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DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS ‘BRCE. Ceames Marin Ave - "Psi. Pligg Tanggapan ng Kalikim Office of the Secretary ‘January 19, 2001 DECS ORDER No. 3,5. 2001 _ REITERATING THE CREATION/ESTABLISHMENT OF MEASURES . ‘ON THE PREVENTION OF GRAFT AND CORRUPTION Yo: Undersecretaries ‘Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Directors of Services/Centers and Fleads of Units Regional Directors ‘Schools Division/City Superintendents All Others Concerned 1. In tine with its efforts to prevent graft and corruption, this Office reiterates the Creation of Anti-Graft and Corruption Task Force/Committees at the Central and Field Offices aud the Establishment of the Ombudsman Junior Graftwatch Units (JGUs) in Public Secondary Schools and State Colleges and Universities as announced in DECS Orders Nos. 3, s. 1997 and 43, s. 1996, respectively. 2. The creation and establishment of these measures aims to get rid of grafters and corrupt officials and employees in DECS. 3, In the schéol curriculum, several steps have been undertaken by this Office, to further address the problem of.graft and corruption: a. integration of the concepts and values specified in Republic Act No. 6713 or the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Pablic Officials and Employees such as honesty, nationalism, Patriotism, and simple the different subjects for both elementary and secondary levels; b. development of graft and corruption education modules for the elementary and secondary levels in coordination with. the Office of the Ombudsman, the main thrust of which is to awaken the consciousness of the Filipine youth and to mold theni to become responsive and participative citizenry in the battle against graft and corruption; and Etat Address: . OBEC @SKVINETNET “Together Let Us Build This Nation Through Education” Fay 6 OR SSE 7228 or 7208 Fax #.02-059.0808 conduct of orientation program for'principals on the use of these materials, as well as the conduct of orientation program ‘among teachers on the concepts/values and processes adopted in the modules. 4, Enclosed are copies of DECS Orders Nos. 3, s. 1997 and 43, s, 1996. 5. Regional directors, schools superintendents and all other officials concerned are enjoined to support programs and projects geared towards the prevention, if not elimination, of graft and corruption among DECS officials, employees and teachers. 6. Immediate dissemination of this Order is desired. Redes ‘GON ‘FSC ‘Secretary Ends. As stated References: DECS Orders: (Nos. 3, . 1997 and 43, 3. 1996) * Allotment: 1—{D.0. 50-97) ‘To be indicated in the Perpetwal Index under the following subjects: COMMITTEES OFFICIALS STUDENTS REPUBLIC OF Tite PLILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS Mendeo sive, Poe Cty January 20.. 1996 [DES ORDER [.No.'3.°.8, 4987 © CREATING ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPTION TASK FORCE/COMMITTERS AT THE DECS CENTRAL AND FIELD OFFICES (Jo: Undersecrataries Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Regional Directors Directors of Services/Centers and Heads of Unite ” Schoole Superintendents All Others Concerned 1. In line with the poltey of the current leadership at the Department of Education, Culture and Sports to get rid of gratters and corrupt officials and employeee. and pursuent to the Memorendum of H.E. President Fidel V, Ramos dated January 10. 1997. an Anti-Graft and Corruption Task Force 1s hereby created at the DECS Central Uffice: to be headed by the undersigned. 2. All vegtonal directors and schools superintendents are. directed to create similar anti-graft and corruption committee in their respective offices.. The. committees wili handle. all graft and corruption matters, cases and reports in the regton/ divielon. 3, The Anti-Graft and Corruption Taek Force at the Central “Office shall have a nationwide coverage. Hence, the members of the Task Force are authorized to look Into records. papers and documente in any office at the national. regional, diviaion, and even at the school level. to facilitate the completion of - their seeigned ‘task. The members of the Central Office Task Force shall directly report their findings and recommendations to the undersigned, 4 The Central Office Taek Force shall develop within ten (10) dave after the isouance of this Order a hational operations plan against graft and corruption. ‘The plan shall cover both Preventive, progecutory and rehabilitative measurea, 5. In order to monitor regularly the various anti-gragt and' corruptién efforts exerted by the different eectors in the Department, the attached forms shall be filled up and submitted every last week.of the month to the office of the undereigned, through faxno. 632-0808. 8. Expenses incurred in connection with this undertaking ghall. be chargesble againat the funde of the Office of the Secretary. or of the Regional/Diviaion Office. aa the cess may “t 7 Immediate. discemination of and compliance’ with Order is enjoined. NG Ricardo T. GLORIA beeretory a) Inele.: As stated Reference: None Allotment: 1-2--«M.0,. 1-87) To be indleated:in the Parpatu: under the following subjecte: COMMITTEES OFFICIALS Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS UL Complex, Pacig City June 20, 1996 DECS ORDER No. 43, 2. 1996 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OMBUDSMAN JUNIOR GRAFIWATCH UNITS (JGUs) IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. To: Bureau Directors Regional Directors Schools Superintendents . Presidents, State Colleges and Universities Vocational School Superintendents/Administraters 1. ‘The Junior Graftwatch Unit is an organization to be established by atudents and community-based youth organizations as the coordinating arm of the Office of the Ombudsmen in the campaign against graft and corruptiqn. a ‘The 3GU shall be formed by the students in close coordination with the Office of the Ombudsman end shall become part of the school’s extra-curricular organizations. 3. ‘The program aime to: a) direct the growing concern and awaken the consciousness of young citizens into productive action towards the elimination or reduction of graft and corruption and ite effects to the couatry’s economy; b) develop and ingrain in the youth moral values such a6 honesty and efficiency in prepara~ tlon for their future roles as leaders of the country; and o) orient the youth on the tasks, functions, and role of the Office of the Ombudonan. 4. In response to the reavest of the Ombudsman for assist— ance in the effective implementation of the Junior Graftwatch Program, all Ombudeman representatives should be allowed to conduct orientation geminare on Junior Graftwateh in all public gecondary schoole and state colleges and universities throughout the country. : 5. Inclosed is a copy of the JGU Concept Paper for the information and guidance of «11 concerned. 6. ‘Me wide diezemination and strict compliance of this Order is enjoined. Incl.: As stated Reference: None Allotwent: 1-2-3--(M.0. 1-87) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subsects: OFFICIALS SCHOOLS: ORGANIZATIONS STUDENTS

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