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Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652

Structural responses of restrained steel columns at elevated temperatures.

Part 1: Experiments
Kang-Hai Tan, Wee-Siang Toh, Zhan-Fei Huang ∗ , Guan-Hwee Phng
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore

Received 8 March 2006; received in revised form 1 December 2006; accepted 4 December 2006
Available online 10 January 2007


This paper outlines a research program on an experimental investigation to determine the failure time of unprotected steel columns subjected
to various axial restraint ratios. Axial restraints were applied to simulate the thermal restraint effects due to adjacent cooler parts of a steel
framed structure in fire. All columns had an effective length of 1.74 m, and were divided into 4 groups according to their minor-axis slenderness
ratios of 45, 55, 81 and 97, respectively. The columns were axially loaded and exposed to a monotonically increasing heating condition. Initial
imperfections such as column crookedness and load eccentricity were measured by a specially designed facility. The test results show that axial
restraints, as well as initial imperfections, significantly reduce the failure times of axially-loaded steel columns. By contrast, bearing friction
substantially retards column failure times. These effects are represented by flexural springs at both ends of a column specimen. Besides, a simple
but reliable Rankine approach is used to compute the column failure times. The Rankine predictions agree well with experimental results.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Axial restraint; Buckling; Failure time; Elevated temperature test; Steel columns

1. Introduction fires, gas temperature developed at a mean rate of around 5 to

15 ◦ C/min before flash-over took place [1,2].
Steel is a widely-used construction material due to its high Secondly, boundary restraints experienced by an actual
strength, speed of erection as well as aesthetic appeal. However, heated column within a building have not been considered. The
traditional hot-rolled steel is vulnerable in fires as that would Broadgate development fire [6] and the series of Cardington
degrade steel strength and stability markedly. Thus, in practice fire tests [1–5] have shown that strong interactions exist among
to reduce the risk of injury, death and loss of property, almost slabs, columns and beams. For columns in a compartment
every main steel member within a building is insulated with fire fire, they are likely to be axially and rotationally restrained
protection materials whether or not they are actually required. by their adjoining unheated members. Nevertheless, traditional
Traditionally, fire resistances of steel columns are obtained fire resistance tests for columns are over-conservative and do
through tests conduced on a simply supported column subjected not take into account the true building behaviour. Although
to standard fires such as ISO834. There are two main limitations rotational restraint has a beneficial effect on steel columns, axial
of these tests. restraint has a detrimental impact on the columns in the pre-
Firstly, in most building fires, gas temperatures develop buckling stage. Therefore, there is a need to study the effect of
much more slowly compared to ‘standard’ fires. The axial restraint on the behaviour of steel columns under elevated
Cardington series of fire tests showed that during compartment temperatures.
There are three main objectives of our test programme, viz.
• Investigating the effect of column initial imperfections on
∗ Corresponding address: Nanyang Technological University, Department of
failure times. For each test, the column initial crookedness
Structures and Mechanics, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 50 and load eccentricity are measured, while flexural springs
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore. Tel.: +65 67904851; fax: +65
67916697. are proposed for simulating the bearing friction in the FE
E-mail address: (Z.-F. Huang). models.

c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

0141-0296/$ - see front matter
1642 K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652

