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EURACHEM Sampling Guide Example A1

S1A1 S1A2 S2A1 S2A2 S1 S2 S1
Target, i
x(i,1,1) x(i,1,2) x(i,2,1) x(i,2,2) Mean i,1 Mean i,2 2*D(i1)^2
A 3898 4139 4466 4693 4018.5 4579.5 29040.5
B 3910 3993 4201 4126 3951.5 4163.5 3444.5
C 5708 5903 4061 3782 5805.5 3921.5 19012.5
D 5028 4754 5450 5416 4891 5433 37538
E 4640 4401 4248 4191 4520.5 4219.5 28560.5
F 5182 5023 4662 4839 5102.5 4750.5 12640.5
G 3028 3224 3023 2901 3126 2962 19208
H 3966 4283 4131 3788 4124.5 3959.5 50244.5
Overall Mean = 4345.6 SSE(analysis) = 351320

Standard uncertainty of within-samples (analysis)

DF (analysis) = 16 MS(analysis) = 21957.5
Std Dev (analysis) = 148.18
%RSD(analysis) = 3.41

Standard uncertainty on between-sample (sampling+analysis)

S1 S2 Mean of
Target, i D(i)^2
Mean i,1 Mean i,2 1,2
A 4018.5 4579.5 4299 78680.3
B 3951.5 4163.5 4057.5 11236.0 SS(bet sample) =
C 5805.5 3921.5 4863.5 887364.0 DF(bet sample) =
D 4891 5433 5162 73441.0 MS(bet sample) =
E 4520.5 4219.5 4370 22650.3
F 5102.5 4750.5 4926.5 30976.0
G 3126 2962 3044 6724
H 4124.5 3959.5 4042 6806.25

Variance(sampling) = 268490.7
Std Dev (sampling) = 518.161
%RSD(sampling) = 11.92

%RSD(measurement)= 12.40
Excel Two-Factor ANOVA
Eurachem Sampling Example A1
S2 A B
2*D(i2)^2 S1-A1 3898 3910
25764.5 S1-A2 4139 3993
2812.5 No. Target, i 8 S2-A1 4466 4201
38920.5 No. Sple, j 2 S2-A2 4693 4126
578 No. analysis,k 2
15664.5 Anova: Two-Factor With Replication
58824.5 SUMMARY A B
351320 S1
Count 2 2
Sum 8037 7903
21957.5 Average 4018.5 3951.5
148.18 Variance 29040.5 3444.5
Count 2 2
Sum 9159 8327
Average 4579.5 4163.5
Variance 25764.5 2812.5
8 Total
558938.9 Count 4 4
Sum 17196 16230
Average 4299 4057.5
Variance 123175.3 17067

Source of Variation SS df
Bet S1S2 300700.1 1
4471511 Bet target 12577113 7
Interaction 4170811 7
Within 351320 16

Total 17399944 31
5708 5028 4640 5182 3028 3966
5903 4754 4401 5023 3224 4283
4061 5450 4248 4662 3023 4131
3782 5416 4191 4839 2901 3788

C D E F G H Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 16
11611 9782 9041 10205 6252 8249 71080
5805.5 4891 4520.5 5102.5 3126 4124.5 4442.5
19012.5 37538 28560.5 12640.5 19208 50244.5 647413.7

2 2 2 2 2 2 16
7843 10866 8439 9501 5924 7919 67978
3921.5 5433 4219.5 4750.5 2962 3959.5 4248.625
38920.5 578 1624.5 15664.5 7442 58824.5 492535.9

4 4 4 4 4 4
19454 20648 17480 19706 12176 16168
4863.5 5162 4370 4926.5 3044 4042
1202463 110626.7 40262 50736.33 17848.67 45431.33

MS F P-value F crit
300700.1 13.69464 0.00194 4.493998
1796730 81.82764 2.484E-11 2.657197
595830.1 27.13561 9.855E-08 2.657197

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