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NetApp Accredited Sales Professional:

NASP 102

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Welcome to the NetApp Accredited Sales Professional 102 course.

This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:
▪ Articulate market pressures and technology trends that
are influencing your customers
▪ Explain how the NetApp strategy helps your customers
▪ Describe the products and solutions in the NetApp
About product portfolio
This ▪ Pass the NetApp Accredited Sales Professional
Course (NASP) exam

This course focuses on enabling you to articulate how market pressures and
technology trends are influencing your customers today. You learn how the NetApp
product portfolio, aligned with the NetApp strategy, helps your customers. This
course provides the knowledge that you need to pass the NetApp Accredited Sales
Professional, or NASP, exam.
1. Market Pressures and Technology Trends

2. The NetApp Strategy

3. Solutions United by NetApp Data Fabric Imperative

#1: Inspire

4. Solutions United by NetApp Data Fabric Imperative

#2: Build
Modules 5. Solutions United by NetApp Data Fabric Imperative
#3: Modernize

6. Ascend Tool Overview

7. NetApp Resources

This course consists of seven modules. The first module provides a context about
market pressures and technology trends. The second module presents the NetApp
strategy, and three IT imperatives—inspire, build, and modernize—that are united by
the NetApp Data Fabric. The third, fourth, and fifth modules present solutions in the
NetApp product portfolio that address the three IT imperatives.
The sixth module introduces the Ascend tool, and the final module reviews key
resources to help you to work successfully with NetApp.
Module 1
Market Pressures and Technology Trends

The digital world is changing, and so are your customers’ IT environments. In this
module, you learn about changes caused by digital transformation that are
influencing your customers’ purchase decisions.
About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
▪ Explain changes in business that are being stimulated by technology innovation
▪ Describe trends that are stimulating cloud adoption
▪ Recall how IT is transforming to meet needs of digital business

This module focuses on enabling you to explain changes in business that are being
stimulated by technology innovation. You learn to describe trends that are stimulating
cloud adoption, and you recall how IT is transforming to meet needs of digital
Market Pressures
Digital technologies are transforming businesses in new ways

Speed of change Loss of market Competitive

share efficiency

▪ Are your competitors for customers moving faster to capture market opportunities?
▪ Are customers shifting to those competitors who can capture their attention in a way that you cannot?
▪ Is digital transformation stimulating your competitors to exceed your capabilities?

Your customers experience a broad and ongoing range of market pressures; for
example, how their competitors are managing digital transformation. Are competitors
progressing more quickly than your customer? If so, is that faster progress causing a
loss of market share for your customer? Perhaps your customer’s manufacturing
simply cannot keep up with the competition. Maybe the customer IT organization is
too focused on internal operations to transform digitally. This focus might cause your
customers to lag behind the competition. To help your customers, you need to ask
how market pressures are influencing your customers.
Digital Transformation Is Motivating Your Customers
Third Third
Party Party

Distributed Dynamic Diverse

Data is transforming your customers’ business and is becoming critical to their

success. To stay competitive, customers need to succeed in the digital transformation
of their data centers. Why? Because data has become distributed, dynamic, and
diverse. Data is often stored in multiple locations, such as on-premises and in
multiple cloud locations. A constant influx of changing data requires IT staff to know
where data is at any time. Data has become diverse: types of data can include,
for example, structured and unstructured, streaming, and machine generated.
These diverse types of data, generated both inside and outside of the organization,
create challenges for IT.
Key Trends That Are Stimulating Cloud Adoption
How customers are addressing external pressures

HARNESS Firms that are aggressively using data to disrupt new

DATA FOR markets are seeing 2X top-line revenue growth and
customer satisfaction as their less-able peers.
IDC Data Thriver Research 2017
PLACE Moving processing and content collection and delivery
COMPUTE closer to the sources and consumers of information
AND DATA offers significant benefits and creates new business
NEAR USERS models.

Gartner strategic trends for 2018

OPTIMIZE THE Transition from protecting the business to enabling the

business by delivering the right infrastructure, at the
IT BUSINESS right time, from the right provider, ideally at the right
MODEL cost.

Gartner 2018 CIO Survey for I&O Leaders

The market pressures and digital transformation are driving your customers toward
cloud adoption.

One trend involves businesses’ desire to harness data for innovation. Businesses that
are aggressively using data to disrupt new markets are seeing two times the top-line
revenue growth and customer satisfaction as their less-able peers.

Another trend involves placing compute and data near users. Moving processing and
content collection and delivery closer to the sources and consumers of information
enables businesses to see the changes that data reveals. The data can show
businesses how to enter markets, how to grow their different products, and which
markets they should exit.

A third trend that is stimulating cloud adoption involves optimizing the IT business
model. This trend represents a transition from protecting the business to enabling the
business by delivering the right infrastructure, at the right time, from the right
provider, ideally at the right cost.
IT Is Transforming to Meet the Needs of Digital Business

Business imperatives
Stimulate growth Move with Reduce the cost
and new revenue speed and scale of taking risks

Dramatically Delivers Radically changes

simplifies the performance to all the economics
environment environments of the data center
Value of flash for IT

IT is being asked to help set the business apart in a global, digital, and mobile world.
A set of business imperatives is creating new opportunities for IT. Although these
imperatives are not new, the digital revolution has heightened their speed and
necessity. Everything must be faster and more transparent.

First, in the current macro environment, your customers say that stimulating new
revenue and growth is priority number one. For IT, this priority means that the
opportunity is to focus on creating transformation initiatives that advance the goals
of the business.

Second, businesses are changing the speed at which they deliver products and
services. For our IT customers, time is critical: time to market of a new product, time
to value against a business goal, time to insight with faster access to data on which
the business can act.

Third, every business is navigating a rapid pace of change. Your customers are shifting
from balancing cost and risk to reducing the cost of taking risks. For IT, the cloud gives
them a system for supporting new ideas and opportunities in ways that they never
could before.

Every IT organization is trying to determine how it can move quickly and confidently
to a future in which the cloud is core to the organization’s strategy.
IT Challenges Posed by Digital Transformation

Security Efficiency Future-Proof Freedom of Choice

IT is challenged by digital transformation to ensure that data is secure, efficient, and

adaptable and offers freedom of choice.
• Security is necessary because the customer’s organization depends on data and
must ensure that data is protected at all times and in all locations.
• Efficiency creates simplicity, so that the organization can focus on its core business.
• Future-proofing ensured by adaptability is necessary so that the organization can
protect current investments yet still take advantage of tomorrow’s possibilities.
• Freedom of choice enables the organization to use the best resources for its
business and adjust over time.
Your Customer’s Goals for Digital Transformation
▪ Modernize the infrastructure without creating silos
▪ Eliminate performance obstacles
▪ Deploy emerging applications through enterprise-grade
data services
▪ Radically change the economics of the data center
▪ Rapidly integrate new technologies
▪ Freely move data to where it runs optimally
▪ Use one set of tools to manage and protect data where
it resides

IT trends and innovations in technology enable you to give customers what they need
to achieve their transformative goals, many of which are listed here.
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which two of the following are business imperatives that are
stimulating new opportunities for IT organizations? (Choose two.)
a. move with speed and scale
b. reduce the cost of taking risks
c. simplify and integrate data management
d. eliminate performance obstacles

Which two of the following are business imperatives that are stimulating new
opportunities for IT organizations?
Knowledge Check: Question
2. What is at the center of the digital transformation?
a. data
b. the cloud
c. new sales opportunities
d. emerging applications

What is at the center of the digital transformation?

Knowledge Check: Question
3. Which three of the following are opportunities for customers
to grow their business with cloud adoption? (Choose three.)
a. harness data for innovation
b. place compute and data near users
c. optimize the IT business model
d. stimulate growth and new revenue
e. rapidly integrate new technologies

Which three of the following are opportunities for customers to grow their business
with cloud adoption?
Module 2
The NetApp Strategy

As the digital world continues to evolve, NetApp offers strategies to help your
customers succeed. In this module, you learn how the NetApp strategy can help you
to position NetApp solutions to meet the needs of new and existing buyers.
About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
▪ Explain how the NetApp Data Fabric can help your customers
▪ Describe the three IT imperatives that are stimulated by digital transformation

This module focuses on enabling you to explain how the NetApp Data Fabric can help
your customers and the three IT imperatives that are stimulated by digital
How Does NetApp Help Your Customers?
▪ The NetApp Data Fabric facilitates
and accelerates digital transformation.

▪ What is the NetApp Data Fabric?

▪ Includes a combination of products,
solutions, and partnerships
▪ Works across customer data center locations
and a choice of public clouds
▪ Simplifies and integrates data management
▪ Delivers consistent and integrated data
management services and applications

NetApp helps customers to unleash the full potential of their data.

NetApp developed its Data Fabric for customers who aspire to harvest data for
innovation. The NetApp Data Fabric facilitates and accelerates digital transformation.
The Data Fabric is a combination of products, solutions, and partnerships. It provides
customers a way to manage data across a choice of locations spanning their own
private data centers and public clouds. The NetApp Data Fabric enables customers to
easily move their data across locations as they need to, even between different
providers, such as Amazon and Microsoft. The Data Fabric simplifies and integrates
data management across cloud and on-premises locations to accelerate digital
transformation. It delivers consistent and integrated data management services and
applications. The NetApp Data Fabric provides data visibility and insights, data access
and control, and data protection and security.