actual restraint level on the heated columns; (3) In their ensuing

Nomenclature FE analyses [8], it was claimed that end friction had limited
effect on the column buckling temperature. It is felt that this
B Breadth of an I-section (m);
conclusion is worthy of re-investigation.
e Load eccentricity (m);
The series of tests will focus on the investigation of
E 020 Young’s modulus at ambient temperature (MPa);
these secondary effects on the structural behaviour of axially-
H Height of an I-section (m);
restrained steel columns at elevated temperature. Specimen
kc Column axial stiffness at ambient temperature
initial crookedness will be measured by a specially designed
rig, while load eccentricity will be measured in situ (details
kl Axial spring stiffness (N/m);
are included in Section 2.3). Besides, the tests will show
lc Column length (m);
that friction significantly retards column buckling at elevated
N External axial load (N);
temperature. By adopting a relatively accurate mechanical
P Column internal axial force (N);
model for simulating friction effects, the FE model is able to
Po Column internal axial force at the beginning of
model closely the whole collapse process of a heated column.
heating (N);
In 2000, Rodrigues et al. [9] conducted an experimental
Pu20 Column axial load capacity at ambient tempera-
programme on small-scale compressed steel rectangular bars
ture (N);
of 460 mm length with restrained thermal elongation. The
R Load ratio;
gas temperature rose at a mean rate of 5 ◦ C/min. The
tw Web thickness of an I-section (m);
slenderness ratios studied were 80, 133, 199 and 319. A
tcr Column failure time (min);
total of 168 columns were tested to failure to investigate
tf Flange thickness of an I-section (m);
parameters such as slenderness ratios, load eccentricities and
u Longitudinal movement at column top end (m);
restraint ratios. The tests showed that axial restraint had a
u slk Mechanical slack (m);
significant adverse effect on the fire resistance of axially loaded
βl Axial restraint ratio;
columns, but not on eccentrically loaded ones. Nevertheless,
δmid Column mid-height deflection (m);
neither the specimen sizes nor the slenderness ratios greater
λ Column slenderness ratio.
than 133 could realistically represent practical column sizes
and slenderness ratios used in actual construction. Moreover,
• Examining the axial restraint effect on the column failure the FE predictions of column internal axial forces using the
time or temperature. To the authors’ best knowledge of the FINEFIRE program did not agree very well with experimental
published technical literature, the reviewed two series of results. In the authors’ opinion, this mainly resulted from a
tests [7] and [9] are the only two experimental studies for lack of measurement of actual axial restraint on heated bars.
such an examination on the axial restraint effect. To acquire In comparison, the test programme in this paper used only
a better understanding of axial restraint effect on the fire I-section hot-rolled steel columns with practical slenderness
resistance of axially loaded steel columns, it is necessary to ratios ranging from 45 to 97. Although deliberate introduction
conduct more experimental tests on real-size columns under of large load eccentricity can diminish the secondary effects in
axially restrained conditions. the column behaviour, considering the objectives of our study,
• Proposing a simple and direct approach for calculating the only axial loads are applied in the tests.
column failure time at elevated temperature. Our investigation is composed of two parts. This paper,
Similar tests have been conducted on restrained steel Part 1 of the study, presents the experimental results of 19
columns in the past. In 1998, Ali et al. [7] reported a series of steel columns conducted recently at Nanyang Technological
test on 37 axially restrained steel columns subjected to quasi- University. These axially loaded columns are of practical
standard fires. Different slenderness ratios, axial load levels sizes with intermediate to high slenderness ratios. They were
and restraint levels were investigated. It was found that axial subjected to a realistic mean heating rate of 8 ◦ C/min which
restraint reduced column fire resistance. Besides, the onset of is within the practical range of 5–15 ◦ C [1,2]. Different axial
failure in stocky columns was more gradual than in slender restraint ratios were investigated. A companion paper [10], Part
columns, which showed sudden failure due to instability. 2 of the study, will present the FE simulations incorporating
However, numerical comparisons with test results show that secondary effects, viz. end friction and mechanical slack.
there is room for improvement: (1) initial imperfections
such as specimen initial crookedness and load eccentricity 2. Experimental investigation
were not measured; for concentrically-loaded columns at
elevated temperature, these imperfections will significantly 2.1. Test set-up
reduce the column failure temperature. (2) There existed
marked differences between the finite element (hereafter: FE) This paper outlines an experimental programme of
predictions and the experimental data when comparing the restrained column tests under elevated temperature. The test
column internal axial forces, displacements as well as critical set-up is shown in Fig. 1. A horizontal self-reaction test rig of
temperatures. This, in the authors’ point of view, is due to ultra high stiffness was designed to minimise rig movement.
the lack of measurement of (i) initial imperfections and (ii) The rig has a testing capacity of 5000 kN, an overall dimension
K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652 1643

