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Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 1

Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders

Ezekiel Nwaigwe
Sarah Moran
Bianca Mendoza
David Ignacio
Justen Dayrit
Nutrition 557 Experimental Foods - Research Project
San Francisco State University
December 7, 2019
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 2


Three different protein pancake samples were created, with the control exclusively using

⅔ cup almond flour, the 50/50 sample using ⅔ cup almond flour and ⅔ cup whey powder, and

the 100% Complete substitution using ⅔ cup Whey powder. All samples followed the same

procedure with all of the respective ingredients mixed together to create the batter. Objective

tests were performed; results revealed the 50/50 sample to have the greatest volume of

175​cm^3, and to be the most fluid with a spread increase of about 10mm, the 100% whey sample

had a volume of 151cm^3 and a spread of about 7mm, and the control had a volume of 175​cm^3

and spread only 1mm. Subjective testing from participants was done to assess appearance,

texture, taste, and aftertaste using scorecards. The tallied results showed that the 50/50 sample

scored to be the best in all categories and scored a total of 3.9 for taste on a scale of 1-5, as

opposed to 3.2 for the control, and 2.4 for the 100% whey sample.
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 3


A majority of the time that we have spent as nutrition and dietetics students we have

learned about preventative healthcare and helping to lose weight for people at risk. These are the

most important individuals in both the clinical and communal setting, however we never take the

time to use our knowledge for the people who are trying to go above and beyond just regulatory

nutrition practices. For our project our group decided to create protein pancakes for

bodybuilders. Being health and nutrition students, we decided to take a different approach than

the conventional weight loss demographic and chose to target the muscle gain population. The

purpose of the pancakes are to recreate a breakfast staple that is not usually accepted or part of

the daily routine of these individuals who have adopted specific dieting habits. Our project

consisted of three separate pancake recipes all of which help with weight loss and muscle gain.

One with only almond flour as the main ingredient, one as protein powder as the main ingredient

and the last variation with a 50/50 mix of both. The underlying concepts that we are testing for

includes leavening agents of the flour or protein mix in the water and egg mixture accompanied

by the baking powder. The chemical process of the baking powder mixing with the dry

ingredients to create carbon dioxide is what forms bubbles during the mixture and creates a

fluffy pancake (Mcwilliams, 2017).

Our purpose for testing out these methods is to help find which pancakes are best for

bodybuilding whether it includes putting on weight or cutting down weight. This experiment also

demonstrates the varying abilities starch has in selective amounts, this can also give us a better

understanding of how these substances react in combination with each other by studying

objective details such as height, diameter, cooking time and spread ability.
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 4


In bodybuilders protein is an important component to muscle repair in the body.

Bodybuilders are constantly lifting heavy weights which causes tears in the muscles. When

bodybuilders consume protein in their daily meals it provides the necessary amino acids to help

muscles grow and repair. Protein can be found in meat, poultry, eggs, fish and dairy and can also

be found in grains, legumes, nuts and seeds and vegetables. According to the book Advanced

Nutrition and Human Metabolism by Jack L. Smith (2018) “ Most Americans consume most

proteins at evening meals and less at breakfast”. Bodybuilders prefer to consume a larger amount

of protein and lower amount of carbohydrates. For our research project we decided to

experiment with a meal that bodybuilders can consume in the morning which contains whey

protein. Whey protein in the body is fast acting because it releases amino acids into the body.

“ Ingestion of fast proteins better stimulates muscle protein and whole-body protein synthesis

than slow proteins both at rest and following resistance exercise”(Smith, 2018, pg. 201) The

quality of protein is an important factor when it comes to bodybuilding because different proteins

different effects in muscles. The whey protein that was used for our research was made out of

animal which is the most ideal for body builders. “ Higher consumption of animal-based protein

foods are associated with greater gains in lean body mass in individuals participating in

resistance/strength training exercises” ( Smith, 2018, pg.201) In comparison with plant-based

protein that is usually missing a couple essential amino acids.

Moreover, when testing out whey protein in pancakes the results varied as we conducted

each trial differently. Result vary in taste, appearance, and texture in each trial conducted. The

reason why whey protein changes in each trial because whey protein is subject to denaturing
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 5

when protein bonds come in contact with heat during baking, this result may be reason for the

reported dry and crumbly pancake textures. This was displayed when using our 50/50 recipe.

The pancake texture was less fluffy than the control sample do to the denaturing of proteins.

