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Volume 51 No. 25 December 18, 2019 suggested donation $1


The nonprofit Heartland Alliance profits off of concentration camps for migrant children.
Workers must abolish ICE and capitalism’s borders.
CHICAGO, November 20—A multiracial tricks in favor of joining a mass international PLP vehicles that were turned away entirely as we re-
group of protestors took the streets of downtown that smashes all borders with communist revolu- fused to break the line.
Chicago this evening to attack a racist, anti-immi- tion! Once we had reached a critical mass in our
grant worker non-profit organization. For the sec- numbers, we cranked up the militancy and took
ond year in a row, anti-racist fighters blocked the Hold the antiracist line
over nearby Wacker Drive during rush hour traf-
entrances of the luxurious Swissotel on Wacker Before the gala even began, there was already fic. Both lanes of the street were blocked, as pro-
Drive, where Heartland Alliance was hosting their a sizable group of anti-racist fighters lined up on testors held a long banner that read “Heartland
annual fundraising gala. the sidewalk in front of the hotel. There were signs Loves ICE: Imprisoning Children for Profit.” All
Although liberal politicians like to paint them- and banners that called out Heartland Alliance’s the while, there were speakers on the bullhorn ex-
selves as the saviors of immigrants, and the work- racist profiteering off of the detention of immi- plaining Heartland’s connections to capitalism’s
ing class in general, their history of fascist col- grant working-class youth. Some of the protes- deportation machine and chants of “Heartland
laboration with agencies like Immigration and tors were even dressed in elegant gowns and suits Alliance, jails kids for money!” and “Heartland do-
Customs Enforcement (ICE) and mass deporta- while wearing grotesque masks as a way to mock nors, shame on you!”
tions shows a deadlier reality. Heartland’s donors.
Sure enough, it wasn’t long after blocking one of
Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and friends took As the gala’s attendees started trying to pull in the busiest streets in the city’s wealthiest area that
part in this action, which enabled us to expose to the driveway in front of the hotel, they were met the bosses saw it necessary to call in their guard
the liberal wing of the capitalist ruling class as the with a human chain of protestors blocking their dogs of the Chicago Police Department (CPD).
greater long-term threat to our class. Our goal is to entrance. Although the hotel security was able to
win workers to break entirely with capitalist poli- sneak in a few vehicles, there were a number of Continued on page 3

HEDITORIAl Bolivia exposes HBolshevik dinner PLP celer- Hcolombia Strike, liberal
sham of capitalist reforms...2 ates Bolshevik Revolution...p4 misleaders, & workers rage..p5

HNew York City Rage against HcOLLEGE Students expose H Los angeles Workers rebel
police, organize for revolu- racist budget cuts...p4 against racism....p8
page 2 • CHALLENGE • December 18, 2019

PProgressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to
destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the
capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers
Bolivia exposes sham of
capitalist reforms
and youth into a revolutionary movement for

