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SDS0 TG3500

Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril

by Thom Wilson

Little is known of this tunnel beyond the first few chambers. Those that delve too deeply have never returned to tell
the tale of its inhabitants and horrors. Some say the tunnel leads to riches. Others say it leads to endless labyrinths
and sprawling cities below the earth where the deadliest creatures lurk. But most all agree that it leads the foolish
to their death.

Designed for 4-8 High Level, Experienced Characters

System Neutral! ThrowiGames LLC

Supports any Fantasy RPG System Bringing Your Brain Back to the Game

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)

City Excursions Bonus Adventure

Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril

Table of Contents Credits
Author, Creator: Thom Wilson
Page Section
Editing: Michael J. Gross, III
1 Table of Contents and Credits
Cover Illustration: Maciej Zagorski
1 Introduction
Illustrations: Rick Hershey (Fat Goblin
2 The Tunnel Games), Jacob E. Black-
2 Section 1: Entrance—A3 mon, Purple Duck
3 Section 1 Map Games

4-5 Section 1: A4—A10 Cartography: Dyson Logos

6-7 Section 1: A11—A16 Creation: 20190904 (v1.02)

8-9 Section 1: A17—A20 Product No: SDS0, TG3500

10 Section 2 Map
11 Section 2: A21—A23
This adventure was created as a stretch goal
12-13 Section 2: A24—A29 to the ThrowiGames project, “Off the Beaten
14-15 Section 2: A30—A35 Path: City Excursions” on Kickstarter.
16 Section 2: A36 Unlike the side quests for the main book, this
16 Section 3: A37—A38 adventure is multiple pages and uses a
17 Section 3 Map “sensory” description technique for the en-
counter areas. There are limited text and story
18-19 Section 3: A39—A44
to the overall adventure and each encounter
20-21 Section 3: A45—A50 area. This leaves it up to the GM to take the
22-23 Section 3: A51—A52 high-level bits of data supplied and craft their
own story.
24 Full Map
24 Wandering Monster Tables The adventure is also system neutral, provid-
ing open stat blocks for the GM to use to
write in their own details about monsters,
treasure, and traps.
This adventure is definitely a different style
for ThrowiGames but may appeal to those
GMs who prefer to craft their own stories
around bare-bones details. Enjoy!
- Thom Wilson
Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure
(1d4+1) Bugbears, statistics:
The Tunnel
Little is known of this tunnel beyond the first few
chambers. Those that delve too deeply never returned
to tell the tale of its inhabitants and horrors.

Entrance A2: Guard Alcove

A steep climb up to a wide ledge offers the first view of A small niche with two stools for guards.
the tunnel entrance. GM Notes: Empty if bugbears already attacked in A1.
Quick View: Twenty-foot tall by twenty-five foot wide Quick View: Tight niche; two stools.
opening. Skeletal remains near northern portion of the
ledge. Detailed View: A wooden bucket; several wooden
plates; a spear leaning against a wall.
Detailed View: No light source within; skeletal remains
are human, missing both arms. Smell: Wet fur smell and excrement from the bucket.

Smell: Foul smell of rotting meat from the east. Occupants: One or two Bugbears if surprised, none if
they already attacked in area A1.
Listen: Sounds of murmuring or whispering from the
east (guards in A2). A3: Guard Alcove
Secrets: A hidden niche in the wall (S1) contains a note A hidden area for guards.
with passcode, “Gumble-gark”—phrase provides safe
GM Notes: Empty if bugbears already attacked in A1.
passage past the guards in A2/A3.
Quick View: Puddle of liquid.
A1: Killing Zone Detailed View: A broken axe; liquid on the floor is yel-
A wide area filled with the remains of dead explorers lowish.
and trespassers.
Smell: Liquid smells like urine.
GM Notes: Hidden Bugbears surprise intruders from
Occupants: One or two Bugbears if surprised, none if
areas A2 and A3.
they already attacked in area A1.
Quick View: High ceiling; dark area; piles of bodies in
every direction.
Additional GM Notes for Areas A1-A3
Detailed View: Dozens of rotting corpses or skeletal
remains of humans and other unidentifiable human-

Smell: Overwhelming smell of rotting and diseased


Listen: Conversation may be heard from western al-

cove (A2) if characters are quiet.

Occupants: 50% chance 1d4+1 Bugbears searching bod-

ies in the room (if surprised).

Secrets: A gem found in the bootheel of one of the

corpses (worth 100gp).

Exits: Locked door to the south, unlocked double-doors

to the east.

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril


A4 A1 Tunnel of
Unfathomable Peril

A6 A7

A10 A12

A14 A19

A16 A18 S3


Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure
Secrets: One of the swords is magical; the red-stained
A4: Mercenary Boss bag (S2) has three broken potion bottles, their liquid
Plush quarters for a hired guard leader. spilled out within the bag; a loose stone in the wall of
GM Note: The bugbear mercenary boss and his mates the northern niche holds a small box with a gold and
are “occupied” within the pile of furs. ruby ring (worth 750 gp).

Quick View: An unlit, small room with animal furs and Magical sword, properties:
crude furniture.

Detailed View: Movement within the piles of furs

(bugbear women); open wardrobe with silk clothing.

Smell: Smell of sweat and fur, faint smell of incense.

