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ASME QAI-l a-1996





345 East 47th Street • New York, NY 10017
Date of Issuance: April 30, 1997

ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
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was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
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ASME does not "approve," "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device,
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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

345 E.47th Street, New York, NY 10017

Copyright © 1997 by
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( ,;...i -...,


Qualifications for
Authorized Inspection

ASME QAI-1-1995

~ € S
The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers

345 East 47 th Street, New York, N.Y.

Date of Issuance: August 24, 1995

The 1995 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda
subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in reo
sponse to public review comments or committee actions to be published on
a regular basis; revisions published in addenda will become effective 6 months
after the Date of Issuance ofthe addenda.

ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical

aspects ofthis Standard. The interpretations will be included with the above
addenda service. Interpretations are not part of the addenda to the Standard.

ASME is the registered trademark of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

This code or standard was developed under the criteria for ASME Standards. The Consensus
Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from
competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code
or standard was made available for public review and comment which provides an opportunity
for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-Iarge.
ASME does not "approve," "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device, or
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in
connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone
utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable Letters Patent, nor assume
any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the
validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own
responsibility. .
Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to
be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard.
ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations issued in accordance with governing
ASME procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,

in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Copyright © 1995 by
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.

(This Foreword is not part of ASME QAI-1-1995.)

The 1995 edition of ASME QAI-1 incorporates the 1990 edition of N626, N626a-1991
addendum, and N626b-1992 addendum. Also included are additional revisions approved
by ASME.
This Standard is arranged into the Parts listed below.


Part Description
o Requirements for qualifications and duties of the Authorized Inspection Agency,
its Authorized Nuclear Inspectors, and its Authorized Nuclear Inspector Super-
visors, as used with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III,
Division 1, Nuclear Power Plant Components
1 Requirements for qualifications and duties of the Authorized Inspection Agency,
its Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspectors, and its Authorized Nuclear Inser-
vice Inspector Supervisors, as used with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant
2 Requirements for qualifications of the Authorized Inspection Agency, its
Authorized Nuclear Inspectors (Concrete), and its Authorized Nuclear Inspector
Supervisors (Concrete), as used with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Section III, Division 2, Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments
4 Requirements for Accreditation of Authorized Inspection Agencies
5 Requirements for qualifications and duties of the Authorized Inspection Agency
and its Supervisors, and qualifications of Authorized Inspectors, as used with the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections I; IV; VIII, Divs. 1 & 2;

These requirements were developed and are maintained by the ASME Committee on
Qualifications for Authorized Inspection which was first formed on March 29, 1973 as a
special committee under the Policy Board, Codes and Standards and which now reports
to the ASME Board on Accreditation and Certification. The Committee operates under
procedures accredited by the American National Standards Institute.
When required by context in this Section, the singular shall be interpreted as the plural,
and vice-versa; and the feminine, masculine, or neuter gender shall be treated as such
other gender as appropriate.
Requests for interpretations or suggestions for improvement of this Standard should
be addressed to the Secretary of the Committee on Qualifications for Authorized
Inspection, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, MS-10A, 345 East 47th Street,
New York, New York 10017.

(The following is the roster of the Committee as of June 1996.)

W. C. laRochelle, Chair
G. L. Hollinger, Vice Chair
M. E. Sheehan, Secretary

J. P. Allen III, Consultant, Kennebunk Beach, Maine
V. Bogosian, Jr., National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, Columbus, Ohio
R. W. Boyce, Factory Mutual System, Norwood, Massachusetts
E. W. Brach, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
E. B. Branch, Sargent & Lundy Engineers, Morris, Illinois
M. N. Bressler, M. N. Bressler, PE, Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee
M. A. Farrugia, Electro·Steam Generator Corp., Alexandria, Virginia
R. M. Jessee, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
K. T. Lau, Alberta Boiler Safety Association, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
R. E. Muise, Kemper Insurance Co., Long Grove, Illinois
D. R. Palmer, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
J. P. Pasquenza, ABB Combustion Engineering, Windsor, Connecticut
T. E. Quaka, Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois
B. Walker, North Carolina Department of Labor, Charlotte, North Carolina


(The following is the roster of the Committee as of September 1994.)

W. C. LaRochelle. Chair
G. L. Hollinger, Vice Chair
M. E. Sheehan, Secretary


J. P. Allen III, Consultant, Kennebunk Beach, Maine

V. Bogosian. Jr., National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Columbus, Ohio
R. W. Boyce. Factory Mutual System, Norwood, Massachusetts
E. W. Brach, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
E. B. Branch. Sargent & Lundy Engineers, Morris, Illinois
M. N. Bressler, M. N. Bressler, PE, Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee
R. M. Jessee, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
D. R. Palmer, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
J. P. Pasquenza. ABB Combustion Engineering, Windsor, Connecticut
T. E. Quaka, Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois
B. Walker. North Carolina Department of Labor, Charlotte, North Carolina


Foreword _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Committee Roster _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Part 0 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies, Nuclear

Inspectors, and Nuclear Inspector Supervisors

0-0 Scope _ _ _ _ .

0-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency _.. \

0-1.1 Qualifications _ _ _" _ _ . I
0-1 .2 Duties _ _ . \
0-1.3 AlA Quality Program _ _ . 2

0-2 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor . 2.\

0-2.\ Qualifications _ . 2.1
0-2.2 Duties . 3

0-3 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector __ _ _ . 4

0-3.1 Qualifications _ . 4
0-3.2 Duties. " . 4
0-3.3 Perfonnance of Inspector's Duties _ _ 5

Part 1 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies,

Nuclear Inservice Inspectors, and Nuclear Inservice Inspector

1-0 Scope.................................................................... 7

1-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency 7

1-1.1 Qualifications. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1-1.2 Duties _. 7
1-1.3 AlA Quality Program 8

1-2 The Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector Supervisor 8.1

1-2.1 Qual ifications 8.1
1-2.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1

1-3 The Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector 9

1-3.1 Qualifications _. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1-3.2 Duties............................................................. 10
1-3.3 Perfonnance of Inspector's Duties \0

Part 2 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies,
Nuclear Inspectors (Concrete), and Nuclear Inspector Supervisors

2-0 Scope II

2-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency . .. .. . II

2-1.1 Qualifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
2-1.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
2-1.3 AlA Quality Program .................... ............ ..... 12

2-2 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (Concrete) 12.1

2-2.1 Qualifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1
2-2.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2-3 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-

2-3.1 Qualifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-
2-3.2 Duties......................................... .. . .. . .. . . . 14-
2-3.3 Petformance of Inspector's Duties 16

Part 4 Accreditation of Authorized Inspection Agencies

4-0 Scope 17

4-1 Required Accreditation to Provide Authorized Inspection

Services 17

4-2 Scope of Accreditation 17

4-3 Application for Accreditation 17

4-4 Evaluation for an AlA Certificate of Accreditation 17

4-5 Issuance of Accreditation 18

4-6 Renewal of Accreditation 18

Part 5 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies and

Inspector Supervisors, and Qualifications for Inspectors, of
Boilers and Pressure Vessels 19

5-0 Scope 19

5-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency ,....................... 19

5-1.1Qualifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5-1.2 Duties............................................................. 19

5-2 The Authorized Inspector Supervisor 20

5-2.1 Qualifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5-2.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5-3 The Authorized Inspector 21

5-3.1 Qualifications...................................................... 21
5-3.2 Petformance of Inspector"s Duties 22
ASME QAI-1a-1996

Addenda to the 1995 Edition of ASME QAI-I are issued in the fonn of replacement pages. Revisions,
additions, and deletions are incorporated directly into the affected pages. It is advisable, however, that this
page, the Addenda title and copyright pages, and all replaced pages be retained for reference.

This is the firsl Addenda to be published to ASME QAI-I-1995 Edition.

Replace or insert lhe pages listed. Changes given below are identified on the pages by a margin nOle, (a),
placed nexl to the affected area. The pages not listed are lhe reverse sides of the listed pages and contain
no changes.
Page Location Change
v Committee Rosler Updated
vii, viii Contents Updated to reflect Addenda
0-0 Scope added
0-1.1 Last sentence corrected by Errata
Footnote Revised
0-1.2. ) The word all deleted
2.2.1 0-1.2.4 The word all deleted
0-1.2.5 ( I) Second sentence of (a) revised
(2) In (b), the word all deleted
(3) In (c), the word all deleted

0-1.2.10 Added
0-1.3 AlA Quality Program paragraphs added
3 0-2.2.6 Fourth sentence revised
4 0-3.1 First sentence corrected by Errata
5 0-3.2.5 The word all deleted
0-3.2.8 The word all deleted
0-3.2.9 The word all deleted
0-3.2.12 The word all deleted
0-3.2.15 The phrase ill all cases deleted
7 1-0 Scope added
1-1.1 Last sentence corrected by Errata

Footnote I Revised
1-1.2.3 The word all deleted
8,8.1 1-1.2.4 (I) Second sentence of (a) revised
(2) In (b), the word all deleted
1-1.3 AlA Quality Program paragraphs added
9 1-2.2.4 The word any deleted
1-2.2.6 Fourth sentence revised
1-3.1 First sentence corrected by Errata
10 1-3.2.2 The word all deleted
1-3.2.6 The word all deleted
1-3.2.7 The word all deleted
1-3.2.8 The word all deleted
II 2-0 Scope added
2-1.1 Last sentence corrected by Errata
Footnote I Revised
2-1.2.1 The word all deleted
12, 12.1 2-1.2.4 The word all deleted
2-1.2.5 (I) Second sentence of (a) revised
(2) In (b), the word all deleted
(3) In (c), the word all deleted
2-1.2.10 Added
2-1.3 AlA Quality Program paragraphs added
13, 14 2-2.2.6 Fourth sentence revised
2-3.1 First sentence corrected by Errata
IS 2-3.2.5 The word all deleted
2-3.2.7 The word all deleted
2-3.2.8 The word all deleted
2-3.2.9 The word all deleted
2-3.2.11 The word all deleted
2-3.2.12 The word all deleted
17, 18 4-0 Scope added
Footnote 3 Added
4-4 (l) New (c) and (d) added
(2) Former (c) and (d) redesignated as (e) and
(t), respectively
19 5-0 Scope revised

Footnote 1 Revised
5-1.2.1 ( I) The word all deleted
(2) The word Nuclear deleted by Errata
20 5-1.2.4 The word all deleted
5- 1.2.5 (I) Second sentence of (a) revised
(2) In (b), the word all deleted
(3) In (c), the word all deleted
21 5-2.2.5 Last sentence revised
5-3. \ First sentence corrected by Errata

The cases and interpretations to ASME QAI-l are included in this Addenda as separate sections for the
user's convenience. These sections, however, are not part of this Addenda nor of the Standard itself.


