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(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International

Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.



Menen Agegnehu1, Kenenisa Lemi2& Firew Mulatu3

Rearch Scholar, Jimma University, Ethiopia
Assistant Professor of Commerce and Management, Jimma University, Ethiopia
Lecturer Department of Management, Jimma University, Ethiopia,

Original Scientific Paper


Abstract: Information communication technology BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

has important impact in our day to day activities.
ICT to be recognized it has to be diffused in the Information and Communication
community to see and get its effects. Adoption of Technologies (ICTs) play a big and
ICT has become a key enabler of technology catalyst role in today’s business
readiness in many countries. The purpose of this environment. The rapid growing effect of
study is to investigate factors influencing adoption
globalization and advancement in ICT has
of ICT in star rated hotels with focus on 3,4 and 5
star hotels in Addis Ababa. Thus, the study
brought about remarkable improvements
investigates how organizational, manager’s ICT and great opportunities for developing
knowledge, technology innovation and countries to participate expressively in the
environmental factors influencing ICT adoption in global digital economy. ICT originates
management of hotels. The study used both from the combination of three interrelated
primary and secondary data. Questionnaire was words: Information, Communication, and
adopted from a similar study and passed reliability Technology. Information refers to the
test. Descriptive, correlation and multiple linear summarization of data. As data is raw
regression was used to analyze the data. Finding facts and figures, it needs to be
revealed that Organizational related factors,
summarized, processed, and presented in
Manger’s ICT knowledge, Technology innovation
different formats like lists, spreadsheets,
factors and Environmental factors were influenced
the adoption of ICT in the hotel management. images or audio and video ( O'Brien,
Technology innovation determines ICT adoption 2011).
in hotel management to a great extent followed by According to the global innovation index
Environmental factors, ICT knowledge of (2017), the far advanced and developed
Owner’s/Managers and Organizational factor. It is
countries such as USA, Japan and
recommended that the owners/mangers of the hotel
Singapore are an example for the
needs to understand the benefit of adopting the
ICT and make the technology easier to their countries with advanced technological
customers and employees for sustainable ICT environment and infrastructure. Similarly,
adoption. in Africa, the technology advanced
countries are South Africa, Egypt and
Key words: Adoption, Ethiopia, Information Nigeria. Almost in all countries,
communication technology, Hotel technology readiness became a key
enabler (KSF) in business sectors.

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

According to Alice (2017), most of the Reduction through Information and

organizations including banks, insurance Communication Technologies (ICTs), with
companies and service companies have particular reference to the hotel industry and
adopted ICT and consider it as a KSF, associated businesses, 2014).
because it has turned out to be the motivating
force that is significant in the production and According to the information published by
delivery of goods and services in those the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
industries. However, from user’s point of (MOCT,2016), there were twenty-eight
view the tools should be evaluated for (28) registered three stars, fifteen (14) four
appropriateness, effectiveness, and usability.
stars and seven (7) registered five star
In Ethiopia, the total contribution of Travel hotels in Addis Ababa (A.A).As stated by
and Tourism to GDP was ETB 78 million MOCT (2016), the minimum requirement
(5.7% of GDP) and there were 1,236,000 of ICT adoption for 3 star and above hotels
jobs in 2016 (5.1% of total employment) and includes: uses of email, internet, Wi-Fi
expected to be raised by 7.1% in public, Wi-Fi un public areas and wireless
2017(WTTC, 2017). Moreover, one of the in all rooms and dedicated data line
important strategies of Ministry of Culture provided in all rooms. This study
and Tourism (MOCT) is to enhance the ICT investigates Factors Influencing the
infrastructure. Nevertheless, this steady Adoption of Information Communications
growth in the sector shows that the industry Technology (ICT) in Hotel Management in
is contributing a lot for the Growth and 3starsuch as Hilton Addis, 4 star such as
Development Plan (GDP) of the Country. In Intercontinental and 5 star such as
most developed countries the ICT adoption Sheraton Addis hotels in A.A.
in their daily business is one of the high-level
contributor for their GDP ( AlGhamdi, STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
Information communication technologies
In the hotel industry, the hotels are classified have a major role in enabling the
in star rating system that includes 5-star the conditions for industries to generate
higher luxury, 4-star Hotels, 3-star Hotels, 2- economic growth and development by
star Hotels and 1-star Hotels. The United reducing poverty. Thus, supporting this
Nations World Tourism Organization role, researchers accepted the role of the
(UNWTO) team determines whether the ICT as a facilitator for the growth and
hotels receive from one to five stars, based development (Sachs 2006&Heeks 2012).
on the facilities and the service they are With the quick advancement of ICT
offering. The various ICTs that have been
globally, adoption of ICT in Ethiopian
adopted in the hospitality industry in
companies has become increasingly
Ethiopia include, using telephone lines,
important especially for the tourism
faxes, and cell-phones for their industry. Moreover, Ethiopia has become
communication purposes both to staff and one of the African countries to be
clients. Internet services including email recognized by its eight heritage site
have been adopted by hotels like 3-star and registered on United Nations Educational,
above hotels (Demeke, Small and Micro Scientific and Cultural Organization
Business Enterprises (SMBEs) in Addis (UNESCOs) in Africa.
Ababa, Ethiopia: Development and Poverty
(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

