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West Career and Technical Academy

School Organizational Team Meeting
West CTA Cafeteria
June 18, 2019
12:00 pm
School Organizational Team Members:
Amy Dockter-Rozar, Principal
Heather DiFulvio, Parent Member
Jason Gonzales, Licensed Member
Destinee Irons, Support Staff Member
Lesharyn Jackson, Student Representative
Stacy Le Piere, Parent Member
Paul MacAllister, Alternate Student Representative
Diane Ortiz, Licensed Member
Jacqueline Ragin, Parent Member
Laurie Saposhnik, Parent Member
Tami Stilson, Support Staff Member
Tyler Thompson, Licensed Member
Jonathan Ullman, Parent Member
Ted Wang, Parent Member
Mary Young, Licensed Member

This meeting agenda is posted publicly on the school website at .

The School Organizational Team may take items on the agenda out of order, combine two or
more agenda items for consideration, and remove an item from the agenda or delay
discussion relating to items on the agenda at any time.

Speakers wishing to speak during the public comment period may sign up in person
immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting. At this meeting, a maximum of 30
minutes will be allotted for public comments. Questions posed during the comment time will
be recorded by the secretary and answered at the conclusion of the public comment period.
In the event the question needs additional research by the team, the question will be tabled
and answered at the next business meeting. No one may sign up for another person or
yield their time to another person. Generally, a person wishing to speak during the comment
period will be allowed two (2) minutes to address the School Organizational Team.
Speakers may also submit additional comments in writing.

It is asked that speakers be respectful to each other, SOT team members, the principal and
school district staff. Speakers that are disruptive will be asked to leave the meeting.

1.0 Welcome & Roll Call

The following members were present: Heather DiFulvio, Destinee Irons, Stacy Le Piere
(by video), Diane Ortiz, Jacqueline Ragin (by video), Tami Stilson, and Ted Wang.
The following members were absent: Amy Dockter-Rozar, Jason Gonzales, Lesharyn
Jackson, Paul MacAllister, Laurie Saposhnik, Tyler Thompson, Jonathan Ullman, and
Mary Young.

2.0 Public Comment Period (15 minutes maximum allotted)

2.1 Public comments (10 minutes @ 2 minutes per person)

Amy Nelson: Math Dept chair. We are worried that a math teacher will be cut. We need
the 6 math sections. Previously, I asked for a cap on math classes … Alg I, Geometry
and Alg II reg and honors to 36 to 1 ratio.

2.2 SOT discussion regarding public comments (5 minute maximum total)

3.0 New Items

3.1 Elimination of Dean’s positions
Stacy Byrne, assistant principal, 90 percent of other schools are cutting teachers to
cover another admin. Ms. Dockter-Rozar will not be cutting any teachers. She wants
to wait until September to see how funding is before making a final decision on hiring
another administrator. The dean position has been deleted. The final budget must be
submitted by June 19.

Ms. Byrne discussed the strategic budget positions. The allocation for supplies may
be used to fund an additional assistant principal.

Will every school lose a different amount of funds?

Ms. Byrne: We were allocated two deans and one AP. The principal paid an
additional amount to cover the cost of one dean and two APs. The principal does not
plan on cutting any teacher or support staff positions.
We are at 371 to 1 ratio of admin to students. Other districts are as high as 500 to 1.

Is there a chance that the dean position will be reinstated?

Byrne: We don’t believe so. We must submit a budget by tomorrow.

How much is a dean? Byrne: The cost is approx.. is $100,000.00 including benefits.
This is an average across the district. The new cost is now $142,000.00 for an AP

Byrne: Myself and Mr. Yee has split the previous Dean responsibilities between us and
discipline will be split alphabetically.

What happens to the dean secretary position? Byrne: Destinee has actually just
accepted a promotion to another position. Once another assistant principal is hired,
the principal may decide to fill the dean secretary position.

SOT members want to hold off on hiring another assistant principal until September.

Byrne: There is a rumor that there may be more funding provided for another assistant
principal position.
Byrne: Everyone found out about the deletion of the dean position at the same time
with the video sent out by the superintendent.

Byrne: The superintendent needs to cut 34 million for the next two years. He decided
to delete 17 million this year with the dean positions. He said other choices were
magnet programs, transportation, athletics, and performing arts.

3.2 Hiring of an additional Assistant Principal

The superintendent should have given each school a set amount to take out of their
budget instead of just delete everything himself. So far when that has happened,
teachers and support staff end up being cut.

So the principal will just submit the budget with just her position and two assistant
principals for admin.
Byrne: Yes that is correct.

Byrne: Money was placed in supplies for use in paying for another administrator

SOT members were checking previous budget information provided. Byrne: All dean
allocation monies has been cut. We will be using supply money to fund one additional
assistant principal and a third assistant principal position in September.

So $150,000 will be coming out of supplies to pay for an assistant principal so

classrooms will receive less supplies.
Byrne: Yes but the amount in supplies is not necessarily there for just supplies.

4.0 Public Comment Period (15 minutes maximum allotted)

4.1 Public comments (10 minutes @ 2 minutes per person)
Amy Nelson: Confirming that we will not lose the math position.
Byrne: No that position will not be cut.

Byrne: The superintendent said comprehensive high schools will receive two police
officers. I have made several calls and no one seems to know if we will receive police
or any funding.

4.2 SOT discussion regarding public comments (5 minute maximum total)

Stacy Le Piere approves the budget and Diane Ortiz seconds that motion.
All present SOT members voted to approve the budget.

5.0 Adjourn
Ted Wang called to adjourn and Stacy Le Piere seconded the motion. 12:40 p.m.

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