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Farzeen Gazetteer

world. Farzeen’s major export is lumber, especially exotic

Island of Fire and Light hardwoods like the magically sensitive M’bya tree that
The remote island of Farzeen rises out of a troubled sea, lives only on the island. Other exports include volcanic
thousands of miles from the nearest friendly port. Lush, glass, coral, scrimshaw, and spices. A local cash crop is
verdant, and teeming with life, the dense jungle grows kava, a tree whose roots are used to brew a fermented
around the towering volcano Kaza, visible from nearly any alcoholic beverage of the same name.
point on the island. Kaza rises near the southern coast of Farzeen’s humanoid population is unusually small, even
Farzeen, but the roots of the mountain stretch clear across for an island of only 500 to 600 square miles. Eighty per-
the island, creating a network of ridges and valleys that cent of the population lives clustered in the city of Farzeen
define the rugged geography of the island. and its nearby farms. Small fishing villages, farming ham-
While Kaza has not seen a major eruption in over 500 lets, and lumber towns are scattered across the rest of the
years, the volcano is still active, sending curls of sulfurous island, all of them subordinate to the city of Farzeen. They
steam rising from its caldera on most days. Rumblings are connected to the city by dirt roads and twisting jungle
deep within the mountain spew ash over the island every paths patrolled by Farzeen’s guard force, the Toa. Deep in
few decades, which keep the land fertile and remind Far- the jungle, mysterious stone ruins hint that the island once
zeen’s inhabitants of Kaza’s power. The Farzeen’s volcanic held far more people than it now does, perhaps even entire
past has created a vast network of lava tubes. The island’s civilizations that have vanished from the face of Farzeen
native inhabitants once used these passageways as under Kaza’s wrath.
avenues of travel, but this practice has declined since the
ghoul infestation of recent years. Centuries of earthquakes
have collapsed many of the old tunnels, but rumors persist Farzeen – Beacon of the Seas
that it is possible to go from one side of the island to the Nestled between the great harbor and the southern slope
other completely underground. of mighty Kaza stands the city of Farzeen, chief settlement
The jungles of Farzeen are full of color and life, though of the island. Though small compared to the great trading
danger lurks between the trees for the unprepared. A giant cities of the world, Farzeen is the only port town within a
boar that could feed a village can just as easily slay a trav- thousand miles and an important stopover for far-faring
eler who blunders into its feeding grounds, and there are ocean traders. She is known as “the beacon of the seas,”
far worse than giant boars in the forest. Large cats, salt- a nickname made literal thanks to the city’s most famous
water crocodiles, constrictor snakes, and other dangerous feature: a glowing statue tall enough to be seen far beyond
predators exist alongside multicolored birds, noisy frogs, the harbor. This is the statue of the Goddess of Light, the
biting insects, and all the variety of life one expects to find protective deity of Farzeen, and neither distance nor fog
in a tropical forest. Perhaps the strangest inhabitants of can dim her radiance, making the statue an important
Farzeen are its mighty apes: great shaggy creatures who landmark even for sailors far out at sea.
roam in troops across the forested ridges of the island. Farzeen stands on a small rocky plateau that slopes
Although they are not normally aggressive, some island- down to the shoreline. Visitors approaching the city by
ers have reported attacks by enraged apes suffering from land will first see its walls, 30 feet high and made from red
strange mutations. volcanic stone. Once inside the imposing main gate, they
Farzeen’s jagged coastline alternates between high stone must climb equally tall bluffs. A track runs around the pe-
cliffs and broad sandy beaches. The enveloping arms of rimeter of town in the artificial ravine created between the
Kaza create numerous natural coves and inlets. None is bluffs and the wall. That bluff is breached in three places
more impressive than the great harbor on the south coast, where the main streets of the town slope down to meet the
home to the island’s only major settlement, Farzeen. The perimeter track. Ascending one of those streets, visitors
island shares its name with its capital, where most of its res- find themselves in a raised city of wooden buildings and
idents dwell. Scattered reefs of upthrust volcanic rock and thatched roofs. Some older or more important buildings
colorful coral help to shelter the island but also make sailing are at least partially made of stone, including the Stockade
around it perilous in bad weather. Even though the people – the headquarters of the Farzeen Watch.
of Farzeen came here long ago by boat, they are not great The streets of Farzeen are unusually clean: no gar-
seafarers today; they prefer to welcome foreign vessels for bage piles up in alleyways and no waste collects in open
trade rather than venture forth themselves. Even Farzeen’s gutters. Where most bustling port cities smell of decay
fishermen tend to stick close to shore. While some are hap- and sewage, Farzeen smells only of the sweet sea breeze.
py to attribute this caution to the island’s dangerous reefs, Outsiders are often surprised by this cleanliness, though
others whisper of strange, hideous creatures that rise out of to residents of Farzeen it is normal. The plateau on which
the water on moonless nights, and far greater threats which the city sits is honeycombed with ancient lava tubes.
lurk in the deep water that lies just past the reefs. Some of the tubes act as a natural sewer system, draining
Farzeen is nearly devoid of mineral wealth. All its gold, through outlets deep in the harbor, while others act as
silver, and iron has come from trade with the outside dumping pits for refuse. These natural catacombs are the