Foreword . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Committee Roster v

Part 0 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies,

Nuclear Inspectors, and Nuclear Inspector Supervisors

0-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency 1

0-1.1 Qualifications........................................................... 1
0-1.2 Duties................................................................... 1
0-2 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor 2
0-2.1 Qualifications........................................................... 2
0-2.2 Duties .
0-3 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector............................................ 4
0-3.1 Qualifications ; , .. . . 4
0-3.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
0-3.3 Performance of Inspector's Duties 5

Part 1 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies,

Nuclear Inservice Inspectors, and Nuclear Inservice Inspector

1-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency 7

1-1.1 Qualifications........................................................... 7
1-1.2 Duties................................................................... 7
1-2 The Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector Supervisor..................... 8
1-2.1 Qualifications........................................................... 8
1-2.2 Duties................................................................... 8
1-3 The Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector 9
1-3.1 Qualifications........................................................... 9
1-3.2 Duties................................................................... 10
1-3.3 Performance of Inspector's Duties 10

Part 2 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies,

Nuclear Inspectors (Concrete), and Nuclear Inspector Supervisors

2-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency........................................... 11

2-1.1 Qualifications........................................................... 11
2-1.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-2 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (Concrete) 12
2-2.1 Qualifications........................................................... 12
2-2.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2-3 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) 14
2-3.1 Qualifications , . . .. .. . .. . 14
2-3.2 Duties................................................................... 14
2-3.3 Performance of Inspector's Duties 16

Part 4 Accreditation of Authorized Inspection Agencies

4-1 Required Accreditation to Provide Authorized Inspection

Services 17
4-2 Scope of Accreditation 17
4-3 Application for Accreditation '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4-4 Evaluation for an AlA Certificate of Accreditation 17
4-5 Issuance of Accreditation . 17
4-6 Renewal of Accreditation 18

Part 5 Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies

and Inspector Supervisors, and Qualifications for Inspectors, of
Boilers and Pressure Vessels

5-0 Scope........................................................................... 19
5-1 The Authorized Inspection Agency........................................... 19
5-1.1 Qualifications........................................................... 19
5-1.2 Duties................................................................... 19
5-2 The Authorized Inspector Supervisor 20
5-2.1 Qualifications. . . . . . . . . .. .. . 20
5-2.2 Duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5-3 The Authorized Inspector 21
5-3.1 Qualifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5-3.2 Performance of Inspector's Duties 22

ASME GAI-1 a-1996


Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies,
Nuclear Inspectors, and Nuclear Inspector Supervisors
(Applicable to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Section III, Division 1)

(a) 0-0 SCOPE Canada. to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance
in such state or province. The insurance company shall
Part 0 of this Standard is for use with Section III,
show its capability to provide boiler and pressure vessel
Division I, of the ASME Code. I including applicable
insurance coverage by being actively engaged in writing
Addenda and Code Cases.
such insurance in one or more of the states or provinces
where so licensed or registered. The insurance company
shall also obtain authorization to provide inspection
0-1 THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTION AGENCY service from the jurisdictional authorities 3 that have
the responsibility of administering the boiler and pres-
(al 0-1.1 Qualifications sure vessel laws in the state of the United States of
America, or the province of Canada, in which the
An Authorized Inspection Agency is one designated company is so licensed or registered, that have adopted
by. or acceptable to. the appropriate legal authority of and do administer Section' III. Division I, of the
a state of the United States of America, or province ASME Code.
of Canada, that has adopted Section Ill, Division I,
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. I Such 0-1.1.2 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be
agencies shall meet the criteria of Section III. Division accredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions
I, of the ASME Code and of the National Board Rules set forth in Part 4 of this Standard.
and Regulations.:!
0-1.1.3 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall
. provide authorized inspection service within such states
0-1.1.1 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be or provinces by inspectors who meet the qualifications
either: of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector as defined herein.
(al a jurisdiction' which has adopted and does admin-
ister Section III, Division I. of the ASME Code as a 0-1.2 Duties
legal requirement and is qualified to be represented on
the ASME Code Conference Committee; or An Authorized Inspection Agencl shall perform the
(b) an insurance company which has been licensed following duties.
or registered by the appropriate authority of a state of 0-1.2.1 Participate in the ASME surveys of organiza- (a)
the United States of America, or of a province of tions for which they provide Authorized Nuclear In-

(a) I ASME Code refers 10 The ASME Boiler and Pressurc Vessel Code.
~ Thc National Board refers to The National Board of Boiler and , Wherever used in Part 0 of this Standard. the lerm Agency or
Pressure Vcsscl InspeelOrs. ell/player refcrs 10 the AUlhorized Inspeclion Agency. the lerm
.' C~)Jlsidered to be enforcement authorily per Section 111. Part NCA. SlIp("~'isOJ' refers to an Authorized Nuclt:ar lnspeewr Supervisor.
NCA-9000. of lhe ASME Code. as appropriate. and the term 11lSI'f!ClOr refers to an Authorized Nuclear Insp<--ctor.

0-1.2.2 Provide qualified Authorized Nuclear Inspec- viewed by management. Follow-up action, including
tors to monitor constructionS in accordance with the reaudit of deficient areas, shall be taken where indicated
ASME Code Section III, Division I. to assure that necessary corrective action is completed.
(e) Establish and implement a written policy to
0-1.2.3 Maintain qualified Supervisors to monitor ensure levels of inspection activity commensurate with
the performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inspectors the scope of the AlA's Certificate of Accreditation.
and to audit the activities at nuclear shops and field
sites for which inspection agreements have been made, 0-1.2.6 Provide certification for each Authorized
in accordance with the requirements of 0-2.2.6. Nuclear Inspector and Supervisor to be performing
work under the provisions of the ASME Code Section
(a) , 0-1.2.4 Give written notice to Authorized Nuclear III, Division I, to assure that the Inspectors and Supervi-
I~spectors of the
name, office and home addresses, and sors meet the required experience and training require-
phone numbers of the respective Supervisors. ments of Part 0 of this Standard. Certification and
(a) 0-1.2.5 Assure proper execution of responsibilities. documentation of qualifications shall be retained by
In particular, the Agency shall: the employer and shall be made available for review
(a) establish and implement an internal program by the jurisdictional Authorities and the ASME Survey
which shall provide assurance that those of its employees Team, upon request.
holding the positions of Supervisor and Authorized 0-1.2.7 Submit to the National Board an application
Nuclear Inspector perform work in accordance with the for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear
requirements of Part 0 of this Standard. This program Inspector applicant, certifying that he has the required
shall be documented by written policies, procedures, experience and training and that qualified supervision
or instructions and shall be carried out throughout the will be provided to assure that the Authorized Nuclear
life term of any agreement covering inspections required Inspector satisfactorily fulfills his functions.
by the ASME Code, in accordance with the program.
The program shall provide for indoctrination and train- 0-1.2.8 Submit to the National Board an appl ication
ing of personnel performing such activities, as necessary, for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear
to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and Inspector Supervisor applicant, certifying that the Super-
maintained. visor has the required experience and training.
(b) provide instructions in writing to Authorized
Nuclear Inspectors and their Supervisors, specifying 0-1.2.9 Verify to the National Board that the audits
their respective duties and responsibilities. required by 0-2.2.6 have been carried out.
(c) provide instructions in writing to Authorized 0-1.2.10 Notify the ASME Accreditation and Certi- (a)
Nuclear Inspectors requiring them to immediately con- fication Department of the termination of an inspection
tact their Supervisor whenever the Inspector is unable a<Yreement with a holder of an ASME Certificate of
to readily resolve any question concerning ASME Code '"
compliance, manufacturing procedure, or quality assur-
ance provision or its implementation. Instructions should
be included as a reminder to the Authorized Nuclear 0-1.3 AlA Quality Program (a)
Inspector that he has the authority and the duty to
0-1.3.1 A documented Quality Program shall be
refuse to sign any Data Reports involving nonconform-
established, implemented, and maintained by the Au-
ance with the ASME Code.
thorized Inspection Agency (AlA) in accordance with
(d) conduct annual planned audits of activities per-
the requirements of this Standard. The AlA Quality
formed by Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors
Program shall identify the activities to which it applies
to verify compliance with the provisions of the ASME
and shall provide for the planning, control, and accom-
Code Section rrr, Division I, and Part 0 of this Standard.
plishment of activities affecting the quality of the
The audit shall be performed by appropriately trained
Authorized Inspection Agency's implementation of du-
personnel, in accordance with a written procedure or
ties and activities as described in applicable parts of
checklist. Audit results shall be documented and re-
this Standard.

0-1.3.2 The AlA Quality Program shall, at a mini-

Constructiol!. as used in Division I. is an all-inclusive term mum, include the following parts:
comprising materials. design. fabrication. examination. testing. in·
spection. and certification required in the manufacture and installa- (a) Organization. The Program shall document the
tion of items. organizational structure, functional responsibilities, lev-

els of authority, and lines of responsibility for activities conditions. The description of the process shall include
required for compliance with requirements of this how corrective action is implemented, documented, and
Standard. reported to management.
(b) Program Description. The Program shall describe (gJ Audits. The Program shall describe the audit
the scope of the activities for which the Program process and shall include the following as a minimum:
applies. The scope shall include all requirements of ( I) A comprehensive system of planned and peri-
the QAI-I Standard for which the Authorized Inspection odic audits shall be carried out to verify compliance
Agency is accredited by the Society (or for which with applicable requirements of the QAI-I Standard
the applicant is seeking Society accreditation as an and the AlA Quality Program and to determine its
Accredited Authorized Inspection Agency). The Pro- effectiveness. The audits shall be performed in accord-
giam shall document the policies and describe the ance with written procedures or checklists by appropri-
process for the implementation of the requirements of ately trained personnel not having direct responsibility
the QAI-I Standard. in the areas being audited.
(c) DOCLIl/lelll COlltrol. The Program shall describe (2) Audit results shall be documented and the
the process for the review and revision of the Program. results shall be reviewed by management responsible
All changes to the Program shall be controlled and for the area audited. Follow-up action including reaudit
the process for review and approval of changes shall of deficient areas shall be taken where indicated.
be specified. All changes to the Program require prior (3) At least annually, the overall adequacy and
review and approval by the Society before implementa- effectiveness of the implementation of the AlA Quality
tion as required by Part 4, para. 4-4(d) of this Standard. Program shall be reviewed and the results of the review
Further, the Program shall be controlled to assure documented and reported to management.
appropriate distribution to and use at the location(s)
where the prescribed activity is performed.
(d) Training. The Program shall describe the process 0-2 THE AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR INSPECTOR
for the indoctrination and training of personnel responsi- SUPERVISOR
ble for implementing the Program.
(e) Records. The Program shall describe the process 0-2.1 Qualifications
for records management The description shall include The Supervisor shall be selected and designated as
the requirements and the responsibilities for record such by his employer. He shall have qualified as an
generation, distribution, retention. maintenance. and dis- Authorized Nuclear Inspector and shall have the follow-
position. ing additional qualifications.
(r) Correcril'e Actiolls. The Program shall describe
the process for the identification. review, and correction 0-2.1.1 He shall have passed an examination de-
of a condition or activity which is not conducted in veloped, promUlgated. and administered by the
accordance with the Program. Corrective action shall National Board. Such examinations shall encompass
be taken to preclude the repetition of nonconforming sufficient means of determination of the candidate's


