Sublist 1 Exercise

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Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

analytical–available-research-legally-indicators-dissimilarities–periodically-economics-contract- factors

1. In 1993, a Florida judge ruled that a twelve-year-old boy who didn't want to be with his parents any
longer could __________ divorce them.

2. In learning a second language, some people are very __________ and want a rule for everything, while
others prefer to gather examples and imitate them.

3. She is working in an office downtown on a two-month __________, but is hoping to find a permanent
job pretty soon.

4. Bananas are __________ all year-round. They are harvested every day of the year.

5. Cynthia Nelms once remarked that if men liked shopping, they'd call it __________.

6. Hurricanes __________ devastate the economy of Guadeloupe.

7. Both weddings and funerals are important __________ of status in Hong Kong.

8. The two dictionaries are both useful for language learners, but they have a couple of important
__________ that allow them each to appeal to different learning styles.

9. One of the most important risk __________ for breast cancer is age.

10. Supporting programs that encourage people to do regular exercise is simply good __________ in that it
results in lower health care costs for society.

Recreate- source-benefits-policy-individualism-unresponsive-legislation-environment-financial-
1. A proper diet offers many __________, such as improved health and a sense of well-being.

2. Farming in Kuwait is practised at great __________ cost in order to reduce the country's dependence on
imported food.

3. I think we need __________ to protect consumers from genetically-modified foods until it has been
proven that this food is not harmful.

4. Management has been totally __________ in dealing with our concerns.

5. When driving your car, you should never attempt to pass another vehicle when you are __________ the
top of a hill.

6. The centre of our galaxy is a powerful __________ of energy.

7. I appreciate your __________, but sometimes you need to learn to work as part of a team.

8. According to the attendance _______ in this language program, you must attend at least 80% of classes.

9. The city is planning to __________ a town centre of the 1700s on the first floor of the museum.

10. In order to establish an __________ of trust in this office, we need to show respect for each other.
method- section-proceeded-assessed-involved-function-estimated-structure-consist-defined

1. I still don't even know how to use half the _______________ of this computer program.

2. The polar bear's diet _______________ almost entirely of seals and fish.

3. The coach's new _________ for teaching basic football skills to small children has been very successful.

4. Fever is usually _______________ as an oral temperature above 37.4 degrees.

5. The value of his art collection has been _______________ at over $200,000.

6. The first _______________ of the New York City subway was opened in 1900 after four years of work.

7. At an _______________ population of 40 million, there are more than twice as many kangaroos as
people in Australia.

8. In August 1990, about 15,000 vehicles were _____________ in the biggest traffic jam in Japan's history.

9. After loading our skis and bags, we _______________ onto the bus.

10. The eye of an octopus is very similar in _______________ to the human eye.


1. The police freed a suspected murderer because they didn't have enough ____________ to charge him.

2. It is important to learn a _______________ which will help you to guess the meaning of new vocabulary
from context.

3. When you didn't come to work I just _______________ that you were sick.

4. Many words in English are _______________ from French.

5. The woman was unable to _______________ the man who stole her purse because it had been too dark
at the time of the robbery.

6. The accident _______________ about 9:00 this morning.

7. Canada's aboriginal population _______________ a small but important part of our country.

8. An important _______________ under discussion in the world of sport today is the participation of
professional athletes in the Olympic Games.

9. Many _______________ now believe that vocabulary development is even more important than
grammar study for second language learners.

10. Jobs in the tourism _______________ have risen by over 5% this year.

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