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Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

Rotational capacity of steel I-beams under fire conditions

Part II: Numerical simulations
Ronny Budi Dharma, Kang-Hai Tan ∗
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore

Received 27 June 2006; received in revised form 18 September 2006; accepted 24 November 2006
Available online 22 January 2007


This paper describes the use of finite element models to study the inelastic behaviour of a steel I-beam in terms of its rotational capacity
at elevated temperature. Two main objectives of this study are to investigate the feasibility of applying the finite element method to study the
moment–rotation relationship of steel I-beams at elevated temperature and to investigate the main parameters affecting rotational capacity at
elevated temperatures through parametric study. The finite element (FE) model was validated against published test results [Lukey AF, Adams
PF. Rotation capacity of beams under moment gradient. Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE 1969;95(ST6):1173–88] at ambient temperature
and test results reported in Part I of the paper. It is demonstrated that the finite element analysis gives reasonable accuracy compared to test results,
providing an efficient, economical, and yet accurate tool to study the rotational capacity of beams in fire. An extensive parametric study was then
undertaken using this validated model. Finally, a simple moment–rotation relationship at elevated temperature was developed for use in design.
As a result of this study, the ductility of beams in fire can be based on the concept of member behavioural classes instead of the current EC3:1.2
[European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures, part 1.2: General rules — structural fire design. EN
1993-1-2. Brussels (Belgium); 2005] concept of cross-sectional classes, which tend to greatly oversimplify the problem. In addition, this paper
shows that plastic theory exercised with due care can also be applied to fire engineering design when it considers the more limited rotational
capacity of members under fire conditions.
c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Steel beams; Rotational capacity; Fire resistance; Moment–rotation; Local buckling; Numerical simulations

1. Introduction in a plastically designed structure will nullify conventional

assumptions that the moment capacity of the member remains
There is clear benefit in applying plastic theory to the at the level of the plastic moment of resistance until sufficient
design of continuous beams and portal frames not only for numbers of hinges have developed to form a mechanism. Thus,
ambient temperature, but also under fire conditions. However, before plastic theory can be applied to a structure in fire,
simply assuming that members with sufficient ductility at inelastic behaviour of steel beams under fire conditions needs
ambient temperature will also possess adequate ductility under to be investigated and quantified.
fire conditions, to say the least, is erroneous. As temperature Currently, the European code of practice EC3:1.2 [2] on steel
increases, the stress–strain relationship of steel becomes highly design under fire conditions simplifies the flexural design of
non-linear. As a result, yielding occurs at a much higher strain I-beams such that cross-sectional proportions are considered
compared to ambient temperature. Due to larger strains required independently from un-braced length, hence assuming that
in a member to achieve its yield or plastic moment capacity local buckling in plate elements may be considered separately
at elevated temperature, consequently, there is less available from global buckling such as lateral torsional buckling.
inelastic rotation. Insufficient rotational capacity of the member Furthermore, it classifies the cross-section as for normal
temperature design and merely incorporating a modification
factor of 0.85 [2] to take into account the effect of increasing
∗ Corresponding author. temperature. The British code BS5950:8 [3] does not even
E-mail address: (K.-H. Tan). provide any cross-sectional classification. The brief and over-

c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

0141-0296/$ - see front matter
2404 R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