NetApp helps customers to understand where their data is, how to keep it safe, and
how best to use it, so that they can unleash its potential.
The NetApp Data Fabric

INSPIRE innovation
MULTI- with clouds

BUILD clouds to
accelerate new
NETAPP services

ENTERPRISE architecture with

Previously, you learned about key business trends that are stimulating adoption of
the cloud. The NetApp Data Fabric addresses three IT imperatives that are stimulated
by those same business trends.

The first imperative is to INSPIRE innovation with clouds. The Data Fabric gives
organizations a way to integrate, protect, and optimize their data wherever they place
it. This data can be in their own data centers or among the largest cloud providers,
such as Amazon Web Services (or AWS) and Microsoft Azure. NetApp also makes it
easier to move data among these locations and back to on-premises locations as

The second imperative is to BUILD clouds to accelerate new services. NetApp helps
organizations to simplify, automate, and scale their data center. NetApp helps them
to manage data and services as one integrated resource that is supporting both public
and private clouds. By adopting emerging, cloud-architected infrastructure,
customers can process larger amounts of data in automated, more scalable, and less
costly data centers.

The third imperative is to MODERNIZE IT architecture with cloud-connected flash.

NetApp provides solutions that increase data center performance, intelligence, and
protection and increase cloud connectivity. These solutions enable customers to
maximize the data productivity on their existing investments as they create an
architecture to serve them in the future.
Digital Transformation Is Stimulating New IT Imperatives
Industry-leading portfolio unified by the NetApp Data Fabric


innovation with clouds to accelerate IT architecture with
the cloud new services cloud-connected flash

The three modules that follow, about NetApp products and solutions, discuss these
three IT imperatives: (1) inspiring innovation with the cloud, (2) building private
clouds to accelerate new services, and (3) modernizing the legacy IT architecture with
cloud-connected flash to do more for the business. The Data Fabric unifies the
portfolio by providing cloud-connected capabilities to seamlessly integrate
customers’ on-premises and cloud environments. This strategy enables data
integration and unifies data management services across a hybrid cloud environment
with solutions to address all IT imperatives.

To remind you of the initiative, you notice these inspire, build, and modernize icons
located in the upper-right corner of each slide in the modules that follow.
Value for Our Partners
Accelerate profitable growth by winning with the IT imperatives

Inspire innovation with the cloud

▪ Hyperscaler partnership
▪ Cloud Volumes for AWS update
▪ New NetApp Cloud Insights

Build clouds to accelerate new services

▪ New object storage capabilities to address compliance and data governance
▪ HCI customer momentum

Modernize IT architecture with cloud-connected flash

▪ First cloud-integrated, end-to-end NVMe, AI-ready all-flash array
▪ Seamless data pipeline from edge to core to cloud

Winning with the three IT imperatives helps to accelerate profitable growth for you,
our partner. Here is how our NetApp strategy can help.
• For Inspire, we announced our Google Cloud partnership and availability of Cloud
Volumes, in preview with Google.
• Cloud Volumes for AWS, is now available for a customer’s production
workloads after completing the preview process.
• For NetApp Cloud Insights, we are pleased to announce Hybrid Cloud ITIM
(IT Infrastructure Monitoring) delivered by SaaS.
• For Build, our NetApp StorageGRID software, the number one data management
solution for distributed organizations, now automates tamper proof retention of
critical financial and personal data.
• NetApp HCI is seeing great success and changing the marketplace by
helping our customers to build zero-touch clouds.
• For Modernize, the first cloud-integrated, end-to-end NVMe, AI-ready all-flash
array enables customers to create a seamless data pipeline from edge to core to
NetApp is the data authority in hybrid cloud.

Summarizing everything that was presented about the NetApp Data Fabric and IT
imperatives, you can relate to your customers that NetApp is the data authority in
hybrid cloud.
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which three IT imperatives are enabled by the NetApp Data Fabric?
(Choose three.)
a. inspire innovation with the cloud
b. build clouds to accelerate new services
c. modernize IT architecture with cloud-connected flash
d. enable data integration
e. simplify and integrate data management

Which three IT imperatives are enabled by the NetApp Data Fabric?

Knowledge Check: Question
2. Which of the following best describes the NetApp strategy?
a. the data authority for the hybrid cloud
b. the leading flash vendor
c. the hybrid cloud vendor of choice
d. the storage infrastructure authority

Which of the following best describes the NetApp strategy?

Module 3
Solutions United by NetApp Data Fabric
Imperative #1: Inspire

In this module, you learn about NetApp products and solutions that are united with
the NetApp Data Fabric that enable the IT imperative “Inspire.”
About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following: INSPIRE
innovation with
▪ Recall the layers of the Cloud Data Services strategy stack the cloud

▪ Describe features, benefits, and use cases for NetApp Cloud Volumes
▪ Describe features of NetApp Cloud Insights
▪ Describe the features, capabilities, and use cases for NetApp Cloud
Volumes ONTAP

This module focuses on enabling you to recall the layers of the Cloud Data Services
strategy stack. You learn to describe features, benefits, and use cases for NetApp
Cloud Volumes and to describe features of NetApp Cloud Insights. You also learn to
describe the features, capabilities, and use cases for NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP.
Current IT Cannot Support Digital Services Inspire


Management Objective Business efficiency and technology reliability Business agility and innovativeness

Funding Major project and program investments Continuous funding by business owner

Delivery Method Fast waterfall Agile and DevOps constant enhancements

Architectural Principles End-to-end business process Plug-and-play components

Key Roles Process and data owners Product or services owners

Cross-functional development and

Key Processes Roadmaps and architectural reviews
user-centered design

Data Single source of truth for operating data Repositories of high-volume data

Current IT cannot support digital services resulting from digital transformation. This
situation exists because operational backbones cannot support digital services. The IT
goals of reliability and efficiency do not equal the speed and flexibility that are
required to enable digital services. IT must become and stay agile.
NetApp Supports Key Public Cloud Strategies
Three specific strategies driving public cloud adoption

Legacy VMs and

Workloads Containers

Build Data Lakes

Artificial Machine
Intelligence Learning

There are three specific strategies that are driving public cloud adoption. Customers
are migrating their existing public workloads or parts of their workloads to the cloud,
and refactoring their applications to run on the cloud. They are not thinking so much
about a cloud strategy as they are about the amount of storage they need for a
specific workload alone. Secondly, customers are also building new things on the
public cloud, taking advantage of the ease and efficiency of maintaining or upgrading
applications. They are also building data lakes. Thirdly, customers are becoming
consumers of data in the public cloud that contribute to or enable their artificial
intelligence and machine learning initiatives.
Cloud Data Services Facilitates the Hybrid Cloud Inspire
A full software-based data management stack

Management and Monitoring

Monitoring Analytics Chargeback

Orchestrations, Integrations, Controls

(applications, containers, volumes) COS

Data Services
Sync Protect Snapshot Clone Tier Secure

Cloud Storage
NFS v3 NFS v4 SMB HDFS* Object* SaaS

* Proxy services

This architecture is a way to show how NetApp is building things that make it easy for
customers to consume, scale up and scale down.
Looking from the bottom up, the first layer shows the protocols that we have put on
the public cloud. The second level shows the data services unbundled from the
protocols for developers to use, for example sync and tiering. The third level shows
cloud orchestration where data is connected to compute. This layer enables
developers to map data services and provide analytics, machine learning or data
lakes. The top level provides cloud insights through management and monitoring of
data. This level will enable customers to look over their entire hybrid infrastructure,
to ensure it is doing what the customer intended. Think about this layer in terms of
cost controls, chargebacks, and analytics that help to determine which workloads
should be where and why.
NetApp Cloud Volumes Service Inspire
Get workloads to the cloud months or even years sooner

Finally, send any workload to the cloud—even legacy applications—for

maximum agility

Go from zero to 100TB deployed in seconds and fully automated

Use the pay-as-you-go model to shift expense from capex to opex

Secure and protect data, without effect on application performance

Cloud-Native File Clone DevOps workspaces instantly for faster releases

Services with Extreme

Integrate with the biggest cloud providers to work the way that
Performance users want

NetApp Cloud Volumes is cloud-native file services with extreme performance.

NetApp Cloud Volumes enables customers to get their workloads that have been
trapped on-premises for a decade or more up into the cloud. They can start to use
more production data insights and analytics and stimulate business results. They can
go from zero to provisioning a hundred terabytes, deployed in seconds, and fully
automated. The pay-as-you-go model helps to shift capital expenses to operational
expenses for customers that are talking about shutting down their data centers or
standing up a disaster recovery site. Instead of doing these tasks on-premises, they
want to do them in the cloud. It is not about disaster recovery anymore. It is about
production sets for customers. Developers now have a way to set up and clone
workspaces instantly so that they can collaborate with their peers and get to those
faster release cycles and faster build cycles. NetApp is integrated with the biggest
cloud providers on the planet to work in the way that users want to work.
Key Trends Driving Cloud Volumes Adoption Inspire

Harnessing Data Address the Cloud Optimize the IT

for Innovation Mandate Business Model

Three key trends are driving Cloud Volumes Adoption.