PThe dictatorship of the working class —

communism—can provide a lasting solution to
the disaster that is today’s world for billions of
people. This cannot be done through electoral
politics, but requires a revolutionary movement
and a mass Red Army led by PLP.
The history of South America’s Pink Tide ex- flurries of rubber bullets (Reuters, 8/24/18).
PWorldwide capitalism, in its relentless drive
for profit, inevitably leads to war, fascism,
poses the sham of capitalist reform as a solution Neither identity politics nor fake-left demo-
poverty, disease, starvation and environmental for the international working class. The track re- cratic “socialism” will liberate our class. We must
destruction. The capitalist class, through its cord of recently ousted Bolivian president Evo understand that the fight for a just world is inter-
state power — governments, armies, police, Morales is the latest proof. Workers in Bolivia
schools and culture — maintains a dictator-
twined with the larger struggle to destroy capital-
ship over the world’s workers. The capitalist
have never run society; they control nothing. ism. 
dictatorship supports, and is supported by, the Before, during, and after Morales, the capitalist
anti-working-class ideologies of racism, sexism, bosses have kept their iron grip on the Bolivian Imperialism is the
nationalism, individualism and religion. economy, courts, legislature, police, and army. name of the game
PWhile the bosses and their mouthpieces Under the murderous profit system, the state For some years now, as U.S. imperialism de-
claim “communism is dead,” capitalism is the serves the capitalist ruling class, first and last. clines and retreats, Chinese and Russian imperi-
real failure for billions worldwide. Capitalism Only a communist revolution can create real
returned to Russia and China because socialism
alists have moved into Bolivia to fill the vacuum.
retained many aspects of the profit system, like
power for workers to run all aspects of society, This competition is a lose-lose proposition for
wages and privileges. Russia and China did not to create a world based on anti-racism and anti- the working class in Bolivia. No matter which su-
establish communism. sexism, and to fulfill the needs of the internation- perpower takes charge, workers will be left at the
al working class.  mercy of the bosses’ capitalist system. 
PCommunism means working collectively
to build a worker-run society. We will abol- Though workers in Bolivia have taken to the The president before Morales, Gonzalo
ish work for wages, money and profits. While streets in militant mass protests, their militancy Sanchez de Lozada, went too far in “restructur-
capitalism needs unemployment, is being wasted on two anti-working class op-
communism needs everyone to contribute and
ing” the Bolivian economy to suit the interests
share in society’s benefits and burdens.
tions. On one side is the Morales camp, backed of the U.S.-dominated International Monetary
by Russian and Chinese imperialists. On the Fund. He pushed for tax increases and other aus-
PCommunism means abolishing racism and other is new president Jeanine Anez, a far-right terity measures that triggered mass unrest and
the concept of “race.” Capitalism uses racism to evangelical Christian whose interim government
super-exploit Black, Latin, Asian and indig-
ultimately forced his resignation. As a former
enous workers, and to divide the entire working appointed the first Bolivian ambassador to the coca grower, union leader, and leading member
class. U.S. since 2008. Both sides are rotten and lethal. of Lozada’s opposition, Morales exploited anti-
We call on all workers to reject the dead end U.S. mass anger to get elected.
PCommunism means abolishing the special
oppression of women— sexism—and divisive of indigenous nationalist identity politics, which Soon after Morales took power, Russian com-
gender roles created by the class society. kept Morales in power for 13 years. Identity poli- panies began investing heavily in Bolivia. Ro-
tics fractures and disarms our class and prevents satom, the Russian state nuclear monopoly, got
PCommunism means abolishing nations and class-conscious solidarity. When we view our-
nationalism. One international working class, a contract to build a $300 million nuclear cent-
one world, one Party.
selves as inherently different or opposed to other er near La Paz, the Bolivian capital, and began
groups of workers, we are doing the bosses’ work. negotiating a concession to develop Bolivia’s
PCommunism means that the minds of mil- A revolutionary communist movement unites large lithium reserves. Gazprom PJSC, the Rus-
lions of workers must become free from reli-
workers against the root cause of racism: the sian state-controlled natural gas company, has
gion’s false promises, unscientific thinking and
poisonous ideology. Communism will triumph bosses’ drive for maximum profit. been in Bolivia since 2010 (Bloomberg Opinion,
when the masses of workers can use the science 11/11). The Chinese imperialists also came call-
of dialectical materialism to understand, ana- Pink Tide is not workers’ power
ing: “Between 2000 and 2014, bilateral trade be-
lyze and change the world to meet their needs Before Morales, Bolivia had an apartheid-
and aspirations.
tween Bolivia and China increased nearly 3,000
like society that exploited, impoverished, and percent, from $75.3 million to $2.25 billion...”
PCommunism means the Party leads every marginalized indigenous workers. As the coun- (COHA, 8/31).
aspect of society. For this to work, millions of try’s first indigenous president, Morales used his
workers — eventually everyone — must become The finance capital, main wing of  the U.S.
Movement for Socialism (MAS) to exploit work-
communist organizers. Join Us! ruling class (aka the Big Fascists) sees Morales’
ers as a power base. He paid them with crumbs:
ouster as a chance to regain some of its lost im-
low-level government jobs, an indigenous flag,
perialist influence in Latin America. It’s seeking
and a reduction in “extreme” poverty. But as Mo-
CONTACT US rales fled to exile in Mexico, Bolivia still has one
to support a pro-U.S. president who could stem
Email the Russian and Chinese bosses’ growing pres- of the highest poverty rates in South America at
ence in the region. Anez is auditioning for the
Mail 39 percent (Borgen Project).
Box 808 GPO, Brooklyn, NY 11202 While cutting deals with foreign bosses, Mo-
Internet At the same time, U.S. rulers are worried
rales nationalized the petrochemical industries. about the recent wave of mass protests across
He funneled money to favored local capitalists Latin America. The liberal main wing bosses
and distributed proceeds from exports to buy
Twitter: @PLPchallenge stand for a more disciplined ruling class—a hall-
votes. He allowed the mining industry to en-
Facebook: Challenge Desafio mark of fascism—and a more regulated, less
croach on indigenous lands. To consolidate his
openly greedy brand of capitalism. The flagrant
power base, Morales also spent billions on in-
WHO WRITES frastructure, access to healthcare, and education
inequality in countries like Bolivia is not sus-
FOR CHALLENGE? tainable. In Chile, meanwhile, the working class
CHALLENGE is for the working class, pro- exploded over a four-cent transit fare hike. The
duced by the working class. The fact that CHAL- But capitalist reforms are always temporary. main wing U.S. bosses understand that they and
LENGE/PLP articles are not signed grows from Just as in Venezuela, the falling global price of oil their South American allies can’t continue to rule
PLP’s criticism of the cult of the individual in the cut into Bolivia’s revenues. Squeezed for cash,
former socialist Soviet Union and China. We do in the old way.
not want to encourage the possibility of building
Morales betrayed his promises to protect indig-
The capitalist profit system exists solely for
up a “following” around any particular individ- enous lands and the people who live on them. In
the enrichment of a few off of the backs of the
ual. 2017, he broke his word and approved the con-
masses. Any gains made by working class reform
While an article may be written by one per- struction of a 190-mile highway through a na-
son, the final version is based on collective dis- struggles are always taken back. Workers cannot
tional park in the Amazon:
cussion and criticism. Many times this collective rely on identity politics or the bosses’ elections to
discussion even precedes an individual’s writing The highway, Morales argued, was necessary fix this inherently racist, sexist, unequal system.
of an article. to bring basic services to remote tribes. But na- Left-sounding rhetoric by stooges like Morales
tive groups and environmentalists were enraged: can’t change the basic conflict between bosses
CHALLENGE/DESAFIO (ISSN 0009- The road... would facilitate drug traffick- and workers. Only a society run by workers and
1049) published bi-weekly by Challenge Peri- ing, illegal logging and other unwanted for workers can bring our class the anti-racist,
odicals. 1 issue $1. One Year: $20. Six months: activity. Protesters marched for more than anti-sexist equality we deserve. Join Progressive
$15. Send address changes to CHALLENGE
Periodicals, GPO Box 808 Brooklyn, NY 11202, a month, during which police and demon- Labor Party! J
December 18, 2019•Volume 51 No. 25 strators clashed in clouds of tear gas and PO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202

