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Digital & Social Media Marketing- Amul

Group- DSMM 24
Abhilasha Goyal (61920947)
Bhavya Pathak (61920633)
Deepali Mittal (61920558)
Itisha Jain (61920289)
Tushar Chaudhary (61920917)
Udit Mohan Aggarwal (61920834)

1. About.............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Amul- The Taste of India ............................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Products .......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Brand .............................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy ................................................................................... 3

2.1 Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 4

2.2 Target Segment .............................................................................................................................. 4

3. Mode of Digital and Social media Marketing ................................................................................ 6

4. Keywords Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 8

4.1 Twitter Keyword Analysis ............................................................................................................. 8

4.2. Associated words and most frequent word in the search .............................................................. 10

5. Digital Media Advertising Measurement ..................................................................................... 10

5.1. Online Channels ........................................................................................................................... 11

6. Return On Investment Analysis ................................................................................................... 10

7. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 10
1.0 About

1.1 Amul- The Taste of India

Amul, founded in 1946, in Gujarat, is an Indian FMCG brand that started off the white

revolution in the country. Amul played a crucial role in making India the largest producer of

milk and milk products across the world.

1.2 Products

In the beginning, Amul started with milk as its product which is still one of its most popular

products. As the needs of Indian consumers expanded with time, Amul introduced a wide range

of milk-based products ie. milk, milk powder, sweets, ghee, butter, cheese and many other

widely used dairy items.

1.3 Brand

In India, Amul enjoys the position of being the first dairy brand. It led India’s dairy industry

and made India a leader at a global level. Along with the legacy and products, its relevant

marketing strategies played a crucial role in making it a household name in India.

It’s unique and targeted branding and marketing strategy allows it to stand out and remain a

popular brand amidst various national and international competitors present in this industry.

2.0 Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy

Currently, India is revolutionizing digitally. More and more households have internet and

smartphone numbers are also on the rise. Not only in tier-1 cities, but also in tier-2 and tier-3

cities, people spend a lot of their time on phones and social media. It has also changed the way

India consumes entertainment.

TV and traditional media are gradually becoming obsolete and audiences are moving to the

phone. Thus, advertisers are also looking for new avenues to engage with their audiences. Amul

also adapted to this changing scenario and shifted its marketing strategy to social media.

In the following analysis, we analyzed the digital and social media marketing strategy adopted

by Amul to achieve its objectives.

2.1 Objective

Amul is a household name in India and most of the Indians are familiar with the brand name.

But, with many big players like Nestle, Mother Dairy, Britannia, etc. competing fiercely to get

a pie of the market share, awareness is not enough for Amul. It would want its target audience

to purchase Amul products and remain loyal to Amul to encourage repeat purchases. Though

Amul does not offer its products directly online, its products are available on various online

and offline channels which also give a user options to choose competitor products. In such a

situation, Amul needs to position itself in a certain way that it stands out so that it stays on top

of the mind of its target customers.

Hence, the goal of Amul’s digital media marketing is to increase purchase intention and stay

at the top of the mind of its customers while they are making dairy-related purchases.

2.2 Target Segment

Amul’s products are targeted to people in India right from children to the aged. Amul as a

brand caters to the needs of all income groups with their products priced at fairly reasonable


With its variety of products being targeted to kids (AmulKool, Chocolate), Women (Amul

Calci +), Youth (Amul Pizza Cheese spread), Calorie Conscious (Amul Lite, Skimmed Milk),

Health Conscious (Nutramul, Amul Shakti Health Food drink), Amul’s presence could be felt

in every Indian household due to its customer need-based market segmentation strategy.
However, in urban India, people have multiple options available to choose from. In the world

of dairy products, there is not much product differentiation and prices are also comparable.

This makes the present generation of customers, especially from tier 1/2 cities, fickle-minded

with very little or zero attention span towards a particular brand.

Hence, only a brand which targets its customer at every touchpoint in the user journey will

create stickiness for its brand.