However, that doesn’t change the quality of protein that the mixture contains. According to the

blog 5 tips for baking with Whey protein powder by Liz Lotts (2016),“When mixture is in raw

form the molecules are basically knotted clumps of amino acids held together by bonds. When

heat is applied the bonds break from their knotted state to become a liner formation. The

structure of the molecules changes but the composition does not”.

Although, whey protein can be hard to mask in baking goods like pancakes. In our 50/50

and 100 percent, participants mostly tasted the whey protein. One of our main objectives for this

lab was to also enhance flavor while maintaining low carbohydrate and high protein qualities.

However, whey protein is hard to mask in baking goods. In a particular study comparing the

effects of whey protein on muffin results, the authors found that whey protein resulted in an

unpleasant and dry aftertaste (Andersson, 2016). These results were consistent with the data

collected by the group experiment.

According to The United States Dairy Export Council, whey protein is also extremely

sensitive to changes in pH (Burrington, 2012). As the cooking of the pancake batter increases the

heat, pH levels decrease thus creating an unstable environment favoring protein denaturation.

The negative “astringent” and bitter aftertaste can be due to the denaturing of proteins in the

whey-isolate powder.
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 6


Our method of creating the pancakes on the final day of testing went smoothly after we

cleared some rough patches the previous two times. We gathered the ingredients together which

included: Almond flour, protein powder, water, eggs, vanilla extract, baking powder, cinnamon,

stevia and cream cheese (however on our third attempt at making the pancakes we substituted the

cream cheese for mascarpone cheese). We decided to weigh out the protein powder and almond

flour prior to blending because we wanted to note the weight of the ingredient rather than the

measurement because the flour was more dense than the protein powder. We added the eggs and

water first into the blender so that they would be at the bottom, then the cheese and the rest of the

dry ingredients went in afterwards. We blended the three different batches in two different

blenders for about 20 to 40 seconds or until smooth and put them in separate bowls prior to

cooking. With the batter we noted the spreadability of all the pancakes using the line spread test.

After placing about ¼ of a cup of batter into the pan greased with oil spray we waited until the

bubbles formed on the pancakes before flipping. This time would vary from about 1 minute 30

seconds to about 2 minutes. After flipping we waited about 30 seconds to 1 minute on the other

side before removing. After all the pancakes were made we decided to cut them up into about 1-2

inch triangles and placed them on a blind taste testing panel for people to judge the sweetness,

aftertaste, texture and color of the pancakes. Using this information throughout the 3 sessions we

had making the pancakes we collected and noted the data to help better improve the pancakes

more and more as we progressed.

Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 7


Line Spread

Sample Spread

Control 1mm

50/50 10mm

100% Whey 7mm

The above results reveal that the 50/50 sample was the most fluid with a spread increase

of about 10mm, which was quite large when compared to the others. The 100% whey sample

spread about 7mm, which also shows it to be considerably fluid. The control, however, appeared

to be very viscous and only spread just 1mm.


Pancake Sample Average

Control 175​cm^3

50/50 107cm^3

100% Whey​​ 151cm^3

These above results for the cooked pancakes show that the control had the greatest

volume of all samples. The 100% whey protein sample followed in volume, as the 50/50 was the

Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 8


Sample Appearance Taste (1-5) Texture Aftertaste opinions

(dark, thin, sweetness (spongy, (sweet,
thick holes, moist,chewy, bitter, no
light) crunchy, dry) taste)

452 (Control) Evenly 3.2 Spongy, dry, Slightly Lacking

browned, chewy bitter sweetness, tastes
thick, some

789 (50/50) Brown, thin, 3.9 Spongy, Slightly Not as dry as

light, dark in-between sweet, others, sweet
moisture protein taste, favorite
(neither dry or formula
moist), chewy powder

627 ( 100% Dark, thin, 2.4 Spongy, dry Bittersweet, Too dark, needs
Whey) light chocolatey, moisture, really
protein gritty
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 9

Taste Chart

Based on the above results of the​ ​subjective evaluation, the most favored sample was the

50/50. After reviewing the scorecards, it seems that most people liked the texture and taste. The

texture was described as relatively moist compared with the others. In addition, the taste was

noted to be more sweet and pleasant, as opposed to bitter or lacking in flavor. The second

most-liked was the control, which was noted to have a better mouthfeel texture and flavor, as

compared to the 100% whey sample, which was described as bitter and dry.
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 10


Traditional pancakes are cherished and adored by Americans. Patrons of IHOP​®​,

Denny’s​®​ or be it small, hometown diners exalt the deluxe, golden stacked, fluffy and

irresistibly sweet breakfast food often accompanied by rivers of maple syrup. Despite being

venerated by their fans, these pancakes offer a high caloric value and little to no nutritional

value. For example, three original buttermilk pancakes from IHOP​®​ contain 430 calories, 160 of

that being from fat. With 1390 g of sodium, 57 g of Carbohydrates and only 12 g of protein, the

traditional pancake is nothing more than a glorified breakfast cake (IHOP​®, 2018)​. In catering to

the bodybuilding community, students looked toward creating a healthy pancake consisting of

low carbohydrate composition and high protein content.