Besides, as stated on the Ethiopian Herald Thus, this research tries to fill this gap by
(2017), Addis Ababa is a gateway to all using both descriptive and inferential
international inbound, outbound and transit statistics.
tourist passengers. Thus, Ethiopia has a
Therefore, since there are gaps on the
great potential to grow as tourist
literature and knowledge in general and
destination. Ina similar manner, according
also at micro level in the ICT adoption,
to the report by Siboe (2017), the increasing
number of hotels and tourism services the researcher believes that this study is
contributed to the GDP and employment very timely in order to fill these identified
opportunities for many citizens. Despite knowledge, literature, and local specific
vital role played by ICT in service, the factors gap. Besides, it is very important
adoption of ICT in Ethiopian hospitality to know whether these identified factors
are actually influencing the ICT adoption
and tourism industry has been slow
as pre specified goal.
(Kidane-Mariam, 2015).

The lack of diffusion of ICT in Addis Research Questions

Ababa leads to no research attention and What is the current level of ICT
this study attempts to fill the gap. Adoption practice in hotel management
According to the theoretical literatures there (A.A)?
are factors that influence the ICT adoption
in hotel namely: organizational, manager’s What is the influence of organization
ICT knowledge, technological innovation, factor on adoption of ICT in hotel
and environmental factors which are not yet management in A.A?
properly addressed through research ( What is the influence of the manger’s ICT
Ifeanyi, Ubani, & Asiegbu, 2014). This knowledge on the adoption of ICT in hotel
study tries to find if those factors are really management in A.A?
the factors that influence the ICT adoption
What is the influence of technology
in star rated hotels in Addis Ababa.
innovation factor on adoption of ICT in
In Ethiopia, as far as the researcher hotel management in A.A?
knowledge is concerned, there are only few What is the influence of environmental
studies conducted regarding adoption of factor on ICT adoption of hotel
ICT in SMEs and other sectors. Besides, management in A.A, Ethiopia?
those studies were not on star rated hotels.
For instance, some of the studies were
emphasized on Banking industry (Meseret, General Objective
2010, Ayana, 2014, Bisrat, 2015, Yalew,
2015), Hotel Industry in SME (Demeke, The purpose of this study is to
2014), Transport industry (Sintayehu, investigate factors influencing the
2014), Textile & Leather industry adoption of ICT in management of
(Kumlachew, 2015). Moreover, the hotels in A.A focusing on three, four and
methodology of study conducted by five-star hotels in Addis Ababa,
Demeke (2014) was descriptive and it Ethiopia.
doesn’t show the relation between the
factors that influence the ICT adoption.
(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

