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*T/O & E 55-202 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION WAR DEPARTMENT, AND EQUIPMENT Wasminoron 25, D. C., 18 March 1944. No. 55-202 HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, RAILWAY GRAND DIVISION Srcrion I. Organization: IL. Equipment: Weapons and miscellaneous. __. Vehicles Motor transport equip: Quartermaster: Organizational clothing. Individual equipment. Organizational equipment. Signal ‘Transportation. ment. SR omeaa ces Soma *This T/O & E supersedes T/O 65-202, 8 May 1943, including O1, 143June 1943, and T/E 88-202, 8 May 1948, ‘579701°—4—AGO 10 ot ony or oD Section I—ORGANIZATION Designation: Headquarters, }- Designation: Headquarters Company, t- Railway Grand Division Railway Grand Division BN B BEREPREESSREGEOSemsemmew seeueerasrssssskteetsesseneenneys Draftsman, meebanical. Foreman, machine shop. Signal mechante railway Surveyor. Water supply enaineer. Staff sergeant, incl ‘Mess ‘Technician, grade ‘Teobniclan, grade 1 ‘Technician, grade S}ineluding. Private frst class. ee Stock clerk ‘Telegraph operator ‘Telegraph operator. ‘Truck driver, light. ‘Truck driver, light — ‘Total enlisted._...--.. 0000 1 atalefslelr|s]o]w|u]ulu]u 6 : imo | |e i 2 = ley Bp 2) |3,03| 3 z Zeee |E|als £E| ¢ oa alelsdte | #/2/2) |. |fla a Bl eere | 8) @] 2] s 3 5 g ee lel elale|é ee = ela BiE|e| a giz alal2 elilelelila | ej@ 6° |S ]a)e| ale z|<|a Colne, railway operations superintendent [| tame, munter ot ea eet ei wey equipotent saperintendeat=———— R “This ually serves as an nd aa ee ry eee uate ie ‘Halfway malntenanes of way superintendent 8 {ene gu frm to 2 309 Rellwey supply offcet-----———— © vaste sat and nso. he Onnrata in) Al drive érucks, 3 op” sain cin Sietasiet tape : putbecs owe is lat Rallway bridge and building saperiateadent.—_| Por onlistod men, sxe AH C15 Eilts wre cketer | Sars Ta os 1 4 % i i= } wi Seucesesseacsorssces: lel wos! oat] Ald GNVUD SU ‘00 OH ANY DH Ald GNVUD XU ‘00 OH GNY DH Z0z-88 TB OL zoz- wx scam wF BEhoce More Beas . T/O & B 55-227 TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN Secrion I ORGANIZATION } i rail aleeiiedice lian con Designation: Company A, {-..... Railway Operating Battalion P| hi rrsex | Brlage ana 1 a] a fale] ofr] s] 0 [20] ufiz 2 mae | ler | a = nance Delggeand| g | piston | iatoon mainte | Tyaimtar 4 ig platoon | 230 z i ao] = ~ WED vow oe JE 4 ms A HeLa; ee 5 gz g\3 3 eS E & i a) 3 lylen algae g/e]ili | a) ERE a {iia|4|s 3 ns] a |= Ey a | Slale Ele |e| ale |a CHE leaaalzlall 1 ee 5 e—Continued, Ble || 2712/3 |2 la “s Hf, laos (a | 4a | pipefitce ian 2 [ea | ifaeaat ttemter ot | Betershevel eperaiar say"| ¢ | "Wl | : 3 3 battalion. 4%) Ri ited | 4 L ‘This organization 40 | Section hand railway (it yerforms track, @®)| Signnl mechante raliws 5 5 5 |. bree, building and ‘signal’ maintenance a 6 1 | | Incident to the main al $}| ecnatesl sergoant, {| 1| tenance ot the right 3 | B| _ Bridge foreman (541). )]Q)| of way snd sppure ao I 9 | Btafl sergeant, Includi 8| 4 | tenant structures. oS 10 Cem Rcesr teecaar OND ay }() Sewanee Ed mt Drefsc el see nan (1) (2) rhe adc $8) Truck driver, light (345)... | Bnpiy ly 1) G3) Goce era | Truck diver Ig (1) 4 Water suy s i) maintenance pla oO 1é| Wire‘ ebfet, telephone ‘and tooas. will Inergase a open clang. peat g eo 19 | SeSetion tore i Blivray miatate. « ‘Total costed. ..-.----.| é 18 Onna Including nanceof way suy a 16 | “kerk company tendeat On). Agsrornie, w| sin 8] Tiechheee taephone” aid SO Ratny trackers. : Jol o} eal ree en Ganges } Blea] MEM an Fea ey and building super Shovel, crawler mounied, asoline engine driven, tclerraph (28) ai| gest reten (i) | Blpal”sechants, ‘vigor (0710). Ral St] Tenhattan grade 8 vd 24 | Teohnlelaa gra eu. ¥ Bi 26 | Brivato first class... 67 |B ‘Tractor, erawier type, Die zi 2 | Private. ‘engine. driven. 8 21 | Automobile mechanto (014). malniennnes ‘of way DBHP, completo %| Blockwnith (021) Superintendent - w/bulldozer: ala 2 | ridge builder (03) orks E ‘Tractor, crawlartspo, 30] Bridge builder (02 1 Also drives truck. sel engine driven,” 118. Bt] Brkt inpwctor «ss ‘Also ets a3 mes: DBHF, standard, oom | Busler (0) senger. plete wlanglodocet. 83] Carpenter, constr For spectfication | & ‘Traler, low bea, 1e-ton BR) cirienc Sri tlaunhesstowa BUS Bre rte alee a5] Clerk, goneral (055). in parentheses, 500 arbino, eal. .30, & | Drottanson (or Rr bez 72/0 Car halftrack - M2A H | ratenan ro 73/0. outa machine i 38 ra na, meching, Brow Pai } cal, 0, MLbLoAS desk ao} Installer ™ Ho ‘phone and tolegraph (007). co] okt "opurting oie ‘phone and telegraph (097). 41 | teste ropotezaaa, tae iphone and telegraph (097) 42) tahtrpect man, survering oc0 000 43 ie i a hone and. S| 0 a oom 44) Uineman, "lelep a] | "Truck Gon, pridiiowee ‘telegraph (238). @)! @)!@)! w/wineh.. wesarecscreloes| AGO a5 ios 5 T/O & E 55-227 28 October 1943 TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN Sxorron I EQUIPMENT GENERAL 1. ‘This table is in accordance with AR 310-60, and it will be the authority for requisition in accordance with AR 35-6540, and for the issue of all items of equip- ment listed herein unless otherwise indicated. ‘This table rescinds all Tables of Basic Allowances and Tables of Equipment heretofore published except ‘T/E 21, Clothing and Individual Equipment, so far as they pertain to the allowances of equipment for the organization and individuals covered by this table. 2, When there appears a discrepancy between the allowances shown in column 2, “Allowances,” and column 4, “Basis of distribution and remarks,”’ the amount shown in column 2 will govern. 