To address this concern, Amul, as an up to date modern brand, talks about relevant stuff

happening in India and globally through its infamous picturization technique in advertising.
3.0 Mode of Digital and Social media Marketing

While Amul is a common name in every household of the country, it does not have high

marketing expenses. The most common marketing mode Amul used is hiring hoardings for a

permanent basis and use current social issues and news to appeal and connect with people. In

the changing marketing environment where social and digital media is a common way brand

used, Amul also extended its reach with its trademark of Amul girl and using trending news

and events at the national and international levels. The idea behind the ad is to relate to people

and leave an impression in which Amul has by far been very successful. The main element of

Amul ads are the pictures, main text and slogan. All three capture the attention of the audience

by igniting curiosity to another level as Amul tries to refer to a particular event or person

through these display ads in a witty way. Amul girl is the iconic figure which is used to depict

various personalities to capture current social issues or news. Amul ads are made witty, creative

and innovative aimed towards high recall. The message in these aids are indirect and

intellectually satisfying which increase the positive attitude towards product endorsement.

Humour used as a marketing technique has worked well for Amul as it creates a receptive

attitude. The entire amul campaign is built around the moment marketing.

Amul prefers to use social media for promotion and increase presence. Amul actively

advertises primarily on 2 social media platforms, namely Twitter and Facebook:


• Amul twitter page has 182.1K followers higher than many big Indian brands.

• Amul receives an array of positive as well as negative feedback on its twitter page.

Amul’s customer management team has been very active and transparent in addressing

these issues.
• Twitter users have celebrated with Amul brand on various occasions and events mostly

because of the highly relatable graphics.

• Amul also has not shied away from accepting the mistakes and they resolve the matter

in the presence of the million people. This gives Amul a very strong social circuit in

comparison to other brands out there.

• Amul runs powerful ad campaign which are based on depiction of how the brand cares

for social issues. On women’s day, Amul started the hashtag #AmulWomanPower

which went viral. The ad potrayed how milk being used in the purest of energy, keeps

the women and their relationship healthy.

Source: Twitter


• Amul is very active on Facebook with constant feeds and content. This led to massive

increase in number of followers due to engaging and fresh content to promote the

product and services.

• Amul organized numerous competitions to engage consumers in its social page.

• Amul has executed popular campaigns like “meme you” to urge fans to create meme to

spread the message “ Eat milk every meal”. The Facebook app “Meme You” hosted on

Amul’s facebook page helps in creating memes of friends. This meme app helps in

positioning milk as a part of a person’s diet in an offbeat manner

Source: Facebook

• Amul has taken the brand to be a canvas for major news items that affect the people in

huge number and is talked in scale. Posts related to these have given Amul a significant

boost in terms of engagement.

Source: Facebook

4.0 Keywords Analysis

To understand Amul’s digital and social media marketing impact, we have analyzed twitter

data on certain keywords that are associated with Amul products.

4.1 Twitter Keyword Analysis

Keywords chosen are: #Dairy, #Milk, #Cheese, #Butter, #Icecream

In keywords analysis, the assumptions and data points referred to are:

• Competitors considered – Nestle, Motherdairy, Britannia, Verka, Danon, Kwality,

Milky mist
• Source – Twitter (limited to 5000 per keyword)

• Number of mentions in the database

• Ranking (Based on mentions)

Mentions & Rank

# of Mother
Keyword Amul Nestle Britannia Verka Danon Kwality Inference
Tweets Dairy
Keyword searches of
Mentions Mentions
milk returns Amul
#Milk 5000 - 8 Rank - - 6 Rank - 0 0 0 0 0
and Nestle as the
1460 1718
only 2 brands.
Keyword searches of
Dairy returns Amul
and Nestle as the
Mentions Mentions
only 2 brands. Amul
#Dairy 5000 - 62 Rank - - 3 Rank - 0 0 0 0 0
appeared in 62
610 3923
places a very high
number compared
to competitors
Keyword search of
Cheese associates
#Cheese 5000 - 4 Rank - 0 0 0 0 0 0
only with Amul and
no other competitor
Keyword search of
Butter associates
#Butter 5000 15 - Rank - 0 0 0 0 0 0
only with Amul and
no other competitor
Keyword search of
#Icecream 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ice-cream associates
with no brand at all.

