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Description: A house on fire and a man walking by

Story: Vivek was heading to his college when he heard screams of a lady
from a house on fire. He rushed to the house and found that because of the
strong wind it was difficult to douse the fire. He escorted the sole old lady
occupant out of the house safely and informed the fire brigade. He took the
help of some people who had gathered and neighbors to get buckets full of
water and a water pipe to douse the fire. Some people brought some sticks
and sand to beat the fire. On advice from the lady he retrieved the valuables
from the house. By the time the fire brigade arrived the fire had already been
controlled and could be quickly put off.

Description: A lady and a man working in laboratory

Story: Pia was pursuing her PhD on curing lung diseases in young children.
As she researched the subject she realized that the children who had been
kept in very hygienic environment were more susceptible to serious lung
ailments because they had low immunity compared to the children who had
been exposed to dirt and filth since birth. Her research work was greatly
appreciated and it made the society aware that bringing up children in overly
hygienic environment can be dangerous for their later lives because of
lowered immunity.

Description: A lady standing at a crowded counter

Story: Rakhi went to an employment exchange center and noticed that many
people were crowding up the counter for various works. She met the
exchange center head to allow her to develop an app which allowed people to
register online for vacancies. She developed the app and added multiple
facilities to manage data, send message alerts to the registered people and
facilitated companies to book slots to meet the people. This helped improve
the efficiency of the employment exchange.

Description: A man lying on bed & a woman crying at the

Story: Maya’s husband was ill. He had been diagnosed with dengue. She
became sad and consulted the doctor. The doctor prescribed some
medicines, healthy diet and nutritional supplements. Maya took care of her
husband and gave him medicines and healthy food as prescribed. After one
and a half months her husband began to recover and in a span of 3 months
became well. He was really happy after getting well and Maya was glad that
her effort brought a positive impact on her husband.

Description: 5-6 soldiers lying huddled together

Story: It has been a tiring day for all the soldiers after the successful counter
insurgency operation. They had not slept for 2 days. So after finishing the
operation they reported the successful completion of the operation to their
senior and decided to relax. After relaxing for some time they returned to their
location. They were felicitated for their bravery. The soldiers were really happy
and were ready for future operations.

Description: A man & woman appearing agitated & one

young lady shown separately in background
Story: Rajendra and Soni were living their life peacefully in a village. One day,
Soni comes to know through some people that they had seen Rajendra with
one woman. Soni became agitated and concerned for her marriage. She
questioned Rajendra about having an illicit affair. Rajendra became annoyed.
He explained to Soni that he was only helping this woman who was his
friend’s sister in her dairy farming as she was alone now.

Description: Faces of an elder & a younger man wearing

jackets and ties
Story: Mohan worked at a factory where Mr Verma was his boss. He had
been working there for 9 years. He had joined the factory as a trainee and due
to his hard work, sincerity and commitment he had become the Manager. Mr.
Verma trusted and supported him. They decided to start manufacturing
biodegradable packing bags for big items. Their product was good and found
many buyers and got support from the government as well.

Description: A man at a graveyard

Story: Anish had gone to the graveyard to pay homage to his departed
grandfather. He had always been a source of inspiration and inculcated in him
good ethical values and taught him to be modest and down to earth. He
cleaned the grave, put flowers and remembered the good times they had had.
He resolved to continue working in accordance with the good values
inculcated in him by the departed soul.

Description: Accident of cart and car in middle of the road

and a youth passing by
Story: Rajat was going to the market when he saw an accident of a car and a
cart on the road. He immediately ran to the spot of accident and saw that the
driver of the cart was badly injured and the driver of the car was unhurt. He
called the police using his mobile. The car was functional. The police reached
the spot in 10 min. He took the cart driver in the car to the nearest hospital
and informed his relatives. Once the relatives arrived and took over the patient
he went home.

Description: A lady in European dress with a book standing

in the foreground, while farming activity is on in the

Story: Mary was the daughter of a farmer. She was a bright girl and wanted to
raise the economic status of her family. She studied agricultural science and
returned to her village. She took a small plot of her farm and used modern
seeds and methods of cultivation to demonstrate the efficacy of her
knowledge. The excellent results converted her parents into believing in her
methods which were used on their entire farm next year. Their farm income
trebled and they were very happy. Soon the entire village adopted the modern
methods of farming and prospered.