December 18, 2019 • CHALLENGE • page 3

Rage against police,

organize for revolution
racist attacks on Black and Latin workers, received
the newspaper with enthusiasm. The working class
in Harlem were also interested in our message, and
many joined the march or chants as it passed by.
Police come from
slave patrols and the Klan
One political weakness of the mass march is
evident in its main slogan, “f*ck the police.” This
line from N.W.A.’s 1988 song suggests individual
terrorism and violence against individual police as
the answer.
The problem at hand is a systematic one. In the
United States, the institution of the police is rooted
in the slave system. Much like how Cuomo’s cops
will patrol the subways, slaveowners hired men to
patrol for runaway enslaved workers. The patrol-
lers protected property and sought out unsanc-
tioned gatherings and any signs of potential revolt.
Later the patrols were replaced by the likes of the
Ku Klux Klan.
While slavery was abolished, it has been re-
placed by wage slavery. While the legally sanctioned
slave patrollers are gone, they have been replaced
by the terror squad of the government, the NYPD.
To get rid of the police system, we must attack it at
its root—capitalism and its need to exploit workers
as well as suppress any potential revolts. Only an
organized communist organization has the means
Poverty is not a crime—capitalism is! to get rid of capitalism, and that means revolution.
HARLEM, November 22—In a follow-up to sentially translates into more racist profiling and Cops attack
the march on November 1 in Brooklyn (see 11/20 police terror in the transit system. The crimes of The evening was also marked by attacks from
issue), over a thousand protesters marched in Har- these cops include handcuffing a woman worker police on the protest. Marchers successfully took
lem to call out the New York Police Department’s selling churros, punching teenagers, arresting the streets and even blocked a bridge to the Bronx.
racist policing tactics within the Metropolitan candy sellers, and pulling guns on suspected fare- The police arrested dozens. At times, they rushed
Transit Authority. The event was called without evaders. In addition to this, Governor Andrew Cuo- the crowd and tackled protesters to the pavement.
permit and the kkkops came out in force in an ef- mo plans to ratchet up the presence of cops (by The following day, many rallied at the city jail to
fort to intimate the antiracists. Nonetheless, pro- 500!) in the subway by next year. support those arrested.
testors bravely took over the streets repeatedly with Members and friends of Progressive Labor Party
chants such as “How do you spell racist? NYPD!” While the capitalists may use their control of
(PLP) joined the protest and distributed hundreds state power to attack and brutalize our class, PLP
Racism is part of the ride of CHALLENGE newspapers. Some young march- knows we can ultimately win by mobilizing work-
ers, frustrated with the capitalist system and liberal ers, students, and soldiers to tear this whole system
The MTA is revving up its anti-working class politicians like Mayor De Blasio who help carry out
and racist fare-evasion crackdown efforts. This es- down with communist revolution.J

Heartland, cold-blooded crimes against the working class

Continued from page 1The racists-
in-blue im-
faced about mistreatment and even sexual abuse
of youth (ProPublica Illinois, 3/13).
mediately started threatening arrests while trying However, Heartland Alliance is only another
to box in the anti-racist fighters with their patrol liberal symptom of the larger capitalist disease.
bicycles. Despite their threats, we refused to back The liberal, more-dominant wing of the U.S. capi-
down easily, holding the street for close to twenty talist ruling class likes to rail against injustice and
more minutes violence against immigrant workers, but only for
before finally getting pushed onto the side- their own political and economic profit. They cry
walk. fake tears about immigrant children being sepa-
This more militant action was a bold and rated from their parents, but conveniently forget
necessary step. Many of the demonstrations or- that many of the prisons where the children are
ganized in support of immigrant workers and held were built under Deporter-in-Chief Barack
refugees are limited by the liberal misleaders con- Obama’s watch. They all back the capitalist profit
taining us, both physically and politically. To truly system at the end of the day, the same system that
advance the mass movement, we need to be ready uses borders, racism and imperialism to divide,
to break with the bosses’ laws as well as their mis- oppress and exploit all workers.
leadership in favor of revolutionary militancy Abolish borders with
backed up by communist politics and organiza-
tion. communist revolution
To guarantee liberation for the international
Heartland and liberals: working class, we need to reject all forms of fas-
guilty as hell cism, whether it be the domestic Small Fascists
Heartland Alliance is definitely a worthy tar- represented by Donald Trump and his ilk, or the
get of working-class rage. Since 2013, the organi- international Big Fascists, fronted by the various
zation has received more than $180 million from stooges in the Democratic Party. The abolition of
the federal government to house children around borders does not and will never come from voting,
Chicago, making it one of the five largest detention but only by building a mass international com-
operators in the United States. They mandate that munist movement.
any sponsor looking to gain custody of a detained PLP represents the seeds of that movement,
youth give fingerprints and other information to which will bury capitalism, racism, deportations,
databases that ICE then uses to track and terrorize and exploitation for good. Join us and fight for a
immigrant workers (Chicago Reader, 11/27). They borderless, worker-run world.J
were forced to shut down four of their facilities in
the surrounding suburbs after complaints sur- PO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202