Specific Objectives The finding revealed that: organizational

(hotel size, top management support,
 To investigate the current level of ICT managers), manager’s ICT knowledge,
adoption practice in hotel management technology innovation (compatibility)
in A.A. and environmental (customer power,
 To examine the influence of the competition and level of technology
organizational factor on adoption of ICT support) factors have a positive
in hotel management in A.A. significant effect on adoption.
 To identify the influence of the manger Furthermore, the study found on
ICT knowledge on the adoption of ICT Thailand hotels: organizational (hotel
in hotel management in A.A. size, organizational readiness),
 To explore the influence of technology technology innovation (perceived
innovation factors on adoption of ICT in benefit, compatibility) and
hotel management in A.A. environmental (customer power and
 To determine the influence of level of government support) factors has
environmental factors on adoption of a positive significant effect on ICT
ICT in hotel management in A.A. adoption. Mengistu (2016) examined the
REVIEW OF LITERATURE factors affecting ICT adoption towards
the competitiveness SMEs in the case of
Empirical Literatures UPAREZ. The study used questioner
and document observation as an
Khemthong (2007) has conducted a
instrument for data collection, and mixed
study on adoption of internet and web
research approached for data analysis.
technology in hotel marketing: a case of
The researcher found that top
Thailand and Australia hotles.The object
management/owner support, centralized
of the research was to investigate the
business management, owner’s/
different factors affecting the adoption of
manager’s ICT awareness, improved
Internet and Web based marketing
market performance, ease of use, speed
activities (IWMA) in Thai and
up business processes, size (number of
Australian hotels. This study includes
sales outlet or customer), increased
four independent variables:
efficiency and effectiveness,
organizational (hotel size, hotel type, top
government’s regulation and law, quality
management support, organization
of IS systems and capabilities has a
readiness, owner/manager attitude),
positive influence towards adoption.
owner/manager’s ICT knowledge
Furthermore, the barriers to adopt the
(utilization of computer, internal and
ICT were of inadequate ICT strategy,
external communication), Technology
lack of government incentive, lack of
innovation (perceived benefits,
perceived economic or other benefits to
compatibility and ease of use) and
the unit, reluctance of personnel to use
environmental (Customer power, level of
ICT, lack of training& consulting, new
government support, level of technology
versions of existing software introduced
support and competition). The study
too often (support fee) and expensive
used a mixed approach.

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

Hashim (2015) examined the extent of in general and also at micro level in the
(ICT) skills, use, and adoption among ICT adoption, the researcher believes that
owners of SMEs in Malaysia. The study this study is very timely in order to fill
used three independent variables that are: these identified knowledge, literature, and
ICT skills, ICT use and innovation local specific factors gap. Besides, it is
characteristics. The researcher identified very important to know whether these
the innovation characteristics and adopter identified factors are actually influencing
categories among the owners; and the ICT adoption as pre specified goal
established the relationship among them.
The study used the diffusion of innovation RESEARCH
theory. The research findings revealed that DESIGN&METHODOLOGY
the ICT skills, ICT use, and innovation Research Design
characteristic are significantly correlated
to their adoption category. The researcher This research problem has been studied
concluded that lower ICT skills hinders using explanatory and descriptive
SME to use ICT and difficult to adopt. research designs. Both descriptive and
Otieno ( 2016) identified the deteminats of inferential statistics were used and
ICT adoption among hotles in Kenya, a analyzed the data using one-way
mulitple case study. The key independent ANOVA, Univariate analysis of
factors in the study are organization needs variance, Pearson correlation and
and perceived benefits,organizational multiple regression analysis. This study
capacity, technology characteristics, used mixed approach. The study focused
market characteristics and organization on getting quantitative data from the
characteristics. The study revealed that the targeted respondents using interview
five mentioned factors above have a questionnaires (schedules) and by
positive influence towards ICT adoption. referring documents (both primary and
In Ethiopia, as far as the researcher secondary sources) and for qualitative
knowledge is concerned, there are only data by open- ended questions and
few studies conducted regarding adoption interviews.
of ICT in SMEs and other sectors.
Source & Type of Data
Besides, those studies were not on star
rated hotels. For instance, some of the A census study has been conducted on
studies were emphasized on Banking the entire targeted population of three,
industry (Meseret, 2010, Ayana, 2014, four and five-star hotels in Addis Ababa.
Bisrat, 2015, Yalew, 2015), Hotel The study targeted only hotel general
Industry in SME (Demeke, 2014), managers or hotel representatives.
Transport industry (Sintayehu, 2014), Moreover, hotel customers are not under
Textile & Leather industry (Kumlachew, the scope of this study as the hotels have
2015). Moreover, the methodology of rule not to have any interaction with
study conducted by Demeke (2014) was their customers.
descriptive and it doesn’t show the
relation between the factors that influence
the ICT adoption. Therefore, since there
are gaps on the literature and knowledge
(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

The sources of data in this study are both MODEL SPECIFICATION

primary and secondary data. The
researcher used interview questionnaire The following model was developed
and interview the front desk and ICT based on the variables of the study
mangers to triangulate the data. Y = (β0+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3+
β3X4……+ ε):
Target Population