Blank Slide Story

Sita was a young civil engineer who was hired to look into the failure of a
flyover bridge. She reviewed all the files, drawings, datasheets of material
purchased, quality reports of material used in the construction and the load
calculations. She came to a conclusion that there was sub-standard
construction material used. She decided to bring this out. She had to put up a
brave fight against corrupt officers at every level. Sheer determination,
courage and will to bring about justice to the affected families motivated her to
keep fighting. In the end she won the case and was able to claim handsome
compensation for the affected families.

Points to Note in the Stories

 No one has won PVC.
 No adjectives are used to describe the main character.
 No location of towns and districts is given.
 There are no unnecessary preambles given about the situation or the
 The stories can be written easily within 3-4 min.
 The stories are relate to the pictures shown as also routine life events.
 When the scene is of a European location, the character is given a
suitable name.

3 important TAT images with stories for practice

Guys i have uploaded many PPDT or TAT images earlier for practice, the key point to get
success in screening test or in TAT is to Practice more and more PPDT or TAT images. i
have uploaded more than 100 images with sample stories for better practice. Here also i
am uploading 3 most important images that are generally asked in SSB.

Image 1: Sample TAT image of some person playing Cards.

TAT image of some person playing cards

Sample TAT story:

Aman is social worker, working for NGO prayass india,which helps children to have free education, house
and food, he came to his friends uncles house for some donation to his NGO,they all were having fun by
playing cards when aman saw a child age between 10-12 years serving tea and snacks to them and rude
behaviors of uncle towards child, aman clarified with his friend about the child and got to know that child
is working in uncle house from past 1 month, he explained the uncle about the crime he is doing, and
made him satisfied he shouldn’t be doing again and he rescued the child got him admitted to his NGO.

Image 2: Sample TAT image of some person sitting around table with story.
sample TAT image of some person sitting around the table.

Sample TAT story:

Sonu is a chief engineer and is working in R&D department for maruti in gurgaon,he had prepared a
design of fuel efficient car and all of them have gathered in the conference room for the presentation to be
given by sonu,after sonu finished his presentation questions arised from his members about the design
and to execute it, will it be working practically, would it feasible to common man, sonu answered them all
and convinced most members of the board some of them were not convinced had put their head down,
sonu convinced them about his plans and executing them and finally his plan was approved by the
company chairman.

Image 3: Sample TAT story

Sample TAT story of a person Standing in Rain

Sample Story:

Ram is a medical student studying in Gandhi medical college,it was raining heavily in the month of july
,he was at home when he heard someone knocking his door hard,it was his neighbor children asking for
help for their mother who is suffering from heart attack,he immediately gave some relief injection and
went out in heavy rain fall and winds to call for ambulance,after 45 minutes of harsh travel he reached the
hospital and came back with ambulance admitted the mother into the hospital and saved her life,and said
to have regular checkup to avoid such circumstances.

Home Psychology Thematic Apperception Test 20+ Ideas For Thematic Apperception Test

20+ Ideas For Thematic

Apperception Test Stories
Thematic Apperception Test by SSBCrack ‐4

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Today we are sharing few themes or ideas which you can use while writing stories
during Thematic Apperception Test aka TAT. We have mentioned few themes which you can
use based on the picture shown to you. Basically, these are the plots for your stories which you
can include while writing stories during TAT.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

 Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]

 SSB Psychological Tests – Deep Dive [Book]

