Field Experience Assignment 2

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Elix Oliva-Cerrito Oliva 1

Instructor: Robert Shkorupa

EDU 201
Field Experience Assignment #2
15 March, 2017

1. Classroom scale drawing:

A. When it comes to improving the classrooms layout, I would take out one of the

bookshelf’s that is to the computers since the books there are lower than their normal

reading level and most are at or above their reading level for second graders. Taking that

bookshelf out would allow for a new table to have computers on so more kids would get

the chance to do their AR reading as they call it.

2. Analyzing my drawing:
A. The classroom is organized to allow every student to be able to get out of their seat

when called to a certain area or when leaving the classroom without there being anyone

running into each other.

B. Everyone has to be seated and be working on an assignment before they can get out of

their seat and look for a book to read or take an AR test, making sure everyone is not all

up at once.

C. The teacher is always either located at her desk or a the big table which both have

great visibility of the entire classroom and students.

D. When doing a book report based off of the book read to the students is book available

to be used between everyone else and as well as the small clocks when the students are

working on their time assignments.

E. Everyone is to be seated on the mat that is located in front of the classroom when the

teacher is going to give any important instructions or presentations for the class.
3. Strengths & Weaknesses
A. The strengths would be the visibility of the teacher to know what every student is

doing during the time she is working with other students. The weakness of this

arrangement would be that only a few computers are available when there is still enough

room to add at least two or three more.

4. Observing the students:

A. In the class there were nineteen students, six boys and thirteen girls, and most are

either six or seven years old.

B. During my observation there was a student named Travis who was very smart but

extremely shy with other students and teachers which made it very hard to communicate

with him but during my observation I was able to work with him and get his confidence

to allow me to work with him without him ever saying a word.

C. The student who I think raised their hand so often was a student named Jonathan but

was not really picked so often and I felt like he would feel upset because he would not get

his opportunity to answer any question that were on the board.

D. The students who would usually sit in the back would be the quiet one named Travis

or anyone coming off the computer. Every student was strongly involved when called to

sit on the carpet.

E. It was mainly the girls who were more likely to answer a question right and be praised

for it because of how many more there were in the class.

F. Those who seemed to shy away from getting any attention on to themselves or some of

the boys who for some reason the teacher did not notice when seeking attention.

The Student in the class were very bright and some would not hesitate to ask for help if

they needed it. Most of the students were really open to learn something new and they loved to

read books that were very accessible from the book shelves. Many of the students had already

learned my name before I learned theirs on the first day. They were all so excited to challenge

their classmates to get an answer right either being during reading or math they were all at edge

to see what the next question would be and most did not feel bad if they got a question wrong

because the teacher would let them correct their mistakes from the help of others. Overall the

classroom was very friendly and welcoming.

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