8. Items of clothing and individual equipment, components of sets and kits, spare parts, accessories, special equipment, special tools, and allowances of ex- pendable items are contained in the following publications: Chemical Warfare Service. Standard Nomenclature and Price List. Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Circular No. 1, OC of CWS. Corps of Engineers. Supply Catalog, Parts 1, 2, and 3. Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Series A. Medical Department. Medical Department Supply Catalog. Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Circular No. 26, SGO, WD. Ordnance Deparimen'. Standard Nomenclature Lists SNL, index to which is the Ordnance Pub- lications for Supply Index (OPSI). T/A for Cleaning, Preserving and Lubrieating Materials, Recoil Fluids, Special Oils and Similar Items of Issue. T/A 23, Targets and Target Equipment. Quartermaster Corps. ‘Table of Clothing and Individual Equipment, T/E 21. Allowanees of Expendable Supplies, Circular No. 1-18, OQMG. Components, Spare Parts, Accessories and Contents of Chests, Kits and Sets and Other Items of Quartermaster Property, Circular No. 4, OQMG, AR 30-3010, Items and Price Lists of Regular Supplies Controlled by Budget Credita and Price List of Other Miscellaneous Supplies. Signal Corps. Signal Corps Catalog (T/BA items). Circular No. 10-1, OCSigO, Allowances of Spare Parts, Accessories, and Expendable Supplies. AR 310-200, Military Publications, Allowance and Distribution. AR 775-10, Qualification in Arms and Ammunition Training Allowances. 4, These items of equipment are initially issued with combat vehicles as indi- cated in Standard Nomenclature List or such provisional list as may be in use pending publication of the Standard Nomenclature List; only replacement issue will be requisitioned on this authority, AGO ® 5 1/0 & E 55-227 TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN CHEMICAL 1 2 | 3 ‘ stem abe eon Basis of distribution and remarks bo ‘Alarm, gas, M1__-- il bow file J Apparatus, decontaminating 17 1 per fuel consuming mtr ¥-qt. capacity M2... 3 gallon, M1. Curtain, gasproof, Mask, gas, servie Respirator, dust, vehicle, except combat ve- hicks, in ‘T of Opna, | (Gee par 4, seo. IT of this table. In T of Opns. 4 2'per 20 indiy or maj fraction thereof in T of Opns. 1 per indiv. . 2 per wheeled fuel-consuming mtr vehicle; 1 per indiy regu- larly asgd fo # track laying vehicle, (Respirator, dust, MI will be issued until ex- hausted.) ENGINEER Blacksmith equipment, Set ect--| 2 |------ No. 1, engineers. Carpenter equipment: ‘Set No. 1, engineers quad_-sct../ 1 Bet No. 2, engineer pla- set.) 2 toon. Compressor, alr, skid sot-| 3 |- motinted, gasoline engine oliver, 105 CFM. urve: ‘Mechanical engineers, set_- lastie, set of 10, Railroad, plastic, set of set 30. Demolition equipment, Set set ‘No. 2, engineer platcon. Drafting equipment, Set set-- ‘No. 3, regiment. Knife, pocket, engineers, A-blade w/clevis. Library, reference, Set No. ea.— 2, company. Net, camouflage, cotton, shrimp: 20 x 29-Ft. ca. 26 x 44-1 ea.- Pole, ranging, metal, 6-Ft., ea-- complete. Pump, barrel, hand opera- ca-- | rotary. 1 per EM. _| 1 per trk, ¥ton, 4x 4, 1 per trk, over %ton; tir, over {-ton; tra. (Issited ‘in od or sand solid color in T of Opns only when and ag atzd by army or ‘T of Opns. comdr,) AGO & T/O & E 55-227 TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN 1 3 3 ‘ Allow: | Fe Item ceupu-| Basis oralstribution and remarks Pioneer equipment, Set set... No. 2, engineer platoon. Os set__| Pi fitting equipment, Set jo. 1. Rule, tape, stecl, push pull, oF. pees Shovel, crawler mounted, ea. asoline engine driven, Si 4-Cu. Yd. ainting equipment ‘Bes 'No. 1. . . i Supplementary equipment, fier heceeDe | Surveying equipment, Set set} 1 ‘No. 6, general purpose. ‘Tape, tmensuring: = iteel, metric and U. 8. Woven metallic, U. 8., 50-ft. Templet, map, transparent, ca. Tinsmith equipment, Set set_- Ae ‘ractor, crawler type, diesel engine driven 55-DBHP, complete w/ ca-- bulldozer, 13-DBHP, standard ea. complete w/angledozer. Teleragieetecs 16-ton. ea. 20-ton Zea. Welding equipment, Set set No, 2, oxyacetylene, 1 por trac, 55-DBHP. 1 per shovel gasoline engine Y-cu. yd; trac 113-DBHP. bs soe motor vehicle 24-Unit. Binocular, M13___ Carbine, cal. 30, M1A2__ MEDICAL Ago 33 1 per 4 fuel consuming mtr vehicles or fraction thereof, except combat vehicles (see par. 4, sec. II of this table). 1 per half track vehicle (see par. 4 see. IT of this table). lancous 1 per MG, cal. .50, pes FAG Browning 1 per off; EM not otherwise armed. T/O & BE 55-227 ‘fC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN’ Iter Gun, machine, Browning: Cal. 80, Mi919A4, fiexible---- HB, cal. .50, M2, flexible----- 2 3 For ‘com tation Basis of distribution and remarks 1 carr, pers, half-track, Maas. 1 por plat; car, half-track, M2Al. Mount, machine gun, cal. .50, ae 1 per plat. ‘AA, M3. Rifle, U. cal. .30, M1903 or 33 |.---= 25 percent of EM below Ist M1903A1. Ser. Watch, pocket, railway grade_---| 24 |. A “Motor transport equipment Axe, handled, chopping, single 12 |- 1 per fuel consuming mtr ve- bit, standard grade, 4-lb. hicle except combat vehicle, trae, shovel, compressor. Car, half-track, M2A1 w/o arm-| 8 |.----- ament. Chain, motor vehicle, to 16" long x Ko" dia__. 16! long x %”" dia... Defroster and deicer, electric windshield. Mattock, handled, pick, type II, Class 3, 5 Ibs. Rope, tow, 20’ long, 1” dia..--- Shovel, general purpose, D- handled, strapbacked tound point, No. 2. Tool Set (Complete with Tools), ‘Motor vehicle mechanics. Truck: H-ton, 4.x 4, W. C- 2Yeton, 6 x 6: Cargo. Dump w/winel 6ton, 6 x 6, prime mover w/winch. 1 per fue] consuming mtr ve- hicle, 1}-ton to 2}4-ton Incl, outside continental US. 1 per 8 fuel consuming mtr ve- ‘cles, 1-ton to 2M-ton incl, in continental US. 