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Introduction to Landscape Architecture

BAP 505 | Semester 9


By: Mansi Awatramani

BOUGAINVILLEA Bougainvillea glabra Nyctaginaceae
Booganbel, Cherei, Baganbilas, Booganvel, Bouganvila, Puvvu, Paperflower

Most common species of bougainvillea used

for bonsai.
• It is an evergreen, climbing shrub with
thorny stems.
• Height: 10–12 ft (3.0–3.7 m) tall, occasionally
up to 30 ft (9 m).
• Flower: Tiny white flowers usually appear in
clusters surrounded by colorful papery bracts.
The flowers are about 0.4 cm in diameter
• Leaves: dark green, variable in shape, up to 4 in
(10 cm) long.

INDIAN TRAVELLER'S JOY Clematis gouriana family
Clematis montana var. manipurensis, Manipur Clematis

Indian traveller's joy is a robust woody climbers

with branches tough, round, hairless.
• Height: 7 - 10 cm long
• Flowers: are 2-3 in leaf-axil fascicles, 4-8 cm
across, showy, white, cream-yellow or purplish
outside, scented; flower-cluster-stalks, flower-
stalks 3 - 8 cm long, hairless. Flowers have 4
petal-like sepals, widely spreading.
• Leaves: are fascicled at the nodes on short
branches, leaf-stalks 3.5-7.5 cm long; leaflets 3
or 1-4, variable; leaflet-stalks 3-8 mm long.
• Native: Manipur, Nagaland and Myanmar.
• Flowering: April-May


BAP505| Semester9
STAR JASMINE Trachelospermum lucidum Oleander family
Shining Star Jasmine, Dudhe Laharaa, Dawaaree Laharaa, Saleekal, Lahare Vedule

Shining Star Jasmine is a climbing, evergreen shrub,

with young shoots velvety, with copious milky latex.
• Height: Leaf-stalk is 4-8 mm long, velvety or
hairy with glands at the axil.
• Leaves: 5-15 x 2.5 cm elliptic-lanceshaped, long-
pointed, hairless, shining green above, paler
beneath with 10-15 pairs of lateral nerves.
• Flowers: white, fragrant, bracts minute. Sepals
are erect, about 2.5 mm long. Flower tube is about
1 cm long, dilated at the top, hairless, mouth
hairy, petals overlapping to the right in bud,
spreading, obcuneate-cuneate, obliquely flat at the
tip. Seeds are about 1.5 cm long, brown, linear,
flattened and obtuse.
• Native: NW Himalayas, N. India, Nepal and
Kashmir, at altitudes of 300-2200 m.
• Flowering: April-July.

RANGOON CREEPER Combretum indicum Combretaceae

Rangoon Creeper, Burma creeper , Madhavi lata, Madhu Malati,Parijat, Vilayati chambeli

This plant needs support for growing and is very

useful in covering fences, supports, and walls. It has
since been cultivated widely in the gardens as an
easy to grow plant.
• Height: A vigorous twining climber blooming
profusely throughout summer that can reach as
much as 70 feet in tropical climates.
• Flowers: Clusters of fragrant white pendulous
trumpets open white then change to pink, red and
finally a deep maroon. The fragrant white
flowers grow in pendent racemes, quickly
changing to pink then red, making a spectacular
show. The growth rate is generally fast, and the
plant does not make heavy fertilizer demands.
• Rangoon creeper does like medium to bright light.
Native: secondary forests of the Philippines,
India and Malaysia.


BAP505| Semester9
MORNING GLORY Ipomoea purpurea Convolvulaceae
Common Morning Glory, Tall Morning Glory, Purple Morning Glory, Garden morning glory

• The habitats of morning glories are landscapes,

fences and crops.
• Height: 2-3 m tall.
• Leaves: heart-shaped, 4-15 cm long. On the
average, the leaves are much larger than the
• Flowers: borne on 1-5 flowered stalks in leaf
axils, flowers are funnel-shaped, 4-6 cm long
diameter. The flower color varies from purple,
pale blue to white.
• Stem: The stems are covered with brown hairs,
which is an identifying feature.
• Soil: The plant is predisposed to moist and rich
soil, but can be found growing in a wide array of
soil types.
• Native: Mexico and Central America, but widely
naturalized in India.

