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Power Planners International 

PSS/E Training Course for NG SA

Load Modeling for Dynamic Studies

1. Voltage Dependant
2. Frequency Dependant

Week 2 Day-1-C

EOA Head Office, Dammam

Dec. 01 – Dec 05, 2013
Static Load Models

¾ A static load model expresses the characteristics of the load at any instant of
time as algebraic functions of the bus voltage magnitude and frequency at that
instant . The active power component P and reactive power component Q are
considered separately.
¾ Voltage dependant Load Model: It is represented by the exponential model


¾   The  subscript o indicates the values of the respective variables at the initial 
operating condition 
¾    The parameters of this models are exponents a and b expressed as follows: 
¾    For constant power     a = b = 0 
¾    For constant current    a = b = 1 
¾   For constant impedance   a = b = 2 
Static Load Models (Contd.)

¾ For composite system loads :

• Exponent a ranges from 0.5 to 1.8
• Exponent b ranges from 1.5 to 6
¾ Significant characteristic of exponent b is that it varies as non-
linear function of voltage. This is caused by magnetic
saturation in distribution transformers and motors. At higher
voltages Q tends to be significantly higher.
¾ In the absence of specific information, the most commonly
accepted static load model is to represent active power as
100 % constant current (i.e. a=1) and reactive power as
Commonly Converted Form, most stringent case (more
constant impedance (i.e. b=2) conservative)
¾ The composite model is expressed as ZIP as follows:
Static Load Models Contd.

¾ Frequency Dependant Load Model

¾ Where ∆f is the frequency deviation f-fo and Kpf ranges from 0 to 3.0
¾ Jointly, both voltage and frequency dependence can be expressed as

Combined Voltage and Frequency Model


PSS/E Load Model Library 


No need for Rather specify the % of indiv.

seprt R1, R2 loads

BL:  Connected to Bus subsystem 
OW: Connected to Owner subsystem 
ZN: Connected to Zone subsystem 
AR: Connected to Zone subsystem 
AL: Connected to All 
Induction Motor Models

• Motor Load CIM5xx, CIM6xx, CIMWxx

(Suffix xx is BL, ZN, AR, OW or AL)
• Induction motors and their driven loads, while not affected by rotor angle
dynamics, are sensitive to changing frequency and voltage. The driven
loads usually consume increased power at increased speed and hence
contribute to system damping. Induction motor loads may be modelled in
three levels of detail:
1. By the standard single-valued voltage/load characteristics provided by activity
CONL and by the voltage/frequency/load characteristics provided by models
such as LDFRBL
2. With the dynamics of the rotating load represented by the inertial differential
equation, and with the motor’s steady-state electrical characteristic
represented in detail, but with the electromagnetic dynamics of the motor
neglected. This level of detail is handled by model CMOTOR (Obsolete in Ver.
3. With both rotating load dynamics and motor electromagnetic dynamics
represented in detail. This model is handled by the family of CIM5BL, CIM6BL
and CIMWBL models, as well as CIMTR2 and CIMTR4.
Induction Motor Models

¾ Approach 1
• is reasonable for many of the loads in a large-scale system-wide study
because the details of individual loads are often not known and the provision of
detailed motor/load data for thou-sands of loads may be a difficult task.
• is not adequate for studies of events where the transient behaviour of motor
loads has a critical effect on bus voltages and hence on their own, and other,
loads in the system.
• It is also, of course, unusable where the induction motors themselves are of
specific interest
¾ Approach 2
• only recognizes flux linkages for which time variation consists of an equilibrium
component corresponding to operation at fixed slip and voltage influence the
rotor of the induction motor. This component is a unidirectional when the
reference axes are synchronized with supply frequency.
• This approach neglects the synchronizing action provided by the induction
machine during transients and as well as flux and voltage decay following
Most Appropriate
¾ Approach 3
• models a transient component that is zero in the steady state but takes the form
required to change rotor flux linkages when the machine is subjected to a
sudden change of supply frequency or voltage.
• The magnitude of this component is determined by the disturbance applied to
the machine, and its decay is governed by the transient and subtransient time
constants of the rotor winding.
Induction Motor Models

• Motor Load CIM5xx, CIM6xx, CIMWxx

• The CIM5BL family of models (CIM5BL, CIM5OW, CIM5ZN,
CIM5AR, CIM5AL) can be used to model either
• single-cage or double-cage induction motors including rotor flux
• The motor is modelled in the power flow as a bus load where all of
the load at a specific load id is taken as the steady-state motor
• These models may be applied to an individual load or a subsystem
of loads. For example, the CIM5BL model can be applied to a
specific load in order to model a specific induction motor.
• The CIM5AR model can be applied to all loads in a specific area in
order to model generic motor load using typical data. The load
composition can be any percentage of constant MVA, constant
current or constant admittance.
Induction Motor Models

¾ Motor Load CIM5xx, CIM6xx, CIMWxx

• Most common dynamic loads comprise of induction motors with following
equivalent circuit

Stator Impedance


CIM5* Motor Models

1. To model single cage motor: set R2 = X2 = 0

2. When MBASE = 0, motor MVA base = PMULT x MW
load. When MBASE > 0, motor MVA base = MBASE
3. VI is the per unit voltage level below which the relay to
trip the motor will begin timing. To disable relay, set VI =
4. TI is the time in cycles for which the voltage must remain
below the threshold for the relay to trip.
5. TB is the breaker delay time cycles
6. Under Voltage Load Shedding of Motor Loads can be
carried out by setting T1 and TB
7. The models include a relay that can be used to trip the
motor for an undervoltage condition. CON(J+14) is
specified as the per unit voltage level (VI) for which the
relay will begin timing. CON(J+15) is the time in cycles
(TI) for which the voltage must remain below the
threshold in order for the relay to trip. The breaker time
delay (TB) is specified in CON(J+16). The user may
disable the relay by specifying CON(J+14) as zero.
8. Syntax:I, ’CIM5xx’, LID, ICON(M), CON(J) to CON(J+18)/
11383 'CIM5Bl' 1 2 0.04 0.135 4 0.04 0.08
0.011 0.05 5 0.01 7 0.02 0 1.2
0.28 0 700 3 2 0 /
We dont want load shedding hence we
gave large no of cycles
CIM5xx Motor Models

1. Load torque, TL = T (1 + D)D

2. For motor starting, T=Tnom is 56

specified by the user in CON 57

3. For motor online studies, 59 Speed Deviation
T=To is calculated in the code
during initialization and stored
in VAR (L+4)



154 Speed Deviation

Dynamic Data Record Syntax:

I, ’CIM5xx’, LID, ICON(M), CON(J) to CON(J+18)/
Complex or Composite Load Model (CLODxx)

¾ Proportional combination of different categories of static

and dynamic loads This model can be used to combine all the
loads in PSSE.
¾ Suffix xx is BL, ZN, AR, OW or AL Values of the Xstator, R rotor etc are taken by
degault by PSSSE
Complex or Composite Load Model

Dynamic Data Record Syntax:

I, ’CLODxx’, LID, CON(J) to CON(J+7)/
Saturation Constant

Either give MVA or give PMULT

which is 1/pf
In order not to trip the load we are giving 700 cycles
We have rather disabled the relay

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