According to the Ministry of Culture and Where

Tourism, there are 28 three star and 14 Y is dependent variable which is
four-star and 7 five star hotels in Addis affected by independent variables.
Ababa and all of them operating within
CBD. β0 is an intercept, where the
regression line crosses the y-axis
Data Collection Methods and
Procedures β1…... βn is the partial slope for
X1……. Xn indicated the changes in
Support letter was obtained from Jimma Y for one unit changes in X1…...Xn
University to get acceptance of data other independent variables constant
collection by different stakeholders. The
instrument in this study was interview ε-Error terms
administered questionnaire and key
The model for this study:
informant interview. The questionnaire
was prepared to allow the respondents to ICT Adoption=
give response in a standard manner (β0+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3+ β3X4…….
which can have unbiased approach and + ε):
stick with the objective.
X1= Organizational, X2=
To gather relevant data a questionnaire Owner’s/Manager’s ICT knowledge,
was prepared and administrated by the X3= Technology Innovation, X4=
researcher and filled by the respondents. Environmental
After consent that was given by ABH to
collect data, the researcher has Therefore, the model explained below:
coordinated data collection process. The
ICT Adoption= (12.023 +
researcher has engaged two research
0.284(Organizational factor)
assistants who assisted in data collection.
+2.521(Manger’s ICT knowledge
The research assistants were trained to
factor) +8.146(Technology Innovation
clearly understand the research
factor) + 3.713(Environmental factor)
instruments, purpose of the study and

ethics of research. The researcher and
research assistants were administered the
questionnaires to the respondents face to

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION systems in the hotels. The component of

assessment parts was room division,
Descriptive Statistics food and beverage, general service and
Adoption of ICT in the targeted in-room ICT component were assessed
Hotels with different proxy item questions for
each. By doing so the percentage of
The ICT adoption level was assessed by adoption of ICT in different departments
asking respondents the presence, summarized and the total percent of ICT
application and functionality of 37 adoption was calculated.
different ICT hardware and software
Table1:ICT Adoption in four operation domains

Std. Deviation
N Minimum Maximum Mean (%)
ICT Adoption in Room Division 49 56 100 82.09 14.666
ICT adoption in Food and Beverage 49 14 100
Department 67.93 25.676
ICT Adoption in General Service 49 17 100
Department 63.44 19.231
ICT Adoption in-room services 49 38 100
66.07 18.750
ICT Adoption percent in the 49 37 100
Assessed Hotels 69.88 16.499
Source: Own Survey, 2017

In addition, the study requested services”. The total mean level of

respondents to indicate whether their adoption of ICT in hotels found 69.88%
organizations have adopted ICT in their among 3, 4 and 5-star level hotels in
management process. All respondents Addis Ababa.
indicated that their firm have adopted ICT
Hotels level of adoption was not only
in hotel management as this is a minimum
differed by departments but also differed
requirement they are expected from
with their star-levels. That means higher
MOCT. The assessment also shows
majority of hotels adopt ICT components star levels associated (X2=28.498,
for room sales purpose i.e. telephone and p=0.002) with better level of adoption of
fax systems, web site and e-mail systems, ICT in their departments (Figure2).
guest account management system, check- CORRELATION AND MULTIPLE
in/check-out system, central reservation REGRESSION ANALYSIS
system, room status and housekeeping
management, customer database system Pearson Correlation Coefficients
and statistic and report system. On the
The four factors in this summary are
rest of the departments almost an equal
Organizational, Owner’s/Manager’s ICT
level of adoption of ICT was observed i.e.
knowledge, Technology innovation and
67.93% in ‘’food and beverage’’
Environmental factors. The correlation
Department, 63.44% in “General Service’
coefficient of this factors are presented
’Department and 66.07% in “in-room
(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

Table 2 Correlation coefficient of the four factors

Factor influencing ICT adoption ICT 1 2 3 4


ICT Adoption Pearson Correlation 1

Sig. (2-tailed)
Organizational Pearson Correlation .843** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
ICT knowledge Pearson Correlation .806** .448** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000
Technology Pearson Correlation .872** .482** .406** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Environmental Pearson Correlation .799** .432** .494** .437** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Source: Own Survey, 2017