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle over 2%-ton, outside continental US except ‘com- bat vehicles, trac, shovel, compressor. Per 3. fuel consuming mtr ‘vehicle over 2¥4-ton outside continental US except, com- bat vehicles, trac, shovel, compressor. 1 per wheeled fuel consuming mtr vehicle. 1 per fuel ‘consuming mtr vehicle, except, combat vo- hicle, ‘trac, shovel, com- pressor. er fuel consuming mtr ve- flicle under 1}4-ton eapacity. 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle except combat ve- hiele, trac, shovel, com- pressor. Per mech, automotive (014). (Wiring mount). Ago % T/O & B 55-227 TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN QUARTERMASTER Organizational clothing tem ---ea.. Brassard, arm, gas----- Gloves, protective, imper- pr-- meable, ‘Atiow. | _ For ‘ances Basis of distribution and remarks 1 per gas O; gas NCO; gas sentry. 1 per 40 EM outside continen- tal US. (To be stored in the nearest available dep and issued as determined by T of Opns eomdr.) Mittens, asbestos, M-1942_-pr-_| 10 2 Suit, protective, ‘one-piece ea. 8 =] 7 Bet ga 8 MG ui y a per 40 EM outside continen- impermeable. Ral US. (Tobe stored in the nearest available dep and issued as determined by T of | Opns comer.) Individual equipment Bag, canvas, field, J ag gRavas, eld, od, 8. 1 per off, Belt: Cartridge, cal. .30, dis- ea. mounted, M-1923. revolver, Pistol or M-192¢ Carrier, pack, Cover, ‘eantea ed, M-1910. Haversack, M-1928. Poeket, magazine, bine, cal. .30, M1. Strap,’ carrying, od, canvas, field. Suspenders, beit, M—1936-_- bag, ea. Organizational Equip 1 per indiv armed w/rifte. 1 per indiy armed w/pistol only or carbine, cal. .30. 1 per EM. 1 per indiv. 1 per EM. 1 per indiv armed w/carbine. 1 per bay Per, gas canvas, fd, od, 1 per off. ment Axe, intrenching, M-1910, w/handle. sig Bag, canvas, water storiliz- ea__ ing, complete, with-cov- cr-and-hanger. Bit, wood-boring, anger, ea_ and, type A, size 4’? to 1’ by Sths. Bucket? Canvas, water, 18-qt--.ea_. General - purpose, gal- ca. vanized, heavy - weight without-lip, 14 -qt. AGO 35 1 per 10 EM in T of Opns, 1 per 100 indiy o1 Sr oceot: iv or maj fraction 1 per fuel consuming mtr vex ‘ele, except combat vehicle (sce ‘par , seo IT of table). oe ue T/O & E 55-227 TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN T/O & E 55-227 TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN 1 2 3 ‘ 1 2 a 4 For Allow | pompa- a | ee term ompa-| Basis of distribution nd remarks tem Alo compu | Basis of distribution and remarks Can: Saw, crosscut, Typo L, ea--| 9] _ Corrugated, nesting, galvanized | two-man, length 6 ft. rare Sereen, latrine-_____-___ ea} 2]. 32-gallon. Water, 5-gallon_. Carrier: ‘Axe, intrenching, M-1910 Pick-mattock, intrench- ing, M-1910. Shovel, intrenching, M-1043, Case, canvas, dispatch. Chest, record, fiber_ Desk, field, empty, fiber, company. Drills, breast, type A, plain, capacity ‘of chuck '%’ to Drum, inflammable-liquid ‘oline), with-carrying- fede, eal Flag, guidon, bunting. Fly, ‘tent, wall, large, com- ea_.| plete (with ~ pins - and- poles), 4 Funnels, with-strainer, 1- ea] qt. capacity. Glasses, sun, with-case_____- pr-- Goggles, M-1943, with pr jens. Grinders, bench, hand- ea ower, diameter of wheel Kit, sewing-- Lantern: Gasoline, two-mantle, ea. commercial. Lock, pad, brass Marking-outft, stamping: metal. Mattock, handled, pick, type-2, class-F, 64Ib. Pick-mattock, intrenching, M-1910 w/handle. ea. ees 86 234 1 per 5 indiv. (not to exceed 40 for any co.) 1 per axe, intrenching, M-1910. 1 per pickemattook, intrench- ing, M-1910. 1 per shovel, intrenching, Meio43. (Carr, shovel, in- trenching, M-1910 to be issued when shovel M-1910 is issued.) 2 per %-ton trk; 2%-ton trk; car, half-track; 4 per air compressor; 6-ton trk; 8 per shovel, gasoline; trac, caterpillar. 1 per indiv when ated by CO. 1 per driver fuel consuming mtr vehicle (goggles M-1942, complete to be issued until exhausted). 1 per 12 BM or maj fraction thereof. (Limited standard, to be is- sued only until exhausted.) 2 per 10 EM in T of Opns. AGO 8 Screwdriver: Common, type III, nor mal duty, Class C, single grip Length of Blade 3” Length of Blade 6” Length of Blade 12" Electricians’, 54’ blade_ Scythe, (complete with ca. anath) bush, length of blade, 21 Set, hand-saw_ ~ eae Shovel: General purpose, D-han- ca._ dled, strap-back, square point, No. 2. Intrenching, M1943. ea__ Scoop, coal, D: cop, cee! -handled ea_. Stencil outfit, complete ea. wfigures and letters }’” Pe ve, tent, complete, | grate, M1041. oe Stretcher, shoe, new-t Gizes 6, tana 3). Tent, command post, com- plete (withtping-and. | Poles). ‘Trumpet, G with elide to F, ea__ |, Plastic. Tube, flexible nozsle._______ea__ Typewriter, portable, with ea. carrying ease, Wheelbarrow Whistle, thunderer Wrench, adjustable, ores- ea, cent-type 15/16 x 8”, 7] Flashlight TL-122-( )__. Lineman’s egui; tT Teepe eC ML 150 er 10 EM in T of Opns. Shovel, intrenchivg, "Me 1910 will be issued in lieu thereof until exhausted.) Per tent CP. Per bgir. 1 re consuming mtr ve- icle except combat vehicles. Per fid desk 24 1 per sec foreman (198); Ist sgt (585). 