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up.

of 9.2 m×3 m×3 m (height), with a movable bulkhead that can The magnitudes of P0 are shown in Table 2. It is observed
be adjusted to accommodate columns up to 4.2 m long. Loading that P0 of RS55 4, RS81 2, RS97 1, RS97 2 and RS97 4 are
was applied horizontally. Knuckle bearings were used at both less than their peers in the same series. This is because (1)
ends of a specimen to provide pinned end conditions. Columns another pair of bearings, being ground and greased to minimise
were orientated such that they bent about the weak axis. the end friction effect, were used for these 5 specimens; and
(2) the imposed working load P0 took 50% of Pu20 predicted
2.2. Test specimens numerically which excluded end friction effects. However, it is
Four series of bare steel columns were tested to failure felt that exclusion of friction effects on the calculation of Pu20
in this study, namely, RS45, RS55, RS81 and RS97; the for these five columns somewhat underestimated actual load
numerals refer to their slenderness ratios. Four different hot- capacities. Through numerical study the authors were aware
rolled sections were selected, namely, UC152 × 152 × 37, that for the ground knuckle bearings, friction effects werr still
UB203 × 133 × 25, UB152 × 89 × 16 and UB127 × 76 × 13, significant albeit every effort has not been spared to reduce
corresponding to minor axis slenderness ratios λ of 45, 55, it. This is confirmed by the FE models incorporating friction
81 and 97, respectively. In each series, a column was tested effects, which agree better with test results compared with the
to failure at ambient temperature to obtain the column load same FE models without friction effects.
capacity Pu20 . For elevated temperature tests, these four series Although the physical dimension of columns is 1.5 m long,
of pinned–pinned steel columns were subjected to four working they have an effective length of 1.74 m when measured from
axial loads P0 , which were fixed at 50% of the respective Pu20 . the knuckle bearings at both ends. A summary of the end plate
1644 K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652

Table 1
Test specimen data

Column Section/slender. ratio λ e H B tf tw i1 i2 i3 E 020 f y20 (MPa)

no. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (GPa)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
RS45 1 1.74 161.5 155.8 10.9 7.6 −0.7 −0.8 −1.0 201 326
RS45 2 UC152 × 152 × 37/(45) 2.94 161.5 155.7 11.0 7.6 −0.8 −0.4 0.1 201 326
RS45 3 6.49 162.0 155.7 11.0 7.6 −0.1 −0.5 −0.4 201 326

RS55 1 3.19 203.3 135.4 7.7 5.41 0.8 1.0 0.9 205 357
RS55 2 3.43 203.1 135.5 7.6 5.41 −0.1 −0.3 −0.7 205 357
UB203 × 133 × 25/(55)
RS55 3 5.05 203.2 135.5 7.7 5.41 −0.7 −0.5 −1.1 205 357
RS55 4 3.67 204.4 133.7 7.46 5.40 0.3 0.0 −0.3 221 344

RS81 1 2.38 152.4 88.9 8.1 4.78 0.1 −0.4 −0.8 200 312
RS81 2 0.65 154.0 90.1 7.0 5.16 −0.3 0.2 0.2 215 295
UB152 × 89 × 16/(81)
RS81 3 1.99 154.7 90.5 7.9 4.54 −0.5 −0.6 −0.8 208 332
RS81 4 6.29 154.1 89.9 7.1 5.16 −0.9 0.2 0.1 215 305

RS97 1 4.08 127.9 76.2 7.09 4.54 −0.4 −0.6 −0.1 200 320
RS97 2 4.16 128.3 76.8 7.2 4.36 −0.3 0.0 0.0 200 320
UB127 × 76 × 13/(97)
RS97 3 1.54 127.8 76.0 7.10 4.54 −0.2 −0.2 −0.8 200 316
RS97 4 1.65 129.9 76.4 7.94 4.54 −0.2 −1.0 −0.8 200 316