The Keyword search results mentioned above establishes certain points:

• Amul has a very clear distinct brand recall and appears in more search results than any

of its competitors.

• While the data used is only of twitter, but it shows that Amul’s Twitter marketing if not

very effective at least has a greater reach than another brand in Industry.

• Apart from dairy, Amul visibility in keyword searches is quite low. With no visibility

in ice cream products at all.

• Nestle has a small mind share, other competitors’ visibility is almost zero.

4.2 Associated words and most frequent word in the search

As an action point, if Amul has to work on improving its visibility on social media, there are

certain words associated with the keywords we analyzed, focusing and associating Amul or its

products with these words can help boost Amul’s visibility in Social media space.

While analyzing the keywords and product categories, the below table has words against each

keyword, which have very high mention and can be used to improve reach and visibility.

Keywords Words to be associated with

#Milk milk_info - 663 #dairy -172 #pulses - 79
#Dairy #vegan - 358 farmers - 358 #cheese - 312
#Cheese #food - 448 #foodie - 283 #christmas - 281
#Butter #thanksgiving - 158 #bread - 157 dinner - 141
#Icecream christmas - 608 kids - 606 cone - 366

5.0 Digital Media Advertising Measurement

As per 2019 stats, Amul aims to restrict its advertising expenditure to 0.85 of its turnover for

the year. Amul spends negligible amount on its digital media advertisement and concentrates

on the concept of “moment marketing,” where they capture the consumer attention for a brief

span of time and thus increasing the recall rate. Amul advertisements are directed to latest

events taking place in the nation as well as in the world. Satirical approach to these issues and

events helps Amul gain attention via humor but also results in certain negative connotations.

Since the primary Amul site, does not support regular purchase of products,

and we do refer to sales via various other distribution channels to determine the ROI for digital

media advertising.
5.1 Online Channels

Currently, Amul utilizes 6 major platforms for digital media advertising. The statistics for each

is discussed in the section below.


Amul joined facebook with a page name “Amul” on 25 May 2009 and has reached 1517912

likes/followers as of December 2019. Amul uses the platform to post its advertisements on the

facebook wall which acquires likes ranging from 20k to 500 on average. These advertisements

are further shared by followers and celebrities. Amul also shares video advertisements and food

recipe videos to attract attention with average views of 700k

Measurements: Number of likes, Number of followers, Number of shares, Number of views,

Number of comments.


Amul joined twitter in December 2011 with the name as @Amul_Coop, which currently has

187k followers. Amul uses twitter not only for its humor based advertisements but also for

advertisements of its products and the shows sponsored by Amul on TV and digital content

platform. It has posted 3.3k posts, which get average likes of 1.5k and retweets of 100. The

tweets gather more consumer attention via retweeting from celebrities and political figures.

Measurements: Number of likes, Number of followers, Number of retweets, Number of



Amul currently has 281K subscribers on its channel named “Amul The Taste of India” Amul

has posted around 1500 videos with average view of 500 per video. Joined in September 2007,
Amul currently has 113,299,409 views in total on Youtube with videos based on multiple

languages ranging from recipe to advertisements.

Measurements: Number of views, Number of likes, Number of followers, Number of



Amul has 150k followers on Instagram with 2400 posts ranging from stories of people to

advertisements from Amul. Each story has an average like of 1k on the amul_india handle.

Measurements: Number of likes, Number of stories, Number of comments.


Amul also has a media presence on LinkedIn with 46500 followers, with 2800 employees

linked to the official account. The account does not display much content on advertisements or

updates but does gain a liking of 500 on average.

Measurements: Number of connections, Number of employees linked, Number of likes,

Number of comments.


Since all the digital media platforms are linked to the main site, we analyze the

traffic on the site with the measurements.

