suggestions PD acc-seove ‘pps ea side ook orth Fai & ther (creating a chitd Accountin Windows 10 ci Clckthe Adda Child option inthe new account window ard “The cles account isnow readytobe activated. The message et thei email the txt box section bow When yout ready, boxinforsyou that you need to resxend tthe eal rasa. clckon the Hert button, hassentbefre they ablto login tote Windows 10 compute: Click the = S] Clos butter when you're ready. ‘Add a child or an adult? ‘gu nena age ef ne pen ena ee rns eerie ia eee Youn wnca2010nln 8 ie 8 Hey a ey ‘grow wttom ent eb sos Se wt ey © passes ‘emer a a rte ey ht ro Leen ton eno ceed ete ete O patina sooner cay icsaf il sendsomeemaltothchids acount Onealbe 2 ericson ema areyeu, or your chil weed to cckthe lnktoactnatethe acount they reedtologn to MicosaRoninetocompitethe proces. Thecther era wil bean ination tin te aly court, which you soneed to sec RTT You nowasthe message thats not airsoft account, cick thelinkto Cea Mirosok Account. Tiswilbingyoutoaren window ith he emailadcress ove erred aed ile in Compt the ‘eleiantdetaisandcickthe Next butonto continue aa = So) soe omen = Verify your email address Let's create an account =o vos ce Oectom tein Sag ee ete a enS RONEN Usingthecidaecoutt jin thefamiy wll sendemsisio yucorfrning the acreptedntatlon Backat the Windows 10 Fariy&OtherPepl window. yeu can now lickthe chs account and allowit tol or manageitvathe Miso Family paaonln, wich welleokatin ny JE) =) theresa. Far other people ‘The net section details what evelofserch and advertising, Spun Nios willow otheacount Obey yeucanursckbath “urn bomsoreavethemasthyare,talldependsenvhatyouvent oneveror i steno tly thesakeoemanced pricy erecommerduntickngboth ick Nedwhen a yaierach ex ers [Motes eB eee | ne men |g See what's most relevant to them ee ae sy et ee ess aegis we, er cst preter ees ge ea gto =o =~ thy en ny rs ‘som ncn snes yom a nan 53) Further Protection for Young Adults) Windows 10 Family Features Microsoft's Family portal is a continually updating service that allows you to monitor, control and share features across Windows machines and Xbox consoles. I's designed to help share calendars, set screen times for games and set up safe browsing. Happy Families Theta potlishereyoueabetsethe acuta Ft youn brsetohtpsaccntmicesel.ctlogauith yout cent Beingaparentorguadn you cansetctly Reporting ny your Mrso chi acount Cckonthe Avy report nPrvatebrowsingvthin nie acy When yu'veloagedin tothe Mca account nin cckon theFamlyniound slong the top set men option. Ts ntmembersolyour Mrosok account adltsand any chicken slidertathe nests hilt i as er the previous tutor veto heckrecet ESTED te tech acount youcansee ou optin FPR nthe cttyrepartingyoucansesectonsfor Ne activi eb bovsng Screen means Move optioe Althe bromsing App gomesand Seren time Totheighol jonscanbe acesedbyclckingonanyefthelnks sotobeginuithciekthe aye Inks tosetupweb acess lockng game and ap lacing srdsoon, Cc Checkrecent acy option ‘onthe Tuer Bock Iinkre w We ovr tbegn th eb browsing ‘Apps & games a Tome 0 Screen time Oo. eye iti tore Providing the child uses Microsoft Edge, you can set Windows 10 tw atematialy block ry inappropriate webstesbyclckingthe slerinthe Turan backing nko the On postion, detours vil bockalinappropriatestes butyoucan ao speci an allow andblock ito ses yours lek the bak button inyourbrwsertretu othe previous page Now click he Apps&gamessecon and the Changing settings In ee youcan set age-specific estevonson apps and games. a ‘wll back cain progam trom running, suchas another browse foc, them touse MS Eg intead, ‘Sreentime, found onthetnktotheletunderthechils accourt naa illalow yout sete restietorsforthe chi ‘Thazerestctions nl work for Windows IOcompute nd deces, ae wel 32 nborcansales, apa THI ¢ Windows 10 Family Features ci Purchases spending aninterestng option and something which ‘ell belookngtinthe net couple of ages Inere youcan spealyaspendinglinitonthechiés account aswelas ve ter purcase to, TheFindyourchldsetingworksony wit Winds 10 Mobile dices. Wihit, youteabetalocaeyourchilorather thir eve, within ju afew mares via ahandy map. Use forifthey lose thei device orjtcheskngin onmberethey ae g snoncntdzmnpricon ~eow aA \Fyouon an bax One orkbor 30, you'ealso able to setup ay Xbex Privacy stings Fam thin the Most Family pata Youcan spec ideo chat, eng of rfl sharing ane ther forms of ammunition rom the console Privacy & online safety rome 182 Further Protection for Young Adults) Problems _ with In-app Spending The internetis awash with horrorstories rom parents who have discovered that thei child has spent an