Table 2
Column test results
Slender. ratio λ Column no. P0 (kN) kc (kN/mm) kl (kN/mm) βl test (min)
tcr RK (min)
tcr eTRK

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

RS45 1 708.5 0.00 0.000 78.4 105.5 0.346
45 RS45 2 708.5 520.5 33.38 0.064 78.1 95.3 0.198
RS45 3 702.7 41.02 0.079 59.9 89.9 0.485

RS55 1 444.3 0.00 0.000 68.9 98.8 0.433

RS55 2 439.9 22.07 0.060 62.4 81.2 0.289
55 369.8
RS55 3 440.0 31.42 0.085 54.9 74.9 0.349
RS55 4 387.0 39.67 0.107 49.6 72.0 0.418

RS81 1 260.6 0.00 0.000 59.9 83.2 0.388

RS81 2 195.0 18.34 0.074 61.2 77.6 0.267
81 246.5
RS81 3 260.0 25.39 0.103 44.8 37.3 −0.114
RS81 4 260.4 31.40 0.127 36.6 33.3 −0.118

RS97 1 134.0 0.00 0.000 73.2 77.6 0.060

RS97 2 133.9 14.70 0.076 47.4 30.7 −0.331
97 194.6
RS97 3 179.0 21.62 0.111 34.0 29.2 −0.135
RS97 4 136.1 30.11 0.155 38.7 28.0 −0.261

Mean 0.152

eccentricities e, section dimensions (width b, height H , flange where kc = E 020 A/lc denotes the column axial stiffness at
thickness t f and web thickness tw ) and initial crookedness room temperature and kl is the axial restraint stiffness. In the
along the column length measured prior to testing (i 1 , i 2 and computation of kc , the parameters E 020 , A and lc denote elastic
i 3 denote imperfections at L/4, L/2 and 3L/4, respectively) modulus at room temperature, measured cross-sectional area
are shown in Table 1. In the nomenclature, the 2-digit number and column effective length, respectively.
Column RS45 4 was not tested because it was not feasible
following RS (for restraint steel) denotes the respective column
to achieve the required restraint level for the stocky column
slenderness ratio about the minor axis. The 1-digit number based on the existing test rig. Material tests were conducted on
following the underscore refers to columns subjected to an axial coupons at ambient temperature and measured values of elastic
restraint ratio βl which is defined in Eq. (1). With the number modulus and yield strength are shown in Table 1.
increasing from 1 to 4, βl increases from zero to around 0.16
(see Table 2). 2.3. Initial crookedness and load eccentricity measurement
Initial out-of-plane deflections of specimens were measured
βl = kl /kc (1) by the scanning system as shown in Fig. 2(a), which consisted
K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652 1645

Fig. 2. (a) Out-of-plane crookedness measurement set-up. (b) Initial crookedness of RS97 1.