CURTAIN CREEPER Tarlmounia elliptica Asteraceae

Curtain creeper, Vernonia creeper, Parda bel

• Curtain creeper is a curious member of the

Sunflower family. It is a creeper which finds it
difficult to climb without support. So, the slender
stems climb up and then fall down beautifully
over a wall or railing. The tender stems, all
hanging down form a curtain, hence the name
Curtain creeper. It is a leaf plant, grown
primarily for its habit of forming a green
• Flower: Dirty white flowers appear in bunches.
As is the case with all members of the daisy
family, these 'flowers' are actually made up of
many small florets. Unlike the classic daisy
which has two different kinds of florets, the outer
ray florets or 'petals', and the central disc florets,
members of the genus Vernonia have only one
type of floret.
• Native: Burma, widely cultivated in India, and
has also naturalized here.
• Flowering: February-March


BAP505| Semester9
GOLDEN TRUMPET Allamanda cathartica Oleander family
Golden Trumpet Vine, Allamanda Vine

• The Allamanda vine is a fast growing rampant

vine that always looks better with training and
pruning. The plant has milky sap and is
considered poisonous; all parts are highly
cathartic (hence the botanical name); the plant is
often pruned and used as a shrub.
• Leaves: Texture is coarse and leaves are bright
to light green, deeply veined, whorled leaves and
• Flowers: trumpet shaped bright yellow flowers.
• Native: Brazil
• Flowering: It flowers almost all year.

FLAMING TRUMPET Pyrostegia venusta Jacaranda family

Flame vine, Flaming trumpet, Golden shower trumpet, Orange Bignonia , Tanga pu

• Flaming trumpet is a vigorous, fast-growing,

evergreen woody vine.
• Leaves: The compound leaves have two or three 2-
3 in oval leaflets and are arranged in pairs opposite
each other on the stem. Flame vine branches
profusely and climbs by clinging with its tendrils.
• Flowers: reddish-orange flowers, tubular, are
about 3 in long and borne in clusters of 15-20 at the
tips of branches. The corolla has five lobes which
are bent backwards, and the long orange stamens
and style extend beyond the tube. The flower
clusters may hang down under the weight of their
own beauty.
• Fruits: are slender dry capsules about 1 ft long.
• Native: southern Brazil, northern Argentina and
• Flowering: winter and spring.


BAP505| Semester9
BENGAL CLOCK Thunbergia grandiflora Acanthaceae

Bengal Clock Vine, Bengal Trumpet Vine, Blue Sky Flower, Blue Sky Vine, Blue Trumpet Vine

• The Bengal Clock Vine has been called by some

"the most beautiful vine in the world". It is a
vigorous evergreen vine.
• Leaves: to the top of large structure or even
cover a good sized tree, emerge the dark green
leaves that are leathery and have a distinctive
elongated heart shape, 4-5 inches long and
often have a slightly toothed margin.
• Flowers: 3 inch wide pale blue or white
flowers are cup-like with pale yellow to cream
blue striped centers. This plant can be in bloom
at nearly any time of year but will sulk during
cold months.
• Native: Northern India.
• Flowering: March-November.

GARLIC VINE Mansoa alliacea Bignoniaceae

Garlic Vine, Chanamlei, Lata parul

• Garlic Vine, interestingly enough it smells like

garlic. However, it doesn't smell if the plant is left
alone, only when the leaves are crushed. Its
compact habitat and pretty continuous flowers
make it a popular ornamental plant in gardens
in the tropics.
• Height: 2-3 m tall and form a shrub-like
• Leaves: It produces bright green leaves up to 15
cm long.
• Flowers: start off purple with white throat and
change to a lighter shade of lavender with age.
Eventually fading to almost white. You will see 3
different color of flowers at the same time on the
• Native: South America
• Flowering: twice a year


BAP505| Semester9
VINE thomsoniae Nyctaginaceae

Bleeding Heart Vine, Bleeding Glory Bower, Bag Flower

• Related to the beauty-berry bush and lantana,

this vine is powerful in color.
• Flowers: The white calyx's and scarlet flowers
would make even the most drab tree glorious. It
holds itself by wrapping around any support it
can reach, so once started, further training is not
needed. It is often grown in pots as a standalone
plant. It will be damaged when temperatures
drop into twenties. It prefers good soil and
drainage and seems to do its best with morning
light. Clerodendrum thomsoniae can withstand
pretty dry growing conditions.
• Native: It originates from West Africa.
• Flowering: They bloom sporadically Spring
through Fall with the heaviest concentration of
bloom in the Summer.