A ketogenic pancake recipe was chosen for experimentation because of its high protein

value and gluten-free status. Almond flour was the main ingredient, followed by eggs, cream

cheese, water, baking powder, vanilla extract, cinnamon and stevia. The control (sample 452)

was notable by its evenly brown appearance, with an average height of 12.25mm (compared to

6.25 and 8.75, respectively). The batter was noticeable viscous due to the use of gluten-free

almond flour which has a low water holding affinity compared to conventional all-purpose flour

(Shih & Truong, 2006). Despite being viscous in comparison to conventional flour batter

containing almond flour displayed an even greater viscous nature, whereas the whey was more

fluid. In a spreadability test these results were seen as 1mm (452, control), 10 mm (789, 50/50)

and 7mm (629, 100%).

Whey protein was incorporated into the recipe by replacing almond flour by 50%, then

completely (100%) as shown in the results section. Whey protein was used because of its high
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 11

protein and low carbohydrate composition. Supplemental protein such as whey, is used routinely

by participants of the bodybuilding community to promote muscle mass post weight-training.

Whey protein supplementation has been proven to repair muscle injury and promote whole body

muscle formation (West & Sawan, 2017). The use of whey in substitution of flour in this

pancake recipe would promote protein intake for our target body-builder population.

In addition to its purpose as a protein source, whey protein is shown to have reputable

qualities as an ingredient in food products. Whey protein’s hydrophilic nature and water binding

properties makes it highly soluble and useful as an egg replacer in cakes or as a gelling agent in

meats (​Jyotsna & Sai, 2007 ​). Whey protein was specifically chosen because of it’s dual

substitution power: its versatility in food and high protein composition.

Although whey protein binds well with water and contains high amounts of protein,

results indicated that the powder altered the overall texture and taste of the pancakes. In addition

to its natural taste and texture, the thermal properties of whey protein was influential on pancake

quality. ​As a byproduct of cheese, whey protein is sensitive to heat and changes in pH. As a

result, denaturation is a common issue associated with its commercial use (Burrington, 2012).

Pancakes made with 100% whey protein substitution were identified by their dark brown and

burnt appearance. On average, the 100% whey protein substitution cooked for 67.5 seconds on

the medium heat griddle, this was substantially less time in comparison to the control and 50/50

samples. According to the Journal of Dairy Science, protein denaturation negatively affects the

characteristics of whey protein by lowering its solubility potential. (Hidalgo & Gamper, 1977).

At high temperatures, the denatured protein powder is unable to hold water leading to a decrease
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 12

in solubility and increased liquid water evaporation. The result is a dry pancake with a dark


According to the testing evaluation, a majority of students described the texture of the

50% and 100% whey protein samples ( 627 & 789) as spongy. The responses were consistent

with the findings of a similar trial done on muffins, results showed that whey protein

denaturation lead to a spongy and dry final product ​(Andersson, 2016). Sponginess was the main

textural characteristic of the samples 627 and 789. Interestingly, sample 789 (50% whey/ 50%

flour) was preferred of the two, presumably because of the presence of almond flour. Almond

flour, similar to whey also has water binding properties. However almond proteins are not

affected by temperatures below 480°F, making the flour more thermally stable than whey (​Zhang

& Zhang, 2017)​. The presence of almond flour in sample 789 maintained structural integrity and

bound water more effectively compared to sample 627 (100% whey protein) making it the

popular choice among evaluators.

The reference recipe called for a blender to incorporate all the ingredients into a batter.

This step has been considered a possible source of error affecting the quality of the final

products. It is hypothesized that the use of a blender negatively affected the texture, attributing

its “spongy” and “chewy” characteristics. It is well-known that over mixing batter can lead to a

low quality finished product. Scientifically speaking, it is the disruption of disulfide bonds in the

gluten leading to homogenization which influence these negative characteristics (Okada &

Negishi, 1987). As a result, the finished product can be identified as being tough, dry and

rubbery. Although the flour used for the experiments was almond flour and whey, the result was

very similar to that of glutinous flour. Most observers described the products of 627 and 789 as
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 13

being “spongy” and “dry” which is consistent with the qualities of overmixed batter in

conventional pancake making.