of one measuring frame, adjustable sitting table, vertical line

LVDT, transverse LVDT and automatic hoisting system. A
transverse LVDT was connected to a line LVDT which recorded
the hoisting distance as the former traversed up and down the
column set up in the rig. The reference line was inscribed
on the mid-depth of the column web. Measurement started
from a point on the reference line which was 50 mm above
the specimen bottom to allow clearance for the LVDT roller.
The procedure consisted of three stages: (a) crane a specimen
vertically onto a base plate; (b) calibrate initial positions of
both line and transverse LVDTs; (c) measure out-of-plane
crookedness along the height of specimen.
Fig. 2(b) shows the initial crookedness of specimen RS97 1,
which resembles a half sine curve with a magnitude of 1.1 mm
at about mid-height.
Load eccentricities were measured in situ. The specimens Fig. 3. L-shaped electric furnace.
were lowered vertically into the test rig through the top face
of the furnace, by removing the top cover of the furnace. A and configured to provide various heating schemes, such
laser-emitting device was horizontally mounted onto the center as three-face or four-face heating for different specimen
of the actuator rod (see Fig. 4), and was aligned in the same lengths. Each furnace had four units of heating modules
direction as the column web. Since the knuckle bearings were made of metallic spiral heating elements embedded in foamed
only allowed to rotate in the vertical plane, only vertical load ceramic fibre insulation. The L-shape module consisted of 2
eccentricity was important. The vertical distance between the heating surfaces with areas of 575 × 1200 mm2 and 800 ×
beam of light emitted and the center of the web, which was 1200 mm2 . The furnace rating was 22 kW/400 V/2 phase,
pre-marked by a sharp metal inscriber, was measured at two with a maximum operating temperature of 1050 ◦ C and a
ends of a specimen using a digital calliper with a tolerance of maximum heating rate of 12 ◦ C/min. For the column tests
0.01 mm. The eccentricities e in mm shown in Table 1 with 2 in this study, two L-shaped electrical furnaces were used
decimal place accuracy were the mean values of two measured to provide a uniform heating condition all round the cross-
load eccentricities at each end of a specimen. section. A constant heating rate of 8 ◦ C/min was chosen for all
elevated temperature tests to achieve more uniform temperature
2.4. Heating facility
distribution across the specimen section and along the member
Steel specimens were uniformly heated by electrical length. This rate is within the range of practical heating
furnaces. L-shaped electrical furnaces (Fig. 3) were fabricated rates between 2 and 50 ◦ C/min for the material properties
1646 K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652

Fig. 5. Displacement measurement probe.

Fig. 4. Axial restraint system.

of carbon steel at elevated temperatures in accordance with

EC3 Pt.1.2 [11]. Furnace temperatures were monitored by
thermocouples located at the centre of each heating surface.
Fig. 6. Location of LVDTs on column specimen.
2.5. Loading facility and axial restraint system
rod was calibrated and measured during elevated temperature
Applied loads were controlled and recorded by a 5000 kN tests, and subsequently subtracted from the column lateral
INSTRON servo-hydraulic actuator. Thermal expansion of the deflections. The locations of LVDTs in the test set-up are shown
steel column was restrained by a transverse steel beam, simply in Fig. 6.
supported on a set of reaction A-frames, as shown in (Fig. 4).
This was to simulate axial restraint from adjoining unheated 2.7. Temperature acquisition
structures. By using transverse beams with different cross-
sections, different axial restraint stiffnesses kl could be applied. Temperatures of the inner atmosphere of the furnace as
Two load cells placed at the supports of the transverse beam well as the specimen were closely monitored by 19 K-type
measured the restrained force. Mid-span deflection of the thermocouples. All thermocouples were connected to a Fluke
restraint beam was measured. The stiffness of the restraint HYDRA temperature acquisition system and temperatures
system was calculated from the ratio of total restrained force were recorded at fifteen-second intervals. The temperature
to total measured deflection at the beam mid span. Table 2 distribution across the column section was measured at three
shows the external load P0 , measured axial restraint stiffnesses locations, namely, at 150 mm from both ends and at mid-
kl , column stiffnesses kc , and axial restraint ratio βl (cf. Eq. height (Fig. 7(a)). Across each section, five thermocouples
(1)). were installed onto the flanges and web, marked as T1 to T5
(Fig. 7(b)). There were also four thermocouples installed along
2.6. Deflection acquisition instrumentation the web (marked as W1 to W4 in Fig. 7(a)), so as to monitor the
temperature distribution along the column length. Test results
Nine Linear Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDT1 showed that the temperature distribution across the section
to LVDT9) were used to measure the column displacements. was quite uniform. The mean temperature was calculated from
For measurements of lateral deflection, specially fabricated thermocouples T1 to T5 (Fig. 7(b)) to represent the mean steel
probes were used to transfer readings from the column inside temperature at each cross section.
the furnace to external LVDTs (Fig. 5). The displacement
measurement probe was made of an aluminium alloy support 3. Ambient temperature test results
and a highly refractory Alsint 99.7 rod (Fig. 5). The Alsint 99.7
rod has good thermal expansion shock resistance, high flexible As mentioned in Section 2.2, one column was tested to
strength of 300 MPa, and low coefficient of thermal expansion failure at ambient temperature for each series. In total, there
with a value of 7.8 × 10−6 K−1 . The thermal expansion of the were 4 columns tested to obtain their load capacity Pu20 . Fig. 8
K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652 1647