The first trend is harnessing data for innovation. Firms that use data to innovate
outperform less able peers by as much as 18% in gross revenue.
A second trend is addressing the cloud mandate: Data centers built out over the
past 20 years are not agile enough to keep up with digital business
A third trend is optimizing the IT business model: Paradoxically firms want to
reduce IT costs while delivering new services to market which is
disrupting historic IT business models.
Use Cases Inspire
Hybrid cloud, cloud, and multicloud data services

File Analytics and DevOps Production

Services Data Lakes Application Workloads

Disaster Backup and SaaS

Recovery Archive Applications

Now NetApp Cloud Volumes makes use cases easy to position. Cloud Volumes has
the capabilities, the performance, and the simplicity to tackle every use case. NetApp
is focusing on file services and analytics, and later this year, NetApp will focus on data
lakes, DevOps, and production workloads.
NetApp Cloud Insights Inspire
Software as a service

▪ Improve Customer Satisfaction

▪ Ensure that you meet your SLAs by proactive monitoring
of your complete environment
▪ Visualize your topology with automated, agentless
discovery to see end-to-end service paths

▪ Proactively Prevent Failures

▪ Find problems 90% faster
MONITOR ▪ Immediately see how infrastructure resources are
affecting overall performance
All Your Infrastructure ▪ Optimize to Reduce Costs
▪ Identify abandoned and unused resources
▪ Run applications on the right-sized performance tier

NetApp Cloud Insights is an infrastructure monitoring and optimization tool designed

specifically for today’s cloud-based infrastructure and deployment technologies.
Cloud Insights provides real-time data visualization of the topology, availability,
performance, and use of all of your customer’s infrastructure, including both cloud
and on-premises multi-vendor resources. It also includes support for NetApp Cloud
Volumes, NetApp HCI, and AFF.
Cloud Volumes ONTAP Inspire
Enables enterprise data management through cloud economics

▪ Software-defined storage solution in the cloud,

based on ONTAP
▪ Pay-as-you-use flexible cost structure
▪ Support for solid-state drive (SSD)-based and HDD-based
storage services
▪ High-availability (HA) option: NetApp Cloud Volumes for AWS
▪ New ways to use the cloud
▪ Enhances cloud storage with NAS, Snapshot copies, clones,
and so on
▪ Minimizes the cloud footprint by using advanced data
reduction methods
▪ Enables easy data movement between on-premises and
cloud locations
▪ Is ideal for DevOps and cloud disaster recovery

The Cloud Volumes ONTAP solution offers software-designed storage in the cloud and
enables enterprise data management with cloud economics. Cloud Volumes ONTAP is
a software-only storage subscription for AWS and Microsoft Azure that runs ONTAP
software. It offers your customers control of their cloud data and the power of an
enterprise storage software solution.

Cloud Volumes ONTAP software offers a pay-as-you-use flexible cost structure,

support for SSD-based and HDD-based storage services, and a high-availability, or HA,
option for NetApp Cloud Volumes for AWS. Cloud Volumes ONTAP enables your
customers to use the cloud in new ways by enhancing data protection, minimizing the
cloud footprint, and enabling easy data movement. Cloud Volumes ONTAP is ideal for
DevOps and cloud disaster-recovery situations.
The NetApp Backup and Archive Solution Inspire

Simple Efficient Open Secure

Enables NetApp Deduplicates, Works with all Reduces security
Cloud Backup compresses, and leading backup and compliance
setup and encrypts before software and risks in the cloud
operation in less rapidly streaming cloud storage and eliminates
providers tape transport
than 30 minutes data to the cloud

The NetApp backup and archive solution offers four main benefits to your customers.

NetApp Cloud Backup setup is simple. Only three steps are required to start sending
data to the cloud.

NetApp Cloud Backup is efficient. Features like inline deduplication and compression
can result in up to 30-to-1 data reduction ratios. Customers can store less data in the
cloud and can stream data to the cloud more quickly.

NetApp Cloud Backup is an open solution. Your customers can choose the offering
that is right for them: physical, virtual, or cloud-based storage in the AWS or Azure

Finally, NetApp Cloud Backup is secure. Data is encrypted and secure at all times, in
flight and at rest, through the use of AES 256-bit encryption.
Data Fabric Solution for Cloud Backup Inspire

Customer relies on tape backup for NAS
data, which is costly to operate and maintain.
Goal SnapMirror

Customer wants to enhance primary NAS file

services and replace tape backup with a AFF or FAS Cloud Backup
modern cloud backup solution. SnapCenter
NetApp Solution
The Data Fabric Solution for Cloud Backup
offers end-to-end cloud backup of NAS File
Services from flash to disk to cloud.

NetApp offers an integrated cloud backup solution for ONTAP primary and secondary
storage with Cloud Backup. In this situation, customer reliance on tape backup for
NAS data proves costly to operate and maintain. Customers want to enhance their
primary NAS file services and replace tape backup with a modern cloud backup
solution. The Data Fabric Solution for Cloud Backup offers end-to-end cloud backup of
NAS File Services, from flash to disk to cloud.
Proven Use Cases for Cloud Volumes ONTAP Inspire

Migration of Cloud DevOps: Running
Disaster Data and Application Enterprise
File Sharing Development
Recovery Workloads Workloads in
to the Public & Test the Cloud

Cloud Volumes ONTAP has many use cases, including disaster recovery, easy
migration of data and workloads to the cloud, file sharing, cloud DevOps application
development & test, and running enterprise workloads in the cloud.
Qualifying Questions for Cloud Volumes ONTAP Inspire

Does your organization have a cloud initiative?

Are you looking for high availability in the cloud?

Would you like to manage your cloud-resident data with

the same features that you expect in the enterprise?
Do you need to move an application from an on-
premises deployment to run on AWS or Azure?
Do you want to deploy CIFS or NFS workloads in
the cloud?
Are you moving your development and test to
AWS or Azure?

Are you in need of a disaster-recovery site in the cloud?

To determine whether Cloud Volumes ONTAP is the right solution for your customer,
ask these questions:
• Does your organization have a cloud initiative?
• Are you looking for high availability in the cloud?
• Would you like to manage your cloud-resident data with the same features that
you expect in the enterprise?
• Do you need to move an application from an on-premises deployment to run on
AWS or Azure?
• Do you want to deploy CIFS or NFS workloads in the cloud?
• Are you moving your development and test to AWS or Azure?
• Are you in need of a disaster-recovery site in the cloud?
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which layer in the Cloud Data Services stack provides performance
management and cost optimization?
a. Cloud Insights
b. Cloud Volumes
c. Cloud Controls
d. Cloud Storage

Which layer in the Cloud Data Services stack provides performance management and
cost optimization?
Knowledge Check: Question
2. Cloud Volumes Service is cloud-native file services
with extreme performance.
a. true
b. false

Cloud Volumes Service is cloud-native file services with extreme performance.

Knowledge Check: Question
3. Which is true about Cloud Volumes ONTAP?
a. offers software-designed storage in the cloud
b. is a software-only storage subscription for Google Cloud
c. runs Microsoft Office software
d. has an annual subscription cost structure

Which is true about Cloud Volumes ONTAP?

Module 4
Solutions United by NetApp Data Fabric
Imperative #2: Build

In this module, you learn about NetApp products and solutions that are united with
the NetApp Data Fabric and that enable the IT imperative “Build”.
About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following: BUILD
clouds to
▪ Explain the enterprise-scale NetApp HCI and the superior accelerate new
value that it provides
▪ Describe the features and benefits of storage arrays
▪ Describe the features and capabilities of StorageGRID

This module focuses on enabling you to explain the enterprise-scale NetApp HCI and
the superior value that it provides. You also learn to describe the features and
benefits of storage arrays and describe the features and capabilities of StorageGRID.
Spectrum of Consumption Models Build

Maximize the value of your data by

consuming infrastructure in the way that makes sense for you.


Our customers tell us that they are looking for a set of robust data services across an
entire spectrum of consumption models.
In the middle of the spectrum are solutions such as converged and hyperconverged
infrastructures (or HCIs) that provide prepackaged on-premises configurations. These
configurations can be used as building blocks for an organization.

This module focuses on the converged and hyperconverged infrastructure solutions.

How the Hyperconverged Infrastructure Works Build

Software that joins components together

to provide resiliency

Virtualized servers, storage, and


Granular, platform-based storage


Single infrastructure stack that runs on an

efficient, elastic pool of x86 resources

The hyperconverged infrastructure relies on the software that joins components

together to provide resiliency. Hyperconverged solutions are fully virtualized across
servers, storage, and networking. As a result, resources are managed from the top
down. Storage management is granular and platform-based and uses the tools and
technologies of the virtualization platform. Hyperconvergence consolidates all
required resources into a single infrastructure stack that runs on an efficient, elastic
pool of x86 resources.
Lesson 1: NetApp HCI

This lesson discusses the technology behind NetApp HCI and describes specific
features of the NetApp HCI product.
IT Challenges Associated with Digital Transformation Build
Managing and consuming resources in a public cloud-like way

Deliver applications Operate like the Provide predictable

faster public cloud performance
“I need to reduce time to “I’m looking for a solution that “We need to consolidate
delivery and increase is easy to scale and manage multiple applications without
developer effectiveness to get without specialized worrying about interference.”
new applications to market.” knowledge.”

IT organizations typically encounter technical challenges that are associated with

digital transformation. For example, your customer might be unable to deliver new
applications fast enough to keep up with changes in consumer preferences.
Customers might want to manage and consume resources in a public cloud-like way
and reduce the time that is required to manage the environment. Customers might
want to reduce provisioning time so that developers can get the assets that they
need to push out applications. IT might need to provide predictable performance and
consolidate silos. IT wants a simple environment but needs to ensure that all the
workloads that are on the system do not interfere with one another.

The NetApp cloud infrastructure portfolio addresses these challenges.

Cloud Infrastructure Portfolio Build

NetApp is uniquely positioned to combine strengths in ​HCI​, converged infrastructure,

object, and analytics into one business unit and, through the ​NetApp Data Fabric​,
provide an easy path to the cloud.