page 4 • CHALLENGE • December 18, 2019

PLP Celebrates Bolshevik Revolution

Communist art
The tables and walls were decorated with art
posters from the Sovet Union. The artwork helped
inspire and remind workers that we can take state
power again if we fight for a communist world. We
also sold shirts and stickers with “comunist revo-
lution isn’t on the ballot”.
We also had a performance of the Langston
Hughes poem “Good Morning Revolution” by
a multiracial group of five young students, pre-
dominantly female-led. They are leading the fight
against racism at their schools. Langston Hughes
was a known communist who wrote many po-
ems about how workers needed communism. In
“Good Morning Revolution” he writes how the
bosses tried to keep workers away from a commu-
nist revolution, and how the workers everywhere
New York, November 23–Hope for a com- The program moved forward with a speech have a shared interest and responsiblity in smash-
munist future was in the air as a multiracial, mul- from a multiracial duo about the victories and ing this system and should declare themselves
tigenerational group celebrated the anniversary achievements of the Bolshevik revolution. The communist organizers in every country.
of the Bolshevik revolution with the Progressive Bolsheviks established the first worker-run state. The program ended with a song/rap about
Labor Party (PLP). This year we celebrated this They eliminated hunger and illiteracy. They how workers are trained through the bosses’ me-
annual event with songs, poetry, and dancing to fought racism and elevated women to many posi- dia that we should be pacifists. The song contin-
honor the heroic events that led to workers tak- tions of leadership. They inspired workers around ued to explain that many workers tried to come
ing state power in Russia. The Bolsheviks freed 1/6 the world to fight against capitalism, and during in peace but the capitalist rulers have killed and
of the world’s surface from the disease known as World War II they almost single-handedly defeat- arrested many of our leaders, leaving us with no
capitalism. ed the Nazis. The Bolsheviks also broke ties with other choice but to fight back. Then everyone sang
The events of the night explained the achieve- capitalist elections, teaching the working class the “Internationale” to emphasize that the work-
ments of the Bolsheviks, while also acknowledging that the liberals were the same, if not worse, than ers of the world must unite and fight for commu-
the weaknesses and mistakes they made. Progres- the conservative parties, and that workers can nism.
sive Labor Party’s history of learning from both only trust communists to fight for our interests.
the Bolsheviks’ mistakes and our own was also a Today, as we learn from both their successes and The fight continues
theme of the evening. Through decades of strug- failures, the Progressive Labor Party stands on the This event was a true collective experience.
gle against the bosses and inside our party we shoulders of these giants. Many different workers took turns in serving food,
have advanced our own political understanding. The speech then explained how PLP has ad- while others took turns helping with childcare.
vanced our political line. We have moved away It’s only at events like these that various capitalist
Communist education from any cult of personality and we have aban- ideologies are left at the door, from sexism to indi-
The program began with a PL’er speaking to an doned all forms of nationalism. For over fifty years vidualism to racism. Through this event we start to
audience of over a hundred about joining work- since our founding, PLP has concluded we must envision a world without capitalism, without the
ers in a call to action, asking everyone to join the fight directly for communism and not fight for the profit system, without racism, where workers con-
fightback against the racist attacks on our broth- stage of socialism first, because socialism inevita- trol all aspects of society; a true egalitarian world,
ers and sisters in Colombia (See article below for bly leads back to capitalism. In our long history of made possible by a communist revolution.J
more details) and the role of the U.S. in this attack being embedded in antiracist class struggle with
on our class. If we are to take ourselves seriously in workers, the Party has grown more international
taking state power, we must take action against all and more politically sharp. The speech ended with
attacks by the bosses. a call for the audience to join the fight.

Students expose racist nature of budget cuts

THE BRONX, December 3—Fifty students Taxing the rich is no solution
protested against racist budget cuts at Bronx
As PLP members have been involved in this
Community College (BCC). These students, along
and future demonstrations, we have raised the
with education workers, gave notice that we won’t
idea that it’s not enough to just tax billionaires. It’s
simply accept larger class size, reduced course of-
not enough to increase funding for BCC. Even in
ferings and fewer custodians, to name just a few of
the best of times, education under capitalism is
the cuts, that the BCC administration is planning.
about reinforcing racism and individualism.
Student after student gave testimonies of how
College under capitalism is about deceiving
the budget cuts directly affect them— delaying
us into thinking we can escape the working class,
graduation, reducing their access to their profes-
that we can “get ahead” (by exploiting other work-
sors, forcing them to use dirty bathrooms, and
ers) and that we can avoid the misery of this racist,
sexist system.
A member of Progressive Labor Party brought
The international working class will never be
a message of solidarity and communist analysis.
liberated through capitalist education. The bosses
The fight at BCC is part of the global fight against
don’t want to educate us all, and even if they did, it
capitalism. Only by fighting for a communist sys-
wouldn’t end exploitation and racism.
tem with workers in power can we ensure that all
students get the education we deserve. More fightback and
Working class under attack Party-building ahead
The student population at BCC is 98 percent We have another demonstration planned next
Black and Latin, largely immigrant, and suffering week, where we will confront the administration
from rampant food insecurity and racist unem- Fewer classes means it will be harder for directly over these budget cuts. The boldness of
ployment. The BCC administration is putting the students to enroll in classes that they need the united students and education workers will be
students under even greater pressure. The racist to graduate. on display, as we take small steps and train our-
plans include: • Decrease in departmental budgets. selves to challenge the rulers on campus. Bringing
• Increase fees that students and faculty pay CHALLENGE to these protests is crucial to build-
Developing a “more resilient staffing model”
for services like technology and parking ing the fightback spirit and class-consciousness of
in order to respond to future shifts in enrollment
the students and workers.
numbers. This means hiring more part-time fac- When the working class is under attack, what
ulty and staff that can be laid off whenever the do we do? We must stand up and fight back. In do- As we organize more students to get involved
administration needs to, as well as the following ing so, we expose the limits of what’s possible un- and as the ideas of communism and PLP become
attacks: der capitalism. By the looks of it, capitalism can’t ideas grasped by masses of students and faculty,
provide the most basic necessities for working- these small steps will be transformed into leaps
• Increasing class size.
class students. toward a communist future. Onward!J
• Reduction of approximately 225 sections. PO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202

