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18/11/2019 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO1]

Examen parcial - Semana 4

Fecha límite 19 de nov en 23:55 Puntos 100 Preguntas 4

Disponible 16 de nov en 0:00-19 de nov en 23:55 4 días Tiempo límite 90 minutos
Intentos permitidos 2


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18/11/2019 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO1]

Historial de intentos

Intento Tiempo Puntaje

ÚLTIMO Intento 1 13 minutos 100 de 100

 Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 19 de nov en 23:57 al 20 de nov en 23:59.

Calificación para este intento: 100 de 100

Presentado 18 de nov en 21:50
Este intento tuvo una duración de 13 minutos.

Pregunta 1 25 / 25 ptos.

I. Complete the following sentences with one of the words from the box.
There are five extra words you don’t need to use.

- Frosty – Resume – Grade – Overseas

– Transfer – Touch – Homesick – Entrance
– Foggy – Graduation – Thunder – Income
– Qualification – Parades – Degree

1. When you meet new people and you want to keep in

touch with them, it is a good idea to give them a phone call

or text them to remind them who you are.

2. Students sometimes worry too much about getting a good
grade and passing tests, but they don’t care about learning.

3. The weather forecast says there is going to be an electrical storm with

thunder and lightning this weekend.

4. Nathan is an exchange student who has just arrived from Australia.

These days he has been feeling homesick because he misses

his family.
5. Every year our country celebrates the Independence Day with military 2/11
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parades and fireworks.

6. Before you travel overseas , it is important to check the

expiration date of your passport to avoid problems at the migration office.

7. It’s frosty . It has been snowing for three days and the

temperature has dropped from 5 to -3 degrees.

8. My sister got her degree as a business manager last week.

Her graduation ceremony was held in a fancy conference room

near the university.

9. This year I have to pay more income tax due to my

promotion and my salary raise at work.

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Respuesta 4:


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Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:

frosty 3/11
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Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Pregunta 2 25 / 25 ptos.

II. Choose the correct option to complete the first part of an article about
Finland has been, for many years, one of the best countries in education.
Why? What does Finland do differently?
First of all, in terms of evaluation, Finnish students only take one
standardized test during their entire primary and secondary schooling.
The Finnish test, called the National Matriculation Examination,

[ Seleccionar ] at the end of high school and it

[ Seleccionar ] by teachers, not computers. The

questions students [ Seleccionar ] are about life,

happiness, ethics, political issues, evolution, environment, etc.

Regarding the teaching profession, through years, Finnish authorities
have understood the importance to appreciate and value teachers. In fact,

teachers in Finland [ Seleccionar ] twice as much as

teachers in Latin America. As a result, teachers work harder and students

get better results since they [ Seleccionar ] to memorize,

but to think critically. 4/11
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III. Choose the correct answer to complete the following dialogue.

Andy: I guess the teacher [ Seleccionar ] about today’s


Sophie: That might be true. We [ Seleccionar ] for over

20 minutes and he [ Seleccionar ] yet.

Andy: [ Seleccionar ] late before?

Sophie: No, [ Seleccionar ] . But I’ll bet something wrong

happened to him because I [ Seleccionar ] him today.

Andy: I did. I [ Seleccionar ] him this morning at the

science lab. He [ Seleccionar ] on a research project with

the senior students for the last six months, and they are still on it.

Sophie: You may be right. He [ Seleccionar ] busy for

months. Actually, three weeks ago, he [ Seleccionar ] me

that they were behind the schedule and they were working around the
clock to catch up.
Andy: Well, I’m afraid he’s not coming today so why don’t we go to the
library and finish our final presentation?
Sophie: Great idea!

Respuesta 1:

is taken

Respuesta 2:

is graded

Respuesta 3:

are asked 5/11
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Respuesta 4:

are paid

Respuesta 5:

aren’t taught

Respuesta 6:

has forgotten

Respuesta 7:

have been waiting

Respuesta 8:

hasn’t shown up

Respuesta 9:

Has he ever come

Respuesta 10:

he hasn’t

Respuesta 11:

haven’t seen

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Respuesta 13:

has been working

Respuesta 14:

has been

Respuesta 15: 6/11
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Pregunta 3 25 / 25 ptos.