This paper describes modelling techniques using a

Nomenclature commercially available finite element program MSC.MARC
Mentat [4]. Subsequently, the finite element model is validated
A area
with both test results at ambient and at elevated temperature.
b flange width
It is shown that the FE model is able to simulate the test
c half of flange width
results with considerable accuracy. The validated model is then
d depth of web
used in subsequent parametric studies to further investigate
E elastic modulus at ambient temperature
three key factors which have been identified through the
ET elastic modulus at elevated temperature
experimental programme, namely, flange, web and effective
f ult ultimate strength
length. Finally, the development of simple moment–rotation
fy yield strength at ambient temperature
equations, which are based on the finite element predictions and
f y,T yield strength at elevated temperature
moment–curvature relationships, are described.
I second moment of inertia
kE elastic modulus reduction factor at elevated
2. Overview of numerical modelling
ky yield strength reduction factor at elevated
A finite element program named FEMFAN has been
developed by the Fire Engineering Research Group in Nanyang
Le effective length
Technological University. This program has been successfully
Li half-span length
applied to various fire analyses, including visco-elastic-plastic
M moment
analysis of steel frames [5] and axially restrained steel beam
Mcx in-plane bending moment capacity
analysis in semi-rigid connection [6]. However, this self-
ME elastic buckling moment capacity
developed program does not have a shell element library (it
Mm maximum moment
uses two-node beam elements), hence is incapable of modelling
Mp plastic moment capacity
local buckling phenomena. Thus, a commercial finite element
M p,T plastic moment capacity at elevated temperature
software MSC.MARC Mentat [4] is used in this study. A
ra available rotational capacity
four node rectangular thick shell element, which includes
ry radius of gyration about minor axis
transverse shear effects, is employed to model the I-beam.
T temperature
This element has three global displacements and three global
tf flange thickness
rotations as degrees of freedom. The membrane strains and
tw web thickness
curvatures are obtained from the displacement and rotation
u displacement
field, respectively; the transverse shear strains are calculated
yi distance between ith elementary area and the
at the median plane and interpolated to the integration points.
neutral axis
Integration through the shell thickness is performed using
ε strain
Simpson’s rule. The default number of integration points is 11.
γf flange yield strength factor
Due to its simpler formulation compared to standard higher
γw web yield strength factor
order shell elements, it is more efficient and, therefore very
λL T lateral torsional buckling slenderness ratio
attractive in non-linear analysis. Both geometrical and material
σ stress
nonlinearities are considered in the analysis. Dense meshes of
θ rotation
shell elements are used to properly model local buckling that
θa inelastic rotation
occur in combination with global instabilities. The arc-length
θe elastic rotation
iterative strategy has been used in the analyses to properly trace
θp plastic rotation
the nonlinear equilibrium path of inelastic I-beams. A uniaxial
θu ultimate rotation
representation of the constitutive law is given in terms of true
χ curvature
stress and logarithmic strain. Von Mises’ yield criterion is then
used in the analysis and the corresponding metal plasticity
simplified inelastic behaviour of steel beams under fire model is characterised as an associated flow plasticity model,
conditions is due to the fact that no research work so far has with isotropic hardening as the default option.
been conducted to quantify the rotational capacity even though The beam is simply supported at both ends so that lateral
many publications abound on the same subject at ambient deflection and twist rotation at the supports are prevented.
temperature over the past few decades. It is thus the key However, the flange ends are free to rotate in horizontal planes
objective of the authors’ current research to quantify steel I- so that the beam cross-section is free to warp at the ends. This
beam inelastic behaviour under fire conditions so that plastic boundary condition is as shown in Fig. 1, in which the x-axis
theory can still be applied to fire design with a greater degree is along the beam direction, the y-axis is perpendicular to the
of confidence. This objective is achieved through experimental web, and the z-axis is parallel to the web, with u and θ denoting
study, which is described in Part I of the paper, and numerical displacement and rotation, respectively. Lateral restraints along
simulations, together with a proposed design approach, which the y-axis are provided at mid-span, end supports, and at
are described in this paper. certain distances from mid-span. A concentrated load is applied
R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418 2405

Fig. 1. Boundary condition at both supports.

Table 1
Summary of validation results at ambient temperature

Source Test d tw b tf Li Mp Mm /M p ra
no. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kN m) Test FEA Test FEA
Dharma and Tan S3-1 276.00 8.00 163.00 10.00 1725 146.67 1.33 1.26 7.57 8.01
B-2 189.59 4.45 73.91 5.28 518.16 44.14 1.15 1.14 10.40 7.70
B-3 189.59 4.45 86.11 5.28 627.38 48.82 1.14 1.13 6.70 6.86
B-5 189.59 4.45 96.77 5.28 723.90 52.92 1.04 1.12 3.20 4.53
Lukey and Adams [1]
C-1 239.93 4.60 101.85 5.26 685.80 72.29 1.11 1.10 4.20 4.46
C-4 239.93 4.60 93.47 5.26 647.70 68.26 1.12 1.08 4.20 3.98
C-5 239.93 4.60 89.92 5.26 619.76 66.55 1.14 1.12 6.50 5.75

Subsequently, the FE model is validated against test results

reported in the companion paper.

3.1. Validation of FE model at ambient temperature

A total of 7 tests, one conducted by the author and six

reported by Lukey and Adams [1], are used to validate the
FE model. Initial geometric imperfection is introduced for all
Fig. 2. Typical finite element mesh. beams. Measured initial imperfection for the authors’ single
test is incorporated in the model, whereas a maximum initial
directly on top of the mid-span stiffeners. A typical finite out-of-plane bow of L i /1000 in the form of a full sine curve
element mesh is shown in Fig. 2. Six to eight elements through is assumed for the six tests by Lukey and Adams [1] due to
the depth of the web and four elements across the flange a lack of such information in their paper. Good agreement is
width are used in the model, making a total of approximately obtained between the FE predictions and test results as shown
1000 elements for a typical model. Measured initial geometric in Table 1. The ratio of the maximum moment to the plastic
imperfection has also been included in the numerical models. moment capacity (Mm /M p ) and the rotational capacity ra
observed in the numerical simulations are relatively close to
3. Validation of numerical model the test results. The available rotational capacity ra is defined
as the ratio of inelastic rotation θa , over which the moment
In this section, the numerical model described in the exceeds its design plastic moment resistance M p , and its plastic
previous section is validated against published experimental rotation θ p . Relatively good comparison is obtained in terms
results before it is used for parametric studies. Firstly, the of the moment–rotation response as illustrated in Figs. 3 and
FE model is validated against one test conducted at ambient 4. The agreement between the test data and the numerical
temperature by the authors and the tests published in 1969 prediction is better in the stable (before the occurrence of local
by Lukey and Adams [1]. The test results of Lukey and buckling) than in the unstable range (after the occurrence of
Adams [1] were chosen for validation since they are among local buckling).
the best documented and most cited experimental works on The FE predictions of failure modes and buckling shapes
the study of local buckling and rotational capacity of I-beams. are also very similar to the ones observed after the tests, as
2406 R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

Fig. 3. Moment–rotation comparison of FEA and test results [1].

