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The White Peacock

Our story starts with a basket. Not a very pretty one, but a basket. And this ordinary
basket was flowing with the current of a river. The river, again, was just an ordinary
river. Nothing outlandish about it. A Peacock, caring for her crops, noticed the basket
and decided not to acknowledge it. That is until she heard a cry coming from the basket.
“What is this?” she wondered out loud. “Baskets don’t cry...” She got closer and picked
up the basket and inside (this is where our story takes a turn) was a baby peacock.
What is unusual about this you say? Well you see, this was no ordinary peacock. This
was white peacock. Said to be the first of her kind. The peacock was shocked at first,
but then her shock turned to concern. She decided that this peacock needed a home
and volunteered for the job. She had two twin daughters and they were thrilled to have a
new sister. But, concerned for their mother, they asked,” Mother, won’t there be a
problem with food?” The mother responded with,” What's another little mouth to feed?”

Ava family struggled with money. Since they lived in the poor side of the neighborhood,
the mother had to clean houses just to have enough money to bring food to the table.
Their father died by drowning so the mother was alone financially. During her childhood,
The white peacock (Ava) was made fun of by everyone else. Even adults. People were
scared to approach her, assuming that she had some kind of disease that made her
feathers white. Growing up she felt like an outcast. Never feeling like she belonged. She
felt so unwanted. So she was homeschooled.

Ava deciding that she was now old and mature enough, though her mother hesitated,
decided it was time to start going to school. Her sisters gave her some tips on how to fit
in. She tried to use them but their no use. She still gets treated as an outcast In school.
There she gets verbally and physically bullied by a group of peacocks called the The
Perfect Peacocks.

The main taunter was Ameilia. The prettiest peacock of them all.(or so she thinks)
Amilia, fearing that Ava was prettier than her decided to make ava feel bad about
herself by calling her beach girl and making fun of her whenever she had the chance.
One day Amelia and her friends take it a little too far and drag Ava to a place where no
one can see them and pluck out some of her feathers. That day she didn’t go home.
She decided she didn’t want to live in a place where she felt unwanted. She ran away
thinking that she was causing her mother and her sisters too much trouble.

Ava ran away to the forest crying. She accidentally trips and twists her ankle. She sits
down and cries on a tree. A group of white peacocks who have been habiting the forest
for some time and heard her cries and came to her aid.

They take her to their village and she is mesmerized by all the white peacocks. They
were living in the forest all this time and no one noticed. They welcomed her to her
village. She decided that she wanted to join their village too. But went back to reassure
her mother that she was safe and was gonna leave the little village forever. Her mother
unwilling at first, decides that it’s now time for Ava to venture out on her own. “ Oh how
you’ve grown” She says with teary eyes. And so the peacock went back to the forest,
leaving years of torment behind.
The End

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