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The course syllabus states that you should be able ts o o © o o o ety otie we of eng device tng te artnet ontvorage ech eet te olin spt eis oes (CR. TF. rer tes ask nd dita), ter Spars ety te olin cnt een cata Part 1: jection is broken down into 5 parts. Part 2: (Click links to visit each page) Part 3: Part 4: —-_ In this saction we wil look at how input devices can be used to gat data int 9 computer system. cue cc in section 2.1 we will fcus on manual input devices and then move onto Know the purpose of ree divect input devices in section 2.2, eres Cee ee en ee For each input device you have to be able to ides fy it from an image, Perse sence eet explain what its used for and discuss advantages/disadvantages, Input Devices (what are they?) f Key Words: Input, Date, Manual, ornate Definition: “Hardware devices that allow data to be entered 10a computer." Overview of Input Devices: {Input devices are part ofthe 4 main hardware components of computer system Examples: | + Input Devices -th 5 processor tis does something with the dat to make it useful information + Output Devices © these show the results of processing 1 Storage Devices holds the data in the system TARDE] emp [ Processor amp [ovirut deve te ‘Storage Device ae data into the computer maaan nce ed # There are two different types of input devices: 1. Manual Input Devices - Data is input into the computer by hand (people have to do most of the work) 2. Direct Input Devices - Data is input into the computer directly by a machine/device (there is minimal input by people) Examples of Manual Input Devices: 1 The table blow shows you some examples of manual input devices. cick ach device to move te more infomation: Keyboard Numeric Keypad Pointing Devices Remote Contro! toget data into the system Joystick Touch Sereen Scanner Graphics Tablet For exampl you are using a keyboard to mut actions ua the computer, you ave press a the keys yourselt eis tanta fob not atomic. Light Pen Microphone Digital Camera Web camera Nort Gime == Examples 4 Keyboards are one of the most commonly used manuial Input devices, # Key boards are used to input the following into the computer: oh Instructions # Most keyboards use a QWERTY key layout. The name ‘QWERTY comes from the frst five lettered keys on on the top row of the Keyboard ~ QW-E-R-T-Y mnt atnyninen in *# ‘special keyboards called "Ergonomic Keyboards" have been developed to help reduce health problems (such as repetitive strain Injury)linked with typing Ergonomic keyboards have a more natural shape to them with reduces stress on the wrist, and hands, Ergonomic keyboards also come with a built-in hand-rest which further helps prevent health issues such as RST (Repethive Strain Thur), Uses of a Keyboard: |# Keyboards are used to input data into applicat for Example entering to into word processing applications lke MicrosoR Word Entering numbers into spreadsheet applications Eke Microsoft Excel | Keyboards can also be used to enter co For Example - Keyboard shortcuts: + CTRL + Pto print SCORES Sto save TCTRLY Eto copy TCTRLS Vto paste nds ico the computer PRT SC to take a screen shot of your work Advantages/ Disadvantages of using a Keyboard: Enables fast entry of txt ies documeres People wth wrist and hand problems can fing keyboards patina ous See Information tat you pt instantly appears onthe screen. ‘sets You que cheek at nha You are eieing is erect. Keyboards are quite lage and con take ups lt of desk apace, Entering data slow when compared to automat methods 2. Numeric Keypads Information: Numeric keypads are used for entering means number) imbers into a computer system (Numeric! {Some numeric keypads als allow you to enter simple text and sy Uses of Numer Keypads: 1 There are many day-to-day uses of numeric Keypads. Here are some of them: ‘AIM (Automatic teller EnKerIng personal identtication numbers (PIN into 39 ‘macnines) ATH to alow us to access our cash. \witndrawing from ATM eying in how much money you Would like fo withdraw fom on ATH. emcees | | Telephones - “These use numenc Keypads 0 allow Us to enter phone cote | humbers. | ‘ip and Pin devices - These have numeric Keypads to allow users to enter PIN numbers and payment amounts vnen we Duy goods 3nd products, Advantages / Disadvantages of using Numer POUT tod DE LCT ey Faster than QWERTY keyboards when used for entering numbers. Keypads: People with large hands can find them hard to use because of their small keys. Numeric keypads are small so they can easily fit on smaller devices like mobile phones. Difficult (but not impossible) to enter text information, 3 Pointing Devices (mouse, touchpad, trackerball) ‘Overview of pointing devics # Pointing devices are pleces of hardware Examples: sat are used to comtrol a pointer (curser) on 2 Paling doe hos od to cot pers ur ancien and pons on Sl paatg sae # There are three main types of pointing device y + Mouse {Touchpad f rackerbalt cer saw ate contre ote [faformation about the Mouse: 1 There ae two eiteent types of mice - a Wall mouse and an optical mouse. ‘Optical Mouse - Uses efeced ight to detect movement. 14 7% bat (ns ball mouse) and te reece in an opel mouse) allows te user to Aiea conta am screen pointer + Left button is used to select cons and cick options {Rian button used te cal up a drown mat! o tions + Scot whet fs wed to mowe up and own throug a dacoment. \ ReitBaton ST ety corde | ao pometoclgpng wlcheanatedt crecy An optical mouse uses ight to detect movement. These (temore acurate than ball mice and ae betta for ting images. ‘ores mice areuses In ety these way 25 requir mice but they co not uses wirestugrd nt ‘hecomput. They use wrless terol yn orto communist with he comer. Tho 2r power by ameries Uses of Mice: # Common uses of mice include: 2. Moving, grouping and deleting fies. er Faster to select eons and options when compared keyboar ‘Very easy fo move a pointer around a screen and to navigate through documents 1, Opening, closing, maximising ané minimising programs and files. 2. Controling a pointer on screen to select icons or move around the page. 4. Editing images in terms of size and positon on the screen, Disadvantages respi th wrist and hand problems (ks RS) can fi mies painful to use. Ball mice can pick up diet which will affect the accuracy of Vice are small and do not take up much space. Nice need flat surface in order to work properly For example ~ they would be dficult to use on train unless you had a Mat table to rest on, Information about the Touchpad: 1 Used 08a replacement toa mouse in many lptops. 