Fig. 4. Moment–rotation comparison of FEA and S3-1 test results.

the differences in actual material properties of the experiments

and finite element models, the assumed initial imperfections in
FEA, and slight differences in the simulation of support and
lateral restraint. The amount and form of initial imperfections
assumed in FEA may not represent actual imperfections in the
tested specimens. Slight differences in the support conditions
and stiffness can also affect the moment–rotation response.
The ratio of the maximum moment to the plastic moment
capacity (Mm /M p ) of S3-1 is slightly greater compared to
the other six tests due to the difference in the material
stress–strain characteristic. The steel material in S3-1 has an
ultimate strength much greater compared to its yield strength
( f ult / f y = 1.76), while those of the other six beams have
f ult / f y ranging between 1.3 and 1.4 [1]. It should be noted that
Fig. 5. Failure mode comparison of FEA and test. by using a maximum initial out-of-plane bow of L i /1000 in
the form of a full sine curve for the 6 beams [1], reasonable
illustrated in Fig. 5 for the S3-1 beam. The discrepancies accuracy has been obtained. A parametric study on the effect of
between the test results and FEA simulations, such as the various assumed imperfections has also shown that this form
rotational capacity for specimen B-2 (Table 1), may be due to of imperfection is representative and realistic [7]. Thus, this
R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418 2407

Table 2
Summary of validation results at elevated temperature

Test no. Size T c/t f d/tw λL T c M p,T Mm /M p,T ra

(◦ C) (kN m) Test FEA Test FEA
S1-1 305 × 165UB54 415 6.09 34.51 13.15 236.11 1.121 1.109 N/Ab 3.73
S1-2 305 × 165UB54 615 6.09 34.51 13.15 102.85 1.066 1.085 N/Ab 2.81
S2-1 305 × 165UB54 415 6.09 34.51 27.30 242.86 1.081 1.071 1.60 1.55
S2-2 305 × 165UB54 615 6.09 34.51 27.30 106.10 1.056 1.050 0.93 1.08
S3-2 Weldeda 415 8.15 34.51 13.45 142.67 1.095 1.107 2.28 2.19
S3-3 Weldeda 615 8.15 34.51 13.45 62.33 1.099 1.087 1.11 1.18
S4-1 406 × 178UB54 415 8.15 47.42 13.36 410.72 1.099 1.077 0.68 0.92
S4-2 406 × 178UB54 615 8.15 47.42 13.36 179.43 1.037 1.057 0.30 0.61

a b = 163 mm; d = 276 mm; t = 10 mm; t = 8 mm.

f w
b Unable to capture the unloading part because of excessive deflection exceeding maximum capacity.
π2 E
cλ Mcx
LT = fy ME .

form of initial imperfection will be subsequently used in the exists between the FE predictions and the test results. There
parametric studies. is a slight difference in the non-linear pre-buckling region for
two beams, S1-1 and S3-2, which were tested at 415 ◦ C. This
3.2. Validation of FE model at elevated temperature discrepancy in response may be attributed to the differences
The FE model is also validated with 8 test results at between the stress–strain relationship proposed by EC3:1.2 [2]
elevated temperature conducted by the authors. The material and the actual stress–strain relationship. However, it should
stress–strain curve is taken from the EC3:1.2 [2] formulations be noted that the difference lies only in a certain part of
for steel at elevated temperatures. The initial geometric the stress–strain relationship relating to the proportionality
imperfection used in this FE model is taken from the measured limit or commencement of non-linearity. The initial stiffness
profiles of test specimens. There are two load steps: first, the and maximum capacity still show very good agreement and
temperature is increased to the desired failure temperature, and the predictions of maximum moment are within 2%. This
subsequently the load is applied. It should be noted that there discrepancy does not seem to occur on the beams tested
is no thermally induced compressive stress in the FE model. at 615 ◦ C, which shows that the stress–strain relationship
The rotational capacities and the ratios of maximum moment to proposed by EC3:1.2 [2] is indeed very close to actual the
plastic moment are compared with FE predictions in Table 2. stress–strain relationship of the tested beams. Besides the
Unlike the predictions at ambient temperature, the predicted stress–strain relationship, the excellent agreement between test
maximum moments at elevated temperature are generally less results and FE predictions is also attributed to the accuracy of
than 110% of the plastic moment at that temperature. This the initial geometric imperfection which has been incorporated
is observed in all specimens tested at elevated temperature into the FE models. A numerical study on the effect of initial
(Table 2). This is due to the fact that the effective yield strength imperfection by the authors shows that the initial geometric
at elevated temperature is defined at 2% strain [2] and the imperfection influences the initiation of local buckling, hence
characteristic stress–strain relationship of steel above 400 ◦ C affecting the inelastic rotational capacity [7].
has very little strain hardening above 2% strain. The rotational
Besides the loading–unloading response, the observed
capacity is much lower compared to ambient temperature
because the plastic rotation θ p at elevated temperature is much failure modes between tested specimens and numerical models
greater due to a highly non-linear stress–strain relationship at are also very close, as illustrated in Fig. 8. The model for S3-2
that temperature. shows local buckling failure (flange and web buckling), similar
Comparisons of FE predictions and test results are presented to the local buckling failure (Fig. 8(a)) observed after the tests.
in Figs. 6 and 7 for moment–rotation and load–deflection (mid- In addition, lateral torsional buckling failure, which occurred in
span) response, respectively. It can be seen that close agreement S2-1 is also predicted in the FE model as shown in Fig. 8(b).
2408 R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