A6: Endless Hall Entrance
A dimly lit hall that stretches on seemingly forever.
Listen: Sounds of playful giggling within the furs.
GM Notes: The doors are locked from the eastern side.
Occupants: Bugbear leader and two female Bugbear
Bugbears do not have access beyond this location. The
passphrase found in S1 will get the drow guard (A7) to
Secrets: Bugbear leader has a key to the door to the open the door but will not give characters access into
east; a bag of silver coins in the pile of furs (75 sp). the hallway.
Exits: Locked door to the east. Quick View: Sputtering torches in rusty sconces every
twenty feet; metallic spider webs on the ceiling.
Bugbear Leader, statistics:
Detailed View: The metallic spider webs are decorative
and do not contain spiders.

Smell: Stale air in the hall mixed with the smell of

death and decay from the south.

(2) Bugbear Mates, statistics: Listen: Faint groans and sobs from the south (A8 and
A9); very faint chanting from the east (A15).

Exits: The tunnel continues east; narrow halls to the

north and south.

A7: Solitary Guard

A5: Treasure Stockpile A lone guard prevents unwanted guests from entering
A place for stolen gear from murdered explorers. the Endless Hall.
GM Note: The bugbears keep all the acquired loot from GM Notes: This guard has a key to the door in A6 and
their victims in this locked room. will not allow any to pass without permission.
Quick View: Unorganized piles of loot scattered about Quick View: A wooden stool, hand crossbow and
the room. twenty short quarrels hang on the northern wall.
Detailed View: Armor, weapons, backpacks, bags, sup- Detailed View: A book entitled, “Serving Her Mistress
plies, and chests are everywhere; a red-stained bag in Fully” and a half-started macabre poem on parchment
the northern niche. on a short ledge.

Prolonged Search: Three usable swords, two daggers, a Occupants: A lone Drow guard (unless encountered at
leather vest, a suit of rusty but usable chainmail, an the door at A6).
empty scroll tube, and a chest full of silver and gold
Secrets: A small vial of poison secured under the stool.
coins (745 sp, 421 gp).

Smell: Sweet smell from the northern niche.

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril
Drow Guard, statistics: Magical knife (dagger), properties:

A9: Prisoner Cells

Some wait here for their turn of questioning.
A8: Torture Chamber
GM Notes: The Drow may think that some explorers
Cries of pain and suffering tell a sad story of woe.
are here to unseat their leaders.
GM Notes: Explorers not slain by the bugbears in A1
Quick View: Absolute darkness.
are brought here to be tortured.
Detailed View: (With light source) six small cells with
Quick View: Dimly lit area; several grim-looking tor-
1d6 victims awaiting the torture chamber.
ture devices; one or more (1d4) victims languishing in
or on the devices. Smell: Buckets filled with excrement are smelled before
Detailed View: A pile of dead victims near the northern
wall, each stripped of clothing and gear. Listen: Sobbing victims cry out for help when charac-
ters arrive in the area.
Smell: Overwhelming mixture of sweat, excrement,
urine, and rotting viscera. Occupants: 1d6 victims—only one or two are capable
of walking unsupported.
Listen: Loud cries of dying victims in this room; shouts
of help from the south (A9).
A10: Guard Room
Occupants: 50% chance that one or two Drow torturers
Off-duty guards rest behind an unlocked door.
are here performing their grisly work.
GM Notes: Few Drow guards are this far west in the
Secrets: One of the knives on a work table is magical.
Tunnel. This is their only guard area in the western
(1d2) Drow Torturers, statistics: section.

Quick View: A single candle provides dim light; a ta-

ble, stools, and a few bunks along the walls.

Detailed View: Footlockers and beds for six; a weapon

rack on the east wall is filled with scimitars and spears.
Additional GM Notes for Areas A4-A10
Prolonged Search: 125gp and 200 sp found in the foot-

Smell: Unwashed bodies and sweat.

Listen: Conversing Drow heard from the western side

of the door.

Occupants: 1d4 Drow guards in various states of rest

and relaxation.

Secrets: a pouch in a hollow leg of the tables holds ten

diamonds (each worth 50gp).

(1d4) Drow Guards, statistics:

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure
Occupants: Ghazti, a Drow priestess, is here when not
A11: Bodyguard and Lover administering services in the prayer chamber (A15).
Absolute servitude to the priestess.
Secrets: Spellbook hidden in the wardrobe; key to the
GM Note: A dedicated bodyguard to the priestess door in Ghazti’s robe pocket; a small chest under the
(A12) also doubles as her lover. dressing table holds 1d100 emeralds (each worth 50 gp)
Quick View: Well lit with torches and candles; a plush and 100 gp.
bed in the northwest corner; a gleaming battle axe rests Exits: Locked door to the west.
in a wall mount.
Ghazti, Drow Priestess, statistics:
Detailed View: Table and two chairs, a book entitled,
“Love Her, Completely” is open to the 2nd page; an
overflowing leather bag on the floor next to the bed
(filled with gold coins, 178gp).

Smell: Powerful perfume permeates the senses. Spells:

Listen: If the bodyguard is with the priestess (A12), the

sound of laughter drifts through the eastern door.

Occupants: Frongnar, a human warrior, is the Drow

priestess’s current bodyguard. There is a 50% chance
he is here )otherwise, he is in area A12). Spellbook, contents:
Secrets: A bag of rubies is hidden in the mattress
(1d100, each worth 25 gp); the battle axe is magical.

Exits: Locked door to the east.

Frongnar, Human Warrior, statistics:

A13: Drider Checkpoint

A lone abomination keeps watch over the Hall.
GM Note: Not even the drow can pass east here with-
Magical battle axe, properties:
out special permission.

Quick View: Lit as area A6; claw marks in the stone

walls and floors.

A12: Drow Priestess Detailed View: Gouges in the stonework look like pow-
erful claws tried to dig into the walls during climbing.
An outcast priestess serves the western portion of the
Endless Hall. Smell: Burning candles and candlewax from the east.