impressivesum on a game without their consentor knowledge; bt, just how much ofa problem sthis in-app spendingissue? app spending isa modern scourge fr parents, guardians andeven the Ofcourse that doesnthelp the parent or gurdian who is now looking at 8:48 AM = BB Airpiane Mode FE | ie wri oft > a ingwrongwithspendingmoneyanagame.outyeot BARN Tango yourchlren anctakingthetinetoeplain win 3 ting upalimited arcuntofmoneyana Micoso purchases work, andhon ad ean be iftheyovepeneis ahehy account. Thechidthentastothenmanagether cum budgetoninappspening, _ecommendedopton Cid exper sate that the best poly to prevert eps and gamesisa te education @ vonperci BD « sider usinga pit card for Tunes or Google Play to allow BD oo: {downloads and installsa game o app, the soya tsa more cntelledpuchasng fewemomenttolookcthraugh te appsinormation eeewnat f ‘emironment andsince Poy with he bonus app-etas you ary.n-ap products aon fe Tis sation wil usualy form you oto appv th hespending and thecevlopersillgetspaid Eeryone sappy much money thelnappetras cost and youcan then judge whether toallowthe Further Protection for Young Adults Online Child Safet at Schoo \Whilstyou're doing everything you can athome to ensure your childissafe when online, what happens when they/re outof the protection of yourhorne network? Schools are up against. as much, nat more, onlinesafety issues as parents, 186 How does our vx hues oedepederk ‘ onion nuit pes chieschoolprovide | fC inclauoon wih be aninesafey? Whats sree tools and procedures teachers and governing body. In do they use? What the UK, the UKOCIS {UK Council for goremvnentaced | Cd mire ays on op pees tnd droped 8 ie rea Schemesare | gent blon to hegoaring hoards support their school leaders in keeping children safe onlin. I's an interesting sicpage document and further reading can be found with the ‘ccomparying Sexing in Schools and Colleges 50 page guidance document. You can find both at tps//rnagox vi/eovermentaroups/uk councior- chi neemer sates, 66 Safer Schooling 99 ‘What's their policy on cyber bullying and From 22. December 2015, the Deparment for Education putin lace stengtened measures 10 help protect chicken trom harm nine, ‘which inladed eer bullying, access ‘what's the process. to pornography and the risks involved should anything with radialiation. These measures inappropriate ever trfoced schools to improve or makeitswayintothe | leet ites and motoing Seem mia system, guides on socal mea and ood practise anetheteachingofonine treats andthe sues surrounding. ‘This safeguarding of students trough education sone ofthe best forms finvoducing a ightened leet af interes safety amongst young people Parents and guardians can ant and rave about Internet salty until they are blue inthe face but when tcomes as pat of lesson nthe schoo), the ‘message i considered tobe delivered witha more meanings impact. In lasses, students are taught what temet uses acceptable, ond what nt {and ven clear objectives for ntemet use The school also capable and ‘often reqied to consult wth outside cid protection agencies, ringing In pers to help further the students understanding of the dangess and ‘ike fhe nem, social media anda omega behaviour ack Dog Tec sees ane Beyond the classfoom talks and conversations, schools employ an ‘assortment of advanced monitoring tol and tte. The schools expert IT staf wil leady use a range of network level security features found ontyn the server versions o Windows, or Linux These Features lest the students’ actus, whit sti offering them access to much needed resources both nterally ancexeraly oa the ntemet.fyourchidisnew tothe school, take a moment to ask f you can speak the head of the schools Tor T manager and aekthenn what they use and dot set mit and resritons on local and Internet resources. Mest ofthe techniques used are quite fescinatng, even fom a non-technical point of view, and often can be applied to a lesser, but just as eect, degree onthe home network, In addition to protection on the network level, the IT team wil also implementa range of site-level Net Nanny: programs. They may only Use a singl program, installed ona server to manage each workstation or they may use several programs to manage each students account ‘monitoring sts visited and providing blocks fr sts that are deemed Inappropriate. Another eement to consider vith schools Tis the use os avaliable bandwicth With hundeds, often thousands, of devies {and computers attached tothe school newarkit can a times become 3 Ite stow, as there’ inte bandwidth AschoolT team therefore must also decide whether ornot toblock accesso sites that