1 users ignty rush thet Hager over the touchpad a order to conte a potter. ' Tovchoads have te butons which hve the same purpose as mouse buttons {eft Button Used to select eons and activate options Right Button - Uses to call up 2 crop-down Ist of menu opens. Uses of Touchpads: ‘Advantages /Disadvantages of Touchpad ser than QHERT Keyboards Ten LAUT SET epaNS | More aM ow ot dona vt dit near nth ri) 8 Information about the Trackerball ‘# Trackerball’s are similar to mice but the balls on the top of the device instead of the bottom, 4 Screen pointers are controled by rotating the large ball with your hand, 4 The buttons on trackerball's perform the same functions as those on mice and touchpad Uses of Trackerbal {# Trackerbal’s have the same functions as mice. # They are, however, much more comfortable to use than mice, This means that people with painful hand and wiist problems (like RSI) can use @ trackerball. ‘Why are they more Trackerball's are more comfortable than mice because there is comfortable: less wrist movement required. They are more ergonor # Some arcade gaming machines use trackerball's to control games characters on screen, Because trackerball’s are so durable (tough) they can deal with the wear and tear of gamers using them. Examples: ~ ss eso thee in ‘onfoatle Cldareadesames masine ofan wedtoderbals ta Advantages/ Disadvantages of Touchpads: we ed People with hand/wrist problems can still use trackerball's More accurate than mice or touchpads Pointer can be positioned more exactly which makes trackerball's very using for image editing. Can be used even when there is no flat surface available. advantages More expensive than mice. More difficult to learn to use than a No limit on ball travel. A mouse sometimes runs out of room on a mouse mat. With a trackerball you just keep rolling. 4 Remote Control Information: 1& Remote controls ae used to control ather devices ising Infra-red signals '# buttons on the remote control ean be used to perform funetions such as Changing the channel on aT. Increasing/Decreasing the vol 1 Selecting a different chapter o = Uses of Remote Controls: 3 Home entertainment systems use remote controls. Examples ae: 4. HER systems (music centers). on a music player vp player DvD / Bury Players. 4. Some overhead projectors (like ours inthe classroom). 3 Industry uses remote controls to operate machinery that might to too dangerous te get near to, Examples Include: Advantages/Disadvantages of Remote Control Ue eg Cee od Devices can be operated without having to People with limited hand movement can go to them. This is useful for people with —_ find them difficult to use. dsabilties. ‘They can operate devices that are in an ‘The infra-red signal between the remote = unsafe environment. control and the device it operates can become blocked. For example: Exslosives to demolish a building can be set off at a safe distance. 5 Joysticks Informat Joysticks have similar functions to that of mice and trackerball... to control a pointer on ‘There are two main parts toa joystick: (Handle / Allows us to move a pointar in the direction we want. Stile ~ Buttons ~ Allow us to select options or ‘click stuf soysticks are also popular devices for gaming. The handle allows gamers to control on scfeen characters and the buttons are used for things like firing weapons. Uses of Joysticks: ‘They can control characters of abjects in video games. Can control industrial machinery (cranes for example) They are used In simulators. For example fight simulators use joysticks in order for trainee pilots to control the simulated plane. ‘A standard joystick with 2 conto stck/bandle,butons Tor selecting options and ae button for gaming "see Toye ate ako weed to mines fe igh onto on Might snr. Advantages/Disadvantages of Joyst peer Easier to control an on-screen curser or move an in-game character than it is when using a keyboard. Very simple to get used to. Anyone can just pick one up and use itt Perens Not as easy to control an on-screen curser when compared to using a mouse. People with hand/wrist issues (like RSI) can find them painful to use. Can be used by disabled people. Joysticks can be operated by hands or even feet. Difficult (but not impossible) to enter text. For example: some games allow you to select individual letters using the joystick In order to spell out your name when entering a high score. 6 Touch Screens Information: Tos rouching screens allow users to input commands into a computer by pressing or uttons/icons on the screen, Giving users this abilty to touch or press icons on the screen removes the need to use a Touch screens are more suitable for use with a limited amount of options. Uses of Touch Screens: Common uses of touch screens include: 1. Mobile phones and PDA's use touch screens as a way of saving space (a separate keyboard would make the devices quite large. 2. Public formation systems at airports or tourist information offices. 3. Interactive whiteboards in schoels. 4. On-screen multiple choice tests (like driving theory tests) sometimes use touch "tou screen with resblopton. Medern mobile phones use touch sereens 0 reduce the sie of the dence School dasstooms use specs touch sereens called "interactive Whiteboard Advantages/Disadvantages of Touch Screens: eee) eee ed Very fast and easy to enter options (you just press them). Limited number of options available on the screen, No training needed in order for people to be able to use them. All people do is press the correct option. Expensive compared to other input devices. Screen can become dirty and full of Germs due to people touching it. 1 Scanners are used to enter information om paper (hard copies) into a con ‘Scanners can conver hard coptes (printed documents, photographs etc) into daital ‘ata, Ths digital dats can then be stored and manipslated 2 yovr computer, # scanners Socumen format ofthe nardcooy ip order to capture am analogue image ofthe nner then eonverts the received analogue ata into.a aiital ‘ Once the hard copy has been converted to digital data, can be stored on a computer ‘aiid manipulated using Graphics eding SoMware (such as Photosho=) Examples: oo eden he ep 69 ad oder scanners re apabiectszning documents {Sot coperere does ethene tty shyselymoverthexanerscronte mags oer Uses of Scanners: # Used to scan hard copy / printed documents into a computer: # Old photos and important documents (like birth certificates) can be scanned into the computer. This means you still have a copy if the original is damaged or lost eee era ereee en eee a (aucee ciao ee een =H ‘Scarners are used to convert analogue hard copies af documents and photos in cgital data Advantages/Disadvantages of Scanners: a De ad Very fast to enter hard copies into the —_| Scanned images are usually of lesser computer (compared to retyping with a quality than the original document. keyboard). Very easy to scan and store documents _| Scanned images can take up a lot of disk and images into the computer. space (especially if you scan them at a high resolution) Digital copies of the stored data can easily be duplicated and backed ld photo's that may be damaged can be scanned into the computer then repaired using Graphics Editing software. Information: Graphics tablets are used by artists and designers to easily create and store élgital graphics in a computer. ‘A graphics tablet can be drawn on with a special pen called a ‘stylus’ Whatever is drawn onta the