GM Note: Ghazti continues to serve her mistress, ad- Listen: Chanting from east (A15) grows louder here.
ministering services to the rank and file away from the
Occupants: A Drider stands vigilant, refusing to let any
rest of her clan.
pass east.
Quick View: A dark room.
Exits: The Endless Hall continues east.
Detailed View: (With light source) a large, high bed;
black lacquered dressing table and wardrobe; spi-
Drider, statistics:
derwebbed robes hang on the wall near the door.

Smell: Human sweat and perfume.

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril
Detailed View: Pews are engraved with spider webs;
eight giant rubies are placed in the spider statue.

Smell: Sulphur and candle wax.

Listen: Chanting from drow outcasts seeking a reunion

with their goddess (unless the temple is empty).

Occupants: 3d4 Drow outcasts (non-combatants); ani-

mated spider statue (if touched).

Secrets: The giant rubies are worth 1500 gp each; a do-

nation box is hidden behind the statue, filled with 750

Animated Spider Statue, statistics:

A14: Black Webbed Pillar

Curious passersby will fall victim to the pillar’s alien
GM Note: A trapped pillar tests the faith of any who A16: Warning to All
touch it. A grisly reminder to those who forget who rules the
Endless Hall.
Quick View: A black pillar with interweaving silver
webs. GM Note: Three gutted Drow lie in a pile in the middle
of the hall, their eyes and fingers removed.
Detailed View: Black marks on the walls and floor of
the alcove hint at fire or lighting. Quick View: Three bloody bodies in a pile.

Smell: Charred flesh and burned stone. Detailed View: Three Drow without eyes and fingers;
spider tattoos have been burned off.
Listen: Chanting from the temple is heard clearly here.
Smell: Rotting flesh and blood.
Secrets: If an unbeliever (of Lolth or comparable spider
god-queen) touches the pillar, they are blasted with Listen: Chanting from the west (if temple service is ac-
lightning. tive).

Exits: The Endless Hall continues east. Exits: The Endless Hall continues east; a narrow tunnel
leads south; locked double-doors on the northern wall.
Pillar Trap, properties:
Additional GM Notes for Areas A11-A16

A15: Spider Queen Temple

A spider statue watches over those that enter.
GM Note: This temple sees little formal use—most of
those that live in the western end of the tunnel are un-
worthy and faithless. The statue is magical and can be-
come animated.

Quick View: Lit with thousands of black wax candles;

rows of wooden benches; giant ruby eyes in the spider
Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure
Quick View: Lit by torches; workbenches and tables
A17: Spidery Storage throughout; shiny glass beakers and bottles every-
A simple supply room… SPIDERS! where.
Quick View: Absolute darkness. Detailed View: Two dead, burned dwarves near the
Detailed View: (With light source) a little-used supply door; runes on the floor throughout; dusty tomes and
room filled with webs; several small cocoons; boxes, crinkled parchments.
crates, and jars on dusty shelves beyond the webs. Prolonged Search: Several simple spellbooks; a few
Prolonged Search: Jars are filled with spoiled wine; recipes for potion creation; valuable tools for a wizard’s
boxes and crates contain simple supplies (rope, torches, laboratory.
etc.); one small barrel contains fine dwarven ale; a Smell: Stale, dusty air; burned flesh.
small metal box holds several rare wizard’s spell com-
Listen: Noise from the western door (A19) sounds like
a thorough search.
Smell: Dry air; death.
Occupants: Three duergar are exploring the room—
Listen: Faint skittering above in the webs. two of their troop have died from a lightning rune trap
Occupants: A large spider hides in the webs, attacking in front of the door.
in the dark or when the webs are set on fire. A dozen Secrets: Five more rune traps are drawn out on the
tiny spiders hang back until the area is clear. floor of the room; a secret niche in the north wall (S3)
Secrets: A cocoon-wrapped drow has a pocket filled holds a massive spellbook, a scroll, and a magical po-
with small diamonds (3d6, each worth 10 gp); a magi- tion.
cal ring is stuck to the web near the ceiling. Exits: an unlocked door in the western wall; locked
double-doors in the eastern wall.
Large Spider, statistics:
(3) Duergar, statistics:

(12) Tiny Spiders, statistics:

(5) Rune Traps, properties:

Magical potion, properties:

Magical ring, properties:

Magical scroll, properties:

Wizard spell components:

Spellbook, contents:
A18: Misused Laboratory
Not everyone can be a wizard.
GM Notes: An abandoned wizard’s laboratory was just
rediscovered by exploring duergar. They have much to
learn about wizards and their work.
Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril
Additional GM Notes for Areas A17-A20
(2) Duergar, statistics:

Magical wand, properties:

A20: Wizard’s Crypt

Oh, wait—wizards do sleep… in UNDEATH!
GM Notes: The wizard never abandoned his laborato-
ry—he died. He awaits awakening in his crypt.

Quick View: Absolute darkness.

A19: Wizard’s Quarters Detailed View: (With light source) a stone sarcophagus,
engraved with symbols and ancient languages; two
Amazing how wizards never sleep.
unlit, brass braziers; a tome, open on a pedestal.
GM Notes: The former wizard that lived here rarely
Smell: Death; dry, stale air.
used his quarters. Two duergar are searching the room.
Occupants: An undead wizard (mummy) lies in his
Quick View: Absolute darkness.
tomb, awaiting his return in undead sleep.
Detailed View: (With light source) a simple but un-
Secrets: The tome is open to a page with a single
kempt bed; wooden dresser with drawers removed; a
word—if spoken aloud, it starts the reawakening ritual.
wardrobe lying on its side; books piled on the floor in
Lighting the braziers strengthens the mummy. The
front of an empty bookcase.
mummy is buried with a magical rod and crown.
Smell: Sweaty dwarves.
Mummy, statistics:
Listen: Noisy searching by the two duergar.

