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West Career and Technical Academy

School Organizational Team Meeting
West CTA Library
August 14, 2019
4:00 pm
School Organizational Team Members:
Amy Dockter-Rozar, Principal
Heather DiFulvio, Parent Member
Jason Gonzales, Licensed Member
Destinee Irons, Support Staff Member
Lesharyn Jackson​, Student Representative*
Stacy Le Piere, Parent Member*-Absent
Paul MacAllister, Alternate Student Representative-Absent
Diane Ortiz, Licensed Member
Jacqueline Ragin, Parent Member
Laurie Saposhnik, Parent Member
Tami Stilson, Support Staff Member*
Tyler Thompson, Licensed Member
Jonathan Ullman, Parent Member-Absent
Ted Wang, Parent Member*
Mary Young, Licensed Member

This meeting agenda is posted publicly on the school website at ​​ .

The School Organizational Team may take items on the agenda out of order, combine two
or more agenda items for consideration, and remove an item from the agenda or delay
discussion relating to items on the agenda at any time.

Speakers wishing to speak during the public comment period may sign up in person
immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting. At this meeting, a maximum of 30
minutes will be allotted for public comments. Questions posed during the comment time
will be recorded by the secretary and answered at the conclusion of the public comment
period. In the event the question needs additional research by the team, the question will
be tabled and answered at the next business meeting. No one may sign up for another
person or yield their time to another person. Generally, a person wishing to speak during
the comment period will be allowed two (2) minutes to address the School Organizational
Team. Speakers may also submit additional comments in writing.

It is asked that speakers be respectful to each other, SOT team members, the principal
and school district staff. Speakers that are disruptive will be asked to leave the meeting.
1.0 Welcome & Roll Call

2.0 Public Comment Period (15 minutes maximum allotted)

2.1 Public Comments (10 minutes @ 2 minutes per person)
2.2 SOT Discussion regarding public comments (5 minute maximum)

3.0 Old Items

3.1 Approve minutes from last meeting
May Minutes approved in June
Motion to approve the June minutes-
Saposhnik-Motions to accept June Minutes
Ortiz-Motions second
Motion carried to approve the June Minutes

4.0 New Items

● Discussion of Math position
○ Will continue after count day

5.0 Principal’s Report

● 75% of budget up front and the other 25% in December
● Due to smaller sections, there were more prep buys this year
● Increase in student population 1430 vs projected 1378
● Is it better to have a long term sub or sell preps to other math teachers?
● Possibilities including cutting the position in lieu of prep buys or teachers sell preps
● Several options are on the table once count day happens
● Carry over is $200,000
● August 2019 budget is $330,915
● September 11, 2019 will be next SOT meeting-motioned by DiFulvio, seconded by
Thomspon, motion carries
● Count Day September 6, will determine the next course of action at next meeting
● Possible conversion of Dean’s position to 2nd AP position. Cost is approximately
● At this time there is no surplus of APs
● New secretaries hired for CTE and Dean’s
● New Wellness support will take place on campus in the form of mini courses
● A Decade of Excellence, WCTA celebrates 10 years

6.0 Member Reports

No Member reports

7.0 Public Comment Period (15 minutes maximum allotted)

7.1 Public comments (10 minutes @ 2 minutes per person)
Jan Snipes, Dean. Asks for consideration for changing the Dean’s position to Assistant
Principal position.
Discussion of the stresses involving academic achievement at WCTA and the impact on
student health and wellbeing. Asks that consideration be made to allow students more
opportunities to improve their grades.
Discussion of the possibility of having a crisis manager on campus.
Discussion of an opportunity for parents of incoming freshmen to get some help on what to
do for their students so they are successful.

7.2 SOT discussion regarding public comments (5 minute maximum total)

Parents are always welcome to attend WCTA PAC meetings or FCG meetings for more

8.0 Information

9.0 Adjourn
Saposhnik moves to adjourn
Thomspon seconds
Motion carries

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