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Blood is thicker than water

Traditionally, it has been thought that blood is thicker than water. This
proverb reflects the idea that family relationships are stronger than
any other type of relationship. It also implies that family should be put
first under any circumstance. Yet, as much as some people would like
to believe that, more often than not people claim that what truly
matters is who we choose to love.

In spite of the fact that family ties are considered to be historically

stronger, some life experiences show otherwise. It is commonly
believed that one can only love another person if they are blood
related. Yet, foster kids can prove this is wrong. There are hundreds of
children who can testify that they have felt a strong connection with
their foster parents. One explanation for this is that love is a feeling
that does not have a name on it. For instance, a child who has been
abandoned and neglected can forge a bond with someone who gives
him or her the attention and care they lack. Similarly, youngters who
spend most of their time with their nannies, because their parents
work a lot, can establish a close relationship with them.

That an arranged marriage is not the best idea cannot be denied, yet
many couples involved in this type of relationship would agree that
they grateful with the decision their relatives have made for them. This
type of union is common in India. The bride and groom are selected by
individuals other than the couple themselves, particularly by family
members such as parents. It is commitment what brings the two
people together in the first place and not love at first sight. However,
these couples claim that love eventually blossoms because they choose
to love their partner.

One argument against the idea that family relationships are not
stronger than other type of bond is that, even though you can rely on
friends, it is your family who’s is going to support you no matter what

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