Occupants: Two duergar are investigating the room.

Secrets: A magical wand is built into the headboard of

the bed. Spells:

Magical rod, properties:

Magical crown, properties:

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure

Tunnel of

A22 Unfathomable Peril







A31 A34


Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril

A21: Guard Station Second magical scimitar, properties:

An impressive defense of half-walls and barricades, but
for whom?
GM Notes: Drow protect both the west and east from Magical quarrels, properties:
intruders—to the east, they barely are able to control
their “pets”, the Quaggoth (areas A28-A32).

Quick View: Half-dozen low walls and barbed barri-

cades; torches provide light to the area. A23: Abandoned Quarters
Detailed View: A circular room with barricades on the An abandoned private room behind a locked door.
west and east sides; weapon racks (scimitars and hand GM Notes: Two tough locks on a reinforced door have
crossbows) on the north and south walls. left this room unexplored and unused for ages.
Smell: Alien smells permeate the air. Quick View: Absolute darkness.
Listen: Unsuspecting Drow guards. Will be complain- Detailed View: (With light source) a musty, moldy bed;
ing about their treatment and long duty shifts. broken table; three wooden chairs; an empty bookcase;
Occupants: Four Drow guards patrol the hallway. a wet, soiled rug.

Exits: The hallway continues east; a narrow tunnel on Smell: Musty; mold; moisture.
the south wall leads to A22. Listen: Insect chittering under the rug.

(4) Drow Guards, statistics: Occupants: A nest of tiny carrion beetles in a hole un-
der the soiled rug.

Secrets: A gilded dagger and several pieces of jewelry

in the nest under the wet rug.

Swarm of Carrion Beetles, statistics:

A22: Weapon Cache
Drow weapons stored for an impending assault.
GM Notes: Dark, mystical weapons stashed here in
case of assaults from the west or uprisings in the east.
Nest Treasure, contents:
Quick View: Absolute darkness.

Detailed View: (With light source) several racks of

spears, scimitars, crossbows, and quarrels.
Additional GM Notes for Areas A21-A23
Prolonged Search: two magical scimitars; ten magical
quarrels (for hand crossbow), dozens of other weapons.

Smell: Wood; steel.

Listen: Distant noises from the east (Quaggoth in-

fighting and carousing).

Secrets: Hollow leg of a weapon rack holds a felt purse

with 25 gp).

First magical scimitar, properties:

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure

A24: Guard Room A25: Drow Captain

Reinforcements await their turn to serve in the Hall’s A drunk and a cheat, this Drow captain rarely leaves
defense. his private quarters.

GM Notes: The last Drow guard station in the middle GM Notes: A downtrodden, drunken Drow captain
section of the hall. “commands” his guards from his private room.

Quick View: A dimly lit lantern hanging from the ceil- Quick View: Absolute darkness.
ing; six beds and footlockers; a wall-mounted weapon Detailed View: (With light source) unkempt bed; desk;
rack; a large table and six stools. wooden chair; bookcase; wall maps.
Detailed View: Playing cards and dozens of silver coins Prolonged Search: The desk holds a box of coins (125
on the table; quality weapons hanging from the rack; gp); hand-drawn maps show some of the eastern por-
padlocks on the footlockers. tion of the Halls; dozens of filled and empty liquor bot-
Prolonged Search: Each of the padlocked footlockers tles.
holds 1d100 sp and 1d20 gp. Scimitars and spears in Occupants: A Drow captain drinks alone.
the weapon rack; playing cards are rigged.
Secrets: A false bottom in the top drawer of the desk
Listen: (outside the southern hall door) dark elf conver- holds a magical dagger.
sation; distant howls from east and north.
Drow Captain, statistics:
Occupants: Three Drow guards await their turn of du-

Exits: Locked door to the west; a locked door to the


(3) Drow Guards, statistics: Magical dagger, properties:

A26: Beastmaster
Additional GM Notes for Areas A24-A29 Brave or insane, this lone drow “trains” the Quaggoth
beasts to defend the Hall.
GM Notes: Mostly insane, Quikzit the Beastmaster,
trains the ravenous Quaggoth to keep the drow sol-
diers safe from the horrors in the east.

Quick View: Candle sconces light a small room; simple

bed; stool; wooden bucket.

Detailed View: Whips and leashes hang from a hook on

the wall; wooden bucket contains meat.

Smell: Rotting meat (in the bucket).

Listen: Howls and grunts from the east.

Occupants: Quikzit, a drow beastmaster.

Secrets: Quikzit carries the keys to the Quaggoth pens

in his vest pocket.

Exits: Hallway to the east (A27).

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril
Quikzit, Drow Beastmaster, statistics: Secrets: A magical staff held by the dead drow priestess
(Area S4); a robe pocket holds a large diamond (worth
1,000 gp). A submerged chest holds 500 gp and 500 sp
at the bottom of the murky pit (S5).

Exits: Ramp down to the south; natural tunnels to the

north; the main hall continues east.
A27: Quaggoth Puppy Pens
(1-2) Quaggoths, statistics:
Quaggoths captured young can be trained to be good
guard “dogs”… sometimes.
GM Notes: Quaggoth pups may be trained to follow
commands—most just bite their handlers.

Quick View: Little light from area A26; steel bars of Magical staff, properties:

Detailed View: Six small pens, padlocked.