ability to ascertain the validity and quality of the 0-2.2.1 Maintain a record of Certificate Holders'
nondestructive examination and other quality assurance shop and field sites where Inspectors assigned to him
requirements of Section III. Division l, of the by his Authorized Inspection Agency for supervision
ASME Code. are performing Code inspection activities. He shall
record the date of his visits to such locations when
0-2.1.2 He shall have knowledge of the basic funda- related to his assigned supervisory duties.
mentals of health physics. insofar as permissible expo-
sure to radiation is concerned.
0-2.2.2 Maintain a record of those Authorized Nu-
clear Inspectors assigned to him and a description of
0-2.1.3 To be considered for certification a candidate
their assignments.
~hali satisfy one of the following requirements:
(a) graduate of a 4 year accredited engineering or
science college or university, plus 5 years of experience 0-2.2.3 Assist in maintaining the competency of the
in quality assurance. including testing or inspection Authorized Nuclear Inspector through periodic arrange-
(or both) of equivalent manufacturing. construction, or ment of panel discussions of work-related topics; written
installation activities. At least 2 years of this experience communications of unique problems and their solution;
should be associated with nuclear facilities; or if not, informal question and answer discussion sessions, and
the individual shall have training sufficient to acquaint other means he deems suitable. The Supervisor shall
him thoroughly with the safety aspects of a nuclear maintain documentation of such activities.
(b) high school graduate, plus 10 years of experience 0-2.2.4 The Supervisor shall be responsible for the
in general quality assurance or engineering. or equivalent technical performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inspec-
manufacturing, construction, or installation activities. tor(s) assigned to him. He shall report in writing to
Five years ot' this experience is required in quality his management significant nonconforming activities
assurance. including testing or inspection (or both) of that are reported to him or that he has observed on
equivalent construction and installation activities. At the part of the Inspector, following full investigation
least 2 years of this experience should be associated of such activities.
with nuclear facilities; or if not. the individual shall
have training sufficient to acquaint him thoroughly with
the safety aspects of a nuclear facility. 0-2.2.5 Either establish, or have available to him,
(c) at least 5 years ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel a system to record and limit his radiation exposure
Code related work, which includes inspection under and that of the Inspectors assigned to him. This system
the provisions of the ASME Code Sections I, IH, or shall be under the regulation of his employer, who
VIII; supervision of such work prior to the establishment shall maintain an acceptable system of control.
of these qualifications; administration of shop inspection
service under the referenced Sections or experience in 0-2.2.6 Audit the performance of each Authorized {al
applicable Code related manufacturing or construction Nuclear Inspector under his supervision on a planned
activities. and periodic basis. Each Authorized Nuclear Inspector
actively engaged in Section III, Division I, Code inspec- He shall have knowledge of the requirements
tion shall be audited at least twice a year at the shop
of applicable Code Sections and ASME nuclear survey
or site to which he is assigned. When an Inspector is
procedures. which shall include service with at least
assigned to more than one shop or site at which Code
three nuclear survey teams as a member or as an
activities are being performed, or have been performed
since the previous audit, the Authorized Nuclear Inspec-
0-2.1.5 He shall have experience including the review tor shall be audited at least once a year at each location.
of implementation of the applicant's QA Manual and At the time of this audit, the Supervisor shall be
Program and the resolution of corrective actions associ- accompanied by the Authorized Nuclear Inspector. The
ated with the program. audit shall include, but not be limited to, a check that
the duties listed under 0-3.2 are being performed, and
a check of the following:
0-2.2 Duties
(a) one item under construction or installation phase
The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor shull to assure implementation of the Quality Assurance
perform the following duties. Program;

(b) travelers or process sheets accompanying items Authorized Nuclear Inspector shall satisfy the require-
in the construction or installation phase to assure that ments as defined by 0-3.1.1 through 0-3.1.8. Documenta-
these accurately represent and properly attest to the tion of satisfactory completion of these requirements
work, examinations, tests, and inspections performed. shall be maintained by the Authorized Inspection
Particular attention should be given to provision for Agency employing the Inspector.
hold points and sign-off.
(e) the Certificate Holder's Quality Assurance Man- 0-3.1.1 A minimum of I year of diversified shop
ual to assure that changes, if any, in the Quality inspection experience in the construction of Section I
Assurance Program have been accepted and have been and/or Section VIII pressure vessels. or I year of
properly incorporated in the Manual; diversified experience as an Inspector trainee of nuclear
: (d) a review of nonconformances to assure that appro- items under the direct supervision of an Authorized
priate technical review has been provided and that Nuclear Inspector.
corrective measures are adequate and timely;
(e) the Certificate Holder's record keeping procedure
0-3.1.2 Demonstrated ability to perform shop and
to assure traceability of any phase of work or nonde- field inspections to the satisfaction of the Authorized
structive examination results as required by the Inspection Agency employing the Inspector.
ASME Code;
0-3.1.3 Experience, knowledge, and background con-
(j) the Authorized Nuclear Inspector's records or
sistent with the complexity of the assignment.
diary of inspection phases performed on identified items,
with dates of the inspection activities noted. 0-3.1.4 Knowledge of applicable Sections of the
ASME Code and Code Cases.
0-2.2.7 The audit required in 0-2.2.6 shall be recorded
in writing and shall contain a written comment regarding 0-3.1.5 Knowledge of Quality Assurance Manuals
the status of each item audited. and shop and field procedures.
0-2.2.8 The Supervisor shall assure that the activities 0-3.1.6 Knowledge and ability to evaluate and moni-
covered by the Certificate Holder's Quality Assurance tor shop and field procedures.
Manual which are performed at locations not assigned
to an Authorized Nuclear Inspector are audited at least 0-3.1.7 Knowledge of the requirements for mainte-
twice a year. Corporate offices would be an example nance and retention of in-transit and permanent records.
of such a location. Engineering and procurement could
be examples of the types of activities performed at 0-3.1.8 A passing grade on an examination in the
such a location. methods of welding and nondestructive examinations
for Authorized Nuclear Inspectors, given by the National
0-2.2.9 The Supervisor shall investigate and report Board, covering knowledge of. and familiarity with,
in writing to his management significant observed or the ASME Code. The examination shall be graded by the
reported AS ME Code or Quality Assurance Program National Board and results provided to the Authorized
nonconformance by the Certificate Holder engaged in Inspection Agencies concerned.
ASME Code Section III. Division I, activities.

0-3.2 Duties
The Inspector's duties are covered in the ASME
(a) 0-3.1 Qualifications Code and include, but are not limited to, the following.

All Inspectors shall comply with the National Board 0-3.2.1 He shall verify that the manufacturer or
Rules and Regulations, and hold a valid State Certificate installer has the required Certificate of Authorization
of Competency (where required) and a valid National to construct the items contracted for. It is necessary
Board Commission. An applicant for designation as an to check the Certificate to make certain that it has not
expired and to determine the scope of construction
permitted under the terms of the Certificate.

" Tral'elers or process sheers - a listing of sequential operations NOTE: The fact that the manufacturer or installer has the required
which include. but nc:c:d not be limited to. inspections. testing. Code Symbol Stamp is not sufficient evidence 10 assume Ihat he
examinations. and fabrication 'lctivities. has a valid Certificate of Authorization.


0-3.2.2 He shall monitor the Quality Assurance 0-3.2.12 He shall verify that required heat treatments (a)
Program and verify confonnity. have been performed and are properly documented.

0-3.2.3 He shall verify that the Certificate Holder 0-3.2.13 He shall verify that required nondestructive
has the necessary Code books, Addenda, and Code examinations and tests have been performed by qualified
Cases for the work he inspects. personnel and that the results are properly documented
and meet Code requirements. Nondestructive examina-
0-3.2.4 He shall verify that the Design Specification tion procedures and acceptance standards shall be in
and Design Report, where required, are available, prop- accordance with the AS ME Code.
erly certified by Registered Professional Engineers in
0-3.2.14 He shall perfonn the required inspections
accordance with AS ME Code requirements, and that
prior to closure for testing. He shall also witness
they are on file.
hydrostatic or pneumatic tests.
la) 0-3.2.5 He shalf verify that material complies with 0-3.2.15 He shaH verify that the responsible represen- (a)
the applicable ASME Code requirements. tative of the Certificate Holder has signed the Data
Report and verified it as correct before he signs it.
0-3.2.6 When it is necessary to cut the material
into two or more pieces, he shall verify that the 0-3.2.16 Prior to stamping, he shall verify to the
Certificate Holder's controls are such that responsible best of his knowledge and belief that the item is in
personnel transfer the identification in order to maintain compliance with the ASME Code. He shall also verify
traceability of the material. that the nameplate stamping is correct and that the
nameplate has been properly attached.
0-3.2.7 He shall verify that the Certificate Holder's
personnel are examining all cut edges, as required by 0-3.2.17 He shall also inspect, where applicable,
the ASME Code. items that are reported on Data Reports and those that
are constructed using methods other than welding.
la) 0-3.2.8 He shall verify that welding procedures
0-3.2.18 He shall keep a bound (not looseleaf) record
confonn to the ASME Code Sections '!II and IX.
or diary of his activities and inspections made, detailing
(a) 0-3.2.9 He shall verify that welders and welding
corrections and any other pertinent data that will be
operators are properly qualified and that their qualifica- useful to him and his employer. Infonnation to be
recorded shall include a description of the item in-
tion permits them to use the required procedures.
spected, the type of observations made, the requirements
0-3.2.10 During construction, he shall verify that that prompted the activity, and the results of inspection.
the welding controls pennit only the use of qualified
welding procedures and qualified welders and operators. 0-3.3 Performance of Inspector's Duties
The audit performed in conformance with 0-2.2.6
0-3.2.11 If welded repairs are found to be necessary and documented in accordance with 0-2.2.7 shall provide
during construction, he shall verify that only properly evidence of the satisfactory performance of the duties
qualified procedures, welders, and operators are used. of 0-3.2 by the Inspector.


Qualifications and Duties for
Authorized Inspection Agencies, Nuclear Inservice
Inspectors, and Nuclear Inservice Inspector Supervisors
(Applicable to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI)

(a) 1-0 SCOPE sure vessel laws in the state of the United States of
America, or the province of Canada, in which the
Part I· of this Standard is for use with Section XI
company is so licensed or registered, that have adopted
of the ASME Code, I including applicable Addenda and
and do administer Section XI of the ASME Code.
Code Cases.
1-1.1.2 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be
1-1 THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTION AGENCY accredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions
set forth in Part 4 of this Standard.
(a) 1-1.1 Qualifications
1-1.1.3 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall
An Authorized Inspection Agency is one designated provide authorized inspection service within such states
by, or acceptable to, the appropriate legal authority of or provinces by inspectors who meet the qualifications
a state of the United States of America, or province of the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector as defined
of Canada, that has adopted Section XI of the ASME herein.
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. I Such agencies shall
meet the criteria of Section XI of the ASME Code
and of the National Board Rules and Regulations. 2
1-1.2 Duties
1-1.1.1 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be An Authorized Inspection Agencl shall perform the
either: following duties.
(a) ajurisdiction 3 which has adopted and does admin-
ister Section XI of the ASME Code as a legal require- 1-1.2.1 Provide qualified Authorized Nuclear Inser-
ment and is qualified to be represented on the ASME vice Inspectors to monitor inservice examinations. tests,
Code Conference Committee; or repairs, and replacements in accordance with the ASME
(b) an insurance company which has been licensed Code Section XI.
or registered by the appropriate authority of a state of
the United States of America, or of a .province of 1-1.2.2 Maintain qualified Supervisors to monitor
Canada, to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance the performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inservice
in such state or province. The insurance company shall Inspectors and to audit the activities at sites for which
show its capability to provide boiler and pressure vessel inspection agreements have been made in accordance
insurance coverage by being actively engaged in writing with the requirements of 1-2.2.6.
such insurance in one or more of the states or provinces
where so licensed or registered. The insurance company 1-1.2.3 Give written notice to Authorized Nuclear (a)
shall also obtain authorization to provide inspection Inservice Inspectors of the name, office and home
service from the jurisdictional authorities 3 that have addresses, and phone numbers of the respective Super-
the responsibility of administering the boiler and pres- visors.