Ideas for Thematic Apperception Test Based on

 Scene of Factory or Workshop
 Modification of Factory
 Quick Order Delivery
 New Invention
 New design
 Scene of Office Meeting/ Phone Calls
 Board of director
 Presenting new idea
 Inventions
 New techniques
 New education system
 Planning attack
 Scene of Fight/Running/Knife in hand/ Pistol in hand/Catching the Throat
 Yoga
 Karate
 Commando attack
 Learning martial arts
 Scene of Defence Forces /Army Soldiers
 Patrolling
 Planning
 Attack
 Destroying enemy target
 Destroying Amn dump
 Getting information of enemy
 Scene of Vehicle Car/ Bike
 Car/Bike rally
 New design of an engine
 Pollution free vehicles
 Less competition
 Multi fuel design
 Group of Girls/women
 Vocational training center
 Cottage industries
 Handicraft industry
 Health/hygiene training
 SSB selection training
 Modeling
 Dramatics
 Folk dancing
 Family Planning
 Scene of Boat/River/lake
 Boating competition
 New design of boat
 Racing
 Rafting
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 Scene of Bridge
 Repair of bridge
 New design
 Widening of bridge
 Bridge inauguration
 Scene of Mountains
 Mineral/Oil discovery
 Plantation/forestation
 Tourism/archeological
 Hiking, skiing, study of historical structure
 Water/river
 Pollution
 Creating lake
 Reservoirs
 Tourist resort
 Boating
 Flood control
 Digging
 Navigation/waterway
 Land
 New technology of agriculture
 Drip irrigation
 Digging canal
 Creation Reservoir for water
 Plantation
 Windmill
 People/Villager
 Cottage industries
 Small scale industries
 Handicraft Industries
 Agricultural Industries
 Teaching new agricultural Method
 Education/Family planning/Child Marriage menace
 Road/traffic/accident
 Widen road
 One- way traffic
 Bus facilities
 Street- lights
 Encroachment removal
 Zebra crossing
 Traffic lights
 Evacuation of hospital
 Boys scouts/cycle/car
 NSS Camp
 Flood relief
 Cycle rally
 Car rally
 Picnic
 Jogging
 Peace march
 Blood donation
 Rescue operation
 Sitting in Office
 Planning
 Research
 Relief operations i.e. flood, earthquake etc.


The Story: The conglomerate of Indian Institute of Technology and Indian Institute of
Management has actively participated in the Student Exchange Programs between India, Japan,
Germany, France and many other nations. Suraj Dev, a first-year student from IIM Ahmedabad
enrolled in the Post-Graduation Diploma course in Management, represented the Institute and
was a team leader in the IIM conglomerate for inter athletic meet in Japan 2017. Suraj has been
a meritorious student graduating from the Sri ram college of commerce, New Delhi, and DPS R
K Puram. He always has been enthusiastic about participation in sports, debates, event
management and was very keen for Motion photography. In his graduation days, Suraj won the
best photograph in Motion Category from the National Geographic channel. He understood the
concepts of physics and the relevance of timing in such genre of photography. As a part of the
team lead, Suraj was responsible to be a part of the organizing committee of the athletic meet in
Japan along with the Management Institute of Japan. His merit, experience of teamwork enabled
him to gel easily in the overseas culture and set the event to perfection along with all delegates.
The event started with the run where Suraj photographed the person from the most prominent
position. After returning to India, Suraj was felicitated for his exemplary dedication to the event
and this picture was framed in the “Hall of Fame “wall of IIM Ahmedabad sports zone.

Story Interpretation:
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story

This story does show effective intelligence in various forms. Suraj’s

candidature in IIM Ahmedabad, his representation at the International

Effective Intelligence
Student exchange program, his quick adaptability in the overseas culture

etc and the narration as well.

Suraj got correct hold of the situation, understood what needs to be done,

Reasoning Ability went ahead with cooperation with other delegates from Japan and set the

event to perfection

Power of Expression The story expresses each event in a proper way.

Confidence is shown here by virtue of participation and winning. Also

Self Confidence representing something at an international level and concluding it with

perfection shows the blend of confidence.

Suraj is determined to conclude things with perfection. He is also

Determination determined to make the best out of the situation. As for the case of this

story, his dedication to participation, winning in National Geographic

Photography Competition, making the best in organizing the Inter athletic

meet in Japan etc shows the level of determination

Suraj is well acquainted with the availability of the resources and his ability

Organizing Ability to organize the event in cooperation with other delegates from other

country shows this trait.

This officer like quality is also displayed in the story but in a minimal

Representing our own entity at a global level needs a good amount of

Courage courage. This story exudes courage at that level where Suraj represented

and participated in the athletic meet at the international level

This trait is observed in the part of the story where Suraj is organizing the
event in cooperation with the other delegates who are from Japan

This trait is visible in multiple points as Suraj, being a team lead, exhibited a
Sense of Responsibility
responsible position
Organizing something and keeping it going with perfection till the end
takes a lot amount of both physical and mental stamina

Group Influencing Ability The hero’s experience of teamwork enables him to exhibit this trait as well

This trait is shown by the interest of Suraj to participate in all type of

activities right since his childhood etc.