83 per co; 1 per wheeled fuel consuming mtr vehicle, ex- eept combat vehicle. ' (See par. 4, sce. IT of this table.) AGO 85 ) & E 55-227 ‘TC MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN TRANSPORTATION ml ‘ Car, motor, railway, multigauge, | 10 Biman, heavy duty. For | sou | Basis of distrfbution and remarks -| 1 per track maint sec; bi a aoe sec. 1A. G. 320.5 (22 Sep 43).) By orpzr or Tar Secretary or War: Orriciau: J. A, ULIO, ‘Major General, The Adjutant General. G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. AGO % /ERMMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1948 T/O & E 55-227 OS o1 TRANSPORTATION CORPS MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION Cuanazs| WAR DEPARTMENT, No.1 Wasuinaton 25, D, C., 4 April 1944, 'T/O & E 55-227, 28 October 1943, is changed as follows: Section I * gelesen Column sea 1 aie we 18 | ero Hi i] eat eS Sy E Seu./trailer, low + a Z 2 Dp 3 (Wiel a i] slg Sxcrion IT EQUIPMENT gaia 3, Items of clothing and individual equipment, components of sets and kits, spare parts, secessories, special equipment, special tools, and allowances of expendable items are contained in the following publications: Transportation Corps. Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Army Service Forces Catalog, TCS. CHEMICAL, 1 2 3 Item Allowances ‘Basis of distribution and romaries Apparatus, deeontaminating: Le-qt. eapacity M2. 4% 27 | L per car, mtr, ry; fuel consum- ing mtr vehiele, except combat yehicles, in T of Opns (see par 4, sec II of this table). 24 4| 2 per 200 indiv or maj fraction hheroof in T of Opns. Kit, chemical agent detector, 1| Lin 7 of Opne, Curtain, gasproof, MI... M9. Mask, gas, service, light-weight, | 984 285 | Lperindiy (mask, gas sv will be M8-10A1-6. issued as directed by the WD until exhausted). ENGINEER 1 per bridge and building sec. Floodlight, carbide, portable- 3 Dill, pneumatic, portable, 1 iston type, non-reversible. s70701—4—AGO 14 /O & E 55-227 MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN 1 Item Allowances Dasis of distribution and remarks Net, camouflage, cotton, shrimp: 36 x 44-ft, Pump, sump, pneumatic, 3-in discharge, 175-GPM, at 24-ft head. Semi-trailer, low bed: 16-ton w{dolly._.. 20-ton w/doily_.. Shovel, erawler-mounted, gasoline engine driven, %-Cu. Y 23 26 «| 1 pert trk, eee Ye-ton; thr over ton; trac; compressor shovel, ermunlen mtd; car, alf track. Casued in ed or send solid eclor in T of crn only when end ea ated eh or F of So 3 ridge and building sec. 2) 1 per trae 56-DBUP, tl low ed, 16-ton may be substi- tuted until exhausted. 4 | 1 ger shovel gasoline engine YArcu. yd; trac 113—DBHP, tir low bed 20-ton may be substituted until exhausted, 1 | (To be equipped w/pile driver, - drag line bucket, dipper shovel, lifting crane, trench hoe, and clam shell). 13 Ravy Oper Bar as e Preiler low bed! Bites 2 | tpectene 55-DBEE, 20-ton. + per shovel gasoline engine, 3g eu 7d} trae L12-DBHP, ‘Tractor, crawler type, diesel en- gine driven: 55-DBHP, complete ea_. 2| To be equipped wlrear mtd w/bulldozer. single drum winch. 355 113-DBHP, standard ea__ Do. complete w/angle-dozer. MEDICAL Kit, first aid, gas casualty______| 9 | 1 per 25 indtv or maj fraction thereof in T of Opne. ORDNANCE Weapons and miscellaneous Carbine, cal. .20 MIA3_ Gun, machine, Browning Cal. .30, MIGI9A4, flexible... 481 182 ) | peroff; PMnototherwisearmed- 3 | 1 per cars; prs, half-track, MeA3 ‘M2Al. ‘Motor tranaport equipment Defroster and deleer, electrio windshield, ‘Tool sets (Complete with Tools: General mechanics’ ‘Truck: 2%-ton, 6 x 6: fargo." _ 16] 1 per wheeled fuel consumin, f mtr vehicle when atzd by of Opns comdr. 1 | 1 per mech (014). 4 | Per mesh automotive (014): Dump w/winch- 2 | (olring mount). (#/sing mount) 2 AGO 196 T/O & E 55-227 MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN QUARTERMASTER Individual equipment ft Item Allowances Basis of distribution and remarks Bag, canvas, Seld, od, MH10G8-—- 86 | T per off Belt: Pistol or revolver, M-1926_..... 48% 182 | 1 por indiv armod w/pistol only or carbine cal. .30. Cover, canteen, dismounted | 284 285 | 1 per indiv. M-i910. Cover, canvas, muzzle, rifle or 236 | 1 per rifle cal. .30 or carbine carbine. when atzd by CG, army or T of Opns. Pocket, magazine, for carbine, | 48: 182 | 1 per indiy armed w/carbine. cal. '30, M1. Strap, carrying, ed; beg; enmves; | & 6 | 1 per bag, canvas fld, od, M-1936, general purpose. (strap, carrying, od, bag, canvas, fid, will be issued until exhausted). Suspenders, belt, M-1936__...-—- & 6! 1 per oft, Organizational clothing Boots, rubber, hip or pr-- TS | 2 per track maint and bridge boots, rubber, knee. ‘and building sec. Organizational equipment Bag, delousing—- = W2 | 1 per 20 indio or maj fraction thereof in areas where_ louse-borne typhus is high when atzd by WD. or 7 | 1 per 35 indiv or maj fraction thereof in areas where louse-borne typhus is low when atzd by WD. Bucket: Canvas, water, 18-qt___ 20|1 per compressor; shovel, crawler mtd; fuel consuming mtr vehicle, exeept combat, ve- hicle (see par 4, see II of this table). Chisel, machinist, hand, cold, 4 | Zper sig mech ru (181). cut, ¥'". Cee tigee deed 6 | 1 per 40 indiv or maj fraction ‘thereof operating in ex- tremely cold areas, outside continental US. Frame, hacksaw, adjustable, 4 | 1per sig mech ry (181). straight handle type A, capacity 8" to 12". Glasses, sun, with-case. 984 236 | 1 per indiv when atzd by CO. Hammer, ‘machinists, ball- 6 | 1 per structural steel worker peen, 16-02. (100). Iron, soldering, non-electric, 6| 1 per limn, tp and tg T-4 pyramid-point, 1-1b. and T-5. Stone, sharpening, 6 x 2 * 1 32 inch. Torch, gasoline, cylindrical, 6 | 1 ner mn, tn and tg, T-4 and Se 3 T/O & E 55-227 MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BN SIGNAL Hom Allowances | Basis of distribution and remarks 6 6 Block equipment, TE-92 § | Iperimn, sp and ta, 7-4 and Gloves, LC-10_..-_.. 13 | 1 per imn, tp and tg (288). Hook: 6 6 Jack, LC-54. 3 | per Imn, tp and tg, T-4. Ladder, LC-1: 3| 1 per installer repairman, tp and tg (097). Pliers, TL-126_. j 15| 1 per installer repairman, | tp and tg (097); Imn, tp | and tg (238). Pole: | 6 PO-6_ 6 Pole support, LC-16_ +| 6 Shovel: é Soldering iron, TL-1i7 i 3 | 1 per installer repairman, tp and tg (097). Test set: EE-65-A. 1/1 per wire ehiet, tp and tg (261). 