I ASM£ Code refers to The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
.j Wherever used in Pan 1 of this Standard. the term Agency or
l The Natio/lal Board refers ({l The National Board of Bniler and employer refers to the Authorized Inspection Agency. the term
Pressure Vesse! Inspectors. Supen'isor refers to un Authorized Nuclear (nservice Inspector
.' Considered In be enf<lrcement authority per Sectinn III. Pan NCA. Supervisor. and the term l/lspl!('lOr refers to an Authorized Nuclear
NCA-9()(){). of the ASME Code. as appropriate. [nservice Inspector.


(a) 1-1.2.4 Assure proper execution of responsibilities. 1-1.3 AlA Ouality Program (a)
In particular. the Agency shall:
(a) establish and implement an internal program 1-1.3.1 A documented Quality Program shall be
which shall provide assurance that those of its employees established. implemented, and maintained by the Au-
holding the positions of Supervisor or Nuclear lnservice thorized Inspection Agency (AlA) in accordance with
Inspector perform work in accordance with the require- the requirements of this Standard. The AlA Quality
ments of Part I of this Standard. This program shall Program shall identify the activities to which it applies
be documented by written policies. procedures. or in- and shall provide for the planning. control. and accom-
structions and shall be carried out throughout the term plishment of activities affecting the quality of the
of any agreement covering inspections required by the Authorized Inspection Agency's implementation of du-
ASME Code, in accordance with the program. The ties and activities as described in applicable parts of
program shall provide for indoctrination and training this Standard.
of personnel performing these activities. as necessary,
to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and 1-1.3.2 The AlA Quality Program shalL at a mini-
maintained. mum. include the following parts:
(b) provide instructions in writing [0 Authorized (a) Orgalli:atioll. The Program shall document the
Nuclear Inservice Inspectors and their Supervisors. spec- organizational structure. functional responsibilities. lev-
ifying their respective duties and responsibilities. els of authority. and lines of responsibility for activities
(c) conduct annual planned audits of its activities required for compliance with requirements of this
to verify compliance with the provisions of the ASME Standard.
Code. The audits shall be performed by appropriately (b) Program Descriptioll. The Program shall describe
trained personnel in accordance with a written procedure the scope of the activities for which the Progmm
or checklist. Audit results shall be documented and applies. The scope shall include all requirements of
reviewed by management. Follow-up action, including the QAI-I Standard for which the Authorized Inspection
reaudit of deficient areas, shall be taken where indicated Agency is accredited by the Society (or for which
to assure that necessary corrective action is completed. the applicant is seeking Society accreditation as an
(d) Establish and implement a written policy to Accredited Authorized Inspection Agency). The Pro-
ensure levels of inspection activity commensurate with gram shall document the policies and describe the
the scope of the AlA's Certificate of Accreditation. process for the implementation of the requirements of
the QAI-I Standard.
1-1.2.5 Submit to the National Board an application (c) Documellt COlltrol. The Program shall describe
for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear the process for the review and revision of the Program.
Inservice Inspector applicant. certifying that the Inspec- All changes to the Program shall be controlled and
tor has the required experience and training and that the process for review and approval of changes shall
qualified supervision will be provided to assure that be specified. All changes to the Program require prior
the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector satisfactorily review and approval by the Society before implementa-
fulfills his functions. tion as required by Part 4. para. 4-4(d) of this Standard.
Further. the Program shall be controlled to assure
1-1.2.6 Submit to the National Board an application appropriate distribution to and use at the location(s)
for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear where the prescribed activity is performed.
Inservice Inspector Supervisor applicant. certifying that (d) Training. The Program shall describe the process
the Supervisor has the required experience and training. for the indoctrination and training of personnel responsi-
ble for implementing the Program.
1-1.2.7 Verify to the National Board that the audits
(e) Records. The Program shall describe the process
required by 1-2.2.6 have been carried out.
for records management. The description shall include
1-1.2.8 Establish a system to record and control the the requirements-and the responsibilities for record
radiation exposure of those employees engaged in nu- O"eneration , distribution. retention. maintenance. and dis-

clear inspection activities. position.

(f! Correctil'e Actions. The Program shall describe
1-1.2.9 Take appropriate action to advise the Owner the process for the identification. review. and correction
of the need to correct nonconforming activities reported of a condition or activity which is not conducted in
by its Supervisors and Inspectors to assure AS ME Code accordance with the Program. Corrective action shall
compliance. be taken to preclude the repetition of nonconforming

conditions. The description of the process shall include 1-2.1.2 To be considered for certi fication a candidate
how corrective action is implemented. documented, and shall have been actively engaged as an Authorized
reported to management. Nuclear Inservice Inspector for a minimum of I year
(g) Audi(s. The Program shall describe the audit and have at least I year of experience in nondestructive
process and shall include the following as a minimum: examination (NDE) methods. Such minimum of I year
(I) A comprehensive system of planned and peri- of active engagement as an Authorized Nuclear Inservice
odic audits shall be carried out to verify compliance Inspector and I year of experience in NDE methods
with applicable requirements of the QAI-I Standard may be during the same year.
and the AlA Quality Program and to determine its
effectiveness. The audits shall be performed in accord- 1-2.1.3 He shall have passed an examination devel-
ance with written procedures or checklists by appropri- oped, promulgated, and administered by the National
ately trained personnel not having direct responsibility Board. Such examinations shall encompass sufficient
in the areas being audited. means of determination of the candidate's ability to
(2) Audit results shall be documented and the ascertain the validity and quality of the nondestructive
results shall be reviewed by management responsible examination and other quality assurance requirements
for the area audited. Follow-up action including reaudit of Section XI of the ASME Code.
of deficient areas shall be taken where indicated.
(3 j At least annually. the overall adequacy and 1-2.1.4 The requirements of 1-2.1.3 do not apply
effectiveness of the implementation of the AlA Quality to Supervisors who were qualified as Authorized Nuclear
Program shall be reviewed and the results of the review Inservice Inspector Supervisors prior to September 15.
documented and reported to management. 1985, and who, additionally, were qualified as Author-
ized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors in accordance with
Part 0 of this Standard and as Authorized Nuclear

1-2.1 Qualifications
1-2.2 Duties
The Supervisor shall be selected and designated as
such by his employer. He shall have qualified as The Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector Supervi-
an Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector, and as an sor shall perform the following duties,
Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor, and shall have
the following additional qualifications. 1-2.2.1 Maintain a record of Owners' sites where
Inspectors assigned to him by his Authorized Agency
1-2.1.1 He shall have knowledge of the basic funda- are performing ASME Code inspection activities. He
mentals of health physics. insofar as permissible expo- shall record the date of his visits to such locations
sure to radiation is concerned. when related to his assigned supervisory duties.


1-2.2.2 Maintain a record of those Authorized Nu- examination, evaluation of results, or subsequent repair
clear Inservice Inspectors assigned to him and a descrip- activities;
tion of their assignments. (e) calibration procedures of nondestructive examina-
tion equipment and adequacy of record-keeping proce-
1-2.2.3 Assist in maintaining the competency of the (f) local environmental conditions of components
Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector through periodic examined to assure that tests and examinations per-
arrangement of panel discussions of work-related topics, fanned on the components are valid;
written communications of unique problems and their (g) a review to assure that all nonconforming items
solution, informal question and answer discussion ses- disclosed during this audit or prior audits have been
Sions,. and other means he deems suitable. The Supervi- brought into accordance with applicable ASME Code
sor shall maintain documentation of such activities. Sections.

1-2.2.7 The audit required in 1-2.2.6 shalf be recorded

(a) 1-2.2.4 The Supervisor shall be responsible for the
in writing and shall contain a written comment regarding
technical performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inser-
the status of each item audited.
vice Inspector(s) assigned to him. He shall report in
writing to his management nonconforming activities
that are reported to him or that he has observed on 1-2.2.8 The Supervisor shall investigate and report
the part of the Inspector, following full investigation in writing to his management any observed or reported
of such activities. ASME Code or Quality Assurance Program noncon-
fonnance by the Owner or other parties engaged in
ASME Code Section XI activities.
1-2.2.5 Either establish, or have available to him,
a system to record and limit his radiation exposure
and that of the Inspectors assigned to him. This system
shall be under the regulation of his employer, who
shall maintain an acceptable system of control.
la) 1-2.2.6 Audit the peri'ormance of each Authorized INSPECTOR
Nuclear lnservice Inspector under his supervision on
a planned and periodic basis. Each Authorized Nuclear 1-3.1 Qualifications (a)
Inservice Inspector actively engaged in Section XI Code All Inspectors shall comply with the National Board
inspection shall be audited at least twice a year at the Rules and Regulations; hold a valid State Certificate
site to which he is assigned. When an Inspector is of Competency (where required) and a valid National
assigned to more than one site at which Code activities Board Commission; and be Authorized Nuclear Inspec-
are being performed or have been performed since tors in accordance with 0-3.1 of Part 0 of this Standard.
the previous audit, the Authorized Nuclear Inservice An applicant for designation as an Authorized Nuclear
Inspector shall be audited at least once a year at each lnservice Inspector shall satisfy the requirements as
site. At the time of this audit, the Supervisor shall defined by 1-3.1.1 through 1-3.1.6. Documentation of
be accompanied by the Authorized Nuclear Inservice satisfactory completion of these requirements shall be
Inspector. The audit shall include, but not be limited maintained by the Authorized Inspection Agency em-
to, a check that the duties listed under 1-3.2 are being ploying the Inspector.
performed and a check of the following:
(a) the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector's rec- 1-3.1.1 A minimum of I year of diversified Code
ord or diary of inspection phases performed on identified inspection experience of Section I; Section III, Division
items, with dates of the inspection activities noted; I; and/or Section VIlI pressure vessels or I year of
(b) methods used by the Inspector to assure himself diversified experience as an Inspector trainee of nuclear
that Code requirements are met with by the Owner; items under the direct supervision of an Authorized
(c) that the Inspector is complying with employer's Nuclear Inservice Inspector. The minimum of 1 year
policies, instructions, and procedures; of diversified Code inspection experience may include
(d) Owner's record keeping procedures to verify experience gained in either Code construction or Code
traceability requirements for any phase of nondestructive in$ervice inspection activity.

1-3.1.2 Demonstrated ability to perform monitoring documented and meet ASME Code Section XI require-
of nuclear inservice inspections to the satisfaction of the ments. Nondestructive examination procedures and ac-
Authorized Inspection Agency employing the Inspector. ceptance standards shall be in accordance with AS ME
Code Section XI.
1-3.1.3 Experience, knowledge, and background con-
sistent with the complexity of the assignment. 1-3.2.4 He shall verify that the Design Specification
and Design Report for repairs and replacements. where
1-3.1.4 Knowledge of Section XI of the ASME required, are available, properly certified by Registered
Code and applicable Code Cases, including the require- Professional Engineers in accordance with ASME Code
ments for maintenance and retention of records. requirements, and that they are on file.