The NetApp cloud infrastructure portfolio is composed of four main products. NetApp
HCI is the primary product. FlexPod is in the converged infrastructure space. The
StorageGRID object-based storage solution provides platform object storage for
unstructured data, both on-premises and in the cloud. And NetApp Active IQ gives
customers analytics about their data, to provide visibility across all platforms.
What Is NetApp HCI? Build
Enterprise-scale hyperconverged infrastructure solution

B Compute Node Compute Node D

A Storage Node Storage Node C

NetApp HCI is an enterprise-scale HCI that delivers compute and storage in an agile,
scalable, easy-to-manage, 2-RU, 4-node building block.

NetApp HCI is designed in building blocks, either at the chassis or node level. Each
chassis can hold four nodes that are composed of storage or compute nodes or both.
Nodes are inserted and removed from the back of the chassis and solid-state drives
(SSDs) for storage nodes that are populated in the front. The minimum configuration
is two chassis with six nodes, four storage, and two compute. Two additional blank
spots can be used for expansion. Compute and storage nodes can be mixed and
matched as long as best practices are adhered to.
Enterprise-Scale NetApp HCI Solution Build

Integrated Data Services Data Fabric Services Third-Party Services

NetApp Deployment Engine

High Replication Data Data File Object Backup & Replication Data Backup Orchestration Disaster
Availability Assurance Reduction Services Services Recovery Protection & Recovery

VMware vCenter

NetApp Element Software VMware ESXi

Storage Nodes Compute Node
NetApp SolidFire All-Flash Storage NetApp Designed and Built

NetApp HCI is built with “best-in-class” components from VMware and NetApp.
vSphere provides the hypervisor layer, and NetApp Element software provides the
storage layer. The vCenter plug-in provides the management layer to enable
customers to easily manage their day-to-day tasks.

Robust integrations provide additional data services natively or through the Data
Fabric and third parties.
• File services are delivered through NetApp ONTAP Select software.
• Object services are delivered through the StorageGRID solution.
• Backup and recovery are delivered through the NetApp Cloud Backup appliance or
Commvault or Veeam.
• Orchestration and disaster recovery are delivered through VMware vRealize and
VMware Site Recovery Manager.
• Replication is delivered with SnapMirror software.

Finally, the NetApp Deployment Engine, or NDE, orchestrates the initial deployment
and configuration of the HCI components. The NDE is responsible for collecting all
user inputs that are required to completely install and configure the system.
SolidFire Arrays and Element Build

Scale-Out Automation Self-Healing Global Efficiency

A SolidFire array is a software-powered all-flash storage array that does not require
RAID and is ideal for emerging data centers. SolidFire arrays provide cloud storage
similar to Amazon Web Services (or AWS). Like AWS, the SolidFire “as-a-service”
experience is on-premises for enterprise customers and service providers. SolidFire
Element is the operating system for all SolidFire arrays. SolidFire arrays automate all
storage administration and management tasks. Virtualization teams, server teams,
and end users can provision storage easily and quickly, without affecting other teams
and users, by automating tasks.
NetApp HCI Delivers Superior Value Build


Predictable Simple

HCI NetApp
Data Data
Fabric Fabric

NetApp HCI delivers three primary values: predictability, flexibility, and simplicity.
NetApp HCI with the Data Fabric is a unique solution in the growing HCI market.
NetApp HCI can help your customers to address both external pressures and internal
Why NetApp HCI Wins Build
Delivering enterprise HCI capabilities to customers

The right HCI for enterprise

▪ Thousands of nodes installed at enterprise-scale
▪ Developed for cloud service providers from the start
▪ Simplified operations
▪ Enterprise capabilities
▪ Large, global ecosystem of go-to-market partners
▪ Global services and support
▪ Data Fabric integration

Only NetApp offers public cloud architecture for the private cloud.

The HCI market is still evolving. We see enterprises that are looking for HCI that
enables them to run private clouds and operate just like a hyperscaler. NetApp HCI is
right for the enterprise for all of the reasons listed here. Only NetApp offers public
cloud architecture for the private cloud.
Complementary Capabilities for Enterprise Customers Build
Converged infrastructure and HCI provide unique advantages, and enterprises deploy both

Multiple infrastructure Single buyer or consumer

buyers Cloud and virtualization mindset
Infrastructure mindset, Mixed and unpredictable
storage-driven workloads
Core enterprise and Scaling and operation like
industry-specific apps a hyperscaler

NetApp HCI and converged infrastructure solutions are complementary and additive.

Customers might ask whether the FlexPod converged infrastructure competes with
NetApp HCI. The buyer type for each option is different, yet 80% of our customers
deploy both solutions. The FlexPod converged infrastructure buyer is sophisticated
and knows how to operate a server, networking, and storage. This customer is
focused on infrastructure and getting the best performance from key industry-specific
or core applications.

The HCI buyer is a consumer who is focused on virtualization. This buyer wants the
ability to put numerous workloads on a solution that does not require expertise in
storage, networking, or compute. The HCI buyer wants the ability to scale and an
environment that operates like a hyperscaler.

During conversations with your customers, remember that the customer

environment is likely to include both buyer types.
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which technology automates all storage administration and
management tasks?
a. SolidFire Arrays
b. AFF
c. FAS
d. E-Series

Which technology automates all storage administration and management tasks?

Knowledge Check: Question
2. Which is the operating system for all SolidFire arrays?
a. SolidFire OS
b. SolidFire Element
c. Windows
d. VMware ESXi

Which is the operating system for all SolidFire arrays?

Knowledge Check: Question
3. NetApp HCI delivers compute and storage in an agile, scalable,
easy-to-manage building block.
a. true
b. false

NetApp HCI delivers compute and storage in an agile, scalable, easy-to-manage

building block.
Lesson 2: NetApp StorageGRID

This lesson focuses on the NetApp StorageGRID solution.

What Is Object Storage? Build
Different ways to address data

Block File Object

Specific location on Specific folder in fixed Flexible

disks and memory logical order container size
Tracks File path Data and metadata
Sectors File name Unique ID

Object storage is a type of storage architecture. In object storage, data is stored as

objects in logical containers and not in a file system hierarchy or as blocks of data on
hard drive sectors or magnetic tape tracks.
Why Does Object Storage Matter? Build

Unstructured data continues Highly cost sensitive

to grow petabyte scale repositories
Millions of files were not bad, Storage economics change at
billions are scary, and trillions petabytes and decades…
are terrifying…

Data access is changing Storage being managed

in a cloud ecosystem
I want applications that can I need it in my data center
access my data wherever today and in the cloud
it lives… next year…

Object storage is a flexible and useful technology, but near the year 2000, growth of
web-based information increased the demand of object storage. It became viewed as
an inefficient use of resources. Customers began demanding object storage that
manages the value of unstructured data. They demanded object storage that is open
for innovation and AWS integrated, distributed, dynamic, diverse. They wanted object
storage that is efficiently able to optimize the value of data throughout its entire
lifecycle and portable in a hybrid cloud environment.
NetApp StorageGRID Build
Your unstructured data at scale

Open Optimized Extensible

Future-proof Deliver differentiated Bridge hybrid cloud
investments service levels workflows


StorageGRID addresses the compromises of current object storage with four

• The open S3 API offers the most deployment flexibility.
• Optimized, integrated lifecycle management policies optimize operational
efficiency throughout the data lifecycle.
• The extensible bridge for hybrid cloud workflows fits your customer’s business
• Integrations into the NetApp Data Fabric provide the opportunity to dynamically
flex data as its value changes over time.
StorageGRID Features Build
Your data at scale

▪ Cloud integrated: mirroring, New

notification, search Applications Compliant Data
Data Fabric
▪ Software-defined object storage
Los Angeles
▪ Geographically redundant
Rich Media
and multi-site
▪ Policy-based to simplify Sydney New York

management at scale
▪ S3, Swift, NFS, and
CIFS access
▪ Durable, low-cost cloud storage SolidFire, Tape Public
Appliance Bare Metal
for active archive ONTAP, E-Series, Clouds
Third Party

StorageGRID has several significant features your customers will want to know.
• It is cloud integrated: mirroring, notification, and search.
• It provides software-defined object storage.
• It is geographically redundant and multi-site.
• It is policy-based to simplify management at scale.
• It provides S3, Swift, NFS, and CIFS access.
• It provides durable, low-cost cloud storage for active archive.
Positioning StorageGRID

Primary Secondary
▪ Rich content services ▪ Backup repository and secure archive
▪ Video, images, PDFs, sensor data, ▪ Capacity-optimized and latency-
decentralized data, billions of tolerant, with low transaction loads
objects, new applications (such as and long retention periods
Amazon S3), streaming data access, ▪ Criteria: High efficiency, durable,
large throughput rates automated tiering as value of data
▪ Criteria: Scalability and multisite, changes
multiapp, automated data distribution

StorageGRID might be a good fit for your customers who provide rich content
services to their customers, or customers who have a lot of data objects, are using
new apps, and have large throughput rates in their primary environments.
StorageGRID is ideal for customers that need scalability and need support for multi-
site, multi-app, automated data distribution. StorageGRID is also a viable solution for
secondary environments that need secure archiving, low transition loads, and
automated tiering as the value of the data changes.
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. StorageGRID addresses the compromises of current object storage
with which two capabilities? (Choose two.)
a. optimized
b. closed
c. extensible
d. integrated

StorageGRID addresses the compromises of current object storage with which two
Knowledge Check: Question
2. Unlike current object storage, StorageGRID does not integrate into
the NetApp Data Fabric.
a. true
b. false