1-49. 1| per ry sig maint sec. Trimmer, 2 Voltammeter, I 7 Transportation Boiler water treatment, Set i No. 1. Car, railway, mutltigauge, 20|2 per car, mtr, ry, multi- 4-wheel, push. gauge, 8-man, hv dy. Crane, tractor, hyster model, 1 | Non standard. FTH-8 Railway Maintenance of Way Equipment, Set No. 1_ 2 27 | 8 per maint of way sec. Set No. 2_ = 1 Supplement: 1 Set No. 18. [A. G. 820.9 6 Mar 44).) By onver or tne Sxcrurary or Wan: Orrictan: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. G. 0. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. AGO 194 T/O & B55-22705 o2 TRANSPORTATION CORPS i MAINTENANCE OF WAY COMPANY RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION Cuaxon WAR DEPARTMENT, No.2 Wasmivorox 25, D. C., 18 August 1944. T/O & E 55-227, 28 October 1943, ix changed as follows: Section 1 ORGANIZATION Cotuma Une 1 2 | 4 10 | n | Remnrks zB aw) BAC stra # a ( | ua oftteer 6 74| = 2 aloo drive & track: iB 2 cy S ao & Bs n i is @ w $ a 3 Sxcriox II EQUIPMENT OBNERAL ms Tiems of clothing and individual equipment, somponente of sete and Kt Fe aris, accessories, special equipment, spetial tools, and allowances expendi able {tems are contained in the following publications: ortation Howaneos of Expendable Supplies, Army Service Forces Catalog Components of Sets of Equipment, Army Service Forces Catalog Spare Parts, Army Service Forces Catalog TC-7 CREMICAL 1 2 3 Tem Allowances Basis of distribution and remarks Apparatus, decontaminating: Lbrat. capacity, M2__ 2% 34! 1 per car, mtr, ry, fuel con- suming 'mtr_ ‘vehicle, Gos combat yehicles, ia ef outeide’” continental US when atzd by T of Opns comdr (see par 4, sec IL of this table) A 6| in F of outside conti- nentat US when atzd by T of Opns comdr. 8 gallon, M1__ AG0.G37B s0sT02"—44 T/O & E 55-227 o2 ‘TC, MAINTENANCE OF WAY CO, RAILWAY OPERATING BN ‘T/O & E 55-227 o2 TC, MAINTENANCE OF WAY CO, RAILWAY OPERATING BN 1 2 5 MEDICAL Item Allowances, Basis of distribution and remarks: v a 5 Curtain, gasproof, MI.. 4| 2 per 200 indiy or fraction aes sews |_Peaeie SiteRos padl nse theroof ia F ef Opns outside continental US when ated Kit, first aid, gas essualty_— © | 1 per 25 indiy or maj fraction by T of Opns comdr. hereof i © ef Opne; outside Kit, chemical agent detector, M9_| 1] iin £ ef outside conti- continental US when atzd nental US when atzd by T by T of Opns comdr. Maske service, ti a6 225 | 1 por ndv (mask light ask, gas, Hgntweight, 25 | 1 per indiv (mask, gas, sv lig Mo40AL6. Combat Mé- Weight, Ma 104F Gor MOLE. aru ai. see or poe gas, Bm ono will be issued in lien: of mask, : Tee oon bet ME ad Weapons and miscellancous directed by WD). until ex 30 M1... 483 1 off; EM not otherwise Respirator, dust, M2. 82 86| 2 per wheeled fuel-consuming eee 78) 8 Bened (SNL B-28)- ante velicle, Tapes ingly fen. Rifle, U. 8. cal. .80, M1903 or | 3 52 | 25 percent of EM below Ist 8 er larly asgd ‘to a track-laying Mig0AT. (SNL B-3). vehicle (respirator, dust, M1 Watch, pocket: will bo ‘issued in liete of Railway grade 24 «11/1 per tsgt bridge foreman respirator, dust, M2 until Gin; sot const foreman exhausted). (059); sec foreman (198); apf, gee foreman. (198) (SNL 36). aoe 7 or 15 jewel__ 13) 1 per ry maint way superin- tendent (0715); ry track Breaker, paving, pneumatic 8 | L per compressor 105 cu ft. in supervisor (0717); ry bridge addition to regular equip. and building supervisor Compass, lensatic, luminous 1| 1 per ry track supervisor (0716); ry sig maint super- dial type, w/cai (or7. visor (0718); asst ry maint Goggles, evecup, tmpact re- 131 | 1 per auto mech (014); black- way superintendent (0715); sisting, chippers and grind- ‘smith (024); bridge builder epl sec foreman (198); ept ers. (035); cptr (050); structural sig mech (181); ept lmn tp steel worker (100); pipefitter and tg (238) (SNL F-36). (162); sec hand (198); stone- mason (214). Drill, pneumatic, portable, 3 | 1 per compressor 105 cu ft in onpNaNcn rock. ‘addition to regular equip- ment. Motor transport equipment Net, camouflage, cotton: Shrimp: 29 x 20-Ft_. 2 6 | 1 por trk, %ton; ¢lr, I-ton, Axe, handled, chopping, single | 42 14 | 1 per fuel consuming mér vehicle 86 x 4-Ft_ 26 90 1 por tris, over %ton; ‘trac; bit, standard grade, 4-1b. except combat vehicle, tras, te] over ‘Lten; compressor; 2 i shovel, compressor (SVE J-6). per shovel; ermwler mtdy ene; Chain, motor yehiele, tow: + semitrailer. 16’ long x He” dia 8 9 | 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle, Twine fabric garnished, 15 2|4 per mount, ground, MG, Lé-ton to 234-ton incl, outside x 15-Ft, cal, .50, continental US when atzd by Scale, plotting, fat, boxwood, 1 . T of Opns (SNL M-3). length 6-In., graduation Ft- 16’ long x $4’ dia.. 1 | 1 per 3 fuel consuming mtr vehicle Yd, seale 120,000. over 2i4-ton, outside in conti- Seale, plotting, flat, boxtood, 1 nental US, except combat ve~ length 6-In,, graduation Ft- hicles, trac, shovel, compressor Yds, scale 1-62500. (SNL M-3}. Tank, storage, canvas, water, 4 Defroster and deicer, electric | 48 414 |1 per wheeled fuel consuming 3000-Gal. complete. windshield. mtr vehicle, 2 AGO 637B Aco 6878 3 T/O & E 55-227 o2 ‘TC, MAINTENANCE OF WAY CO, RAILWAY OPERATING BN 1 2 a dtom Allowances Basis of distribution and remarks: Mattock, handled, pick, type I, | 42 24 | 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle, Class ff, 5 Ibs. except combat vehicle, trac, shovel, compressor (SNL J-6). Rope, tow, 20 long, 1’ dia______ a 3 | 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle ee 1-ton capacity (SNL Shovel, general purpose, D-| 43 24 | 