Smell: Pungent urine and excrement; moldy straw; rot-

ting meat. A29: Natural Defenses
Bones cover the floor in both tunnel openings to the
Listen: Loud panting; occasional growls, barks, or
north. Nothing moves here...at ground level.
GM Notes: Drow and Quaggoth avoid these two tun-
Occupants: Six Quaggoth pups.
nel openings—piercers make quick work of those pass-
Exits: Hallway to the south (A28). ing under them.

(6) Quaggoth Pups, statistics: Quick View: Wall lichen provides a dim light; bones of
several species in both openings.

Detailed View: Slimy substances on the walls lead to

the ceiling.

Smell: moisture; earthen.

A28: Quaggoth Chamber Listen: Faint sliding noises (piercers moving into posi-
Uncontrollable and released Quaggoths roam the large tion above).
chamber, left to their own devices. Occupants: 1d4+2 Piercers in the two tunnels prepare
GM Notes: Few Quaggoths have been trained success- to drop on unsuspecting victims.
fully—most are released here. Exits: Two tunnels split to the north.
Quick View: Ceiling and wall lichen light the area; stal-
(1d4+2) Piercers, statistics:
actites and stalagmites; a watery pit divides the room
to the east.

Detailed View: Piles of humanoid remains are found

throughout. A drow priestess lies faceup in the middle
of the chamber (S4), clutching a spidery staff.

Smell: Rotting flesh; urine and excrement; moisture.

Listen: Howls or barking to the south.

Occupants: There is a 50% chance that 1-2 Quaggoths

will be found here.

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure
Detailed View: 1d4+1 female Quaggoths lie within the
A30: Quaggoth Champion furs; several tiny Quaggoth pups.
The biggest and meanest of them all.
Smell: Wet fur; urine and excrement.
GM Notes: Quaggoths are ruled by a champion and
Listen: Whining and yipping of pups.
thonot (A32). It is here the champion presides over his
pack. Occupants: 1d4 Quaggoths females and 2d4 Quaggoth
pups (non-combatants)
Quick View: Ceiling and wall lichen provide dim light;
a ramp leads down to the area; bones and rotting Exits: Tunnel to the east.
corpses cover a majority of the floor.
(1-4) Quaggoth females, statistics:
Detailed View: Sleeping or resting Quaggoths lie
amidst the remains; a pile of gear (S6).

Smell: Rotting corpses; wet fur; urine and excrement.

Listen: Softly spoken, broken words from the south.

Occupants: 1d4 Quaggoths and their Quaggoth Cham- A32: Thonot Sorcerer
pion. Even brutes can cast spells, sometimes.
Secrets: A pile of clothing, backpacks, and broken GM Notes: Although rare, Quaggoth Thonots evolve
weapons hides a magical mace and leather bag filled to be able to cast spells. This Thonot serves the champi-
with coins (125 sp, 45 gp). on but desires to rule the pack someday.
Exits: Tunnel to the east. Quick View: A mixture of lichen and black wax candles
light the area; crude stone table; fur mats.
(1-4) Quaggoths, statistics:
Detailed View: Scrolls and tomes cover the stone table;
spider symbols scratched into the walls.

Smell: Wet fur; parchment; melting wax.

Listen: Chanting (spell-casting).

Quaggoth Champion, statistics:
Occupants: A lone Quaggoth Thonot practices his
spells, reviewing his scrolls and spellbook.

Quaggoth Thonot, statistics:

Magical mace, properties:


A31: Breeding Ground

He must continue the bloodline.
GM Notes: The Quaggoth champion keeps the most
vicious of the females here, hoping for offspring that Tomes and scrolls, contents:
follow in his footsteps.

Quick View: Limited light from small patches of lichen;

fur mats; a moving furball; piles of bones.

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril

A33: Starved A35: Hired Help

Too afraid to leave a secure spot leads to a slow death. Large horned warriors protect the Hall from outcasts
and ravenous beasts.
GM Notes: Two explorers, hiding from the horrors of
the Hall, slowly died from starvation here. GM Notes: Minotaurs have been promised gold and
human flesh for protecting the eastern Hall from in-
Quick View: The soft glow of lichen; two decomposing
bodies; backpacks and bags; a dagger and an axe.
Quick View: Torches in wall sconces; barricade of stone
Detailed View: Two human explorers without any ex-
ternal wounds (but gaunt); empty backpacks and bags;
broken weapons; a hole dug in the wall. Detailed View: Horned warriors hide behind barri-
cades holding large battle axes that glint in the light.
Smell: dry, stale air.
Smell: Bovine fur; sweat.
A34: Empty Chest? Listen: Snorting and the clip-clop of hooves.
An empty chest beckons...
Occupants: 4-5 Minotaurs keep watch.
GM Notes: A massive chest sits alone in this natural
Exits: Endless Hall continues east.
chamber, its lid wide open.

Quick View: Bright light from ceiling and wall lichen; a (4-5) Minotaurs, statistics:
ten-foot wide, three-feet deep chest with an open lid.

Detailed View: The chest is empty. Touching the chest

opens a portal within it, summoning a demonic crea-
ture into the room. It remains for a few rounds before
teleporting back to its plane. Touching the chest again Additional GM Notes for Areas A30-A35
summons another demon.

Smell: Dry air; sulfur smell within chest; sweet smell

from the north (S7).

Listen: Faint noise from within the chest.

Secrets: Several bags of coins (786 sp, 342 gp); magical

chainmail armor (S7); magical wineskin (S7).

Exits: narrow, concealed tunnel to the north.