tablet can be seen on a computer screen, (201s really just the same as drawing on paper but the final image is digital. ) ee / ‘Anything drawn onto the tablet can be saved into the computer as images. (Once images are saved into the computer, they can be edited using graphics editing») oftware. ) allow designers to produce digital images much more accurately than if they were using Examples: ‘A srahies et lth suspen [ee = aster to draw images using a pen ta draw them using 4 mouse. Very accurate drawings can be produced Stylus pens make it better for the artist to Capture fine detall than they could using & Useful in countries where drawings and Syinbots are used instend of text ike China and Japan). ‘aro nrton rdw Sed Very expensive when compared to a Not useful for some input need. For example - graphics tablets are not designed for entering data ino the Computer by clicking icons oF men. Information: LUght pens are quite old technology and can be used 2s alternatives to mice, touch Screens of graphics tablets Light pens are used ay directly drawing or selecting Icons on 3 computer sereen. (Note: currently Hight pens can currently only be used with ORT (cathode ray tube) e ‘They work by picking up light from the computer screen and then signaling to the ompiter exaely where the light was picked up. This allows the computer to "draw" cn {he pert ofthe sereen where the pen picked up the light Uses of Light Pens: Used or selecting objects on CRT screen. _——— ((For example: replacing a mouse or touch sereen clcking/toucning icons, Used or directly drawing onte a CRT screen, (For example: replacing a graphics tablet to produce hand-drawn designs. oO a searen amma enatte » Advantages/Disadvantages of Light Pens: Mii 64 Tipe pee corepcs nae ch oa More accurate than touch screens Not as accurate as a graphics tablet when sea Yor producing drawings. Tusanganc ans coee {end of the pen is much thinner than 9 finger and so can accurately select small, ‘cone) ‘They are very small and s0 can be used Can only be used with ERT (cathode ray Where there fg oomfor'amouse or | tube) serene fraphics tablet, (not usable with TFT oF LCD screens) Can be quite uncomfortable to use as you have to hold your hand ralsed up to the Computer serten tor long peace. 10 Microphones Information: # Microphones are used to input analogue sounds into a digital computer “1, Sounds exist in the form of sound waves (analogue signals that change slowly), 2, Computers understand digital data and not analogue. For example: computers understand combinations of b's and 1's, 3. The Job of the microphone is to Input analogue sound signals into the computer where the sound card will convert analogue sound into digital (in otter words the sound card will ‘dightize’ the analogue sound into 1's and 0's) Note: the sound card acts as an ADC (analogue to iatal converter). 4. Once digitized, the sounds can be stored and used by the computer. Oia 11010011 Szsziss5 Uses of Microphones: # Used to input sounds/speech for use In a range of applications. For example: + Narration (spoken words) in presentations or in web sites + Voice-over's in movies * Speaking over the Internet using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) An example of this would be using Skype to hold an online conversation * Conducting videoconferencing (e.g. business meetings online). # Used In voice reco ition software. For example: * Converting speech into text for use in word processors (useful for people who do not have use of their hands) + Issuing commands (e.g. some cars allow for speech to activate certain features like ‘starting the engine" or ‘altering radio volume") # Hands-Free mobile phones use 3 microphone to allow people to hold conversations without using their hands (this makes driving much safer). # used (along with headphones) in gaming so that gamers can talk to each other. Advantages / Disadvantages of Microphones: Advantages eee Faster to read in text than to type It In Sound files can take up a lot of computer using a keyboard . Storage space. means that word processors can be used by | speaking words into a word processor Is people who cannot use thelr hands. words | not as accurate as typing. This means are simply spoken into the software that mistakes are common with words that instead of typed. sound the same but have different meanings. For example: ‘see" and ‘sea’, Makes driving safer because people do not | Background noise can Interfere with need to take thelr hands off the steering __| voice recognition systems. Wheel in order to use their mobile phone. Microphones are very cheap to buy. 1 Digital Cameras Information: Have pretty much replaced the old style film-based cameras. Digital cameras store digital photographs on a memory card and these images can easily be transferred onto a computer for viewing or editing. Most digital cameras have @ built-in screen to allow for previewing the digital photograph. This Is useful so that the photographer can decide which Images to keep and which to delete, Digital camera image quality is measured in ‘Megapixels’. These are the n ‘that make up the image. Generally speaking, the higher the Megapixels, detail quality of the image, ber of dots higher the '3 Megapixel cameras produce images made up of 3 Million pixels (dots). 24 Megapixel cameras produce Images made up of 24 Millfon dots (8 times more aetall) Most digital cameras can also capture video and sound as well as images. Almost all modern mobile phones have a built-in digi Uses of Digital Cameras: # Used to capture digital images for uses such es + Saving special moments (weddings, birthdays, family snaps etc) + Gathering images for use in presentations, web pages or publications (newspapers and magazines etc) # Easy to tran fer images to a computer for editing, For exampl using PhotoShop to alter brightness or contrast # Images can be printed easily by: nting straight from the camera (no need to upload to a computer) # Most digital cameras also allow for short, high-quality video clips to be produced. ss advantages of Digital Cameras: Disadvantages No film to develop. Tis means that broducing the photo is much qucker Unwanted images con easily be deleted from the memory card Because the mages are digital tis easy to make coples of them. No need to print at all because the Images can te viewed = computer srean, ‘This saves paper and s better forthe environment Memory cards can store thousands of digital photographs Traditional! photograph enn take up oot of physical Storage space Dial images can easly be transferred Using Butooth, email attachments and tmobile phones Digital images can be Improved and fedited easily using sofia (sharpening {he mage for example) Camera user needs to have computer Skits fo be abie to transfer and print gta photographs. Not all digit cameras produce mages as Ingh-quaity 25 tration cameras, artistry of tactional photography i being fost. camera software can automatically Correct ‘bad images” mauing phatsarapny faster to master without as much SKI People using tracttonal'lm-cameras' had to take much more care to capture each mage perecty. 