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle handled, strapbacked round except combat vehicle, trac, point, No. 2. shovel, compressor (SVE J-6): Vehicles Trailer, I-ton, 2-wheel, water 3] (SNE 527. tank, 250 gallon. : a8 ton, Ax 4, W. ©. Si if x4, W. C... a 3] (SNL G-502). Qé-ton, 6 x6: : gO 2 3 | (SNL G-508), UARTERMASTER Organizational clothing Brassard; erm; ges _ e1ee._| 8 | 4 per gas: NCO; gas sentry: Gloves, protective, imperme- pr] 8 65 er fot ‘or maj fraction able. ‘hereof outside continental US when atzd by T of Opns comdr. {Le be stered in the nearest available dep and is sued as determined by EF ef Mittens, asbestos, M-1942___pr__| 10 | 2 per cal. .50 MG except in armd vehicles. Suit, protective, one-piece, ea 8 5] 1 per 40 EM or maj fraction impermeable. thereof outside continental US when atzd by T of Opns comdr. €o be stored im the nearest avaliable dep and is- sted as determined by P of ‘Opne eomdr) 4 AGO 687B T/O & E 55-227 c2 TC, MAINTENANCE OF WAY CO, RAILWAY OPERATING BN. Individual equipment 2 ftom Allowances Basis of dlstsfbution and remarks Belt: Cartridge, cal. 20, M-1923, ea__| dismounted. Pistol or revolver, M~1936-ea__| --e8. Cover: Canteen, dismounted M-1910.. Canvas, muzzle, rifle or earbine | M-t02 = 08. Segeereearernitt Pack, field, cargo-. Pack, field, combat Suspenders, pack, and-combat Pocket, magazine, for earbine, al, .30, Mi, 63 62 483 173 285 225 285 225 219 219 219 483° 173 1 per indiv armed w/rifle. 1 per indiv armed w/pistol only or carbine cal. .30, M1. 4 per EM, 1 per indiy. 1 per rifle eal. .30 or carbine al. -30, Mi when eid by GG, heniy OF FEO Eper EM 1 per EM (haversack, M1928 and carr, pk, M1928 or pk, fd will be issued until ex- hausted in lieu thereof). Do Do. 1 per indiv armed w/carbino, Organizational equipment Axe, intrenching, M-1910, ea_.| ‘w/handlo, cot water sterilizing, po- Tous, complete with cover- and-hanger. Bucket: Canvas, water, 18-qb--- AGO 637B 23 22 a wo or 7 6 90 22 5 1 por 10 EM outside contl- nental US when ated by ta T of Opns: comdr. 1 per 100 indiv or maj fraction thereof (Bag, canvas, water sterilizing, complete w/cover and hanger will be issued in lieu thereof until ex- hausted, 1 per 20 indiy or maj fraction thereof in areas where louse- borne typhus is high when atzd by WD. 1 per 88 indiv or maj fraction thereof in areas where louse- borne typhus is low when atad by WD. 1 per compressor; shovel, crawler mtd; fuel consuming ‘mtr ve- hicle, except combat vehicle (soe par. 4, sco IT of this table). ‘T/O & E 55-227 o2 ‘TO, MAINTENANCE OF WAY CO, RAILWAY OPERATING BN Tem Basis of distribution and romarks er: ‘Axe, intrenching, M-1910_ea__| Pick-mattock, intrenching, ‘M-1910. Shovel, intrenching, ea. M-1943, Clipper, hair. Barber, w/case. | Sowing-- --ea.| Pick-mattook, intronching, ea. M=1910 w/handien Shovel: Intrenching, M-1943_....e0. Tube, flexible nozzle... 1 per axe, intrenching, M-19i0, er plok-mattoek, intrenching, -1911 1 per shovel, intrenching, M-1943 (carr, shovel, intrenching, M- 1910’ to be issued when shovel intrenehing M-1910 is issued). 1 per 40 indiv or maj fraction hhereof operating in extremely cold areas, outside continental US when atzd by T of Opns comdr. ra L per car, mtr ry; 2 per Yeton ‘trk; 24¢-ton tris; eax; + 4 per air compressor; 6-ton trk; 8 per shovel, gasoline; trac, + ee consuming per mi wehicle {goggles M1042; eom- to be issued until ex- 1 per indiv regularly assigned to a track laying vehicle ex- cept combat vehicles; Imn; 2 per fuel consuming mtr vehicles except car, ry, and track laying vehicles. Outside continental US when atzd by T of Opns comdr. 1 12 EM or maj fraction ereof. 2 per 10 EM in & of out- side continental US when atzd by T of Opns comdr. 7 per 10 EM in £ of out- side continental US when atzd by T of Opns comdr (hovel, intrenching, M-1910 Will be’ issued in lieu thereof until exhausted), 1 per car, mer, ry; fuel con suming ‘mtr ‘vehicle except comnbat vehicles; compressor, air. Allowances: 28 22 6 4d 460 153 6 86 101 20 b2 1 w 18 4 160 153 wo 37 6 AGO 6378 T/O & E 55-227 ca TC, MAINTBNANCE OF WAY CO, RAILWAY OPERATING BN SIGNAL 3 Auger LC-34. Axle RL-27-A. Bag BG-44 Belt LC-23. Block Equipment TE-92. Block Set LC-4. Cable Assembly CC-345 ea. 500 foot ki Clamps LC-24. Climbers LC- pr__ Coil C-114-A_ Drawbar LO-44 File Equipment Frame MT-204/MT. Gloves LC-29- Grip MX-208/ Hammer HM-1 Lantern, Electric, able, Hand. Key: Pole Binder L be -ea.. Railway Maintenance ea. Kit, MK-29/G. Reel: Frame FM-81. Unit RL-31 Relay SW-37_ Tail Gate Step 134/MT. Telephone EE-8... Test Set. E48. ESL. Multimeter Precision #844 Portable 3F4073-1 (Non-Std). Tool Equipmeni TE-33. TE-49. Trailer K-36 Wire W-110B on DR-4. “Reet Allowances: SORRY Ss RamannnSaSm rete peer Basis of distribution and remarks pee lin, ti and pera Non-standard. 4G0 6378 o2 TC, MAINTENANCE OF WAY CO, RAILWAY OPERATING BN ‘TRANSPORTATION a a Tom ‘Allowances | Basis of distribution and remarks Auto-railer, for CMG, 2/1 per track maint plat; Model CCKW Cargo bridge and bldg platoon. trk, std gauge. Boiler Water Treatment, set. Locomotive, Set No. Car, motor, railway 3| Lper track maint plat multi-gauge, 4-man, ‘and building plat inspection. maint sec. Railway Maintenance of ‘Way Equipment: Set No. 1 27 | 3 per maint of way se bridge - and building sec. TA. @. 320.3 (4 Auz 44.) By orver or Tan Sxcrerary or Wan: Opricran: J. A. ULIO, Major General, ‘The Adjutant General. G. OC, MARSHALE, Chief of Staff. wa. covennmenr *T/O & E 55-229 TABLE OF quant} WAR DEPARTMENT, AND EQUIPMENT aU WasuinetTon 25, D. C., 28 October, 1943. No. 55-229 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION Page Szecrion_I. Organization ..... 