Unlike current object storage, StorageGRID does not integrate into the NetApp Data
Module 5
Solutions United by NetApp Data Fabric
Imperative #3: Modernize

In this module, you learn about NetApp products and solutions that are united with
the NetApp Data Fabric that enable the IT imperative “Modernize”.
About This Module
This module focused on enabling you to do the following:
IT architecture
▪ Describe capabilities of ONTAP 9 software to modernize with cloud-
connected flash
data management
▪ Explain ONTAP Select software capabilities and benefits
▪ Describe products in the AFF portfolio
▪ Describe E-Series and EF-Series features
▪ Describe NetApp SANtricity OS capabilities
▪ Describe FlexPod capabilities and benefits

This module focuses on enabling you to describe capabilities of ONTAP 9 software to

modernize data management. You learn to explain ONTAP Select software capabilities
and benefits. You learn to describe products in the AFF portfolio and to describe E-
Series and EF-Series features. You also learn to describe NetApp SANtricity OS
capabilities and to describe FlexPod capabilities and benefits.
Modernizing IT to Address Infrastructure Challenges Modernize

Integrating Supporting the newest Meeting budget and

the cloud enterprise applications security requirements

Your customers’ IT organizations face challenges related to internal impediments to

adopting a cloud-first mandate.They might be unsure about how to manage and
integrate current infrastructure with the cloud. They might also be struggling to meet
performance and reliability SLAs or might expect to struggle after a planned
deployment of applications. Many customers struggle with the high cost of
specialized skills, software license maintenance, and infrastructure support for their
SAN environments.
Lesson 1:
ONTAP 9 Software

In this lesson, you learn about the features and benefits of ONTAP 9 software, the
system that enables your customers to manage their data both on-premises and off-
ONTAP 9 Software Modernize
Using the power of the hybrid cloud

Future-proof the data

Simplify data Accelerate and protect
infrastructure and
management for any data across the
scale environments to
application, anywhere hybrid cloud
future needs

The amounts of data that your customers must manage is growing exponentially.
Today, data is dynamic, diverse, and distributed.
ONTAP software helps your customers to simplify data management for their current
and emerging applications, both on-premises and off-premises. ONTAP software can
help improve access to and protection of your customers’ data. ONTAP 9 software
enables customers to future-proof their infrastructure and scale their environments
to accommodate future needs.
Data Management for Any Application, Anywhere Modernize
Simplify storage management by standardizing data

ONTAP 9 Software
Storage Array Converged Heterogeneous SDS Near-Cloud Cloud

Shared Data Management

SDS = software-defined storage
▪ Across architectures: Blocks or files on flash, disk, or cloud
▪ Across deployment models: From engineered storage arrays to commodity servers
▪ Across applications: From enterprise to emerging applications

One feature of ONTAP software is the capability to manage data for any application,
anywhere. ONTAP software simplifies storage environments by standardizing data
management across architectures, blocks, or files, on flash, disk, or cloud. ONTAP
software standardizes data across deployment models, from engineered storage
arrays to commodity servers, and across applications, from enterprise to emerging
ONTAP Select Software Modernize
Optimizes remote offices

90-day evaluations
▪ SDS with ONTAP software on commodity servers are available.
▪ Is an SDS architecture that is built with ONTAP software
▪ Deploys in the data center and in the remote office
▪ Offers a flexible capacity-based license
▪ Supports one-, two-, four-, six and eight- node configurations

▪ Enterprise NAS and block services for

direct-attached storage (DAS)
▪ Leverages software-defined storage economics
▪ Does not compromise enterprise-grade features
▪ Provides efficient data protection from core to edge ONTAP Select software:
vNAS solution and
2-node support

NetApp ONTAP Select software is a software-defined storage solution that is designed

for data center or remote offices that require enterprise-grade storage features on
their commodity servers. Configurations of 1-node, 2-nodes, 4-nodes, 6-nodes and 8-
nodes are supported. 90-day evaluations are available. ONTAP software is optimized
for remote offices, such as virtual NAS capabilities and deployment with lower-priced
VMware licenses. ONTAP Select software is designed for mobile deployments that
require enterprise storage services that are aligned with the ONTAP-based systems at
their data center location.
ONTAP Efficiency Capabilities Modernize
Delivers leading storage efficiency

Inline Data Reduction Thin Provisioning Snapshot Technologies

The proven efficiency capabilities of ONTAP software can help your customers to
reduce capital expenditures and operational expenditures. ONTAP software uses
inline data reduction technologies such as deduplication, compression, and
compaction, which can significantly increase storage efficiency and reduce storage
purchases. Using these technologies reduces the amount of data that travels over the
network. Data reduction techniques can result in better overall performance. The
NetApp unified architectural approach enables your customers to use their current
assets for additional SAN or NAS workloads in the future, instead of building new
stranded-asset silos. Thin provisioning technology also helps optimize the use of
existing storage. ONTAP 9 software uses Snapshot technology to enable fewer full
copies of data, which reduces storage requirements and infrastructure costs.
Expanded Inline Deduplication Modernize
Increase storage efficiency and shrink the storage footprint

▪ Adds inline aggregate deduplication, which

complements existing deduplication,
compression, and compaction
▪ Delivers up to 30% more efficiency
▪ Is supported on AFF systems
▪ Targets these opportunities:
▪ Database copies
Deduplicate multiple volumes
▪ Multiple virtual machines across volumes
across an aggregate

ONTAP 9.2 software adds the expanded inline deduplication feature. This technology
expands the inline efficiency portfolio by enabling deduplication across multiple
volumes in an aggregate, delivering up to 30% more efficiency and shrinking the
storage footprint. This feature is available on all AFF systems and is ideal for database
copies and multiple virtual machines across volumes.
FabricPool Technology Modernize
FabricPool: Automatic cloud tiering of cold data

▪ New tiering options with ONTAP FabricPool:
Hot ▪ To Azure, in addition to AWS and StorageGRID
▪ From active primary storage: decrease storage
Cold more than 50%
▪ With AFF and FAS systems, Cloud Volumes ONTAP,
and now ONTAP Select software

▪ Simple to set up and manage

Public Cloud Private Cloud
AWS, Azure StorageGRID

Available with ONTAP 9.4 software

ONTAP 9.4 includes FabricPool technology. Your customers can use this feature to
build an even more efficient storage environment by automatically tiering cold data
to the cloud. To tier, customers use FabricPool technology to connect to the AWS
public cloud or the StorageGRID on-premises, private cloud storage solution. With
FabricPool technology, your customers can reduce storage costs up to 40% without
increasing their administrative overhead. Inactive data can be tiered from primary
Snapshot copies and secondary systems. FabricPool technology is supported on AFF
and all SSD FAS aggregates.
NetApp ONTAP FlexGroup Volumes Modernize
Builds massively scalable high-performance data containers

▪ Deliver storage for today’s high-tech

industry applications
▪ Support computation-intensive workloads
and massive data repositories
▪ Deliver linear scale for performance
and capacity Single Namespace
▪ Simplify operations by using one mount point
with automated load and space distribution FlexGroup volumes support applications for
electronic design automation (EDA), high-tech,
▪ Offer consistently high performance and
oil and gas, and media and entertainment.
predictable, consistent low latency
▪ Enable resiliency using ONTAP
nondisruptive operations

ONTAP FlexGroup volumes create a massively scalable, high-performance NAS

container, which enables your customers to provide storage for today’s high-
tech industry applications.

FlexGroup volumes support computation-intensive workloads and data

repositories that require a massive NAS container with high performance and
resiliency. This capability is important for enterprises such as oil and gas,
media and entertainment, electronic design automation, or EDA, and high-tech.

FlexGroup volumes offer linear scale for performance and capacity (up to 20
petabytes and 400 billion files).

To support operational simplicity, FlexGroup volumes create one mount point

with automated load and space distribution.

FlexGroup volumes deliver high performance and predictable, consistently low


FlexGroup volumes also provide the resiliency of FAS clusters through ONTAP
nondisruptive operations.
QoS Minimum and Balanced Placement Modernize
Simplifies performance controls for shared environments

Quality-of-service (QoS) minimum: Protect the

performance of business-critical workloads
▪ Sets minimum resource levels
▪ Enables service classes
▪ Is supported for SAN on AFF systems

Balanced placement: Simplify the loading of

new workloads on clusters
▪ Automates provisioning of LUNs
▪ Balances use across a cluster

ONTAP software provides quality-of-service (or QoS) minimum and balanced

placement. Both features enable your customers to simplify performance controls for
shared environments. QoS minimum can protect the performance of business-critical
workloads by setting minimum resource levels and enabling service classes. This
feature is supported for SAN on AFF systems.
Balanced placement helps customers to simplify the task of loading new workloads
on clusters by automating the provisioning of LUNs and placing the workload on the
node with the optimal available performance.