Fig. 6. Moment–rotation comparison of FEA and test results at elevated temperature.

4. Parametric study 4.1. Influence of temperature

In this section, the numerical model described in the In order to study the effects of different temperatures
previous section is used for parametric studies where four on rotational capacity, the nodal temperatures of RB2 and
reference beams, RB1 to RB4, are used. The simulation RB4 are varied from ambient temperature up to 800 ◦ C.
configuration, geometric properties, and restraint positions of Figs. 9 and 10 summarize the moment–rotational response at
these beams are shown in Table 3. These four beams have flange various isothermal conditions for RB2 and RB4, respectively.
and web slenderness ratios of plastic or compact sections. The The moment–rotation response has been plotted in a non-
lateral restraints are provided such that the LTB slenderness dimensional form, with the vertical axis showing the ratio of
ratio is around 13. Steel grade S275 (yield strength and elastic applied moment to plastic moment capacity at the respective
modulus at ambient temperature are 275 MPa and 210 GPa, temperature. The horizontal axis indicates the ratio of rotation
respectively) is used for these reference beams, which are to respective elastic rotation based on elastic theory. Similar
subjected to a uniform nodal temperature of 600 ◦ C. A few responses are observed from both RB2 (Fig. 9) and RB4
variables governing the rotational capacity of steel I-beams specimen (Fig. 10). At ambient temperature, both beams have
are varied, namely, temperature, flange and web slenderness large inelastic rotation with rotational capacity ra of 19 and
ratios, LTB slenderness ratio and steel grade. The influence 17, respectively. Besides, both beams possess plastic rotation
of increasing temperature will first be studied using RB2 and θ p which is very close to elastic rotation θe and relatively
RB4 beams. Secondly, RB1 and RB2 will be used to study high moment capacity of around 1.3M p . After the temperature
the effect of varying flange slenderness ratio. Thirdly, the web is increased to 300 ◦ C, the rotational capacity reduces
slenderness of RB3 and RB4 beams will be varied to study significantly. This is due to a reduction in the modulus of
this effect. Finally, the influence of effective length and steel elasticity (k E = 0.8) and the commencement of non-linearity
grade on the rotational capacity will be investigated using RB1 of the stress–strain relationship at around 0.613 f y (the yield
and RB3. The results of these parametric studies and some strength is still the same as ambient temperature) that cause
important observations are discussed in the following sub- the beams to attain their plastic moment capacity at a higher
sections. strain and non-linearity in the pre-buckling moment–rotation
R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418 2409

Fig. 7. Load–deflection (mid-span) comparison of FEA and test results at elevated temperature.

Table 3
Summary of reference beams for parametric studies

Reference beam b tf d tw c/t f d/tw Li Le λL T

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RB1 80.00 5.80 194.20 5.11 6.90 38.00 800 400 13.15
RB2 160.00 10.00 340.00 7.56 8.00 45.00 1500 750 13.15
RB3 80.00 5.33 194.67 3.50 7.50 55.62 800 400 13.36
RB4 160.00 8.00 342.00 11.00 10.00 31.09 1500 750 13.36

T = 600 ◦ C.
Steel grade: S 275.

response. Besides, the value of Mm /M p has also decreased in the values of Mm /M p for the RB2 and RB4 specimens
due to a reduction in the strain hardening modulus. Similarity (ranging between 1.06 and 1.09) can be observed for cases
2410 R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

Fig. 11. Variation of rotational capacity with temperature.