December 18, 2019 • CHALLENGE • page 5


Strike, liberal misleaders, & workers’ rage

Workers snatch DESAFIOs
PLP distributed leaflets and we didn’t have
enough DESAFIOs. Workers were snatching them
from our hands. At times we felt like we were mil-
lions. We were inspired and we could see the po-
tential for revolution.
A positive development in this moment is the
mass participation and combativeness of young
students and of rural and urban workers. They
represent our hope and their struggles influence
our revolutionary program.
President Duque
President Ivan Duque intends to implement
his regressive measures to benefit the big financial
bosses at the head of the International Monetary
Fund, OECD, politicians, exploitative employers
such as Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo, Santodo-
mingo group, Antioqueño commercial group and
The government want to do away with pen-
sions for future generations. They want to change
collective bargaining, especially on hourly pay, va-
COLOMBIA, December 4—Latin America is PLP was part of these marches, giving leader- cations, health, sick pay, holiday pay, etc– in other
on fire. There have been national strikes in Chile, ship to some with our chants of “To Struggle, to words, end all the benefits won by the working
Ecuador, Bolivia, and now Colombia. More than win, workers take power”, “Capitalism is the abyss”. class through generations of bloodied struggles.
10 million workers launched a national strike We have been participating in local “cacerolazos” The strike was massive, with workers, stu-
began on November 21 against the austerity at- (protests where workers bang on pots and pans) dents, unemployed and home workers participat-
tacks the Colombian government plans to launch and student and community assemblies. In addi- ing. They struck from the Carribbean coast to the
at workers. The Progressive Labor Party (PLP) has tion, we support the marches, seizures and block- Pacific. Five of the major cities were on strike, in-
joined these militant protests, peppering them ades, while trying to win the workers in struggle cluding Medellin, Bogata, and Cali.
with communist politics. to strengthen our party as the leading force of the
Continued on page 6

34th Celebration
Antiracist feast for communism
MARYLAND, November 23—Sixty people
gathered for the annual Thanks-for-Fighting-Rac- The highlights of the Feast
ism Feast to enjoy a potluck dinner, communist The following four fights show that PLP is
company, and a discussion about this year’s high- active in the class struggle, big and small, while
lights of antiracist struggles in the DC and Balti- trying to win people to a communist outlook and
more area. With Progressive Labor Party, these practice. The local antiracist reform struggles in-
struggles can turn into schools for communism. clude:
34 years of fightback A multiracial group of five presented about
the powerful sit-in at Johns Hopkins Univer-
and festivity sity. These fighters took on the school’s plan for
This Thanks-for-Fighting-Racism Feast was a private armed police force, demanded an end
launched 34 years ago by a friend of PLP and her to university contracts with ICE, and insisted on
husband. They were fed-up with the racist myths accountability for the police murder of Tyrone
about “Thanksgiving,” which is actually based West. PLP pointed out there is no justice or ac-
upon the massacres and colonial conquest of the countability under capitalism.
Wampanoag and Pequot tribes, committed 400 The sister of Tyrone West, Tawanda Jones,
years ago by budding Puritan capitalists. joined in via videochat and spoke about the
Not enough to fight against
PL’ers organized for the Feast, bringing fellow weekly West Wednesday rallies, which, in Balti-
participants from mass organizations, along with Trump; fight for communism more, are spearheading the struggle to win ac-
friends and family. The program closed with a call to join PLP, countability for all targets of racist police terror-
engage in militant anti-racist struggle, and, most ism. This was followed by a speech from a new
Speeches, poems, raffles importantly, advance the need for revolutionary fighter, who is leading the battle against racist
A PLP program followed the potluck and ca- communism to destroy capitalism. police murders here.
maraderie. So many people filled the house that It’s not enough to simply fight to unseat a rac- A high school student explained the monthly
presenters needed to use a bullhorn. We had ist like Donald Trump from the presidency when CHALLENGE discussions she has been partici-
speeches from fighters against police terror, Democratic Party presidents like Bill Clinton and pating in after the West Wednesday rallies, where
against ICE-instigated deportations, and against Barack Obama deported millions, militarized the she has been learning about dialectics and com-
racist union-busting transit bosses. Participants police, and closed off migration routes, ensuring munism.
were inspired by four spoken-word performances, that many working-class immigrants end up dying A transit worker reported on the determina-
focused sharply on the struggle against racism. of exhaustion, hunger and heat, as they search for tion of the strikers to win at the Cinder Bed Road
One poet had attended the Feast 15 years ago jobs and safety. bus garage, and the need for all workers to join in
as a teenager, and came back this year. She said, No matter what politician is in power, the this critical fight for the future of the entire labor
“This Feast fed us more than nutrition. That’s what working class will continue to be exploited, as movement.
will keep the guests’ minds open, and keep people capitalists attempt to maximize their profits, and
coming back and inviting others. It’s a very inclu- as inter-imperialist rivalries lead to war, world-
sive environment and I truly enjoyed myself.” wide. This will persist until we abolish capitalism with the false idea that the problems of capitalism
In the spirit of international working-class and create an egalitarian world. can be solved through electoral politics.
solidarity, the Feast also raised funds for the Party After the program, conversations of revolu-
internationally, including for Haiti, where workers PLP will continue struggling and studying. If
tionary politics filled the house. Not all partici- we are consistent and sincere, then by next year,
are fighting mass unemployment and a capitalist pants see themselves as communists, but they
system in crisis. there could be more communists worldwide and
all engaged in a serious way with some aspect here in Maryland and DC.J
of communist politics. The working class needs
communist ideas, especially when we are flooded PO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202