1-3.1.5 A passing grade on an examination in the 1-3.2.5 He shall verify that all required welding
methods of nondestructive examinations for Authorized procedures conform to ASME Code Sections IX and XI.
Nuclear Inservice Inspectors, prepared by the National
1-3.2.6 He shall verify that welders and welding (al
Board and monitored by a representative of the National
operators are properly qualified to use the required
Board, covering knowledge of, and familiarity with,
ASME Code Section XI and requirements equivalent
to SNT-TC-I A supplements for Level II NDE personnel. 1-3.2.7 He shall verify that material and replacement (al
The examination shall be graded by the National Board parts comply with the requirements of ASME Code
and results provided to the Authorized Inspection Agen- Section XI.
cies concerned.
1-3.2.8 He shall verify that heat treatments required (a)
1-3.1.6 Knowledge of basic fundamentals of health by ASME Code Section XI for repairs and replacements
physics, including purpose and working principles of have been performed and are properly documented.
the film badge, dosimeter, and radiation monitoring
devices. 1-3.2.9 He shall verify that the responsible represen-
tative of the Owner has signed the required NIS- I and
NIS-2 forms. and verified them as correct before he
1-3.2 Duties signs them.
The Inspector's duties are covered in ASME Code
1-3.2.10 He shall keep a bound (not looseleaf) record
Section XI and include, but are not limited to, the
or diary of his activities and inspections made, detailing
corrections and any other pertinent data that will be
1-3.2.1 He shall verify that the Owner or User has useful to him and his employer. Infonnation to be
the applicable Code books. Addenda, and Code Cases. recorded shall include a description of the item in-
spected, the type of observations made, the requirements
(al 1-3.2.2 He shall verify that materials used for nonde- that prompted the activity, and the results of inspection.
structive examinations comply with ASME Code Sec-
tion XI requirements. 1-3.3 Performance of Inspector's Duties
1-3.2.3 He shall verify that required nondestructive The audit performed in conformance with 1-2.2.6
examinations and tests have been made by personnel and documented in accordance with 1-2.2.7 shall provide
who meet the qualifications and requirements of ASME evidence of the satisfactory performance of the duties
Code Section XI and that the results are properly of 1-3.2 by the Inspector.


Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies,
Nuclear Inspectors (Concrete),
and Nuclear Inspector Supervisors (Concrete)
(Applicable to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)

(al 2-0 SCOPE show its capability to provide boiler and pressure vessel
insurance coverage by being actively engaged in writing
Part 2 of this Standard is for use with Section III,
such insurance in one or more of the states or provinces
Division 2. of the ASME Code. I including applicable
where so licensed or registered. The insurance company
Addenda and Code Cases. Division 2 has been prepared
shall also obtain authorization to provide inspection
and is maintained jointly by the American Concrete
service from the jurisdictional authorities 3 that have
Institute and the American Society of Mechanical Engi-
the responsibility of administering the boiler and pres-
sure vessel laws in the state of the United States of
America, or the province of Canada. in which the
company is so licensed or registered, that have adopted
2-1 THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTION AGENCY and do administer Section III, Division 2, of the
ASME Code.
(al 2-1.1 Qualifications
An Authorized Inspection Agency is one designated
2-1.1.2 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be
by. or acceptable to, the appropriate legal authority of
accredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions
a state of the United States of America. or province
set forth in Part 4 of this Standard.
of Canada, that has adopted Section IlL, Division 2,
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. I Such
agencies shall meet the criteria of Section m. Division
2-1.1,3 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall
2. of the ASME Code and of the National Board Rules
provide authorized inspection service within such states
and Regulations. 2
or provinces by inspectors who meet the qualifications of
the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) as defined
2-1.1.1 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be
either: herein.
(a) ajurisdiclion'~ which has adopted and does admin-
ister Section III. Division }, of the ASME Code as a
legal requirement and is qualified to be represented on
the ASME Code Conference Committee; or 2-1,2 Duties
(b) an insurance company which has been licensed An Authorized Inspection Agencl shall perform the
or registered by the appropriate authority of a state of following duties.
the United States of America, or of a province of
Canada. to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance
in 'such stute or province. The insurance company shall 2-1.2.1 Participate in ASME surveys of organizations (a)
for which they provide Authorized Nuclear Inspection.

I ASME Code r~r.:r, 10 Thc ASME Boiler and Prcssurc Vessel C<lde.
4 Wherev.:r used in Part 2 of this Standard. the term A~ell(:\' or
1 The NariOlw/ Board rdt:rs 10 The National Board of Boiler and elllp/m'er refers to th~ Authorized (nspt:ction Agency. the tum
Pr"ssur~ Vcs>el Inspt:ctors. Sll"e/~'isor refers to an Authorized Nuclear (nspector Supervisor
, Considered to he enforcemt:1ll authority per S~ction Ill. ParI NCA. (Concrete l. and the term Illspecrur reters to an Authorized Nucleur
NCA-9000. of th~ ASME Code. as appropriatt:. (nsp<:cl<lr (Concrete).


2-1.2.2 Provide qualified Authorized Nuclear Inspec- ASME Code Section III, Division 2. and Part 2 of this
tors (Concrete) to monitor construction. s in accordance Standard. The audit shall be performed by appropriately
with AS ME Code Section III. Division 2. trained personnel in accordance with a written procedure
or checklist. Audit results shall be documented and
2-1.2.3 Maintain qualified Supervisors to monitor reviewed by management. Follow-up action. including
the performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inspectors reaudit of deficient areas. shall be taken where indicated
(Concrete) and to audit the activities at nuclear shops to assure that necessary corrective action is completed.
and field sites for which inspection agreements have (e) establ ish and implement a wriuen policy to ensure
been made, in accordance with the requirements of levels of inspection activity commensurate with the
2-2.2.6. scope of the AlA's Certificate of Accreditation.

(a) 2-1.2.4 Give wriuen notice to Authorized Nuclear 2-1.2.6 Provide certification for each Authorized
Inspectors (Concrete) of the name, office and home Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) and Supervisor to be
addresses, and phone numbers of their respective Super- performing work under the provisions of ASME Code
visors. Section HI, Division 2, to assure that the Inspectors and
Supervisors meet the required experience and training
(a) 2-1.2.5 Assure proper execution of responsibilities. requirements of Part 2 of this Standard. Certification
In particular, the Agency shall: and documentation of qualifications shall be retained
(a) establish and implement an internal program by the employer and shall be made available for review
which shall provide assurance that those of its employees by the jurisdictional Authorities and the ASME Survey
holding the positions of Supervisor and Authorized Team upon request.
Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) perform work in accord-
ance with the requirements of Part 2 of this Standard. 2-1.2.7 Submit to the National Board an application
This program shall be documented by written policies, for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear
procedures. or instructions and shall be carried out Inspector (Concrete) applicant. certifying that he has
throughout the term of any agreement covering inspec- the required experience and training and that qualified
tions required by the ASME Code, in accordance with supervision will be provided to assure that the Author-
the program. The program shall provide for indoctrina- ized Nuclear Inspector satisfactorily fulfills his func-
tion and training of personnel performing such activities, tions.
as necessary. to assure that suitable proficiency is
2-1.2.8 Submit to the National Board an application
achieved and maintained.
for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear
(b) provide instructions in writing to Authorized
Inspector Supervisor (Concrete) applicant, certifying
Nuclear Inspectors (Concrete) and their Supervisors,
that the Supervisor has the required experience and
specifying their respective duties and responsibilities.
(c) provide instructions in writing to Authorized
Nuclear Inspectors (Concrete) requiring them to immedi- 2-1.2.9 Verify to the National Board that the audits
ately contact their Supervisor whenever the Inspector required by 2-2.2.6 have been carried out.
is unable to readily resolve any question concerning
ASME Code compliance. manufacturing procedure, or 2-1.2.10 Noti fy the ASME Accreditation and Certi- (a)
quality assumnce provision or its implementation. In- fication Department of the termination of an inspection
structions should be included as a reminder to the agreement with a holder of an ASME Certificate of
Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) that he has Authorization.
the authority and duty to refuse to sign any Data
Reports involving nonconformance with the ASME
Code. 2-1.3 AlA Quality Program (a)
(d) conduct annual planned audits of activities per- 2-1.3.1 A documented Quality Program shall be
formed by Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors established, implemented, and maintained by the Au-
(Concrete) to verify compliance with the provisions of thorized Inspection Agency (AlA) in accordance with
the requirements of this Standard. The AlA Quality
Program shall identify the activities to which it applies
5 CO/lstructio/l. as used in Division 2. indudes all those operations and shall provide for the planning, control, and accom-
required to build the component and its parts in accordance with
plishment of activities affecting the quality of the
the Design Drawings and Construction Spe<:itications which have
heen prepan:d by the Designer. Authorized Inspection Agency's implementation of du-


ties and activities as described in applicable parts of of a condition or actiVIty which is not conducted in
this Standard. accordance with the Program. Corrective action shall
be taken to preclude the repetition of nonconforming
2-1.3.2 The AlA Quality Program shall, at a mini- conditions. The description of the process shall include
mum, include the following parts: how corrective action is implemented, documented, and
(a) Organization. The Program shall document the
reported to management.
organizational structure, functional responsibilities, lev- (g) Audits. The Program shall describe the audit
els of authority, and lines of responsibility for activities process and shall include the following as a minimum:
requ ired for compl iance with requirements of this (1) A comprehensive system of planned and peri-
Standard. odic audits shall be carried out to verify compliance
. (b) Program Description. The Program shall describe with applicable requirements of the QAI-I Standard
the scope of the activities for which the Program and the AlA Quality Program and to determine its
applies. The scope shall include all requirements of effectiveness. The audits shall be perfonned in accord-
the QAI-l Standard for which the Authorized Inspection ance with written procedures or checklists by appropri-
Agency is accredited by the Society (or for which ately trained personnel not having direct responsibility
the applicant is seeking Society accreditation as an in the areas being audited.
Accredited Authorized Inspection Agency). The Pro- (2) Audit results shall be documented and the
gram shall document the policies and describe the results shall be reviewed by management responsible
process for the implementation of the requirements of for the area audited. Follow-up action including reaudit
the QAI-I Standard. of deficient areas shall be taken where indicated.
(c) Document COlUrol. The Program shall describe (3) At least annually, the overall adequacy and
the process for the review and revision of the Program. effectiveness of the implementation of the AlA Quality
All changes to the Program shall be controlled and Prooram shall be reviewed and the results of the review
the process for review and approval of changes shall '"
documented and reported to management.
be specified. All changes to the Program require prior
review and approval by the Society before implementa-
tion as required by Part 4, para. 4-4(d) of this Standard. 2-2 THE AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR INSPECTOR
Further, the Program shall be controlled to assure SUPERVISOR (CONCRETE)
appropriate distribution to and use at the location(s)
where the prescribed activity is performed. 2-2.1 Qualifications
(d) Training. The Program shall describe the process The Supervisor shall be selected and designated as
for the indoctrination and training of personnel responsi- such by his employer. He shall be qualified as an
ble for implementing the Program. Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete). The Supervi-
(e) Records. The Program shall describe the process sor shall have the following additional qualifications.
for records management. The description shall include
the requirements and the responsibilities for record 2-2.1.1 He shall qualify for consideration by meeting
generation, distribution, retention, maintenance, and dis- one of the following requirements:
position. (a) graduate of a 4 year accredited engineering
(j) Corrective Actions. The Program shall describe or science college or university, plus 5 years of ex-
the process for the identification, review, and correction perience in quality assurance, including testing or


inspection (or both) of equivalent fabrication or con- 2 of this Standard as an Authorized Nuclear Inspector
struction activities. At least 2 years of this experience (Concrete).
should be associated with the construction or inspection
of concrete structures similar to those used in nuclear
facil ities. 2-2.2 Duties
(b) high school graduate, plus 10 years of experience The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (Con-
in general quality assurance or engineering, or equivalent crete) shall perform the following duties.
fabrication or construction activities. Five years of this
experience are required in quality assurance, including 2-2.2.1 Maintain a record of Certificate Holders'
. testing or inspection (or both) of equivalent construction shop and field sites where Inspectors assigned to him
.and installation activities. At least 2 years of this by his Authorized Inspection Agency for supervision
experience shall be associated with the construction or are performing Code inspection acti vities. He shall
inspection of concrete structures equivalent in complex- record the date of his visits to such locations when
ity to those used in nuclear facilities. related to his assigned supervisory duties.