Another interesting observation is that the rotational

capacity does not monotonically reduce as temperature
increases. The general trend of the relationship between
rotational capacity and temperature is illustrated in Fig. 11.
Fig. 8. Failure mode comparison of FEA and tests at elevated temperature. Initially the rotational capacity reduces when the temperature
is increased from 300 to 400 ◦ C. Subsequent increase of
temperature to 500 ◦ C causes the rotational capacity to increase
very slightly. The rotational capacity then further reduces when
temperature is increased up to 700 ◦ C. Finally, the rotational
capacity increases significantly when temperature reaches
800 ◦ C. The temperature corresponding to the lowest rotational
capacity is identified as somewhere around 700 ◦ C. The
relationship between rotational capacity and temperature can be
attributed to the different material stress–strain characteristics
at elevated temperatures. One key factor which provides an
explanation of the above trend is the ratio of elastic modulus
to yield strength at elevated temperature E T / f y,T . This ratio
can also be expressed in terms of the material reduction factors
specified in EC3:1.2 [2]:
E T / f y,T = k E E/k y f y (1)
Fig. 9. Effect of temperature on moment–rotation relationship (RB2).
in which
k E = elastic modulus reduction factor at elevated temperature;
k y = yield strength reduction factor at elevated temperature;
E = elastic modulus at ambient temperature;
f y = yield strength at ambient temperature.
The ratio of elastic modulus reduction factor to yield
strength reduction factor k E /k y at elevated temperature
represents the reduction in the elastic modulus relative to
the reduction in the yield strength at the same temperature,
while the ratio of elastic modulus to yield strength at ambient
temperature E/ f y is a constant for a particular steel grade. The
variation of k E /k y with temperature is shown in Fig. 12. It can
be observed that the elastic modulus and yield strength neither
degrades at the same rate at elevated temperature nor has the
Fig. 10. Effect of temperature on moment–rotation relationship (RB4). same ratio of degradation rate. A quick comparison between
Figs. 11 and 12 shows a similar trend, in which a higher k E /k y
above 400 ◦ C because of the disappearance of strain hardening ratio results in a greater rotational capacity.
in the stress–strain relationship of steel above this temperature.
There is also similarity in the shape of the moment–rotation 4.2. Influence of flange slenderness
response for other cases above 400 ◦ C, except for the length
of the yield plateau, which determines the ductility of steel The flange slenderness c/t f of RB1 and RB2 has been
members. varied to study its effect on the rotational capacity. Fig. 13(a)
R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418 2411

(RB1-c/t f = 6.9) to lateral torsional buckling (RB1-c/t f =

4.0) is the reason for a slight reduction in the maximum

4.3. Influence of web slenderness

The effects of web slenderness d/tw on the inelastic

behaviour of steel I-beams have been studied by varying this
parameter on RB3 and RB4 as shown in Fig. 14. A general
trend is that increasing d/tw results in lower rotational capacity,
which is in good accord with test observations reported in the
companion paper. Besides, the maximum moment is reduced
Fig. 12. Variation of stress–strain relationship parameter k E /k y with by increasing the web slenderness ratio. It should also be
temperature. highlighted that plastic moment capacity is still reached, albeit
with no rotational capacity, even after d/tw for RB3 has been
and (b) show the effect of varying the flange slenderness increased to 81.1. This shows that even after the web has
between 4.0 and 18.2 for RB1, and between 4.0 and buckled, a comparatively stocky flange is still stable and plays
17.4 for RB2. The general trend is that, by increasing an important role in sustaining a further increase of moment and
the flange slenderness ratio, the rotational capacity will be rotation.
correspondingly reduced. For RB1, plastic moment capacity Another important effect of web slenderness is related to
can still be reached even when the flange slenderness has been the failure modes. Although the failure mode is still localised
increased to 13.3, although no available inelastic rotation is flange and web buckling, there is a change in the sequence
observed at this high flange slenderness. Similarly, RB2 still of buckling modes. When d/tw of RB3 is 24.3, the observed
possesses a minimum rotational capacity of 0.35 when its failure modes are flange buckling followed by web buckling
flange slenderness ratio is increased to 11.4. A further increase combined with a slight lateral torsional buckling at a later
in flange slenderness ratios for both RB1 and RB2 cause stage. Increasing d/tw of RB3 to 55.6, the beam fails in flange
these beams to fail prematurely before they attain their plastic buckling followed by web buckling, but does not exhibit lateral
moment capacity. However, no difference is observed in the torsional buckling. A further increase of d/tw to 72.1 and 81.1
moment–rotation response in the pre-buckling region and all shows that web buckling occurs first before flange buckling.
beams reach their plastic moment capacity when approximately Similar behaviour is also observed for RB4, which shows the
θ/θe = 3.4. web buckling failure mode taking place prior to flange buckling
Another important observation is that increasing the flange when d/tw is increased to 85.5 and beyond.
slenderness generally causes a reduction in the maximum
moment. However, the reduction in the maximum moment 4.4. Influence of effective length
is minimal. One exception to this trend is when the flange
slenderness of RB1 is reduced to 4.0, which causes a very slight The influence of effective length on rotational capacity is
reduction in maximum moment. After careful examination of addressed by varying the lateral restraint distance of RB1 and
results obtained during graphical post-processing, it appears RB3. Fig. 15 shows the moment–rotation response of RB1
that the change of failure modes from local buckling and RB3 with different effective lengths. It can be observed

Fig. 13. Effect of flange slenderness ratio on moment–rotation relationship.

2412 R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

Fig. 14. Effect of web slenderness ratio on moment–rotation relationship.