Fig. 7. Location of thermocouples on column specimen.

shows the development of mid-height deflection δ up to column

failure. Obviously, with column slenderness λ increasing from
45 to 97, the column load capacity Pu20 decreased markedly
due to P–δ effects. It is also observed that before buckling,
specimens RS81 and RS97 did not show as much unloading
behaviour as RS45 and RS55. The reasons are:
• The load capacity Pu20 of a more slender column is
dominated by stability rather than strength. Once a pin–pin
supported column begins to lose its stability, its lateral
displacements will increase rapidly under external load.
• The actuator was in the load-control model, and was not able
to unload sufficiently quickly prior to column buckling.

4. Elevated temperature test results

Transient-state tests were conducted on columns, simulating

rising temperature in real fires. The objective of this study was
to investigate the effect of axial restraint on the failure time of
a steel column. A certain predetermined working load N was
applied to each specimen before the fire test began and was held
constant during the test. The working load was taken as 50% of
Pu20 , the column buckling load at ambient temperature. Axial
restraint was applied to the column before the commencement
of heating. Thereafter, the temperature was increased until the Fig. 8. Column load capacity test at ambient temperature.
column buckled.
1648 K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652

4.1. Temperature distribution

Fig. 9 shows typical temperature variations for the column

tests. The temperature history of Column RS55 2 is used for
illustration. The temperature histories measured at different
sections along the column are plotted in the same figure for
comparison. The temperature at the column middle section was
consistently higher than those at both ends throughout heating.
This was due to the heat loss at both ends of the column through
the steel knuckle bearings located outside the furnace although
both column ends had been wrapped with insulation material
Fig. 9. Temperature–time relationship for RS55 2. before connecting to the end knuckle-bearings. The column
end, around 250 mm long, was cooler than the middle portion,
where the temperature was much more uniformly distributed
(Fig. 10). Therefore, the cross-sectional mean temperature
at column mid-height was used to represent the specimen
temperature in the discussion of buckling temperature.

4.2. Mid-height displacement

Fig. 11(a) to (d) show the mid-height displacement δmid

versus time relationships for elevated temperature tests. The
initial displacements (before heating was applied) depend on
the values of load eccentricities from fabrication and initial
crookedness. The greater the initial imperfections, the greater
are the initial lateral deflection when subjected to a load ratio
Fig. 10. Temperature profile along column length for RS55 2. R = 0.50. Fig. 11(a) and (b) show that for stockier columns
with λ = 45 and 55, lateral deflection develops more gradually
Results of temperature distributions, mid-height lateral than for slender columns with λ = 81 and 97 as shown in
deflections, axial displacements, collapse temperature and axial Fig. 11(c) and (d), respectively. A runaway lateral deflection
restraint effect are discussed in the following sections. is noted prior to column failure. Obviously, this is owing to

Fig. 11. Mid-height displacement–temperature relationship.