In conclusion, the protein pancakes were our research and experiment to recreate a

favored dish and allow those who have embraced a lifestyle of dietary eating habits. For those

who are well antiquated with the limitations of dieting, regular pancakes are not usually involved

in the process or regular meal routine for diets. The goal of this project was to recreate a

healthier alternative that fits within such limitations. Though the flavor cannot reach the same

level of delectability, but it's nutritious values and ingredients lay within the laws of constraints

that are present within most diets. Our audience have responded to different degrees depending

on the amount of alternatives that we had used for our dish. Most people seem to have preferred

the 50/50 pancakes with half almond flour and half whey protein and the least preferred was the

pancake with one hundred percent substitution with whey protein powder. This is evaluated

when we observed the total amount of sweetness within the pancakes that was eaten with the

50/50 pancake samples having the highest score and the 100% whey protein having the least

score numbers. We have learned many important elements from this experiment such as the

lumpiness being a very important characteristic when creating a pancake batter and how whey

protein can easily create a dry pancakes when it is agitated and exposed to heat, causing the

protein bonds to break quickly. Other factors that we had learned such as gluten free flour having

makes it more difficult for the pancakes to absorb water molecules and the attributes of

overmixing that causes the batter leads to a dry and spongy textured pancake rather than the

preferred fluffiness and moist pancake that appeals to the general consensus. This experiment has
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 14

revealed a lot of lessons that we were able to digest through practice and experiences. Trial and

error are part of the experimentation process of every unique dish and this experience has played

a role for us as dietetics majors.

Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 15


Andersson, M. (2016). Protein enriched foods and healthy ageing: Effects of almond flour, soy

flour and whey protein fortification on muffin characteristics.

Burrington, K.J. (2012). Technical report: Whey Protein Heat Stability. Retrieved from Dairy

Research Institute & U.S. dairy Export Council.

Hidalgo, J., & Gamper, E. (1977). Solubility and Heat Stability of Whey Protein
Concentrates. Journal of Dairy Science, 60(10), 1515-1518.

IHOP​® Nutrition Information (2018) Retrieved from:

Jyotsna, R., Sai Manohar, R., Indrani, D., & Venkateswara Rao, G. (2007). Effect of whey
protein concentrate on the rheological and baking properties of eggless cake.
International Journal of Food Properties, 10(3), 599-606.

Lotts, L. (2016, December 4). 5 Tips for Baking with Whey Protein Powder. Retrieved from

Low Carb Keto Pancakes. (2019, November 5). Retrieved from

McWilliams, M. (2017). Foods Experimental Perspectives (Eighth). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education.

Okada, K., Negishi, Y., & Nagao, S. (1987). Factors affecting dough breakdown during
overmixing. Cereal Chemistry, (6), 428-434.

Shih, F., Truong, V., & Daigle, K. (2006). PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF

of Food Quality, 29(1), 97-107.

Tang, X., & Liu, J. (2017). A comparative study of partial replacement of wheat flour with whey
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 16

and soy protein on rheological properties of dough and cookie quality. Journal of Food
Quality, 2017.

West, D., Abou Sawan, S., Mazzulla, M., Williamson, E., & Moore, D. R. (2017). Whey Protein
Supplementation Enhances Whole Body Protein Metabolism and Performance Recovery
after Resistance Exercise: A Double-Blind Crossover Study. Nutrients, 9(7), 735.

Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Sheng, W., Wang, S., & Fu, T. J. (2016). Effects of heat and high-pressure
treatments on the solubility and immunoreactivity of almond proteins. ​Food chemistry​,
199​, 856-861.
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 17


Appendix A. Recipe & Directions

Recipe: Low Carb Keto Protein Pancakes


2 large eggs

1 tablespoon water

2 oz cream cheese, cubed

2/3 cup almond flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon Sweetleaf - stevia sweetener (or 2 tablespoons regular sugar)


1. Add all ingredients to blender. Start with eggs and water and cream cheese so you

don't have anything get stuck at bottom.

2. Blend until smooth, scraping down the sides if needed. Let batter sit for 2


3. Heat a nonstick skillet to medium heat. For each pancake, pour 3 to 4 tablespoons

of batter onto skillet.

4. Once you start to see little bubbles form, flip and continue to cook until pancake

is browned on each side. Continue until you have used all pancake batter.

Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 18

Appendix B. Lab Work Documentation

a. Our purpose: The purpose for this test we conducted was to create a
control so that the pancakes that we make after this would have a base that we
can compare from. This first pancake will set the stage for the pancakes that
would come after in terms of taste, texture, consistency, mouthfeel,
appearance and health benefits.
b. Document your procedures: To start our recipe we gathered our
ingredients in exact amounts but not weighed. After this we beat the eggs and
cream cheese first until it was smoother and proceeded to add the rest of the
ingredients all at once to form the batter until it was smooth. After we had
mixed the batter we heated a non stick pan, added a drop of oil to the pan and
poured several different sized pancakes. We timed out how long it took until
we flipped and how long it took until we removed it from the pan. We made
pancakes that were as small as 5 inches across, up to some pancakes filling up
the entire pan. We then decided to make a strawberry syrup from strawberries
and monk fruit to go on top, once everything was together we set up a panel
for people to taste test out food.
c. Hypothesis:​ The half and half sample
will be the most appetizing.

Descriptive Data

Appearance Texture Taste Average

cooking time

Control Golden Brown Fluffy, soft, Sweet, moist 2.5 minutes

relatively light vanilla taste,
tastes more like

Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 19

Protein pancakes were tested for flavor, texture, and mouthfeel. The pancakes had a rich
chocolate flavor of protein powder we were able to taste the protein powder and stevia. The
pancakes were thin and soft in texture but lacked a fluffy texture in comparison to the standard
pancake. This was possibly because we had a few minor errors in conducting our experiment. On
major concern in the result of our pancakes was the rise and fluff factor. This issue may have
been the product of either not having enough leavening agents as ingredients to provide the
pancakes with a desired rise or due to overmixing. Another factor that seemed to redeem a lot of
attention was the sugar replacer that was chosen. Stevia seemed to have a bitter aftertaste that did
not hold preferable opinions on the flavor of our pancakes. To remedy these errors, we were
advised to employ a folding technique with egg whites or use more leavening agents and a
griddle for better shape and rise for the missing fluff characteristic that is preferred in pancakes.
We were also suggested to utilize allulose instead of stevia for better flavoring. To conclude our
protein pancakes needed adjustment in texture and flavor. In order to accomplish the correct
amount of sweetness we will substitute the stevia and adding an equal amount of powder and
flower in order to create a more fluffy texture within the pancakes. At the same time keeping in
mind our target population is looking for an alternative way of accomplishing protein needs
while having an enjoyable breakfast that is rich in flavor.

References for this documentation

1. Czernia, D., Sas, W., 2019, August 18. Perfect Pancake Calculator. Omni Calculator.
2. Shih, F., Truong, V., & Daigle, K. (2006). PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF
of Food Quality, 29(1), 97-107.
3. Low Carb Keto Pancakes. (2019, November 5). Retrieved from
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 20

Appendix C. Raw Data Documentation for Line Spread Test & Volume

Purpose:​ To acquire objective data from the line spread and volume tests of the samples

Procedure​: Line spread test, Volume

Line Spread Results

Sample Spread

Control 1 mm (9-10mm)

50/50 10mm (9-19mm)

100% Whey 7mm (9-16mm)

Volume Results


Pancake measurement (LxWxH) average

161​cm^3 175​cm^3





Pancake measurement (LxWxH) average

109cm^3 ​107cm^3
Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 21




100% Whey​

Pancake measurement (LxWxH) average

191cm^3 ​151cm^3





Dry Weights

-Control ⅔ cup almond flour 87.3g

-50/50 ⅔ cup almond flour+ ⅔ cup whey powder 69.1g

-100% Complete substitution ⅔ cup Whey powder 61g

Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 22

Appendix D. Subjective Testing & Scorecards

Sample Group Key



100% Whey powder=627


Sample Appearance Taste (1-5) Texture Aftertaste opinions

(dark, thin, sweetness (spongy, (sweet,
thick holes, moist,chewy, bitter, no
light) crunchy,dry) taste)



Low Carb Keto Pancakes for Bodybuilders 23

Appendix E. Cooking Times


Flip Total Average

4:17 5:20 3:76

3:52 4:30

2:47 3:22

1:55 2:32


Flip Total Average

1:10 1:25 1:00

1:00 1:15

1:00 1:15

0:35 0:45

100% Whey

Flip Total Average

1:00 1:30 1:08

1:06 1:30

0:35 0:45

0:35 0:45

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