Both of these features are ideal for shared application and service provider
Integrated Data Protection and Availability Modernize
Provides continuous operations

▪ Use nondisruptive data movement to eliminate

planned downtime
▪ Maintain operations during system interruptions
with zero data loss
▪ Cost-effectively protect against regional disasters
▪ Secure data with software-based, data-at-rest
encryption on any volume and any disk
▪ Receive instant, built-in backup and recovery
▪ Protect data against multiple disk failures
▪ Data protection between on-prem-to-cloud and

ONTAP 9 software enables integrated data protection, security, and availability to

provide continuous operations. ONTAP 9 software can help your customers to use
nondisruptive data movement to eliminate planned downtime. They can maintain
operations during system interruptions with zero data loss. Your customers can cost-
effectively protect against regional disasters and secure data with software-based,
data-at-rest encryption on any volume and any disk. Your customers receive instant,
built-in backup and recovery. They can protect data against multiple disk failures and
between on-prem-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud.
ONTAP Software Extends to New Enterprise Apps Modernize

The ONTAP infrastructure extends your customers’ emerging applications by offering

integration and support through features like OpenStack integration, Connector for
Hadoop, Connector for Docker, and certification for MongoDB. ONTAP software
provides enterprise-grade data services and a shared infrastructure for existing and
new applications.
ONTAP 9 Benefits for Customers Modernize
What ONTAP 9 software enables customers to do

▪ Simplify the transition to a cloud-ready data center

▪ Modernize infrastructure with flash and cloud,
without creating silos
▪ Deploy emerging applications with enterprise-grade
data services
▪ Radically change the economics of their data center
▪ Freely move data to where it runs optimally: flash,
disk, and the cloud
▪ Manage and protect data with one set of tools,
wherever the data resides

With ONTAP 9, your customers can simplify their transition to a cloud-ready data
center and modernize their infrastructure with flash and cloud, without creating silos.
Your customers can deploy emerging applications with enterprise-grade data services
and radically change the economics of their data center. They can freely move data to
where it runs optimally: flash, disk, and the cloud. They can also manage and protect
data with one set of tools, wherever the data resides.
Positioning ONTAP Select Software Modernize

▪ ONTAP Select software increases business agility,

enterprise availability, and data protection for
software-defined storage architecture.

▪ ONTAP Select software uses the existing

server infrastructure.

▪ Use cases include tier 2 and tier 3 workloads, private

cloud storage services, and disaster recovery.

For customers that want to increase business agility, enterprise availability, and data
protection, position the software-defined storage architecture of ONTAP Select
software. ONTAP Select software uses the existing server infrastructure, so that
customers can deploy ONTAP Select software on their choice of commodity servers
and hypervisors. Use cases include primary storage for tier 2 and tier 3 workloads,
private cloud storage services, and disaster recovery.
Target Opportunities for ONTAP Modernize

FAS and ONTAP ONTAP Select Cloud Volumes ONTAP

Performance-driven environments
Want to leverage commodity
Cloud-ready enterprises
server hardware
Application acceleration

Consolidated workloads in shared Want a low-risk method for testing Hybrid cloud environments with on-
environments ONTAP software premises and hyperscale storage

Cloud-ready enterprises

Ready to modernize and reduce costs

with compact form factor models

Massive NAS demand

Need for flexible, cost-effective


Look for these target opportunities for All Flash FAS and FAS, ONTAP Select, and
Cloud Volumes ONTAP flash systems.

All Flash FAS and FAS systems are great for performance-driven environments,
customers who want to accelerate enterprise applications, and customers who want
to consolidate workloads in a shared environment. You can position these systems
with customers who are planning to leverage cloud storage, customers who want to
modernize their data center and reduce data center TCO with flash, as well as
customers who need massive scale-out NAS and customers who need flexible and
cost-effective security encryption solutions.

Position ONTAP Select with customers who want to leverage commodity server
hardware or who need a low-risk method for testing ONTAP with their storage

Cloud Volumes ONTAP solutions are great for customers who are planning to leverage
cloud storage and for customers who have a hybrid cloud strategy that includes on-
premises and hyperscale storage components.
Qualifying Questions Modernize

▪ Is your current environment too complex to manage and integrate different

parts of your storage solutions?
▪ Can you respond quickly to business changes on-premises or in the cloud?
▪ Do your enterprise applications need high performance and rich
data management?
▪ Do your all-flash solutions create silos?
▪ Can your storage infrastructure incorporate future flash and
storage technology?
▪ How might your business benefit if all your workloads were always accessible?
▪ Have you incorporated cloud, or do you plan to incorporate cloud?

Use these questions to begin your conversation with your customers:

Is your current environment too complex to manage and integrate different parts of
your storage solutions?
Can you respond quickly to business changes on-premises or in the cloud?
Do your enterprise applications need high performance and rich data management?
Do your all-flash solutions create silos?
Can your storage infrastructure incorporate future flash and storage technology?
How might your business benefit if all your workloads were always accessible?
Have you incorporated cloud, or do you plan to incorporate cloud?
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. ONTAP software can manage data for any application, anywhere.
a. true
b. false

ONTAP software can manage data for any application, anywhere.

Knowledge Check: Question
2. Which two technologies are included with ONTAP 9
software? (Choose two.)
a. OpenStack integration
b. FlexGroup
c. FlexPod
d. FabricPool

Which two technologies are included with ONTAP 9 software?

Knowledge Check: Question
3. ONTAP software enables deduplication across multiple volumes in
an aggregate.
a. true
b. false

ONTAP software enables deduplication across multiple volumes in an aggregate.

Lesson 2:
AFF Systems

In this section, you learn about AFF Systems.

AFF A800 Capabilities Modernize
End-to-end NVMe-based enterprise all-flash system

▪ Power the most demanding applications

▪ Scale performance as demands grow
▪ Promote a broad spectrum of AI workloads
▪ Experience the world’s fastest all-flash performance

One of the key elements of modern SAN is the all-new AFF A800 system. The AFF
A800 system can power the most demanding applications. It scales performance as
demands grow, because you can cluster AFF A800 systems as you would with any
ONTAP system. The AFF A800 system promotes a broad spectrum of AI workloads
and applications. The AFF A800 system has the throughput and scale for large image
and video data, as well as the IOPS and latency for small images and time-series data.
The AFF A800 system delivers the world’s fastest all-flash performance.
AFF A-Series: The Rest of the Portfolio Modernize
From enterprise to mid-size business

Most Flexible: External SSDs Most Space Efficient: Internal SSDs


AFF A700 AFF A700s

Modular design Compact design


AFF A300
Entry-level New

AFF A220
30% more performance

NetApp offers the fastest unified all-flash array and provides leading density with
compact form factors. AFF runs on ONTAP 9 software. Within the AFF series, your
customers can use a range of offerings:
• The AFF A700 is a high-performance, expandable, high-end system that boasts
leading performance and is capacity dense.
• The AFF A700s system delivers breakthrough performance that modernizes IT for
demanding enterprise applications, analytic workloads, and cloud integration.
• The AFF A300 is a powerful system with a small footprint that targets midrange
• The AFF A220 is a 2U chassis with an internal SSD shelf. It provides 30% more
performance than its predecessor of A200.
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which hardware solution runs on ONTAP software?
a. E-Series
b. SolidFire
c. AFF
d. NetApp Cloud Backup (formerly NetApp AltaVault)

Which hardware solution runs on ONTAP software?

Knowledge Check: Question
2. Which in the AFF series is a powerful system with a small footprint
that targets midrange configurations?
a. AFF A700s
b. AFF A300
c. AFF A220
d. AFF A800

Which in the AFF series is a powerful system with a small footprint that targets
midrange configurations?
Lesson 3:
E-Series and EF-Series Solutions

In this lesson, you learn how the E-Series and EF-Series solutions can help your
IT Challenges

Enterprise servers hold pent-up performance.

▪ Systems that are out of balance, where storage performance is the bottleneck
▪ Opportunity to drive higher CPU use, improve efficiency

New databases demand new levels of storage performance.

▪ SQL Server 2014 “Hekaton” (SQL 2005 EOL)
▪ Oracle and SAP upgrades that are performance-sensitive

The third platform is driving faster analytics.

rd ▪ Commodity servers with internal storage that cannot keep up with requirements
3 ▪ Need for consistent low-latency performance as scale increases

Your customers are being driven by the demand for faster, more affordable storage
performance, for example, servers with more cores and processing capabilities, new
databases, and the need for faster data analytics. They need the high performance of
the NetApp E-Series and EF-Series storage systems so that they can use these
improvements in IT infrastructure.
E-Series and EF-Series Workload and
Application Areas Modernize

Backup and Video Technical Big Data

Recovery Surveillance Computing Analytics
Systems Systems Systems Systems
E2800, E5700 E2800, E5700 E2800, E5700, EF280, E2800, EF5700,
Market Market EF570 EF280, EF570
US $7.1 B, 5.6% US $8 B, 17% CAGR Market
CAGR US $5.6 B, 9.4% CAGR Market
(HPC) US $13 B, 24% CAGR
US $7.2 B, 14.4%

Aligned with E-Series and EF-Series core strengths

Performance, value, reliability, and simplicity
CAGR: compounded annual growth rate
B: billion

The E-Series and EF-Series systems specifically fit three use cases: accelerate
workloads and analytics, optimize unstructured data, and protect and secure data.
From these three general use cases, there are four specific application and workload
areas that match the core strengths of the E-Series and EF-Series systems. The
reliability and simplicity of the system make it ideal for both backup and video
surveillance. The system’s unrivaled combination of performance and value make it
the perfect choice for technical computing and big data analytics environments.
These four application areas are where selling E-Series and EF-Series should be a first
E-Series and EF-Series Core Values Modernize

Fast Simple Reliable

Leading Price and Optimized for Leading Durability
Performance Integrated Solutions and Reliability

▪ Promoting business value ▪ Best-in-class solutions for ▪ Enterprise Reliability,

and reducing cost integrated systems Availability, and Serviceability
▪ Top performance in Storage ▪ Plug-ins, APIs, and (RAS) for third-platform
Performance Council 1 (SPC-1) integrated solutions applications
and SPC-2 ▪ 1 million units shipped,
Same 99.999%+ reliability

