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Physic Lab

Lab: Free Fall
In order to have a variable for distance,
Measure the distance from the 4th floor to the
second floor. This is the displacement that the
ball will experience.
While the timers are on standby, from the
tennis ball from the 4th floor to the second
floor. The timers need to start the timer as
soon the ball is released and stop the time as
soon as the ball hits the ground.
Record all 3 results form all the timers and
proceed to do this process 3 more times.
Repeat the all the steps again for a ping pong
Per cent Difference => 100 - (%calculated / %measured * 100)

Displacement =>

3 Ping pong balls 1 measuring tape

3 stopwatches 3 tennis balls

Freefall is a downward movement under the influence of gravity
when air resistance and mass is negligible. Gravity is a natural
force that affects everything on Earth. Gravity has a force of 9.8
meters per second squared. Acceleration is the change in velocity
which is linked with the time during the change happens.

There are formulas that are used to find different factors of an

experiment or problem. If you can collect at least 3 variables from
the experiment, then you can use the formula to find the rest in of
the information. These factors may include time, displacement,
final velocity, initial velocity, and acceleration. Each variable also
has its own symbol. Initial velocity is Vi, Final velocity is Vf, Time
is t, displacement is d, and acceleration is a. In our experiment on
dropping the ball, the acceleration is constant because the force
of gravity is always the same where ever you are. We dopped the
ball with no force when releasing the ball because we wanted a
stable and constant term for the initial velocity. The initial velocity
is the speed of and objects with direction. You calculate the initial
velocity the exact moment the project is displaced. This is why
when you drop it the initial velocity is 0 m/s. We now have 3
variables to calculate the rest of the variables. We have initial
velocity by dropping the ball, the time by using the stopwatch,
and the displacement by using the measuring tape. When we
have time, displacement, ant initial velocity, we now calculate the
final velocity when it hits the floor.

When the acceleration is always constant, it means that we can

also use the formulas to calculate for time and distance. Overall,
if you gather at least 3 factors from the variable, you can find the
last 2.
To understand more about free fall by conducting these
To be able to recognize the variables and be able to understand
them. (Eg: Vi, t, a)
Being able to memorize and use the formulas properly to calculate
different variablesTo be able to calculate the distance using the
formula rather than using the measuring tape
To be able to use the knowledge gathered from this experiment
and use it in daily life.
To be prepared for basic knowledge to be used for more advanced
experiments in the future

Analysis and result

According to this experiment, the distance measured by the
measuring tape is close to the distance measured by using
the formula. We know this by calculating the average per
cent difference to see if they are similar. This shows that the
formulas are valid and can be trusted to find more variables.
The reason why there is a distance between the measured
one and the formula one is because of air resistance. Air
resistance is also always present when you are measuring
free fall. Air resistance is the force exerted by the air when
an object is free falling. It is similar to jumping in the pool
and slowing down because of the water. This is the reason
why a feather and a hammer drop at the same rate at the
moon. The reason why the pong pong ball drops slower is
that the air is easier to fight back when the object is light.
In conclusion, the experiment toughs us the
basis of physics. This is present by knowing
the variables that make up the free fall of an
object. We can now use formulas to prove that
we can understand the formulas and we can
adapt it to be used in other physics problems,
we can use this knowledge in later
experiments that are more advanced and more
difficult. We can also use this knowledge in
everyday life to know the basics of physics
and what makes up an object’s fall

Physics textbook 
Physics notebook

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