12 Web Cameras (web cams) Information: # Web cameras are similar to digital cameras in their function but they are directly connected to a computer and do not have memory storage. # Web cameras can capture both Hi nages and video. # Images / video are sent directly to the computer where they can be stored and used. (‘These digital mages and video are often added to presentations, web sites and other publications. YouTube channels sometimes use web cams to capture the content of the channel. This is usually a presenter giving out information about whatever topic the channel is \ about. # Many modern computing devices (such as laptops) come with built-in web cams. Uses of Web Cameras: # Used to conduct face-to-face conversations with friends and family online over VoIP applications such as Skype. (A similar use is to conduct face-to-face job interviews over the Internet. This (removes the need for job applicants to travel very large distances to attend the interview. ) # Used to hold video-conferencing meetings over the Internet. # Can capture image and video content for presentations, web sites and even YouTube content. # Web Cameras are sometimes used by parents to keep an eye on thi they are in another room, children when # some people use web cams a5 a cheap alternative to security cameras. # Sometimes used te allow drivers to view the traffic condi ns on roads. (This allows the driver to plan a different route if the traffic on a road is too congested.) Advantages/Disadvantages of Web Cameras: Allow for long-distance face-to-face The image/video quality can sometimes conversations. This removes the need for | be poor (low resolution). people to travel (especially useful for elderly and disabled people to keep in touch with family) Video conference business meetings | They do not have thelr awn storage and so. and job interviews can be conducted very | must be permanently fixed to the cheaply over long distances. computing device, (no need for expensive travel or bookings of hotel rooms to attend the meeting or interview) Parents can keep an eye on their children | Are usually in a fixed position and so from 2 different location. cannot be easily moved around, Web cams can be left running constantly Which makes them useful as security devices on properties. (a8 a form of security camera) In section 2.1 we looked at manual input devices and talked about how {hese reaure a large amount of human interaction n order to get data In this section we will focus on direct input devices. Direct input devices require less neo a compute Se eee Direct Input Devices (no/little human interaction needed) A Key Words: Mognetic Stripe Reader, Chip and Pin Reader, Barcode| Reader, Magnetic ink character Recognition (MCR), Optical Mane Recognition (OMB), ‘Optical character Reader (OCR) Examples of Direct Input Devices: {# The table below shows you some examples of direct input devices. Click each device to move to more Information: Magnetic Stipe Chip and PIN Tarcode REMEMBER! Reader Reader Reader aoe BER so not require much human Interaction to get their data Into a computer system. For example: All a human has to do to use Optical Mark Reader Optical Character Magnetic Ink character comny ‘Reader (OCR) 1 Magnetic Stripe Reader Informatio! Reads information from magnetic stripes found on Bank Cards, Membership Cards anc Hotel Door Cards etc. The strip on the cards holds information such as: Bank account number Name of card holder Expiry date of membership etc Data contained on the card's stripe is read by pulling the card through the magne reader This is known as 'swi ng’ ) The magnetic stripe processing fader then sends data fram the card into the computer for Uses of a Magnetic Stripe Reader: |B ATW's use trace reacers to process the information on bank ears |# EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer Port of Sale) use the readers to transfer customer" tmoney fom ther bank accounts when they purchase good in stores |# Hotel coms sometimes use magnetic stripe readers in place of door keys. =p ‘People wino want to enter a room would swipe their card through the readerin order to open the doar. somes aaa aR a ra ‘inate ugha oop Paiaae pene eet Advantages/ Disadvantages of using a Magnetic Stripe Reade PNET DE ULC La Entering data is very fast. You just swipe the card through the machine. ‘The magnetic stripe on cards can only hold a small amount of data. No possibly of data entry errors as there is no typing involved. The cards need to be in contact with the reader in order to be used. (cannot be used over the internet for example) The stripes on cards are not affected by water and so quite robust (not easily damaged) If the stripe does get damaged then the data is lost (unreadable) Data held on the card cannot be read by eye so bank detalls etc are safe Magnetic stripes on cards are easily duplicated (known as card cloning). (if this happens you are prone to theft of funds in your bank) 2 Chip and Pin Reader Information: These allow (electron pay for goods and services electronically at EFTPOS terminals nds transfer paint of sale). ‘The chip and pin reader works by inserting a bank/eredit card into a slot and then entering 8 PAN (personal Identification number) ‘The PIN ensures that the person with the bank card is the gemune owner. Only the owner of the card should know the PIN and money can only be transferred with the correct number. If the comact PIN is antered, the cost of goods/ser al be taken from the card holder's bank and transferred to tne panies (restaurant, store etc) Uses of Chip and Pin Readers: Used to make secure payments for goods/services in places such as: + supermarkets + Restaurants cates + Buying petrot Examples: Informationon ad's chips moresecutethan ‘Many gs0dsand services con be purchased using Chipand PReades. Advantages / Disadvantages of using Chip and PIN Reade! Pet Der od More secure than magnetic stripe readers as the user needs to know the correct PIN. It is possible to forget your PIN which means you cannot make payments with your card Information contained on the chip is harder to done (copy) than It Is to copy magnetic stripes . Chips can hold more data than magnetic stripes can. Chip and PIN Readers are portable so they can be brought to you (waiter ina restaurant for example) People can look ever your shoulder as you enter your PIN. This makes it possible to access your money If they ever stole your card. 3 Barcode Scanner/Reader Information: Used to read information that is stored on product's harcodes. + reads the information stored on the barcode using a visible red 1d and translated into digital information. ‘The barcode is present on products and holds information about each product ing: + Product td number 1 Manufacturer + Country of origin “he barcode does not store the price of the product. This information is held in 3 computer database and