000.0222 - oo 2 ae eee eee renee 2 II. Equipment: General.) 20 estes. oul Jon t ese ee) 3 CRemical | seJoon ete. lineal. Tie sae 3 4 Pingineerts|.> tual. Bids ee eo niauid_ les eile 4 Medical. id 154318 8 beso ol so lee Jos. Seu 4 Ordnance: Organizational equipment_._.---.---------------- 4 Motor transport equipment -_-_--_____-_____-------- 5 Quartermaster: Organizational clothing___...__._.____--_-------- 5 Individual equipment___....---.-----_---------- 5 Organizational equipment__..__..----.----------- 6 Signal 2.144.245 4-desseek oscil sc ihemnbeteee teat. 7 *This table supersedes T/O 5-129, 1 April 1942. 557151°—483-——AGO 37 T/O'& E 55-229 OOD x wor T/O & B 55-229 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 28 October 1943 Sxction I ORGANIZATION 5 a ; \ Designation, Company C, |———— Railway Operating Battalion Section II 1 alalals | el: |s : EQUIPMENT |_| || GENERAL “ae 1. This table is in accordance with AR 310-60, and it will be the authority s g DI ‘ # E toons (each) for requisition in accordance with AR 35-6540, and for the issue of all items gle |e of equipment listed herein unless otherwise indicated. This table rescinds Unit 3 a 3 i. m1» all Tables of Basic Allowances and Tables of Equipment heretofore published &| 8 Se 85 g 3 3 Remarks except T/E 21, Clothing and Individual Equipment, so far as they pertain to 4 B ag ay 32 5 3 the allowances of equipment for the organization and individuals ‘covered by = es a . als |x 3 this table. 4 3 3 2 g g Z 2. When there appears a discrepancy between the allowances shown in column lero [Aa Pla ince, 2, “Allowances” and column 4, ‘Basis of distribution and remarks,” the amount endlees| 41 ik 4| | }ilnsert ntmaber of bat shown in column 2 will govern, | F e1|----| 1 : ----| talion. . 3. Items of clothing and individual equipment, components of sets and kits, 22 | lecinits et} One transportation com-~- . i i i Fatal eerenincioned ||| ||| pany assigned to each op- spare parts, accessories, special equipment, special tools, and allowances of ex- i | pate wth ela eo reli ettl sees eratns Pere Cen ee pendable items, are contained in the following publications: eee pon SS) car aiae Ufa 1| 1| vides sufficient train crews Chemical Warfare Service. ‘Administration (502)... Oe] yl hea ean operation Standard N. lat d Price List Trsoottiotive etieinesr (ii0) @ “ag le=|" ti B R of a fraine per day. tandar omenclature an Tice is i ee 4} Vi) 1] 6} 4 PY RUE Oa. Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Circular No. 1, OC of CWS. Yardmaster (265) ee “3 (2)| (1)|__° Road foreman, railroad Corps of Engineers. Su (a2 ----| (3) 8 engines (0720). eae andi wD 1 d Assistant to train- Supply Catalog, Parts 1, 2 and 3. eeomanetan, Elway (303 (8) aE ae truck. Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Series A. Clerk, company (405 ip (| eee ete _ierial Medical Department. Technici de 4 . Sania ene i pees Brads Oly ana? BO | 2 | theses, see AR 615-26. | Medical Department Supply Catalog, Private first class. Dg. --------- nae Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Circular No. 26, SGO, WD. TiVO. . = .2=—... Brakeman, railway (033) Ordnance Department. t 1 i ater GRE Standard Nomenclature Lists SNL, index to which is the Ordnance Olerk, typist (408). -------- Publications for Supply Index (OPSI). era ence Cle ore £288) T/A for Cleaning, Preserving and Lubricating Materials, Recoil Fluids, a ae (110) - Special Oils and Similar Items of Issue. que paver light (345) - T/A 28, Targets and Target Equipment. ic os emma a 8 ecay Quartermaster Corps. Total enlisted............-.------ fa. Table of Clothing and Individual Equipment, T/E 21. Ageregate.........-.------------- mA Allowances of Expendable Supplies, Circular No. 1-18, OQMG. © Carbine, cal. .30_... Components, Spare Parts, Accessories and Contents of Chests, Kits 8 ean monehine, call and Sets and Other Items of Quartermaster property, Circular No. 4, 0 Truck, 84-ton, wea: 1 OQMG. OB Erucky:27a-L0U Cargo Ue AR 30-8010, Items and Price Lists of Regular Supplies Controlled by Budget Credits and Price List of Other Miscellaneous Supplies. Signal Corps. Signal Corps Catalog (T/BA Items). Circular No. 10-1, OCSigO, Allowances of Spare Parts, Accessories, and Expendable Supplies. AR 310-200, Military publications, Allowance and Distribution. | AR 775-10 Qualification in Arms and Ammunition Training Allowances. 2 AGO 37 AGO 327 T/O & E 55-229 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION CHEMICAL 1 2 3 4 Items Allow- |For com- Basis of distribution and remarks ances | putation Alarm, gas, M1__-------------- hl separa Apparatus, decontaminating: 14-qt. capacity, M2__---__--. i ae 1 per fuel consuming mtr ve- icle in T of Opns. Seaton, wee AS _ _PeraOee Oe, Bec In T of Opns. Curtain, gasproof, M1__-.--_--- 80) CL bes 2 per 20 indiv or maj fraction thereof in T of Opns. Mask, gas, service__.._--------_-_ B07 (Poe. 1 per indiv. Respirator, dust, M2....--.---- aL sen = 2 per wheeled fuel consuming mtr vehicle. (Respirator, dust, M1 will be issued until exhausted.) ENGINEER Knife, pocket, engineers, 4- ea__| 302 |------ 1 per EM. blade w/clevis. Net, opmioudage, cotton, shrimp: Poh a aes Wieesoee 1 per trk, %-ton. 36 : Age Ep ee ee OF) TEU RPP ESEMIES 1 per trk, 2%-ton. Issued in od or sand solid color in T of Opns only when and as atzd oy army or T of . Opns comdr. Templet, map, transparent, ea__ 2) jaausas MEDICAL Kit, first aid, motor vehicle, L aS0% S, 1 per 4 fuel-consuming mtr 12-unit. vehicles or fraction thereof. ORDNANCE Organizational equipment Binoculars, M13__- _------------ 40 |_--__- 1 per twin MG mount. Carbine, cal. .30, M1A2__.______ 233) |ot.