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Course Title: Introduction to Human Rights Time: 2½ hours

Course Code: PPCE 403B M.M: 100 marks


1. Abbreviations (any five): (1X5=5)

(a) FGM (c) WGWC (e) UCC

(b) UNHCR (d) SS (Nazi Soldiers) (f) UNESCO

2. Explain any fifteen of the following in note more than two or three sentences: (2X15=30)

(a) Apartheid (g) Ritual /religious slavery (m) Reichdeutschen

(b) Racism (h) Raphael Lemkin (n) Volksdeutschen
(c) `Jim Crow` Laws (i) Nazi Holocaust (o) Clitoridectomy
(d) Social Stratification (j) Genocide (p) Excision
(e) Suffrage (k) Homicide (q) Infibulation
(f) Chattel Slavery (l) Deutschen (r) Sati

3. Answer any three of the following in not more than 300 words: (8X3=24)

(a) Apartheid and Caste are forms of Social Stratification. Comment.

(b) Discuss the differences between ‘old’ and ‘new’ forms of slavery.
(c) Enumerate all the five clauses clarified by the UN which states the notion of Genocide.
(d) Write a short note on the moralist and causalist perspectives on censorship.
(e) State and explain the 1951 UN convention`s standard but possibly outdated definition of Refugee.

4. Answer any three of the following in not more than 500 words: (12X3=36)

(a) Refugee/s is/are a peculiar modern problem. Discuss with reference to contemporary global refugee crisis.
What according to you shall be the policies of state in order to tackle this problem?
(b) Enumerate various categories of genocide propounded by several authors. What according to you is the actual
reason behind such an act? What measures can be taken by the state to avoid recurrence of such an act?
(c) Torture, like genocide, is a crime of the state. As with the other abuses of human rights, its greatest
contradiction lies in the fact that the authority responsible for punishing crimes is guilty of the worst
violation. Comment or critically comment as per your subscription to the above point of view.
(d) Kasab is found guilty of heinous crime against humanity with no outward chance of reformation and thus
awarded death penalty. Does this punishment serve any purpose? Discuss.
(e) Reservation (based on caste/tribe/religion/minority or sex) is a violation of Human Rights. Do you agree with
this? What is State’s justification on this? Suggest measures to tackle this ambiguity/problem.
(f) Human rights violations cases are on rise: Therefore, UN (which is nothing but a puppet in the hands of US)
is a failed organization. How far do you agree/disagree with this statement? State your reasons.

5. Write a short summary (200 words) of the essay which you submitted for assignment in this course. (5)


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