Farzeen Gazetteer 1
secret to Farzeen’s cleanliness, though mere garbage is far
from the only secret hidden in those dank tunnels.
The Goddess of Light
A goddess of warmth, light, and protection; prefers good
Two main avenues divide the city: Main Street, which
runs from east to west, and Mountain Street, which runs
Favored Weapon. Club
north to south. They meet in a central square where the
Symbol. A glowing woman
statue of the Goddess of Light stands nearly 100 feet
Temple. Personal shrines in the homes of her worshippers,
high. The southern stretch of the city features the docks,
a glowing statue of a humanoid woman on a lofty pillar in
warehouses, and market square, as well as what passes
the center of Farzeen.
for slums in Farzeen, along with a collection of business-
Worshippers. Islanders of Farzeen and sailors
es oriented toward seaside clientele. Most of the city’s
The islanders of Farzeen venerate the Goddess of Light
population lives above Main Street. The city’s government
as their protector and benefactor. She provides light in
buildings, including the magistrate’s house and the Stock-
the darkness, warmth in the chill, and protection from
ade, as well as many of Farzeen’s craftspeople and shops,
the denizens of the sea. She is served by a priesthood
can also be found uptown.
and uniformly revered by the inhabitants of the island.
The priests of her order hold her above all others, but
The People of Farzeen the Goddess herself is not jealous if the attentions of
her flock are divided among other deities. The shining
Walking through the streets of Farzeen, visitors can see beacon at the heart of Farzeen ensures that all who
that most of the population are humans descended from enter, walk its streets, or leave do so with the constant
the island’s original seafaring inhabitants, with sun-kissed reminder of her protection.
olive or bronze skin, black hair, and brown eyes. But a port The worship of the Goddess is simple, requiring
city like this is rarely homogeneous, and Farzeen is no merely a personal shrine with incense and periodic
exception. In the streets, on the docks, and in the bustling offerings. Many houses in Farzeen have a small window
pubs and kava houses, live the full range of humanity and or portal aimed directly at the glowing statue so that
much more beside. Elves, half-orcs, dwarves, even the her light always shines on the household shrine. Her
occasional denizen of Leng—no one earns a second glance popularity is due in part to the simplicity of her worship
in Farzeen. Except, perhaps, for a ghoul. and her acceptance of other gods alongside her. By far
The people of Farzeen tend to be open and friendly, the largest factor swelling her flock is the prosperity
always ready to lend a hand to a stranger or an ear to a of Farzeen. Her devotees feel safe from all manner of
story. But beneath the surface, there is a lingering dread. calamity, and the fertile lands of the island provide
It is not just the constant, passive anxiety that comes from for all of their needs. The island is the jewel of the
living beneath a smoking volcano: some will laugh off the sea and enjoys a level prosperity far in excess of its
danger while others say that the Goddess of Light or the contemporaries. The Goddess gives so much and asks
mountain god Ghat will protect them, and they almost for so little.
seem to believe it. But conversation never lingers on the For the GM: The eldest priests of Light know the
graveyard on the edge of town. When someone dies, they true origin behind their religion: the Goddess of Light
are never mentioned again. And when a beggar is spotted is actually the elemental personification of the volcano
in the streets wearing the clothes that a loved-one was Kaza. In the ancient past of Farzeen, the priests of Kaza,
recently buried in, everyone seems to agree not to speak in an effort to extend the worship of their deity, did what
of it. Those living in the shadow of a volcano are deeply many religions do and adapted their beliefs and practices
aware of their own mortality, but it is not death that both- to entice new worshipers. They created a legend of a
ers the people of Farzeen. Rather, they dread what awaits female protector and gave her a name, retaining the
afterward. focus on light, warmth, and protection but abandoning
any association to actual terrestrial manifestations,
The History of Farzeen particularly Kaza. In their wisdom, they devised a being
who transcended Farzeen and the volcano that birthed it.
◊◊ Prehistory. A planar rift forms in the seafloor, and
through this tear emerges a powerful being of elemen- mysterious Tcho-Tcho have already taken up residence
tal magma. In the epochs of its existence, the creature in the island’s wild interior. They also learn to fear the
evolves and creates a mountain around itself, just as a beast that dwells in the mountain. They name it Kaza
barnacle creates its shell. Centuries become millennia, and worship it as a god, offering sacrifices to appease
and the magma being erupts in its eternal restlessness, its wrathful spirit. The human tribes are fractious and
churning out new rock and ash, making the mountain competitive. They build great stone monuments all over
an island. As the eruptions subside and the land solidi- the island.
fies, life spreads to the island.
◊◊ 1500 to 1000 years ago. Tcho-Tcho operatives infil-
◊◊ 2000 to 1500 years ago. Ancient seafaring humans trate the most powerful of the tribes, and the struggle
arrive on the far-flung island and establish settlements. for control of the island begins. Within a few decades,
Plagued by strange happenings in the jungle, they nearly half of the island is controlled by the Tcho-Tcho.
soon learn that zoogs from the Dreamlands and the The remaining tribes band together under the leader-

