Reflection Text To Web

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Vianey Martinez

Dr. Santosh Khadka

English 113B

1 December 2019

Website Remediation Reflection

In my essay, The Links Between Pollutants and Global Warming, we were assigned to

write a 7-8 page length essay. While writing this essay, I had to follow strict formatting

guidelines, which included using an MLA format. The MLA format includes citing sources, a

work cited page, times new roman font size 12, and a header page. Additionally, I followed

formal language such punctuation, syntax, grammar, and no contractions. In the process of my

research, I included rhetorical devices such as pathos, ethos, and logos to give my audience

emotions of the effect of air pollution and global warming. Due to the academic in nature of

design, I was limited in expressing more to my audience. In this text to web essay, I also had to

research to give my audience credible knowledge about pollutants and global warming. I used

India and China as my two prime examples. I included a work cited page in order to provide a

credible reference to my audience. It is impeccable to include information that is credible

because without credible information, people will easily be misguided and miseducated. This

essay has helped me develop a better understanding about the process of pollution and the

actions we need to take in order to prevent any further damage.

As we began the text to web assignment, I was very confused and lost regarding the set

up for a website. However, as we continued to progress further into the assignment, I was able to

grasp a better understanding of what was being asked. It also helped me find creativity in my

writing because I did not have to commit to a certain style of writing or format. I was able to

freely express myself to the audience the crisis of global warming through pictures and short

summaries. This is a convenient way for the readers to learn because it removes lengthy

paragraphs and is straight to the point. Dr. Khadka and our SI Nicole Bailan were very helpful

and supportive throughout the course. I was able to confidently ask them for assistance and I

received well built feedback. This allowed me to focus on the most important parts of this


Nicole Bailan was very helpful in assisting me with the editing portion of my website.

She explained in detail what was needed and what was not. She also gave me well built feedback

that allowed me to learn rather than be told. In my second website, I was able to incorporate all

her feedback and make my website site look and feel more serious. This helped my website by

looking more professional and legitimate.

Overall, the goals of my assignments was to educate people regarding the crises of

pollution and the actions we must take in order to reduce any more damage caused. The topic at

hand is important in discussion because it is an urgent matter that needs resolution and as much

exposure as possible. The strongest points of both my essay and my text to web is the sources I

used. The sources I used were credible and I was able to get my point across without much

difficulty. The weakest point of my essay and text to web is being able to keep on topic without

drifting into subtopics. Writing has always been a bit difficult for me because there is so much

information to talk about that sometimes I tend to get carried away and shift off topic.

Additionally, I struggle with keeping my writing coherent at times. This is a result of too much

information without being able to connect each one to each other. These assignments have

helped me grow and understand the importance of being able to make sense of the information to

my reader. I have also been able to improve on getting my point across because sometimes I over

explain and end up getting off topic or not making the connection needed.

For future assignments, I would like to include more counter arguments as part of my

essay. This will allow my thesis to be more credible to the reader rather than just giving large

amounts of information. Furthermore, using counter arguments allow for more creative writing

to bend and twist the argument into the writers favor. Aside from counterarguments, I would like

to focus on being able to get my point across as smooth and clear as possible. With my essay and

text to web, I was able to make my point obvious, but I had difficulty with being able to

transition into the next point and ultimately wrap it all together. Most importantly, I will use my

time as wisely as possible. For both my essay and my text to web, I was able to utilize my time

efficiently which helped me a lot. Using my time wisely has helped me in the past and I will

definitely continue doing so. Additionally, I was able to utilize the resources I have so that I was

able to submit an essay and text to web that had been revised over and over again. These

improvements and guidelines will be a useful tool to reference in future assignments.

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