will cause asain ‘on the bandwith, such as online game sites or media streaming Whilst the students may be blocked from such sites, the teachers ae usually lunvestite, for teaching purposes These fits, blocked sites and bandwidth monitoring techniques all add up to make an effective protection net around the schoo!'s infrastructure. i's important to understand, from a parents pont of views, the amountof verknededto achieve sucha highdegreeofonline safety and that itcan become quite expensive once you facto icensed Software. where you might have purchased a chi fiteing product, ‘and employed some ofthe security techniques weve used in this book, ‘school I system needs to do all that times a thousand pls for each student, computer and device Neverteles, a schools online safety requirements ae exceptionally ‘more advanced than you have at home, With this in ind, your cli les kely to experience ary online sks when at school than at home. Hemeve it's alivays best to tah the time to make an appointment nth the school to ask what they e doing to ensure online salty. Online Child Safety at School cl 53) Further Protection for Young Adults Where to Find Help with Online Child Safety The tips and features throughout this book will help you build a better understanding of security and online safety, with special reference to online child safety. If you want to know more though, or you have some pressing questions that need answering, here are some places to check out. Helpis at Hand Forme information, expert advice from child care professionals and moretis onhow to protect your chid when online, here are ten sites to bookmark ‘ane consider (_ Where to Find Help with Online Child Safety cl tec toyoung peopl, ice about rien beter when online. preschocl al theay upto teen allaspacsof oni cid sake ncudingemphasson metilecevces thes Plentytogetthvcugh. You https: anmugetsafeontine og! BIER Tocsandonthetistenryinourst cal suppor roupsarean SAMMY Final, consider checking out thevebste oo visting helo ideal source otinfrmation 2 police station ey The pale gningthrughthe same considerations 3 Yermation on area profess wel fue toshare ay tipsthey ha infornaton onwhattada fyourchi isthe vcimof an onlin test. or Young Adult: What the Experts sya Cae eM ae eater) connected, digital world. What we perceive as threats now Rete st eee surrounding us evolves and becomes even more integrated. What will remain important though, is online safety. 66 We’ve gathered together quotes and asked child safety and security experts to have their say on the matter Monn Relais keene here are ten examples from the professionals 99 Lt ar eee ya Oe ae eS ee Cee eee ans security company Kaspersky Lab. (he 66 Ue am ena neSe ae yee ee ea ae en ra ea See Mane NN PP) NSPCC, Keeping Children Safe Online. Va ae ae a eee ota ese P Se eck eat eee tanec at network security company Arbor Networks. ZZ CT nia before you post. Dow't uplood or yrave anything you woulda't want your parents, vo oe ae gt ae CRIA MOL you press send, it 4 no longer private. You can't be sure who Will end up seeing it Oy end Tees face to face, don't See cons ete eae as 66 UO Oa ae arn stay safe online. What tips do they hae for you., where did. they learn them and what is OK and not OK to shave ey) CT eee Dee ren cans See PO ann area 3 CO dad at 3 Cs Pwo vd CoS 53) Glossary of Terms Glossary of Terms The bewildering world of technological terms is often difficult even for experts to navigate without becoming slightly confused and we could easily dedicate an entire book just to the glossary. However, here are some of the more important terms from the world of digital security and safety. Digital Security AZ Digital security and safety terms ar often as clear as mud, Usethis glossary whenever youcome across aterm youdont understand A Access Control: term used to ‘ensure that resources are only ranted to usere who are entitled tothem, Active Content: code that's embedded ina web site. When the Siteis accessed the code is automatically downloaded and executed ‘Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): An encryption standard designed to specify an unclassified, publicly disclosed, symmetric tneryption algorithm, Asymmetric Cryptography: Public key cryptography, where algorithms use a pair of keys, one public and ‘ne private, to unlock the content protected by the encryption, Authentication: Used by systems to canflem the identity ofa user. B Backdoor: & tool used by hackers or system security experts to access a computer system or network bypassing the systems usual security mechanisms. Bandwidth: the limited amount