2 Farzeen Gazetteer
Farzeen Gazetteer 3
ship of the Farzeen tribe and drive the Tcho-Tcho back
into the island’s interior. Farzeen grows in power as the Rumors
other tribes come to depend on their Toa for protection.
d20 Rumor
◊◊ 1000 to 500 years ago. Ghatanothoa escapes its 1 “That old Kristofru over at the Albatross, he’s got a
mountain prison in the sunken land of Mu and begins whole wizard’s library locked up in the top floor of
to slumber beneath Kaza. With Ghatanothoa’s arrival, his place!” (Partly True)
the magma-god Kaza is subdued and the volcano grows 2 “I saw Magistrate Alwigi making offerings at the
quieter. In Farzeen, the Cult of Kaza transitions into the shrine of Ghat up on the mountainside.” (True)
worship of the Goddess of Light, an ascended mortal 3 “The old lighthouse keeper comes to the Kava’s
woman who is said to have stilled the volcano through Respite for a drink every morning without fail.”
her radiance. Her statue is erected in the center of (True)
Farzeen. Soon, followers of Ghatanothoa establish 4 “Deep in the jungle, there are ancient stone ruins
their cult as a rival to the island’s diminished god. They that were built by an extinct race of giants!” (Partly
bring with them ravenous ghouls who act as enforcers. True; the ruins were built by humans)
The natives face a choice: convert or be eaten. The 5 “Hala, that chap who runs the Laughing Hammer?
Light-worshippers in Farzeen build the city’s walls, but He’s an ex-thief who became friends with the
the ghouls invade from the tunnels below. The last of guards!” (True)
the island’s royalty falls in battle, devoured by the ghoul 6 “This town’s so clean because the tunnels below are
matriarch. As the great Battle of Farzeen rages, Kaza full of oozes that come up at night to feed on the
erupts one last time, collapsing many of the ghouls’ filth and garbage.” (False)
tunnels and throwing the forces of Ghatanothoa into 7 “There are two main religious factions, those what
disarray. The cult is thwarted, but the ghouls are still follow the Goddess of Light and them Priests of
too numerous to eradicate. Ghat. Most folks venerate the Goddess of Light,
◊◊ 500 to 100 years ago. With the royal family slain, the what with that monument reminding them of her
powerful families of Farzeen elect a magistrate as their protection every day.” (True)
8 “The smith, Beatrici, is actually a dwarf who got
new ruler. The first magistrate strikes a deal with the
kicked out of her clan for being too tall!” (False)
Yogash clan of ghouls, giving them a strip of land on the
9 “The tubes beneath the town can take you anywhere,
edge of the city and control of the lava tubes, as well
as long you don’t get lost.” (Partly True; many
as stipulating that the citizens of Farzeen must bury
tunnels have collapsed, cutting off access)
their dead on the ghouls’ land. In exchange, the ghouls
10 “Farzeen is so clean because of the lava tubes.
are never to appear above ground nor lay claws on the
They’re everywhere. Folks use them for just about
living citizens of Farzeen. This agreement brings peace
everything, from storage to privies. Not at the same
to the land, and the surface dwellers learn to ignore
time, mind you!” (True)
the unseemly horrors that go on beneath their feet.
11 “I heard some poor sailor got drunk and cracked his
Meanwhile, the ghouls multiply and spread out through head open last month. The crew wanted to take him
the island’s network of lava tubes, feasting on the zoogs and bury him at sea, but the guards said he had to go
and the Tcho-Tcho in the interior until both groups are to the cemetery, and his body ain’t been seen since.
nothing but a story in Farzeen. Right angry, the whole crew were! No one will talk
◊◊ 100 to 50 years ago. A new cult emerges in Farzeen, about it, though.” (True)
led by the priests of Ghat, which claims to hear- 12 “Ghat and the Light Goddess? They’re one and the
ken back to the days when the great mountain was same. Two different ways of looking at the same
worshipped as a god. In reality, they are the Cult of divine being.” (False)
Ghatanothoa reborn, although only the inner circle of 13 “No one wants to talk about it, but that old cemetery
the cult knows this truth. The dominant priesthood of is way too small for this town. I hear that only the
the Goddess of Light tolerates the new religion, which rich get buried there, and the poor get stuffed down
gains a moderate following. Several minor shrines to the lava tubes.” (Partly True; the ghouls quickly claim
Ghat are established around Farzeen. any bodies let in the cemetery, leaving only skulls)
◊◊ 50 years ago to Yesterday. The Cult of Ghat uses its 14 “Mothers still frighten their children with tales of
influence to help smuggle more ghouls onto the island. zoogs coming to get them in the night, or setting
traps in the forest. But no zoogs have been seen on
The Ghatanothoa cultists make contact with the deep
the island in centuries, if they were ever here at all.”
ones in the nearby sunken city of Ha-Agguan. To feed
the growing ghoul population, they prey on minor out-
15 “Fishermen say they’ve seen hideous fish men
lying villages, using deep one attacks as cover. The cult
crawling around on the reefs.” (True)
puts their plan to raise Ghatanothoa into motion.
16 “Pompea, the high priestess of Light, and Lunzjata,
◊◊ Today. The PCs are shipwrecked on Farzeen. the high priestess of Ghat, are actually sisters. Sure,
◊◊ Tomorrow. The world ends. they don’t look nothing alike, but I heard it’s true!”
17 “They say if the statue of the Goddess of Light