E-Series and EF-Series = Enterprise-Grade Building Block

E-Series and EF-Series systems provide three core values: fast, simple, and reliable. E-
Series systems are built for speed and efficiency. No matter your customer’s specific
application, if the application uses block-level storage, an E-Series or EF-Series system
can provide the absolute best performance possible. E-Series and EF-Series systems
can step into both second-platform and third-platform environments. The proven
reliability of E-Series and EF-Series systems means that your customers can focus
their time and attention on other areas.
NetApp E-Series Storage Systems Modernize

Midrange Hybrid
(E5000 Series)
Entry Hybrid All-Flash Array
(E2000 Series) (EF500 Series)

E2800 System E5700 System EF570 System

▪ 180 drives ▪ 480 drives ▪ 120 drives
▪ FC, SAS, iSCSI ▪ FC, SAS, iSCSI, InfiniBand ▪ FC, SAS, iSCSI, IB,
▪ 300,000 IOPs (reads) (IB), NVMe over Fabric NVMe-oF
▪ 10 GBps (reads) (NVMe-oF) ▪ 200,000 SPC-1 IOPS
▪ 1 million IOPS (reads) @ <100µS latency
▪ 2U12, 2U24, and
4U60 shelves ▪ 21 GBps (reads) ▪ 2U24 shelf
▪ NetApp SANtricity OS ▪ 2U24 and 4U60 shelves ▪ SANtricity 11.40
11.40 ▪ SANtricity 11.40

GBps: gigabytes per second

The standard E-Series systems that are available today include the E2800, the E5700,
and the EF570. The E2800 is the entry-level system, offering the famed E-Series
reliability and solid performance for the lowest price. The E5700 is a newer and more
robust choice, with support for the newest interfaces and larger installations. The
EF570 is the performance king, maintaining ultra-low latency in the most demanding
NetApp E2800 Series Hybrid-Flash Storage Array Modernize

E2812 and E2824 systems

▪ Flexible system for various mixed workloads
▪ Cost-effective entry storage system
▪ SANtricity System Manager E2860 system
Modern, embedded, and browser-based

“NetApp has been a huge money saver for us.

The E-Series building blocks are much more
flexible, more modular, and more financially
viable than anything else we’ve seen.”
Pat Devlin
Post-Production Supervisor, Evergreen Films

The E2800 is targeted toward a broad range of end users. These users include small
to midsized businesses to local and state governments to Enterprise 1000 (E1000)
departmental and remote office or branch office (ROBO) users. Most of these users
either outsource their IT needs completely to value-added resellers (VARs) or, at best,
rely on in-house IT, frequently referred to as IT generalists. Few entry-segment end
users have dedicated storage administrators, so the E2800 Series system’s ease of use
is especially valuable.
NetApp E5700 Series Hybrid-Flash Array Modernize

E5724 system
▪ Unmatched value
▪ Flexible performance
▪ Proven simplicity E5760 system
▪ Modern, on-box, browser-based UI
▪ Full suite of APIs and orchestration tools
▪ Fourth-generation, hybrid-flash-optimized system

“Our customers want to know that consumers

are receiving the highest-quality media
experience. The NetApp E-Series array is
helping us provide this assurance.”
Michael Kadenacy
Founder and CEO, My Eye Media

The E5700 Series systems take the features that are offered on the E2800 to the next
level. Although still using the latest SAS technology on the available drive shelves, the
E5700 controller provides unmatched performance for its price range. It also supports
a 100-Gb NVMe interface for even more responsiveness. The E5700 can scale to a
greater extent than the E2800 and generate higher performance. Both the E2800 and
E5700 systems use a modern UI that does not require a host application install.
NetApp EF570 and EF280 All-Flash Array Benefits Modernize

EF570 EF280

Extreme performance Affordable performance

Unmatched value Enterprise value

Proven simplicity Proven simplicity

The midrange NetApp EF570 all-flash array is an all-SSD storage system that can
turbocharge access to your data and increase its value. EF570 enables you to make
decisions faster, more actionable, and secure. Requiring just 2U of rack space, the
EF570 all-flash array combines extreme IOPS, sub-100 microsecond response times,
and up to 21GBps of bandwidth with leading, enterprise-proven availability features.
It’s key benefits are extreme performance, unmatched value, and proven simplicity.

The entry-level NetApp EF280 all-flash array is an all-SSD storage system that can
increase access to your data and increase its value. EF280 enables you to process
more data faster for more insightful decisions. Requiring just 2U of rack space, the
EF280 all-flash array combines affordable IOPS, microsecond response times, and up
to 10GBps of bandwidth with leading, enterprise-proven availability features. It’s key
benefits are affordable performance, enterprise value, and proven simplicity.
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. What type of workload is an ideal opportunity for E-Series systems?
a. big data analytics
b. hybrid cloud data protection
c. server virtualization
d. private cloud data management

What type of workload is an ideal opportunity for E-Series systems?

Lesson 4: SANtricity Software

In this lesson, you learn how SANtricity software can help your customers.

E-Series and EF-Series SANtricity OS and UI Modernize

▪ SANtricity operating system

▪ Performance-optimized data path through the
controller in only 38 microseconds
▪ Complete set of data management features:
Snapshot copies, mirroring, replication, encryption
▪ Minimal impact on resources
▪ Ease of providing storage volumes

▪ SANtricity Storage Manager

▪ Intuitive UI that simplifies administration
”The SANtricity user interface is probably
▪ SANtricity System Manager the cleanest, most intuitive interface
▪ Browser-based UI I’ve ever seen.”
E-Series Customer
▪ Streamlined interface on the E2800 with SANtricity
version 11.30

All of the E-Series and EF-Series systems use the SANtricity operating system to
manage operations. SANtricity offers a robust set of data management features but
still has little impact on resources. The relatively simple and clean interface enables
administrators to provide storage volumes with minimal effort. An improved, even
more streamlined management interface is available with the E2800 platform.
SANtricity System Manager Modernize

▪ Manages your NetApp E2800 or EF570

and E5700 systems anytime, anywhere
▪ Has an easy-to-use, on-box,
web-based interface
▪ Has automated workflows and intelligent
provisioning defaults
▪ Has enhanced performance monitoring
and tuning actions
▪ Manages role-based access control,
audit log, and other security features

SANtricity System Manager is an intuitive, easy-to-use interface to manage E-Series

and EF-Series arrays. It is array-based and accessed by a web browser. It features
automated workflows and drill-downs for enhanced performance monitoring and
system tuning. The same interface is used on all E-Series (entry and midrange) and
EF-Series products.
SANtricity Cloud Connector
▪ Flexible and cost-effective backup and
recovery to the hybrid cloud from an
E-Series or EF-Series system
▪ Data Fabric integrated
▪ Ideal for customers who do not
have an investment in sophisticated
backup and disaster recovery
infrastructure and need simple
cloud backup
▪ Amazon Simple Storage Service
(Amazon S3), StorageGRID, and
NetApp Cloud Backup support

Another option with E-Series and EF-Series systems is SANtricity Cloud Connector
software. This software gives users the flexibility to use the cloud in concert with any
E-Series or EF-Series storage configuration and integrates with the Data Fabric.
Although most potential E-Series customers do not look for a cloud-based solution,
knowing that this option exists gives them peace of mind. They are comfortable to
know that their data will not be “stuck” on the storage system if future requirements
involve the cloud. This option also does not require any additional hardware or
complicated management.
Customer Conversations
▪ The cost per gigabyte of storage is no
longer the best way to choose the
solution that is right for you.
▪ What are your IOPS per
TB requirements?
▪ What does consistent latency mean to
your business?
▪ How rapidly is your data changing?
▪ What are your SLAs?
▪ Where do you want to spend
your money?

Consider these questions for potential customers. Remember that choosing the right
storage involves more than simply analyzing dollars per gigabyte of capacity. For
potential E-Series and EF-Series customers, look for answers that focus on a need for
low latency and a solid history of reliability. In particular, look for customers who
want to avoid investing a lot of money in storage IT. These customers just want a
solution that works. E-Series is that system.
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. The same interface for SANtricity System Manager is used on all
E-Series and EF-Series products.
a. true
b. false

The same interface for SANtricity System Manager is used on all E-Series and EF-
Series products.
Lesson 5: FlexPod Solution

In this lesson, you learn about the FlexPod portfolio of converged infrastructure
IT Challenges

IT must be able to IT must establish a cloud Legacy infrastructures A business needs

deliver high levels of strategy to meet were not designed to technology solutions
service and provide business demands, handle the unique that simplify and
apps to meet the without adding cost and needs of today’s automate processes to
needs of the business. complexity. applications, the hybrid improve efficiency and
cloud, or big data. reduce capex and

Your customers must deliver high levels of service, establish and use a cloud strategy
without adding cost or complexity, manage legacy infrastructures that were not
designed to handle today’s emerging applications, and simplify and automate
processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
The FlexPod Portfolio Modernize

The FlexPod portfolio offers three solutions that target all your major enterprise
workloads, with shared components that can be used across the FlexPod family:

FlexPod Express FlexPod Datacenter FlexPod Select

Remote office or branch Enterprise apps, unified Big data and analytics
office, retail, small and infrastructure, and
midsized business, virtualization
and edge

The FlexPod portfolio offers three solutions that target all major enterprise
workloads, with shared components that can be used across the FlexPod family:
• FlexPod Express is a compact, cost-effective solution. Remote offices and small to
medium enterprises can consolidate their entire IT infrastructure on a single, easy-
to-manage platform. This solution saves money, simplifies management, and
enhances data protection.