sccersed using the product id Note: By storing the price in ¢ database instead of on individual bar codes, Its easier to change {if you had a sale for example). all you would do Is change the price in the database instead of having to replace the barcodes on each of the tems, ‘once a barcode has been scanned, a computer can read the information stored on the Darcoce and access detalls about the product that are stores Ins databace. Barcode scanners are usually built into POS (goInt of sale) terminals in supermarket Handheld scanners are also commonly used to read bar codes (usually f tems are too large and heavy to move to the scanner) Uses of Barcode Scanners/Readers: # Used in supermarkets, stores and warehouses where goods are marked with a barcode. ‘Remember: Barcodes hold information about the product which is linked to a Computer database. This enables automatic very fast temised biling to} take place. p # They are used in libraries to scan in library cards and read ISBN numbers on books to find out which ones are on loan, # They are used in keeping track of packages that are being delivered to different locations. # Also used in organ ports (helps ensure that luggage is loaded onto the correct plane). ing luggage i Advantages/Disadvantages of Barcode Scanners/Readers: Cee od Quick and easy to change product prices. Only the price data in the database needs to updated. There is no need to change individual prices on each of the item's bar codes. ene ages Quite an expensive way to gather information. Each item needs a barcode and the scanners / computer technology / database needed is also expensive. Quick and easy way of getting Information into a system. (all you do Is scan the Item's bar code) Very accurate as there is no manual typing involved. Enables autematic stock control. Bar codes can be swapped on tems which means people may pay less for more expensive items, Rely on undamaged bar codes in order to function, (if a bar code is damaged, item numbers have to be typed into the system by hand) 4 Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Information: | system which automatically reads marks made in pen or pencil nations where students shade in (mark) # Typically used to read multiple choice exam answers that they think are correct. 4# The OMR reader shines a light onto the form and less light is reflected where a pencil mark has been made, |# This allows the reader to tell which options have been chosen and sends the results back to a computer (once the data is on a computer it can be quickly analysed. For example: the computer will work out the grade of a multiple choice test. 4 Optimal Mark Readers can Input the data held on forms (such as multiple choice exams) very fast. ip to 4000 sheets per hour can be processed this way. Imagine how long it would take to mark 4000 multiple choice tests by evel! Example: \ Coil te eae nto i ‘Sheen ove mate iors nate ctstote They anal readsaded ares ta ees Uses of OMR's: 4# Used to read the shaded areas on documents such as: + Multiple choice examinations + Multiple choice questionnaires + Lottery tickets ‘aut are typically used on any document that has multiple choice responses that are shaded in, Advantages/Disadvantages of OMR's: Adv = [Extremely fast way of inputting information Into a computer. (around 009 forms can be read per hour) Very accurate as document's data \s fed into the computer automaticaly with no manual eyeing (accuracy relies on the forms being flea in correcty) ‘Can save money as there is no need to employ workers to enter form information Into a Computer ens Forms need to be accurately designed to make sure that the rmarks/shading are in correct postion &9 be read by the device If forms have been incorrectly filled in they cannot be read properly, (lo this case documents would have to be read manually, by eve, which would take a long time) Can only read shaded areas (Cannot input or read text). Forms can j in the machine as they are fed through, 5 optical Character Reader (OCR) Information: cal naacte Fenders const of Scanner ng Wi peda softwar (OcR's alle us to scam text om paper (hardcopy) into a computer. ‘nce into ‘omputer, OCR sorware converts canned text nto a digital format (ne aigial version of the text can De eatted an formatted, » ‘once converted to dial he text can be be used in programs such as werd-processors, presentations, web sites ete: See diagram below: Diagram shows how Ock works: 4 Hard copy scanned into computer (GR software used to convert Scanned text into dital(aittizes) Digital text can be used in dita Gevizes and appleations ponies Examples: eee (isco cc Uses of OCR’ 4 Used nthe processing of Passports and Adentity Cards, CRIs also use Inthe process of digitizing books. (Note: book sigtizing fs where hard copy printed books are converted into digi format for ure on &-book readers such ze Amazon's minal, DIGITAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION Advantages/Disadvantages of OCR's: Leet Very fast way of entering hard-copy text Into a computer. Prt el The system can have difficulty reading handwriting (especially if It is messy). Cheaper than paying an employee to manually re-type printed text into a computer. Not 100% accurate. (relies on being able to read the original text) Avoids typing errors as the process is automatic (no typing involved) As it is not 100% a needs to be mat This is time consui urate, information ly checked for errors 6 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Information: # MICR is a system which can read information printed in a special (the ink contains iron particles). nbers on the bottom of cheques. mer account 1 # This special ink is used to write cust # The MICR device reads the account numbers then converts It to a form the computer can understand # The converted information Is then sent to the computer so the cheque can be processed Uses of MICR: # MICR devices are mainly used to process cheques. Below there Is @ summary of the process; Bb Every day millions of cheques. are sent to banks for processing. To process the Information on these cheques. would take far too long if it were done by hand. MICR automatically (and quickly) processes the information an these cheques. with 100% accuracy (They can handle 300 per minute). MICR can be used to read the following Information: » Customer account numbe1 * Bank sort-code/branch number » Cheque number. # Some countries also use MICR devices to read the passport number on passports. Examples: Mgnt in wad torr scant ante ‘coger jaaimgese my ‘Advantages/Disadvantages of MICR: SS aS ees eee feeteeereet erat eee eee ESR ER us ag = meres In the last section we looked at how data can be input into a computer system (both manually and directly) forest : In this section we will discuss how sensors can be used to automatically eR a ae detect changes In the environment around and then directly feed this erences data Into a computer for processing. Be able to discuss advantages and disadvantages of Sensors (what are they?) “A device which automatically inputs data into a computer system, A Key Words: BD ita, automatic, Measured, Anatcgus, Digs, Analoue to Distal Converter, AD Definition: where the data is constantly changing and can be measured.” Overview of Sensors: # Used to detect data in the surrounding environment that constantly changes. For example + Temperature ~ measuring heat in 2 oom 4 Light setting off a burglar alarm + Humidity ~ detecting when piants become too dry. {# This information is ‘physical! and ‘analog Examples 7 Ys ‘Thermometers ae eames of temperstre nso (snologue dat is constantly chonging sd changes very smoothly (End Shoat nec jap Man 08 fo 20 # Computers dot understand analogue data ad therefore I needs tobe converted to digital (oo 5 Sra 0) The computer can then read the data. ‘ohare barr alma ramp of gt se more A special device called an Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) is usod in ‘order to achieve ths, Examples of Sensors A key Words: mene 1 The tabe blow shows yu some ements: REMEMBER! ‘RoTowaitentty ge g Nort as sound Humiy/ ost io Uses of Sensors ‘Sensors ae used in monitoring and control applications ‘# When monitoring, the data is sent rectly to some sort of a computer and Is then processed and tised. for Abutglarcimbs through a window and walks trough an alarms tht ((Eeeeerteeie rare meee eee era eee eects cere ‘ Bre use tis formation to sound te lor ‘Senses usr arson entail ates # Sensors can also be used for @ wide range of data collection and everyday For Sxample: + Taking measurements in scintific experiments a + Measuring pollution in the atmosphere {Sensing the temperature in a Toom and using this to either turn @ eating system on or of + Auomatie doors open themselves when they detect a person nearby. Butea dot open when pose re oicleaty # The table below specifies the uses of different types of sensors pee i Temperature ‘Automatic washing machines, Central heating systems, Automatic greenhouses, Cookers. Pressure Burglar alarm systems, Washing machines, Robotics, Environmental monitoring, Light ‘Automatic greenhouses, Automatic doors, Burglar alarm systems, Street lighting conto Sound Burglar alarm systems, Voice recognition systems (ike using a voice command to start a car) Ha jdity/Moisture | Automatic greenhouses, Environmental monitoring, Agriculture, Factories that manufacture Items that can be ruined By too rhuich aie moisture (microchips etc) pH Automatic greenhouses, Chemical manufacturing, Environmental monitoring, Aduarlums (wrond pH can kl fish). stay vel at agua frog ee eal A Advantages/ Disadvantages of Sensors # The table below highlights some of the main advantages and disadvantages of using eer Readings taken using sensors are more accurate than those taken by a human. Sensors can monitor information constantly (They don’t get tired like humans can). Sensors can respond to information immediately (Burglar alarms goes off as soon as an intruder is detected), No need for humans to operate the sensor. This can be useful if gathering the Information Is hazardous like In detecting radiation levels for example. Cee Faulty sensors can give Incorrect results, For example: ifthe sensors on a ‘car that help with reverse parking become dirty they may not identity ‘an obstacle and cause you to crash Into It. ‘anconig sensesusedon ars toast veteran an oes Once data has been input into a computer system and processed, Its now ‘useful information’. Ths information is ready to be output (sent oun) Know the purpose of and be able to identify diferent In this section you will earn about the different types of output devices Rta ‘hat are commonly in use Understand the uses of each output device Cet neeea COS ee er een rey For each out device you have to be able to identity it from an image, on is itages/ disadvantages. ‘explain what itis used for and discuss adv Output Devices (what are they?) A Key Words: GD snout, Processor, oxtout, Definition: "Hardware devices that allow information to be sent out of a pee Hardware, Data, computer systen information Overview of Output Devices: Example: # Output devices are part ofthe 4 main hardware components of a computer system: + Input Devices - these get data into the computer 1 Processor - this does something with the data to make It useful information 1 output Devices - these show the results of processing 1 Storage Devices - holds the data in the system = # The image below shows where output devices fi into a computer system: md [_rroccsor | mp Si ee eee a4 saa So oss # Some devices produce a temporary output. For example: ‘ computer monitor produces images on the screen that constantly refresh) and change, # Some devices produce @ permanent output. =| For example: The information below discusses some examples of output devices including thelr uses, advantages and disadvantages, « printer produces outputs as hard copies on paper ) (these cannot be changed ence printed) Pines at ante exmle of common sed vay device Examples of Output A Key Words: CRT Monitor , TET Monitor, Laser Printer, InkJet Printer, Devices Dat matrix Printer, later, Speakers, Mitimedia Projector # The table below shows you some examples of output devices. Click each device to move to more information: CRT Monitor TFT Monitor 25 Dot Matrix Printer Plotter Speakers Mult Ss 0g Ankjet Printer REMEMBER! ‘Output devices send processed information OUT = of a computer. NOTE: Click the images to the left to move to more Information about each one, CRT Monitor (cathode ray tube) Information: # CRT stands for ‘cathode ray tube’ 4 These are the old, bulky, heavy monitors that are stil in use today (although being used less and less). # These are the least expensive types of monitor. * T's are becoming rare as TFT monitors are replacing them, ‘Note: TFT's ate replacing CRT's lately because they produce a higher quality screen image and take up far less space. Examples: ‘at mortr ae very lyse wp CRT's produce an Image (Made up of tiny dats) by firing Electron Beams egainst 3 Phosphor Screen Each cot Is coloured Red, Green or Blue of diferent Intensities which produces a vast amount of different colours. Note: “These dats combine to create millions of diferent colour shades, (Qust ke when you mix colours in art) ‘Gathode Ray Tube est pence me th ON arcs ees Sed age dec nt te een read and provide ered ‘sient an ea problem with HT Advantages / Disadvantages of CRT Monitors: ens Eee Can be used with Hight pens to create drawings on screen. Note: light pens and CRTs are also used with EAD software (computer alded design). Produce @ larger range of colours than THT monitors, The screen angle Is better than with TT's. (you do not have to stand directly in front of the CRT screen In arder to see wat Is on Tt) Cheaper to buy than TFT screens, They are very large and bulky which means they take up large amounts of desk space. Note: their large size and weight also make them dificult (and dangerous) to move. They create a lot of heat and have been