4 Farzeen Gazetteer
ever topples and breaks, the whole island will sink
beneath the waves.” (Partly True; folk do say this,
Cult of Ghatanothoa
The Cult of Ghatanothoa is a small cabal of powerful
and if that statue topples, it might be because of an
beings manipulating events from the shadows to pave
earthquake or eruption, which would destroy the
the way for Ghatanothoa’s rising. They fabricated the
18 “If you’re looking for a great bowl of kava and an Church of Ghat as a front, and they view the priests of
even better meal, look no further than the Port Ghat as useful fodder from which to recruit those who
of Call. Guza and Kekkin are a real treasure to this are sensible, scapegoat those who foolish, or sacrifice
town.” (True) those who are dangerous, as the need arises. The Cult of
19 “Sometimes ships will arrive and unload their cargo Ghatanothoa uses converted priests of Ghat, deep ones,
in the dead of night. No idea what they could be ghouls, ghasts, and other beasts as their minions. Using
smuggling here, though!” (True) their influence in Farzeen, they have secretly imported a
20 “That Zakkarija over at the Kava’s Respite is actually number of ghouls to Farzeen to serve as enforcers in the
a demon in disguise!”(False) coming war.
The Cult seeks to subvert the world to Ghatanothoa’s
will, wreaking untold destruction and death. The ghouls
Locations have been promised a nigh-infinite supply of food,
for when Ghatanothoa rises, the vast majority of the
population will be mummified. The deep ones hope that
Statue of the Goddess of Light raising one of his offspring will hasten the arrival of the
Farzeen’s most prominent feature is the statue of the dread lord Cthulhu. One thing is certain: Ghatanothoa’s
Goddess of Light. This is a 100-ft statue of smooth white arrival will bring about the end of the world.
stone depicting an ethereally beautiful woman clad in At the start of Ghoul Island, the Cult’s inner circle
flowing robes and gesturing with one outstretched hand. includes Farzeen’s Magistrate Alwigi, Xandru the ghoul
The statue itself glows with a comforting white light that barbarian, Zyd the ghoul sage, and Lunzjata, who is
isn’t diminished by distance or intervening fog, making it publicly the high priestess of Ghat. They keep their
an important landmark for wanderers in the jungle and inner circle small to prevent discovery, but through the
ships at sea. Offerings, burning candles, and incense lie at ghouls and the priests of Ghat, not to mention their
the foot of the Statue, which stands at the center of town own positions of prominence, they are able to exert
where most denizens of Farzeen pass it by every day. significant influence over events on Farzeen. The pieces
In truth, the size of the statue depends on the power of are almost in place for their plan to go forward. Farzeen’s
and faith in the Goddess. Should either wane, the statue days are numbered, and if the defenders of Farzeen fall,
grows smaller until it is about 6 ft. tall. When it is exposed so too will the rest of the world.
to a size-altering effect (such as an enlarge/reduce spell),
it can be treated as though its base size were either 6 ft. or graved on the outside suggest. Any ossuary can be opened
100 ft. with a DC 17 Strength check. Inside, the walls are lined
with hundreds of alcoves containing only skulls, some of
Cemetery which must be centuries old. Anyone examining the skulls
with a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Medicine) check can tell
On a lonely strip of land, below the bluffs but within the
from the tool marks (or claw marks) that the skulls were
city walls, sits the cemetery of Farzeen: a suspiciously
stripped of their flesh before being interred there.
small graveyard for a city of this size and age. A tall fence
of wrought-iron with sharpened pickets surrounds dozens
of stone ossuaries, each one the size of a small hut and Kava’s Respite
sealed behind a heavy door inscribed with a family name. This rough-and-tumble seaside pub is a simple single-story
Beneath the family name are written dozens and some- wooden building with a thatched roof and no door on its
times hundreds of individual names. The burial plots entryway. Most of the structure is given over to a large
are each marked with a simple stone, often worn from common room with a long bar and a cooking hearth. An
centuries of erosion and marked only with a single family irregular collection of sturdy but simple tables and chairs
name. There are no flowers or offerings left at any of the are scattered around the room. Kava’s Respite shows no
graves, nor any indication that the cemetery is frequented shortage of patrons (mostly sailors) at all hours of the day
by mourners. Locals seem unnerved by the concept of and well into the night.
spending any time there. A door in the far corner of the common room leads
What no one in town will say is that the cemetery is to three small rooms in the rear of the place which are
home to Farzeen’s population of ghouls, the Yogash Clan, rented out to boarders. The rooms are filthy and uncom-
who live in the tunnels beneath the city and feast on the fortable, having clearly been designed for some other
dead. purpose. Each room has two lice-infested bedrolls, a single
Development. There are no signs of recently dug chest, and a brass candle-holder bolted to the wall (with
graves or freshly overturned earth. A DC 6 Intelligence no candle). Neither the door nor the chest has a lock. Out
(investigation) check reveals that some of the ossuaries of a potential six beds across three rooms, there is a 50%
could never fit as many bodies in them as the names en- chance each night that 1d3 of them are already rented out.