-=- per indiv not otherwise armed. Gun, machine, Browning, cal. .50, SOs ese cke 2 per twin MG mount. M2, (T. T.). Mount, machine gun, twin, cal. 40 |------ 1 per tn. .50, Rifle, U. 8. cal. .30, M1903A3 (ee ee 1 per 4 EM below Ist 3 gr. or Mi908A1. Watch, pocket, railroad grade_._.| 267 |_----- 1 per indiv except: clk (055); sup 8 sgt (821); co clk typist (405); bglr (803); s clk, (324;) trk driver (845); basic (521); epl (405); sup elk ma t sgt (502); s sgt (052). 4 AGO 37 T/O & E 55-229 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION Motor transport equipment 1 2 3 4 Items Allow- |Forcom-| —_asis of distribution and remarks ances | putation Axe, handled, chopping, single 2 pn oeee 1 per fuel consuming mtr ve- bit, standard grade, 4 lb hicle, Chain, motor vehicle, tow, 16’ t |----4. Per fuel consuming mtr ve- long x Ae dia. hicle, 144-ton to 2%4-ton inel, outside continental US. 1 ee Per 3 fuel consuming mtr ve- hicles, 14-ton to 24-ton incl, in continental US. Defroster and deicer, electric, 2 enue 1 per mtr vehicle when atzd windshield. y T of Opns comdr. Mattock, handled, pick, type II, a 1 per fuel consuming mtr ve- Class F 5 |b. hicle. Rope, tow, 20/ ‘long, 1”’ dia_____- 1 ede. Per fuel consuming mtr ve- hicle under 1!4-ton capacity. Shovel, general purpose, D-han- 2 h-- 1 per fuel consuming mtr ve- dled, strapback round point, hicle. o. 2. Truck: ¥%-ton 4 x 4, weapons carrier__-_ PT eos: 2%-ton, 6 x 6 cargo...-=------ =. QUARTERMASTER Organizational clothing Brassard, arm, gas_---------- ea.- Gloves, protective, imper- pr-_- meable. Mittens, asbestos, M—1942__pr.__ Suit, protective, one-piece ea-- impermeable. 8. [bona 1 Be a off; gas NCO; gas sentr § lta J2 1 oa 40 ‘EM outside continen- tal US. (To be stored in nearest available dep for is- sue as determined by T of Opns comdr.) 160 |__---- 2 per cal. .50 MG. Sir liras 1 per 40 EM outside continen- tal US. (To be stored in nearest available dep for is- sue as determined by T of Opns comdr.) Individual equipment Bag, canvas, field, od, M-— ea_-_ 1936. Belt: Cartridge, cal. .30, dis- ea__ mounted, M-1923. HG or revolver, M- ea-_- Carrier, pack, M-1928_--__- ea. Cover, canteen, dismount- ea__ ed, M-1910. Haversack, M-1928____---- ea... AGO 37 See oe 1 per indiv armed w/Trifle. ee 1 per indiv armed w/carbine. boos 1 per EM. ee 1 per indiv. i canon 1 per EM. T/O & E 55-229 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 9 3 Items aay peed Basis of distribution and remarks Pocket, magazine, for car- ea__| 233 | _____ 1 per indiv armed w/carbine. bine, cal. .80, M1 Strap, carrying, od, bag, ea_- Of feeds 1 per bag, canvas, fid, od, canvas, field. M-1936. Suspenders, belt, M—1936___ea__ Danone 1 per off. Organizational equipment Axe, intrenching, M-1910, ea__ BO) ssets 1 per 10 EM in T of Opns. - w/handle. Bag, canvas, water steri- ea__ BN ede 1 per 100 indiv or maj fraction lizing complete, with- thereof. cover-and-hanger. Bucket: Canvas, water, 18 qt______ ea__ Gre eae 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle. General-purpose, gal- ea__ or vanized, heavy-weight, without-lip, 14-qt. Carrier: Axe, intrenching, M-1910__ea__ BOL nema 1 per axe, intrenching, M-1910. Pick-mattock, intrench- ea__ 60 oe er Bene intrench- ing, M-1910. ing, M-19 Shovel Pirenehilns, CAscl 1212 ean 1 per aa intrenching, M-1943, -1943. (Carr. shovel, in- trenching, M-1910 to be issued when shovel M—1910 is issued.) Case, canvas, dispatch.___-_- ea. C1 eee Chest, record, fiber. = 21! tex. ea__ Wee = Can, water, 5-gallon b aeethere ea_- 40 |.----. 1 per 5 indiv. (Not to exceed 40 for any co.) Desk, field, empty, fiber, ea__ Bt ie nee company. Drum, inflammable-liquid ea__ (i ees 2 per %-ton trk; 4 per 2%-ton (gasoline), with-carry- trk. ing-handle, 5egal. Flag, guidon, bunting_______ ea. 1 eee Fly, tent, wall, large, com- ea__ ee plete (with-pins-and-poles). Glasses, sun, with-case______ pros| oU er ees 1 per indiv (when) atzd by CG) Goggles, M-— 1948, with clear pr__ 2 joy dak 1 per driver fuel consuming lens. wheeled mtr vehicle (Gog- gles, M-1942, complete, to be issued until exhausted. Kit, sewing..-..-.----.---- ea__ 26 |b... 1 per 12 EM or maj fraction thereof. Lantern: Gasoline, two-mantle, ea__ 2 commercial. Kerosene, army-__-.------ ea. _ That. Marking - outfit, stamping- ea__ t Pd Issued until exhausted metal. 8 AGO 37 T/O & E 55-229 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION Items Pick-mattock, intrenching, Basis of distribution and remarks 2 per 10 EM in T of Opns. 7 per 10 EM in T of Opns. (Shovel, entrenching, M— 1910 will be issued in lieu thereof until exhausted.) Per tent CP. Per bglr. 1 per fuel consuming mtr vehicle. 1 per desk, fid, empty, fiber, co. 1 per off, 1st sgt., t sgt. ea_- 60 |------ M-1910, ‘w/handle. Screen, latrine___--__---___ 2 Shovel, intrenching, M—1943_ - 212 |__-.-- Stencil outfit, complete ea__ T |eseece with- figures-and- letters, ¥-in. and 1-in. Stove, pais M-1941, com- ea__ 1 |_.--.- plete, with-grate. Stretcher, shoe, new-type ea__ 1 j___--- (Sizes 6, 1 and 2). Tent, command post, com- ea_. A ieee plete (with-pins-and- poles). Tool-set, (complete with- ea__ 1 Wied Blacksmiths (No.- 1). Trumpet, G with Slide to ea__ [ |----2 F, plastic. Tube, flexible nozzle_______- ea__| Typewriter, portable, with- ea__ rn carrying-case. Whistle, thunderer_____-_-_-- ea__ O lec | | | I SIGNAL | Flashlight TL-122-( )_--.--_.- 67 |_----- | {A. G. 320.3 (22 Sep 43).! By ornpER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: OFFicia: J. A. ULIO, Major General The Adjutant General. AGO 37 7 1 per off; per EM Ist 8 gr; sgt; wheeled fuel consum- ing mtr vehicle. G. C. MARSHALL, - Chief of Staff. . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1943

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