Email Marketing Planning Template-1

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How to Use This Template

The Email Planning Template (Email Template tab) is divided into three sections: Email Planning, Emai
column for various components you should plan for or keep track of, as well as a description or examp
more emails than outlined in this template 3, you can insert additional rows as needed.

You'll also notice columns M through O (and columns L through P in the "Total" row) autopopulate base
Rates for your emails. The "Total" row shows the overall data for your email efforts – just be sure to do

How to Customize This Template

Not every company will send email the same way. We encourage you to customize this Email Planning
to make it most useful for you. Since frequency, timing, messaging, content, design, and other elemen
certain columns you don't need them, or by adding in new ones we didn't account for.

Once a new month starts, you can duplicate the "Email Planning Template" tab by right clicking on it,
renaming the tab for the current month.

Next Step: Learn More About Email Marketing Using HubSpot

Part of HubSpot's all-in-one inbound marketing and CRM software is a robust email marketing tool. Mo
email is integrated with our CRM, HubSpot helps you attract new subscribers and grow your list over t
that your emails match the unique interests of each recipient. Click below to get started with HubSpot
Read This First!

Email Planning, Email Results Tracking, and A/B Testing Planning & Results. Each section contains a
description or example to help you understand what each column label means. If your company sends

w) autopopulate based on the numbers you enter to generate the Delivery, Open, and Clickthrough
s – just be sure to double check your formulas if you add any rows.

e this Email Planning Template however you see fit to better suit your organization's needs and goals
gn, and other elements of email marketing will all vary, feel free to adjust the template by hiding
t for.

y right clicking on it, selecting "Move or Copy," selecting the "Make Copy" checkmark, and then

ng HubSpot
il marketing tool. Most email software only allows you to upload a list and send to it, but because
grow your list over time. Using personalization features and marketing automation, you can ensure
started with HubSpot Email for free.
Read This First!

esting Planning & Results. Each section contains a

hat each column label means. If your company sends

r to generate the Delivery, Open, and Clickthrough

you add any rows.

fit to better suit your organization's needs and goals

ll vary, feel free to adjust the template by hiding

electing the "Make Copy" checkmark, and then

s you to upload a list and send to it, but because

eatures and marketing automation, you can ensure
Email Topic Owner

Ex: New Ebook or

Who on your team is
Monthly Email
crafting this email?

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Email Send Date

Status Subject Line Email Link

Copy and paste the

Choose from the drop link to your email or
What subject line are
down in each cell: Not email draft here from
you going to use to
Started, In Progress, your email software
entice recipients to
Ready to Test, for you to keep track
open your email?
Scheduled, Sent. of or your team to
Send List Suppression List(s) Total Emails Sent

Names of lists you

Name of your email
want to exclude from
list, such as How many email
your send. Ex:
"Corporate Executives addresses did you
Unengaged Leads
Interested in Social send your email to?
and/or Corporate
Media Topics"
Executives from SMBs

Email Results Tracking
Total Emails
Total Emails Opened Total Clicks

Of the email
Of the email
addresses you sent How many unique
addresses you sent
your email to, how individuals clicked a
your email to, how
many actually landed link in your email?
many were opened?
in an inbox?

0 0 0
Results Tracking
Deliverability Open Rate Clickthrough Rate

Automatically Automatically
caclucates Total
calculates Total Emails caclulates the percent
Emails Opened / Total
Delivered / Total of recipients who
Emails Delivered. An
Emails Sent. Above clicked through from
open rate of 20%
95% is ideal, but hard your email (ex: to a
means that for every
to achieve if your landing page) out of
10 emails delivered, 2
list(s) are purchased. total emails opened.
were opened.

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

A/B Test Planning &
Summary of A/B
Leads Generated A/B Test Description
Test Results

How many new

contacts did you get Describe any A/B test What were the
from email recipients you're conducting with results? Which
filing out the form on this email send. variation won?
your landing page?

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