known to cause tes. Screen glare when in direct liaht makes viewing dict Note: they are also prone to 'sereen flicker" which can cause headaches and eye stan, They also need more power than TFT's to operate (more expensive to run), (Rr monterey ho 2 TFT Monitors (thin film transistor) Informati TFT stands forth + These ove thin flat screened monitors that ae commonly seen ty. Pomnples {# &s they become cheaper, these have taken aver from CRT monitors as the most popular comnputer screens. # TFT are used with the newer desktop PC's, laptops and mobile phones, # “Ter screens are made up of thousands of, tiny pbxels. Each psel has 3 transistors red, green and blue and each tansistor can reduce diferent intenstes, Tis allows huge amounts of colours to be produced (16.7 millon). ‘back light is used to shine light onto these Pikes inorder forthe colours to be produces, In order to iat a single pise, tiny windows. an be opened and closed tallow the ight te pass through and onto the piel Uses of TFT Monitors: # TFT Monitors allow users to instantly see outputs from the computer 4 They are used as Screens in laptops and also mobile phones. Their th and light design helps the laptop remain portable (light and easy to transport) Tce ht and ate pec apts fo orutle dences sud a pte Advantages/Disadvantages of TFT Monitors: Advantages een Lightweight so they are perfect for Tmages can appear unclear when viewed portable laptops and wall mounting. ‘rom an angle. They are very thin and do not take up as _ | (you need to look straight at the screen for much desk space as a CRT monitor. the best image) “They produce much less glare than CRTs | Lower picture quality (definition) =| and so are friendly to the eye. ‘compared to a CRT monitor = They use Hess power than CRT monitors | Cannot be used with Light Pens yet. (cheaper to un). (Computer Aided Drawings are not yet possible on TFT monitors) Th ight make Tey They emit fess radiation than CRT ‘moat on was, monitors They produce less heat than CRTs 3 Laser Printer Information: Examples: '# These produce high quality hard copy outputs (on paper) ‘# Laser printers use Tomer pressed on a page to produce printed documents ‘# They can print large amounts of pages at a very quick rate. ‘# You can buy bath black and white and colour laser printers ‘# They use a buffer memory which stores the information forthe whole document before the pages can be printed ott (For example: Once you press print, the document is sent to the printers memory taser printers pol ft nvonmonts at (RAM) and stored there. The printer will then output whatever is Inthe Tequvet igh typos memory when Itis ready to do so. ‘Think of the Buffer Memory as a kind of waiting room For example: Once you press print, the dacument is sent to the printers memory (RAM) and stored there. The printer wil then output whatever isin the ‘memary shen It ls ready to do 0. Think ofthe Buffer Memory as a kind of waiting room Laser printers work by using a laser beam to "araw? onta drm, “The laser leaves a positive electric ‘charge on the drum in the places where It ‘re. 2 special power known as "toner! is sprayed conto the drum and It sticks to the parts that contain the positive electric charge. Paper Tay ‘The drum Is then pressed onto a sheet of paper and the paper is heated (Fused) $0 that the toner ts bound to the paper taser inter can handle ey rae pit Uses of Laser Printers: 4 Very useful for printing where noise levels need to be kept law (Like in an office where people need to concentrate or use telephones atc). # Good at producing high quality printouts very fast. # Good for environments where high volume of printing is required (lots of printouts). This is because they have a low pri ng cost per page. ‘Their fast printing speed /low printing cost per page makes them the printer of choice on networks. This Is because they need to be able to keep up with the printing Gemands of many compiters, Popular with: + Schools 2 Businesses + offices. ¢ ‘ner ate hes cont toner power Advantages/Disadvantages of Laser P! Advantages Coe Very fast at printing documents Environmentally unfriendly (produce ozone). ‘They also use more power than inkjet. Toner cartridges last a | often, ng time and don't need to be replaced | Laser printers are more expensive to buy (but cheap to run). Laser printers can handle high volumes of printing (Colour laser printers are much more expensive to buy and run than inlets, Very quiet when printing. ‘They are larger in size compared to other types of printers. Very high quality printouts, Reliable - don't breakdown as easly as inkjet printers Cheaper to run than inkjets (low cost per page) 4 inkjet Printer Information: # These are used to produce high quality hard copies (on paper). # Although the quality of inkjet printouts Is not as good as Laser printers, itis far better than Dot Matrix printers # Ink Is stored in and delivered to the paper via an ink cartridge. and colour 4 Inkjet’s can print In both black anel wi 4 Inkjet printers have small amounts of internal printing is done a bit at time, memory (RAM) to store print jabs so The whole document cannot be stored in prnter’s RAM so there Is often a pause while ‘the computer sends the rest ofthe data set can ac pe-ty 4 Inkjat printers work by spraying ink onto a page of paper The Ink ig held in “ink cartridges’ and there ate 4 different colours - black, magenta and ‘These mix to form a vast amount of other colours, Motors are used to position the ink cartridges over the corract postion af the page and to drag the paper through the printer Uses of Inkjet Printers: — Se i Se es dcinageto 20m Good where few printouts are needed (low volume). # deal for single-page, very high quality printing. (Photo quality images) # often used to print photographs. Ts ee separate cai Dak, jan Magenta, Yeo Spies SEN core q sual ya Sein relet Tot itt wil re ot dry eon Advantages/Disadvantages of Inkjet Printers: es advantages Output is very high quality (Especially good for colour Slow printing rates, especially if several copies are needed photograph printing) Much cheaper to buy than laser printers. Ink cartridges don't last long and so are not sultable for large print jobs. naller than laser printers so take up less space. They can be expensive to run as new ink cartridges are not cheap to buy. Do nat produce ozone or other harmful compounds Printouts can easily smudge IF document isnot left to dry propery. Very quiet whist printing 5 Dot Matrix Printer Information: # Often called an "Impact Printer’ where pins are pressed against an inked ribbon which produces an Imprint on paper # They are very slow, noisy and produce poor quality outputs ‘Are sil useful where “Continuous Paper’ needs to be used. For example, printing oft all of a business's employee payin, Continuous paper Is the name given to hundreds of sheets of paper that are joined together and ‘continuously’ fed through the printer. ‘The paper sheets can be separated after printing is complete 4 Dot matrix