K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652 1649

Fig. 12. Axial deformation–temperature relationship.

the significant P–δ effect on the columns before buckling. for a higher axial restraint, the build-up of induced column
However, there are a few unexpected test results. internal force P becomes faster. This in turn leads to a lower
The behaviour of Column RS81 2 is a departure from the buckling time and lower associated thermal expansion.
norm. From Fig. 11(c), RS81 2 with βl = 0.074 survived As discussed in Section 4.2, the test result of Column
longer than RS81 1 without restraint. Here the column failure RS81 2 is outside expectation. At the end of heating, the
time tcr is defined as the moment when the column internal displacement at the column end was retarded due to the
axial force P decreases to its beginning value P0 . This is presence of end friction and lower force N exerted on the
because compared to the other columns in the RS81 series, column. In contrast, other columns in the same series contacted
the actual external force N applied on RS81 2 was lower. abruptly (Fig. 12(c)).
Moreover, the end friction has greater effect on this column by A general trend between the axial restraint ratio and column
delaying the time to collapse. Fig. 12(c) shows that beyond 57 failure time tcr can be observed from the curves plotted in
min of heating, the rapidly growing u was retarded at the end of Figs. 11 and 12 and Table 2 (detailed values of tcr ). That is,
heating on RS81 2. This can explain why in Fig. 13(c) there is for columns of the same slenderness ratio λ, an increase in
a noticeable plateau for the column internal actual force P on axial restraint ratio reduces their tcr . For RS97 series columns,
RS81 2. It should be noted that the difference between P and N Table 2 shows that their failure time tcr reduces from 73.2 to
(external loading) was contributed by the transverse steel beam 38.7 min when βl increases from zero to 0.155.
and was proportional to the column end movement u. That is,
4.4. Effect of axial restraint
P − N = kl (u − u slk ) (2)
where kl is the transverse beam stiffness, u is the longitudinal The development of column internal axial force P will be
expansion of the heated column (Fig. 16), and u slk the examined in this section to study the axial restraint effect.
mechanical slack (constant). Clearly, Eq. (2) illustrates that if u Fig. 13(a) to (d) show the relationships between P/P0 and time
does not change, the beam reaction P − N will be kept constant. for all columns, where P0 denotes the measured value of P at
the beginning of heating (the subscript ‘0’ denotes t = 0).
4.3. Axial deformation The axial compressive force from the transverse restraint
beam built up in the columns when they are heated up. At the
Fig. 12(a) to (d) show the column axial displacement-versus- beginning of every elevated temperature test, P/P0 started from
time relationships for all specimens. Generally, with an increase unity. As temperature increased, the restraint force developed
in axial restraint, the maximum axial displacement attained and P/P0 increased in value. After some time, P/P0 reached
decreases. This indicates an inverse relationship between a maximum as the restraint force approached a peak value.
maximum axial deformation and axial restraint. This is because This was followed by an abrupt drop of P/P0 , implying
1650 K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652

Fig. 13. P/Po –temperature relationship.