Farzeen Gazetteer 5
Zakkarija is the proprietor of the Kava’s Respite. He has Prices
a friendly though unsettlingly wide smile, and his horns
and goat-like legs mark him out as inhuman, a fact he ◊◊ Single room for the night – 6 sp, or 10 sp for dou-
neither hides nor brings up. ble-occupancy
◊◊ Bed in the larger room for the night – 4 sp per per-
Prices son, or 15 sp for the whole room.
◊◊ Room for the night – 8 cp per person ◊◊ Kava (bowl) – 6 cp
◊◊ Kava (bowl) – 2 cp ◊◊ Fine wine (bottle) – 10 gp
◊◊ Kava (gallon) – 1 sp ◊◊ Meal – 5 sp
◊◊ Ale (mug) – 4 cp ◊◊ Banquet – 5 gp per person (requires 24 hour notice)
◊◊ Ale (gallon) – 2 sp
The Albatross
◊◊ Stew – 3 cp
This three-story boardinghouse seems to have been
◊◊ Hunk of meat – 3 sp
transplanted here from another city. Its wooden exterior
is whitewashed, slatted shutters seal every window, and
The Port of Call its roof is tiled rather than thatched. Several chairs sit on
This friendly-looking inn is a two-story wooden building the front porch, which opens onto Main Street. Around the
with a thatched roof. A propped-open door invites sea side of the building is an attached stable, which is the only
breezes and potential patrons into a large common area such structure in Farzeen.
with a wide hearth and plenty of comfortable tables and This boardinghouse is run by the elder Kristofru Theu-
chairs. The smells of fine cooking waft through a pair ma and his grandson, Marju. Those wishing to stay in
of swinging doors that lead into the kitchen. A staircase The Albatross must agree to follow Mr. Theuma’s rules,
leads upstairs where there are rooms for rent. and tenants who violate them will be kicked out with no
An upstairs hallway connects three rooms: two of these refund. (And the Watch called, if necessary.)
rooms have one bed each, while the third is much larger and
sleeps four. Each of the small rooms has a window, a bed, The Rules of the Albatross
and a small chest. The large room has several windows,
◊◊ No fighting
four beds, and four chests. Each door and chest can be
locked (DC 15 to pick). The bed linens are fresh and clean. ◊◊ No intoxicated guests
The Port of Call is run by two women, Guza and Kekkin, ◊◊ Leave your shoes at the door
who keep the place clean and do not tolerate fighting,
The front door opens onto a hallway leading to four rooms:
drunkenness, or other untoward behavior. Their cooking is
a parlor, a dining room, a kitchen, and a small washroom.
famed throughout the city, and the Port is widely regard-
The parlor features a fireplace, stuffed leather chairs, a
ed as having excellent kava. The establishment tends to
rug made from the hide of a jungle beast, and shelves of
attract merchants and ship captains more frequently than
books and knickknacks that lend the room a comfortable
rowdy sailors.
and lived-in atmosphere. The dining room is dominated by
a large table made of jungle hardwood. A stairway leads
up to the guest rooms on the second floor. The third-floor
residence, where the Theumas live, is off-limits to guests.
Each guest room is moderately-sized, with a single bed,
a window, a storage chest, and a writing desk with a single
chair. The rooms lock (DC 10) but the chests do not.
The beds and linens are clean and fresh.

