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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur

Jade G. Casilihan BSEd 2-English

1. What is blogging?
A web log, often shortened to "blog," is a web page that contains dated posts, by one or
multiple users, often pertaining to a particular topic. "Blogging" is the act of writing in a blog.
Originally, blogs could only be created by someone who already knew how to build a website. In
recent years, however, many build-your-own-web-log tools have come on to the market, some of
them free, and now, anyone with Internet access can create their own blog.
2. Give at least five blogging sites.
Lifehacker, Blogritics, Little green football, Partibotics and Consumerist.
3. Why does blogging so popular?
Blogging is popular because it works as a marketing tool and makes money. Blogging
requires a great deal of time. For blogs to be effective at SEO and engaging readers, it needs to
be updated regularly. The internet is littered with abandoned blogs that haven't been updated in
months or even years.
4. What might be the reasons for blogging?
The reasons why people write blogs or blogging are: networking, hobby/interest in
writing, fame/popularity, money, advertising and branding, to connect with like-minded people,
to create awareness or get your voice heard, self-Promotion and build your personal brand, to
find new jobs, to help others, stays in touch, to satisfy your creative side, create a record and to
gain knowledge.
5. Differentiate blogs from vlogs.
A blog originally came from the word “weblog” or a “web log”. You can think of it as an
online journal or diary, although blogs are used for much more now, like online journalism.
While a vlog is a video blog post. The term can also refer to a blog made up entirely of video
blog posts. Vlog posts are created by creating a video of yourself or an event, uploading it to the
Internet and publishing it within a post on your blog. In short Blogging is the act of writing a
post for a blog which is purely text based & Vlogging is video blog where you use video to
explain everything or mixture of video and text sometimes.

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