page 6 • CHALLENGE • December 18, 2019

Strike, liberal misleaders, & workers’ rage

Continued from page 5
political party is not going to solve the capitalist There were instances when masses of peo-
The strike was organized by the big union fed-
crisis. We have to make a communist revolution. ple would seize a cop’s motocycle and destroy it,
erations, environmental activists, representatives
showing us that our strength, defense and future
of peasant and indigenous groups, student organ- Infiltration during the marches are with the masses.
izations, neighborhood associations and opposi-
The paramilitary, who are still organized to re- There were times when the fake left asked the
tion political parties.
press the working class, along with the police or- students to be peaceful, peaceful while the police
The strikes were full of anger, anger because ganized in small armed groups, went to different were hitting them with their batons. We were or-
there have been 800 leaders murdered, people are headquaters of social organizations, and homes ganized to attack, and we were able to pull a stu-
hungry, they have no access to education, health of some social leaders, whom they already had in- dent away from the police during a struggle. It
or jobs. It is tiring. We can’t take it any more; nei- teligence on. They destroyed everything and killed sounds like a small feat but to us it was wonderful.
ther can we take the extreme exploitation and re- anyone who was there. There are hundreds of vid- We were able to do something!
pression of the capitalist system that can’t solve eos showing the police attacking demostrations,
any of our problems. police paying homeless people to break windows, The struggle continues
Liberals are our enemies or paying Venezuelans up to 50,000 pesos to ran- As CHALLENGE goes to press, the strike rages
sack store fronts. With that they added to the rac- on, and students of the main universities are call-
Liberal and nationalist opportunists crawled ism aganist Venezuelans, blaming them for our ing for a continuation of the strike.
out of their holes asking for calm to save Colom- problems. The media did their job creating fear
bia. They proposed to recycle some leaders and We communists do not believe that the mur-
amongst the population, emphasizing all the “ter-
put an end to corruption. PLP was present in derous capitalist system can be reformed to serve
rible things happening” and reminding us of the
many demonstrations distributing CHALLENGE, the needs of our class. It’s very important and in-
talking and debating with workers and offering spiring to be active in these mass demonstrations.
them a communist solution. We also tackled the Govt seizes pots and pans These struggles and discussions help us build
pillars that maintain capitalism: racism, sexism, About the looters the police did nothing. But class consciousness and the relationships neces-
individualism, wage slavery and imperialist war. the protesters were violently repressed with kill- sary to understand that the international prole-
ings, beatings and imprisonments. All of this for tariat can truly destroy capitalism.
The struggle continues, but the fake leftists
are a danger. At some point we had to confront demanding rights that had been won previously. We in PLP see the opportunity; we have every-
them because they were saying that the presi- This shows that capitalist bosses fear when work- thing to win. We will continue on the streets, fight-
dent shouldn’t resign, that we needed a dialogue ers unite and fight to politically oppose their dic- ing arm in arm with students and workers. We will
amongst all the organizations on the “reforms.” tatorship. The bosses would rather kill us before fight until the day of the workers’ dictatorship, un-
What we, in the Party, are saying is that there are giving us any rights. til we build a communist system, where all work-
no lesser evil capitalists, that they can’t solve the A funny thing happened one night. Some peo- ers will have everything we need. Join us!
existing problems. Only through a communist ple decided to go home and others decided to cre- Long live the strike. Long live communism.
revolution, only when the workers take power, ate the “cacerolazo” by banging pans to which the Long live the struggle. Fight to win workers’
will we be able work out all our problems. Talking government responded by seizing the pans! Yes, it power!J
about solving our problems by voting for another is funny, and it happened.

NYC workers in solidarity with Colombia workers

During meetings of a workers’ committee in With the working class at the forefront, arm in
a community organization, where some Progres- arm with the peasants and youth, a massive wave
sive Labor Party (PLP) comrades do political work, of protests was generated throughout the country
reports are included in the agenda which analyze and continued for several days.
the world situation, especially everything related
to the struggles of workers worldwide. Imperialist war, and
During past meetings, we have talked about international communist
Ecuador, Chile, and Bolivia. This time, we called revolution through PLP
to show solidarity with workers in Colombia, who At the end of the discussion our PLP member
organized themselves together with the peasants summed up that these events were taking place
and young people in an unprecedented challenge within the framework of the power struggle be-
in history. The workers are rebelling against the tween the imperialists of the United States, China
neoliberal policies of the International Monetary and Russia for the control of other countries and
Fund (IMF) that have forced “economic adjust- their wealth, especially oil and minerals like lithi-
ments:” fascist measures that greatly affect the um. Lithium can be considered the “white gold” of
lives of working people already caught in poverty these times given its widespread use in profitable
and misery. products like electric cars. The largest reserves
For many years, the bosses have murdered of lithium are in Latin American countries, espe-
hundreds of social and union leaders in Colom- cially in Bolivia which has recently experienced a
bia. This time it was the turn of the workers, who racist and fascist coup d’etat. Despite the bosses’
lost their fear of all the oppression and fascism violent repression there, many indigenous work-
and threw themselves into the streets in massive ers are maintaining a brave fight against the new
protests in several cities and towns. fascist liberal government.
The protests became violent, due to the bru- In the end, everyone present agreed that we
tal response of the army, police and special riot must be supportive of the workers in Colombia
forces trained by United States advisors. They and worldwide who are facing fascist neoliberal-
shot at protesters, and used tear gas and water jets ism that is advancing strongly across the planet.
with chemicals, which caused many deaths and As members of PLP we must raise the con-
wounded, even though the government and the sciousness of the working class and prepare for
bosses’ press say there were only three. the only way to overcome this capitalist hell: mass
Workers take the streets over
One of the workers murdered was a young violent communist revolution. We have to take
student from the capital Bogotá, which provoked bosses’ cuts initiative during this wave of popular uprisings of
an even greater anger from the protesters. In their These massive protests were convened mainly workers and young people around the world, to
fury the workers destroyed numerous shops, large by trade union leaders and other sectors of the direct the workers to the goals of seizure of state
supermarkets, banks, and government offices. working class, who are tired of their living situa- power from the capitalists and the construction of
Many of the businesses were “looted” by workers tion. They are fighting impending fascist reforms communism.
who came down from impoverished and margin- that Ivan Duque, an ally of the U.S government, To work toward this goal, it is important for us
alized areas after so many years of abandonment plans to present to the National Congress. These in the Party to stress the importance of interna-
under the bosses’ profit system. reforms, among other things, would reduce pen- tionalism and working-class power, wherever we
For this, they were called vandals, but the true sions to retired workers and reduce wages to are. Confidence in the international working class,
vandals in the country have been the corrupt, lib- young workers. But this fascist government did communist politics, and our Party is our only way
eral, and repressive capitalist governments. not expect that workers, peasants and young peo- forward.
ple were going to organize and take to the streets! PO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202

