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Compulsory English–I (1423)

Level: Bachelor
Semester, Autumn 2019
Passing Marks (Assignment 1): 40
Assignment No. 1
(Unit 1-4)
Q.1 Suppose you want to visit northern areas of Pakistan and you consult a
company which offers tourism service. (AIOU Studio 9) Write ten questions which you
will ask its representative to get maximum information about the nature of trip
including the details about mode of travelling, duration of stay and cost involved, etc.
1. Which areas are including in your tourist package?
2. How many famous places we will visit?
3. What is the cost of this travel?
4. What about the places we will stay at?
5. Are meals are including in this package?
6. Will your management allow us to visits markets & bazaars?
7. How many days we will stay there?
8. How many days will spend in travelling?
9. Where is your pick up point?

Q.2 Observe your father’s daily activities closely for a few days and then write a
brief and concise paragraph about his daily routine. (AIOU Studio 9) Make use of
appropriate cohesive linkers to develop chronological sequence.
My father is a disciplined person. He has a strict schedule of his daily routine and he
follows it. He gets up early in the morning and takes a way of mosque to say his
prayers. After prayers he comes back to home and get ready for morning walk.
During this session he does light exercise. At sharp 7:00 am he comes back to home.
He takes his breakfast a 7:30 am, in meanwhile, he also read newspaper. (AIOU
Studio 9) After breakfast he gets ready for office and leave for office at 8:30 am. In
office he gets busy in his work. He takes his lunch at 1:30 pm and again back to his
work. He comes back home at 4:00 pm its tea time. He takes tea with family. Then
he takes some rest. Afterwards he watches TV. at 8 of clock we take our dinner
together. After dinner he goes out for walk and see friend. At 10:00pm. Finally he
goes into bed for sleep.
Q.3 Write question tags for the following sentences. (AIOU Studio 9) Notice
carefully whether the statement is positive or negative in each case.
1. She will visit this year,---------?
2. The rate of inflation is increasing day by day,----------?
3. My sister takes much interest in her studies,----------?
4. She wrote a complaint letter to the ministry of education,-----------?
5. The ratio of illiteracy can be decreased,------------?
6. We should not waste our precious time,---------?
7. People of Pakistan must develop civic sense,------------?
8. Ali is good at Mathematics,---------------?
9. She could not resolve my issue,-----------?
10. They have completed their task skillfully,------------?
1. Will she not?
2. Isn’t true?
3. Isn’t she interested?
4. She wrote or not?
5. It is not possible?
6. Should we waste time?
7. Do we not need of it?
8. Is Ali not good at mathematics?
9. Could she resolve the issue?
10. Haven’t they completed their task skillfully?
Q.4 Write an informal letter to one of your younger siblings who is staying abroad
for higher education. (AIOU Studio 9) Give him some good pieces of advice which he/
she should follow to project a positive image of Pakistani nation.
House 1, Street 0,
City Lahore
Date: 20-11-2019
My dear Muhammad Daniyal Iqbal,
Asalam-o-Alikum, how are you. I hope you will be at best of your health and rapidly
completing your study process. I want to advise you some trivial things but
remember trivial things leaves big impressions. As you know English is a Non-Muslim
country but this nation is famous for its cultured behavior in whole world. Some
corrupt and criminal minded elements of Pakistan have ruined the image and
reputation of Pakistan and Islam in whole world. (AIOU Studio 9) You are there for
short period. You should try your best to remove this bad reputation. Always meet
with a smile to others, help others without any benefit. Give respect and get loved.
Always done your duties honestly. Never hesitate to speak truth and remain calm
and polite to other. You are the representative of Pakistan there. It’s your national
duty to create positive image of our country.
Take care of yourself
Sincere Daniyal Iqbal

Q.5 The following passage contains some highlighted words, guess the meaning of
these words and use them into sentences of your own. (AIOU Studio 9) Write down
summary of the passage as well.

Words Meanings Sentences

Earthquakes Japan is the land of Earthquakes.

Ruptures His Leg badly ruptures due to accident.

Volcanoes Huge building can’t able to stand against volcanoes.

Destruction Floods often become cause of huge destruction.

Collapse Huge building collapse in sudden due to bomb blast.

Predict The weather Raider predicts for heavy rain.

Q.6 Express your agreement as well as disagreement on the following issues.
Choose a different expression each time. (AIOU Studio 9)
1. Law and order situation is deteriorating day by day.
2. Pakistan has made tremendous progress in telecommunication industry.
3. Social media is creating awareness among the masses of Pakistan.
4. Men and women should be given equal employment opportunities.
5. Democracy is a suitable mode of government in our context.
1. Unfortunately its true but it will be overcome.
2. Absolutely, it is due to new technologies follow up.
3. I don’t think so; most of the news is fake in it.
4. Definitely even women are more efficient in some fields than men.
5. I am not agree, some corrupt elements of our society persuading us towards
martial law.
Q.7 Look at the front covers given below and make five predictions about the
contents of each of the two books. (AIOU Studio 9)

a) How to study smart:-
a. Review often.
b. Understanding is the key of smart study.
c. Use different material.
d. Take breaks.
e. Teach someone else.
b) Prayers of personal Devotion:-
a. “Personal devotions” mean nurturing spirituality & true faith.
b. Prayers are the central part of daily life.
c. Practice as vocal prayer.
d. Practice as mental and contemplative prayers.
e. Marking daily rituals.
Q.8 Write a narrative paragraph about an unforgettable incident from your life.
Give catchy title to your paragraph and begin it with an impressive topic sentence.
(AIOU Studio 9) Make sure that your paragraph is both cohesive and coherent.
Answer:- A Brutal Ride
I am going to tell you’re a horrible incident of my life. I can’t forget it at all. It was a
pleasant day of September, weather was cool and clear and we were enjoying a local
holiday. My brother suggested to go to the water park for picnic. We all made all
preparation in excitement and get ready for picnic party. The children were so happy.
We leave for park at 11:00 am. After half an hour we reached there. We bought our
tickets and entered in the park. As we entered we saw a young college boy of almost
17 was waiting for his friends near main gate. He was holding some lunch boxes. He
was seem outsider of the city. I thought he was a villager form some other province.
My sister called me and I joined them and remained busy with family. We enjoy
whole day and decide to back to home at 4:00 pm. (AIOU Studio 9) As we exit, I saw
some naughty boys were irritating that boy, but after some time they all ride on
bikes. They were all insisting him to ride alone on bike and it should be on one wheel.
He was hesitating. As we reached on main road, I saw the all were riding on one
wheel. I felt sorry for the boy. He was looking so nervous. The other boys were
making tricks on bikes. Suddenly one of them loose his grip and struck with the boy,
he tried his best to save his friend bout a rash speed van struck his bike and he fall
down badly. His head struck with footpath, his helmet broke and his head injured
badly. My brother stops our vehicle. I rashly ran toward him. His skull was fractured
and his brain was looking out of skull. I cried for help and tried to stop that van. But
the driver ran away. The boy died on the spot. But the difficult thing was that nobody
was ready to help us to take him to hospital. (AIOU Studio 9) He was alive almost
fifteen minutes on road. His all friends were also disappeared. The rescue service
reached after 25 minutes and took him away. Afterward I come to know through
newspaper that he was the only son of his parents and only brother of five sisters. I
couldn’t forget his broken skull and face filled with blood till today and perhaps
could never ever.

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