2-2.1.2 He shall have passed an examination devel- 2-2.2.2 Maintain a record of those Authorized Nu-
oped by the National Board with the assistance of clear Inspectors (Concrete) assigned to him and a
ACr\ and administered by the National Board. Such description of their assignments.
examinations shaH encompass sufficient scope to deter- 2-2.2.3 Assist in maintaining the competency of
mine the candidate's basic knowledge of fabrication the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) through
and construction technology of concrete, reinforcing periodic arrangement of panel discussions of work-
bars, prestressing systems, embedments, and liners, and related topics, written communications of unique prob-
to determine his knowledge of, and his ability to
lems and their solution, informal question and answer
ascertain and interpret, the validity and quality of the discussion sessions, and other means he deems suitable.
nondestructive examination and other quality assurance The Supervisor shall maintain documentation of such
requirements of Section Ill, Division 2, of the actiVities.
ASME Code.
2-2.2.4 The Supervisor shall be responsible for the
2-2.1.3 He shall have knowledge of the basic funda- technical performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inspec-
mentals of health physics, insofar as permissible expo- tor(s) (Concrete) assigned to him. He shall report in
sure to radiation is concerned. writing to his management significant nonconforming
2-2.1.4 He shall have knowledge of ASME nuclear activities that are reported to him or that he observed
survey procedures, which shall include service with at on the part of the Inspector, following full investigation
least three nuclear survey teams as a member or as of such actiVities.
an observer. 2-2.2.5 Either establish, or have available to him,
2-2.1.5 He shall have experience asslstmg in the a system to record and limit his radiation exposure
preparation of applicants for ASME Nuclear Accredita- and that of the Inspectors assigned to him. This system
tion, including reviews of Quality Assurance Programs, shall be under the regulation of his employer, who
Such acti vity shall be documented, shall maintain an acceptable system of control.

2-2.1.6 He shall have a working knowledge of the 2-2.2.6 Audit the performance of each Authorized la)
requirements of ASME Code Section III, Division 2, Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) under his supervision on
and related referenced codes and standards. a planned and periodic basis. Each Authorized Nuclear
Inspector (Concrete) actively engaged in Section III,
2-2.1.7 The requirements of 2-2.1.2 do not apply Division 2, inspection shall be audited at least twice
to Supervisors who were qualified as Authorized Nuclear a year at the shop or site to which he is assigned.
Inspector Supervisors and Authorized Nuclear Inservice When an Inspector is assigned to more than one shop
Inspector Supervisors prior to January I, 1991, and or site at which Code activities are being performed,
who additionally were qualified in accordance with Part or have been performed since the previous audit, the
Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) shall be
audited at least once a year at each location. At the
time of this aUdit, the Supervisor shall be accompanied
6 American Concrete Institute. by the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete).


The audit shall include, but not be limited to, a check 2-3 THE AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR INSPECTOR
that the duties listed under 2-3.2 are being performed (CONCRETE)
and a check of the following:
(a) one item under construction or installation phase 2-3.1 Qualifications (a)
to assure implementation of the Quality Assurance
All Inspectors shall be cenified in accordance with
the National Board Rules and Regulations, and hold a
(b) travelers or process sheets? accompanying items
valid State Cenificate of Competency (where required)
in the construction or installation phase to assure that
and a valid National Board Commission. An applicant
these accurately represent and properly attest to the
for designation as an Authorized Nuclear Inspector
~ork, examinations, tests, and inspections performed.
(Concrete) shall have additional experience equal to
Panicular attention should be given to provision for
that defined by 2-3.1.1 (a) or (b) and shall satisfy
hold points and sign-off.
the requirements defined by 2-3.1.2 through 2-3.1.4.
(c) the Cenificate Holder's Quality Assurance Man-
Documentation of satisfactory completion of these re-
ual to assure that changes, if any, in the Quality
quirements shall be maintained by the Authorized In-
Assurance Program have been accepted and have been
spection Agency employing the Inspector.
properly incorporated in the Manual;
(d) a review of nonconformances to assure that appro-
2-3.1.1 A minimum of two years of experience in
priate technical review has been provided and that
design, construction, or inspection of major concrete
corrective measures are adequate and timely;
structures; or satisfactorily completed an accelerated
(e) the Cenificate Holder's record keeping procedure
course acceptable to ASME, ACI, and the National
to assure traceability of any phase of work or nonde-
Board, in the fundamentals of concrete construction
structive examination results as required by the
and inspection, plus six months of field training in
ASME Code;
concrete inspection under the Authorized Inspection
(1) the Authorized Nuclear Inspector's (Concrete)
records or diary of inspection phases performed on
identified items, with dates of the inspection activities
2-3.1.2 A passing grade on a special examination
developed by the National Board with the assistance
of the ACI and administered by the National Board.
2-2.2;7 The audit required in 2-2.2.6 shall be recorded Such examination shall encompass sufficient scope to
in writing and shall contain a written comment regarding ascenain the candidate's basic knowledge of concrete
the status of each item audited. construction and fabrication technology and to determine
his knowledge of, and his ability to ascenain and
2-2.2.8 The Supervisor shall assure that the activities interpret, the requirements of Section III, Division 2,
covered by the Cenificate Holder's Quality Assurance of the ASME Code.
Manual which are performed at locations not assigned
to an Authorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) are 2-3.1.3 Demonstrated ability to perform shop and
audited at least twice a year. Corporate offices would field inspections to the satisfaction of the Authorized
be an example of such a location. Engineering and Inspection Agency employing the Inspector.
procurement could be examples of the types of activities
performed at such a location. 2-3.1.4 He shall have knowledge of the requirements
of ASME Code Section III, Division 2, applicable
Code Cases, and other codes and standards which are
2-2.2.9 The Supervisor shall investigate and repon
referenced by Section III, Division 2.
in writing to his management significant observed or
reponed ASME Code or Quality Assurance Program
nonconformance by the Cenificate Holder engaged in
ASME Code Section III, Division 2, activities. 2-3.2 Duties
The Authorized Nuclear Inspector's (Concrete) duties
are covered in the ASME Code and include, but are
not limited to, the following.
7 Trlll'elers or process sheets - a listing of sequential operations
which include. but need not be limited to. inspections. testing. 2-3.2.1 He shall periodically verify that the fabri-
e)(aminations. and fabrication activities. - cator or constructor has the required Certificate of

( Authorization to construct the items for which he has 2-3.2.11 He shall verify that required heat treatments {a:
contract responsibility. of metallic materials have been performed and are
properly documented.
NOTE: The fact that the constructor or fabricator has the: re:quired
Code Symbol Stamp is not sufficient evidence to aSSume that he
has a valid Certificate: of Authorization. 2-3.2.12 He shall verify that required examinations (a
The fact that the: manufacturer or installer has the required Code:
Symbol Stamp for Section HI. Divi$ion I, work may not be sufficient
and tests conform to qualified procedures specified in
evidence to assume thaI he: has a valid Certificate of AUlhorization. the Construction Specifications, that the results are
as required in the ASME Code Section Ill. Division 2. documented, and that they are performed by qualified
personnel. He shall also verify that compression, tension,
2-3.2.2 He shall monitor the Quality Assurance weighing, and measuring equipment is calibrated.
Program and verify conformance to ASME Code re-
quirements. He shall assure that changes to the QA 2-3.2.13 He shall visually verify that reinforcing
Program, when made, meet Code requirements and are bar placement and size are as specified in the Design
properly approved and that the Quality Assurance Man- Drawings and the Construction Specification prior to
ual is appropriately updated to reflect such changes. concrete placement. He shall visually verify that tendon
conduits, where used, are properly sized, placed, and
2-3.2.3 He shall verify that the Certificate Holder protected prior to, and during, concrete placement as
has the necessary ASME Code books, Addenda, Code specified in the Design Drawings and the Construction
Cases, and referenced codes and standards for the work Specification.
he inspects.

2-3.2.4 He shall verify that the Design Specification, 2-3.2.14 He shall visually verify form cleanliness
Design Drawings, Design Report, and Construction prior to concrete placement, the application of specified
Specification, where required, are available, properly procedures during placement, and proper concrete curing
certified by Registered Professional Engineers in accord- prior to, and after, removal of forms as specified in
ance with ASME Code requirements, and that they are the Construction Specification.
on file.
2-3.2.15 He shall perform the required inspections
Cal 2-3.2.5 He shall verify that material complies with
of inaccessible areas and witnessing of vacuum box
the applicable ASME Code Section III, Division 2,
testing when required by the Code, prior to closure
requirements and the Construction Specification.
for hydrostatic or pneumatic tests. He shall witness all
2-3.2.6 When it is necessary to cut or separate hydrostatic or pneumatic tests.
metallic material into two or more pieces, he shall
verify that the Certificate Holder's controls are such 2-3.2.16 He shall verify that the responsible represen-
that responsible personnel transfer the identification in tative of the Certificate Holder signs the required Data
order to maintain traceability of the material. Report and verifies it as correct before he signs it.

(a) 2-3.2.7 He shall verify that the Certificate Holder's

personnel are examining cut edges of metallic materials 2-3.2.17 Prior to stamping he shall verify to the
as required by ASME Code Section III, Division 2. best of his knowledge and belief that the item is in
compliance with the ASME Code. He shall also verify
(a) 2-3.2.8 He shall verify that Welding Procedure Speci- that the nameplate stamping is correct and that the
fications and all concrete batching, mixing, and placing nameplate has been properly attached.
procedures conform to ASME Code Section m, Division
2, and the Construction Specification. 2-3.2.18 He shall review and certify that the
documentation of the Construction Report is in compli-
Cal 2-3.2.9 He shall verify that welders and welding
ance with the ASME Code.
operators are properly qualified and that their qualifica-
tion permits them to use the required procedures.
2-3.2.19 He shall keep a bound (not looseleaf)
2-3.2.10 If either concrete repairs or welding repairs record or diary of his activities and inspections made,
are found to be necessary during construction, he shall detailing corrections and any other pertinent data that
verify that only properly qualified procedures, personnel, will be useful to him and his employer. Information
and materials are used. to be recorded shall include a description of

the item inspected, the type of observations made, the

requirements that prompted the activity, and the results
of inspection.