Fig. 15. Effect of effective length on moment–rotation relationship.

that reducing the effective length increases both the maximum

moment and rotational capacity. Careful examination of the
results obtained during graphical post-processing shows a
change of failure modes when the effective length is reduced,
which may account for an increase in rotational capacity.
Fig. 16 gives a comparison of the failure modes which occur
in RB3-L e = 600 and RB3-L e = 300. It can be observed
that highly coupled local and lateral torsional buckling occurs
in RB3-L e = 600, whereas only the local buckling failure mode
is observed in RB3-L e = 300 due to a shorter effective length.
Thus, it can be concluded that a shorter effective length will
delay or eliminate the occurrence of lateral torsional buckling
(commonly taking place in the post-buckling range), hence
increasing the beam rotational capacity. Fig. 16. Comparison of failure mode with different effective length.
An interesting anomaly to the above trend can be observed
in RB3 when the effective length is reduced from 400 to close examination of the failure modes in RB3-L e = 400
300 mm. In this particular case, the moment–rotation response, shows that only local buckling of flange and web occurs
maximum moment, and rotational capacity do not seem to be without any lateral torsional buckling. Therefore, providing
affected by the reduction in effective length. The explanation a closer bracing (shorter effective length) than this limiting
of this behaviour is related to the observed failure modes. A value will neither enhance the rotational capacity nor change
R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418 2413

Fig. 17. Effect of steel grade on moment–rotation relationship.

Fig. 18. Moment–node displacement plot of RB1-S235 and RB1-S450.

the moment–rotation response. Thus, it should be noted that buckling occur earlier in beams with a higher steel grade as il-
improvement of the rotational capacity can be achieved by lustrated in Fig. 18 for RB1-S235 and RB1-S450. This is obvi-
reducing the effective length of beams in which the lateral ous as while the elastic modulus for higher steel grade is about
torsional buckling failure mode is still observed. the same, the yield strength is increased substantially, thus forc-
ing steel beams to buckle earlier. This earlier loss of stability for
4.5. Influence of steel grade beams with higher grade steel contributes to limited available
inelastic rotation.
The influence of steel grade on the rotational capacity has
been studied by varying the yield strength of RB1. Four steel 5. Development of design moment–rotation relationship
grades are compared, namely, S235, S275, S355 and S450. It
can be seen in Fig. 17(a) that a higher steel grade results in less In this section, the development of a design moment–
rotational capacity. The main reason is due to the differences in rotational relationship at elevated temperature is described.
the stress–strain relationships among the different steel grades. Since the purpose of current research is to quantify the
Another reason is that by using a higher steel grade, a higher rotational capacity of steel I-beams to be used in plastic design,
plastic moment capacity is obtained; hence plastic rotation will the design moment–rotation relationship is only developed for
be attained at a higher rotation as shown in Fig. 17(b). As a beams which are able to achieve their plastic moment capacity.
result, less inelastic rotation is available for beams using higher Slender beams which lose their capacity prematurely are not
steel grades. Unlike Fig. 17(a) which shows the normalised considered. The moment–rotation relationship comprises three
rotation θ/θe in the x-axis, Fig. 17(b) shows the rotation θ in parts: a non-linear pre-peak curve, a horizontal plateau at the
the x-axis. plastic moment capacity, and an unloading curve. The proposed
A closer examination of lateral web and flange displace- design equations offer a quick, accurate, and practical method
ments indicates that both lateral torsional buckling and flange for structural engineers.
2414 R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

Fig. 19. Longitudinal and cross-section discretization.

5.1. Non-linear pre-peak region The equilibrium equation is given as

The moment–rotation relationship in the pre-peak re- X
σi Ai yi = M j (5)
gion before buckling occurs can be evaluated from the i=1
moment–curvature relationship of the cross-section. Rotation θ
can be obtained from the integration of the curvature diagram: in which σi is the stress of the ith elementary area Ai , M j is the
bending moment at the jth section.
Z x The stress–strain relationship, which relates the compatibil-
θ= χ (x)dx (2) ity and equilibrium equation, is taken from EC3:1.2 [2]. Finally,
the rotation at a given load and moment can be obtained from
in which χ = curvature. the area of the curvature diagram, and is expressed as
For beams under mid-span point loading at ambient
temperature, the moment–rotation relationship is a simple m
linear relationship and can be easily constructed by finding θ= χ j ∆x j . (6)
the plastic rotation θ p (defined as the rotation in which plastic
moment capacity M p is attained). The plastic rotation θ p can be
accurately approximated as elastic rotation θe in Eq. (3). 5.2. Horizontal plateau region

