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Assignment No 1


Organizational Development
Change Management

Sir Najam Sehar

Submitted by

Abdul Rehman

Department of Management Sciences

Vehari (Campus)
It’s shows in video that Google has a unique culture. It’s not the typical corporate
culture. In fact, just by looking at pictures inside the Googleplex, you can see that it
looks more like an adult playground, not a place for work.

But Google’s success can be attributed to this culture. Google has people whose sole
job is to keep employees happy and maintain productivity. It may sound too controlling
to some, but it’s how this world-changing organization operates.

When learning about Google’s culture, one of the people you need to know of is Laszlo
Bock. He is the head of People Operations, known by many companies as ‘Human
Resources’. People operations are where science and human resources intersect. And
it’s what keeps Google a top performing company.

Hire on Google

In video as told that, Each year, Google gets over 2.5 million applicants. That’s equal
to 6,849 per day and about 5 per minute and Google reviews each one. Don Dodge, a
current Google employee shows how thorough Google is with each applicant. What’s
not important is the logistics of each hire, but why they hire this way and what we can
learn from it. Because it’s the people that make Google what they are today.
When you get interviewed at Google, you’ll receive questions like:

Benefit of being a Google employee according to video

First, let’s look at the perks of being a Google employee:

 Free breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The organic food is chef-prepared

 Free health and dental
 Free haircuts
 Free dry cleaning
 Subsidized massages
 Gyms and swimming pools
 Hybrid car subsidies
 Video games, foosball, ping pong
 On-site physicians
 Death Benefits
Obviously, all these perks come at a cost for Google. But so, does employee
dissatisfaction and high turnover. There is a lot of competition for talent in Silicon
Valley (and around the globe for that matter) and when you can retain your employees,
it means less time and money spent recruiting.

A Culture Built on Qualitative and Quantitative Data show in video

Human resources, or People Operations is a science at Google. They are always testing
to find ways to optimize their people, both in terms of happiness and performance. In
fact, almost everything Google does is based off data. So, it should come as no surprise
that Google uses all sorts of data to gauge employees and improve their productivity.

Let’s look into what Prasad Shetty and his People Analytics team at Google have
discovered in video:

Lunch Lines: You know by now that Google offers free meals and snacks to all of its
employees. So, what’s the optimal lunch line? At what point is it too long where
people waste time and too short where people don’t get to meet anyone new? What’s
the prime happy medium? According to Google it’s about three to four minutes. Any
longer and they may waste time, any shorter and they don’t get to meet new people.
Lunch Tables: If you want employees to meet each other, make the tables long. This
will expose them to more people who they can get to know.
Paid Time Off for New Mothers: Google found that women were leaving the
company at twice the rate of everyone else. In particular, this occurred with new
mothers. Google’s maternity leave plan was 12 weeks paid time off. Laszlo Bock
changed the plan so new mothers could get 5 months paid time off with full pay and
benefits. They were allowed to split this time up however they want (taking a f ew days
off before expecting). The result after the change in policy? A 50% reduction in
attrition for new mothers.

These all attributes make google organization culture which make it different and word
uniqueness organizational culture. Above all information take from YouTube and Google.

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