• FlexPod Datacenter is the classic FlexPod system. It is designed as a massively

scalable shared virtual infrastructure solution for medium and large customers,
including service providers. ONTAP software unifies storage silos by using one set
of storage software from flash to disk to cloud. FlexPod solutions also unify SAN
and NAS infrastructure with the only natively multiprotocol storage platform in a
converged infrastructure.

• FlexPod Select is a platform and architecture designed and optimized for dedicated
workloads with special requirements, such as extreme performance or capacity. It
can be configured with any combination of NetApp FAS and E-Series systems.

All FlexPod models include the Cooperative Support program.

What Is the FlexPod Solution? Modernize
A pre-validated, flexible platform

Cisco Unified Computing NetApp Storage

▪ Unified storage with NetApp
▪ Unified management ONTAP software
▪ Programmable infrastructure ▪ Agile, automated next-
generation data center storage
Cisco Nexus Switches
with NetApp SolidFire
▪ Unified fabric
▪ Innovative performance
Centralized Management
with cloud scale with Automation

▪ Cisco UCS Director and

orchestration support
▪ Open APIs

The FlexPod solution is the converged infrastructure solution from NetApp and Cisco.
It simplifies and modernizes IT with continuous innovation. It delivers superior
application performance and has broad support for any cloud strategy. It offers
improved operational efficiency to accelerate data center transformation and
business evolution.

The FlexPod solution includes Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS) servers,
which provide programmable, virtualized compute with an open API and support for
orchestration tools. The FlexPod solution features NetApp AFF, along with ONTAP
data management software. With the FlexPod solution, unified storage that can be
virtualized into pools and be nondisruptively managed. The FlexPod solution also uses
NetApp OnCommand storage software, which delivers the built-in storage efficiencies
of ONTAP software, integrated data protection, and intelligent management and
Benefits of the All-Flash FlexPod Solution Modernize

Cost Efficiency Operational Simplicity Proven Scalability

▪ Leverage existing ▪ A best-in-class, ▪ Simplified management
investment and reduce preconfigured, integrated and rapid provisioning
capital expenditures solution services delivery
▪ Lower operating costs by ▪ Less time required for IT ▪ Support for 60% more
20% compared administrators to virtual desktops
to competitors configure systems
▪ Reduce storage costs

When you add flash to FlexPod solutions, you can offer your customers even more
FlexPod solutions reduce costs. IT can leverage existing investments and reduce
capital expenditures (or capex) by using compute and storage resources more
efficiently through optimization and virtualization. FlexPod solutions lower operating
expenses by 20% compared to competitors, because the simpler FlexPod
infrastructure uses fewer components.

Operational simplicity is important to your customers. The FlexPod portfolio is a best-

in-class, preconfigured, integrated solution that takes the guesswork out of designing
and implementing a desktop virtualization infrastructure. With FlexPod solutions, IT
administrators spend less time configuring systems, and centralized management
tools free them from mundane maintenance tasks.

Growing businesses need scalability. FlexPod solutions provide simplified

management through industry-leading tools. Centralized desktop management and
rapid provisioning enables IT administrators to accelerate IT service delivery.
Choose from More Than 160 Validated Designs Modernize
Superior set of validated workloads from a market proven leader in converged infrastructure

Infrastructure Designs Application Workload Designs Validated designs provide

detailed best practices
▪ Baseline FlexPod system ▪ Built on FlexPod infrastructures from the experts at Cisco
▪ Any hypervisor or bare metal ▪ Provides application and NetApp.
▪ Robust, fully redundant design deployment best practices
▪ Management software installed ▪ Includes application backup
and recovery
▪ Ready-to-install application

FlexPod accelerates the delivery of applications by providing end-to-end validated

design and deployment guides, which simplify many of the challenges involved in
bringing new services to market quickly. These designs are the result of joint
engineering, investment, and testing. The designs and deployment guides are
provided for frequently seen workloads and deliver step-by-step instructions for
repeatable high-quality deployments. These tools result in more service-level
consistency and standardization. Designs are provided for platform infrastructure and
for application workloads to deliver a broad set of best practices and templates for
FlexPod systems.
Support from Top Companies Modernize

The Support Ecosystem FlexPod Cooperative Support

Applications ▪ Direct Access
Citrix VMware Direct support between
Hypervisor/OS customers and the experts that
they need
VMware Citrix

▪ Coordinated Support
Formal communications, training,
and escalation processes across
SAP Microsoft
vendors and partners
Microsoft Red Hat

▪ FlexPod Expertise
A multivendor support lab to
Oracle simulate and pre-test
support solutions

The FlexPod Cooperative Support Model represents a multivendor engagement that

includes not only NetApp and Cisco, but also an ecosystem of technology partners
such as Citrix, Microsoft, and VMware. The customer’s IT staff chooses which vendor
to call on based on their initial assessment of the problem’s origin. With support staff
who are cross-trained to identify frequently seen FlexPod issues and to use formal
collaboration processes, when cross-vendor escalations are necessary, they are
quickly and seamlessly resolved.
Qualifying Customers for FlexPod Solutions Modernize

or other
An LOB manager business
with a new expansion
A software
business problem A large-scale
upgrade or
infrastructure change

LOB: line of business

When you speak to prospects, pay attention to signs that give you reasons to talk
about the FlexPod solution portfolio.
Listen for a line-of-business manager with a new business problem. The solution
might require storage and benefit from a converged infrastructure. Listen for a
customer that is undergoing an acquisition or business expansion or is running a
large-scale infrastructure change. An IT or line-of-business leadership change offers
the chance to influence some new influencers who want to prove their value to the
business. Any software upgrade or technology refresh, voluntary or involuntary,
provides a good opportunity to position the benefits of the FlexPod solution
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which two are benefits of all-flash FlexPod? (Choose two.)
a. operational simplicity
b. enterprise value
c. dynamic disk pools
d. proven scalability

Which two are benefits of all-flash FlexPod?

Knowledge Check: Question
2. Which three are part of the FlexPod portfolio? (Choose three.)
a. FlexPod SolidFire
b. FlexPod Express
c. FlexPod Select
d. FlexPod Datacenter
e. FlexPod Enterprise

Which three are part of the FlexPod portfolio?

Knowledge Check: Question
3. The FlexPod solution is the converged infrastructure solution from
NetApp and Brocade.
a. true
b. false

The FlexPod solution is the converged infrastructure solution from NetApp and
Module 6
Ascend Tool Overview

This module introduces the Ascend Tool, which you will use for deal registration and
managing your opportunities.
What Is Ascend?

Deal Pricing / PVR

Opportunities Quotes Order


PVR: policy-variance request

Ascend is aligned with the typical workflow for sales and enables partners and
NetApp sales personnel to register deals and manage opportunities, accounts, leads,
and quotes. It also helps to generate quotes, configure solutions, and view reports.
Why Ascend?
Ascend improves the overall sales
process for NetApp and our partners:
▪ Streamlines user experience
▪ Increases productivity
▪ Simplifies data entry and
data requirements
▪ Standardizes workflow for all users
▪ Enables consistent reporting

Ascend improves the overall sales process for NetApp and our partners. Ascend
provides a streamlined user experience and increases productivity with simplified
data entry and data requirements. Ascend also offers a more standardized workflow
for all users and enables consistent reporting.
Module 7
NetApp Resources

This module notes some resources that can help you to continue your learning
journey and successfully sell NetApp products.
Partner Enablement Guide

The Partner Enablement Guide provides role-based training recommendations that

are connected to web-based lecture or instructor-led training options about the
NetApp University products and solutions that were presented in this course.
Continued Education: Partner Hub
Product and solution training

Visit the Partner Hub to continue your education about NetApp products and
solutions. You have access to many free web-based courses that provide a deeper
dive into the NetApp products and solutions. You also find recommendations by role,
which include onboarding and specialist training, continuous education, and other
Resources Available to YOU!

May 2018 Partner Launch Collection ▪ Cloud Volumes FP Collection

▪ Hybrid Cloud Partner Enablement and
NetApp University Education

NetApp Partner Enablement Guide MODERNIZING IT

Partner Academy
Unified Partner Program ▪ All Flash FAS (AFF) FP Collection
▪ ONTAP 9 FP Collection
Value Selling Partner Sales Tools ▪ Flash Partner Enablement and
Competitive Offerings

▪ NetApp HCI Field Portal Collection

▪ StorageGRID Field Portal Collection
▪ NetApp HCI
▪ Partner Enablement and Education

You will find these links to resources helpful also.

Course Highlights
▪ Your customers face the difficult challenge of managing large
amounts of data with limited time, skills, and budget.
▪ The NetApp Data Fabric approach helps your customers to
manage and protect their data in private cloud, public cloud,
and hybrid cloud environments.
▪ The solutions in the NetApp product portfolio offer value to both
existing and new buyers by enabling them to successfully meet
their challenges and business objectives.
▪ The NetApp strategy is to enable you to become the data authority
for the hybrid cloud.

From this course, you have learned these key points:

Your customers face the difficult challenge of managing large amounts of data with
limited time, skills, and budget. The NetApp Data Fabric approach helps your
customers to manage and protect their data in private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid
cloud environments. The solutions in the NetApp product portfolio enable both
existing and new buyers to successfully meet their challenges and business
objectives. The NetApp strategy is to enable you to become the data authority for the
hybrid cloud.
Thank You

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Thank you.

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