Li M p (x/L i ) Based on the parametric studies presented in Section 4

Mp Li
θ p ≈ θe = dx = (3) and experimental results reported in the companion paper, it
0 EI 2E I
is observed that the maximum moment achieved for beams
in which x = 0 for end support section and x = L i for mid- with temperature exceeding 400 ◦ C is generally less than
span; I = second moment of inertia. 10% above their plastic moment capacity, unlike beams at
However, for beams at elevated temperature, the moment– ambient temperature. As a result, it is unnecessary to accurately
rotation relationship is non-linear since the stress–strain predict the maximum moment, since the error in assuming the
relationship of steel at elevated temperature is no longer maximum moment equal to the plastic moment capacity is less
perfectly bilinear elastic–plastic; this results in a tangent than 10%. Thus, the authors decided that it is sufficient to use
stiffness lower than the initial tangent when the applied a horizontal line at the plastic moment capacity to connect
stress is above the proportionality limit. As a result, the the non-linear pre-peak curve with the unloading curve as
moment–rotation relationship must be obtained numerically described in the next section. The horizontal line will begin
by discretizing the cross-section into small elementary areas at plastic rotation θ p up to ultimate rotation θu , in which
and discretizing the length into smaller sections, as shown in the unloading curve descends and crosses the plastic moment
Fig. 19. At a certain load, the bending moment at the jth section capacity.
can be calculated. Subsequently, the curvature at the jth section
has to be evaluated under the hypothesis that the cross-section 5.3. Unloading region
remains plane after bending using both compatibility and
equilibrium equations. The compatibility equation is expressed
The authors have studied a number of approaches to
obtain the unloading curve of the moment–rotation response
εi, j = χ j y j (4) at ambient temperature with a view to extend them to
elevated temperature conditions, including the yield-line
in which εi, j is the strain of the ith elementary area at the jth plastic collapse mechanism as employed by Climenhaga and
section, χ j is the curvature at the jth section, and yi is the Johnson [8] and Gioncu and Petcu [9], and the torsional
distance between the ith elementary area and the neutral axis. buckling of restrained plate approach as employed by Lay and
R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418 2415

Table 4
Statistical analysis results of the ultimate rotation regression model

Predictor Coefficient Standard error t-value p-value

Constant 8.21 0.213500 38.44 0.00
kpy /k E −1.26 0.068350 −18.36 0.00

(c/t f )γ f (d/tw )γw 0.14 0.003816 36.76 0.00
λL T −0.0518 0.008853 −5.85 0.00
s = 0.107260.
R 2 = 95.9%.
2 = 95.7%.
C– p = 4.0.

Galambos [10] and Kemp [11]. However, the complexity of Finally, the best regression model is selected based on the
yield-line plastic collapse mechanisms and the inability of the following criteria:
torsional buckling of restrained plate approach to plot the post-
• R 2 value, which describes the proportion of variation in the
buckling moment–rotation response (rotation capacity is only
response data explained by the predictors in the regression
determined up to the occurrence of buckling), led the authors
to quantify the unloading portion of the moment–rotation 2 value, which is a modified version of R 2 value which
• Radj
response using a multi-linear regression fit to the finite
takes into account the number of predictors in the model;
element predictions. Both the ultimate rotation θu , which
• C– p value for assessing how well the model fits the data;
determines the start of the unloading curve, and the unloading
moment–rotation equation need to be determined.
• s value, which is the error of standard deviation.
In order to cover a wider range of parameters and meet
The best model, which has high R 2 and Radj 2 values, small
statistical requirements, additional simulations have been
conducted. A total of 71 simulations have been performed in s value, and C– p value close to the number of predictors, is
this study with a range of parameters as below: selected.
The best regression model to predict the ultimate rotation θu
4.0 ≤ c/t f ≤ 13.0; 24.0 ≤ d/tw ≤ 81.0; as a result of the analyses is
11.0 ≤ λ L T ≤ 29.0; 275 MPa ≤ f y ≤ 355 MPa; s s
θu ky
c d
400 ◦ C ≤ T ≤ 800 ◦ C (7) = 8.21 − 1.26 − 0.14 γf γw
θe kE tf tw
in which λ L T is the lateral torsional buckling (LTB) slenderness s
ratio and T is temperature. θp
− 0.0518λ L T ≥ (8)
The LTB slenderness ratio λ L T is used as one of the main θe
parameters in this study since the authors find that this is
an important factor (supported by statistical and experimental in which γ f andpγw are flange and web yield strength factors,
evidence) which not only accounts for effective length, but respectively (= f y /275). The recommended range of use for
also represents many other minor factors that may affect this regression model is the same as the range of the data
the rotational capacity, such as the type of loading (bending (Eq. (7)). The statistical analysis results for the regression
moment diagram), and the ratio of beam width to depth [12]. model are shown in Table 4. It can be observed that the p-values
As a result, a high accuracy can be obtained even with a few for the constant and the three predictors are zero, which means
regression parameters. that the association between the response and all four terms are
Two most commonly used regression analyses, namely, statistically significant. The high R 2 value of 95.9% and very
stepwise regression analysis and best subsets regression low s value of 0.1 show that the model fits the FE data well.
In addition, the Radj2 value of 95.7%, which is very close to
analysis are employed to find the best regression model from
possible parameters/variables for the purpose of predicting the the R 2 value, indicates that excessive number of terms is not
ultimate rotation θu . Firstly, stepwise regression analysis is the reason why the model fits the data well. This conclusion is
used to add and remove potential variables to the regression supported by the C– p value of 4.0, which is close to the number
model for the purpose of identifying useful subsets of the of predictors in the model.
predictors. This regression analysis is effective in reducing the In addition to this statistical analysis, the normal probability
number of potential variables. Subsequently, a few important plot of the residuals and the plot of residuals versus fitted
parameters that have been identified are analysed using best values are shown in Fig. 20. It can be observed that the normal
subsets regression. This best subsets analysis generates possible probability plot of the residuals roughly follow a straight line,
regression models using the maximum R-value criterion by first which indicates that the residuals are normally distributed. In
examining one-predictor regression models, and then selecting addition, the residuals are scattered randomly about zero in
the two models giving the largest R-value. This process Fig. 20(b), which means that the variance is approximately
continues until the model contains all the essential predictors. constant. Further investigation of this plot indicates that there
2416 R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418

