Macros For Wow 2

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 These check if you are in a stance or form, with [stealth] specifically checking for Stealth.

[stance] and [form] are functionally identical, so you can use [form:2] to look for a Warrior's
Defensive Stance, or [stance:1] to look for a Druid's Bear Form. Brewmasters, Mistweavers, and
Rogues of all specializations also have additional stances, with rogues using additional [form:2]
for Vanish and [form:3] for Shadow Dance. A full table of forms is available at While not covered on WoWpedia, Paladin seals can also be
checked with [form].

 [equipped], [worn]

This is used to check if you have the specified item type equipped, like [equipped:Shirts] to
check if you are wearing a shirt. [worn] is functionally the same but using less characters. You
can only check for a spcific item type, not for an individual item by name.

 [pet]

This checks if you have a pet out, and optionally, what kind. [pet] will check for any pet, while
[pet:bear] or [pet:felguard] will look for that specific type.

 [spec]

This checks which of your specializations you are currently in. [spec:1] through [spec:4] go in
the same order as the Specializations Window, from top to bottom. Demon Hunters only have 2
specializations, and Druids have 4. All other classes have 3.

 [actionbar]

This checks which actionbar you are currently on. In the default UI, you may have noticed that
you can press Shift+1 through Shift+6 (or click the small arrows to the right of your actionbar) to
change your actionbar page, granting you access to an additional row of abilities. This would
allow the same macro, placed on two different pages, to function differently depending on which
page you were on at any given moment. Primarily used in actionbar swap macros, not
particularly useful outside of this limited context.

 [group],[group:party],[group:raid]

This indicates whether you are in a group. [group] is true for a group of any size, while
[group:party] is only true for a 5-man party, and [group:raid] is only true for a raid group,
regardless of size.

 [channeling]

This indicates if you are channeling a spell, like Mind Flay, Blizzard, or Soothing Mist. You can
use [channeling:SpellName] to check if you are channeling a specific spell, or don't specify a
spell and it will be true if you are channeling any spell.
5. Scripting - What is possible in a macro?

Scripting is an advanced feature sometimes used in macros. Be aware that

scripting can't be used to cast a spell, use an item, or take any other "secure"
action. Secure actions are those things which are reserved for the Blizzard UI,
and are not available to addons.

Essentially, if you use a script in a macro, you are using a micro-addon. It has all
the abilities and limitations of a normal addon, but restricted to a 255 character
limit. Useful examples are announcing cooldown or crowd control targets in a raid
environment, calcuiating variables and returning the result (ie How many glyphs
do I have left to learn?), or making non-protected spell casts (ie determining
which mount to use based on what zone you are in).

There are far more possibilities available with scripting than I could possibly
describe here, so if you have specific questions or a script you want to share, feel
free to mention it here or post a new thread.

7.0 update:
As a result of some scammers passing off malicious scripts as legitimate,
Blizzard has implemented a Lua script warning anytime you run a macro with the
"/script" or "/run" commands. You get this same warning if you type a script
directly in the chat window without a macro.

The warning is essentially telling players to be careful of running custom scripts

they get on the internet or from other players, that they should not run any scripts
they do not trust.

This warning is for player protection only, and does not reflect a policy change.

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