Sarbhang Dunde Kriya Sarbhang Dunde Kriya Sarbang Dande Kriya Sarbhang Dunde Kriya Sarabandana Kriya Seranbandanda Kriya Sarbang Dande Kriya

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Sarbhang Dunde Kriya Sarbhang Dunde Kriya Sarbang dande kriya Sarbhang

Dunde Kriya Sarabandana Kriya Seranbandanda Kriya Sarbang dande kriya

Introduction to Kundalini yoga - page 39

Kundalini Yoga for Body, Mind, and Beyond ", for 5th body Ravi Singh’s book - page 74

Kriya rejuvenation:

1. Start in the Triangle Pose, the heels on the floor, arms and legs one foot apart. Hands and feet always remain in place.

2. From the position of the Triangle, inhale, exhale, and Go to the Plank position.

3. Inhale and exhale in Cobra, bend your back, arms and legs are straight.

4. Inhale in the Triangle POSITION, then exhale and lower the heels.

Time: at the beginning, try to complete 26 approaches.

Over time, it can be brought up to 108 times, doing 10-minute relaxation after cycles of 26 approaches. relaxing deeply


Effect: Sarbhang Dandeh kriya builds you at all levels and in all directions of development: physical, mental, energy. This
kriya is very fast.

She will give you: Health, Endurance, Spirit Strength and Prosperity .

On the physical level: This kriya will CURE ANY DISEASE. It is designed to heal any disease, because has a huge amount of
positive effects. During the process of kriya, valves in the veins and arteries open, which improves blood circulation and
helps rejuvenate the body at the cellular level.

Kriya also works with the vertebrae and spine, improving the blood supply to the back. All blocks and clamps disappear.
The upper body develops well. The volume of the lungs increases.

It is also good to do kriya if there are problems with the menstrual cycle, digestion, eyes, lymph.

On Energy:

This kriya balances all the gunas and tattvas, 10 bodies and chakras . The pranic center, which is located between the
shoulder blades, is revealed. Extends the whole Aura that your presence begins to work for you and for you.

Strengthens Nimbus , Radiant Body . Enhances Prosperity .

Guru Gobind Singh gave this kriya to his wars so that they would keep fit between fights.

Note: during the whole kriya you have 4 points of support - feet (toes), palms. The body does not fall to the floor!

You will become a Master of this kriya if you practice daily

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