4.5. Effect of slenderness ratio

Besides the axial restraint ratio βl , the column slenderness

ratio λ is another prime factor affecting the failure time of a
steel column [14–17]. The developments of P/Po on columns
RS45 2, RS55 2, RS81 2 and RS97 2 are shown in Fig. 15(a),
while Fig. 15(b) is for RS45 3, RS55 3, RS81 3 and RS97 3.
The four columns in Fig. 15(a) were subjected to approximately
the same range of βl (ranging between 0.060 to 0.076, cf.
Fig. 14. Global buckling of a steel column. Table 2), while βl of the other four columns in Fig. 15(b)
ranges from 0.079 to 0.111. Clearly, Fig. 15 illustrates that
that the column had buckled. Fig. 13(a) to (d) show that for increasing slenderness ratio significantly decreased the column
columns with similar slenderness ratios, generally one with a failure time, which is referred to the intersection of a curve to
higher axial restraint would experience a higher rate of increase the reference line. Again, the fact that Column RS81 2 failed
in P/P0 with increasing temperature. This can be observed after RS55 2 is due to the presence of end friction and the lower
from the increasing gradient of the P/P0 graphs at the pre- force N exerted on RS81 2.
buckling stage. The graphs also show that stocky columns In general, slender columns failed at lower temperature due
would experience gradual shortening prior to buckling, whereas to more significant P–δ effects. The difference in gradients to
slender columns would buckle abruptly. For instance, Fig. 13(a) the four curves demonstrates that these columns were axially
shows that the stockiest columns at λ = 45 experienced a gentle restrained to different levels.
peak before buckling occurred. On the other hand, the most
slender columns at λ = 97 in Fig. 13(d) buckled immediately 5. Analytical prediction vs experimental results
after reaching their maximum load ratio P/P0 . Fig. 14 shows a
In design practice, engineers normally use either a FE
typical steel column that failed in the global buckling mode.
approach or simplified design equations/charts to compute the
It should be pointed out that in reality, a heated axially- column failure temperature/time [11]. Nevertheless, non-linear
restrained column normally will experience post-buckling programs such as FEMFAN2D may not always be handy for
behaviour during contraction stages. This has been investigated analysis and simple equations/charts suggested by design codes
theoretically by Franssen [12] and Wang [13]. However, due may not be applicable to axially restrained columns where the
to the limitation of the test set-up, the post-buckling responses internal axial force keeps on varying during heating. Under such
were not examined in this study. conditions, a reliable analytical approach such as the modified
K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652 1651

Fig. 16. An isolated column with linear elastic spring.

Fig. 15. Effect of slenderness ratio on P/Po development.

Rankine equation proposed by Huang and Tan [18] comes in

handy. The equation is expressed as:
!n !n !n
1 1 1 1
= + T + (3)

where PRT denotes column Rankine load at elevated RK and t test .

Fig. 17. Comparison of tcr cr
temperature T ; PtT is column creep load, PET column Euler
load without creep effect and PPT denotes column squashing computed first and then translated to the failure time tcr in
load. Superscript n represents the imperfection index that minutes based on the respective experimental temperature–time
considers the effects of residual stress, load eccentricity and curves. The structural model for an axially-restrained column
initial crookedness [19]. In practical applications, the value of is shown in Fig. 16 where an elastic spring of stiffness kl is
n varies from 1.0 to 3.0 [19]. In terms of the column buckling adopted to represent the transverse beam.
curve at room temperature, EC3 Pt.1.1 [20] categorises steel Table 2 compares the column failure times predicted by
columns into four groups, namely, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ and ‘d’. It should the Rankine approach and from experimental results, which
are denoted as tcrRK and t test , respectively. For computing the
be noted that all tested columns belong to group ‘c’, which are cr
RK and t test , index eRK is included
associated with n = 1.1 (see Fig. 1 in [19]). relative difference between tcr cr T
This paper adopts the EC3 Pt.1.2 material model in the in Table 2 where:
computation of PRT . Thus, creep effects are not considered RK − t test
explicitly, and Eq. (3) is simplified as: eTRK = test
. (5)
!1.1 !1.1 !1.1
1 1 1 For clarity, comparisons of the failure time are also shown in
= + . (4) Fig. 17.
Clearly, from Table 2, all results demonstrate that the
Clearly, Eq. (4) takes both strength and stability into account in stronger the axial restraint, the lower is the failure time.
the computation of column critical load. Generally speaking, Rankine predictions are reasonably close
The actual values of yield strength f y20 , elastic modulus E 020 , to tcrtest for slender columns, i.e. Series RS81 and RS97. In

spring stiffness kl and mechanical slack are considered in the contrast, for more stocky columns, i.e., Series RS45 and RS55,
analyses. Nevertheless, the friction effect is not accounted for Fig. 17 shows that tcrRK is greater than t test . This can be due to the
and the temperature distribution along and across a column fact that EC3 model significantly over-predicts the steel yield
section is assumed to be uniform. The failure temperatures are f yT at the range 400–500 ◦ C (see Fig. 14 in [12]), where Series
1652 K.-H. Tan et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1641–1652

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