ROSY DODDER Cuscuta capitata Convolvulaceae

Rosy Dodder, Amarlata

• Rosy Dodder is a distinctive, slender parasitic plant

with rose colored flowers.
• Leaves: are rose-colored, borne in cymes or rarely
one at each node, covered with tiny nipple-like
projections, stalkless, 2.5-3 mm long. Stem is thin,
brown to violet, making a few spirals around the
host stem.
• Flowers: Bracts are leaf-like. Sepals are 4, 1.5-3 x
0.8-1 mm, oblong-lanceshaped, mostly unequal,
tube 0.5-1 mm long. Petals are four, 2-3 x 0.5-1 mm,
oblong-lanceshaped, pointed, papillate, semi-fleshy,
ivory white, tips slightly yellow; tube 1.5-2 mm
• Native: Pakistan (Chitral), Kashmir, Ladakh,
Zanskar, Afghanistan, N-India, Tajikistan, at
altitudes of 2000-4000 m.


BAP505| Semester9
INDIAN KUDZU Pueraria tuberosa Fabaceae
Indian kudzu, Nepalese kudzu, Sural, Bilaikand, Bharda, Tirra, Bankumra

Indian kudzu is a large perennial climber with very

large tuberous roots, distributed nearly throughout
India, except in very humid or very arid regions.
Height: upto 1,200 m.
Stem: Woody stems grow up to 12 cm in diameter.
Leaves: divided into 3 leaflets. The leaflets are egg-
shaped, with round base and unequal sides. They
are 18 cm long and 16 cm wide and are hairless
Flowers: blue or purplish blue, in 15-30 cm long
racemes. Pods are flat and 5-7 cm long, densely
clothed with long, silky, bristly brown hairs; seeds
Native: Indian Kudzu is found in the Himalayas,
from Kashmir to Nepal, at altitudes of 300-1500 m.
It is also found in Western Ghats and some other
parts of India.
Flowering: March-April.

INDIAN WHITE Lantana veronicifolia Verbenaceae

Indian White Lantana

Indian White Lantana is an undershrub, climbing or

nearly so, sometimes prostrate; branches bluntly 4-
angular, pale; young parts rough, nodes annulate;
internodes 2-8 cm long.
Leaves: ovate or nearly circular, flat to pointed at
base, rounded-toothed along margins, blunt to
pointed at tip, 2-4.5 x 1.5-3 cm, papery, hairy or softly
velvet-hairy on both surfaces. Leaf-stalks are thread-
like, about 1 cm long. Flowers are borne in spikes in
leaf-axils, spherical or obovoid, about 1.5 x 1 cm, one
per node;
Flowers: tubular, abruptly opening into a flat, 2-
lipped, 5-lobed, white flowers. Upper lip is 2-lobed;
lobes nearly round; lower lip 3-lobed; midlobe
obovate, about 2 x 1.8 mm; lateral lobes medium,
about 1.5 x 1.5 mm; tube narrow, slightly curved,
about 6 x 2 mm. Stamens are 4.
Native: Indian White Lantana is found in India and


BAP505| Semester9
PORT ST JOHNS Podranea ricasoliana Bignoniaceae
Port St Johns Creeper, Pink trumpet vine, Zimbabwe creeper, Tecoma Climber Pink

Port St Johns creeper is a vigorous, woody,

rambling, evergreen climber without tendrils.
Height: It sends up many tall strong stems, 3-5 m
high if left unchecked, that have long spreading
branches with a graceful arching habit.
Leaves: The leaves are compound and a deep glossy
Flowers: Large bunches of fragrant lilac-pink,
trumpet-shaped, foxglove-like flowers are produced
all summer. The flowers are carried at the branch
tips of the new growth, and are held above the leaves.
Fruit: The fruit is a long, narrow, straight, flattened
Native: native to Southern Africa.