(a) Normal probability plot of the residuals. (b) Plot of the residuals versus fitted values.

Fig. 20. Statistical plots from the regression model.

are no outliers among the data, with the maximum residual of

only 0.3.
Even though the model is obtained by regression analyses,
the parameters involved are in accordance with earlier test
results and parametric studies. It can be observed that
the first parameter k y /k E in Eq. (8) is one of the most
significant parameters that takes into account the effect of
temperature on ultimate
q rotation (see Section 4.1). The second
parameter t f γ f tw γw takes into account both flange and
c d

web slenderness ratios which have been modified to include

the effect of steel grade as well. It is interesting to note
that combining the flange and web slenderness ratios in one
parameter yields a better regression model than two separate
and independent parameters. This statistical analysis shows that
Fig. 21. Design model of the moment–rotation relationship at elevated
there is considerable interaction between the flange and the temperature.
web during local buckling, which is in line with the conclusion
of preliminary studies [12]. The third parameter λ L T shows
the effect of lateral torsional buckling, in addition to local has been validated against the experimental results reported
buckling, on ultimate rotation. During the regression analysis in the companion paper. The correlation with experimental
process, both the conventional lateral slenderness parameter results is quite good, although the comparison is not as
L e /r y (effective length over radius of gyration about minor good as the correlation with finite element predictions, as
axis), which has been used in [10] and [11], and the new illustrated in Fig. 22. The non-linear pre-peak curves match
parameter λ L T were both tried as parameters; however the best the FE predictions very well, as expected, since they are
regression model was obtained by using λ L T . Thus, it can obtained from the moment–curvature relationship, while the
be concluded that the parameter λ L T can better explain the horizontal line at plastic moment capacity provide a lower
ultimate rotation θu . bound to the actual relationship. The unloading curve compares
In addition to ultimate rotation, which marks the beginning reasonably well with both FE predictions and test results
of the unloading curve, the unloading curve itself needs considering the simplicity of the model and the complexity of
to be determined. In this model, a quadratic equation is the problem.
used to describe the unloading moment–rotation relationship.
The coefficients for this quadratic unloading equation are 6. Conclusions
obtained from the regression of the FE data on the unloading
relationship. The unloading moment–rotation equation is This paper has described the development of a numerical
defined as model based on the finite element method to investigate the

θ θu
θ θu 2
 rotational capacity of steel I-beams at elevated temperatures.
= 1 − 0.12 − + 0.023 − (9) The predictions of the finite element model have been
M p,T θe θe θe θe
validated with experimental results at both ambient and
in which elevated temperatures. It is shown that the finite element model
correlates well with test results including the observed failure
θu /θe ≤ θ/θe ≤ θu /θe + 2. (10)
modes; hence it is demonstrated that finite element analysis
5.4. Validation of design model provides an efficient, economical, and yet accurate tool. As
a result of the success of applying finite element analysis,
The design model for the moment–rotation relationship parametric studies have been conducted using this numerical
at elevated temperatures, as graphically depicted in Fig. 21, model on five main parameters, namely, temperature, flange
R.B. Dharma, K.-H. Tan / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 2403–2418 2417

Fig. 22. Validation of design model with FEA and test results.

slenderness, web slenderness, LTB slenderness and steel grade. Acknowledgements

The effect of temperature on rotational capacity is through the
stress–strain relationship parameter k E /k y , while the effect of This research was funded by ARC 5/03 project entitled
increasing the flange, web and LTB slenderness ratios generally “Mitigation of Progressive Collapse of Tall Buildings” from
reduces the rotational capacity. For higher steel grades less the Ministry of Education, Singapore. The authors would also
inelastic rotation is available. like to acknowledge Corus South East Asia for supplying the
Based on a comprehensive set of finite element studies, a test specimens and TTJ Design and Engineering for fabricating
simple model of the moment–rotation relationship at elevated the test specimens. The first author was also supported
temperatures has been developed and presented. This simple by a Singapore Millennium Scholarship. This assistance is
model comprises three parts: a non-linear pre-peak curve, a gratefully acknowledged.
horizontal plateau set conservatively at the plastic moment
capacity, and an unloading curve. The first part, which is the References
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