December 18, 2019 • CHALLENGE • page 7

Workers in LA rebel against killer kkkops

Continued from page 7 neighborhood.
and profits at the point of a gun. Alex was known as a car-
Only a communist revolution ing, patient, family-oriented
can rid the world of this racist man who was great with kids. As
terror and the rulers who are with many disproportionately
Black and Latin workers, he was
behind it. also a victim of mass racist un-
“Queremos justi- employment, a product of the
capitalist system. Like his girl-
cia” friend told us, the bosses’ sys-
As usual, the local bosses’ tem “didn’t give him a chance.”
media report on the killing Capitalism sets up most of us to
mouthed the lies told by the fail. Then, it blames us for the
cops: a shirtless man, who had failure. (See box for more about
wielded a knife, confronted Alex on page 8).
the police. However, cellphone
video taken by a resident clearly Justice = fight for
shows Alex moving sideways communism
and away from where the two The working class is leading
kkkillers stood as they pointed this fight. Should it grow, it will
their guns at him. Regardless of be exposed to many parasitic
Alex’s alleged offense, the police elements—pacifiers, provoca-
committed an act of murder. teurs, misleaders, politicians,
The capitalist media focused and reformists. To counteract
on calling this mini rebellion a the fight from becoming cynical
mob. This goes to show which or coopted by liberal mislead-
side of the fight the media is on. ers, workers must challenge the
Alex, working-class whole system through com-
munist ideas. It is up to PLP to
brother bring an international class-
Alex is our working-class conscious outlook to these anti-
brother. His father, who has racist fighters. PLP will continue
helped lead the fightback fighting alongside the antira-
against the killing, had emigrat- cists and building a base for
ed to the U.S. from the Mexican communism. The positive re-
state of Guerrero in the 1970s. sponse of workers in this com- Protesters wrote “Justice for Alex” on the doors
His father worked in the gar- munity to PLP’s politics is a sign of the Newton Police Station.
ment industry in Los Angeles for of a bright communist, antira-
30 years. His parents raised him cist future for our class. J
and his siblings in this South LA


Below are excerpts from the capitalist and local laws, as well as racist terrorism — from scandals and abuses: During World War I…[it] as-
press that may be of use for our readers living in or buying homes in majority-white or sembled dossiers on thousands of…pacifists and
non-Jewish neighborhoods. New York’s suburbs socialists and countless lives and reputations were
NYT= New York Times were no exception. Levittown, the Long Island ruined by unsubstantiated accusations. By 1919,
GW= Guardian Weekly suburb…was all-white…[and] only made possible …Hoover…was busy “assembling a massive cata-
by federally-backed loans. log of ‘radicals’…journalists, labor unions,…civil
2 million Black children exploited & enslaved for choco- Those loans were administered by the Federal rights lawyers…black activists….”
late Housing Administration, which maintained color- …After 9/11, the FBI pulled in thousands of
NYT, 11/28 — Nestlé, the world’s largest food coded maps of neighborhoods across the United Muslim and Arab Americans for “voluntary” inter-
producer…[promotes] exploitation in its produc- States. Under…”redlining,” the federal agency views, detained scores as “material witnesses”…
tion of chocolate. marked off areas where black people lived, then and built a terrorist “watchlist” naming hundreds
Approximately two-thirds of the world’s cocoa refused to insure mortgages in those areas…. of thousands of Americans….Its…obsessions fuel
supply comes from West Africa, where…over two …Black Americans weren’t able to buy homes discrimination and violence against racial, ethnic,
million children are exploited as child laborers in new developments like Levittown, even under religious and political minorities, while allowing
and slaves. The world’s biggest chocolate compa- the mush-celebrated G.I. Bill that helped so many other threats — like those now posed by white
nies have…[failed] to eliminate child labor from white Americans….Real estate agents will shake nationalists — to go unchecked….Home-grown
their cocoa supply chains. the hands of black buyers,…but those buyers are right-wing extremists are arguably a greater thre
Jim Crow housing continues today still being treated as second-class citizens because at.
NYT, 11/27 — …Racial discrimination…a of the color of their skin. High costs = patients stop taking meds, early deaths
thing of the past[?] …Discrimination in housing….is the chief NYT, 11/12 — Data [about diabetes patients]
…A three-year investigation by…NEWS- reason behind the deep segregation in New York’s from the National Center for Health Statistics
DAY….sent white investigators posing as buyers public schools,…among the worst in the coun- [showed]….13 percent….had not taken their med-
to meet with 93 real estate agents about 5,763 list- try….[and] helps explain the startling racist gap in ication as prescribed because of cost.
ings across Long Island. Then, they sent a second wealth in the United States. The median wealth of Some…patients were uninsured. More than
buyer — either black, Hispanic or Asian — to meet white Americans is $134,000. The median wealth a third of such patients had not taken their
with the same agents…. of black Americans is $11,030….More than 50 medication…because of cost; that was also
Black testers were treated differently than years after the Fair Housing Act’s passage, black the case for about 18 percent of those with Med-
white ones 49 percent of the time…. Americans and other minorities are still waiting icaid….14 percent of patients with private insur-
for the protection of full citizenship under the law ance went without their medication as well….
…Agents required black buyers to meet ad-
and in everyday life. Such behavior isn’t localized to diabetes. Mul-
ditional financial conditions that they didn’t de-
F.B.I. — Federal Barbarians, Inc. tiple studies have shown….this is true when con-
mand of white buyers….The agents gave white
buyers an average of 50 percent more listings than NYT, Book Review, 12/1 — In “Disrupt, Dis- sidering birth control,…treatment of high choles-
black buyers. Some declined to do business in ar- credit, and Divide,”…Mike German reminds us… terol, high blood pressure and other chronic care
eas with large minority populations. [of ] the abuses of the former director J. Edgar Hoo- medications. It is even true in cancer….
ver to post-911 profiling of Muslim-Americans,… …Patients with relatively high monthly pay-
The discrimination…flagrantly violated the
the FBI has been an instrument of repression and ments ($53) were more likely to discontinue ther-
Fair Housing Act…banning discrimination in
racism…”to…suppress minority communities, apy within six months than those with lower co-
housing based on “race,” religion, national origin,
intimidate dissidents and undermine…controls payments….
sex, handicap or family status….
of its operations.”
…Black, Jewish and other Americans…had Stopping the therapy can lead to recurrence,
German, [was] an FBI agent for 16 years. His even death….
long been blocked — by the force of federal, state
book is a capsule history of his former employer’s PO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202