of communications data that any channel is capable of sending or Feceiving in a speciic time, Biometrics: 4 security measure that ses physical characteristics to authenticate a user's access to a system, Boot Sector Virus: Aviusthat can affect a computer as t boats, before the operating system has even loaded Botnet: Alargenumber of Internet TED 211004: 70 series connected, infected computers that fre used {0 flood a network or send Spam message tothe rest of the internet, Brute Force: Ahacking technique that ses all possible password combinations ane at atime in order to gain access to auser account or system, C Cipher: a cryptographic algorithm Used in the encryption and decryption process Cookie: A file used to store information about a website that can be read Should the user ever visit the site again Cyber Attack: an attack on a system using malware to compromise its security. Usually in order to gai aceess to steal information or demand a ransom, Cyber Bullying: when an individual, ‘or group of individuals, threaten of post negative and derogatory messages or doctored images of Fomeane onlin. D Data Encryption Standard (DES)?A popular method of data encryption using privat cere) ey, there ae 72,000,00,000,000,00 (72 Guadrlton ox more possible encryption Key that ean be sed Decryption: the process of tansforming an enerypted message into ts origina ext frm Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) demitansed zone (MZ) or perimeter network s@ network area {subnetwork that sts between an organisation's internal network and an external network, usualy the Internet. DMZ’'s help to enable the layered security model in that they provide subnetwork segmentation based on security requirements or policy. DMZ’s provide either a transit. mechanism from a secure source to an insecure destination or from an insecure source to a more secure destination, Denial of Service (DoS): Prevention of authorised access to a system ornetwark. Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP): « lan of action used to restore Systems in the event ofa disaster Distributed Denial of Service {DD0S): A type of Dos attack using ‘multiple attacking systems to amplify the amount of network traffic, thereby flooding and swamping the target systems ornetwarks, Domain Name System (DNS): the ‘domain name system (ONS) isthe way that Internet domain names are located and translated into intemmet Protocol addresses. domain name isa meaningful and casyto remember handle’ fer an Internet adress. E Encryption: The process of securing data by transforming it into Something unreadable using cryptographic means, Ethern : Communication architecture for wired local area networks, F \gerprinting: Used by hackers and security experts to send packets toa system in order to see how it responds, usually to determine the operating system and security measures. Firewall: hardware or sofware layer designed to prevent unauthorised aceess to or from a computer or hetwork to another computer or network Flooding: & malware attack that causes an eventual failure ofa system by Bombardingit witha continuous stream of data G Gateway: A network point that acts as ‘the door into another network H Hacker: Someone who violates or circumvents a computer security measure, Can be used for malicious purposes or legitimately to test a System's vulnerabilities HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the protocol used by the World Wide ‘eb (Internet) that defines how messages are sent, received and read by browsers and other ‘connected software layers. HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, an encrypted and far more secure version of HTTP. Internet Protocol Address (IP): 4 standard used by servers land machines to connect to each other and form an individual identity Tor each connected device Internet Service Provider (ISP): ‘company that provides internet fccoss to businesses snd Fesidental addresses IP Spoofing: 4 form of attack where a evice provides a false IP address to a server or network K Key Logger: a type of malware that can record key presses ae text file and send that file to a remote Source. Once obtained, the hacker can then see what keys you've pressed. L Local Area Network (LAN): ‘Communications network inking multiple devices in a defined, ited location, such asa home or office, Logie Bomb: A type of malware that's ‘dormant until a predefined time ‘when it explodes and runs or injects malicious code into a system, M Malicious Code: software that’s ‘designed to circumvent security measures and gain unauthorised ‘access to a system, Malware: A generic