CINNAMON VINE Dioscorea oppositifolia Dioscoreaceae

Cinnamon Vine, Chinese Yam, Air potato

Cinnamon Vine is a deciduous perennial creeping

and climbing vine,
Height: may reach up to 16 feet in height given
support from trees and shrubs.
Leaves: The leaves are pointed to long-pointed
with a heart-shaped base. Typically, leaves are 1.5-3
inches long and up to 1.5 inches wide with 7-9 veins.
The margins, leaf-stalk and stems are purplish to
red in color.
Flowers: The small yellowish-white flowers arise
from the axils of the leaves. The flowers are bell-
shaped and the male flowers are in bundles, spikes
or panicles at the end of the branches. Flowers may
have a spicy fragrance similar to cinnamon.
Arrangement may be paniculate or spicate.
Native: Although it is native to India, it is called
Chinese Yam


BAP505| Semester9
SLENDER RATTAN CANE Calamus pseudotenuis Arecaceae
Slender Rattan Cane

Slender Rattan Cane is a climbing palm.

Height: stems clustered, up to 15 m long, and 5 cm
in diameter.
Leaves: Leaf sheaths are yellowish green with
brown hairs, with scattered, greenish spines which
are needle-like to flattened, up to 3.5 cm long.
Ocreas are present, well developed, up to 10 cm
long. Flagella are present, up to 3 m long. Leaf is up
to 1.5 m long, with 25-40 linear-lanceshaped leaflets
per side. Leaflets are regularly arranged.
Inflorescences are up to 3 m long, flagellate. Bracts
are tubular.
Fruit: round, up to 1.5 cm across, yellow. Slender
Rattan Cane is found in Southern India.

Cissampelos pareira var.

VELVET LEAF hirsuta Menispermaceae

Velvet Leaf, False Pareira Brava, Abuta, Pereira Root, Barbasco

Velvet Leaf is a small climber with velvety branches.

Leaves: Leaf stalk is inserted to 2 mm from margin
- it is up to 7.4 cm long. Leaf blade is 6-12 cm long, 7-
14 cm broad, membranous to nearly leathery, ovate
to nearly round.
Flowers: borne in 5 cm long cymes in leaf axils.
Male flowers are interesting - there are 4 roundish
sepals, larger than the petals. The four petals are
fused into a disc. Stamens arise in a central column.
Female flowers have 1 sepal and 1 petal. Fruit is
round, red.
Native: India, Africa and S. Asia. It is also found in
the Himalayas, up to altitudes of 2300 m.
Flowering: August-October.


BAP505| Semester9
BROOM CREEPER Cocculus hirsutus Menispermaceae
Broom Creeper, ink berry

Broom Creeper is a climbing undershrub, often

densely velvety.
Leaves: are 4-8 cm long, 2.5-6 cm broad, ovate or
ovate-oblong, sometimes 3-5-lobed, base heart-
shaped, wedge-shaped or flat, tip blunt or with a
small point. Leaf stalk is 0.5-2.5 cm long.
Flowers: Male flowers have sepals hairy, the outer
3, oblong-lanceshaped, 1.5-2 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm
broad, the inner 3 broadly ovate, 1.5-2.5 mm long,
1.7-2 mm broad. Petals are ovate- oblong, 0.5-1.5
mm long, 0.3-6 mm broad. Stamens are 0.7-1 mm
long. Female flowers 1-3, on axillary stalks, rarely
Fruit: is a dark purple berry, 4-8 mm long, 4-5 mm
broad, endocarp annular or ribbed with a
prominent dorsal crest, perforated.
Flowering: December-March.

WILD GRAPE Ampelocissus latifolia Vitaceae

Wild Grape, Golinda

Wild Grape is a large herbaceous climber, with a

tuberous root stock.
Leaves: circular or broadly heart-shaped 7-15 x 8-15
cm, 3-7 lobed, lobes acute, toothed. Leaf stalk 3-5 cm
long. Stem and branches are hollow, more or less
Flowers: numerous, deep reddish. Petals 5, oblong.
Fruit: is spherical, black, 6-7 mm, 2 seeded, rarely 3
Flowering: May-August.


BAP505| Semester9

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