page 8 • CHALLENGE • December 18, 2019

Night 14
Workers Rebel
Against Racism Testimony
I am Alex’s older sister, Amanda Flores, Alex
was having mental problems when I last saw him,
which was on Nov.16. He was having symptoms of
schizophrenia. He would close my mom’s window
curtains and say things like “Mom, move from the
window because they will see you.” He would hear
things and at the same time hide because he…was
scared. When I noticed that he was not himself,
I mentioned it to my mom. We had agreed to get
him some help.
My brother had and has a family that loves
and supports him. He did not deserve to die at
the hands of police brutality and racism. He was
always a sweet, happy, and funny guy. Everyone
around the neighborhood knew him; he was al-
ways polite and nice to people.
At this point my family and I are looking for an-
swers and evidence. There was no reason for police
officers to shoot my brother 5 or more times, and
more so no reason to shoot him in the head. They
could have used a different tactic to stop him…My
family and friends decided to protest JUSTICE FOR
ALEX FLORES because we want the police officers
that killed my brother to pay for what they did and
It is very devastating when you are trying to get
answers…and nobody, especially the police, can
give you any information. We did not get any…
information until 3 days after the incident, [which
we probably received]…because of our protest
that started Nov. 21. We have been protesting for
JUSTICE at the South Central Newton Police Sta-
tion from 8:00pm -10:00pm daily.
My family and I did not know where my broth-
er’s body was until November 22…Not to [men-
tion] we have not seen his body untill this moment
because that was denied by the Coroner’s deci-
sion. We are desperately looking for help if anyone
knows where or who we can contact to help us get
justice for my brother…
There are so many incidents where Latino vic-
LOS ANGELES, December 4—“How do and is working with the family and fighters to
tims have died just like my brother in the hands of
you spell racist, LAPD!” Every night for 14 nights launch an organizing committee for Alex. PLP is
the suspect, which is the police, and with a high
straight, antiracists marched to the Newtown Po- also helping build multiracial unity by mobiliz-
rate of homicide [among the] Latino working class.
lice Station to demand answers for the murder of ing friends from mass organizations including
We are very heart broken and ask for justice for my
34-year-old Latin worker Alex Flores. teachers, students, the church, and more. The
brother Alex Flores. This time of the holiday season
The family, friends, residents, and Progressive most threatening thing to the bosses and their
it is very hard to accept that my brother is gone.
Labor Party (PLP) members have been protesting system, aside from communist revolution, is
When everyone else is happy to be with their loved
against the two thugs from the biggest gang in multiracial unity.
ones and are having a wonderful time, my family
Los Angeles (the LAPD). The mainly Latin work- This fight provides the opportunity to expose and I are having the hardest time of our lives.
ers have rallied, marched, shut down streets, the racist nature of the whole system. Under this
-From “The Homicide Report” in The LA Times
pounded on, and spray painted the doors of the racist, capitalist system that we live in, the po-
local police station (see photo on page 7). The lice serve the bosses and protect their property
cowardly cops have locked the doors, infuriating
the protestors, but the cops cannot Continued on page 7
escape the anger of the working class.
This fight is greater than just Alex.
Justice for Alex means fighting for a
world where innocent young men SUBSCRIBE or RENEW!
and women of the working class will All the communist politics, news, and struggle
no longer be gunned down by police. from around the world!
It means fighting for a communist one-year subscription: $20 individual $45 for institution
world because no politician (no mat-
ter how liberal), court, or settlement Name________________________________________
can erase the racist system that gave Address_______________________________________
birth to this heinous act. City_______________ State_______ Zip____________
“Policia, cochina, racista Make check or money order to:
y asesina” Challenge Periodicals,
PLP has distributed CHALLENGE PO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202


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