Read the following text about celebrations around the world.
Each country has its particular way to commemorate their traditions and
customs. Some of these celebrations could sound weird, but once you
have read about them, you might want to take part of them.
Holi, India
You may well have participated in a replica of this amazing Indian festival
of color, but until you’ve attended a Holi festival in India, you won’t have
done anything like the real thing. At a real Holi, there are some quite
potent drinks available, which we won’t mention here, but which make
sure everyone is really in the right mood for the fun which lasts one night
and all through the following day. Get happy, get soaked with water then
get plastered with multi-colored Holi powder. Everyone is fair game as a
target so make sure you’ve got lots of powder for ammunition before you
hit the streets.
This festival takes place at the very beginning of March. Dates vary
slightly every year depending on the Hindu calendar.

Burning Man Festival, Black Rock Desert, Nevada, U.S.A

You can enjoy this celebration at end of August to the beginning of
September. If you loved the film Mad Max when it was on the cinema
screen, don’t miss the Burning Man Festival in the Black Rock Desert of
Nevada in the States. When you’re there, you’ll feel as if you’ve walked
onto the film set. The Burning Man Festival is held in a specially
constructed, temporary city (yes, you read the word city right) in the heart
of the Black Rock Desert. The event lasts for a full nine days and could
probably be classed as the biggest open-air art exhibition in the world and
the only one which culminates in the burning of enormous effigies.

Loy Krathong & Yee Peng Lantern Festivals, Chiang Mai, Thailand
If you want to celebrate in a style which really sets the night on fire then
you need to be at the Loy Krathong and the Yee Peng Lantern Festivals in
Chiang Mai, Thailand. Why both? They’re both so uniquely different you 7/11
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won’t want to miss either.

During Loy Krathong, which is celebrated all over Thailand in November,
the rivers and lakes flicker to life when innumerable tiny craft bearing
lighted candles are set free to float upon the waters. It’s a truly amazing
sight only rivaled by the Yee Peng Lantern Festival, which is part of Loy
Krathong when hundreds of thousands of illuminated lanterns are
liberated and soar simultaneously into the night sky. No, it’s not a mad
booze-up, but it is an impressive show you should see at least once in
your life.
Specific dates change depending on when the full moon of the 12th
month in the Thai calendar falls.

St Patrick’s Day, Dublin, Ireland & New York, USA

Your friends will turn green with envy when you tell them you’re going to a
St Patrick’s Day celebration. Whether you’re in Dublin or New York on the
17th of March, you’ll be guaranteed an amazing time. It’s a bit of a mad
bash considering the festivity is in honor of Ireland’s patron saint and if
you think you’ve seen a leprechaun in the parade, well, you probably
won’t be hallucinating. You might think that “going green” means you’re a
budding environmentalist, but not on St Patrick’s Day. You’ll need to be
dressed from head to toe in the color and have your face painted too
otherwise you’ll stand out like a sore thumb. Don’t forget to learn the Irish
word for cheers, sláinte. This is a boozy party so you could well be saying
it quite a lot.
Now that you know more about these wild celebrations, don’t wait too long
to grab your passport and go with flow!

Adapted from:

IV. Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false.
1. The article gives examples of the kinds of beverages that people

have during Holi. [ Seleccionar ]

2. People get wet when they celebrate Holi.

[ Seleccionar ]

3. Holi is always celebrated on the same date.

[ Seleccionar ]

4. The Burning Man Festival is based on a movie. 8/11
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[ Seleccionar ]

5. The Burning Man Festival is considered the most important art

exhibit in the US. False
6. The Loy Krathong Festival is celebrated only in areas near rivers.

[ Seleccionar ]

7. The Thai calendar makes the date of the Loy Krathong Festival vary.

[ Seleccionar ]

8. Green represents the environment in Saint Patrick’s Day.

[ Seleccionar ]

9. It’s common to see a leprechaun during this celebration.

[ Seleccionar ]

10. You should learn a special word to have a toast with people during

Saint Patrick’s Day. [ Seleccionar ]

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False 9/11
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Respuesta 7:


Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Pregunta 4 25 / 25 ptos.

V. Listen to the interviews. Then read the sentences and decide if
they are about Nancy Sullivan, Andrew Barlow or Mieko Nakamura.

0:00 / 3:10

1. This person had to do something unpleasant to be polite.

[ Seleccionar ]

2. This person likes doing frightening and adventurous things.

[ Seleccionar ]

3. This person found out a difference in gestures in another country.

[ Seleccionar ]

4. This person has been to a lot of fascinating destinations.

[ Seleccionar ] 10/11
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5. This person has swum with dangerous animals.

[ Seleccionar ]

6. This person has worked in the education field.

[ Seleccionar ]

Taken from: Top Notch 2 Student’s Book

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Calificación de la evaluación: 100 de 100 11/11

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