2-3.3 Performance of Inspector's Duties

The audit performed in conformance with 2-2.2.6
and documented in accordance with 2-2.2.7 shall provide
evidence of the satisfactory performance of the duties
of 2-3.2 by the Inspector.


Accreditation of Authorized Inspection Agencies

(a) 4-0 SCOPE cessful survey2 and favorable action by the Society,
the applicant shall be granted an AlA Certificate of
Part 4 of this Standard is for use with Sections I;
Ill, Division I; III, Division 2; IV; VIII, Division I;
VIII, Division 2; X; and XI of the ASME Code,3
including applicable Addenda and Code Cases. 4-4 EVALUATION FOR AN AlA CERTIFICATE (a)
(a) Applicants for a new or renewed AlA Certificate
of Accreditation require a survey at a location or
locations where the applicant's QAI-I and Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code inspection activities are controlled.
Authorized Inspection Agencies shall be accredited The applicant shall specify the location(s) at which the
by the Societi pursuant to the provisions set forth in QAl- I Program will be fully demonstrated. It is not
this Part. necessary to survey each regional office or location
covered by the same program provided documentation
is made available to the survey team. The purpose of
the survey is to evaluate the applicant's QAI-I Program
4-2 SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION including its implementation.
(a) The AlA Certificate of Accreditation shall iden- (b) The extent of the survey will be determined by
tify the office locations from which inspection service the Society based on a review of the applicant's intended
is controlled and state the scope of inspections by Code scope of Code activities described in the application.
Sections, and Divisions thereof, for which accreditation The acceptance by the Society of the QAI- I Program
is granted. Certificates of Accreditation are issued for shall not be interpreted to mean endorsement of the
a 3-year period. The Society may, at its discretion, items or activities inspected by the Authorized Inspec-
limit or extend the scope of inspection and remove or tion Agency personnel.
add locations. (e) As part of the accreditation process for a new
(b) The Society may, at any time, make regulations or renewed AlA Certificate of Accreditation, the Author-
concerning the issuance and use of Certificates as it ized Inspection Agency shall provide a controlled copy
deems appropriate, and all regulations shall become of the AlA Quality Program, required to be maintained
binding upon the holders of Certificates. in accordance with paras. 0-1.3, 1-1.3, and 2-1.3 of
this Standard, to the Society.
(d) All changes to the AlA Quality Program shall
be controlled. Copies of changes to the AlA Quality
4-3 APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION Program shall be provided to the Society for review
and acceptance before implementation.
An organization desiring an AlA Certificate of Ac-
creditation shall apply to the Society upon forms issued
by the Society describing the basis for qualification as
an Authorized Inspection Agency and the scope of
activities to be accredited. Upon completion of a suc- ~ As used in this Standard, survey is defined as a planned and
documented activity performed to determine by investigation, exam-
ination. or evaluation of objective evidence the adequacy of compli-
ance with established procedures. instructions. dmwings. and other
applicable documents, and the effecti veness of implementation. A
survey should not be confused with surveillance or inspection
(al .1 ASM£ Code refers to The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. activities performed for the sole purpose of process control or
I Society refers to The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. product acceptance.


(e) An Authorized Inspection Agency shall provide to the rules and regulations of this Standard, and
ASME survey teams access to facilities, premises, and that the Certificate will be promptly returned to the
records necessary to assess conformance with this Society upon demand, or when the Certificate of Ac-
Standard. creditation holder discontinues the scope of in-
(j) The required AlA Certificate of Accreditation to spection activities covered by the Certificate. The
provide inspection services shall be granted only after holder of a Certificate of Accreditation shall not permit
the adequacy of this content and implementation of any other party to use its Certificate. The Society
the QAI-I Program has been satisfactorily demonstrated reserves the absolute right to cancel or refuse to renew
to an ASME survey team and the survey results acted such accreditation, returning fees paid for the prorated
up,on by the Society. unexpired term.


Not later than 6 months prior to the date of expiration
Each Certificate of Accreditation holder shall have of the Certificate, the AlA Certificate of Accreditation
agreed that each Certificate is at all times the pro- holder desiring renewal shall apply for renewal of such
perty of the Society, that it will be used according accreditation and the reissuance of the Certificate.


Oualifications and Duties for Authorized Inspection Agencies and
Inspector Supervisors, and Qualifications for Inspectors, of Boilers
and Pressure Vessels

(a) 5-0 SCOPE insurance coverage by being actively engaged in writing

such insurance in one or more of the states or provinces
Part 5 of this Standard is for use with Sections I;
where so licensed or registered. The company shall
IV; vm, Division I; VIII, Division 2; and X of the
also obtain authorization to provide inspection service
ASME Code, I including applicable Addenda and Code
from the jurisdictional authorities that have the responsi-
bility of administering the boiler and pressure vessel
laws in the states of the United States of America, or
the provinces of Canada (in which the company is so
licensed orregistered) that have adopted and do adminis-
5-1 THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTION AGENCY ter one or more sections of the ASME Code, one of
which shall be Section l.
5-1.1 Qualifications
An Authorized Inspection Agency is one designated 5-1.1.2 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be
by, or acceptable to, the appropriate legal authority of accredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions
the states of the United States of America, or provinces set forth in Part 4 of this Standard.
of Canada, that has adopted one or more sections of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.! Such
agencies shall meet the criteria of this Standard and 5-1.1.3 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall
of the National Board Rules and Regulations. 2 provide authorized inspection service within such states
or provinces by inspectors who meet the qualifications
of the Inspector3 as defined herein.
5-1.1.1 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be
(a) a jurisdiction which has adopted and does admin-
5-1.2 Duties
ister one or more sections of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, one of which shall be Section An Authorized Inspection Agencl shall perform the
I, as a legal requirement and is qualified to be repre- following duties.
sented on the ASME Code Conference Committee; or
(b) an insurance company which has been licensed
5-1.2.1 Participate in the shop or site reviews of (a)
or registered by the appropriate authority of a state of
organizations for which they provide Authorized In-
the United States of America, or of a province of
Canada, to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance
in such state or province.
. The insurance company shall show its willingness 5-1.2.2 Provide qualified Inspectors to monitor con-
and capability to provide boiler and pressure vessel struction in accordance with the ASME Code.

la) I ASM£ Code refers to The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. -' The term Inspector refer~ to an Authorized Inspector.
2 The National Board refers to The National Board of Boiler and • The term Agency or Employer refers to the accredited Authorized
Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Inspection Agency.


5-1.2.3 Employ qualified Supervisors 5 to monitor requirements of Part 5 of this Standard. Certification
the performance of the Inspectors and to audit the and documentation of qualifications shall be retained
activities at shops and field sites for which inspection by the employer and shall be made available for review
agreements have been made, in accordance with the by the jurisdictional Authorities and the ASME upon
requirements of 5-2.2.5. request.

(a) 5-1.2.4 Give wriuen notice to InspecLOrs of the 5-1.2.7 Submit to the National Board an application
name, office and home addresses, and phone numbers for an "A" endorsement for the Inspector applicant,
of the respective Supervisors. certifying that he has the required experience and
training and that qualified supervision will be provided
(a) ~ 5-1.2.5 Assure proper execution of responsibilities. to assure that the Inspector satisfactorily ful fills his
In particular, the Agency shall: functions.
(a) establish and implement an internal program
which shall provide assurance that those of its employees 5-1.2.8 Submit to the National Board an application
holding the positions of Supervisor and Inspector per- for a "B" endorsement for the Supervisor applicant,
fonn work in accordance with the requirements of Part certifying that the Supervisor has the required experience
5 of this Standard. This program shall be documented and training.
by wriuen policies, procedures, or instructions and shall
be carried out throughout the term of any agreement
5-1.2.9 Verify to the National Board that audits
covering inspections required by the ASME Code, in
reqUired by 5-2.2.5 have been carried out.
accordance with the program. The program shall provide
for indoctrination and training of personnel performing
such activities, as necessary, to assure that suitable 5-1.2.10 Notify the ASME Accreditation and Certi-
proficiency is achieved and maintained. fication Department of the termination of an inspection
(b) provide instructions in writing to Inspectors and agreement with a holder of an ASME Certificate of
their Supervisors, specifying their respective duties and Authorization.
(c) provide instructions in writing to Inspectors re-
quiring them to immediately contact their Supervisor
whenever the Inspector is unable to readily resolve any 5-2 THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR
question concerning ASME Code compliance, manufac- SUPERVISOR
turing procedure, or quality control provision or its
implementation. Instructions should be included as a 5-2.1 Qualifications
reminder to the Inspector that he has the authority and
The Supervisor shall be selected and designated as
the duty to refuse to sign any Data Reports involving
such by his employer. He shall be qualified as an
nonconformance with the ASME Code.
Inspector and shall have the following additional quali-
(d) conduct annual planned audits of activities per-
formed by Supervisors to verify compliance with the
provisions of the ASME Code and Part 5 of this
Standard. The audit shall be performed by appropriately 5-2.1.1 The Supervisor shall have passed an examina-
trained personnel, in accordance with a written proce- tion developed, promulgated, and administered by the
dure or checklist. Audit results shall be documented and National Board and received a "B" endorsement from
reviewed by management. Follow-up action, including the National Board. The examination shall encompass
reaudit of deficient areas. shall be taken where indicated sufficient means of determination of the candidate's
to assure that necessary corrective action is completed. ability to ascertain the validity and quality of the
welding, nondestructive examination, and other quality
5-1.2.6 Provide certification for each Inspector and control requirements of the ASME Code. The examina-
Supervisor to be performing work under the provisions tion shall be graded by the National Board and results
of the ASME Code, to assure that the Inspectors and provided to the Agencies concerned.
Supervisors meet the required experience and training
5-2.1.2 The Supervisor shall have qualified as an
Inspector and subsequently shall have been engaged
, The term Supen·isnr refers to an Authorized Inspector Supervisor. for at least two years in ASME Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code refated work such as inspection under the ASME Code requirements at the shops and sites which
provisions of the ASME Code, or administration of have been assigned to the Supervisor.
shop inspection service under the ASME Code.

