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1. Title of the project: - School Management System

2. Introduction: - The school management system is prepare for “Pundibari R.G.L high
school (H.S.) “an address Pundibari ,Cooch Behar .The software is made for the school
maintained the task more automatically . It is also used for student admission, class maintain,
student examination, result processing, Midday meal scheme, library, issue book, submit book
etc. It is also able to keep the student records, book information, maintain stock of rice on midday
meal, maintaining the ledger, account wise expenditure, and sanction amount. In the offline
system it is an overhead to keep the records related to faculty student parents and other school
staffs on the papers. Everything related to their progress in the system is marked manually.
This software is made by Visual Basic and Microsoft Sql Server. It helps us to create an interface
in GUI mode by using menu bar, toolbar, common button, pop up menu, status bar etc. It makes
the software user friendly. This software is guided by Shree Sukanta Prasad, councilor by
IGNOU, A.B.N Seal college 2812.

Objectives:- The school management software system are all the details regarding of
school, whether it is small or big will be computerized. As this management system will be
centralized, the chances of the duplicate data in the system are close to nil. This software is can
able to perform the following operation:
Provides the searching facilities based on various factors. Such as schools, class, student
record, teacher record etc.
In this management system also keep the record of student, teacher, book, library, examination,
midday meal, result processing, maintain the stock of rice in midday meal scheme and maintain
the ledger.
To increase efficient of managing the school, students. It deals with monitoring the information
and transactions of teacher.
Editing, adding and updating of record is improved which results in proper resource
management of school data.
By this management system, it will easier for a teacher to be in touch every day.

3. Category of project:-This project is fall into the category RDBMS (Relational database
management system) with OOPs (Object oriented programming).

4. Analysis of the project:-

DFD ( Data flow diagram):-
1 2

Students Asking for For

service Admission
Database Table:-
Student ( #s_id, name, address, contact, gender, class, section, roll_no,
date_of_birth, cast )
Staff ( #id, name, age, gender, salary, address, type, , joining date, end_job)
result (#id, name, roll, class, section, subject_name, signature, exam_date,
full_marks, marks_obtained, percentage )
Ledger ( #transaction_id, transaction_type, purpose, amount, date,
Book (# isbn ,b_name, b_type, author_name, publisher , page, quentity )
Midday Meal(# shg_id, shg_name, total_student, attendance, date

Relationship Table :-
Relationship name Relationship between Relationship type
Provide service Student & staff Many to one
Examine Student & result One to one
Study Student & book One to many
Serve Student & midday meal Many to one
Controls staff & ledger One to many
Prepared Staff & result One to many
Maintain Staff & midday meal One to many
Database Design
Table Student

Field name Data type Length Key constrain Allow null

S_id Numeric 10 Primary key Not null
S_name Text 20 - Allow null
Age Numeric 2 - Allow null
Gen Text 8 - Allow null
Class Numeric 2 - Allow null
Roll_no Numeric 4 - Allow null
Section Text 2 - Allow null
Address Text 10 - Allow null
Date _of_birth Date - - -
Cast Text 10 - Allow null
Address text 20 - Allow null

Table Staff
Field name Data type Length Key constrain Allow null
S_id numeric 10 Primary key Not null
S_name Text 20 - Allow null
Age Numeric 2 - Allow null
Gen Text 8 - Allow null
Salary Number 10 - Allow null
Address Text 20 - Allow null
Type Text 10 - Allow null
End_job Date - - Allow null
Joining_ date date - - Allow null

Table result
Field name Data type Length Key constrain Allow null
S_id numeric 20 Primary key Not null
S_name Text 10 - Allow null
Roll Numeric 4 - Allow null
Class Numeric 2 - Allow null
Subject name Text 8 - Allow null
Section Text 20 - Allow null
Signature Text 5 - Allow null
Exam date Date - - Allow null
Full marks Numeric 4 - Allow null
Marks obtained Numeric 6 - Allow null
percentage Numeric 4 -

Table ledger
Field name Data type Length Key constrain Allow null
T_id Numeric 10 Primary key Not null
T_type Text 8 - Allow null
Purpose Text 8 - Allow null
Amount Numeric 10 - Allow null
Date Date - - Allow null
Cumulitive numeric 10 - Allow null

Table book
Field name Data type Length Key constrain Allow null
isbn numeric 10 Primary key Not null
b_name Text 20 - Allow null
b_type Text 8 - Allow null
auther_name Text 20 - Allow null
Publisher Text 10 - Allow null
page Numeric 10 - Allow null
quentity Numeric 10
Purpose Text 10 - Allow null

Table MDM
Field name Data type Length Key constrain Allow null
SHG_id Numeric 6 Primary key Not null
SHG_name Numeric 3 - Allow null
Total_student Numeric 10 - Allow null
attendence Numeric 20 - Allow null
Cumulitive_balance_of_rice Numeric 4 - Allow null
date Date - - Allow null
Allocate _rice numeric 4 - Allow null

5. Structure includes:

 Module:-
 Log In
 Change Password
 Home Page
 Student
 Teacher
 Staff
 Admission
 Insert new Student
 Insert new teacher
 Result
 Ledger
 Help


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