◊◊ Room – 1 gp per night (includes meals). The
length of the stay is agreed upon beforehand and
the cost of the entire stay is paid up front.

The Laughing Hammer

This squat tavern is a single-room, windowless,
wooden building. Inside the dimly lit room, a rough
and battered bar runs along the rear while a number of
tables ringed with simple chairs take up the rest of the
space. Off-duty guards can be found carousing and
commiserating here at all hours.

6 Farzeen Gazetteer
Farzeen Gazetteer 7
Goods and Services. Beatrici can supply or repair
nearly any metal tool, weapon, or armor at the standard
price, per the GM’s discretion.

Fuengalo’s Tannery
Situated on the edge of the bluff, Fuengalo’s Tannery is
a small, one-story wooden storefront with an attached
residence and a work yard out back. Vats of foul-smelling
chemicals and drying racks covered with leather and furs
clutter the yard. A hedge of fragrant lavender surrounds
the entire property, somewhat damping the unpleasant
odors inherent in the tannery trade. There are also several
grates set in the ground into which the worst of the waste
can be dumped.
Inside the shop, customers are greeted by Fuengalo, an
easily-distracted gnome with a thick, unplaceable accent.
Leather satchels, belts, aprons, and other common goods
are displayed on the back wall, as are a few pieces of leath-
er armor and some fine fur cloaks.
The proprietor is Hala Grenj, a gruff but good-natured Goods and Services. Fuengalo can supply or repair
man with an eyepatch. He used to be a notorious petty any object, garment, or armor made primarily of leather or
thief, but he spent so much time in jail that he became fur at a fair price (GM’s discretion). His fur cloaks, mostly
good friends with the authorities, eventually went straight, crafted from the hides of jungle cats, cost 15 gp. He is also
and opened up The Laughing Hammer specifically to happy to pay a fair price for complete beast hides or furs in
serve off-duty members of the Watch. good condition.

Prices Buying Hides or Furs

◊◊ Kava (bowl) – 4 cp ◊◊ From a Tiny beast – 1 sp
◊◊ Kava (gallon) – 2 sp ◊◊ From a Small beast – 1 gp
◊◊ From a Medium beast – 2 gp
Obed’s Shipwright
◊◊ From a Large beast – 4 gp
This small, two-story building by the docks was once
whitewashed, but the sea air has flaked that coat away to ◊◊ From a Huge beast – 16 gp
almost nothing. A sign above the door depicts a hammer,
a wooden peg, and a coil of rope along with the words Peren’s Pawn Shop
“Obed’s Shipwright.” Inside, ropes and glass buoys hang Right on the edge of the market square, this small, two-sto-
from the rafters, and harpoons and nets decorate the walls. ry wooden building is in good repair but still has a grim
Obed is a sunburnt old man with bleached white hair and look about it. Customers entering immediately find a high
beard, whose muscular arms are crisscrossed with scars. counter that stretches the length of the room, cutting most
He can usually be found behind his desk, which is covered of it off from public access. A random assortment of items
with drafts of ship designs and assorted tools of his trade. is on display behind the counter, from musical instruments
He lives in a modest room above the shop. to jewelry to paintings, and even a few weapons. The
proprietor, Peren, is a tall, wiry, outwardly-friendly wood
Beatrici’s Smithing Shop elf with a no-nonsense attitude. He’s heard every sob-story
Much of this building is an open-air workshop with a blaz- imaginable and will never compromise on a listed price.
ing furnace and an assortment of anvils, hammers, tongs, Goods and Services. Peren can sell the PCs nearly any
and other tools of the smithy trade. Scythes, machetes, mundane item with a value of 5 gp or more (GM’s discre-
axes, and even some simple weapons hang on racks in the tion). He will also buy any item worth at least 5 gp at half
back of the workshop. Off to the side are two doors, one of its standard price. Once pawned, an item will be kept in
which leads into a storage room and the other to Beatrici’s the back room for a length of time (usually between five
home. days and one month) before going on display. At any time,
Beatrici herself is a short, sun-tanned woman with the holder of the pawn ticket can buy the item back at its
cropped black hair and a wry smile. She spends most of standard price, but once it goes on display, anyone can buy
her time forging tools for Farzeen and the nearby farms, the item for its standard price.
but she also makes the weapons and armor for the city
Watch. If asked how she came by her trade or how she Special Items
ended up on Farzeen, she simply laughs and mutters Roll twice on this table to determine what special or un-
something about a dwarf ex-husband. usual item is available in the shop today.