5-2.1.3 The Supervisor shall have knowledge of 5-3 THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR
ASME shop review procedures, which shall include
service with at least three shop review teams as a 5-3.1 Oualifications (a)
member or as an observer.
All Inspectors shall comply with the National Board
5-2.1.4 The Supervisor shall have knowledge of the Rules and Regulations, and hold a valid State Certificate
, requirements of applicable AS ME Code Sections. of Competency (where required) and a valid National
Board Commission with an "A" endorsement. An
applicant for designation as an Inspector shall have the
5-2.2 Duties characteristics defined by 5-3.1.1 through 5-3.1.8.
The Supervisor shall perform the following duties.
5-3.1.1 A degree in engineering from an accredited
5-2.2.1 Maintain a record of Certificate Holders' engineering or science college or university, plus one
shop and field sites where Inspectors assigned to him year experience in design. construction, operation, or
by his Agency for supervision are performing Code inspection of high pressure boilers and pressure vessels;
inspection activities. He shall record the date of his or an associated degree in mechanical technology plus
visits to such locations when related to his assigned two years experience in design, construction, operation,
supervisory duties. or inspection of high pressure boilers and pressure
vessels; or a high school education or the equivalent
5-2.2.2 Maintain a record of those Inspectors as- plus three years experience:
signed and a description of their assignments. (a) in high pressure boiler and pressure vessel con-
struction or repair;
5-2.2.3 Assist in maintaining the competency of (b) in charge of high pressure boiler and pressure
the Inspector to an acceptable level through periodic vessel operation; or
arrangement of panel discussions of work-related topics, (c) in the inspection of high pressure boilers and
written communications of unique problems and their
pressure vessels.
solution, informal question and answer discussion ses-
sions, and other means he deems suitable. The Supervi-
sor shall maintain documentation of such activities. 5-3.1.2 Demonstrated ability to perform shop and
field (on-site) inspections to the satisfaction of the
5-2.2.4 The Supervisor shall be responsible for the Agency employing him.
technical performance of the Inspector(s) assigned to
him. He shall report in writing to his management 5-3.1.3 Satisfactory degree of expertise, experience,
significant nonconforming activities that are reported and background for the inspection of boilers and pres-
to him or that he observed on the part of the Inspector, sure vessels according to the complexity of the as-
following full investigation of such activities. signment.

(a) 5-2.2.5 Audit and document the performance of each

Inspector assigned to an ASME Code shop or field 5-3.1.4 Knowledge of applicable Sections of the
site at least once each year at approximately twelve ASME Code, Addenda. and Code Cases.
month intervals and at additional times as requested
by the Inspector. At the time of this audit, the Supervisor 5-3.1.5 Knowledge of Quality Control Systems, pro-
shall be accompanied by the Authorized Inspector. grams, and shop and field erection procedures.

5-2.2.6 The audit required in 5-2.2.5 shall be recorded

5-3.1.6 Knowledge and ability to evaluate and moni-
in writing and shall contain a written comment regarding
tor shop and field erection procedures and performance.
the status of each item audited.

5-2.2.7 Confirm the corrective action has been veri- 5-3.1.7 Knowledge of the requirements for mainte-
fied by the Inspector to assure compliance with the nance and retention of in-transit and permanent records.

5-3.1.8 A passing grade on an examination given

by the National Board, covering knowledge of, and
familiarity with, the ASME Code. The examination
shall be graded by the National Board and results
provided to the Agencies concerned.

5-3.2 Performance of Inspector's Duties

The audit performed in conformance with 5-2.2.5
and documented in accordance with 5-2.2.6 shall provide
evidence of the satisfactory performance of the duties
as specified in the applicable Sections of the ASME
Code and the National Board Rules and Regulations.

ASME QAI-1 Cases

(The Cases are not part of ASME 0A/·1-1995 Edition or its Addenda.l

A Case is the official method of handling a reply to an inquiry when study indicates
that the wording of the standard needs clarification, or when the reply modifies the existing
requirements of the standard.
ASME has agreed to publish Cases issued by the QAI Committee as part of the update
service to QAI-I. The text of proposed new and revised Cases and reaffirmations of current
Cases appear in Mechanical Engineering for public review. A notice also appears in
Mechanical Engineering when new and revised Cases are approved. New and revised Cases,
as well as announcements of reaffirmed Cases and annulments, then appear in the next
The page numbers for the Cases supplements included with updates to the 1995 Edition
start with C-I and will continue consecutively through the last update to this Edition.
This Case supplement contains QAI-I Case 1.


QAI-1 Case 1
Alternatives for Supervisor Qualifications

Approval Date: April 11, 1995

Expiration Date: April 11, 1998

Inquiry: What activities, other than serving as a

member or observer on at least three nuclear survey
teams, are acceptable to demonstrate knowledge of
ASME nuclear survey procedures, as required in 0-
2.1.4 and 2-2.1.4 of ASME QAI-I?

Reply: It is the opinion of the committee that the

following alternatives to participation in three nuclear
surveys are acceptable:
(a) serving as a member or observer on two ASME
nuclear survey teams; or
(b) serving as member or observer on one ASME
nuclear survey team, plus documented satisfactory com-
pletion of a course promulgated by ASME on the
conduct of nuclear surveys and the administration of
the ASME nuclear accreditation program.
Documentation of completion of the above activities
would be the same as that for the existing 0-2.1.4 and

ASME QAI-l Interpretations

Replies to Technical Inquiries

January 1993 - June 1996

This publication includes all of the written replies issued between the indicated dates to inquiries
concerning interpretations of ASME QAI-I, Qualifications for Authorized Inspection.
These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters except for a few typographical corrections
and some minor editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. In some few instances,
a review of the interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature; in these cases a
corrected interpretation follows immediately after the original reply.
These interpretations were prepared in accordance with the accredited ASME procedures. ASME
procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is
available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons aggrieved by this
interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does no1
"approve," "certify," "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.
These replies apply to the latest Edition and Addenda at the time of the inquiry or the Edition and
Addenda stated in the reply. Subsequent revisions to the Standard may have superseded the reply.
Interpretation File No.

N626. 1990 Edition. 1992 Addenda. Additional ANI Requirements . N626-90-03 AIA-93-02
N626. 1990 Edition. J 992 Addenda. 0-2.2.6. Rules for Relief Inspectors . N626-90-04 AIA-93-04
N626. 1990 Edition. 1992 Addenda. N626.0. 0-2.1. and 0-3.1 . N626-90-05 AIA-93-03
N626. 1990 Edition. 1992 Addenda. 0-1.2.3. 0-1.2.5(d). 0-2.2.6. and 0-3.1.8 . N626-90-06 AIA-93-03
N626. 1990 Edition. 1992 Addenda. 0-2.2.5. 1-1.2.8. 1-2.2.5. and 2-2.2.5 . N626-90-07 AIA-94-01
N626. 1990 Edition. 1992 Addenda. 1-1. Owners Qualifying as AlAs . N626-90-08 AIA-94-03
QAI-l. 1995 Edition. 0-I.I.I(b). l-l.l.l(b). 2-1.1.1{b). and 5-I.I.I{bl . QAI-95-01 AIA-96-01
QAI-1. 1995 Edition. 0-2.2.6. 1- and 5-2.2.5 . QAI-95-02 AIA-96-02

ASME QAI-l Interpretations N626-90-03. N626-90-04

Interpretation: N626-90-03
Subject: N626. 1990 Edition. 1992 Addenda, Additional ANI Requirements
Date Issued: January 17. 1994
ltem: AIA-93-02

Question (I): Mayan Authorized Inspection Agency provide additional requirements beyond the
requirements of N626.0 for authorized Nuclear Inspectors and Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors?
Reply (I): Not addressed by N626.

Question (2): Mayan Authorized Inspection Agency, after submitting to the National Board the
application for a special endorsement for Authorized Nuclear Inspector and/or Authorized Nuclear
Inspector Supervisor, limit their assignments?
Reply (2): Not addressed by N626.

Interpretation: N626-90-04
Subject: N626. 1990 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 0-2.2.6, Rules for Relief Inspectors
Date Issued: April 15, 1994
Item: AIA-93-04

Question (I): If an individual is assigned to replace the Authorized Nuclear Inspector, is he required
to be audited by the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor?
Reply (I): Yes, unless otherwise audited at another location.

Question (2): May the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor responsible for performing the twice
yearly audits perform inspections as an inspector at a facility to which he is the designated ANIS.
without having his inspections audited by another ANIS?
Reply (2): No, if the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor is assigned to perform any inspections
as an Authorized Nuclear Inspector, then he must be audited by another supervisor.

N626-90-0S. N626-90-06. N626-90-07 ASME OAf-1 Interpretations

Interpretation: N626-90-05
Subject N626, 1990 Edition, 1992 Addenda, N626.0, 0-2.1, and 0-3.1
Date Issued: June I, 1994
Item: AIA-93-0 I

Question: Does the possession of a National Board Commission (work card) and the applicable
endorsements provide acceptable evidence of compliance with N626.0, 0-3.1.8?
Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: N626-90-06
Subject N626, 1990 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 0-1.2.3, 0-1.2.5(d), 0-2.2.6, and 0-3.1.8
Date Issued: June I, 1994
Item: AIA-93-03

Question (I): Are the audits of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector required when the Inspector is not
actively engaged in nuclear inspection activities?
Reply (I): No, unless one or more of the activities in paras. 0-2.2.6 [(a) through (0] or 0-3.2 have
been performed.

Question (2): Is an Authorized Inspection Agency prohibited from acqumng and maintaining the
special endorsements for those individuals not actively engaged in nuclear inspection activities?
Reply (2): Not addressed in N626.

Interpretation: N626-90-07
Subject: N626, 1990 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 0-2.2.5, 1- I.2.8, 1-2.2.5, and 2-2.2.5
Date Issued: June I, 1994
Item: AIA-94-01

Question: Is an Authorized Nuclear Inspection Agency permitted to establish and maintain a system
to record and limit the radiation exposure of its Authorized Nuclear Inspection personnel that incorporates
radiation monitoring data accumulated by the nuclear licensees in lieu of performing radiation monitoring?
Reply: Yes. The Authorized Nuclear Inspection Agency is expected to obtain and maintain documenta-
tion regarding this matter.

ASME QAI-l Interpretations N626-90-08, 0A1-95-01, QAI·95·02

Interpretation: N626-90-08
Subject: N626, [990 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 1-1, Owners Qualifying as AlAs
Item: AIA-94-03
Date Issued: September 7, 1995

Question (I): Does N626 allow an owner who develops and implements a program to meet the
requirements of N626. I, Section 1-1.2.4 to be considered as an Authorized Inspection Agency per
Section I-I.l.! and qualified in accordance with N626. [, Section 1-1.1.2 after obtaining ASME
Reply (I): No.

Question (2): Can an Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector employed by an owner in accordance
with Question (I) and meeting the requirements of N626.1, Section 1-3, perform the duties of an ANn
defined in Section XI?
Reply (2): No.

Interpretation: QAI-95-01
Subject: QAI-I, 1995 Edition, O-I.I.I(b), 1-1.1.1(b), 2-1.1.1(b), and 5-1.1.1(b)
Item: AIA-96-01
Date Issued: April 22, 1996

Question: Does the issuance of a credential to an inspector, such as a certificate of competency or

a jurisdictional commission, satisfy the requirement in 0-I.I.I(b), I-I.l.l(b), 2-1.1.I(b), and 5-I.I.I(b)
whereas the insurance company shall obtain authorization to provide inspection service from the
Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: QAI-95-02
Subject: QAI-I, 1995 Edition, 0-2.2.6, 1-2.2.6, 2-2.2.6, and 5-2.2.5
Item: AIA-96-02
Date Issued: April 22, 1996

Question: Are the requirements of 0-2.2.6, 1-2.2.6, 2-2.2.6, and 5-2.2.5 only relevant to auditing the
performance of the Authorized Inspector?
Reply: Yes.

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