Teleported Demon, statistics:

Magical chainmail armor, properties:

Magical wineskin, properties:

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City Excursions Bonus Adventure
Additional GM Notes for Areas A36-A38
A36: Temporary Quarters
Even mercenaries can have a luxurious home.
GM Notes: The minotaurs at the nearby guard station
are allowed to use this area as temporary quarters.

Quick View: Absolute darkness.

Detailed View: (with light source) luxurious trappings,

fit for a priestess or mistress; high bed; dressing table;
two wardrobes; fur rugs.

Prolonged Search: Love letters stashed in the dressing

table; hairbrushes mixed with bovine and drow hair;
empty perfume bottles; fashionable dresses in the
wardrobe; cracked hand mirror.

Smell: Bovine sweat; old perfume.

A38: Acolyte Study Room
Hours of study hone each drow acolyte’s skills.
Secrets: Ruby and gold ring tied to the back leg of the
dressing table, with a note that reads, “Forever and GM Notes: This area is usually filled with studious
always, my love.” drow acolytes eager to please the priestess.

Quick View: Hundreds of black wax candles light the

A37: Drider Intersection area; three large bookshelves filled with books and
Spider webs conceal the horrors that lurk beyond. scrolls; a large table with ten chairs.

GM Notes: Driders protect the eastern third of the Detailed View: Prayer scrolls and spellbooks on the
drow complex, stationed here at the intersection. table; wall hooks hold black robes.

Quick View: Absolute darkness; sticky webs across the Prolonged Search: several useful books and scroll on
hallway. spellcasting; a magical candle.

Detailed View: (with light source) thick webs span the Smell: Parchment; melting candle wax.
hallway (must be cut or burned to pass through).
Listen: Loud conversation in dark speech in the north-
Smell: sticky, sweet smell; tiny spiders in the webs; east.
Occupants: 1d6 Drow Acolytes, deep in study.
Listen: Tapping (drider claws on stone); faint murmurs
Exits: hallway/door to the northeast.
to the northeast (prayers in area A38).
(1d6) Drow Acolytes, statistics:
Occupants: Four Driders, two with spears and two
with crossbows, guard the intersection.

Exits: narrow tunnel to the north; wide tunnel to the

east; a locked door to the northeast.

(4) Driders, statistics: Magical candle, properties:

Useful books and scrolls, contents:

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril




A43 A42 S8


A45 A39


Tunnel of
Unfathomable Peril





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City Excursions Bonus Adventure

A39: Acolyte Common Room Mind Eater, statistics:

Drow, drow, everywhere.

GM Notes: A common area for all the drow acolytes in
the complex is found behind this door.
Quick View: Candles and lanterns light the large room;
dozens of beds; six large tables; dozens of stools.

Detailed View: Dozens of footlockers; black robes on

hooks and beds; hundreds of tomes and scrolls; dozens
of unwashed plates and cutlery.
Spell Book, contents:
Prolonged Search: All but a few of the books are useful;
1d10 footlockers contain silver and gold coins (1d10 sp
and 1d6 gp).

Smell: Unwashed drow; candlewax; moldy food.

Listen: (from outside the southwest door) heated

priestly discussions and arguments. A41: Visitor’s Quarters
Occupants: 3d6 Drow Acolytes, resting or studying. Overflow room for Endless Hall visitors.

(1d6) Drow Acolytes, statistics: GM Notes: When additional visitors from below come
unannounced, they are given this room.

Quick View: A single, lit candle; two small beds; a table

and two stools.

Detailed View: Dust on furniture.

A40: Dark Ambassador Prolonged Search: A cracked leather purse under a bed
Even the Driders avoid this part of the Endless Hall. holds 10 gp.
GM Notes: A Mind Eater from the Underdark awaits Smell: Stale, dry air; old perfume.
an audience with the High Priestess.
Listen: Louder splashing sounds and alien speech to
Quick View: Absolute darkness; viscera in the archway the north (A42).
Additional GM Notes for Areas A39-A44
Detailed View: (With light source) brain matter spilled
in the doorway; a travel chest; simple bed with stained
sheets; wooden desk and chair; human victim with a
hole in its head.

Prolonged Search: drawers in the desk are filled with

papers indicating donation totals; spellbook on desk;
chest filled with silver and gold coins (temple dona-
tions, 978 sp, and 659 gp).

Smell: Acrid smell of blood and organs.

Listen: 50% chance of sucking sounds (if Mind Eater

still devouring the brain); splashing water from the
north (A42).

Occupants: A Mind Eater, finishing off a victim.

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Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril

A42: Something Fishy Listen: (from outside of the northern door) Possible
conversations if room is occupied.
Water-loving visitors take a moment to enjoy a dip.
Occupants: See table below.
GM Notes: A pair of Kuo-toa princes wait to visit the
Exits: open archway to the east (A44).
High Priestess.

Quick View: A hanging candelabra with a dozen can- 1d6 Roll Result Room A43 Occupants
dles; a dark pool of water (S8); stone benches and seats. 1 2d4 Drow Guards, 1 Drow Priestess
Detailed View: Travel gear and weapons lean against 2-5 1d4 Drow Guards
the east wall; red robes hang from hooks; strange green 6 None
blankets drape the stone seats.

Prolonged Search: documents in the. travel gear Drow Guards, statistics:

(admittance passes); onyx statuette (2,500 gp value);
two gilded daggers (250 gp value each);

Smell: Water; moisture.

Listen: Splashing; alien speech.

Drow Priestess, statistics:
Occupants: Two Kuo-toa princes splash in the watery
pool while two Drow bodyguards keep watch.