8 Farzeen Gazetteer
Farzeen Stockade

d12 Pawn Shop Item Goods and Services. The general store offers nearly
1 The deed to a one-room hut in the slums – 200 gp any tool, piece of adventuring gear, or other mundane item
2 Potion of healing – 50 gp for sale at the standard price (GM’s discretion). Alza also
3 A rose-gold torc of a serpent eating its own tail – sells nets, bows, crossbows, slings, and ammunition, but
175 gp no other weapons and no armor.
4 One vial of ignition metamorphic venom (SPCM
p.120) – 250 gp Market Square
5 A silver necklace set with rubies – 750 gp
6 A bag of holding – 5,000 gp This large open square near the docks at the south of
7 An adamantine handaxe – 505 gp town is crowded with stalls and carts hawking fresh fish,
8 An ebony walking stick with a silver snake head – spices, nuts, incense, glass beads, cut flowers, imported
550 gp trinkets, and other assorted goods. In a city as clean and
9 A spell scroll of a random 1st level spell – 150 gp orderly as Farzeen, the crowded market is the only hint of
10 A quiver of 12 +1 arrows – 600 gp chaos. Citizens of Farzeen swarm over the market to buy
11 A silver ring set with a black pearl – 150 gp fresh foodstuff and luxury items, boisterous sailors unload
12 A ring of swimming – 6,000 gp any extra goods upon which they hope to make a profit,
aspiring craftsmen test their skills and brag about their
Farzeen General Store successes, and the island’s wholesalers compete to attract
merchant captains looking to fill their holds.
This busy shop stands on Main Street near the square. Goods and Services. If the PCs are interested in
Typical of many shops in Farzeen, it is a two-story wooden buying or selling something not found in any of the town’s
building with a thatched roof, the store on the ground floor other stores, they might find what they are looking for in
with a residence on the second floor. The shopkeeper is the market (GM’s discretion).
a talkative and courteous woman named Alza Tanewi,
whose family has run the general store for centuries. She
keeps a sack of candied nuts behind the counter to give to
The Stockade
children who come in, and she snacks on them when the The headquarters of the Watch, the Stockade is one of
store is empty. the most prominent buildings in Farzeen and also one
of the only ones made of stone. The building is roughly