printers are still used ip environments where print speed and noise is not an issue (ike in cat garages and factories) Examples: ‘Dot mares rena ad ow. # Dot matrix printers are still used in environments where print speed and noise is not fan isste (like in car garages and factories). * These printers work by using a set of pins to press an inked ribbon against paper. \When the pin/ribbon hits the paper a printed dot is left behind: The dots can be arranged to form basic text and wes. Different coloured Ink ribbons can be used to Produce colour printouts, Uses of Dot Matrix Printers: # Dot matrix printers are very robust and can be used in (like garages and warehouses) isy and dirty enviror # Can make ‘Carbon Copies’ of a document using special ‘Carbon Paper’ underneath rormal printer paper. ot marries snk rihbons, Advantages /Disadvantages of Dot Matrix Printer: ee Disadvantages Work just fine in dusty and dirty Very noisy so not suitable for an office environments whsre laser or inkjet environment printers could easly be damaged Carbon copies can be produced using _| Very slow to print (slowest of all the types carbonated paper. of printers) Very cheap to buy and maintain, Very poor print cuality. (linked ribbons are very cheap) (€.9 long print jobs lke wage slips) vamplest 6 Plotter Information: # There ate 2 diferent types of plotters ~~ drum and flatbed, # Produce hard copias but are capable of printing on very large pieces of paper (e.g. 3 foot wide by 10 foot long). =| # The print quality of plotters in wery high. # Plotters can also produce very large and accurate documents such as blueprints (plans) for buildings atte Uses of Plotters: # Used to produce large, accurate drawings, Some examples ae listed below’ + Blue i Maps + Glant posters and adverts (Ike those we see on billboards). nts of buildings (plans/designs) # Pens can be replaced with cutting tools to produce large EB eos eT E advantages of Plotters: sadvantages They can produce much larger printouts | Their print times are very slow. than other printers The print quality is extremely high. They are very expensive to buy and maintain Plotters can alsa ‘cut out’ designs for use in sign making, lots on produce very ae printouts ease ton on averting ost 7 Speakers Information: For example: + Listening to 2 Watching a movie, + Browsing videos on YouTube + Multimedia encyclopedias. = ( Jn order for the computer to output these sounds i requires some sort ‘of speaker system! ic album # Speakers can be connected directly to a computer or are built nto the monftor or casing, (Note: Most computers have small builtin speakers to alert users when they do # Many everyday uses of a computer require the user to listen to diferent types of sounds. i something wrong but these can only produce vary basic sounds lke ‘beeps’. Examples: ok ne Sete Anne) rege # speakers ave analogue and cannot output diatal ‘computerleed’ sounds. 1101 0011 seemm Digital data fom the computer must fst be = Converted into analogue sound using 250 card. ewe The analague sound can then be output lathe of ct ‘Beakers and we can isto tI Speakers can abo be used to alter the ‘volume ofthe sounds ce Uses of Speakers: 4 Used to output sound fom m timedia presentations (ike famous speeches et), Used in home entertainment (surround sound et). 1 Can be used by blind people to listen to words on the screen instead of reading Note: special software called ‘screen readers are also noeded in order to convert ‘he printed wards into sound # Can be used to play downloaded music fas. Sete anima at ofan tant Advantages/Disadvantages of Speakers ce Eee Everyone in the room can hear the sound. ‘Output from speakers can disturb people trying to work. ‘They can help bli tured into sound. people 8 computer because text can be | High quality speakers can be expensive. § Multimedia Projectors Examples: Informatior 4 These project whatever appears on a computer monitor onto a very large Screen <0 that large numbers of people can wie I # Multimedia Projectors ace usually controlled using a remote control 4 The remote contol makes it possible to diract the presentations without the need to the computer | ultimedia projectors are often lung from the roof on special brackets, = Uses of Mul Can be used for training presentations to allow the whole audience to see images from single computer \edia Projectors: 4 ‘so used for large scale advertising of now products For example: the famous Apple Technology Innovations presentations with Steve obs Multan projets can be sed je ages cinema systems where images from DVD'S or televisions 2 a rojected to a lar Advantages /Disadvantages of Multimedia Projectors: ee Disadvantages Many people to clearly view the same presentation, Lower: nage quality compared to a computer screen. Enhance the viewers experience Very expensive to buy. For example: watching movies on a large screen Is better than a soem Cooling fans in the projector are noisy. 1n this unit we have discussed both input and output devices, including a diferent ways data is put Into computers and how the resulting Key Concepts of this sectio information is sent out. renee SOS ‘The last tople covered In ths units “control devices’, You will see how lerstand the role of sensors and actuators within these are used in conjunction with sensors to “make something control device happen ee eee es a Control Devices (what are they?) Definition: Overview of Control Devices: # Control devices are output devices which work together with sensors ‘Remember Sensors gather ‘measurable" data from the environment and input it =| into-@ computer. They do not need any human Involvement. Sensors typically gather data such as temperature, pressure, pH ste f Key Words: Input, Process, Output, Sensor, Control Device, Actuator Example: INPUT - Bug bess ght snsr ais datas Ses + # Data gathered by a sensor is input into a computer which then decides what to do with the data (processes it). # Once the computer has decided what to do with the data it sends control device, structions te the iS "PROCESS. np oats the ta ates # The control device then physically changes something in response to commands ‘acura on he seat recelved fram the computer ¥ | (Consider this example: INPUT- A burglar breaks the infrared light sensor on a security system. PROCESS - This data is sont to a small computer inside a security light ‘The computer sends Instructions to an ‘actuator telling ito switch on the security ligt. OUTPUT The actuator switches on the security light. Note: See below for a description of what an actuator Is. (OUTPUT Tre acto hes othe cy 2 the burgarlesated uay Examples of Control Devices # The table below shows you some examples of control devices (7 Key Words: GP motor, Buzzer, Heater, Lights Buzzer Heater EX abt tame REMEMBER! Uses of Control Devices Dopaperes este dar ay . + Sein Son har dk ives 1 Senin on ns 1 Rim sams estoy tema arcs) DHL Scart wae 1 Reemetrenhnes pve ntsc amaito

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