Secrets: A gold box of gems (1d1000 various types, each

worth 25 gp) is found at the bottom of the pool (S8).
(2) Drow Bodyguards, statistics:

A44: Grisly Kitchen

(2) Kuo-toa Princes, statistics:
Exquisite meals for Endless Hall denizens.
GM Notes: Meals for the Drow and visitors are pre-
pared here—often created from hapless explorers.

Quick View: A magical fire within a huge cookstove;

A43: Common Hall three work tables; butchering tools; piles of meat.

A common space for Drow and visitors. Detailed View: Meat is mostly human parts; clean and
dirty plates stacked on the floor; cabinet of strange
GM Notes: Mostly used for rest, meals, and light stud-
spices and herbs.
Smell: Rotting meat; spices; herbs.
Quick View: Lit candles on several tables; chairs, tables,
and stools; comfortable couches; bookcases. Secrets: A scroll with a spell to create fire for the
cookstove in the cabinet.
Detailed View: Plates and cutlery; open books; maps on
the west wall.

Prolonged Search: Several useful books about the Un-

derdark; maps provide details of lower levels below.

Smell: Old food; fire and smoke from the east.

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure
Additional GM Notes for Areas A45-A50
A45: Trapped Archway
Unwanted guests suffer for their insolence.
GM Notes: A spear trap surprises those passing
through the decorative archway.

Quick View: Candle sconces offer dim light in this part

of the Endless Hall; stones in archway engraved with
spiders and drow.

Detailed View: Sconces are decorated with silvery webs

and spider patterns.

Prolonged Search: Four holes along the inside of the

archway on each side; pressure plate in floor within the

Smell: Blood.

Exits: Hallway continues east.

(8) Spear Trap, properties: A47: Guard Alcove

Spider statues are magnificent—magnificently deadly!.
GM Notes: A pair of spider statues look to the east and
animate if passersby fail to bow to the Spider Queen
A46: Dead End? relief behind them.
Unbelievers reach the end of the Hall.
Quick View: Black wax candles dimly burn to either
GM Notes: An illusionary wall seeks to fool unbeliev- side of large spider statues; a raised relief behind the
ers and intruders. statues (west wall) shows an arrogant spider queen.
Quick View: The “end” of the hall is decorated with a Detailed View: The spider statues have jointed append-
stone mural of the Underdark. ages; each statue has eight ruby eyes (each worth 250
Detailed View: Slight shimmer and movement to those gp).
that concentrate on the wall. Smell: Melting wax; faint poison smell.
Prolonged Search: Either side of the illusionary wall Listen: Faint noise to the north (through the door).
has a hidden lever that inactivates the invisible wall for
Occupants: Two stone spider statues animate if
30 seconds—the magic of the wall is especially difficult
touched or if passersby fail to bow to the Spider Queen
for unbelievers.
relief within 1 minute.
Smell: Stone; mortar; sulfur.
Secrets: A small fountain behind the statues near the
Exits: Hallway continues east. floor trickles a deadly poison (1 dose worth every ten
Illusionary Wall, properties:
Exits: Hallway continues east; a locked door to the

(2) Stone Spider Statues, statistics:

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril

A48: Pets of the High Priestess A49: Meeting Chambers

A locked door protects the Hall’s denizens from the Bringing the leaders of the evil races together, thankful-
High Priestess’s favorite pets. ly infrequently.
GM Notes: Entering this dark room will surely lead to GM Notes: The high priestess meets with other races
the demise of most explorers—basilisks train their gaze occasionally to discuss raids against their enemies.
upon the door, ready to affect those who enter.
Quick View: Absolute darkness.
Quick View: Absolute darkness.
Detailed View: (With light source) large black stone
Detailed View: (With light source) piles of stone; stat- table; two dozen high-backed wooden chairs; silver
ues of horrified victims; pieces of meat and vegetables; and gold candlesticks; parchments with crude draw-
two large chests in the northern end of the room; a ings of nearby aboveground settlements.
masterwork glaive and gleaming, silver-webbed whip
Prolonged Search: a magical dagger secured under the
hang above the chests on the northern wall.
tallest chair at the northern end of the table.
Prolonged Search: Thousands of various types of gems
Smell: Wood; old wine.
in the first chest (4d1000 gems, every 500 worth 1d100
gp); 100 silver and 50 gold bars in the second chest Occupants: 25% chance that 1d4 Drow servants (non-
(each bar value 100 coins). combatants) are preparing the room for a gathering.

Smell: Excrement; stone. Secrets: A well-disguised floor trap door (S9) leads to
various underground tunnels and larger drow com-
Listen: (Through the door) Sounds of hissing; crunch-
plexes beyond.
ing of bones.

Occupants: Two basilisks keep watch over the high

Magical dagger, properties:
priestess’s greatest treasures.

(2) Basilisks, statistics:

A50: Hall of Whispers
Whispers of madness, sorrow, and murderous impuls-
es cascade over all who enter the large hall.

Magical glaive, properties: GM Notes: Both the north and south walls are meticu-
lously engraved with hundreds of different settings. In
every one, drow are defeating and dominating all foes.
Unbelievers must save against fear or flee in terror.
Magical whip, properties: Quick View: Two dozen lanterns hang from the ceiling;
wall reliefs are intricate and horrifically beautiful.

Detailed View: Each relief depicts drow domination;

defeated foes in each relief seem to stare at those that

Smell: candle wax.

Listen: maddening whispers of the defeated.

Exits: Locked door to the south.

Maddening Reliefs, properties:

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure

A51: Spider Queen Temple Drow Soldiers, statistics:

Underdark denizens gather to praise the Queen of Spi-

ders and her minions.
GM Notes: The faithful gather to pray and donate to
their goddess—most who gather here are fanatics, will-
Drow Priestess, statistics:
ing to die for the mother of the drow.