term to describe different types of malicious code, N Network: & group of linked computers ‘or devices that can share resources ‘and communicate with each other. P Password: Asecret security measure used to access a protected resource and authenticate access. Phishing: method used by cyber ‘criminals to obtain information from 3 user by baiting them with fake ‘emails oF messages. PIN: Personal identification Number, used as a form of autheatiation ‘access to a system, resource oF User account R Ransomware: 4 type of malware that locks, or encrypts al files on a system until a raneom is paid and the unlock code is entered. Rootkit: set of tools used by a hacker 10 mask ther intrusion and obtain administrator access to system. S ‘Sandbox: & system architecture ‘designed to test code ina secure land safe environment without it atfecting the host system, ( Glossary of Terms cl Spoofing: an attempt to gain unauthorised access ‘Spyware: A type of malware that spies ‘ona users activites or system and reports back toa remate system. T Trojan Horse: A type of malware ‘designed as a useful program butin realty hides some malicious code ‘Two-Factor Authentication: ‘uthorisation of access to a system fr resource through a username} password combination as well as another form of authorisation, such 35 PIN code. V Virus: a type of malware designed for ‘multiple purposes to spread and infect as many computer systems as possible. Usually destructive but can be used to grind a system to a halt by using up alo ts available resources. VPN: virtual Private Network, a secure ‘tunnel between two systems using advanced encryption methods to protect the communications Between systems. Ww Wi-Fi: Awireless network standard between connected systems, Worm: Atype of malware that can replicate itself and spread through ‘other systems consuming resources and contents destructively Z Zero Day: Described asthe day anew ‘security vulnerability is discovered, ‘one that has no fix or patch yet to stopit. Zombie(s): A computer that's infectes with malware and connected toa network or the Intemet and used to spread its infection to other ‘computers. Used also to describe an attack on other systems by hoards of zombie computers ron Black Dog Media Master Your Tech To continue learning more about your tech visit us at: www. pomeubiicdicns: com Oe aaa een Teen ose Ai Teen rece eel Print & digital editions Featuring the very latest updates Step-by-step tutorials and guides Created by BDM experts Check out our latest titles today! SPECIAL DEALS and Bonus Content Sign up to our monthly newsletter and get the latest updates, offers TRU t |) and news from BDM. We are here reative to help you Master Your Tech! yg SP” Thecomplete Black & White Photography so hotoshop| Manug Poe re ss wasnt Nikon | ‘Canon = — Nene IVETE Manual ad ra SD) ad » The Complete iPad Pro Manual The Complete © iPhone 11 [iM iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Manual Manua Pro Max Manual eee te 9 Samsung], Windows 10 Android cP TENS ie a eV Manual 3 Photoshop i M lac Samsung Lightroom [i Photography For Seniors For Seniors For Seniors poaany Leam how online threats evolved and became the bane of the modem lifestyle. We look at the types of security risks that are prevalent in our digital age, allowing you to soon become accustomed to the names and terms used by professionals and hackers, when describing digital security Many security related tutorials are hard to fathom. and understand. Within these pages though, there are easy to follow steps written in plain English and aimed at both technical and non-technical Windows 10 users. Leam how to remove a virus or malware from a Windows 10 PC, how to check which Windows, programs are communicating with the Internet and even how to block access to websites There's more to modemn security protection than simply having an up-to-date virus scanner installed in Windows 10. Learn how to secure your home network, secure Windows 10 laptops and even other wireless devices. We look at how Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can improve your security and how you can take measures to protect yourself from scams, and when using social media. Having knowledge of how online threats works. important to parents or guardians; our children are constantly at risk the moment they step into the online world, With this book we help you recognise the danger signs and together with practical tips and, advice from the likes of Childline and the NSPCC, you can learn how to protect your child’s online presence,

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