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Creamy Sesame-Vinegar Dressing

Tess / 28/02/2008

I can understand why Ms. Shimbo notes that this is one of the most popular salad dressings in Japan. I can’t think
why I have not made it before!

Note that a traditional Japanese dinner menu does not usually include a raw vegetable salad as is common in the
U.S. and Europe. Cooked, but still bright and crunchy vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, and even spinach (or,
more likely, Japanese vegetables I can’t find here in Michigan) are often served with a dressing. Vegetables are very
briefly cooked in boiling water and then plunged into cold water to keep the colors fresh.

I served this dressing on broccoli flowerets and halved Brussels sprouts to accompany the udon noodles. Though the
picture was not good, the veggies were great. Mr. Tess noted that I must make this again. And so, I did.

Creamy Sesame-Vinegar Dressing

Furokkori no Gamazu-ae
4 servingspage 103

1 Tablespoon white sesame seeds, toasted

To toast sesame seeds, heat a sk illet large enough to hold the seeds in one layer over low
to medium heat. When the sk illet is hot, toss in the seeds and shak e the pan
vigorously.The seeds will plump up, sometimes even pop, and color to a nice toasty tan.
Don’t burn them! If you buy seeds which are already roasted, toasting them again will bring
out better flavor—already toasted seeds can sometimes taste rancid.
3 Tablespoons Japanese sesame paste (or tahini—this is a real time-saver for this recipe because otherwise
you must grind your own sesame seeds)
1 1/2 teaspoons shoyu
1/2 Tablespoon sugar (edit May 08 to suggest trying no sugar, but use Saikyo miso instead)
1 Tablespoon mirin
1 Tablespoon rice vinegar
Dashi (edit May 08 to suggest: you can thin this dressing more than pictured here!)
a vegetable, lightly cooked

In a suribachi mortar, grind the sesame seeds fine. Grinding this

small amount of seeds is not onerous, but you can appreciate
how much work the tahini is saving.

Add that tahini, one tablespoon at a time, and continue grinding

until it’s thoroughly mixed in. One at a time,

add the soy sauce,



and komezu,

grinding to make a smooth paste. The dressing begins to look creamy.

Thin with a bit of dashi; the consistency should be a bit thinner

than hummus. Taste and add more seasonings as you like. This
will keep covered in the refrigerator for a day or two. To serve, add
the dressing on top of your vegetable.

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