As shown in table (21), there are positive contribution of each independent variable
strong correlations between to the dependent variable. There is a
organizational, Owner’s/Manager’s ICT strong positive correlation between
knowledge, Technology Innovation and organizations, manager’s ICT knowledge,
Environmental factors towards ICT Technology innovation, Environmental
adoption. To mention on the correlation factors towards ICT adoption.
coefficients and significance level
Coefficient of Determination
respectively: Organizational factor
(r=0.843, P<0.01), Owner’s/Manager’s The multiple regression analysis was done
ICT knowledge factor (r=0.806, p<0.01), using the four variables namely:
Technology Innovation factor (r=0.872, organizational, Owner’s/Manager’s ICT
p<0.01) and Environmental factors knowledge, Technology Innovation and
(r=0.799, p<0.01) were observed. Hotels. Environmental Factors.
A high correlation will determine the

Table 3 Model summary for factors influencing ICT adoption

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .947a .897 .887 5.408
a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational, Owner’s/Manager’s ICT know, Tech innovation,
Source: Own Survey, 2017

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

As shown in the model summary table Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

(22), the adjusted R-square values explain
the proportion of variance in the The research further investigated a
dependent variable. Hence, the multiple regression analysis of
independent variables (organizational, Organizational, Owner’s/Manager’s ICT
Owner’s/Manager’s ICT knowledge, knowledge, Technology Innovation and
Technology Innovation and Environmental factors towards ICT
Environmental factors) contribution to the adoption. The result of the regression is
ICT adoption is 88.7%. indicated in the table as follow.

Table 4 Model fitness for factor influencing ICT Adoption

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 11161.358 4 2790.339 95.413 .000b
1 Residual 1286.767 44 29.245
Total 12448.125 48
a. Dependent Variable: Total ICT Adoption percent in different level star hotels
b. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational, Owner’s/Manager’s ICT know, Tech innovation,
Source: Own Survey, 2017
Table above indicated that the F statistics is The regression analysis used to indicate
statistically significant indicating the fact that the effect of independent variables on the
the model used for analysis in appropriate. dependent variable is indicated in the
following table.

Table 5 Regression coefficients of factor influencing ICT Adoption

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 12.023 5.524 2.176 .035
Organization .284 .092 .292 3.092 .003 .263 3.801
ICT knowledge 2.521 1.251 .170 2.015 .050 .332 3.015
Technology 8.146 1.735 .414 4.694 .000 .302 3.313
Environmental 3.713 1.727 .191 2.150 .037 .298 3.355
a. Dependent Variable: Total ICT Adoption percent in different level star hotels
Source: Own Survey, 2017

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 7, No 4, 2019.

As per the SPSS generated table 24, the CONCLUSION

equation The current level of ICT in the hotel
management was accessed and
Y =(β0+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3+ β4X4+ε) identified. From the study findings it is
becomes: inferred that majority of the hotels adopt
Y= 12.023+ 0.284X1+ 2.521X2 + ICT components for room sales purpose
8.146X3 +3.713X4 +e (RD). This implies that hotels are not
Y=ICT adoption, utilizing the use of ICT components
effectively in different operational
X1= Organizational, X2=
domains. Thus, the ICT adoption in star
Owner’s/Manager’s ICT knowledge,
rated hotels is at infant stage. By
X3= Technology Innovation, X4=
comparing the three, four and five-star
hotel the researcher concludes that there
The regression equation above has is a statistically significant difference
established by taking the four factors ICT adoption level observed between
into account (Organizational, five star hotels and four star hotels in
Owner’s/Manager’s ICT knowledge, Addis Ababa but have no significant
Technology Innovation and difference in ICT adoption level between
Environmental) constant at zero, ICT three star and four star hotels. This
adoption in hotel management will be shows the five star hotels adopt ICT
12.023. The findings also presented by more than three and four star hotels. The
taking all other independent variables at four factors organizational, ICT
zero, a percentage increase in level of knowledge of the owner’s/managers,
organizational factors will lead to a Technology innovation and Environment
0.284 % increase in ICT adoption in factors have a positive significant
hotel management and a percentage influence towards ICT adoption.
increase in Owner’s/Manger’s However, Technology innovation
knowledge will lead to 2.521% increase determines ICT adoption in hotel
in ICT adoption. Moreover, a percentage management to a great extent followed
increase in Technology innovation will by Environmental factors, ICT
lead to 8.146 % increase in ICT adoption knowledge of Owner’s/Managers and
and a percentage increase in Organizational factor.
Environmental factors will lead to a BIBLIOGRAPHY
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