Social adaptability is shown by his interest and ability to participate in

Social Adaptability
organizing activities.
100+ Stories Download TAT eBook

While there are many tips in the market to attempt TAT, the key idea behind this is to keep the
stories in line with the PIQ and reflect the same set of thinking in WAT and SRT. For better
formation of themes, divide pics into 5 categories and apply one category to any pic shown in the
test. For having a wide range of theme as per your PIQ, refer to the Better India and adopt
themes related to your PIQ from there.

hematic Apperception Test is the test of mental ability of the

candidate. It is used to judge the psychological knowledge of the
candidate for different situations.
A total of 12 stories are shown to the candidates (including 1 blank
screen) which will be shown for 30 seconds followed by 4 minutes to
write a story on it.
So, check out some sample stories build around the generally occurring
TAT images in SSB.
Kshitij was a B.Tech IT student graduate from Hissar, Hr. he heard about
campus recruitment of well-known company Gir soft in GJU with walk-in
interviews being conducted. He prepared himself for the interview by
consulting his seniors, his elder brother and some lectures of his college.
He reached the college with full confidence but saw the board of no
vacancies on the board, he went to the recruitment panel by asking the
college student and humbly told them about his skills and expertise in
the IT field which they can utilize for their company. Apart from that he
also told them about his work experience as a freelance content writer,
proper handling of SEO projects, web designing and Photoshop.
Interviewing panel asked some question and inquired all about his skills
mentioned by him and written in his resume. Observing glare in his eyes
and confident glow on his face, they selected him and gave him appoint
of next month. He joined the company and his multi handling skill made
the company to complete many projects prior to the given time.
Read More: Meet Two More Women Fighter Pilots of Indian Air

Sample Story:

Ravi was a BSC final year student studying in govt college, Rohtak and
just appeared for his final examinations. After getting relaxed from the
exam’s hectic schedule, he met with all his friends in HUDA Park where
he randomly stroke an idea in casual talk of going for a trip to Jaipur. 6 of
his friends agreed. But 2 were reluctant. he convinced them by deciding
the expense and inclining them to make it an enjoy full trip. He discussed
the plan and following the priority of the group, they distributed the
responsibility like selecting the tourist spot on the internet, hotel facility,
arranging required material etc. Ravi took the responsibility of booking
the ticket as per their plan and managing the money for the entire trip.
They took permission from parents and left on the morning of decided
date. the enjoyed the journey between a green state to a deserty arid
state visited the marketplaces around their hotel, enjoyed the visit to Jal
mahal, Hawamahal, amber fort, city palace etc. and garbed deep
knowledge of ancient architecture and civilization. they enjoyed the
bonfire on Amer fort and interacted with Rajasthani people. After having
a fully enjoying time, they reached home with sweet memories.

Sample Story:
Lt. Arun was assigned the task to counter the terrorists who have alleged
to have crossed the border and rising in a house on the outskirts of
kupwara city. Without wasting time, lt. Arun went through the area
information and told his team to get ready collecting all required
resources as per the task’s requirement. He briefed the plan to his team
and moved to the place. After reaching, he told his men to take positions
using gestures. After analysing the situation, he got the info that they
have some hostages inside. Improvising, he told his men to enter from
the door on his command he silently entered through the window, he
attacked one of the terrorists surprisingly injuring him and ordered his
men to enter. Other terrorist got confused and Lt Arun caught him red
handed. He handed him to this unit as per senior’s orders and gave the
entire plan and actions description to his co on orders
Ramesh was B.Tech final year student of Deen Dayal College
Rajasthan. During the monthly NSS camping schedule, he was given the
task to handle the camp for awarding people of Bhanurpur village about
water scarcity and recommended measures to avoid it. He accepted it
and without wasting time, called and organized all his team members,
told them to collect all required material like, charts, dummies of water
harvesting plans and also took his laptop with him to brief them. Will all
preparation he left in the bus arranged by college authorities with his
team. While they were entering the village and heading to the sarpanch’s
home, he saves unmanaged water storing methods, no use of water
harvesting techniques, dirty ponds and dries well used as garbage store.
After meeting the sarpanch, he talked to him and convinced him. When
some people attended the gathering, he started briefing the matter,
using charts and small models. His points attracted more crowds. People
started questioning and he answered them. He also told them some
simple ways to re-flourish the extinct water bodies. Sarpanch also
promised to implement the techniques and the water scarcity problem
showed negative count in the village.