Quick View: Dimly lit with over a hundred, single can-

dle wall sconces; dozens of stone benches face a mas-
sive Spider Queen idol; floor-to-ceiling tapestries hang
on either side of the idol; a bloody stone altar. Spells:

Detailed View: The Spider Queen statue is covered in

large gems (around the eyes, nose, and mouth); two
gilded donation urns stand in front of the idol; tapes-
tries are over 100 pounds each and depict swarms of
drow and spiders engaged in absolute ruination of hu- Drow Worshippers, statistics:
man settlements; dried blood on the small, stone altar.

Prolonged Search: Extra, empty donation containers

behind the tapestries; a drawer and chute in the back of
the idol (for coins to be dumped into); a concealed floor
trap door (S10) that leads to other, deeper drow com-
plexes in the Underdark; each of the fifty gems in the
idol are worth 5,000 gp.

Smell: Wax; dried blood.

Listen: Whistling of air (from S10); prayers (if the room

is occupied). Additional GM Notes for Areas A51-A52
Occupants: See table below.

Secrets: A floor trap door leads to darker, more danger-

ous parts of the Underdark (S10).

Exits: A locked door to the north (A52).

1d8 Roll Result Room A51 Occupants

1 High Priestess, 4 Drow Soldiers, 5d4
worshipping drow
2-3 Drow Priestess, 1 Drow Soldier, 3d4
worshipping drow
4-5 2 Drow Soldiers, 4d4 assembling
6-7 2d4 assembling drow
8 Empty room.

See area A52 for the statistics for the High Priestess.

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril

A52: High Priestess Quarters Khriztet, Drow High Priestess, statistics:

Unparalleled in her maliciousness and torturous thirst,
Khriztet the High Priestess of the Endless Hall devotes
herself to her goddess...when it serves her to do so.
GM Notes: The high priestess spends much of her time
in her quarters but can be found in other locales (see
table below).

Quick View: Surprisingly bright for drow quarters (lit

by several lanterns); large bed with black silk sheets;
two large wardrobes; writing desk, high back chair;
animal furs; plush couch; glass jars of human and elven
heads on a shelf.

Detailed View: Animal furs of arcanaloths; wardrobes Gibrilbog, Draegloth Lover, statistics:
filled with black robes with silver web stitching and
black leather clothing; writing desk covered in books
and parchment; twelve jars of heads filled with alcohol;
a mirror that offers a strange reflection.
Prolonged Search: Books on drow worship and devo-
tion; parchments recording donation totals over the last
several months; a magical robe; a desk drawer with a
blood-stained, black leather glove (magical).

Smell: Fire; sweat; perfume.

Trained Lizard, statistics:
Listen: (if occupied) a conversation between Kriztet
and her current lover, Gibrilbog.

Occupants: Gibrilbog (a draegloth) and Khriztet (if here

at this time). Khriztet’s lover has a pet lizard, trained to
kill which stays in this room at all times. Magical robe, properties:
Secrets: One of the preserved heads hides a large, per-
fect emerald (worth 10,000 gp).

1d8 Roll Result Who is in Area 52? Magical glove, properties:

1 Khriztet, Gibrilog, and the lizard
2 Khriztet and the lizard
3 Gibrilog and the lizard (Khriztet is in
the temple, A51)
4 Gibrilog and the lizard (Khriztet is in
the meeting room, A49)
5 Gibrilog and the lizard (Khriztet is
visiting her pets, A48)
The End?
6-8 The lizard Although the “Endless Hall” ends here, two ladders
provide access to lower and more dangerous levels
below. Perhaps the lower tunnels continue down to the
great Drow city itself...

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
City Excursions Bonus Adventure

Wandering Monsters
1d20 Roll Result Section 1
1 1d4 Drow guards
2 1d2 Bugbears
3 1 Drider
4 1-2 Explorers!
5-20 Nothing encountered.

Section 1

1d20 Roll Result Section 2

1 1d6 Drow guards
2 1d2 Minotaurs
3 1d4 Quaggoth
4 1d2 Drow Acolytes
5-20 Nothing encountered.

Section 2
1d20 Roll Result Section 3
1 1d2 Driders
2 1d4 Drow Acolytes
3 1 Mind Eater
4 2d6 Drow fanatic worshippers
5-20 Nothing encountered.

Tunnel of
Section 3
Unfathomable Peril
“The Endless Hall”

Map provided by Dyson Logos,

free to use commercial maps via

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)
Tunnel of Unfathomable Peril
by Thom Wilson

The prototype in a new series of adventures by ThrowiGames that maximizes encounters while minimizing
text. Using the Sensory Descriptive Style results in less text, more clues, maximum fun!
What is the Sensory Descriptive Style (SDS)? Each encounter area uses a set of standard, sensory de-
scriptive points that may be represented and uncovered. Not every area has every sensory descriptor but each
will have many of them. Note that most of the sensory descriptor sections provide a list of details instead of
wordy text. The descriptions within each section are presented in list form to provide the simplest of basic
information. Each two-page spread also provides space for GMs to add personalized notes and details to the
encounters on those pages.
For those that prefer to craft their own backstories and would rather not use pre-written read-aloud text, this
adventure is for you. You'll get a couple of short paragraphs of background before the book delves right into
encounter areas. It is up to the GM to develop adventure hooks and detailed reasons for the Tunnel of Un-
fathomable Peril to be what they are and why they exist.

$10.00 USD

Keith Schuerholz (Order #21291715)

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