The website has an average visit of 180386 visits per month, with unique visits of around

133827. An average visit duration lasts for about 2 min 53 seconds, with a bounce rate of

55.36%. Amul gathers most of the attention from organic search and does not indulge in paid

search. Below are the components of various digital channels, which lead to the traffic on the

main Amul website.

Organic Search contributes to 79.6% of traffic, and Social Media leads to 0.54% while direct

website contributes to 19.15% of the online traffic to the site.

The Exhibit describe the Demographics where most of the traffic comes from age 18-24 with

54.7% Male gender traffic. The Keyword exhibit reveals that the most searched keyword is

Amul with the CPC of $0.1 while YouTube is the primary source of data from social media

6.0 Return on Investment: Social Media

As established in the beginning, the primary objective of Amul’s social media marketing

campaigns are to engage with its target segment in an relatable manner and thereby, increase

metrics like purchase intention and top of the mind recall of Amul as a brand. The following

ROI analysis is based on the above mentioned objectives.


Facebook being the most popular of all social media platforms in India,

unsurprisingly Amul has the highest number of followers among competitors. It uses Facebook

to share both image and video-based content created in collaboration with event sponsors or

media houses. Facebook with its deeper penetration into the tier-2 and tier-3 cities of India,

serves as an open platform for Amul to directly engage with its customers.

With a 150k strong follower base, Amul’s image-based content finds direct synergies with

the platform. The average likes on the posts range from 80k to 100k, which is astonishing

considering the number of followers. Instagram is used by the company as an extension to older

media like Facebook and Twitter, and successfully reaches a niche audience in

parallel. Amul’s nearest competitor- Mother Dairy has less than 1/15th number of followers and
this is testimonial of the company’s successful ad campaigns and the stickiness of its customers

share of mind.


By joining Twitter in 2011, Amul was one of the first to establish a digital marketing footprint

using social media. The steady follower base of 182K, is combined with engagement levels of

1.5-2k per post. The followers have consistently increased with a steady growth in engagement

from both new and existing customers. Here again, the nearest competitor falls way

behind Amul both in terms of following and regular customer engagement.

7.0 Summary

The report analyses the digital media campaign for Amul & details the parameters that can be

used to measure the results of marketing via various digital channels. Amul, though, does not

pursue paid advertising, still has vast media reach and uses innovative advertisement

campaigns to attract attention and engage its target segment with least spending on

advertising by posting content around latest and trending events and social scenarios.
Exhibits – Keyword Search

Word on
Word on Word on
Sentiment List
Word Count Salience Sentiment List Sentiment List
#3: (Add your
#1: Positive #2: Negative
own word list)
#amul 4 0.00017 FALSE FALSE FALSE
amul 2 0.00009 FALSE FALSE TRUE
amul_coop 2 0.00009 FALSE FALSE FALSE
nestle 4 0.00017 FALSE FALSE FALSE
nestleusa 2 0.00009 FALSE FALSE FALSE

Word on
Word on
Word on Sentiment
Word Count Salience Sentiment List List #3: (Add
List #2:
#1: Positive your own
word list)
amul_coop 20 0.00067 FALSE FALSE FALSE
#amul 19 0.00065 FALSE FALSE FALSE
rssamul 15 0.00053 FALSE FALSE FALSE
#indiamul 4 0.00018 FALSE FALSE FALSE
nestleusa 3 0.00014 FALSE FALSE FALSE
amul 2 0.00010 FALSE FALSE TRUE
#wikipediamul 2 0.00010 FALSE FALSE FALSE

Word on
Word on Word on
Sentiment List
Word Count Salience Sentiment List Sentiment List
#3: (Add your
#1: Positive #2: Negative
own word list)
#amul 3 0.00011 FALSE FALSE FALSE
amul 2 0.00007 FALSE FALSE TRUE

Word on
Word on Word on
Sentiment List
Word Count Salience Sentiment List Sentiment List
#3: (Add your
#1: Positive #2: Negative
own word list)
#amul 9 0.00073 FALSE FALSE FALSE
amul 6 0.00051 FALSE FALSE TRUE

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