So, these are some of the sample stories. Stay updated

with SSBToSuccess for more knowledge.
Home Psychology Thematic Apperception Test 60 Original TAT Pictures From All SSB

60 Original TAT Pictures From

All SSB Interview
Thematic Apperception Test by SSBCrack ‐0

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TAT Thematic Apperception Test is the first test of phase-2 screening. It contains 11+1
pictures. The first 11 pictures contain a series of slides on which you’ll have to write stories on.
And the last slide will be a blank slide out of which you can write any story but make sure the
story will have your life experiences or problems you have faced and how you overcame those
problems. One gets 30 seconds to see the picture and then 4 minutes for writing a story around it.
How To Prepare for SSB Interview:

 Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]

 Breaking the code of SSB Psychology [Book]

TAT and PPDT Story Writing Tips

 It’s not a test for beauty of expressions, so, do not use heavy-duty words and do not try to over
show your ideas through writing. You just have to make a story around the picture.
 The psychologist will test your personality using TAT, WAT, SRT, and self description.
 All the tests are used for analyzing your personality and to check whether you have officers like
 Always remember, the answers of TAT, WAT, SRT and self description are compared with one
another to find out the real personality of the candidate.


Ranjit, a 6 year old child of Subedar Major Ratan Singh and Srimati Sukma Singh, has been an
active child and very enthusiastic. Subedar Major Ratan Singh was commissioned in the armored
division and Srimati Sukma Singh played the role of a home maker. Subedar Major Ratan Singh
had photography as his hobby and never left an opportunity to capture the childhood memories
of Ranjit. Ranjit was always awestruck when he used to see his father in uniform and the portrait
of grandfather who also has been serving the forces. Every day after school, Ranjit used to play
with his toys, which included mostly the battlefield collectibles like tanks, soldier pieces and
anticraft etc. His mother observing the degree of excitement and enthusiasm decided to send him
to Sainik school once he qualifies the age. Years passed by and Ranjit gathered a tinge in sports
and extracurricular activities that helped him getting an admission to Sainik School. His yearly
report was decorated by appreciations from the instructors on the grounds of academics,
participation in group activities, cultural forte and representation as a monitor for outstation
activities. Ranjit qualified the exam of National Defence Academy and secured All India Rank
34 thereby making his parents proud over their decision. In the present day, Srimati Sukma
Singh is going through the childhood album clicked by Subedar Major Ratan Singh. As a
mother, she becomes extremely nostalgic over this picture taken a decade back and is taking
immense pride over the achievements of her son.


Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story

In this story Ranjit shows effective intelligence during his tenure in Sainik

Effective Intelligence School, participation in various activities, academics, clearing the National

Defence Academy exam with merit etc.

From the story it shows that Ranjit inherited this during his experience of
Reasoning Ability
taking part in versatile situations and extra activities.

The story in itself displays clarity of events in sequence which is a trait of

Power of expression ability to express something in a proper way. Going forward Ranjit

inculcates these qualities by his participation in Sainik School and engaging

in various activities

This story depicts self-confidence. One towards the mother who was

confident that someday her son would be an officer and thereby deciding

to send him to the Sainik School. Second is the self-confidence of Ranjit

Self Confidence
which he inculcated during his school tenure of Sainik School by engaging

in various activities. These things made him clear the National Defence

academy examination at one go.

Determination This quality is also shown by both the mother and son. The mother is

determined that at the right age of qualification she would send Ranjit to
Sainik School for him to become an officer in future. Ranjit is also

determined to win, learn to the best of his ability where he proved by the

annual report exceeding in all his grades.

In this story, the sequential arrangement of events, Ranjit’s participation in

Organising Ability the extra activities, being a monitor in the camps demonstrates the

organizing capabilities he had and he inculcated.

Team work is the essence of any officer like quality. Here it Ranjit’s

Cooperation exposure in outside team activities and trips, shows that he was

cooperative both as a leader and as a team mate

Being a monitor shows that he was entrusted with a sense of responsibility

Sense of Responsibility
and hence was offered that position

Group influencing Ability

By virtue of his participation and exposure as a monitor he inculcated.

These traits helped him getting recommended in first attempt

Liveliness Ranjit winning accolades at all the time at all grounds be it academics, extra

activities, outside trips, cordial relations with parents and other members
of the society shows that he had tinge of liveliness towards everything.

TAT Original Pictures

If you are going for SSB interview, you will find most of the pictures during TAT
and PPDT are with the similar theme as above pictures. Keep practicing by
writing PPDT and TAT stories on these picture. You could also write your story
below in the comment box.

If you have any TAT or PPDT picture you would like to share with us, you can
directly post it in the comment box below. Wish you more success !!

TAT Pictures for SSB

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