Farzeen Gazetteer 9
10 Farzeen Gazetteer
horseshoe-shaped, with a central courtyard through which
visitors must pass to enter. The windows are many and The Church of Ghat
barred. The Stockade seems to be a supremely defensible A god of earth, protection, and destruction; prefers
structure. neutral alignments
A gently curving path cuts through the courtyard, leading Favored Weapon. Shortsword
to the main entrance. On the right side, a basin of pristine Symbol. The Volcano Kaza
sand has been raked into complicated, swirling shapes Temple. Stone shrines around town, main shrine on the
around artfully arranged rocks. On the left side of the slopes of Kaza
courtyard sits a more traditional garden with a well-main- Worshippers. Islanders of Farzeen
tained lawn and an assortment of pleasant shade trees A new religion that has only emerged in the last century,
and bright tropical flowers. the Church of Ghat venerates the volcano itself. They
Past the heavy double doors, visitors encounter a lobby take their name from the local word for the trails that
with a desk manned by a guard at all hours of the day. crisscross the slopes of Kaza, along which the faithful
Beyond, in the two sweeping wings of the building, await wander while contemplating the divine wonder of the
the holding cells, meeting rooms, supply closets, offices, volcano. Ghat is a god of protection and destruction,
and other spaces necessary to keep the Watch running a fickle god who must be pleased with worship and
efficiently and effectively. offerings for the good of the island. Although worship of
the Goddess of Light is far older and more widespread
Shrines to Ghat in Farzeen, some devotees of Ghat believe that the
Goddess is just a misinterpretation of the true nature of
Farzeen and its surroundings are home to several minor Ghat.
shrines to Ghat, the volcano god. The chief shrine is on Aside from wandering the mountain slopes,
the slopes of Kaza itself: a winding mountain path leads worshippers of Ghat make burnt offerings at public
up from town to this simple square shelter of red and shrines or in the privacy of their homes. These offerings
black volcanic stones with a thatched roof. Inside the main do not typically include sentient beings (though see the
shrine sits a perfect replica of the volcano carved from Cult of Ghatanothoa sidebar). The priests of Ghat wear
wiklamite, complete with a tiny version of the shrine on its brown robes adorned with symbols of the mountain.
slopes. There are almost always two priests on duty at the They are eager to spread their faith and devout in their
mountain shrine belief that worshipping Ghat brings safety and prosperity
Other shrines throughout town are less grandiose or to Farzeen.
well-kept, usually consisting of a simple plinth of volcanic For the GM: Only the inner cabal of Ghat know the
rock with a stone brazier and a carving of the mountain. truth: that Ghat is really Ghatanothoa, and the Cult of
The most prominent shrine in town stands in the central Ghatanothoa seeks to bring about the return of that
square, not far from the pillar of the Goddess of Light. The horrible Great Old One.
brown-robed priests of Ghat can sometimes be found tend-
ing to the fires or making offerings at the various shrines
throughout town. boat can be seen pulled up to the dock at most times. Just
up from the dock is the tiny vestibule where the lighthouse
Kaza keeper makes his home: a thin tendril of smoke rises from
its chimney at all hours of the day and night. Nothing else
The mighty Kaza rises above the city of Farzeen, dwarfing
stands on the barren rock barely large enough to hold the
everything with its incredible bulk. The lush jungle that
lighthouse, which is aptly called Lighthouse Rock.
covers its lower slopes quickly gives way to barren volca-
While a lighthouse may seem redundant in a town
nic scree and rugged rock formations. Faint, twisting trails
famous for its tall, glowing statue, this beacon actually
(called ghats) wind all over the mountain. Supplicants
serves a very important purpose. Aside from the obvious
of Ghat take meditative walks along these pathways to
duty of warning ships away from Lighthouse Rock at night,
become closer to their god.
the tower’s beacon also provides a second point of light
While Kaza hasn’t had a major eruption in centuries,
that distant ships can use to triangulate their positioning
plumes of smoke regularly rise from its wide caldera, re-
with the statue of the Goddess of Light. Also, since the
minding the entire island that the volcano can bring both
Goddess of Light remains undimmed by distance or fog,
life and death to all who live in its shadow. The peak of
the lighthouse beacon lets navigators gauge those factors
the mountain rises to 10,000 feet above sea level, and its
more accurately.
ridges stretch starfish-like across the breadth of the island.
The lighthouse keeper is Gedġi Wiluana, a wrinkled, salt-
crusted old man who says very little, if he says anything at all.
Lighthouse Every night, he tends to the fire and the amplifying glass
On a tiny rock about a kilometer beyond the docks of Far- lenses at the top of the lighthouse. Every morning, he rows
zeen harbor stands a lonely lighthouse. The tower is 60 into town, spends an hour or so in the Kava’s Respite, then
feet tall and carved from light-colored stone kept meticu- rows back to the island with supplies and firewood.
lously whitewashed by the lighthouse keeper. A short dock
extends out from the rock toward town, and a small row-

Farzeen Gazetteer 11
Magistrate’s Manor
The magistrate’s manor is a grand two-story building of
stone and wood located across Mountain Street from the
Stockade. It is home to Magistrate Alwiġi, who governs
the city and island of Farzeen. The posts of the house are
made from dark hardwood and carved with the intricate
designs typical of Farzeen artwork. Its many windows
have red shutters, which can be opened or closed from
inside. A small courtyard out front features an ancient
stone carving of a chief surrounded by flowering shrubs
of all colors. The manor is guarded at all times by several
Toa, who can be quickly and easily reinforced from the
Stockade across the street.
The office of magistrate was created five centuries ago,
when the last of Farzeen’s chieftains perished in the Ghoul
War. The great families of Farzeen elected one of their
own to act as ruler in the aftermath of that great struggle.
The office of magistrate is a lifetime appointment and is
not inheritable, although in practice the new magistrate
is often one of the children of the previous magistrate. As
magistrate, Alwiġi is known as competent and fair but also

Lumber Mill
Just outside the walls of Farzeen, on the edge of the jungle,
stands the lumber mill: a collection of wooden structures
and storehouses. At its center, a windmill catches the
sea breeze as it drifts up the slope of Kaza. The windmill
drives a series of saws, where seasoned timber is cut into
lumber for building or export. Precious jungle hardwoods
like teak and M’bya are also stored and seasoned in locked
warehouses owned by individual wholesalers before they
are processed for export. Many inhabitants of Farzeen
work in the lumber mill, which is a constant source of
employment and wealth.

The entire peninsula southeast of the city functions as
the granary of the island. The area is dotted with storage
buildings, farmhouses, and livestock pens. Fields of rice,
beans, and taro are intermixed with plantations of coco-
nut, banana, kava, and spices. Streams from the slopes of
Kaza carry water to irrigation ditches when the island’s
rainfall isn’t sufficient. The volcanic soil is rich and fertile,
and the tropical climate means that the fields produce

12 Farzeen Gazetteer

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